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The Microbit Bluetooth Troubleshooting Guide

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The micro:bit Bluetooth troubleshooting guide

Version: 1.2

Author: Martin Woolley

Table of Contents
Change History ........................................................................................................................................ 4
HOME ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
1. Device Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 6
Smartphones and Tablets ............................................................................................................... 6
Types of Bluetooth .......................................................................................................................... 6
Bluetooth Capabilities or “Roles” ................................................................................................... 6
“Radio” is not Bluetooth ................................................................................................................. 7
Other Types of Device ..................................................................................................................... 7
2. Pairing Problems ................................................................................................................................ 8
3A. Problems using Bluetooth with a micro:bit ...................................................................................... 9
3B. Problems using Bluetooth with a micro:bit .................................................................................... 10
4. Pairing Mode Problems .................................................................................................................... 11
5A. Pairing Fails .................................................................................................................................... 12
5B. Pairing Fails .................................................................................................................................... 13
6. The Pairing Procedure ....................................................................................................................... 14
Android ............................................................................................................................................. 14
iOS ..................................................................................................................................................... 19
Raspberry Pi ...................................................................................................................................... 23
7. Does your hex file allow you to enter pairing mode? ....................................................................... 24
8. Does your hex file require you to pair the micro:bit?....................................................................... 25
Microsoft MakeCode ........................................................................................................................ 25
C/C++ using Yotta .............................................................................................................................. 26
C/C++ using the mbed web IDE......................................................................................................... 28
Microsoft Blocks, Touch Develop and the CodeKingdoms editors at the BBC web site................... 31
micropython...................................................................................................................................... 31
9. Is Bluetooth switched on?................................................................................................................. 32
10. Is Bluetooth enabled on the micro:bit? .......................................................................................... 32
11. Is Bluetooth enabled on the smartphone? ..................................................................................... 34
12. Problems finding a micro:bit (scanning) ......................................................................................... 35
(1) Scan.............................................................................................................................................. 35
13. Problems connecting to a micro:bit ................................................................................................ 37
(2) Connect ........................................................................................................................................ 37
14. Missing services .............................................................................................................................. 39
(3) Use ............................................................................................................................................... 39
14A. Services Are Missing ................................................................................................................. 40
14B. Service Cache is Out of Date ..................................................................................................... 40
15. Immediate disconnection ............................................................................................................... 41
16. GATT Errors ..................................................................................................................................... 42
17. micro:bit to micro:bit ...................................................................................................................... 43
18. Too many devices paired ................................................................................................................ 44
Change History
Version Date Author Details
1.0 31/08/2017 Martin Woolley Initial version
1.1 12/09/2017 Martin Woolley Clarified that comments about the impact on pairing
of flashing new code only applies to flashing over
Updated MakeCode pairing options details
following requested change having been
implemented by Microsoft.
1.2 18/09/2017 Martin Woolley Added section on using mbed IDE.
Added section relating to the BBC legacy editors,
Blocks, Touch Develop and the CodeKingdom editor.

Are you certain your


device can use Bluetooth
to communicate with a


Are you having problems YES


pairing your smartphone

or tablet with a micro:bit?


Are you having problems


using your micro:bit with



Then what’s your problem?

Tell us more and we’ll try to help

1. Device Requirements
Smartphones and Tablets
For a smartphone or tablet to be able to use Bluetooth to communicate with a BBC micro:bit it must
support Bluetooth Low Energy.

Android devices must be running at least version 4.4. Version 5.0 or later is recommended however.

iOS devices released since 2011 have Bluetooth Low Energy.

Types of Bluetooth
There are two different types of Bluetooth. The BBC micro:bit supports one of them but not the
other. The type it supports is called Bluetooth Low Energy. Consult the documentation for your
smartphone or tablet to check whether or not it supports Bluetooth Low Energy. These days, 99% of
all smartphones and tablets on the market support this type of Bluetooth, which has been around
since 2010, so unless your device is quite old, the chances are it does support Bluetooth Low Energy.

Note that Bluetooth Low Energy masquerades under various other names sometimes. For example:

Bluetooth Smart


Bluetooth 4.0

The first two are alternative terms which mean Bluetooth Low Energy. Bluetooth 4.0 means your
device *may* support Bluetooth Low Energy.

Bluetooth Capabilities or “Roles”

Bluetooth Low Energy devices fall into several categories, according to the way they can
communicate with other Bluetooth Low Energy devices. The BBC micro:bit is what’s known
technically as a “Peripheral”.

A Peripheral can broadcast data to indicate to other devices that it is in range and available for use.
This is called “advertising”. A Peripheral can be connected to by another, suitable Bluetooth Low
Energy device, known as a “Central” device. A Peripheral can only have one other device connected
to it at a time. Once connected to, the Peripheral stops advertising and Central devices can exchange
data over the connection in either direction.

A Central device can search for Peripherals by listening for Bluetooth radio advertising broadcasts.
This is called scanning. A Central device can initiate a connection to a Peripheral which is advertising.

Other Roles
For completeness, note that a Bluetooth Low Energy device may advertise but not accept
connections (known as a Broadcaster) or scan for advertising packets but never attempt to connect
(known as an Observer).

A BBC micro:bit is a Bluetooth Peripheral and may be discovered and connected to by a Bluetooth
Central device like a smartphone. See http://bluetooth-mdw.blogspot.co.uk/2016/07/microbit-
and-bluetooth-roles.html for more on this subject.
“Radio” is not Bluetooth
The BBC micro:bit has a wireless communications capability known as “Radio”. This is *not*
Bluetooth and cannot be used to communicate with a Bluetooth device like a smartphone.
Smartphones do not support the micro:bit “radio” capability.

Other Types of Device

The BBC micro:bit can be used with any other Bluetooth Low Energy “Central” device, as described
above. Examples include smartphones and tablets or a Raspberry Pi (with Bluetooth hardware and

Two BBC micro:bits cannot be paired or communicate using Bluetooth without a special hex file,
which is not available from the commonly used development tools. See section 17.
2. Pairing Problems

Are you able to put your NO

micro:bit into pairing 4


You can put your micro:bit YES

into pairing mode but 5A
pairing appears to fail?


Then what’s your problem?

Tell us more and we’ll try to help


3A. Problems using Bluetooth with a micro:bit


Are you failing to find

your micro:bit when 12
scanning from a
smartphone app?


Are you trying and failing

to connect your
smartphone application to
your micro:bit? YES


Are you successfully YES

connecting but a message 14
states that Bluetooth
services are missing? 2


3B. Problems using Bluetooth with a micro:bit


Does the application on

your phone connect to 15
the micro:bit but seem to
immediately disconnect? YES 2


Does the application
report a “GATT Error” 16

micro:bit to micro:bit

Are you trying to make YES

one micro:bit
communicate with
another? 2


Then what’s your problem?

Tell us more and we’ll try to help


4. Pairing Mode Problems 2


Are you certain you are

following the procedure 6
to select pairing mode


Are you certain the hex NO

file installed on your
micro:bit allows you to 7
enter pairing mode?


Then what’s your problem?

Tell us more and we’ll try to help

5A. Pairing Fails


Are you certain Bluetooth NO

is switched on?


Are you certain the other NO

device is a suitable type of 1
device to pair with?


Are you certain the hex

file installed on your
micro:bit requires you to 8
perform pairing?

5B. Pairing Fails


Do you already have 4 YES

other devices paired with 18
your micro:bit?


Then what’s your problem?

Tell us more and we’ll try to help


6. The Pairing Procedure

Bluetooth pairing creates a trusted relationship between two devices and allows them to exchange
encrypted data. It also ensures that only a device which has been paired with your micro:bit can
connect to it. micro:bits only allow one device to connect to them at a time, so without this
protection, any smartphone or tablet could connect to your micro:bit, possibly without you knowing
and this would prevent you from connecting. Pairing adds some steps and inconvenience to using
your micro:bit, particularly since you need to pair every time you flash a new hex file over USB to the
micro:bit (since flashing over USB clears the Bluetooth pairing keys) but it does provide security. So if
you’re creating hex files or selecting between hex files which require pairing and those which do not,
you need to think about whether security or ease of use is your priority.

Pairing is only sometimes needed. To use your micro:bit with another device over Bluetooth, you
must pair with the other device if and only if the hex file on your micro:bit makes this necessary. See
sections 7 and 8 for more on this.

If pairing is required, there are two variations to the pairing procedure, each a variation of how
Bluetooth can accomplish pairing. The most secure variant is called Passkey Pairing and a less secure
but easier to use approach is called Just Works Pairing. Which of these is used is, once again,
determined by the hex file (see section 8).

The procedure for Android and iOS also differs.

In all cases, to pair your micro:bit with another, compatible device, requires you to clear any
previous pairing details from your smartphone and then switch your micro:bit into a special mode
called Pairing Mode.

If you have an Apple device, go to the iOS section below. The procedure for Android and iOS devices is

1. In the Bluetooth --> Settings screen, check to see if your micro:bit is listed under Paired Devices. If
it is, select the cog icon next to it and then select Forget. This will clear the pairing details from your
phone so you can start the process afresh. A phone can be paired with more than one micro:bit at a
time but if you need to repair because (say) you installed a new hex file and cleared the pairing data
from the micro:bit, you *must* forget the corresponding pairing data on the phone and start again.
Figure 1 - phone is already paired with this micro:bit so we must clear the pairing before we proceed

Figure 2 - Forgetting the old pairing data

2. Press and hold down both buttons A and B on the front of the micro:bit. Keep them held down
until you get to the step below where you are told to release them. One of the most common
causes of pairing problems is that people release buttons A and B too early.

3. Press and release the Reset button on the back of the micro:bit. This causes the micro:bit to
reboot and as it starts up, if it finds that buttons A and B are both pressed (which they should still
be!), it will enter pairing mode.

4. After about 4 or 5 seconds you should see “PAIRING MODE” scroll across the micro:bit display.
You may now release buttons A and B.

5. When the PAIRING MODE message has completely scrolled across the micro:bit display, it will
display a special pattern. This pattern is a visual identifier for your micro:bit. Now select the
micro:bit on your Android smartphone’s Bluetooth settings screen under the Available devices
heading. It will have the name BBC micro:bit [xxxxx] where “xxxxx” will be a 5 character identifier.
Selecting your micro:bit on the smartphone will have one of two effects, depending on whether the
hex file is using Just Works Pairing of Passkey Pairing.

Figure 3 - ready to pair

4A. Just Works Pairing

Per the name, selecting your micro:bit on the phone, with the micro:bit displaying its “ready to pair
pattern” will cause pairing to take place and complete, all in one go. If successful, a tick or check
mark will appear immediately on the micro:bit.
Figure 4 - Pairing completed successfully

4B. Passkey Pairing

Passkey Pairing involves additional steps. Selecting your micro:bit on the phone, with the micro:bit
displaying its “ready to pair pattern” will cause a left pointing arrow to appear on the micro:bit and
an input dialogue like the one in Figure 3 to appear on the phone. The arrow is prompting you to
press button A.

Figure 5 - Ready for passkey input

Pressing button A. This will cause 6 randomly selected numbers to appear one at a time on the
micro:bit. You need to enter each of these digits into the smartphone input field. It may be tricky to
do this at the same time as the numbers are being displayed so if necessary write them down and
then enter them or have someone help you. The sequence of digits will be displayed twice and you
must enter them into the phone during this time or pairing will fail. Press OK on the phone when all
6 digits have been entered. If you entered the right sequence of digits within the allowed time, a tick
or check mark will appear on the micro:bit per Figure 2. If not, a cross will be displayed as shown in
Figure 4.

Figure 6 - Entering the 6 digit pass key

Figure 7 - Pairing failed

If you have an Android device, go to the Android section above. The procedure for Android and iOS
devices is different.

1. In the Bluetooth --> Settings screen, check to see if your micro:bit is listed under My Devices. If it
is, select the cog icon next to it and then select Forget. This will clear the pairing details from your
phone so you can start the process afresh. A phone can be paired with more than one micro:bit at a
time but if you need to repair because (say) you installed a new hex file and cleared the pairing data
from the micro:bit, you *must* forget the corresponding pairing data on the phone and start again.

Figure 8 - smartphone already lists micro:bit as paired

Figure 9 - so it's important to Forget the device before pairing again

Figure 10 - confirming decision to Forget the micro:bit

2. Install the nRF Connect application from the Apple App Store. We’ll use this application to trigger
the pairing process. Note that on an iOS device you do not initiate pairing from the Settings -->
Bluetooth screen.

3. Press and hold down both buttons A and B on the front of the micro:bit. Keep them held down
until you get to the step below where you are told to release them. One of the most common
causes of pairing problems is that people release buttons A and B too early.

4. Press and release the Reset button on the back of the micro:bit. This causes the micro:bit to
reboot and as it starts up, if it finds that buttons A and B are both pressed (which they should still
be!), it will enter pairing mode.

5. After about 4 or 5 seconds you should see “PAIRING MODE” scroll across the micro:bit display.
You may now release buttons A and B.

6. When the PAIRING MODE message has completely scrolled across the micro:bit display, it will
display a special pattern. This pattern is a visual identifier for your micro:bit.

7. Launch the nRF Connect application. It will automatically scan and if your micro:bit is in pairing
mode, it will be listed.

Figure 11 - micro:bit listed in the nRF Connect application

8. CONNECT to the micro:bit. The next screen will list the Bluetooth services present in the micro:bit
hex file and if your micro:bit is running appropriate Bluetooth services, this will usually trigger the
pairing process. Some Bluetooth services can be accessed without pairing, whilst others can only be
accessed after pairing (unless the hex file stipulates that no security at all is required). If you have at
least one service whose UUID starts with E95D present in your hex file, pairing should be triggered. If
you have no services of this type then you will not be able to trigger pairing, so go back to your code
and ensure you include at least one of the custom micro:bit Bluetooth services whose service UUIDs
start with E95D. See https://lancaster-university.github.io/microbit-docs/ble/profile/

Figure 12 - Bluetooth services

Figure 13 - Pairing initiating

9. Complete the pairing process per the Android steps in 4A or 4B above.

Raspberry Pi
See http://bluetooth-mdw.blogspot.co.uk/2017/02/pairing-bbc-microbit-with-raspberry-pi.html

7. Does your hex file allow you to enter pairing mode?

The hex file installed on a micro:bit determines whether or not pairing mode is supported.

This is usually the same as whether or not pairing is required, as covered in section 8. But if you’re a
C/C++ developer, you have separate settings available to you which determine whether or not
pairing mode may be entered and what type, if any, of pairing is required. See section 8 for further
details, noting in particular the "pairing_mode": 0, attribute in the config.json file.
8. Does your hex file require you to pair the micro:bit?
Whether or not you need to pair your micro:bit with your smartphone depends on the hex file
installed upon it. It also determines which of the two supported pairing methods you should use
when you do pair.

The programming language or tool you used to create your hex file will have its own way of letting
you control the need to pair and the pairing method to be used. If you didn’t create the hex file,
you’ll need to ask whoever provided you with the hex file, what its pairing requirements and
capabilities are.

Here’s a summary of the options and how they are specified for each of the more common micro:bit
development tools and languages.

Microsoft MakeCode
If the Bluetooth package is not included in the MakeCode project then pairing is not required or

If Bluetooth package is included in the MakeCode project then pairing settings can be found within
the Project Settings page.

Figure 14 - MakeCode project with the Bluetooth package included

Figure 15 - Project Settings in MakeCode

Figure 16 - Pairing options in MakeCode

The three pairing options offered in the MakeCode Project Settings screen are:

No Pairing Required : This means that pairing is not required at all and if you try to pair with your
smartphone, it will not work. Specifically, any attempt to put the micro:bit into pairing mode will be

Just Works pairing : This is the default. With this option selected, pairing is achieved by putting the
micro:bit into pairing mode, initiating pairing with the micro:bit from the smartphone. That’s all you
need to do.

Passkey pairing: This mode will require you to press a button on the micro:bit after pairing has been
initiated on the smartphone. A 6 digit PIN will be displayed, one digit at a time, and each digit must
be entered into a pop-up dialogue which should appear on the smartphone.

C/C++ using Yotta

The project file config.json controls whether or not it is possible to enter pairing mode, whether or
not pairing is required and if it is, whether passkey (PIN-based) pairing or “just works” pairing is
required. Consider the following example:
"microbit-dal": {
"bluetooth": {
"enabled": 1,
"pairing_mode": 0,
"private_addressing": 0,
"open": 0,
"whitelist": 1,
"advertising_timeout": 0,
"tx_power": 4,
"dfu_service": 0,
"event_service": 1,
"device_info_service": 1
"gatt_table_size": "0x700"

microbit-dal.bluetooth.enabled : 1 means Bluetooth is enabled, 0 means it is disabled

microbit-dal.bluetooth.pairing_mode : 1 means it will be possible to put the micro:bit into pairing

mode. 0 means it will not.

microbit-dal.bluetooth.open : 1 means no pairing is required. 0 means pairing of a type indicated by

microbit-dal.bluetooth.security_level : SECURITY_MODE_ENCRYPTION_NO_MITM Just Works

pairing will be used when pairing. SECURITY_MODE_ENCRYPTION_WITH_MITM means passkey
(PIN-based) pairing will be used.
C/C++ using the mbed web IDE

The mbed IDE does not use the config.json file

which is used with the offline Yotta build system
described in the previous section. Bluetooth pairing
and other options are instead configured using
constants which are in the microbit/microbit-dal
inc/core/MicroBitConfig.h source file.

Figure 17 - MicroBitConfig.h in an mbed IDE project

All Bluetooth related constants can be found under a comment “// BLE options”. The following
constants are relevant to the subject of pairing:

// Enable/Disable BLE during normal operation.

// Set '1' to enable.

MICROBIT_BLE_ENABLED: Purpose and use per comment in code.

// Enable/Disable BLE pairing mode mode at power up.

// Set '1' to enable.

MICROBIT_BLE_PAIRING_MODE: the comment in the code is a little unclear regarding “at power
up”. This constant controls whether it is possible to enter pairing mode at power up by holding down
buttons A+B. 1 means it will be possible to put the micro:bit into pairing mode. 0 means it will not.

// Convenience option to enable / disable BLE security entirely

// Open BLE links are not secure, but commonly used during the
development of BLE services
// Set '1' to disable all secuity

MICROBIT_BLE_OPEN: 1 means no pairing is required. 0 means pairing of a type indicated by the

constant MICROBIT_BLE_SECURITY_LEVEL will be required.
// Define the default, global BLE security requirements for MicroBit BLE
// May be one of the following options (see mbed's SecurityManager class
implementaiton detail)
// SECURITY_MODE_ENCRYPTION_OPEN_LINK: No bonding, encryption, or
whitelisting required.
// SECURITY_MODE_ENCRYPTION_NO_MITM: Bonding, encyption and
whitelisting but no passkey.
whitelisting with passkey authentication.


be used when pairing. SECURITY_MODE_ENCRYPTION_WITH_MITM means passkey (PIN-based)
pairing will be used. SECURITY_MODE_ENCRYPTION_OPEN_LINK means no pairing is required. Note
that it is more typical to set MICROBIT_BLE_OPEN to 1 if you do not want pairing to be required.
Microsoft Blocks, Touch Develop and the CodeKingdoms editors at the BBC web site
The BBC originally launched micro:bit with a selection of code editors. Touch Develop, Blocks and
the CodeKingdoms editors produced hex files with Bluetooth enabled, passkey pairing required and
only certain Bluetooth services included. From memory, these were the Device Information Service,
the Event Service and the Device Firmware Update (DFU) Service. Only specific “canned” Bluetooth
use cases were supported, such as triggering a connected smartphone to take a photograph. For
Bluetooth use, therefore, these editors are not recommended. Microsoft MakeCode and C/C++ using
Yotta or the mbed IDE are the recommended editors for developers wishing to use Bluetooth.

Furthermore, the BBC editors have recently been deprecated and no longer maintained.

Developers are being encouraged to migrate to MakeCode.


In general, if a developer is having Bluetooth related problems with code which was developed one
of these legacy editors, the first response should be to instruct them to recreate using MakeCode or
C/C++, test again and then resume troubleshooting if the problem persists.

Bluetooth is not supported and so no pairing is required or possible.
9. Is Bluetooth switched on? 9

BLUETOOTH ON - micro:bit

Are you certain Bluetooth NO

is enabled on the

BLUETOOTH ON - smartphone

Are you certain Bluetooth NO

is enabled on the 11


Then Bluetooth is enabled on

both the micro:bit and the
smartphone and not the source
of your problem.
10. Is Bluetooth enabled on the micro:bit?
The BBC micro:bit supports Bluetooth but it is only available for use if the right kind of firmware (hex
file) is installed on the micro:bit and the programming language or tool you used to create the hex
file supports Bluetooth. The table below summarises how to enable Bluetooth when using the
various tools for hex file creation.

Tool / Language Bluetooth Supported? How is Bluetooth enabled?

Microsoft MakeCode YES Add the Bluetooth package to
your project and remove the
“radio” package.
C/C++ using Yotta YES microbit-
dal.bluetooth.enabled=1 in
C/C++ using the mbed web IDE YES set MICROBIT_BLE_ENABLED
to 1 in MicroBitConfig.h
Blocks at the BBC web site YES but with significant Enabled by default
TD at the BBC web site YES but with significant Enabled by default
micropython NO Not supported

Note that Bluetooth is supported by the BBC tools but only for very limited, predefined applications.
MakeCode is the recommended graphical programming tool for Bluetooth applications. C/C++ is the
recommended textual programming language.
11. Is Bluetooth enabled on the smartphone?
All smartphones and tablets allow Bluetooth to be switched off. It can either be directly switched on
or off in the Settings / Bluetooth screen of the smartphone or as a consequence of enabling or
disabling “flight mode”.

Some smartphones disable Bluetooth by default immediately after switching on. Some enable it by

Usually an icon on the smartphone will indicate whether or not Bluetooth is enabled.

If you’re not sure, try installing the nRF Connect application from Google Play or the Apple App store
and running it. If Bluetooth is switched off, it will inform you.
12. Problems finding a micro:bit (scanning)
The typical sequence of operations when using a smartphone to interact with a micro:bit over
Bluetooth is as follows:
(1) Scan ---> (2) Connect ---> (3) Use

(1) Scan
Scanning involves the smartphone receiving Bluetooth transmissions called advertisements, from
nearby Bluetooth devices. A micro:bit needs to advertise its availability before it can be connected to
and used. Provided the hex file installed on it has Bluetooth enabled and if required, you’ve paired
(see 7, 8 and 10) then it should advertise immediately after a reset and keep advertising until it is
connected to. Smartphone applications may look for the text “BBC” in advertising data to select
those devices which seem to be micro:bits and to list those devices on the smartphone screen where
you would usually be required to make a selection.

If scanning does not result in your micro:bit being listed, consider the following:

1. Does your micro:bit require you to pair? If yes then have you paired? YES – your micro:bit should
be advertising. NO – will not be advertising so pair with it first before scanning.

2. Try scanning for your micro:bit with another application. “nRF Connect” is a free application and is
available for both Android and iOS devices. Install it from Google Play or the Apple App Store and
run it. It will start scanning immediately if Bluetooth is enabled. If it finds your micro:bit then the
problem is with your other smartphone application. If it does not, then your micro:bit is not
advertising. This would be caused either by the hex file requiring you to pair and you not having
paired or the hex file not having Bluetooth enabled.
3. On an Android device, go into Settings --> Bluetooth. Switch Bluetooth off. Switch it on again. It
should now be scanning and list Bluetooth devices nearby which are scanning. If your micro:bit is
listed then Bluetooth is working properly on both the smartphone and micro:bit, which suggests
your problem is with your application. If no Bluetooth devices are listed, this suggests a problems
with your phone. Some older phones do have occasional reliability problems with Bluetooth.
Attempt to resolve the issue by switching your phone off, switching it on again and then going into
Settings --> Bluetooth and making sure Bluetooth is switched on. Make repeated attempts. It may be
that your old phone is a little slow and repeated scanning attempts are required.
13. Problems connecting to a micro:bit
The typical sequence of operations when using a smartphone to interact with a micro:bit over
Bluetooth is as follows:
(1) Scan ---> (2) Connect ---> (3) Use

(2) Connect
Selecting a micro:bit which has been discovered through scanning and listed on a smartphone
application screen, will typically result in the smartphone trying to connect to the micro:bit.
Connecting is usually, but not always, required for a smartphone to interact with a micro:bit.
Connecting can fail under some circumstances.

A possible cause of a smartphone being unable to connect to a micro:bit is that another device is
already connected to it. micro:bit can accommodate a connection from no more than one other
device at a time. If you scan from two different smartphones, each will discover and display the
micro:bit. Selecting the micro:bit one one of the smartphones should result in it connecting. Trying
to connect from the other smartphone should fail.

To forcibly disconnect another device from your micro:bit, press the reset button.

Tip: if you are developing your own hex files, use the Bluetooth connection event handlers to display
a “C” when a connection is accepted and a “D” when disconnected. This will allow you to identify
what state your micro:bit is in with respect to Bluetooth connections.
Table 1 - C/C++ showing use of Bluetooth connection events

void onConnected(MicroBitEvent)

void onDisconnected(MicroBitEvent)

int main()
// Initialise the micro:bit runtime.


Figure 18 - MakeCode and Bluetooth connection event handlers

Note that it’s possible your smartphone *is* connecting to the micro:bit but is then disconnected
shortly afterwards. This case is covered on page 15.
14. Missing services
The typical sequence of operations when using a smartphone to interact with a micro:bit over
Bluetooth is as follows:
(1) Scan ---> (2) Connect ---> (3) Use

(3) Use

Bluetooth Low Energy includes a concept known as a “service”. A service is a module which provides
a particular set of functionality over Bluetooth. Several services have been defined for micro:bit and
information is available in the micro:bit documentation, here: https://lancaster-

Services are software modules and they are only present in your micro:bit hex file if the hex file
developer included them. A few services are included by default, depending on the development
tool being used, but in most cases they must be explicitly included. How you do this will vary
according to the development tool.

int main()
// Initialise the micro:bit runtime.



new MicroBitAccelerometerService(*uBit.ble, uBit.accelerometer);

new MicroBitButtonService(*uBit.ble);
new MicroBitIOPinService(*uBit.ble, uBit.io);
new MicroBitLEDService(*uBit.ble, uBit.display);
new MicroBitMagnetometerService(*uBit.ble, uBit.compass);

Figure 19 - Example of Bluetooth services being included in C/C++

Figure 20 - Services being included in a MakeCode project

If an application indicates that there are required services missing from the micro:bit it is connected
to, there are two possibilities:

14A. Services Are Missing

The first possibility is that the hex file genuinely does not contain the services required by the
smartphone application. If you’re the hex file developer, you need to fix this in your code. If you’re
not, you need to obtain a replacement hex file from the developer.

14B. Service Cache is Out of Date

The second possibility is that the micro:bit has the right services but the smartphone is operating
from a local cache of services, which does not reflect the true state of the micro:bit. To solve this,
the cache must be refreshed. Forgetting pairing details and then switching Bluetooth off and then on
again and then scanning for and connecting to the micro:bit using an application, may work. nRF
Connect for Android has a Refresh Services option in the menu which is available after you connect
to the micro:bit and this usually works.
15. Immediate disconnection

If your smartphone application seems to successfully connect but then very shortly afterwards is
disconnected, it’s possible that the smartphone thinks it is paired to the micro:bit but the micro:bit
does not. In this case, the smartphone will attempt to establish an encrypted connection with the
micro:bit, but because the micro:bit is not in a paired state, it lacks the required encryption keys and
the process will fail, causing the micro:bit to drop the connection.

Every time you flash a new hex file over USB to your micro:bit, you will lose pairing information and
will need to repair. So if you are using pairing, every time you flash new code over USB to the
micro:bit, “Forget” the pairing on your smartphone and go through the pairing procedure again so
that both smartphone and micro:bit are paired with each other and both possess the associated
pairing data.

Note that flashing over Bluetooth from applications such as the “official” micro:bit smartphone
applications for Android and iOS will not clear the pairing keys and so will not require pairing to be
performed again.

16. GATT Errors

Sometimes smartphone applications will report GATT errors such as “GATT Error 133”. This is a
catch-all error message which means that the micro:bit closed the Bluetooth connection for some
reason. Unfortunately no more information than this tends to be available. If this happens, reflash
the micro:bit, Forget pairing details on the smartphone and restart it and, assuming you are using
pairing, pair again before re-testing.
17. micro:bit to micro:bit
It is possible to use Bluetooth to communicate directly with another micro:bit but this is difficult to
set up and leaves little memory left for other purposes. Note that the “radio” API, which gives access
to a simpler, non-standard wireless capability that the micro:bit has, is a much easier way to
accomplish direct, wireless communication between micro:bits and unless you have a particular
reason for wanting to use Bluetooth specifically, you are recommended to use Radio instead in this

To understand the issues and opportunities regarding Bluetooth and micro:bit to micro:bit
communication, read about Bluetooth device roles here:


By default, a micro:bit is a Bluetooth GAP Peripheral. It can advertise and accept connections from a
Bluetooth GAP Central device but it cannot scan and form connections itself. For a micro:bit to be
able to connect to another micro:bit, one must act as GAP Peripheral and the other as GAP Central.

The micro:bit has Bluetooth stack from Nordic Semiconductor. They have several binaries available,
called Soft Devices. S110 allows a device to act as a GAP Peripheral. S120 allows a device to act as a
GAP Central. S130 allows the device to act in either / both of these roles.

All available development tools use S110 by default. If you want to use S120 or S130, your only
option is to roll up your sleeves and start working in C/C++ with the microbit-dal code. Details on
how to accomplish this are beyond the scope of this guide.
18. Too many devices paired
You can pair a maximum of 4 devices such as smartphones and tablets with one micro:bit. If you try
to pair a fifth device, without having first cleared the pairing data for the other four devices by
flashing a hex file to the micro:bit, pairing will fail. The symptoms of the failure will vary from
smartphone to smartphone but may involve an error such as GATT Error 133.

In this situation your choices are to accept that you cannot pair a fifth device or to clear details of
the original four devices from the micro:bit by flashing the hex file over USB and then pairing your
new smartphone, which when successfully paired, will make it the only device paired with this
micro:bit. You should “Forget” the pairing details off the other four devices to avoid confusion at this

Note that this procedure relies on flashing over USB and not Bluetooth, since flashing over USB will
clear previous pairing details from the micro:bit whereas flashing over Bluetooth will not.

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