Micro Alb

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Reconstituted Calibrator :Stable for 1 months at –20˚C.

Do not freeze the

kit ; frozen Latex or Diluent could change the functionality of the test.


Microalbuminuria is at present defined as an excretion rate for albumin

between 20 and 200 mg/L, which is already above normal values but still
below the values seen in patients with "conventional" proteinuria.
Microalbuminuria is a marker of an increased risk of diabetic nephropathy
as well as cardiovascular disease in patients with insulin-dependent
diabetes mellitus as well as with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
- Thermostatic bath at 37˚C.
More recently, microalbuminuria has been found to be associated with
- Spectrophotometer or photometer thermostable at 37˚C with a 540 nm
cardiovascular disease also in the non-diabetic population. In fact,
microalbuminuria may show to be a risk factor of cardiovascular disease
among otherwise apparently healthy people.
24 hours or random/ first morning urine specimen. It is recommended to
adjust the pH at 7.0 with NaOH/HCL 1 mol/L.Stable 7 days at 2-8˚C when
Microalbumin-turbilatex is a quantitative turbidimetric test for the
sodium azide 1 g/L is added to prevent contamination. Urine should be
measurement of microalbumin (µALB) in human urine. Latex particles
centrifuged before testing.
coated with specific antibodies anti-human albumin are agglutinated when
mixed with samples containing µALB. The agglutination causes an
absorbance change, dependent upon the µALB contents of the patient
sample that can be quantified by comparison from a calibrator of known
µALB concentration.

Two point/Fixed
Reaction Mode Sample Vol. 5 µl

PACK SIZE DILUENT (A1) LATEX(A2) CALIBRATOR Wavelength 540(530-550nm) Reagent vol.

2×25 ml 2×20 ml 2×5 ml 1×1 ml Blank Distilled Water Calibrator Con. See vial Label

Incubation 37˚C Reaction Slope Increasing


Components from human origin have been tested and found to be negative Delay Time 10 sec Linearity 150 mg/L
for the presence of HBsAg, HCV, and antibody to HIV (1/2). However handle
cautiously as potentially infectious Read Time 120 sec Units mg/L
Microalbumin Calibrator: Stable for 1 month at 2-8ºC or 3
Use Microalbumin Calibrator Reference 1107072. The sensitivity of the assay
1. Bring the working reagent and the photometer (cuvette holder) to 37˚C.
and the target value of the calibrator have been standardized against the
International Reference Material CRM 470/RPPHS. Recalibrate when control
2. Assay conditions:
results are out of specified tolerances, when using different lot of reagent
Wavelength: 540 nm (530-550)
and when the instrument is adjusted.
Temperature: 37˚C
Cuvette light path: 1 cm
3. Adjust the instrument to zero with distilled water.
Shake the latex vial gently before use. Prepare the necessary amount as
4. Pipette into a cuvette:
2 mL Latex Reagent + 8 mL Diluent

Working reagent: Stable for 30 days at 2-8˚C.

Serum controls are recommended for internal Quality control. Each Diluent (A1) 400 µl
laboratory should establish its own Quality Control scheme and corrective A2 Latex (A2) 100 µl


5.Mix and read the absorbance immediately (A1 ) and After 2
All the components of the kit are stable until the expiration date on the minutes (A2 ) of the sample addition.
label when stored tightly closed at 2-8˚C and contaminations prevented
during their use. Do not use reagents over the expiration date. Reagent CALCULATIONS:
deterioration: Presence of particles and turbidity.
(A2-A1) Sample
Micro Albumin mg/L= × Calibrator Concentration
(A2-A1) Calibrator


-Normal Values : Up To 30 mg/L 24 Hrs Urine

-First morning urine specimen: 20 mg/L
-These values are for orientation purpose
-Each laboratory should establish its own reference range


Linearity limit: 1.Feldt-Rasmussen B et al. J Diab Comp 1994; 8: 137-145.
Up to 150 mg/L, under the described assay conditions. Samples with higher 2.Panuyiotou B N. Journal International Medical Research 1994; 22:
concentrations should be diluted 1/5 in NaCl 9 g/L and retested again. The 181-201.
linearity limit depends on the sample reagent ratio, as well as the analyzer 3.Bar J et al. Diabetic Medicine 1995; 12: 649-656.
used. It will be higher by decreasing the sample volume, although the 4.Gilbert R E et al. Diabetic Medicine 1994; 11: 636-645.
sensitivity of the test will be proportionally decreased. 5.Medcalf E A et al. Clin Chem 1990; 36/3: 446-449.
Detection limit:Values less than 2 mg/L give non-reproducible results. 6.Young DS. Effects of drugs on clinical laboratory test, 4th ed. AACC Press,
Prozone effect: No prozone effect was detected upon 1000 mg/L. 1995.
Sensitivity: 3.8 mA.mg/L

Intra assay(n=10) Inter assay(n=10)

CV 2.25 1.48 1.93 2.28 2.06 2.55

Results obtained using this reagent (y) was compared to those obtained
using a commercial reagent (x) with similar characteristics. 95 samples
ranging from 1 to 150 mg/L of microalbumin were assayed. The
correlation coefficient (r) was 0.99 and the regression equation was y=
0.964x – 0.576 The results of the performance characteristics depend on
the analyzer used

Glucose (2 g/L), hemoglobin (10 g/L) and creatinine (3 g/L) do not interfere.
Urea (≥ 1 g/L) and bilirubin (≥ 10 mg/dL), interfere. Other substances
may interfere6.

Clinical diagnosis should not be made on findings of a single
test result, but should integrate both clinical and laboratory
data. Use clean disposable pipette tips for dispensation
Only for invitro use in Clinical laboratory (IVD)

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