The Dex the Dino syllabus outlines 8 units that teach preschoolers about different topics through vocabulary, songs, stories, numbers, colors, and nursery rhymes. Each unit aims to help children identify family members, classroom items, toys, facial features, clothes, food, animals, and summer items. They will also learn concepts like colors, numbers, and weather words as well as participate in songs and nursery rhymes. The goal is to educate children about the world around them in a fun, engaging way.
The Dex the Dino syllabus outlines 8 units that teach preschoolers about different topics through vocabulary, songs, stories, numbers, colors, and nursery rhymes. Each unit aims to help children identify family members, classroom items, toys, facial features, clothes, food, animals, and summer items. They will also learn concepts like colors, numbers, and weather words as well as participate in songs and nursery rhymes. The goal is to educate children about the world around them in a fun, engaging way.
The Dex the Dino syllabus outlines 8 units that teach preschoolers about different topics through vocabulary, songs, stories, numbers, colors, and nursery rhymes. Each unit aims to help children identify family members, classroom items, toys, facial features, clothes, food, animals, and summer items. They will also learn concepts like colors, numbers, and weather words as well as participate in songs and nursery rhymes. The goal is to educate children about the world around them in a fun, engaging way.
The Dex the Dino syllabus outlines 8 units that teach preschoolers about different topics through vocabulary, songs, stories, numbers, colors, and nursery rhymes. Each unit aims to help children identify family members, classroom items, toys, facial features, clothes, food, animals, and summer items. They will also learn concepts like colors, numbers, and weather words as well as participate in songs and nursery rhymes. The goal is to educate children about the world around them in a fun, engaging way.
and rhymes numbers Hello Dex • To meet and identify the course characters. Dex, Meg, - - • To identify and respond to greetings Charlie, • To listen to and join in with songs Buddy, hello, bye-bye Unit 1: Discover my family • To identify and respond to family vocabulary mummy, red, one sunny, Family • To listen to and join in with the I Love My Family song daddy, rainy Fingers • To listen and respond to the story Hello Dex! brother, sister • To identify and respond to the concepts sunny and rainy PLUS: • To identify and respond to the number one and the colour red granny, • To listen to and join in with the One Red Heart song grandad • To listen to and join in with the nursery rhyme Family Fingers • To review what they have learnt • To use the Pupil’s Digital Kit at school or at home PLUS: • To identify and respond to extra family vocabulary • To listen to and join in with the I Love My Family PLUS song Unit 2: Discover my classroom • To identify and respond to classroom vocabulary book, crayon, yellow, cloudy, Rain, • To listen to and join in with the This Is My Classroom song table, chair two windy Rain, Go • To listen and respond to the story Where’s My Crayon? PLUS: Away • To identify and respond to the concepts cloudy and windy teacher, door • To identify and respond to the number two and the colour yellow • To listen to and join in with the Two Yellow Leaves song • To listen to and join in with the nursery rhyme Rain, Rain, Go Away • To review what they have learnt • To use the Pupil’s Digital Kit at school or at home PLUS: • To identify and respond to extra classroom vocabulary • To listen to and join in with the This Is My Classroom PLUS song Unit 3: Discover toys • To identify and respond to toys vocabulary doll, teddy, blue, three tidy, messy Teddy • To listen to and join in with the My Favourite Toys song ball, car Bear, • To listen and respond to the story Let’s Tidy Up! PLUS: Teddy • To identify and respond to the concepts tidy and messy robot, blocks Bear • To identify and respond to the number three and the colour blue • To listen to and join in with the Three Blue Balls song • To listen to and join in with the nursery rhyme Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear • To review what they have learnt • To use the Pupil’s Digital Kit at school or at home PLUS: • To identify and respond to extra toys vocabulary • To listen to and join in with the My Favourite Toys PLUS song Unit 4: Discover my face • To identify and respond to face vocabulary ears, eyes, green, big, small Two • To listen to and join in with the My Face song nose, mouth four Little • To listen and respond to the story Cloud Faces PLUS: Eyes • To identify and respond to the concepts big and small hair, teeth • To identify and respond to the number four and the colour green • To listen to and join in with the Four Green Dinosaurs song • To listen to and join in with the nursery rhyme Two Little Eyes • To review what they have learnt • To use the Pupil’s Digital Kit at school or at home PLUS: • To identify and respond to extra face vocabulary • To listen to and join in with the My Face PLUS song
Aims Vocabulary Colours Concepts Nursery and rhymes numbers Unit 5: Discover clothes • To identify and respond to clothes vocabulary coat, hat, recycling wet, dry Four • To listen to and join in with the My Clothes song boots, Little • To listen and respond to the story A Rainy Day umbrella Ducks • To identify and respond to the concepts wet and dry PLUS: • To identify and respond to numbers and colours socks, shoes • To listen to and join in with the Spotty Umbrellas song • To listen to and join in with the nursery rhyme Four Little Ducks • To review what they have learnt • To use the Pupil’s Digital Kit at school or at home PLUS: • To identify and respond to extra clothes vocabulary • To listen to and join in with the My Clothes PLUS song Unit 6: Discover food • To identify and respond to food vocabulary juice, biscuit, recycling hungry, Chick, • To listen to and join in with the My Favourite Food song sandwich, thirsty Chick, • To listen and respond to the story Snack Time! banana Chicken • To identify and respond to the concepts hungry PLUS: and thirsty egg, milk • To identify and respond to numbers and colours • To listen to and join in with the Four Yummy Biscuits song • To listen to and join in with the nursery rhyme Chick, Chick, Chicken • To review what they have learnt • To use the Pupil’s Digital Kit at school or at home PLUS: • To identify and respond to extra food vocabulary • To listen to and join in with the My Favourite Food PLUS song PLUS Unit 7: Discover animals • To identify and respond to animals vocabulary dog, cat, bird, recycling tired, not Twinkle, • To listen to and join in with the Animal Noises song rabbit tired Twinkle, • To listen and respond to the story It’s Bedtime! PLUS: Little • To identify and respond to the concepts tired and fish, frog Star not tired • To identify and respond to numbers and colours • To listen to and join in with the Four Little Birds song • To listen to and join in with the nursery rhyme Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star • To review what they have learnt • To use the Pupil’s Digital Kit at school or at home PLUS: • To identify and respond to extra animals vocabulary • To listen to and join in with the Animal Noises PLUS song PLUS Unit 8: Discover summer • To identify and respond to summer vocabulary rubber ring, recycling hot, cold One • To listen to and join in with the Let’s Swim! song goggles, cap, Finger, • To listen and respond to the story Let’s Swim! armbands One • To identify and respond to the concepts hot and cold PLUS: Thumb • To identify and respond to numbers and colours bucket, spade • To listen to and join in with the Four Rubber Rings song • To listen to and join in with the nursery rhyme One Finger, One Thumb • To review what they have learnt • To use the Pupil’s Digital Kit at school or at home PLUS: • To identify and respond to extra summer vocabulary • To listen to and join in with the Let’s Swim PLUS song