False Friends (English and German)
False Friends (English and German)
False Friends (English and German)
الجونة- باول ران$ األلمانية الفندقية$المدرسة المصرية
box Schachtel (loud)speaker
good, well-behaved,
brave mutig brav
brief kurz Brief letter
briefcase Aktentasche Brieftasche wallet
Schreibtisch, Kommode
bureau Büro office
café kleines Restaurant Kaffee coffee
Gehilfe des Souffleurs
callboy Callboy male prostitute
(Theater) oder: Hotelboy
caution Vorsicht Kaution bail, depostit
chef Küchenchef Chef boss
crisps (BE)
chips (BE) Pommes Chips*
chips (AE)
city Großstadt City centre, center (AE)
clever (gerissen/
clever klug crafty
college Hochschule Kollege colleague
durchschnittliche sehr gute Leistungen
competent kompetent
Leistungen zeigen zeigen
concept Begriff, Idee Konzept draft
Belang, Anliegen, (corporate) group
concern Konzern
Angelegenheit affiliated group
concurrence Konkurrenz competition
confession Beichte, Geständnis Konfession denomination, religion
consequent daraus folgend konsequent consistent
corn Getreide, Mais (AE) Korn grain
craft Handwerk Kraft strength
critic Kritiker Kritik criticism
Prepared by, 2
Mohamed Fou'ad
The British Academy
Seite 3
Prepared by, 5
Mohamed Fou'ad
The British Academy
Seite 6
Prepared by, 6
Mohamed Fou'ad
The British Academy
Seite 7
Prepared by, 8
Mohamed Fou'ad
The British Academy
Seite 9
* The German "Chips" are crisps in British English, in American English the German
word for "Chips" is a true friend. Here are "Kartoffelchips" potato chips.
Parts of Speech
In the English language there are eight parts of speech. These are:
• Adjective
• Adverb
• Conjunction
• Interjection
• Noun
• Preposition
• Pronoun
• Verb
These eight categories can be expanded e.g. by Article and Numeral. In the following tables we
concentrate on the eight main categories.
someone is)
describes a verb, an adjective or an adverb (how
someone does something)
Conjunction joins words or phrases
Interjection expresses a feeling
Noun names a person or a thing
Preposition expresses a connection between persons or things
Pronoun can substitute a noun
Verb expresses an action or a state
* Find out the correct part of speech of the following underlined words.
Write the underlined words into the correct column:
Analysing texts
These sentences can be useful for analysing texts. You only need to substitute the red words.
Have a look at Feelings and Phrases for talks for further information.
The text
Prepared by, 10
Mohamed Fou'ad
The British Academy
Seite 11
Prepared by, 11
Mohamed Fou'ad
The British Academy