Barandes On Magnetic Forces and Work
Barandes On Magnetic Forces and Work
Barandes On Magnetic Forces and Work
Jacob A. Barandes1, ∗
Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138
(Dated: October 10, 2020)
We address a long-standing debate over whether classical magnetic forces can do work, ultimately
answering the question in the affirmative. In detail, we couple a classical particle with intrinsic spin
and elementary dipole moments to the electromagnetic field, derive the appropriate generalization
of the Lorentz force law, show that the particle’s dipole moments must be collinear with its spin
axis, and argue that the magnetic field does mechanical work on the particle’s elementary magnetic
dipole moment. As consistency checks, we calculate the overall system’s energy-momentum and
angular momentum, and show that their local conservation equations lead to the same force law
and therefore the same conclusions about magnetic forces and work. We also compute the system’s
Belinfante-Rosenfeld energy-momentum tensor.
and the interaction term in the final line ensures that ex- equations of motion (20)–(21) reduce to
tremizing the action functional with respect to the elec-
tromagnetic gauge field Aµ yields the Maxwell equations dE
≈ v · (qEext + ∇(π · Eext + µ · Bext )), (22)
in their usual form. The first line in this action func- dt
tional (Sparticle ) is fixed by group theory, the second line dp
(Sfield ) defines the vacuum in the pure Maxwell theory, ≈ q(Eext + v × Bext ) + ∇(π · Eext + µ · Bext ),
and the third line (Sint ) provides the canonical coupling (23)
between the particle and the electromagnetic field in a dJ dp
manner consistent with the Maxwell equations and the ≈X× + π × Eext + µ × Bext , (24)
dt dt
particle’s features as laid out in the previous section.
After an integration by parts, we can write the inter- where the particle’s four-momentum in this limit is
action term in the final line as
Z Z pµ = (E/c, p)µ ≈ (mc2 + (1/2)mv2 , p)µ , (25)
Sint [X, Λ, A] = dt d3 x jeν Aν − M µν Fµν . (16)
2 and the particle’s overall angular-momentum pseudovec-
Collecting together all the terms that involve the parti- tor J is made up of orbital and spin contributions accord-
cle’s degrees of freedom, we obtain ing to
which entails that the particle’s four-momentum pµ and Here Ξ is a pseudoscalar and Γ is the particle’s scalar gy-
its four-velocity uµ = dX µ /dτ (now normalized to u2 = romagnetic ratio. We can understand these relationships
−c2 ) are related by physically as telling us that if the particle’s elementary-
dipole vectors were not collinear with the particle’s spin
pµ = meff uµ + bµ . (29) axis, then torques exerted on the particle by the electro-
magnetic field would cause the particle’s overall spin to
Here meff , which plays the role of an effective mass, is speed up or slow down, in violation of the constancy of
defined by s2 .
m2 c2
meff ≡ − , (30)
with the contributions from the particle and the field B. Local Conservation of Angular Momentum
given respectively by[12]
Next, we use Noether’s theorem to examine the overall
µν 1 system’s angular momentum and its local conservation.
Tcan,particle ≡ u p δ 3 (x − X)
µ ν
γ Under an infinitesimal Lorentz transformation
1 2 Λinf = 1 + ρσ σρσ , (47)
Tcan,field ≡ H µρ F νρ − η µν F 2
1 1 the particle’s phase-space variables transform as
+ 2 uµ uν mρσ Fρσ δ 3 (x − X)
2c γ
X µ (λ) 7→ X 0µ (λ) ≡ (Λinf X(λ))µ
+ ∂ρ (H µρ Aν ). (45)
= X µ (λ) + ρσ [σρσ ]µν X ν (λ),
Here H µν is the auxiliary Faraday tensor: (48)
Λµν (λ) 7→ Λ0µν (λ) ≡ (Λinf Λ(λ))µν
1 µν i
H µν ≡ F + M µν = Λµν (λ) + ρσ [σρσ ]µλ Λλν (λ).
µ0 2
1 µν 1
= F + mµν δ 3 (x − X). (46) The second of these two transformation laws is equiva-
µ0 γ lent to the following transformation rule for the particle’s
Lorentz parameters θµν (λ):
The last term in (45) is a total spacetime divergence with
vanishing divergence ∂µ ∂ρ (H µρ Aν ) = 0 on its µ index, θµν (λ) 7→ θ0µν (λ) ≡ θµν (λ) + µν . (49)
and its temporal component ∂ρ (H tρ Aν ) has vanishing in-
tegral over three-dimensional space under the assumption Meanwhile, the gauge field Aµ (x) transforms as
that the fields go to zero sufficiently rapidly at spatial in-
finity. We emphasize that in our approach, all the terms
Aµ (x) 7→ A0µ (x) ≡ (A(Λ−1 −1
inf x)Λinf )µ
in the overall system’s canonical energy-momentum ten-
sor follow from the systematic application of Noether’s ≡ Aλ ((1 − (i/2)ρσ σρσ )x)(δµλ − (i/2)ρσ [σρσ ]λµ )
theorem to the relevant action functionals. = Aµ (x) − ∂ν Aµ (x)(i/2)ρσ [σρσ ]ν λ xλ
We can integrate the local conservation law ∂µ Tcan =0
over three-dimensional space to compute the time deriva- − Aλ (x)(i/2)ρσ [σρσ ]λµ . (50)
Noether’s theorem (38) then yields the system’s overall tive of the particle’s spin tensor as follows:
angular-momentum tensor, up to an overall minus sign: dS νρ d
= d3 x Sparticle
dt dt
∂L 1 ∂L d 1
− Jνρ = gX α ,νρ + g αβ =− d3 x (xν Tcan
− xρ Tcan
+ H tν Aρ − H tρ Aν )
α 2 ∂ θ̇αβ θ ,νρ dt c
Z ∂ Ẋ Z
∂L = − d3 x ∂µ (xν Tcan µρ
− xρ Tcan
+ H µν Aρ − H µρ Aν )
+ d3 x (−nµ ) gA ,νρ − fνρ
∂(c∂µ Aα ) α
1 1
= − (uν pρ − uρ pν ) − (mνσ F ρσ − mρσ F νσ ).
= − pα + qAα − (−uα /c )m Fσλ (Xν δρα − Xρ δνα )
2 σλ
γ γ
We therefore see that local conservation of angular mo-
− Sνρ
Z mentum yields the equation of motion (21).
1 3 µα µ 1 2 C. The Belinfante-Rosenfeld Energy-Momentum
− d x (−nµ ) H − δσ F
c 4µ0 Tensor
× ∂σ Aα (xν δρσ − xρ δνσ )
Z The overall system’s canonical energy-momentum ten-
− d3 x (−nµ )(H µν Aρ − H µρ Aν ) sor (43) is not symmetric on its two indices, a feature that
c is required of the energy-momentum tensor that locally
= − d3 x (−nµ )Jcan,νρµ
. (51) sources the gravitational field in general relativity. To
conclude this paper, we follow the standard Belinfante-
Rosenfeld construction[13] to construct a properly sym-
metric energy-momentum tensor, which will likewise rep-
Here we have identified the system’s canonical angular- resent a new result.
momentum flux tensor as We start by introducing a new tensor
c µνρ
µνρ B µρν ≡ (S + S νµρ + S ρµν )
Jcan = Lµνρ + S µνρ , (52) 2
1 1
= −H µρ Aν + (uµ S νρ + uν S µρ + uρ S µν ) δ 3 (x − X).
2 γ
with orbital contribution (57)
We then obtain a symmetric, locally conserved energy-
1 µρ 1 µν momentum tensor T µν for the overall system from the
Lµνρ ≡ xν Tcan − xρ Tcan (53) relation T µν = Tcan
+ ∂ρ B µρν :[14]
c c
1 µ ν 1
T µν = (u p + uν pµ ) δ 3 (x − X)
2 γ
and spin contribution 1 1 1 ρσ
+ H µρ F νρ + H νρ F µρ − η µν F Fρσ
2 2 4µ0
1 1
1 µ νρ 1 3 1 + 2 uµ uν mρσ Fρσ δ 3 (x − X)
S µνρ = u S δ (x − X) + (H µν Aρ − H µρ Aν ). (54) 2c γ
c γ c
1 µνρ νµρ
+ ∂ρ (Sparticle + Sparticle ). (58)
We naturally read off the spin flux tensors for the particle In the free-field limit, this energy-momentum tensor re-
and the field respectively as duces to the standard gauge-invariant Maxwell energy-
momentum tensor, as expected:
1 µρ ν 1 ρσ
µνρ 1 1 T µν = F F ρ − η µν F Fρσ . (59)
Sparticle = uµ S νρ δ 3 (x − X), (55) µ0 4µ0
c γ
µνρ 1 µν ρ
Sfield = (H A − H µρ Aν ). (56) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
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