Religion Distribution Length of Residency Place of Origin

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Religion Distribution:

Religion Frequency Percentage (%)

Roman Catholic 22 84.5
INC 0 0
Protestant 0 0
7-day Adventist 0 0
Muslin 0 0
Born Again 4 15.5
TOTAL: 26 100

Religion Distributon
Born Again

Roman Catholic


According to a research, religion influences the daily lives that people who are highly religious
are more engaged with their extended families, more likely to volunteer, more involved in their
communities and generally happier with the way things are going in their lives. Base on the graph, it
shows that roman catholic dietary choices, animal-based medicines, modesty, and the gender of their
health-care professionals can all be influenced by religion and spirituality. Some religions have specific
prayer times during which medical care may be disrupted. To take religious affiliation into account when
deciding whether to participate in any health program.


The highest percentage of religion distribution of families in Barangay Bignay, Valenzuela City is
Roman Catholic with 84.5% of the total population of the study, next to Born again with the percentage
of 15.5% of the population study. The graph show that the total population survey conducted in
Barangay Bignay, Valenzuela City, that the Roman Catholic are the most number of religion distribution
to the total population studied.

Length of Residency:

Length of Residency Frequency Percentage (%)

< 6 months 0 0
6 months - 1 year 1 3
1 year – 5 years 8 30
6 years – 10 years 2 7
10 years > 16 60
TOTAL 27 100

Length of Residency
6 moths - 1 year 1 year - 5 years 6 years - 10 years 10 >





As human beings, we need a sense of belonging, and that sense of belonging is what connects us
to the many relationships we develop. Communities are also rich in resources, that is where their
collective aspect comes into play. Community is where we find comfort in difficult times. (Zamor, 2005).


The table and graph shows how long families have lived in the community. There is 1 family (3%)
whose length of residency is at 6 months to 1 year. 8 families or 30% have been living in the community
for 1 year to 5 years. 2 families (7%) has a length of residency of 6 years to 10 years. Most of the families
interviewed is in the bracket of 10 years and above comprising of 16 families (60%).

Place of Origin

Place of Origin Frequency Percentage (%)

Luzon 1 3.7
NCR 25 92.5
Visayas 1 3.7
Mindanao 0 0
TOTAL: 27 100

Place of Origin
Luzon NCR Visayas

4% 4%



According to an article, the connections with distant places do affect one’s own place. Some
distant places that tend to be out of sight and mind of local residents in fact supply important resources,
goods, and services to one’s own place, provide markets for the nearer place’s own goods, assimilate
local wastes, or share the effects of a common government’s taxes and services. The connections mean
that decisions in a single place at one moment— about lifestyles, economic competitiveness,
transportation choices for both people and goods, and environmental amenities—affect the livability of
multiple other places at different scales and over the course of the future.


The highest percentage of place of origin is NCR represents 92.5% of the total population studied, next
to Luzon and Visayas they represents both 3.5% of total population studied. The graph show that the
total population survey conducted in Barangay Bignay, Valenzuela City, that the NCR are the most
number of place of origin to the total population studied.

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