President A Manifesto - 0
President A Manifesto - 0
President A Manifesto - 0
I shall also draw the interest of the President and
executive members to the need to establish Legal
Tech Innovation Hub to accelerate projects and
ideas of young lawyers that combines justice accel-
eration and technology, technology-backed rural
legal services and general civic innovation that
enhances rule of law and governance. This will
encourage innovative ideas, team play and reduce
unemployment and underemployment. A hall in
NBA national secretariat Abuja and Lagos Annex Also, I will assist the publicity team with
should be used as pilot centres the approval of the Bar President to
develop advocacy tools that will enhance
Also I hope to also suggest to the President and the inclusion of more lawyers in the affairs of
Publicity Team the need to have NBA Radio and TV the organization beyond election season.
(Online) and Bar Monthly Magazine (soft and hard One of the ways to do this is to introduce
copies). This will enhance swift dissemination of online voting and monthly online debate
information to the branches across the country. on important national issues on various
social media platforms. From the aggre-
Within 8 months of assumption, Academic Journal gate of opinions of lawyers on these
for young lawyers will be launched so as to hound issues, the Bar President speech can be
academic skills for young lawyers and students driven by popular opinion expressed.