Biology Revision Work Sheet Senior 1
Biology Revision Work Sheet Senior 1
Biology Revision Work Sheet Senior 1
Senior 1
Q1 a. The figure shows a cell from an organism.
i. In which type of living organisms are cells similar to the one found?
ii. State two reasons for your choices of living organisms in (i).
Q1 b. The figure below shows that some cells were placed in solution A for ten minutes. Then some cells were
transferred to solution B and some to solution C for ten minutes each.
ii. Compared with the water potential of the cell, what can be deducted about solutions A, B and C?
iii. What will be found in region C in Fig 1.1 at the end of the experiment? Explain your answer.
Q2. The diagram below shows some cells when they are viewed under a microscope.
(a) Name the type of cells shown, and state the function of these cells.
(b) Explain how these cells are adapted for their function.
(c ) Explain how the structure of the nerve cell is adapted for its functions.