SAT Punctuation
SAT Punctuation
SAT Punctuation
In this article, I'll eliminate your confusion and explain all of the punctuation rules you
need to know to ace SAT Writing. Furthermore, I'll provide practice questions to test you
on what you've learned.
Now I’ll go over specific rules to help you determine when to use punctuation.
The key rule to remember here is that a portion of a sentence that can be removed
without changing the meaning of the sentence must be surrounded by commas.
Relative clauses are dependent clauses that describe a noun and start with a relative
pronoun or adverb like “who,” “that,” “which,” or “where.” The basic rule is that restrictive
clauses shouldn’t be surrounded by commas and non-restrictive clauses should be.
Restrictive clauses are essential to the meaning of the sentence. You can’t take a
restrictive clause out of a sentence without significantly changing the meaning of the
sentence. Here’s an example:
The key rule to remember here is that a portion of a sentence that can be removed
without changing the meaning of the sentence must be surrounded by commas.
Relative clauses are dependent clauses that describe a noun and start with a relative
pronoun or adverb like “who,” “that,” “which,” or “where.” The basic rule is that restrictive
clauses shouldn’t be surrounded by commas and non-restrictive clauses should be.
Restrictive clauses are essential to the meaning of the sentence. You can’t take a
restrictive clause out of a sentence without significantly changing the meaning of the
sentence. Here’s an example:
A non-restrictive clause isn’t essential to the meaning of the sentence. If you got
rid of the clause, the sentence would still make sense, and its meaning wouldn’t
change. Here’s an example sentence with the non-restrictive clause underlined.
Torsha, a fan of celebrity gossip, loves watching The Wendy Williams Show.
If we get rid of the appositive, the sentence still has the same meaning:
The rule that appositives must be surrounded by commas is one of the most often
tested comma rules on the SAT.
SAT Example
Because the only difference in the answer choices is the placement of commas, we
know this question is testing our knowledge of comma rules. In this sentence, the
phrase “an associate professor of geology at Ohio State” is an appositive. The phrase
describes Jason Box, and it can be removed without changing the meaning of the
All we have to do is apply the rule that appositives must be surrounded by commas. The
error in the original sentence is that there is no comma after “Ohio State.” The correct
answer is C. There is no comma before the appositive in answer choice B, and answer
choice D places a comma within the appositive unnecessarily, and there isn’t a comma
at the end of it.
Any time a sentence starts with a dependent clause or modifying phrase, it must
be followed by a comma. Here are some examples:
SAT Example
On the SAT, a sentence may include an introductory dependent clause or phrase, and
you have to select the proper punctuation that follows the introduction. Only a comma
can come after an introductory phrase or clause that isn’t a complete thought.
The introductory phrase, from “Living” to “ethic,” modifies the Harvey Girls. Because the
phrase isn’t a complete thought, meaning it can’t stand alone as a sentence, we must
put a comma at the end of the phrase. The correct answer is D. Answer choice C is
wrong because the addition of “and” makes the sentence incorrect. When an
introductory phrase describes a noun, the noun being modified must come directly after
the comma. In this sentence, the phrase is modifying the Harvey Girls.
#3: Use Commas to Separate Items in a List
You’re probably familiar with this comma rule: in lists of three or more items, you
must place a comma after every item except the last. Check out this example:
During spring break, my days will consist of eating, watching Netflix, and sleeping.
The three items on the list are “eating,” “watching Netflix,” and sleeping. Because there
are three items, there are commas after the first two. The last comma in the list before
“and,” known as the oxford comma, is technically optional, and you won’t be tested on
whether or not to use it. However, every list question I've seen uses the oxford comma.
As we know, items in a list must be separated by commas. The three items in this list
are "yogurt manufacturers," "food scientists," and "government officials." The semicolon
in the original sentence is being used incorrectly. In answer choice D, there is an
unnecessary comma placed after “and.” The correct answer is C.
The comma after “instance” is incorrect because the clauses before and after the
comma are complete thoughts. Answer choice C is still a comma splice. Answer choice
D is wrong because the resulting sentences don’t make sense in context. The correct
answer is B. A colon comes after a complete thought, and it sets up a list or
explanation. In this sentence, an explanation follows the colon. Even if you were unsure
of colon rules (which I’ll explain later), you could have selected the right answer by
eliminating wrong answer choices.
You can’t place a comma between an adjective and noun. Check out this example
Incorrect: You are extremely excited to read PrepScholar writer, Justin Berkman’s
next article.
Incorrect: You are extremely excited to read PrepScholar writer Justin Berkman’s,
next article.
Correct: You are extremely excited to read PrepScholar writer Justin Berkman’s next
SAT Example
Immediately, we know that the semicolon is incorrect because the phrase after the
semicolon can’t stand alone as a sentence. Now we have to determine the correct
comma placement. Answer choices B and C are wrong because you can’t place a
comma after a preposition. Answer choice D is correct; the comma separates the
independent clause from the explanatory phrase. Keep in mind that commas often
separate independent clauses from dependent clauses or descriptive phrases.
Incorrect: Jasmine brought everything she needed for the exam, including: pencils, a
backpack, and a calculator.
Correct: Jasmine brought everything she needed for the exam: pencils, a backpack,
and a calculator.
The first sentence is incorrect because the part that comes before the colon isn’t a
complete thought.
Also, a colon should be used instead of a comma to separate a noun from items on a
Incorrect: Lewis was excited to meet his relatives, his aunt, uncle, and cousins from
the Bahamas.
Correct: Lewis was excited to meet his relatives: his aunt, uncle, and cousins from
the Bahamas.
The first sentence makes it seem like “his relatives” is part of the list. However, all of the
people he is meeting are his relatives, and the portion after the colon lists the relatives
whom he will be meeting.
Sandy repeatedly complained about her least favorite restaurants: places where you
can often hear loud conversations and crying babies.
In the above sentence, the colon is placed after a complete thought, and the portion of the
sentence after the colon describes the type of restaurants that Sandy dislikes. You could
substitute the colon with a comma, but you need punctuation to separate the complete thought
from the explanatory phrase.
SAT Example
The portion of the sentence after “army” describes the other type of army. We need
punctuation to separate the complete thought up until “army” from the phrase
elaborating on this group of people. Answer choice C is incorrect because the phrase
following “army” isn’t a complete thought, and answer choice B is wrong because the
dash before “by” is unnecessary (I’ll explain dashes next). The correct answer is D.
Dashes on the SAT
Dashes aren’t very common on the SAT, but they do come up. They can be used to
mark off a non-essential clause or phrase (like a comma) or introduce a list or
explanation (like a colon).
If dashes are used with non-essential clauses or phrases, you can’t mix them with
commas. You have to go with either two dashes or two commas. Here’s an
Byron spent hours painting a beautiful picture—and then his little brother destroyed it.
You don’t have to worry too much about using dashes for this type of sentence. If a
dash is the correct answer in a similar sentence, then you’ll be able to eliminate the
other answer choices because they’ll be obviously incorrect.
SAT Example
The phrase from “popularized” to “Coolidge” is a non-essential phrase. You can get rid
of the phrase without altering the meaning of the sentence. The error is that the phrase
is first marked off with a dash and then a comma. Remember that you can’t mix dashes
and commas when marking off non-essential phrases and clauses. Therefore, to
maintain consistency, the correct answer is B.
Important Rules
• Leave out punctuation unless you identify a situation that requires it.
• You’ll never be asked to choose between interchangeable punctuation marks: if two
answer choices serve the same function, then both will be wrong.
• Use process of elimination to determine the right answer on punctuation questions.
Many of the wrong answers will have errors that you’ll be quickly able to detect.
Eliminating the wrong answers can sometimes be easier than choosing the right one.
Practice Questions
Try these practice questions using the knowledge you've acquired.
1. Studies show that children; who are physically active may perform better in the
B. children,
C. children
D. children:
B. student—won
C. student won
D. student: won
3. Julie was thoroughly confused: she couldn’t figure out where she put her car
B. confused, she
C. confused she,
D. confused she
4. Paul was overcome with joy when he saw actor, Keanu Reeves, in the parking lot
of a McDonald’s restaurant.
B. actor, Keanu Reeves
C. actor: Keanu Reeves
D. actor Keanu Reeves
5. I hurried home from school to find Max, my dog that I’ve had for five years
chewing on my favorite pair of shoes.
B. had, for five years chewing
C. had for five years, chewing
D. had, for five, years chewing
Answers: 1. C, 2. B, 3. A, 4. D, 5. C