Mecaj Klisio
English 274: Applied Linguistics
Lesson Plan : 2
Ss Assumed knowledge: Ss have listened to other video as well. They are able to speak English
but lack fluency and they have also learnt in the past Phrasal Verbs, Collocations and Expressions
and finally Prepositions.
Anticipated Problems and Possible solutions: In discussion activities, stronger Ss may
discourage the “weaker” from participating. Students will be divided in pairs that are close to their
level or with classmates that feel comfortable.
Students could may not understand many points of the video.
The video will be replayed many times
Students could get confused in the speaking activity
T will encourage them and give them time to rephrase.
Main Aim: By the end of the lesson the students will have practiced their listening decoding skills,
speaking skills and they will have also learnt new vocabulary
By the end of the lesson Ss will have practiced listening skills such as listening for detail and note-
Objectives/Secondary Aims: To have students pick up as many words as possible for each class,
through listening speaking and from exercises.
Stage Activity &/ Rationale Material Interaction Procedure Time
& Aids
1 Lead-in /Pre –
Listening activity T gives a hand-out with
words and their synonyms
Introduction to lexis that students could possibly 3’
not know and that they could
T – Ss hinder them to fully
comprehend the video and
Reflecting on the asks them to look at them.
previous session, “Alright guys take a brief
activating schemata of Handout look at the hand-out before
the students, trying to we proceed.”
arouse interest and get
the students involved. T says to the students that
they are going to watch a 2’
video about Mobile School.
Pre-listening activity T – Ss Therefore, they have take
notes of the important parts,
because they are going to
have a debate after watching
the video. (“Now you will
have to focus and keep notes
of what you listen to the
video, because after we
watch the video, you are
going to have a debate”.)
from the end of each tip. T
hands out the work-sheet &
Ss match the missing
sentences with the correct
T – Ss tip.
Ss do this individually &
Post – Listening check their answers in pairs.
Activities. Pre-
Speaking activity
Home Fun
Discussion in the
classroom about their
opinions in terms of the
video and the program
While speaking
activities: Post
speaking activity T listens to the students and
Notebook Ss – Ss observes their mistakes or 15’
T becomes an observer Pen errors in order to give
and monitors the feedback later. He writes
students as they comments on his notebook
Post speaking activity T-Ss T points out some of the
mistakes that the students
made but focuses on how
they should correct them and
also praises them for their
4. 10’
T moves on with the
book to Phrasal Verbs
Collocations &
Prepositions T creates three groups and
asks the Ss to work on
exercises 4,5 and 6. After
they are done with them they
should exchange their
answers with their
teammates and in the end
each group has to present
and explain one of the
exercise and the meaning of
the specific Phrasal Verbs,
5. Collocations and
Home Fun Expressions and finally
4) Scraps of food = a small piece or amount of something, especially one that is left over
after the greater part has been used.
5) Children Plus = Children's Plus is dedicated to bringing libraries the most highly
regarded library bound books in the industry and is a company that has been working for
almost 40 years.