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General Guidelines & FAQ For ICAI PT Test Candidates For Home Based Test

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ICAI Home Based Test FAQ

General Guidelines & FAQ

for ICAI PT Test
Candidates for Home
Based Test
ICAI Home Based Test FAQ

What is Home Based Test?

Home based Test is an innovative platform where test that you take on computer in your own home or other chosen
location, via remote proctoring.

Candidates who are in locations where it is extremely difficult to attend a test at Test Centre, or who have been
deferred longest due to Covid-19.

System requirements for Home Based Test:

Please check that you are able to meet the following system requirements:

 Laptop or PC/desktop computer with web camera (No Mobile or Tab).

Your PC/Desktop must have minimum 2 GB RAM, with working Webcam & Mic

 Laptop/ PC Power Source

Please plug your device directly into a power source, with minimum 4 hours of power backup in case of long power

 Web Browser

Current Version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox should be used for exam and webcam, mic & screen Sharing
Permission must be given once asked by browser.
Note: In case you are using Google Chrome for exam, below extension to be installed before stating of exam


 Internet Connection Speed

1.0 mbps as a minimum

 Wi-Fi/ Internet Connection

Please position your computer where you can receive the strongest signal. For the best experience, please use an
Ethernet cable to connect directly to the router. Candidates are advised not to use Mobile Hotspot as a source of
ICAI Home Based Test FAQ

Welcome to Home Based Test: Where to sit Home Based Test

You can choose where to sit during Home Based Test. Most
Home Based Test that you can take safely and securely importantly, it should be a quiet place where there are no
in the comfort of your own home. other people or distractions. Set up a comfortable workplace,
including a desk/ table and chair.
We have put together this guide to help you prepare
For test day so you will be less nervous when the time
Comes. The more you know what to expect, the more Additional requirements:
Comfortable you will feel about taking Test @ Home!
Your testing location must be indoors (walled) and well lit.

Nobody else must be in the room or enter the room

throughout the test. If this happens, the Proctor will end your
test and you will not receive your test results.

Your desk or table must be free of mugs, books, mobile

phones and so on. Similarly, there should be no notes or
anything else that could help you in the test on the walls or in
the area around you.

We have put together some pictures that show you clearly

how your workspace should and shouldn’t look while you sit
during Home Based Test. You’ll find them at the end of this

What to have with you What NOT to bring

Valid ID: Your ID must be the same one you used

when you register for test. If you bring the wrong ID A bag of any type, including a pencil case
Or it doesn’t match the document you used when you
Register for the test, you won’t be allowed to take Mobile phone, Camera & any other electronic gadgets
the test.

Smart Watch
Your computer with webcam and stable
Internet connection (see system requirements Calculator, as calculator will be provided on exam screen
page 1). Pen/Pencil along with Rough Sheet
Playing Music or using Headphone

A clear plastic bottle of water, with no label on Other person in Test Room other than candidate
it. Any labels must be removed before exam.
ICAI Home Based Test FAQ

Will I get any Bio-break in the Test?

No Bio-Breaks are permitted during exam time. However, you can carry a Water bottle without label.

Process on Exam day:

How to start home based test:-

Before starting the Exam Login Process, please disable Pop-up blocker on Google Chrome & download Google
Chrome Extension by using the below link or Use updated version of Mozilla Firefox.


After installation of above extension, login on exam registration portal (https://pttest.icai.org)-----------> Click
here to Start Test -----------> System configuration check page will appear ----------> Candidate ID Card and Photo
Capture --------------> Exam Instructions--------> Give permission of Webcam & screen sharing ------> Exam Started.

Check 1: Candidate Login

Login to ICAI Registration Portal (https://pttest.icai.org) with ICAI Registration No & Date of Birth
ICAI Home Based Test FAQ

Once login done by Candidate, he will get link (highlight below) to start his test/mock (usually 45 Minutes
Prior from scheduled start time).

Check 2: System checks on Exam Day:

 Browser Checking
 Webcam Checking
 Mic Checking
 Internet Speed Test
 Screen Sharing Checking
ICAI Home Based Test FAQ

Check 3: Candidate Photo & ID Proof Verification

Simply position your Face/ID Proof using the guides on the screen Make sure that image clearly shows your image/ID
Proof Photo.

Check 4: Screen Sharing Permission

Important Note: In case you are using Google Chrome as Exam Browser you need to add below extension to enable
screen sharing:

Below screen will appear while we open above Extension URL in Google Chrome & you have to click on Add to Chrome

Button to add this extension:

Screen Sharing in Google Chrome:

You have to click on small pop up screen to enable share button

ICAI Home Based Test FAQ

Screen Sharing in Mozilla Firefox:

You have to select Entire Screen (Do not click on Remember my choice) to share your screen

Taking the test:

Now you are ready to take the Home Based Test.

Although you will not see your Proctor during the exam, he/she will monitor you throughout the test and will be
available to help you if any issues arise at any point during the test. Simply use the LIVE PROCTOR feature on the right of
your screen to speak to your Proctor.
With this support feature, you will be able to take Home Based Test with peace of mind, knowing that your Proctor is
there with you virtually at all times!

If the Internet drops out:

If your Internet connection drops out during the test, your answers for all sections will have been saved

i. e. you will not lose your work. However, once your connection comes back, you will need to go through the security
check again and you will have to restart the test section that you were on when the Internet dropped out.
ICAI Home Based Test FAQ

During the examination if a candidate is found indulging in any of the malpractices or unfair means listed
below, he/she will be debarred from the examination.

Types of malpractice/ unfair means are as follows -

 Looking at mobile phone/tablet other than the computer or calculator

 Systematically looking around room
 Systematically looking up or down
 Systematically looking to the left or right
 Systematically looking under desk
 Leaving test room
 Reading questions out loud (note some reading may be expected as a nervous habit, but system reading is not
 Looking at hands or wrists
 Accessing any web pages
 Accessing other applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or their folders/windows explorer
 Other people entering the room
 Using multiple screens
 Looking at pre-written notes/cheat-sheets unless notes are allowed or the exam allows an open book exam
 Looking at post-it notes around the room (should be removed)
 Wearing sunglasses or smart glasses (without a need to do so)
 Wearing a watch – and looking at it systematically
 Playing music
 If the webcam or laptop or face becomes obscured
 Opening drawers or cupboards in your test room
 Zoom in/out video during exam/tempering video
 Revoking any permission during exam
 Any other behavior that is odd or arouses suspicion


What is Home Based Test?

Home Based Test is a computer-based version of Test that candidates can take at home via remote proctoring.

When will Home Based Test be available?

For Exam or mock dates please check ICAI Registration portal (https://pttest.icai.org)

What is remote proctoring?

Remote proctoring allows you to sit conveniently and safely at home, using your own computer, under test
conditions that are managed remotely by proctors who understand the security requirements of Test.
It involves human proctors (whom we currently call invigilators) checking you are who you say you are before
monitoring your behaviour during the test to ensure you do not breach any rules and regulations.
Remote proctoring systems have security features, live human proctors do an ID check, and candidate and room
searches prior to the start of the test.
ICAI Home Based Test FAQ

How is Home Based Test different to Centre Based Test?

The test tasks, format And syllabus are the same as with Centre-based Test. The only difference is that you will take
the test on computer at home or any other location you choose.

Will Home Based Test be harder or easier than the Centre-based test?
It is the same test, so it is no harder or easier. The test will be marked according to the same assessment criteria.

How do I register for Home Based Test?

Please register your test via the ICAI PT Test website (https://pttest.icai.org).

Do I need to prepare differently for Home Based Test?

No, the test involves the same test tasks, format & course. Therefore, your preparation for the test does not need
to change according to whether you are taking the Home-based or the Centre-based test.

Can I take Home Based Test on a mobile phone or tablet?

No, you will need a desktop or laptop computer

What if I don't have a webcam?

You will not be able to take Home Based Test without a webcam as the remote needs to be able to see you
throughout the test.

What if my Internet will not work on exam day?

You will not be able to take Home Based Test without Internet.

I don’t have very good computer/keyboard skills. Will this affect my results?
Our focus is on testing your skills, not your computer skills. However, if you are not familiar with using a computer
or type very slowly, it may affect your performance and results. We suggest that you try Mock Test to be familiar
with Home Based Test platform
ICAI Home Based Test FAQ

Few Errors & there quick Solutions:

Error: Internet Speed is low. Kindly Restart Test

When Internet Speed is less then required speed, candidate will get below error & exam will stopped & candidate has to
log in again.

Error: Candidate is unablel to Share his Screen on Google Chrome

If candidate is unable to share his screen on Google Chrome with below issue, simply click on the small screen shown in
popup then share Button wil become active. After clicking on share button candidate is able to share his screen.

If candidate is still not able to share his screen please start exam on Mozilla Fire Fox & check.

ICAI Home Based Test FAQ

Error: Camera could not be activated

This error comes wherein webcam of Laptop/Desktop either not working or not competible with Video. In this case
candidate has to change his machine to start his exam.

Error: Test Expired

This error comes when candidate login late means after scheduled start time to his respective test, he will get TEST
EXPIRED error message.
ICAI Home Based Test FAQ

Test environment – Dos:

1. Clear, orderly and well-lit room/workspace

2. Sit in an upright position

3. Alone for the entire test

4. Computer must be on a table/desk

ICAI Home Based Test FAQ

Test environment –Don’ts

1. Sitting/ reclining on a bed or couch with computer on lap

2. Poorly lit room or workspace

3. Cluttered or crowded room orworkspace

ICAI Home Based Test FAQ

Test environment –Don’ts

4. Person(s) or pet(s) present in room or area at any time

5. Using a dual-monitor configuration to take the test

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