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BAS Primary EPC 2401 Lesson Planning TemplateYear 2, Sem 1

date: day: 27 month: 2 year:2018 name of student: Alia Ali

from: length of
time: name of school: Al andalus girls primary school
to: class: 45 min

name of
Khaltham Hussain Class: 1st Grade: 4\1 No. Ss: 23

Details about the book that Name of book: Unit: page(s)

the MST uses: Bridge to Success 8 131

PURPOSE – Why am I teaching this lesson? What do I want the students to know/to be able to do by the end of the

lesson tat they could not do before?

1) Learn about the brilliant bones in human body.

2) Discover the purpose of the bones.

LANGUAGE – What is the language I hope to teach ? Specifically – what do I want the students to be able to say or write

or read or listen to? Is it new language, or am I revising something I or my MST has already presented and practiced, or

is it a misxture? Do I understand the language myself, or do I need to research it more?

Command. It’s a new language that I should explain it for the students.

And I understand the language but I need to research

about the strategies to introduce it.


SKILLS – Which skill(s) am I teaching and what aspect of that / those skill(s) will I focus on?

Listening I will focus on the listening and speaking. But they should

know how to write the new words with correct vocabulary.


CONTEXT – How will I make the language realistic for the students?

I will bring two students in the front and ask one student to command the other using the word (Put & Feel).

RESOURCES –– What resources do I need to create the context and provide practice so the students can do what they

need to do to develop? - Include realia, books, handouts, multimedia, songs, games, etc.

I will show the students real brilliant bones. I will show them a short video with song to know the

bones in their bodies.

I will show them flash card to practice the language.

There is an online game so they will practice the bones

and their places in their body.

ACTIVITIES – What activities can I design that use the resources and are appropriate in the context? Are my activities

authentic and purposeful?

I will make a worksheet ( listen and label) I think my activity is purposeful because they will learn

while they are doing the activities.

I will distribute a flash cart to help the students in the

speaking activities.
Student (what
Purpose / objective
Teacher (activity + they do +
Activity Time Interaction MCT comments
exact instructions language you
of the activity
you intend to give) expect them to

T- Open the video and S- Answer with the Understand that there are

ask the students about teacher. many bones in our body.

Engage 5 min T-S
the bones they feel and
S- Imitate what the Feel their bones and
the saw in the video.
teacher is doing and know their names.

T – Show students the feel they bones.

flash cards and ask

them to do as she


pre- T- Repeat and Practice SS- Repeat what the Learn the new

listening with the students the teacher says. vocabulary.

5 min T-SS
new vocabulary.


T- Distribute worksheet S- Listen to the Improve their listening

for the class. instructions. skills.

While- 10 T-S

listening min T-Say the instruction to S-Listen to the audio

the students. and try to solve the

T- Open the audio.

T-Give instructions for SS- Do the speaking Improve students

the speaking activity. activity while talking speaking skills.

Post- 10 T-SS
with others.
listening min Helps students talk with
each other’s and help

their confidence.

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