CH-05 4

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POLLUTION CONTROL & SAFETY MANAGEMENT (2160504) Semester - VI (CHEM) CHAPTER: 4 CHAPTER NAME: SAFETY MANAGEMENT PRESSURE RELIEF/SAFETY DEVICES The more common causes of over pressure are external fire, closed outlets, liquid expansion, failure of reflux. The relief devices fall into six categories. 1. Safety valve - It an automatic pressure-relieving device actuated by the static pressure upstream of the valve and characterized by rapid full opening or pop action. It is used for gas or vapor service. (In the petroleum industry it is used normally for steam or air) 2. Relief Valve - A relief valve is an automatic pressure-relieving device actuated by the static pressure upstream of the valve, and which opens in proportion to the increase in pressure over the opening pressure. It is used primarily for liquid service. 3. Safety Relief Valve - A safety relief valve is an automa pressure-relieving device suitable for use as either a safety valve or relief valve, depending on application. (In the petroleum industry it is normally used in gas and vapor service or for liquid). These safety relief valves are classified as conventional or balanced, depending on the effect of back pressure on their performance. a. Conventional Safety Relief Valve - A conventional safety relief valve is a closed-bonnet pressure relief valve that has the bonnet vented to the discharge side of the valve and is therefore unbalanced. The performance characteristics, i.e., opening pressure, closing pressure, lift and relieving capacity, are directly affected by changes in the back pressure on the valve b. Balanced Bellows Safety Relief Valve - A balanced safety relief valve incorporates means for minimizing the effect of back pressure variation on the performance characteristics; opening pressure, closing pressure, lift and relieving capacity. This is usually achieved by the installation of a bellows 4, Pressure Relief Valve - This is a generic term applying to relief valves, safety valves or safety relief valves and it is commonly abbreviated to "PR Valve". 5, Rupture Dise Device - A rupture dise device is actuated by inlet static pressure and is designed to function by the bursting of a pressure-retaining diaphragm or . Usually assembled between mounting flanges, the disc may be of metal, plastic, or metal and plastic. It is designed to withstand pressure up to a specified level, at which it will fail and release the pressure from the system being protected Prepared By: Mr. Jaimin Pandya Page 104 POLLUTION CONTROL & SAFETY MANAGEMENT (2160504) Semester - VI (CHEM) CHAPTER: 4 CHAPTER NAME: SAFETY MANAGEMENT When the pressure inside equipment such as boilers or pressure vessels increases beyond a specified value, the excess pressure may result a catastrophic failure. To avoid that calamity, pressure relief devices are used at predetermined set pressures to protect the equipment by relieving the excess pressure, This why pressure relief devices are known as the “last line of defense” for pressurized equipment. In large measure, accidents are caused when the pressure relief devices themselves fail to perform the function for which they are designed. Still, these essential devices are too-often ignored or not understood fully by the people in the industries they are designed to protect. relief devices have been around since the 1600s. The general belief is that the French designer, Denis Papin, was the inventor of the safety valve, which he first applied to a digester in 1682. Papin kept this safety valve closed by means of a lever and a movable weight. Sliding the weight along the lever kept the valve in place and regulated the steam pressure. The device spread to other applications throughout Europe. In the United States, use of such devices was spurred by the 1,700 boiler explosions that resulted in 1,300 deaths from 1905 to 1911. By 1915, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) published its first boiler code, Rules for Construction of Stationary Boilers and Allowable Working Pressures, incorporating rules for construction and installation of safety valves for boilers. Since the introduction of that first ASME boiler code, many technological developments have occurred in the design and construction of pressure relief devices. Most jurisdictions in this country and Canada have adopted rules for pressure relief devices based on national codes and standards. CODES AND STANDARDS V__ Safety valve for steam boilers NV Safety valve for nuclear components HV Safety relief valve for heating boilers UV. Safety relief valve for pressure vessels UV3 Safety relief valve for pressure vessels with more than 10,000 psi maximum allowable working pressure UD Rupture disk for pressure vessels TV Safety valve for transport tanks TD Rupture disk for transport tanks Prepared By: Mr. Jaimin Pandya Page 105 POLLUTION CONTROL & SAFETY MANAGEMENT (2160504) Semester - VI (CHEM) CHAPTER: 4 CHAPTER NAME: SAFETY MANAGEMENT TYPES OF DEVICES AND VALVES A pressure relief device is actuated by inlet static pressure. It is designed to open during emergency or abnormal conditions to prevent a rise of internal fluid pressure over a specified value or set pressure. ‘The devices are used on all types of pressurized equipment from water heaters to power generation equipment, and even in spacecrafts. The purpose of these devices is to protect a vessel against overpressure, though they also may be designed to prevent excessive internal vacuum. What they do not protect against is structural failure when the vessel is, exposed to abnormal conditions, such as high temperature from fire. Many types of pressure relief devices are available in the market today. The main types of pressure relief devices are: reclosing and nonreclosing pressure relief devices. Reclosing Pressure Rellef Devices: I Pressure Relief Valves a Safety Relief Vaives) lief Valves Safety Valves | —— -t ‘Adjustable Ful lift] [Fall bore ——— Conventional Power Temperature (spring toaded) actuated Reclosing Pressure Relief Devices Types of reclosing pressure relief devices are shown in Figure 4. Pressure relief valves are the only category of reclosing-type devices. ‘The primary purpose of a pressure relief valve is to open to relieve excess pressure, reclose and prevent further flow of fluid after normal conditions have been restored (Figure 5). A secondary purpose is to minimize damage to other system components igned ion mark, and through operation of the pressure relief valve itself. A pressure relief valve d under ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code is stamped with the certi one of the certification designators: V, NV, HV, UV, UV3 or TV. Prepared By: Mr. Jaimin Pandya Page 106 POLLUTION CONTROL & SAFETY MANAGEMENT (2160504) Semester - VI (CHEM) CHAPTER: 4 CHAPTER NAME: SAFETY MANAGEMENT + They are reliable when properly sized and operated + They are versatile and can be used for many services, + The disadvantages of pressure relief valves are: + The relieving pressure is affected by the back pressure (pressure that exists at the outlet of a safety relief valve). + They are subject to chatter if built-up back pressure is too high. The many types of pressure relief valves that exist are based on different designs and construction. Generally, they're classified as: safety relief valves, relief valves and safety valves. Prepared By: Mr. Jaimin Pandya Page 107 POLLUTION CONTROL & SAFETY MANAGEMENT (2160504) Semester - VI (CHEM) CHAPTER: 4 CHAPTER NAME: SAFETY MANAGEMENT A safety relief valve A safety relief valve can be used for either a relief valve or a safety valve, depending on the application. Safety relief valves are classified as: 1. Conventional safety relief valve 2. Balanced bellows Pilot operated Power actuated we ‘Temperature and pressure actuated 2 Conventional safety relief valves A conventional safety relief valve is a spring-loaded pressure relief valve characterized by a rapid-opening pop action. Conventional safety relief valves are used for applications where excessive variable or built-up back pressure is not present in the system. The operational characteristics of these valves are directly affected by changes in the back pressure on the valve. SET PRESSURE AJUSTING SCREW ‘SPRING BONNET Boy DISC HOLDER, BLOWDOWN SEAT DISC. Hue RING NOZZLE The basic elements of a conventional valve consist of: + Aninlet nozzle connected to the vessel or system to be protected » A movable disk that controls flow through the nozzle = A spring that controls the position of the disk Prepared By: Mr. Jaimin Pandya Page 108 POLLUTION CONTROL & SAFETY MANAGEMENT (2160504) Semester - VI (CHEM) CHAPTER: 4 CHAPTER NAME: SAFETY MANAGEMENT mnal spring-loaded safety relief valve is based on the . The spring load is preset to equal the force the inlet fluid exerts on the closed disk when the system pressure is at the set pressure of the valve. ‘The disk remains seated on the nozzle in the closed position when the inlet pressure is below the set pressure, The valve opens when the inlet pressure exceeds set pressure, overcoming the spring force. The valve recloses when the inlet pressure is reduced to a level below the set pressure, Figure 7. Working principle of safety relief valve Figure 7 explains the working principle of a spring-loaded safety relief valve. During normal operation, when the valve is closed, the vessel pressure is acting against the disk surface (area A), which the spring force resists, When vessel pressure slightly exceeds the set pressure, fluid will move past the seating surface into the huddling chamber B. The controlled pressure build in the huddling chamber will overcome the spring force, causing the disk to lift and the valve to pop open. Once the valve has opened, an additional pressure buildup at C occurs. This additional force at C causes the disk to lift substantially at pop. The valve closes when the inlet pressure has dropped sufficiently below the set pressure. The pressure at which the valve resets is called the closing pressure. The difference between the set pressure and closing pressure is the blowdown. In the design of a conventional valve, an important consideration is seat leakage. This leakage can result in continuous loss of system fluid and may cause progressive damage to the valve seating surface. Based on the seating material, conventional valves are classified as: Prepared By: Mr. Jaimin Pandya Page 109 POLLUTION CONTROL & SAFETY MANAGEMENT (2160504) Semester - VI (CHEM) CHAPTER: 4 CHAPTER NAME: SAFETY MANAGEMENT = Metal-seated valves. Me to-metal seats are commonly made from stainless or other hard alloy steels and are normally used for high-temperature applications such as steam and corrosive media applications for processing a wide variety of chemicals. + Sofi-seated valve. An alternative to metal is resilient disks that can be fixed to either or both the seating surfaces where tighter shut-off is required. They are common for ‘gas or liquid applications, These inserts may be made from a number of different materials, but Vinton, nitrile or EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer) are the most common. Balanced bellows safety relief BONNET VENT BELLOWS Figure 8. Balanced bellows valve A balanced bellows safety relief valve is a spring-loaded pressure relief valve that incorporates a bellows to minimize the effects of back pressure on the valve (Figure 8). The bellows offset the effects of variable back pressure, and seal process fluid from escaping to the atmosphere. They isolate the spring, bonnet and guiding surfaces from contacting process fluid. When back pressure is variable and exceeds 10% of the set pressure, a balanced bellows safety relief valve is recommended. + The advantages of balanced bellows safety relief valves are: + The relieving pressure is not affected by the back pressure. + They can handle higher built-up back pressure Prepared By: Mr. Jaimin Pandya Page 110 POLLUTION CONTROL & SAFETY MANAGEMENT (2160504) Semester - VI (CHEM) CHAPTER: 4 CHAPTER NAME: SAFETY MANAGEMENT = They protect sp ngs from corrosion. + They have good chemi al and high-temperature capabilities. Balanced bellows safety relief valves are class ed into two categories: + Balanced bellows. This valve is the same as a conventional safety relief valve design except that a bellows has been added. Balanced bellows with auxiliary balancing piston, With this valve, the balanced bellows seal the body and fluid stream from the bonnet and working parts, The auxiliat balancing piston assures proper valve performance by compensating for back pressure in case the bellows fail Pilot-operated safety relief valves PISTON SEAL SEAT Figure 9. Pilot-operated relief valve with an auxiliary pilot A pilot-operated satety relief valve is a pressure relief valve in which the major reliev’ device is combined with and controlled by a self-actuated auxiliary pressure relief (Figure 9). The primary difference between a pilot-operated s {ety relief valve and a spring-loaded pressure relief valve is that the pilot-operated valve uses process pressure to keep the valve closed instead of a spring. A pilot is used to sense process pressure and to pressurize or vent the dome pressure chamber, which controls the valve opening. or closing. Prepared By: Mr. Jaimin Pandya Page 111 POLLUTION CONTROL & SAFETY MANAGEMENT (2160504) Semester - VI (CHEM) CHAPTER: 4 CHAPTER NAME: SAFETY MANAGEMENT Ap t-operated safety relief valve consists of the main valve, a floating, unbalanced piston assembly, and an external pilot. The pilot controls the pressure on the top side of the main valve’s unbalanced moving chamber. A resilient seat is normally attached to the lower end. At below-set level, the pressure on opposite sides of the moving member is equal. When the set pressure is reached, the pilot opens and depressurizes the cavity on the top side so the unbalanced member moves upward, causing the main valve to relieve. When the process pressure decreases to a predetermined pressure, the pilot closes, the cavity above the piston is depressurized and the main valve closes. Advantages of pilot-operated safety relief valves are: + The valves’ set pressure is not affected by back pressure. + The valves operate bubble tight at higher operating pressure-to-set pressure ratios, allowing operators to run very close to the vessel"s maximum allowable working pressure. + There are reduced costs for the larger valve sizes. = There is less susceptibility to chatter. Pilot-operated safety relief valves are classified as follows: Based on type of moving members + A piston-type uses a piston for the unbalanced moving member. * A diaphragm-type uses a flexible diaphragm to obtain a pressure seal for the dome volume instead of a piston and sliding piston seal Based on type of pilots + A pop-action pilot causes the main valve to lift fully at set pressure without overpressure. + A modulating-action pilot opens the main valve only enough to satisfy the required relieving capacity. Based on flow of pilots + A following-type allows process fluid to flow continuously through the pilot when the pilot is open, + A non-flowing-type pilot does not allow process fluid to flow continuously when the main valve is open. Prepared By: Mr. Jaimin Pandya Page 112 POLLUTION CONTROL & SAFETY MANAGEMENT (2160504) Semester - VI (CHEM) CHAPTER: 4 CHAPTER NAME: SAFETY MANAGEMENT Power-actuated safety relief valves -actuated safety relief valves are valves in which the major relieving device is combined with and controlled by a device requiring an external source of energy. Valve movement to open or close is fully controlled by a source of power such as electricity, steam or water (hydraulic). The valve may discharge to the atmosphere or to a container that is at lower pressure. The discharge capacity can be affected by downstream conditions. Power-actuated safety relief valves are used mostly for forced-flow steam generators with no fixed steam or waterline. They are also used in nuclear power plants. T&P safety relief valves A temperature and pressure-actuated safety relief valve (also called a T&P safety relief valve) is a pressure relief valve that may be actuated by temperature or pressure on the inlet side (Figure 10). Such a valve is designed for dual purposes. First, the T&P valve prevents temperature within a vessel from rising above a specified limit (generally 210°F or 98°C). Second, the T&P valve prevents pressure in the vessel from rising above a specified value. The valve incorporates two primary controlling elements, a spring and a thermal probe. Generally, T&P safety relief valves are used for potable water heaters and heating systems. Prepared By: Mr. Jaimin Pandya Page 113 POLLUTION CONTROL & SAFETY MANAGEMENT (2160504) Semester - VI (CHEM) CHAPTER: 4 CHAPTER NAME: SAFETY MANAGEMENT Relief valves A relief valve is actuated by inlet static pressure and a gradual lift that is generally proportional to the increase in pressure over opening pressure. Such a valve can be provided with enclosed spring housing suitable for closed discharge system applications. Relief valves are commonly used in liquid systems, especially for lower capacities and thermal expansion applications. They also can be used on pump systems. Relief valves are classified as follows: + Adjustable relief valves feature convenient adjustment of the pressure setting through the outlet port. They are suitable for non-vented or vented inline applications in chemical, petrochemical and high-purity gas industries, + Electronic relief valves (ERVS) are pilot-operated relief valves that offer zero leakage. ‘The ERV package combines a zero-leakage isolation valve with electric controls to monitor and regulate system pressure, These valves provide protection either in a capacity-relieving function or simply in an overpressure-protection application, Prepared By: Mr. Jaimin Pandya Page 114 POLLUTION CONTROL & SAFETY MANAGEMENT (2160504) Semester - VI (CHEM) CHAPTER: 4 CHAPTER NAME: SAFETY MANAGEMENT Safety valves Figure 11. Safety valve The principle device used to prevent overpressure in steam plants is the safety valve. A safety valve for pressure relief generally has a working principle similar to that of a conventional safety relief valve. The safety valve is actuated by inlet static pressure and characterized by rapid opening or pop action (Figure 11). A safety valve designed under ASME Boiler and Pressure Code Section I - Power Boilers is stamped with the certification mark and the certification designator V. Safety valves are typically used for boiler overpressure protection and other applications such as downstream from pressure-reducing controls. These valves are installed wherever the maximum allowable working pressure of boilers is likely to be exceeded. Safety valves are also used for compressible gases, in particular for steam and air Safety valves are classified according to the lift. The term “lift” refers to the amount of travel the valve undergoes as it moves from its closed position to the position required to produce the certified discharge capacity Safety valves may be classified as low lift, high lift, and full lift, which affects the discharge capacity of the valves. + Low-lift are safety valves in which the valve lifis a distance of 1/24th of the bore diameter. Since the valve has a small lift, the capacity is much lower than other types. + High: are safety valves in which the valve lifts a distance of at least 1/12th of the bore diameter. High-lift valves are used on compressible fluids, where their action is more proportional Prepared By: Mr. Jaimin Pandya Page 115 POLLUTION CONTROL & SAFETY MANAGEMENT (2160504) Semester - VI (CHEM) CHAPTER: 4 CHAPTER NAME: SAFETY MANAGEMENT « Full-lifi are safety valves for which the valve lifts a distance of at least 1/4th of the bore diameter. Full-lift valves are considered the best choice for general steam applications. ‘The terms full lift, high lift and low lift refer to the amount of travel the dise undergoes as it moves from its closed position to the position required to produce the certified discharge capacity, and how this affects the discharge capacity of the valve. A full lift safety valve is one in which the dise lifts sufficiently, so that the curtain area no longer influences the discharge area. The discharge area, and therefore the capacity of the valve are subsequently determined by the bore area. This occurs when the disc lifts a distance of at least a quarter of the bore diameter. A full lift conventional safety valve is often the best choice for general steam applications, The dise of a high lift safety valve lifts a distance of at least 1/12th of the bore diameter. ‘This means that the curtain area, and ultimately the position of the disc, determines the discharge area. The discharge capacities of high lift valves tend to be significantly lower than those of full lift valves, and for a given discharge capacity, it is usually possible to select a full lift valve that has a nominal size several times smaller than a corresponding high lift valve, which usually incurs cost advantages. Furthermore, high lift valves tend to be used on compressible fluids where their action is more proportional. In low lift valves, the disc only lifts a distance of 1/24th of the bore diameter. The discharge area is determined entirely by the position of the disc, and since the disc only lifts small amount, the capacities tend to be much lower than those of full or high lift valves. Pressure relief valve accessories Pressure relief valves have a number of accessories vital to their operations including: + Test gags are used to hold the safety valve closed while equipment is subjected to a hydrostatic test. To avoid damage to the spindle and/or seat, care is required so the gag screw not tightened. ° Lif ng mechanisms are used to open the pressure relief valves when the pressure under the valve disk is lower than the set pressure. These mechanisms are available in three basic types: plain lever, packaged lever and air-operated lifting devices Prepared By: Mr. Jaimin Pandya Page 116 POLLUTION CONTROL & SAFETY MANAGEMENT (2160504) Semester - VI (CHEM) CHAPTER: 4 CHAPTER NAME: SAFETY MANAGEMENT + Bolted caps are available for standard pressure relief valves in addition to the screwed caps. + Valve position indicators are microswitch apparatuses used for remote indication of the opening of a pressure relief valve. RUPTURE DISK © A rupture disk is a device designed to function by the bursting of a pressure-retaining disk. * This assembly consists of a thin, circular membrane usually made of metal, plastic, or graphite that is firmly clamped in a disk holder. When the process reaches the bursting pressure of the disk, the disk ruptures and releases the pressure. other types of devices. « Rupture disks can be installed alone or in combination Once blown, rupture disks do not reseat; thus, the entire contents of the upstream process equipment will be vented. Rupture disks are commonly used in series (upstream) with a Relief valve to prevent corrosive fluids from contacting the metal parts of the valve. In addition, this combination is a reclosing system, The burst tolerances of rupture disks are typically about +5% for set pressures > 40 psig. Purposes of Rupture Disks © A rupture disk is a sensitive relief device designed to rupture at a pre-determined pressure and temperature. It is a means of providing protection for personnel and equipment. As such, it must be a fail-safe device. Rupture disks are used where instantaneous and full opening of a pres we relief device is required. These devices are also utilized where "zero" leak-age is required of a relief device. These devices can also be used in series as "quick opening" valves. ‘© Rupture disks may be used either in primary relief, in secondary relief, in series with a Relief valve, or for other functions like "quick opening" valves. Primary Relief If used for primary relief, the rupture disk is the only device utilized for pressure relief. As such, it has the advantages of being leak tight, an instantaneous response time, minimum pressure drop, lowest cost, very high re-liability, and minimum maintenance. It Prepared By: Mr. Jaimin Pandya Page 117 POLLUTION CONTROL & SAFETY MANAGEMENT (2160504) Semester - VI (CHEM) CHAPTER: 4 CHAPTER NAME: SAFETY MANAGEMENT has the disadvantage that it must be replaced after each rupture occurrence, and allows venting until system pressure equals downstream pressure. Secondary Relief When used in a secondary relief capacity, the rupture disk provides a backup vent to a primary relief device, usually a Relief valve. Its purpose here is usually to provide additional protection against an unlikely but possible major event that would exceed the capacity of the primary relief device. In Series with Relief Valve When used in series with a pressure Relief valve, the rupture disk is usually installed upstream of the valve, The disk will protect the valve from process media that can corrode or plug it. The disk can also act as a seal, preventing any leakage through the valve unless the disk is ruptured. The space between the rupture disk and the pressure Relief valve must have a pressure gauge, try cock, free vent, or suitable telltale indicator. The normal configuration is an excess flow valve in combination with a pressure gauge. This arrangement is to eliminate the possibility of, or facilitate the detection of, a backpressure build up. Because a disk responds to the differential pressure across it, it will not burst at its rated pressure if a back pressure is allowed to exist in this cavity. A low-pressure rupture disk can be used on the downstream side of a Relief valve that discharges into a common manifold to prevent exposure of the valve to process or corrosive media discharging through the common manifold. The space between the Relief valve outlet and the rupture disk must be vented to prevent the accumulation of pressure, which could adversely affect the Relief valve set pressure. An excess flow valve will suffice for this feature, Other Functions Due to the small inertia characteristics of a rupture disk, the opening time, ic., from a closed and sealed condition to a full open condition, is less than one half of one millisecond (0.0005 sec.). This characteris k allows a rupture disk to funetion as a “qui opening" valve. Some examples of rupture disks utilized in this manner are: 1) shock tube operations; 2) seismic testing; 3) simulation of large caliber gun discharges; 4) shifting of control mechanisms from a remote location; 5) injection systems for suppression of upsets within storage vessels or systems Prepared By: Mr. Jaimin Pandya Page 118 POLLUTION CONTROL & SAFETY MANAGEMENT (2160504) Semester - VI (CHEM) CHAPTER: 4 CHAPTER NAME: SAFETY MANAGEMENT Standard ASA Fisnge Rupture Dise HOLDER ouner AROUATE PRE-ASSEMBLY Sonew Courtesy: Cross instrumentation RUPTURE Disc RUPTURE Di8C TAG PRE-ASSEMELY AUGNMENT cuP. Pi HOLDER, INLET 1-HO0K row DIRECTION Rupture Dise Draw any one of above figure for exam Prepared By: Mr. Jaimin Pandya Page 119

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