Lesson Plan PDF
Lesson Plan PDF
Lesson Plan PDF
from: length of
time: name of school: Al andalus girls primary school
to: class: 45 min
name of
Khaltham Hussain Class: 1st Grade: 4\1 No. Ss: 23
PURPOSE – Why am I teaching this lesson? What do I want the students to know/to be able to do by the end of the
LANGUAGE – What is the language I hope to teach ? Specifically – what do I want the students to be able to say or write
or read or listen to? Is it new language, or am I revising something I or my MST has already presented and practiced, or
Command. It’s a new language that I should explain it for the students.
SKILLS – Which skill(s) am I teaching and what aspect of that / those skill(s) will I focus on?
Listening I will focus on the listening and speaking. But they should
CONTEXT – How will I make the language realistic for the students?
I will bring two students in the front and ask one student to command the other using the word (Put & Feel).
RESOURCES –– What resources do I need to create the context and provide practice so the students can do what they
need to do to develop? - Include realia, books, handouts, multimedia, songs, games, etc.
I will show the students real brilliant bones. I will show them a short video with song to know the
ACTIVITIES – What activities can I design that use the resources and are appropriate in the context? Are my activities
I will make a worksheet ( listen and label) I think my activity is purposeful because they will learn
speaking activities.
Student (what
Purpose / objective
Teacher (activity + they do +
Activity Time Interaction MCT comments
exact instructions language you
of the activity
you intend to give) expect them to
T- Open the video and S- Answer with the Understand that there are
them to do as she
pre- T- Repeat and Practice SS- Repeat what the Learn the new
T- Open the audio.
their confidence.