Chapter 1: Language and Learning: Part 1: English As A Universal Language

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Part 1: English as a Universal Language

 Universal (adj) UK /ˌjuː.nɪˈvɜː.səl/  US /ˌjuː.nəˈvɝː.səl/ : done by or involving all the

people in the world or in a particular group : phổ biến, chung, (`thuộc) thế giới,….
E.g: English as a Universal Language (universal = global)

 Status (n) uk /ˈsteɪ.təs/  US /ˈsteɪ.t̬əs/ : an accepted or official position, especially in a

social group: vị trí, tình trạng,…
E.g: Several hundred million more people have some knowledge of English, which has official
or semiofficial status in some 60 countries. (status = existence)

 Dialect (n) UK /ˈdaɪ.ə.lekt/  US /ˈdaɪ.ə.lekt/: a form of a language that people speak in a

particular part of a country, containing some different words and grammar, etc. : tiếng địa
phương, phương ngữ
E.g: Although there may be as many people speaking the various dialects of Chinese as there are
English speakers, English is certainly more widespread geographically, more genuinely universal
than Chinese. (dialects = ways of speaking)

 Widespread (adj) UK /ˌwaɪdˈspred/  US /ˌwaɪdˈspred/ :existing or happening over a

large area or among many people: phổ biến, lan rộng
E.g: English is certainly more widespread geographically .

 Supplement (v,n) UK /ˈsʌp.lɪ.ment/  US /ˈsʌp.lə.ment/

to add something to something to make it larger or better: bổ sung, thêm vào
something that is added to something else in order to improve it or complete it;
something extra: phần bổ sung, bản phụ lục,…
E.g: English is not replacing other languages, it is supplementing them. (supplementing = being
used in addition to)

 Prevail (v) UK /prɪˈveɪl/ US /prɪˈveɪl/ : to get control or influence : chiếm ưu thế

English prevails in transportation and the media (prevails = predominates)

 Maritime (adj) UK /ˈmær.ɪ.taɪm/  US /ˈmer.ə.taɪm/ : connected with the sea or ships:

(thuộc) về biển, ngành hàng hải
E.g: Maritime traffic uses flag and light signals, but “if vessels needed to communicate verbally,
they would find a common language, which would probably be English…” (maritime = sea)

 Tongue (n) UK /tʌŋ/  US /tʌŋ/ : a language : tiếng, ngôn ngữ.

E.g: It is a foreign tongue for all six member nations (tongue = language)
 Diplomacy (n) the activity of managing relations between different countries: ngoại giao
Part 2: Mongolians Learn to Say “Progress” in English.

 Razortooth: răng sắc như dao cạo

E.g: She searched for the English words to name the razortooth fish swimming around her
stomach on her faded blue-and-white T-shirt. (razortooth = with very sharp teeth)

 Dude : a man (slang, especially North American English): chàng trai, thằng cha,…
E.g: Dude, where were you last night?

 Bump (N)
+ a round, raised area on a surface:
My bike  hit a bump in the  road.

+ a raised area on your body where it has been hurt by hitting something hard:

a  nasty  bump on the  head
Has not been without its bumps : some what difficult
E.g: The rush toward English in Mongolia has not been without its bumps.

 Joint venture (n) UK /ˌdʒɔɪnt ˈven.tʃər/ US /ˌdʒɔɪnt ˈven.tʃɚ/: a business or business

activity that two or more people or companies work on together: sự liên doanh
E.g: The first private English school when it started in 1999, this Mongolian-American joint
venture now faces competition on all sides

 Across the board (idiom) UK /əˌkrɒs.ðəˈbɔːd/ US /əˌkrɑːs.ðəˈbɔːrd/: affecting everyone

or everything within an organization, system, or society: toàn diện, trên mọi lĩnh vực
E.g: Foreign arrivals are up across the board with the exception of Russians, who experienced a
9.5 percent drop.

 Laissez-faire (n) UK /ˌleɪ.seɪˈfeər/ US /ˌleɪ.seɪˈfer/: following a policy of allowing

private businesses to develop without government control: chính sách tự do kinh doanh
E.g: So far, Beijng has adopted a laissez-faire stance to Mongolia’s flirtation with English.

 Boom (n) UK /buːm/ US /buːm/ : an increase in something , or a time when something

becomes more popular: thời kì phát triển
E.g: Chinese language studies are undergoing a boom here
 Shortcut (n) UK /ˈʃɔːt.kʌt/ US /ˈʃɔːrt-/: a route that leads from one place to another and
is quicker and more direct than the usual route: đường tắt
E.g: If there is a shortcut to development, it is English

 Outsourcing (n) UK /ˈaʊtˌsɔːsɪŋ/ US /aut'sɒ:siη/: Using people in one country as a

source of workers for companies in other countries: thuê ngoài
E.g: If we combine our academic knowledge with the English language, we can do outsourcing
here, just like in Bangalore.

 Embody (v) UK /ɪmˈbɒd.i/ US /ɪmˈbɑː.di/ : Represent, stand for: thể hiện

E.g: she hardly seemed to embody an urgent new national policy

Recite (v) UK/rɪˈsaɪt/ US/rɪˈsaɪt/ : Say, speak out loud : thuật lại, kể lại
E.g: She recite carefully.

 Stump (n,v) UK /stʌmp/ US /stʌmp/ : Confuse, puzzle : gây bối rối

E.g: Stumped by a smaller, worried-looking fish, she paused and frowned.

 Hone (v) UK /həʊn/ US /hoʊn/ : Learn well, make perfect: Trau dồi
E.g: American English honed at graduate school.

 Fuel (v) UK/ˈfjuː.əl/ US /ˈfjuː.əl/ : Push forward, promote: xúc tiến, đấy mạnh, thúc đẩy
E.g: fueled partly by an affinity for Britain and the United States.

 Embark (v) UK /ɪmˈbɑːk/ US /ɪmˈbɑːrk/: Start, begin: bắt tay làm công việc gì
E.g: the government has embarked on a national program

 Jettison (v) UK /ˈdʒet.ɪ.sən/ US /ˈdʒet̬.ə.sən/ : Throw away, discard: loại bỏ

E.g: debating whether to jettison the Cyrillic alphabet

 Fine-tune (v) UK /ˌfaɪnˈtʃuːn/ US /ˌfaɪnˈtuːn/ : Make small improvements to: tinh chỉnh
E.g: the prime minister fine-tuned his program

 Catch up (phrasal verb ) : becoming equal, coming closer: đuổi theo, theo kịp.
E.g: the state is merely catching up with the private sector

 Easing the way /ˈiːzɪŋ ðiː weɪ/ making things easier to do: cách dễ hơn, lỏng lẻo.
E.g: With schools easing the way, English is penetrating Ulan Bator through the electronicmedia
and at Mongolian International University.
 Penetrating (adj) UK /ˈpen.ɪ.treɪ.tɪŋ/ US /ˈpen.ə.treɪ.t̬ɪŋ/ : entering, making its way into:
thâm nhập, vào,..
E.g: English is penetrating Ulan Bator

 Spin (v) UK /spɪn/ US /spɪn/ : tells of, narrates : nói.

E.g: Tsagaan spins an optimistic vision of Mongolia’s bilingual future.

 Bilingual (adj) UK /baɪˈlɪŋ.ɡwəl/ US /baɪˈlɪŋ.ɡwəl/ : (of a person) able to use two

languages equally well, or (of a thing) using or involving two languages: song ngữ
E.g: She works as a bilingual secretary for an insurance company.

 Link (n) UK/lɪŋk/ US /lɪŋk/ : a connection between two people, things, or ideas: cầu nối
E.g: There is a growing movement to add English, a neutral link for a nation split along ethnic

 Immersion (n) UK /ɪˈmɜː.ʃən/ US /ɪˈmɜː.ʃən/: immersion (in something) the state of

being completely involved in something : sự đắm mình vào
E.g: In Korea, six “English villages” are being established, where paying students can have their
passport stamped for intensive weeks of English-language immersion, taught by native speakers
imported from all over the English-speaking world.

Intensive (adj) UK/ɪnˈten.sɪv/ US/ɪnˈten.sɪv/ : involving a lot of effort or activity in a short

period of time : tập trung
E.g: In Korea, six “English villages” are being established, where paying students can have their
passport stamped for intensive weeks of English-language immersion.


I. Nouns:

- harness /ˈhɑːnɪs/(N) dụng cụ lao động

A piece of equipment with straps and belts, used to control or hold in place a person, animal,
or object.

- forts /fɔːrt/ pháo đài

A military building designed to be defended from attack, consisting of an area surrounded by

a strong wall.

- troops /truːp/ binh lính

Soldiers on duty in a large group.

- authoritarianism BrE /ɔːˌθɒrɪˈteəriənɪzəm / chế độ độc tài

Strong control (by people in power).

- dilemma /daɪˈlem.ə/ /dɪˈlem.ə/ tình trạng khó xử

A diffcult problem.

- emigration /ˈem.ə.ɡreɪtʃn/ di cư

To leave a country permanently and go to live in another one

- phenomenon /fəˈnɒmɪnən/ hiện tượng

Something that exists and can be seen, felt, tasted, etc., especially something unusual or

Because son preference has been a significant phenomenon in Asia for centuries, the Chinese
actually have a term for such young men : guang gun-er or “ bare branches”- branches for family
tree that will never bear fruit. p. 68

- prospect /ˈprɑː.spekt/ triển vọng

The possibility that something good might happen in the future.

- socioeconomic classes /ˌsoʊ.si.oʊˌiː.kəˈnɑː.mɪk/ các lớp học kinh tế xã hội

Related to the differences between groups of people caused mainly by their financial situation.

- stake /steɪk/ cổ phần

A share or a financial involvement in something such as a business.

- threshold /ˈθreʃ.hoʊld/ ngưỡng cửa

The floor of an entrance to a building or room.

- no regard to /rɪˈɡɑːrd/ không quan tâm đến

Don’t attention to or concern for something.

- pin /pɪn/ cái ghim

A small thin piece of metal with a point at one end, especially used for temporarily holding
pieces of cloth together.
- symposium /sim'pouziəm/ hội nghị chuyên đề

A conference or meeting to discuss a particular subject.

- defense /dɪˈfens/ phòng thủ

The action of defending from or resisting attack.

- engulfment /enˈgəlf/ sự chìm đắm

The sweep over (something) so as to surround or cover it completely.

- scarcity /ˈskeəsəti/ sự khan hiếm

A situation in which something is not easy to find or get.

-bare branches /ber ˈbræn.tʃɪz/ (nhánh cây trơ trụi) , dư thừa nam giới

Redundant males.

- subclass /ˈsəbˌklas/ tầng lớp thấp

A group of people lower in status than others.

- fetus /ˈfiː.t̬əs/ thai nhi

A young human being or animal before birth, after the organs have started to develop.

- cull /kʌl/ sự đào thải

A selective slaughter of wild animals.

- predominant /prɪˈdɑː.mə.nənt/ vượt trội

More noticeable or important, or larger in number, than others.

- combination /ˌkɑːm.bəˈneɪ.ʃən/ sự phối hợp

The mixture you get when two or more things are combined.

II. Verbs:

- quashed /kwɑːʃ/ bị hủy bỏ

To say officially that something, especially an earlier official decision, is no longer to be


- approach /əˈproʊtʃ/ đến gần

Come near to.

- clinging /klɪŋ/ bám víu

Hanging on tightly.

- crave (V) /kreɪv/ ham muốn, khát khao

Desire intensely.

- diminished /dɪˈmɪn.ɪʃ/ giảm

Lessening (reduction of) possiilities.

- disposed /dɪˈspoʊzd/ xử lí, sắp xếp

Get rid of by throwing away or giving or selling to someone else or arrange in a particular

- dreaded /dred/ kinh sợ

Feared greatly.

- foster /ˈfɑː.stɚ/ giúp đỡ


- recreate /ˌriː.kriˈeɪt/ xây dựng lại

Build again.

- sabotage /ˈsæb.ə.tɑːʒ/ phá hoại

Destroy by many small acts.

- withdarwing /wɪðˈdrɑː/ lạnh nhạt

Moving away.

- struck /strʌk/ tấn công, tiếp cận

A sudden attack.

- flow /floʊ/ chảy

Move in one direction, especially continuously and easily.

III. Adjectives

- imperial /ɪmˈpɪəriəl/ đế quốc

Belonging or relating to an empire or the person or country that rules it.

- contemporary /kənˈtem.pə.rer.i/ đồng thời

existing or happening now:

- irritated /ˈɪr.ə.teɪ.t̬ɪd/ phiền phức


- lean /li:n/ gày gò


- outstretched /ˌaʊtˈstretʃt/ dang ra , mở ra

Reaching out as far as possible.

- nurturing /ˈnɝː.tʃing/ nuôi dưỡng , dạy dỗ

Care for and encourage the growth or development .

- intrusive /ɪnˈtruː.sɪv/ làm phiền, xâm phạm

Affecting someone in a way that annoys them and makes them feel uncomfortable.

- anxiety /æŋˈzaɪ.ə.t̬i/ sự lo ngại,lo lắng

An uncomfortable feeling of nervousness or worry about something that is happening or might

happen in the future.

- democracy /dɪˈmɒk.rə.si/ dân chủ

A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state,
typically through elected representatives.

IV. Idioms and Expressions

- diminishing prospect /dɪˈmɪn.ɪʃ ˈprɑː.spekt/ giảm dần triển vọng

To reduce the possibility that something good might happen in the future.
In societies where the status of women is so low that they are routinely culled (removed) from
the population even before birth, the propects for peace and democracy are seriously diminished.

- normal sex ratio /ˈnɔːr.məl seks ˈreɪ.ʃi.oʊ/ tỷ số giới tính bình thường

- sex-selective abortion /səˈlek.tɪv /əˈbɔːr.ʃən/ phá thai chọn lọc giới tính

The killing of a fetus( unborn baby) because of its gender.

Even though identificationof the sex of a fetus, as well as sex-selective abortion, is illegal
throughout Asia, the balance of boys and girls in the younger generations continues to worsen in
many of these countries. p.65 (chapter 3 P2)

- troubling scenario /ˈtrʌb.əl.ɪŋ səˈner.i.oʊ/ tình huống gây phiền hà

Situation that causes worried.

- weed out /wiːd aʊt/ nhổ ra,lấy ra

To destroy, depose.

1. Bosom /ˈbʊzəm/ : A woman's chest or breasts : ngực
Synonyms: bust, chest, breasts, mammary glands, boobs, knockers, mammaries,
Ex: Her bosom rose and fell; she was out of breath from keeping up with him.

2. Hypothesis /haɪˈpɒθəsɪs/ :  an idea or explanation of something that is based on a

few known facts but that has not yet been proved to be true or correct : giả thuyết
Synonyms : theory, theorem, thesis, conjecture, supposition…
Ex: A hypothesis about the function of dreams

3. Intellectual skill /ˌɪntəˈlektʃuəl skɪl / :critical, analytical, synthesizing and

problem-solving skills : kỹ năng trí tuệ
Synonyms: abilities of the mind….
Ex: Intellectual skills include the assimilation of new knowledge, the
development of a critical analysis of studied information, and the application of
basic knowledge in wider contexts.

4. Labors /ˈleɪbə(r)/ : work, especially physical work : lao động

Synonyms : work, hard work, industry …
Ex: The workers voted to withdraw their labour

5. Novice /ˈnɒvɪs/: a person who is new and has little experience in a skill, job or
situation: người mới
Synonyms : beginner, learner, neophyte, newcomer, initiate, …
Ex: I'm a complete novice at skiing.

6. Subordinate /səˈbɔːdɪnət/ : subordinate (to somebody) having less power or

authority than somebody else in a group or an organization: cấp dưới
Synonyms: nower-ranking, junior, lower, supporting….
Ex: In many societies women are subordinate to men.


7. Bade /beɪd/ : to tell somebody to do something: sai bảo

Synonyms: order, command, tell, instruct, direct, enjoin, charge…
Ex: He bade me come closer.

8. Ceased /siːs/ : to stop happening or existing; to stop something from happening

or existing : ngưng
Synonyms: : come to an end, come to a halt, end, halt, stop….
Ex: He ordered his men to cease fire.

9. Convinced /kənˈvɪnst/ : completely sure about something : tin chắc

Synonyms: : make certain, persuade, satisfy, prove to….
Ex: I am convinced of her innocence.

10. Cooperate /kəʊˈɒpəreɪt/ : cooperate (with somebody) (in/on something) to work

together with somebody else in order to achieve something: hợp tác
Synonyms: collaboration, joint action, combined effort, team…
Ex: The two groups agreed to cooperate with each other.

11. Detected /dɪˈtekt/ : detect something to discover or notice something, especially

something that is not easy to see, hear, etc. : phát hiện
Synonyms: explore, discover, detect, find, expose, ferret out…
Ex: The tests are designed to detect the disease early.

12. Fancy /ˈfænsi/ : to believe or imagine something: tưởng tượng

Synonyms: imagine, fancy, think, conceive, ideate, fable…
Ex: She fancied (that) she could hear footsteps.

13. Found /faʊnd/ : found something to start something, such as an organization or

an institution, especially by providing money: thành lập
Synonyms: build, construct, build up, establish, erect, found…
Ex: Her family founded the college in 1895.

14. Insure /ɪnˈʃʊə(r)/ : arrange for compensation in the event of damage to or loss of
(property), or injury to or the death of (someone), in exchange for regular
advance payments to a company or government agency : bảo hiểm
Synonyms: insure, underwrite, assure, reassure….
Ex: the table should be insured for $2,500
15. Memorized /ˈmeməraɪz/ : to learn something carefully so that you can remember
it exactly : ghi nhớ
Synonyms: commit to memory, remember, learn by heart, get off by heart,
he memorized thousands of verses.

16. Removed /rɪˈmuːv/ : to take something/somebody away from a place : dời chỗ
Synonyms: displace, shift, transpose…
Illegally parked vehicles will be removed.

17. Vex /veks/ : to annoy or worry somebody : làm phiền

Synonyms: annoy, irritate, anger, infuriate, exasperate,…
The memory of their conversation still vexed him.

18. Distinct /dɪˈstɪŋkt/ : recognizably different in nature from something else of a
similar type : riêng biệt
Synonyms: clear, well-defined, unmistakable, easily disting….
Ex: The results of the survey fell into two distinct groups.

19. Exceptional /ɪkˈsepʃənl/ : unusually good: phi thường

Synonyms: unusual, uncommon, abnormal, atypical,….
Ex: At the age of five he showed exceptional talent as a musician.
20. Exclusive /ɪkˈskluːsɪv/ : only to be used by one particular person or group; only
given to one particular person or group: Độc quyền
Synonyms: sole, unshared, unique, only, individual….
EX: Exclusive rights to televise the World Cup.

21. Extraordinary /ɪkˈstrɔːdnri/ : unexpected, surprising or strange: bất thường

Synonyms: remarkable, exceptional, amazing, astonishing, astounding,
sensational, …..
Ex: What an extraordinary thing to say!

22. Fashionable /ˈfæʃnəbl/ : following a style that is popular at a particular time :

hợp thời trang
Synonyms: : in vogue, voguish, in fashion, fashion-forward, popular, up-to-date,
up-to-the-minute, modern, ….
Ex: It's becoming fashionable to have long hair again.

23. Impressed /ɪmˈprest/ : feeling admiration for somebody/something because you

think they are particularly good, interesting, etc. : ấn tượng
Synonyms: in vogue, voguish, in fashion, fashion-forward,….
Ex: I must admit I am impressed.

24. Rare /reə(r)/ : cooked for only a short time so that the inside is still red : tái
Synonyms: not very cooked…
Ex: How would you like your steak?’ ‘Rare.

25. Secure /sɪˈkjʊə(r)/ : fixed or fastened so as not to give way, become loose, or be
lost : bền chắc
Synonyms: fastened, fixed, secured, done up, closed, shut,…
Ex: check to ensure that all nuts and bolts are secure.


26. Adequately /ˈædɪkwətli/ : in a way that is enough in quantity, or good enough in

quality, for a particular purpose or need: đầy đủ
Synonyms: sufficient, enough, requisite; acceptable,….
Ex: Are you adequately insured?
27. At length / ət leŋθ/ : If someone does something at length, they do it after a long
period of time : sau cùng
Synonyms: lengthily, for a long time, completely, fully, thoroughly…
Ex: At length my father went into the house.
28. Effortlessly /ˈefətləsli/ : in a way that needs little or no effort, and that seems
easy : dễ dàng
Synonyms: easy, undemanding, unchallenging, painless….
Ex: Your presentation must move effortlessly from one point to the next.

29. In vain /in vān/ :To no avail; without success: vô ích

Synonyms: egotistical, self-complacent, vainglorious, proud, arrogant,
overweening, fruitless, unavailing, unimportant, trivial, trifling, nugatory…
Ex: Our labor was in vain.

30. Psychologist UK/saɪˈkɒl.ə.dʒɪst/US/saɪˈkɑː.lə.dʒɪst/: someone who studies the

human mind and human emotions and behaviour, and how different situations
have an effect on people: nhà tâm lý học

31. Research UK /rɪˈsɜːtʃ/ /ˈriː.sɜːtʃ/ US  /ˈriː.sɝːtʃ/ /rɪˈsɝːtʃ/ a detailed study of

a subject, especially in order to discover (new)information or reach a (new)
Ex: He has dedicated his life to scientific research.

32. Mnemonics UK  /nɪˈmɒn.ɪks/ US  /nɪˈmɑː.nɪk/ something such as a

very short poem or a special word used to help a personremember something:
ma thuật.
Ex: The musical notes on the lines go EGBDF - use the mnemonic "Every
good boy deserves fun".

1. Advocacy: /ˈædvəkəsi/ : Sự ủng hộ tích cực
 the giving of public support to an idea, a course of action or a belief.
-Synonyms: support, defense, endorsement.
-Ex: He won the Peace Prize for his advocacy of non-violent protest.

 the work of lawyers who speak about cases in court: Sự bào chữa

2. Conservation: /ˌkɑːnsərˈveɪʃn/: Sự bảo tồn

 the protection of the natural environment
-Synonyms:guarding, preservation, protection from decay and destruction
-Ex: Road development in the area has been severely affected by the
conservation programmes of the council.
3. degradation: /ˌdeɡrəˈdeɪʃn/: sự giáng chức, sự giảm giá trị.

 a situation in which somebody has lost all self-respect and the respect of

other people

Ex: the degradation of being sent to prison

 the process of something being damaged or made worse

Ex: environmental degradation

-Synonyms: disgrace,reduction, breaking down, humiliation.

4. desertification: /dɪˌzɜːrtɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/:Sa Mạc hóa

 A desert is an extension of dry land that is infertile ( not capable of producing

crops or providing animal)

Ex: human activities without regard to Earth ecological balance is causing the
desertification of the planet.

5. detection:  /dɪˈtekʃn/: Sự khám phá, dò tìm, phát hiện.

Discovery, act of detecting, finding out, the process of detecting something; the

fact of being detected.

Ex: Many problems, however, escape detection.

6. deterioration: /dɪˌtɪriəˈreɪʃn/: Sự sa đọa, sự trở nên xấu hơn

the fact or process of becoming worse.

Synonyms: decline, downfall, worsening

Ex: a serious deterioration in relations between the two countries.

7. erosion:  /ɪˈroʊʒn/: Sự xói mòn

 the process by which the surface of something is gradually destroyed through

the action of wind, rain, etc.

Ex: Soil Erosion

8. harassment: /ˈhærəsmənt/:Sự quấy rối, sự gây phiền nhiễu

 the act of annoying or worrying somebody by putting pressure on them or

saying or doing unpleasant things to them.

Ex: racial/sexual harassment

- Synonyms: tormenting, pestering.

9. rainfall: /ˈreɪnfɔːl/: lượng mưa

 the total amount of rain that falls in a particular area in a particular amount of
time; an occasion when rain falls.

Ex: There has been below average rainfall this month.

10. researchers:  /rɪˈsɜːrtʃər/: Nhà nghiên cứu

 a person who studies something carefully and tries to discover new facts about

Ex: European researchers say olive oil could help prevent cancer.

11. sequence: /ˈsiːkwəns/: Sự liên tục, sự nối tiếp

 a set of events, actions, numbers, etc. which have a particular order and which
lead to a particular result

Ex: He described the sequence of events leading up to the robbery.

12. topsoil: /ˈtɒpsɔɪl/: tầng đất mặt, đất có phân

 the layer of soil nearest the surface of the ground

Ex: Let’s throw in a top soil before we head into the stadium

13. vision: /ˈvɪʒn/: Tầm nhìn

 the ability to see; the area that you can see from a particular position

Ex: Cats have good night vision.

1. Analyze/ˈænəlaɪz/: Phân tích
to examine the nature or structure of something, especially by separating it into
its parts, in order to understand or explain it

Ex: The first step is to define and analyse the problem.

2. Benefit: /ˈbenɪfɪt/: quyền lợi

 to be useful to somebody or improve their life in some way

Ex: We should spend the money on something that will benefit everyone.
3. Predict: /prɪˈdɪkt/ :Dự đoán, tiên đoán
 to say that something will happen in the future

Ex: It is impossible to predict what will happen.

4. Respond: /rɪˈspɒnd/: Đáp lại

to give a spoken or written answer to somebody/something

Ex: I asked him his name, but he didn't respond.

Synonyms:reply,react, answer

1. Nutritious: /njuˈtrɪʃəs/: có chất dinh dưỡng, bổ dưỡng
 very good for you; containing many of the substances which help the body to
Ex: tasty and nutritious meals
2. Sequenced: /ˈsiːkwənst/ được sắp xếp theo trình tự
 Arranged in sequence, consecutive

Ex: Sequenced Diagrams are interaction diagrams that detail how operations
are carried out

3. Unsuitable: /ʌnˈsjuːtəbl/: Không phù hợp

not right or appropriate for a particular person, purpose or occasion

Ex: He was wearing shoes that were totally unsuitable for climbing.
4. Worldwide: /ˈwɜːrldwaɪd/: khắp thế giới
 Extending Thoroughout the wolrd

Ex: The band is famous worldwide.

1. Primarily: /ˈpraɪmərəli/: Chính, chủ yếu
 Mainly

Ex: The problem is not primarily a financial one.

Synonyms: Chiefly, mainly


1. A HANDFUL:/ ˈhændfʊl/: (một) nhúm, (một) nắm; (một) ít (người...)
 the amount of something that can be held in one hand
Ex: a handful of rice

2. A NORMAL LIFE SPAN: khoảng thời gian sống bình thường

Ex: she should live a normal life span

3. GO THAT ROUTE : đi con đường đó

If you go the route, you do something fully or continue with a task until you have
completely finished.

Ex: They have gone that route, in many cases, of just big–big bowls, big statues, big
masks, big everything.

4. HALF DEAD: nửa sống nửa chết

to be very tired

Ex: We've been walking all day and I'm half-dead


 A course of action to think about seriously
6. SPOT: chấm nhỏ
 Is able to find
 Became easy to understand
8. TAKE ( HER CONCERNS) MORE SERIOUSLY: quan tâm đến lo lắng của
một ai đó một cách nghiêm túc
 Pay attention to her problem
Bring about the production of a large number
10. BE ROUTINE: thường xuyên
 Is going to become a common practice


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