Think & Learn Code-A-Pillar™: Teacher Guide
Think & Learn Code-A-Pillar™: Teacher Guide
Think & Learn Code-A-Pillar™: Teacher Guide
Home-School Connection
Teacher Guide
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Welcome to the Code-a-pillar™
Teacher Guide!
Specially developed by researchers and educators from
Fisher-Price® and the Center for Childhood Creativity,
it’s designed to help teachers give 3–6 year-old children their
first introduction to coding, including problem solving, sequencing,
and planning skills, through hands-on, active play.
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Code-a-pillar™ Teacher Guide
Lesson Plans Developmental Benefits
This guide includes 12 lesson plans divided With the Code-a-pillar, children not only follow
into 4 modules that focus on the following instructions and guide the programmable toy
computational thinking concepts: around obstacles, but also can:
Module 1: Sequencing and Looping • learn new language and mathematical
Module 2: Events and Causality vocabulary through hands-on activities.
• d
evelop their imagination by designing their
Module 3: Conditionals
own obstacle course.
Module 4: Data • e
nhance their coding skills by sequencing and
guiding the Code-a-pillar forward, backward,
Code-a-pillar left and right.
The Fisher-Price® Code-a-pillar™ is an interactive, • b
ecome creative story tellers, developing their
fun and friendly programmable toy that own stories and sequences.
encourages experimentation and inspires natural
curiosity—all while developing coding, sequencing
and critical thinking skills. Easy-to-connect 21st Century Skills & the
segments allow for endless combinations to move “Four Cs”
Code-a-pillar forward, left, right or even wait for a
In today’s rapidly changing world, children
couple of seconds before moving again. Children
need to move beyond the basics and develop
can configure the segments so that Code-a-pillar
skills and habits of mind that will allow them to
can reach set targets throughout a room.
thrive in a future economy driven by complex
and interdisciplinary challenges. These skills
What is coding? include the “Four Cs”—creativity, communication,
Coding is the skill of giving a set of commands collaboration, and critical thinking.
to a device, and for it to respond in sequence. Creativity involves producing original ideas
Code-a-pillar does exactly this. Children can that are unusual or novel. Children express their
select a sequence of commands, and Code-a- imagination and original ideas through pretend
pillar will follow the sequence to carry out the play and the creation of imaginary companions
desired route. When kids connect the segments and make-believe worlds.
to make Code-a-pillar move - that’s sequencing!
ollaboration allows for the exchange of ideas
When they figure out a sequence that will create
among children as they work to find a solution for
a path for Code-a-pillar to reach a target, that’s
a problem or project. Working together fosters
programming (and problem solving, too)! It’s all
perspective-taking and provides a chance for
coding—and it’s all fun!
children to explain and expand their thinking in
new ways.
ommunication of one’s unique perspective plays
a vital role in creativity by allowing individuals to
express their feelings, ideas, and desires through
language, art, and physical movement.
ritical Thinking involves examining a problem from
different perspectives (i.e., flexibility) and remaining
open to new and challenging experiences.
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Code-a-pillar™ Lesson Plans
Table of Contents
Module 1: Module 3:
Sequencing and Looping Conditionals
Lesson 1: Meet Code-a-pillar™ Lesson 7: Code-a-pillar™ Explores New
Children will be given the opportunity to Types of Places!
interact with Code-a-pillar in small groups Children will learn about the potential effects
and explore how the toy works through of conditions, in this case, different surfaces,
open-ended, child-directed play. on Code-a-pillar’s movements.
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LESSON 1 Module One Meet Code-a-pillar™!
The Fisher-Price® Code-a-pillar™ is excited to meet your students and introduce them to the concept
of coding! Code-a-pillar is a programmable toy that encourages experimentation and inspires curiosity
and play while developing coding, sequencing and critical thinking skills in young children. Coding is
the skill of giving a set of commands to a device so that it will respond in sequence.
Children will be given the opportunity to interact with Code-a-pillar in small groups and explore how
the toy works through open-ended, child-directed play. Additional expansion packs of segments will be
provided and included in lesson plans to build upon coding combinations to make Code-a-pillar move!
Children can configure the segments so that Code-a-pillar can reach set targets throughout the classroom.
Key Concepts
(Links to the Four Cs)
●● Creativity: children often express their imagination through play, especially when interacting with peers.
●● Communication: children listen to each other and follow simple directions given by a peer.
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
●● be introduced to the meaning of the word “code.”
●● be encouraged to work together (e.g., take turns) to make the Code-a-pillar go.
Code-a-pillar toys (1 for each group of 3–4 children)
poster board
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Meet Code-a-pillar™! Module One LESSON 1
Code-a-pillar (with a few segments attached) on the floor and ask children how they think
you make it go.
➤➤Allowchildren to observe Code-a-pillar move and let them know they will soon have a chance to
explore how Code-a-pillar works.
●● Ask
your students what they think the toy looks like (i.e., a caterpillar). Highlight the
word “code” in the name of the toy. Ask your students if they have heard the word
“code” before, and if so, what they think it means.
●● Divide children into groups of 3–4 and give each group a Code-a-pillar.
●● Allow children to engage in free-play exploring how to make Code-a-pillar move in different directions.
●● Ask children to share what they liked most and least about Code-a-pillar.
●● Ask children what they think the symbols represent on each segment.
●● Record what children share on a large piece of poster board for reference as the lessons progress.
●● End the lesson with a reminder of what the word “code” means.
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LESSON 2 Module One Follow the Leader!
A key concept in coding is sequencing — a specific order of objects or actions. In this lesson, children
will first observe how a specific sequence of Code-a-pillar™ segments affects its movements, and then
they will be asked to act out a sequence of moves themselves.
Key Concepts
(Links to the Four Cs)
●● ritical Thinking: having children make the connection between the way Code-a-pillar moves and
moving themselves provides a great opportunity for perspective-taking and problem solving.
●● ollaboration: turn-taking requires planning, self-control, and social cooperation — all important skills
for successful collaboration.
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
●● be introduced to the term “sequence.”
Code-a-pillar toys (1 toy for each group of 3–4 children)
left, right, and straight arrows cut out of construction paper (one for each child)
poster board
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Follow the Leader! Module One LESSON 2
●● Talk to children about the term “sequence.” Ask your students if they know what the word
‘sequence’ means.
●● Ask children to provide examples of sequences (e.g., getting ready for school, making PB&J
sandwich, taking a bath).
●● ring out Code-a-pillar and remind your students that Code-a-pillar can be broken down into
segments and put back together. Highlight that the segments have different arrow icons on them,
representing different moves.
●● xplain that today’s goal is to see how Code-a-pillar moves when its segments are put in a
particular sequence.
●● Divide children into groups of 3–4 and give each group a Code-a-pillar toy.
●● Ask your students to help design a sequence for Code-a-pillar using 3 or more segments.
●● raw the segments in order on poster board, or provide each group with a drawing that depicts
Code-a-pillar put together with its segments in the order designed by your students.
●● Ask each group to put their Code-a-pillar together so that it matches the picture and watch how that
sequence of segments makes it move.
●● Ask them to line up and act out how they would move if they were Code-a-pillar.
●● Ask two of the children to switch in the lineup and ask them to predict what will be different now that
they changed order. Repeat a few times with different children switching places.
wrap up (5 minutes)
●● Ask your students to suggest other sequences that Code-a-pillar segments could be used to form.
●● Record what children share on a large piece of poster board for reference as the lesson progresses.
●● End the lesson with a reminder of what the word “sequence” means.
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LESSON 3 Module One Loop-de-Loop!
In this lesson, children will be introduced to the concept of looping. A loop is a repeated set of actions
and is used in coding to tell the computer to circle back to point A and repeat the same block of code
X number of times. Through this activity, children will gain practice identifying and creating loops
using Code-a-pillar™.
Key Concepts
(Links to the Four Cs)
●● Creativity: visualizing different ways that patterns can be formed requires creative thinking.
●● ollaboration: having children break up into small groups for activities encourages them to share
ideas and work together.
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
●● be introduced to the term “loop(ing)”.
●● ecome familiar with how to organize Code-a-pillar™ segments so that it repeats an action
or group of actions.
Code-a-pillar toys (1 toy for each group of 3–4 children)
Master Moves Expansion Packs (1 pack for each group of 3–4 children)
poster board
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Loop-de-Loop! Module One LESSON 3
●● Draw out a sequence on the board (move forward, right arrow, left arrow).
●● Then, explain that looping involves repeating the sequence over and over (forward, right, left,
forward, right, left, etc).
●● ring out Code-a-pillar™ and explain that today’s goal is to see if Code-a-pillar can move in a
looping pattern.
●● emind children about the sequences or patterns they put Code-a-pillar segments into from
the last lesson.
●● Let them know that today, we are going to have Code-a-pillar do loops — or repeat the same actions.
●● Introduce children to the Master Moves Expansion Pack pieces (45° right turn, 180° left turn, and
repeat) and explain how each piece, particularly the repeat piece, works.
➤➤Repeat:Add this piece, and Code-a-pillar will repeat the motion of the segment you attach it to.
Dial the number of times you want the action to repeat.
●● ivide children into groups of 3–4 and give each group a Code-a-pillar and Master Moves
Expansion Pack.
●● Ask children to arrange Code-a-pillar segments so there are several of the same segments in a row
(move forward, right turn, right turn).
●● Then, ask children if they can use the repeat segment to make Code-a-pillar follow the same path
(move forward, right turn, repeat (set to 1)).
wrap up (5 minutes)
●● Ask your students to suggest other sequences that Code-a-pillar segments could be used to form.
●● Record what children share on a large piece of poster board for reference as the lesson progresses.
●● End the lesson with a reminder of what the word “sequence” means.
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LESSON 4 Module Two Ready, Set, Go!
In this lesson, children will be introduced to the concept of cause and effect. Additionally, the
connection between the arrows on Code-a-pillar™ segments and the actions Code-a-pillar completes
will be made explicit through discussion regarding what each arrow means in terms of cause and effect
(e.g., if Code-a-pillar has a right arrow, it goes right!). Children will experiment with what each segment
causes Code-a-pillar to do, and then, what happens as additional pieces are added.
Key Concepts
(Links to the Four Cs)
●● ollaboration: having children work in small groups, sharing resources and taking turns, provides
the opportunity to practice important social skills.
●● ritical thinking: recognizing the connection between symbols and actions promotes problem
solving and planning.
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
●● be introduced to the terms “cause” and “effect.”
●● be asked to consider what Code-a-pillar does, starting with a single piece.
●● make connections between arrow symbols and movement (e.g., forward, right, left).
Code-a-pillar toys (1 toy for each group of 3–4 children)
Basic Expansion Packs (1 pack for each group of 3–4 children)
poster board
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Ready, Set, Go! Module Two LESSON 4
●● Explain how the arrows on Code-a-pillar™ segments tell Code-a-pillar what to do (cause it to move a
certain way).
●● reak up Code-a-pillar into individual segments and highlight the words, “forward,” “right,” and “left”
in association with the different arrow symbols.
●● ivide your students into groups of 3–4 children and give each group a Code-a-pillar and a Basic
Expansion Pack.
●● Ask children to begin with just one segment attached to Code-a-pillar. Have them test out what
happens if Code-a-pillar has only one segment.
●● Next, ask students to take turns adding more segments, one at a time, to discover what happens
when new arrows are added to the Code-a-pillar body.
●● or an additional challenge, ask children to predict what Code-a-pillar will do based on the arrows
it has before pressing the “go” button.
wrap up (5 minutes)
●● Ask children how the process of adding segments to Code-a-pillar changed what happened to
Code-a-pillar and how it moved.
●● Record what children share on a large piece of poster board for reference as the lesson progresses.
●● nd the lesson by reminding students what “cause and effect" means and ask them to think about
cause-and-effect events in their daily lives (e.g., “What happens when you don’t tie your shoes?”).
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LESSON 5 Module Two Mix and Match
In this lesson, students will first be introduced to the concept of categorization before practicing
different ways that Code-a-pillar™ segments can be grouped. Next, children will explore what happens
when multiple segments of the same direction are added to Code-a-pillar. The lesson will conclude
with students sharing their discoveries with the class.
Key Concepts
(Links to the Four Cs)
●● reativity: asking children to think of multiple ways that the same Code-a-pillar segments can
be categorized promotes flexible thinking.
●● ollaboration: by playing with other students to test out different sequences of Code-a-pillar
segments, children work together toward a shared goal.
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
●● learn about the term "categorization".
●● test what happens if Code-a-pillar has 1 vs. 2 vs. 3 of the same segment in a row.
Code-a-pillar toys (1 toy for each group of 3–4 children)
Basic Expansion Packs (1 pack for each group of 3–4 children)
poster board
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Mix and Match Module Two LESSON 5
●● Talk with your students about the word "categorization" (different ways that things can be grouped).
●● Ask your students for examples of categories for items in the classroom (e.g., art supplies can be
categorized into markers, crayons, and colored pencils; blocks can be categorized by color; posters
can be categorized by height).
●● ork as a class to identify different ways that Code-a-pillar segments can be grouped (e.g., color,
arrow type).
●● Divide children into groups of 3–4 and give each group a Code-a-pillar.
●● Provide each group with one type of Code-a-pillar segment (e.g., move forward, right turn, left turn).
●● Ask children to start out with just one of those arrows added to Code-a-pillar and to predict what
that arrow will make Code-a-pillar do.
●● Then, ask children to continue adding one of those same arrows to Code-a-pillar (taking turns)
and predicting what Code-a-pillar will do before pushing the “go” button and seeing what happens.
Optional Activity
●● Provide each group with a few different types of segments.
●● Ask children to role play by having one child act as a “computer RESEARCH
programmer” and design a sequence of actions. HIGHLIGHT:
Practicing activities
●● The other children in the group can try to follow the program by that require a shift in
putting Code-a-pillar segments in the specified order. Then, do a categorization can help to
test run and try again if the order is not quite right. develop children’s memory,
self-control, and
●● Ask children to switch roles. planning skills.
wrap up (5 minutes)
●● Ask each group of children to explain to the class, one at a time, what happened when they used
their segment (e.g., move forward, right turn). Ask them to share why they think this happened.
●● onsider writing down the groups’ answers on the poster board so that groups can see what the
other segment types cause Code-a-pillar to do.
●● End the activity by reminding children what the term "categorization" means.
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LESSON 6 Module Two The Little Code-a-pillar™ that Could
Today, your students will practice problem solving through coding. Code-a-pillar™ is having trouble
following a path to find some delicious leaves. Children will help Code-a-pillar reach that goal by
rearranging the segments to follow a path and reach the leaves. Children will be encouraged to try
different solutions and work together towards a shared goal.
Key Concepts
(Links to the Four Cs)
●● reativity: children will think creatively in order to figure out how Code-a-pillar might be able to
get to the correct end point.
●● ollaboration and Communication: children will work together and talk about their ideas with one
another to successfully solve this puzzle.
●● Critical thinking: children will use critical thinking skills to reason through potential solutions.
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
●● talk about learning through "trial and error".
●● practice problem-solving skills in small groups (more specifically, start with Code-a-pillar put
together in a way that does not get it to the desired end point and be asked to figure out what
needs to be done to correct this).
Code-a-pillar toys (1 toy for each group of 3–4 children)
Basic Expansion Packs (1 pack for each group of 3–4 children)
2 destination targets for each group (1 red and 1 green)
poster board
activity prep
●● et up a course for each group by placing the 2 targets (starting at the green one and ending
at the red one) around the classroom.
set up the end point so that it is one forward arrow, one right arrow, and one forward
arrow away from the starting point.
●● Arrange the segments on each Code-a-pillar so that one (or more) segments is in the wrong position.
➤➤Example:Prep Code-a-pillar so its segments are in the following order: forward arrow ➞ right arrow
➞ right arrow ➞ forward arrow. Students would need to realize they need to remove one
right arrow to get Code-a-pillar to the correct end point.
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The Little Code-a-pillar™ that Could Module Two LESSON 6
●● xplain the concept of trial and error — sometimes, things do not go exactly as we expect right away,
but even when things do not go how we wanted, we still learn something from that experience.
●● Have a discussion with your students about "trial and error" and problem solving.
●● hat examples can the students think of? (e.g., when your parent cooks something and it doesn’t
taste quite right so he/she adds salt)
●● ivide children into groups of 3–4 and give each group a Code-a-pillar™ (with segments in the
wrong order).
●● Have each group pick a course with 1 green target and 1 red target.
●● Explain to your students that Code-a-pillar should start at the green target and end at the red target.
●● Ask children to place their Code-a-pillar at/near the green target and press “go” to see if it gets to
the red target (it should not get there).
●● Then, have children work together (taking turns) to try out solutions that may get Code-a-pillar to
the desired end point by removing one or more segments or rearranging them.
wrap up (5 minutes)
●● Ask children to share how they were able to figure out how
to get Code-a-pillar to the destination. Encouraging children to
generate many possible
➤➤Whatsegments did they have to change in order to get solutions to a problem promotes
Code-a-pillar to move the right way? divergent thinking—a key
component of creativity.
●● Review the concept of "cause and effect."
➤“➤ Did
the extra segment ‘cause’ Code-a-pillar to go the
wrong direction?”
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LESSON 7 Module Three Code-a-pillarTM Explores New Types of Places!
Today your students will learn about the potential effects of conditions — in this case, different surfaces
— on the movements Code-a-pillarTM makes. In this lesson, children will experiment with Code-a-pillar
by having it run on different surfaces (e.g., cardboard, carpet, wood, tile, paper) and draw conclusions
about what conditions (or surfaces) result in changes in movement.
Key Concepts
(Links to the Four Cs)
●● reativity: asking children to think of new surfaces that Code-a-pillar could run on
encourages creativity.
●● ritical Thinking: having children make predictions about what effect different surfaces
may have on the movements Code-a-pillar makes requires critical thinking.
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
●● e introduced to the term “condition” —
a state or situation that likely has an effect
on what happens next.
Code-a-pillar toys (1 toy for each group of 3–4 children)
A variety of surfaces for Code-a-pillar to run on
(e.g., cardboard, carpet, wood, tile, paper)
poster board
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Code-a-pillarTM Explores New Types of Places! Module Three LESSON 7
●● Introduce children to the term “condition”: a state or situation that likely has an effect on what
happens next.
the students try to generate examples of conditions (e.g., the weather, how clean
something is).
●● Tell your students that today they will be letting Code-a-pillar™ explore different surfaces
in the classroom.
➤➤Show them the cardboard and/or the paper, and point to the carpet/wood/tile.
➤➤Askthem to infer what might happen when Code-a-pillar moves on some of these different surfaces.
Tell them that they will be able to test these guesses out and find out what happens.
●● Divide your students into groups of 3–4 children and give one Code-a-pillar toy to each group.
●● Either: (1) provide each group with a variety of surface samples (e.g., piece of paper, piece
of cardboard) or (2) create stations in your classroom that student groups can rotate through
(e.g., a wood station, a tile station).
●● ave students first make predictions about what is likely to happen when Code-a-pillar tries to
run on each type of surface and then test it out and see what happens.
●● Ask the students to describe what happened when Code-a-pillar moved on each surface. How did
this observation compare to their guesses?
●● Record what children share on a large piece of poster board for reference as the lesson progresses.
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LESSON 8 Module Three Rainy Day Obstacle Course
Children will be introduced to the idea that one type of condition is an obstacle, or something that
stands in your way. In today’s lesson, students will learn that Code-a-pillarTM wants to make it home,
but it is raining outside. It is their job to help Code-a-pillar avoid the puddles and make it home!
Key Concepts
(Links to the Four Cs)
●● reativity: the rainy day storyline can help children think imaginatively about how to solve the
problem Code-a-pillar faces.
●● ollaboration: children work together toward the shared goal of getting Code-a-pillar through
an obstacle course.
●● ritical Thinking: children use problem solving and planning skills to successfully get Code-a-pillar
home without ending up in any puddles.
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
●● be introduced to the term “obstacle”: something that stands in your way.
●● help Code-a-pillar avoid the obstacles around the classroom, putting their
sequencing skills to the test.
Code-a-pillar toys (1 toy for each group of 3–4 children)
Small pieces of paper cut out to look like puddles (1–2 for each group)
2 destination targets for each group (1 red and 1 green)
Optional: Construction paper houses (1 for each group)
poster board
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Rainy Day Obstacle Course Module Three LESSON 8
●● emind children about the term “condition” that was discussed in the last lesson (a state or situation
that likely has an effect on what happens next).
➤➤Explain that one type of condition is an obstacle, or something that stands in your way.
●● Explain to children that today is a rainy day and Code-a-pillar™ needs to get home without falling in
any puddles.
●● xplain to your students that they will need to work together to reach the house without
Code-a-pillar stepping in any puddles.
●● Also emphasize that they may need to try several times before finding the right path for Code-a-pillar
to get home (a big part of being a scientist is learning from things that do not work!).
●● Divide children into groups of 3–4 and give each group a Code-a-pillar.
●● et up obstacle courses for children by using the green target as a starting point, the red target as
an ending point (“home”), and placing 1 or 2 paper puddles in between the targets. (Note: this could
be done before class; it is important to try out the obstacle course yourself and make sure that each
Code-a-pillar is able to get through the course successfully with the segments provided.)
●● ave children work in small groups to get Code-a-pillar from the green target to the red target while
avoiding the puddles.
the children ask for your help, encourage them to rearrange Code-a-pillar segments
in different ways.
one group is struggling, try suggesting a subset of sequences to them and ask them which one
they think will work.
wrap up (5 minutes)
●● Ask children how they were able to get the Code-a-pillar to the red target (“home”).
●● Ask students what the most challenging part of this task was and why they think it was challenging.
●● Record what children share on a large piece of poster board for reference as the lesson progresses.
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LESSON 9 Module Three Create Your Own Obstacle Course!
Now that your students have experience moving Code-a-pillar™ through the rainy day obstacle course,
it is time for them to create their own! Code-a-pillar is making its way home from school today and it’s
your students’ chance to create their own obstacle course and story.
Key Concepts
(Links to the Four Cs)
●● Creativity: children will express their imagination by creating a storyline for Code-a-pillar.
●● Communication: students will be asked to share their experiences with the class.
●● ollaboration: students will work in small groups to design an obstacle course and tell a story about
the actions Code-a-pillar takes.
●● ritical Thinking: children will use problem solving, planning and perspective-taking to design an
obstacle course.
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
●● design their own obstacle course for Code-a-pillar to move through.
●● reate a story about the actions Code-a-pillar takes—where it is going and why it needs to avoid
some obstacles.
Code-a-pillar toys (1 toy for each group of 3–4 children)
Silly Sounds and Lights Expansion Packs (1 pack for each group of 3–4 children)
obstacles (e.g., toys, blocks, puddles from lesson #8, paper for children to make their own)
2 destination targets for each group (1 red and 1 green)
Optional: decorations for end points (e.g., paper houses from lesson #8,
paper for children to make their own end point)
22 Think & Learn Code-a-Pillar Home School Connection | | ©2016 Mattel, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Create Your Own Obstacle Course! Module Three LESSON 9
●● xplain to your students that today, they are going to be creating their own obstacle courses
for Code-a-pillar™.
●● resent children with either: (1) pre-made obstacles and destination targets (1 red and 1 green);
or (2) paper to make their own obstacles and destination targets.
●● If children will be creating their own pieces, talk with them about ideas for potential obstacles and
end points (e.g., leaves to eat, branches to walk around).
●● ivide your students into groups of 3–4 children and give each group a Code-a-pillar and segments
from the Silly Sounds and Lights Expansion Pack (Sleepy ZZZs, Happy, and Wacky).
●● If children will be creating their own obstacles and end points, have them do so at this time.
●● Ask your students to place their pieces on the floor to create an obstacle course for Code-a-pillar to
navigate: a starting point, an ending point, and one or more obstacles in between.
●● Ask your students to create a story about why Code-a-pillar is going where it is going and why it
needs to avoid the obstacles in its way.
➤➤Encourage children to incorporate different emotions/feelings in their story by using the segments
in the Expansion Pack (e.g., “Code-a-pillar was feeling sleepy/happy/excited…”).
●● Finally, have your students work together to put the different Code-a-pillar segments in an order that
gets it through the obstacle course successfully.
●● Record what children share on a large piece of poster board for reference as the lesson progresses.
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LESSON 10 Module Four Collecting Data with Code-a-pillar™
In this lesson, your students will be introduced to the process of collecting data by recording how many
of each segment type are connected to Code-a-pillar™. Observing and recording information helps
children develop important data and organization skills.
Key Concepts
(Links to the Four Cs)
●● Critical Thinking: children will be required to think critically to organize their data.
●● ollaboration: students will work together to count segments on Code-a-pillar and record their data
on a chart.
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
●● count how many of each type of segment there are on Code-a-pillar.
ode-a-pillar toys (1 toy for each group of 3–4 children); pre-assembled using the following pieces:
forward arrow, right arrow, left arrow, sound
paper charts for recording frequency of Code-a-pillar segments with right arrow, left arrow, forward
arrow, and sound symbol icons at the top (1 for each group)
arrow sheets included in the curriculum packet (1 for each group)
glue stick (1 for each group)
Optional: Code-a-pillar Expansion Packs (extra segments for children to record on their chart)
24 Think & Learn Code-a-Pillar Home School Connection | | ©2016 Mattel, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Collecting Data with Code-a-pillar™ Module Four LESSON 10
●● Begin this lesson by showing children Code-a-pillar™ with a certain sequence of segments.
●● xplain that today, they will have to count and keep track of the different types of body pieces
found on Code-a-pillar using a chart.
how one important way that scientists record data, or information, is by creating charts
or graphs — pictures that show what they have learned. Today, they will be doing just that!
●● Clarify that the categories of segments that they are looking for are:
●● xplain that for every segment, they will place an arrow cutout in the correct row to mark that there
is one of that piece on Code-a-pillar.
●● Use one chart and arrow sheet to demonstrate how this process will work by asking your students
what each segment is and appropriately adding an arrow cutout to the chart for each segment.
●● Tell your students that next, it will be their job to do the same in small groups.
●● Pass out one pre-assembled Code-a-pillar, one chart, and one arrow sheet to each group.
●● ave children take turns adding arrow cutouts to the chart to record which segments their
Code-a-pillar is made of.
●● ptional: Provide each group with additional segments from one or more of the Expansion Packs
and ask them to record how many of each segment they have on their chart.
wrap up (5 minutes)
●● nce everyone is done recording their Code-a-pillar segments, gather the children and have each
group take turns sharing their findings with the class.
➤ type of segment was there the most of?”
➤ type of segment was there the least of?”
➤ many total segments were there?”
●● Record what children share on a large piece of poster board for reference as the lesson progresses.
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LESSON 11 Module Four Code-a-pillar™ Inches Forward!
Today your students will be introduced to the idea that another way to record data is through
measuring distances. In this lesson, students will work with Code-a-pillar™ by measuring and
recording its movement!
Key Concepts
(Links to the Four Cs)
●● Creativity: children will think creatively to identify classroom items that can be used as measuring tools.
●● Critical Thinking: children will compare distances measured in standard and non-standard units.
●● Collaboration: students will be asked to take turns, changing roles and duties throughout the activity.
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
●● practice using measurement tools to record data on the movements Code-a-pillar makes.
Code-a-pillar toys (1 toy for each group of 3–4 children)
extra forward segments from the Basic Expansion Pack (each group should have 4 forward segments)
ruler (1 for each group)
additional tools that could be used for measuring distances (e.g., books, crayons, blocks)
paper (for recording measurements)
poster board
marker (1 for each group)
26 Think & Learn Code-a-Pillar Home School Connection | | ©2016 Mattel, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Code-a-pillar™ Inches Forward! Module Four LESSON 11
●● Explain to your students that another way scientists record information is by measuring distances.
●● Explain to children that they will work with Code-a-pillar™ by adding 1, 2, 3 and finally, 4 segments.
●● Tellthem that they will be working with forward arrow segments only, trying to accurately measure
how far Code-a-pillar moves with each segment.
●● Explain to children that their groups will be given rulers, but they are encouraged to try measuring
with other items around the classroom such as books, crayons or blocks.
●● Show them a ruler and explain that each number indicates one inch, a unit of measurement.
●● emonstrate how one would use a ruler, piece of paper and marker to record the distance
something moves.
●● ivide children into groups of 3–4 students and give each group a Code-a-pillar without any
segments connected, a ruler for measuring and a marker and paper for recording their findings.
➤➤Ask students to take turns being the “recorder” (person with the marker and paper).
●● nce all the groups have their materials, pass around one forward arrow segment to each group.
Have them measure with a ruler how far Code-a-pillar goes.
➤➤Next,have them record how far Code-a-pillar goes using another everyday item found
in the classroom.
wrap up (5 minutes)
●● Ask children what they think might happen if they tried measuring the movements of Code-a-pillar
with other segment types.
●● Record what children share on a large piece of poster board for reference as the lesson progresses.
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LESSON 12 Module Four Code-a-pillar™: The Journey Home
Code-a-pillar™ has enjoyed playing with your students, exploring your classroom and introducing
the children to coding. Now it is time for Code-a-pillar to return home. Children will work in small
groups to test out a variety of ways for Code-a-pillar to make it home, and additionally, practice
recording what they find. The lesson will conclude with a discussion of "trial and error" as well as
understanding emotions.
Key Concepts
(Links to the Four Cs)
●● reativity: children will be asked to think creatively to design new pathways for Code-a-pillar
to follow.
●● ollaboration: children engage in turn taking and shift roles when testing different routes for
Code-a-pillar to travel home and recording successful and failed attempts.
●● Communication: children practice sharing ideas and listening to others to complete this activity.
●● ritical Thinking: children will use planning skills to predict what segments are necessary to get
Code-a-pillar to the desired end point.
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
●● be encouraged to see "trial and error" as a learning process.
Code-a-pillar toys (1 toy for each group of 3–4 children)
paper houses or red (or green) destination targets (1 per group)
paper (1 per group)
poster board
markers (1 per group)
28 Think & Learn Code-a-Pillar Home School Connection | | ©2016 Mattel, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Code-a-pillar™: The Journey Home Module Four LESSON 12
●● Explain to children that they will work together to create new paths for Code-a-pillar™ to "go" home.
●● Remind your students about the concept of "trial and error" — that sometimes it takes more than one
attempt to succeed and that is a useful part of the learning process.
●● xplain that every time Code-a-pillar makes it home they will draw a smiley face on their group’s paper,
and every time Code-a-pillar does not make it home, they will draw a sad face on their group’s paper.
●● Divide children into groups of 3–4 and give each group a Code-a-pillar.
●● Tell one group member to place the house or destination target somewhere on the floor of
the classroom.
●● ncourage children to take turns adding pieces to Code-a-pillar to try to get it to the end point
(the house or target).
●● Have students take turns being the “data recorder,” the person in charge of keeping track of
whether or not Code-a-pillar made it home.
●● Repeat these steps by moving the house or target, trying out new ways to get Code-a-pillar to the
end point and recording on the poster board, when Code-a-pillar made it home.
wrap up (5 minutes)
●● Ask children to look at their chart and count up how many tries
it took to get Code-a-pillar home.
●● Record what children share on a large piece of poster board for reference.
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What is Code-a-pillar™?
Code-a-pillar™ is a friendly and fun programmable toy
that encourages experimentation and inspires natural
discovery and independent play while developing
coding, sequencing and critical thinking skills.
What is coding?
Coding is a skill of giving a set of commands
to a device, and for it to respond in sequence.
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What is the Code-a-pillar™
Curriculum Toolkit?
The curriculum toolkit is a set of materials
designed to support teachers of
21st Century Learning and parents in the home.