Product Description: Optix 155/622H (Metro1000) Stm-1/Stm-4/Stm-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System V300R006
Product Description: Optix 155/622H (Metro1000) Stm-1/Stm-4/Stm-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System V300R006
Product Description: Optix 155/622H (Metro1000) Stm-1/Stm-4/Stm-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System V300R006
Transmission System
Product Description
Issue 01
Date 2009-03-10
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The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the
preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but the statements, information, and
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3 Hardware......................................................................................................................................3-1
3.1 Chassis.............................................................................................................................................................3-3
3.2 Slot Allocation.................................................................................................................................................3-3
3.3 Board Type......................................................................................................................................................3-8
3.4 System Control Board SCB.............................................................................................................................3-9
3.5 SDH Interface Board.....................................................................................................................................3-11
3.5.1 STM-16 Optical Interface Board OI16D..............................................................................................3-11
3.5.2 STM-4 Optical Interface Board OI4/OI4D..........................................................................................3-12
3.5.3 STM-1 Optical Interface Board OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O...................................................................3-12
3.5.4 Single-Fiber STM-1 Interface Board SB2D/SB2L/SB2R...................................................................3-14
3.5.5 STM-1 Electrical Interface Board SDE/SLE.......................................................................................3-15
3.6 PDH Interface Board.....................................................................................................................................3-16
3.6.1 E1 Electrical Interface Board SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/PD2S/PD2D/PD2T................................................3-16
3.6.2 E1/T1 Electrical Interface Board SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T.................................................3-17
3.6.3 E3/T3 Electrical Interface Board PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T............................................3-18
3.7 Ethernet Interface Board...............................................................................................................................3-19
3.7.1 ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1.........................................................................................................................3-19
3.7.2 EFS/EFS4/EFT/EGS/EFSC/ELT2/EGT..............................................................................................3-21
3.8 Data Interface Board.....................................................................................................................................3-25
3.8.1 Single Pair High-Bit-Rate Digital Subscriber Line Interface Board SHLQ........................................3-25
3.8.2 Nx64kbit/s Interface Board N64/N64Q/FP2D.....................................................................................3-25
3.9 ATM Interface Board AIUD/AIUQ..............................................................................................................3-27
3.10 Tone and Data Access Board TDA.............................................................................................................3-28
3.11 Environment Monitoring Unit EMU...........................................................................................................3-29
3.12 Power Converter System UPM...................................................................................................................3-30
3.12.1 Functions............................................................................................................................................3-30
3.12.2 UPM Power Converter Box...............................................................................................................3-31
3.12.3 Storage Battery...................................................................................................................................3-32
4 Software Architecture................................................................................................................4-1
4.1 Overview.........................................................................................................................................................4-2
4.2 Communication Protocols...............................................................................................................................4-2
4.3 Board Software................................................................................................................................................4-3
4.4 NE Software....................................................................................................................................................4-3
4.5 Network Management System........................................................................................................................4-4
5 Data Features...............................................................................................................................5-1
5.1 Ethernet Features.............................................................................................................................................5-2
5.1.1 Functions................................................................................................................................................5-2
5.1.2 Application.............................................................................................................................................5-6
5.1.3 Protection...............................................................................................................................................5-9
5.2 ATM Features...............................................................................................................................................5-11
5.2.1 Functions..............................................................................................................................................5-12
5.2.2 Application...........................................................................................................................................5-12
5.2.3 Protection.............................................................................................................................................5-15
5.3 DDN Features................................................................................................................................................5-16
5.3.1 Functions..............................................................................................................................................5-16
5.3.2 Application...........................................................................................................................................5-17
5.3.3 Protection.............................................................................................................................................5-18
6 Protection.....................................................................................................................................6-1
6.1 Equipment-Level Protection...........................................................................................................................6-2
6.1.1 1+1 Hot Backup for the Power Input Unit.............................................................................................6-2
6.1.2 Board Protection Schemes Under Abnormal Conditions.......................................................................6-2
6.2 Network-Level Protection...............................................................................................................................6-3
6.2.1 SDH Service Protection.........................................................................................................................6-3
6.2.2 Ethernet Service Protection....................................................................................................................6-4
6.2.3 ATM Service Protection.........................................................................................................................6-4
8 Technical Specifications...........................................................................................................8-1
8.1 General Specifications of the Equipment........................................................................................................8-2
8.1.1 System Specifications............................................................................................................................8-2
8.1.2 Transmission Performance.....................................................................................................................8-2
8.1.3 Protection Performance..........................................................................................................................8-3
8.1.4 Environmental Specifications................................................................................................................8-5
8.1.5 Electromagnetic Compatibility..............................................................................................................8-6
8.2 Specifications of Optical Interfaces................................................................................................................8-6
8.2.1 SDH Optical Interface............................................................................................................................8-6
8.2.2 Ethernet Optical Interface....................................................................................................................8-10
8.3 Specifications of the Electrical Interface.......................................................................................................8-11
8.3.1 PDH Electrical Interface......................................................................................................................8-11
8.3.2 DDN Interface......................................................................................................................................8-13
8.3.3 64 kbit/s Interface.................................................................................................................................8-13
8.3.4 RS-232 Interface..................................................................................................................................8-13
8.3.5 RS-422 Interface..................................................................................................................................8-14
8.3.6 Orderwire Interface..............................................................................................................................8-14
8.4 Specifications of Ethernet Features...............................................................................................................8-15
8.5 Specifications of Clock Timing and Synchronization...................................................................................8-16
8.5.1 Clock Interface Specifications..............................................................................................................8-16
8.5.2 Timing and Synchronization Performance...........................................................................................8-16
8.6 Safety Certification.......................................................................................................................................8-17
8.7 Requirements for the Environment...............................................................................................................8-18
8.7.1 Environment for Storage......................................................................................................................8-18
8.7.2 Environment for Transportation...........................................................................................................8-20
8.7.3 Environment for Operation..................................................................................................................8-22
8.8 Power Consumption and Weight of Each Board..........................................................................................8-25
9 Standard Compliance................................................................................................................9-1
9.1 ITU-T Recommendations................................................................................................................................9-2
9.2 IEEE Standards...............................................................................................................................................9-4
9.3 IETF Standards................................................................................................................................................9-4
9.4 Environmental Standards................................................................................................................................9-5
9.5 Safety Compliance Standards..........................................................................................................................9-5
9.6 Protection Standards........................................................................................................................................9-6
A Glossary.....................................................................................................................................A-1
B Acronyms and Abbreviations.................................................................................................B-1
Table 2-1 Services supported by the OptiX 155/622H and the access capability for each type of service.........2-2
Table 2-2 Interface types provided by the OptiX 155/622H................................................................................2-3
Table 3-1 Boards of the OptiX 155/622H............................................................................................................3-4
Table 3-2 Boards and functions of each unit........................................................................................................3-8
Table 3-3 Functions of the OI2S, OI2D, SL1Q and SL1O boards.....................................................................3-13
Table 3-4 Functions of the SB2D, SB2L, and SB2R boards..............................................................................3-14
Table 3-5 Functions of the SDE and SLE boards...............................................................................................3-15
Table 3-6 Functions of the SP1S, SP1D, SP2D, PD2S, PD2D and PD2T boards.............................................3-17
Table 3-7 Functions of the SM1S, SM1D, PM2S, PM2D, and PM2T boards...................................................3-18
Table 3-8 Functions of the PE3S, PE3D, PE3T, PT3S, PT3D, and PT3T boards.............................................3-19
Table 3-9 Functions of the ET1, ET1O, ET1D, and EF1 boards.......................................................................3-20
Table 3-10 Functions of the EFS, EFS4, EFT, EGS, EFSC, ELT2, and EGT boards.......................................3-22
Table 3-11 Functions of the N64, N64Q, and FP2D boards..............................................................................3-26
Table 3-12 ATM service types and traffic types................................................................................................3-28
Table 3-13 Transmission distances of the audio interface and data interface on the TDA board......................3-29
Table 5-1 Functions of the ET1, ET1O, ET1D, and EF1 boards.........................................................................5-2
Table 5-2 Functions of the EFS, EFS4, EFT, EGS, EFSC, ELT2, and EGT boards...........................................5-3
Table 5-3 Functions of the AIUD and AIUQ boards.........................................................................................5-12
Table 5-4 ATM service types and traffic types..................................................................................................5-13
Table 5-5 Classification of ATM protection schemes........................................................................................5-15
Table 5-6 Functions of the N64, N64Q, and FP2D boards................................................................................5-17
Table 8-1 Weight, dimensions and power consumption......................................................................................8-2
Table 8-2 Transmission performance...................................................................................................................8-3
Table 8-3 Linear MSP parameters........................................................................................................................8-3
Table 8-4 MSP ring parameters............................................................................................................................8-4
Table 8-5 SNCP parameters.................................................................................................................................8-4
Table 8-6 Environment specifications for long-term operation...........................................................................8-5
Table 8-7 Specifications of the electromagnetic compatibility test......................................................................8-6
Table 8-8 Specifications of the STM-1 optical interface......................................................................................8-7
Table 8-9 Specifications of the STM-4 optical interface .....................................................................................8-8
Table 8-10 Specifications of the STM-16 optical interface..................................................................................8-9
Table 8-11 Permitted frequency deviation at the optical input interface............................................................8-10
Table 8-12 Bit rate error tolerance at the optical output interface......................................................................8-10
This document describes the OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) (hereafter referred to as OptiX
155/622H) optical transmission system in terms of equipment, boards, protection, maintenance
and management, hardware, and technical specifications, to help readers obtain a comprehensive
understanding of the product. The OptiX 155/622H is managed by the network management
system (hereafter referred to as T2000) of the transmission network.
Related Versions
The following table lists the product versions related to this document.
Intended Audience
The intended audience of this document is as follows:
l Network planning engineer
l Data configuration engineer
l System maintenance engineer
This document is organized as follows.
Chapter Description
1 Network Position and This topic describes the network position and network
Network Application application of the OptiX 155/622H.
Chapter Description
4 Software Architecture This topic describes the software system of the OptiX
5 Data Features This topic describes the data features of the OptiX 155/622H.
9 Standard Compliance This topic provides the standards that the OptiX 155/622H
complies with.
A Glossary This topic provides the terms that are used in this document.
B Acronyms and This topic provides the acronyms and abbreviations that are
Abbreviations used in this document.
Symbol Conventions
The following symbols may be found in this document. They are defined as follows.
Symbol Description
Symbol Description
General Conventions
Convention Description
Boldface Names of files, directories, folders, and users are in boldface. For
example, log in as user root.
Command Conventions
Convention Description
GUI Conventions
Convention Description
Boldface Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, windows, and dialog titles are in
boldface. For example, click OK.
> Multi-level menus are in boldface and are separated by the ">" signs. For
example, choose File > Create > Folder.
Keyboard Operation
Format Description
Key Press the key. For example, press Enter and press Tab.
Key 1+Key 2 Press the keys concurrently. For example, pressing Ctrl+Alt+A means the
three keys should be pressed concurrently.
Key 1, Key 2 Press the keys in turn. For example, pressing Alt, A means the two keys
should be pressed in turn.
Mouse Operation
Action Description
Click Select and release the primary mouse button without moving the pointer.
Double-click Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and quickly without
moving the pointer.
Drag Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the pointer to a certain
Update History
Updates between document issues are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document issue contains
all updates made in previous issues.
Backbone layer
Convergence layer
Access layer
2 Function
The OptiX 155/622H provides the features of the traditional optical network equipment and
supports various network-level protection schemes and NMS monitoring.
Table 2-1 Services supported by the OptiX 155/622H and the access capability for each type of
Service Type Maximum Access Capability of a Single OptiX 155/622H NE
Table 2-2 lists the interface types provided by the OptiX 155/622H.
NE Type
The OptiX 155/622H supports 21.25 Gbit/s higher order cross-connection or 5 Gbit/s lower
order cross-connection. It can be configured as multiple terminal multiplexers (TMs), add/drop
multiplexers (ADMs), or multiple add/drop multiplexers (MADMs). It also supports service
grooming and protection among multiple systems. In this way, the networking capability and
the service grooming capability among networks are significantly improved.
Networking Mode
As the access equipment, the OptiX 155/622H can be used to construct hybrid networks with
the Huawei Metro and OSN product series. It supports point-to-point, chain, ring, and hub
networking modes. In addition, the OptiX 155/622H can also be used to construct hybrid
networks with third-party equipment.
For the protection schemes supported by the OptiX 155/622H, see 6 Protection.
l Input and output of two external clock sources with an interface impedance of 120 ohms.
The 75-ohm interface can be provided by using a converter.
l Line clock source.
l Tributary clock source.
l Ethernet synchronous clock source.
l Non Synchronization Status Message (SSM), standard SSM, and extended SSM protocols.
l Tributary re-timing.
l Three clock working modes: locked, holdover and free-run.
For more details on the synchronous clock, see Clock in the Feature Description of this product.
The OptiX 155/622H can input and output the time information through the Ethernet interface
of the data board. In addition, it can also output the time information by multiplexing through
the SYNC external clock interface and the COM3 and COM4 transparent data ports of the SCB
board. The time information is carried by the line board or data board for synchronizing the time
in the entire network.
The following boards of the OptiX 155/622H support the time synchronization function:
Intermediate Intermediate
equipment of time equipment of time
synchronization A B synchronization
10G ring
Convergence layer
Intermediate Intermediate
equipment of time equipment of time
synchronization synchronization
Intermediate equipment of time
equipment of time E F Intermediate G synchronization
synchronization equipment of time
H Access layer
equipment of time
The OptiX 155/622H supports quick and convenient software upgrade for the device through
simulation package loading and simulation package diffusion.
3 Hardware
This topic describes the equipment structure, slot allocation, boards, and power converter system.
3.1 Chassis
This topic describes the appearance of the equipment and provides the dimensions and weight
of the equipment.
3.2 Slot Allocation
The OptiX 155/622H provides seven physical slots for installing boards.
3.3 Board Type
With the cross-connect unit working as the core unit, the OptiX 155/622H consists of the SDH
interface unit, PDH interface unit, Ethernet interface unit, cross-connect unit, clock unit, SCC
unit, and orderwire unit.
3.4 System Control Board SCB
The SCB board integrates the functions of the line, tributary, cross-connect, clock, time, SCC,
and orderwire modules.
3.5 SDH Interface Board
The OptiX 155/622H provides the following types of SDH interface boards: STM-1 optical
interface board, STM-4 optical interface board, STM-16 optical interface board, and STM-1
electrical interface board. The SDH interface board receives and transmits STM-1 optical
signals, STM-4 optical signals, STM-16 optical signals and STM-1 electrical signals, processes
section overheads and higher order path overheads, and interprets pointers as defined in ITU-T
G.783. In addition, the SDH interface board provides synchronous clock sources for the clock
3.6 PDH Interface Board
The OptiX 155/622H provides the following types of PDH interface boards: E1 electrical
interface board, E1/T1 electrical interface board, and E3/T3 electrical interface board. The PDH
interface board receives and transmits PDH service signals, and provides synchronous clock
sources for the clock unit.
3.7 Ethernet Interface Board
The OptiX 155/622H provides various Ethernet interface boards to receive and transmit FE and
GE service signals.
3.1 Chassis
This topic describes the appearance of the equipment and provides the dimensions and weight
of the equipment.
The OptiX 155/622H adopts a case-shaped structure with the dimensions of 436 mm (W) x 293
mm (D) x 86 mm (H). The OptiX 155/622H is designed in compliance with the standards of the
19-inch cabinet. In the maximum configuration, the weight of the OptiX 155/622H is not more
than 10 kg, and the maximum power consumption is not more than 100 W. The OptiX 155/622H
consists of a chassis, fan board, power filter board, air filter, and the boards installed in the board
area. See Figure 3-1.
Power filter board and
air filter
If the power consumption of the hardware configuration exceeds 100 W, the system may become unstable.
Figure 3-2 shows the slot layout of the OptiX 155/622H and Table 3-1 lists the boards that can
be installed in each slot.
OI2S 1xSTM-1 optical interface IU1, IU2, and Ie-1, S-1.1, L-1.1, L-1.2,
board IU3 SC/LC
OI2D 2xSTM-1 optical interface IU1, IU2, IU3, Ie-1, S-1.1, L-1.1, L-1.2,
board and IU5a SC/LC
OI4 1xSTM-4 optical interface IU1, IU2, and Ie-4, S-4.1, L-4.1, L-4.2,
board IU3 SC/LC
OI4D 2xSTM-4 optical interface IU1, IU2, IU3, Ie-4, S-4.1, L-4.1, L-4.2,
board and IU5a SC/LC
SB2L 1xSTM-1 single-fiber IU1, IU2, and S-1.1, L-1.1, SC (Only one
bidirectional optical interface IU3 left optical interface is
board available.)
SB2R 1xSTM-1 single fiber IU1, IU2, and S-1.1, L-1.1, SC (Only one
bidirectional optical IU3 right optical interface is
interfaces board available.)
SLE 1xSTM-1 electrical interface IU1, IU2, and 75-ohm STM-1 interface
board IU3
SDE 2xSTM-1 electrical interface IU1, IU2, and 75-ohm STM-1 interface
board IU3
N64 Nx64 kbit/s interface board IU1, IU2, and Provides 2xV.35//V.24/X.
IU3 21/RS-449/EIA-530-
compliant interfaces, and
2xFramed E1 electrical
N64Q 4xNx64 kbit/s interface board IU1, IU2, and Provides 4xV.35/V,24/X.
IU3 21/RS-449/EIA-530-
compliant interfaces
a: IU5 and IU6 are the logical slots integrated on the SCB board.
E1 IU6 IU6 E1
The boards that need to be inserted in slots IU5 and IU6 are integrated on the SCB board.
SDH interface unit OI16D, OI2S, OI2D, SL1O, l Accesses and processes
SL1Q, OI4, OI4D, SB2L, STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
SB2R, SB2D, SLE, and SDE optical signals
l Accesses and processes
STM-1 electrical signals
PDH interface unit SP1S, SP1D, SP2D, PD2S, Accesses and processes E1,
PD2D, PD2T, SM1S, SM1D, E1/T1, and E3/T3 PDH
PM2S, PM2D, PM2T, PE3S, electrical signals
and PT3T
Ethernet service processing ET1, ET1O, ET1D, EF1, Accesses and processes
unit EFS, EFS4, EFSC, EGS, 10/100BASE-T(X),
EFT, ELT2, and EGT 100BASE-FX, 1000BASE-
LX/SX, 100BASE-FX, and
1000BASE-LX/SX Ethernet
Data service processing unit SHLQ, N64, N64Q, FP2D, l Accesses and processes
TDA Nx64 kbit/s (N is 1–31)
signals and Framed E1
l Implements the cross-
connection for the Nx64
kbit/s signals on the
system side
ATM service processing unit AIUD and AIUQ Accesses and processes
ATM signals
The SCB board of the OptiX 155/622H integrates the functions of the line, tributary, cross-
connect, clock, time, SCC, and orderwire modules. The functions of each module are as follows.
Line Module
l Provides two STM-1 or STM-4 or STM-16 optical interfaces. The STM-1 optical interface
is named OI2D, the STM-4 optical interface OI4D and the STM-16 optical interface OI16D.
l The STM-1 optical interface supports the S-1.1, L-1.1, and L-1.2 interface types and uses
the SC/LC connector.
l The STM-4 optical interface supports the S-4.1, L-4.1, and L-4.2 interface types and uses
the SC/LC connector.
l The STM-16 optical interface supports the S-16.1 interface type and uses the LC connector.
l Provides two synchronous clock sources for the clock unit.
l Supports automatic laser shutdown (ALS).
Tributary Module
l Accesses 16 E1 signals.
l Supports the asynchronous mapping of E1 signals to VC-12s as defined in ITU-T G.703.
l Provides the 75-ohm unbalanced and 120-ohm balanced interfaces, whose characteristics
comply with the requirements specified in ITU-T G.703.
l Processes the VC-12 path overheads, configures each service channel, monitors the alarms
and performance of each service channel, and communicates with the SCC unit.
l Supports inloop and outloop to test the quality of E1 services or locate the fault, thus
facilitating the maintenance.
l Provides the synchronous clock source for the clock unit.
Cross-Connect Module
l Supports cross-connections at the VC-4/VC-3/VC-12 level, and thus grooms services from
line to line, from line to tributary, and from tributary to tributary.
l Supports 21.25 Gbit/s higher order cross-connection or 5 Gbit/s lower order cross-
l Provides two 2048 kHz or 2048 kbit/s external interfaces, whose impedance is 120 ohms.
l Supports three clock working modes: locked, holdover and free-run.
l Supports the multiplexing with the SYNC external clock interface and the COM2 and
COM3 transparent data ports for outputting the time information.
SCC Module
l Exchanges information with other boards to configure equipment data and collect
performance and alarm data.
l Provides a standard Ethernet NM interface and RS-232 data terminal equipment (DTE)
interface to realize the equipment management by the T2000.
Orderwire Module
As the core of the OptiX 155/622H, the SCB board grooms services, extracts clock signals,
implements inter-board communication, and provides the orderwire function. As the line and
tributary modules are integrated on the SCB board, the number of slots is reduced on the
l Accesses STM-16 optical signals.
l Provides the S-16.1 optical interface.
l Provides two synchronous clock sources for the clock unit.
l Supports MSP and SNCP.
l Supports the automatic laser shutdown (ALS) function.
When the OptiX 155/622H uses the OI16D board, the equipment can implement the following
l Forms rings or chains operating at the STM-16 rate.
l Forms rings or chains operating at the STM-16 rate with other Huawei equipment, such as
the OptiX 155/622 and the OptiX 2500+.
l Provides STM-16 optical interfaces for interconnection with third-party equipment.
l Accesses STM-4 optical signals.
l Provides optical interfaces: Ie-4, S-4.1, L-4.1, and L-4.2.
l OI4D provides two synchronous clock sources for the clock unit and OI4 provides one.
l Supports MSP and SNCP.
l Supports the automatic laser shutdown (ALS) function.
l Provides data communication channels (DCCs) and orderwire communication.
l Supports inloop and outloop.
l The optical interface on the OI4/OI4D board supports the SC connector and LC connector.
Select the proper connector type according to different requirements. Using the LC
connector can facilitate the maintenance of optical modules.
When the OptiX 155/622H uses the OI4 board or the OI4D board, the equipment can implement
the following functions:
l Forms rings or chains operating at the STM-4 rate.
l Forms rings or chains operating at the STM-4 rate with other Huawei equipment, such as
the OptiX 155/622 and the OptiX 2500+.
l Provides STM-4 optical interfaces for interconnection with third-party equipment.
l Accesses STM-1 optical signals.
l Provides four types of optical interfaces: Ie-1, S-1.1, L-1.1 and L-1.2.
l The OI2S and OI2D boards can provide the synchronous clock source for the clock unit.
l Supports MSP and SNCP.
l Supports the ALS function.
l Provides DCCs and orderwire communication.
l Supports inloop and outloop.
l The OI2S and OI2D boards supports the pluggable optical module.
Table 3-3 lists the functions of the OI2S, OI2D, SL1Q, and SL1O boards.
Table 3-3 Functions of the OI2S, OI2D, SL1Q and SL1O boards
Valid slot IU1, IU2, and IU3 IU1, IU2, IU3, and IU5a IU4 IU4
Number of 1 2 - -
clock sources
When the OptiX 155/622H uses the STM-1 optical interface board, the equipment can implement
the following functions:
l Accesses STM-1 optical signals.
l Provides two types of optical interfaces: S-1.1 and L-1.1.
l Provides the single-fiber transceiver optical interface to receive and transmit optical signals
at the same time by carrying the signals on two different wavelengths on one fiber.
l Supports ALS.
l Detects and reports the alarms and performance events on the line.
l Supports inloop and outloop.
l Supports linear MSP and unidirectional MSP.
Table 3-4 lists the functions of the SB2D, SB2L, and SB2R boards.
Valid slot IU1, IU2, and IU3 IU1, IU2, and IU3 IU1, IU2, and IU3
Type of SC SC SC
Transmit Left optical interface: 1550 Only the left optical Only the right optical
(Tx) and nm (Tx)/1310 nm (Rx) interface is interface is available:
receive (Rx) Right optical interface: 1310 available: 1550 nm 1310 nm (Tx)/1550
wavelengths nm (Tx)/1550 nm (Rx) (Tx)/1310 nm (Rx) nm (Rx)
The SB2D, SB2L, and SB2R boards are applied to the network in the same way as the OI2S,
OI2D, SL1Q, and SL1O boards. In the application, pay attention to the following points:
l In the case of the SB2D board, the transmit wavelength and receive wavelength of the left
optical interface are 1550 nm and 1310 nm respectively, and the transmit wavelength and
receive wavelength of the right interface are 1310 nm and 1550 nm respectively.
l In the case of the SB2L board, only the left optical interface is available. The transmit
wavelength and receive wavelength are 1550 nm and 1310 nm respectively.
l In the case of the SB2R board, only the right optical interface is available. The transmit
wavelength and receive wavelength are 1310 nm and 1550 nm respectively.
l When you use the single-fiber interface boards in networking, make sure that the
wavelength of the receive interface and the wavelength of the transmit interface are
matched. For example, a transmit interface operating at a wavelength of 1550 nm
corresponds to a receive interface operating at a wavelength of 1550 nm, and a transmit
l Accesses STM-1 electrical signals.
l Detects and reports the alarms and performance events on the line.
l Supports inloop and outloop on the line.
l Provides the synchronous clock source for the clock unit.
l Supports inloop and outloop on the line.
Table 3-5 lists the functions of the SDE and SLE boards.
Valid slot IU1, IU2, and IU3 IU1, IU2, and IU3
Number of 1 2
clock sources
When the OptiX 155/622H uses the SDE board or the SLE board, the equipment can implement
the following functions:
l Receives and transmits STM-1 electrical signals when the OptiX 155/622H is connected
to other Huawei equipment, such as the OptiX 155/622 and the OptiX 2500+.
l Interconnects with other equipment that provides STM-1 electrical interfaces, such as the
microwave equipment, ATM electrical interface equipment, and other equipment with
STM-1 electrical interfaces.
l Accesses E1 services.
l Supports asynchronous mapping of E1 signals to VC-12s, as defined in ITU-T G.703.
l Provides the 75-ohm unbalanced and 120-ohm balanced interfaces, whose characteristics
comply with related specifications defined in ITU-T G.703.
l Processes VC-12 path overheads, configures each service channel, monitors alarms and
performance of each service channel, and communicates with the SCC unit.
l Supports inloop and outloop to test the quality of E1 signals or to locate the fault, thus
facilitating the maintenance.
Table 3-6 lists the functions of the SP1S, SP1D, SP2D, PD2S, PD2D, and PD2T boards.
Table 3-6 Functions of the SP1S, SP1D, SP2D, PD2S, PD2D and PD2T boards
Type of 2 mm HM connector
Valid slot IU1, IU2, IU1, IU2, IU1, IU2, IU4 IU4 IU4
and IU3 and IU3 IU3, and
Number of 1 2 2 2 4 6
s clock
The SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/PD2S/PD2D/PD2T board supports the following application:
l Connected to the E1 trunk cable of a switch for application in the local telephone network.
l Connected to the optical line terminal (OLT) and optical network unit (ONU) in the access
network. In this way, the OptiX 155/622H can be applied in the access network.
l Interconnected with the communication equipment that provides standard E1 interfaces,
such as mobile base stations, wireless access base stations, node machines in the digital
data network (DDN), and routers of the Internet service provider (ISP) and LAN.
l Accesses E1/T1 services.
l Supports asynchronous mapping of E1/T1 signals to VC-12s as defined in ITU-T G.703
and multiplexing of TU-12s into TUG-2s.
l Provides the 100-ohm balanced interface for T1 signals and the 75-ohm unbalanced and
120-ohm balanced interfaces for E1 signals, whose characteristics comply with related
specifications defined in ITU-T G.703.
l Selects E1/T1 signals through software.
l Processes the VC-12 path overheads, configures each service channel, monitors alarms and
performance of each service channel, and communicates with the SCC unit.
l Supports inloop and outloop to test the quality of E1/T1 services or to locate the fault, thus
facilitating the maintenance.
l Provides the synchronous clock source for the clock unit.
Table 3-7 lists the functions of the SM1S, SM1D, PM2S, PM2D, and PM2T boards.
Table 3-7 Functions of the SM1S, SM1D, PM2S, PM2D, and PM2T boards
Type of 2 mm HM connector
Valid slot IU1, IU2, and IU1, IU2, and IU4 IU4 IU4
Number of 1 2 2 4 6
clock sources
The SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T board supports the following application:
l Connected to the OLT and ONU in the access network. In this way, the OptiX 155/622H
can be applied in the access network.
l Interconnected with the communication equipment that provides standard E1 or T1
interfaces, such as mobile base stations, wireless access base stations, node machines in
the DDN, and routers of the ISP and LAN.
l Accesses E3/T3 service signals.
l Supports asynchronous mapping of E3/T3 signals to VC-3s as defined in ITU-T G.703 and
multiplexing of TU-3s into TUG-3s.
l Provides the 75-ohm unbalanced E3 interface and 100-ohm/120-ohm balanced T3 interface
that comply with ITU-T G.703.
l Encodes/Decodes E3/T3 signals to implement the transmitting/receiving of high
performance E3 or T3 signals.
l Maps E3/T3 PDH signals into VC-4s and demaps E3/T3 PDH signals from VC-4s.
Table 3-8 lists the functions of the PE3S, PE3D, PE3T, PT3S, PT3D, and PT3T boards.
Table 3-8 Functions of the PE3S, PE3D, PE3T, PT3S, PT3D, and PT3T boards
Type of SMB
Valid slot IU1, IU2, IU1, IU2, IU1, IU2, IU1, IU2, IU1, IU2, IU1, IU2,
and IU3 and IU3 and IU3 and IU3 and IU3 and IU3
Number of 1 2 2 1 2 2
s clock
The PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T board is interconnected with the communication
equipment that provides standard E3 or T3 interfaces.
According to the encapsulation protocol and mapping granularity, the Ethernet interface boards
are classified into the following types.
3.7.1 ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1
The ET1, ET1O, ET1D, and EF1 boards support the multi-link point to point protocol (ML-
PPP) only. The mapping granularity is VC-12. These boards transmit Ethernet services.
The EFS, EFS4, EFT, EGS, EFSC, ELT2, and EGT boards support the generic framing
procedure (GFP). The mapping granularities are VC-12 and VC-3. These boards transmit
Ethernet services.
3.7.1 ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1
The ET1, ET1O, ET1D, and EF1 boards support the multi-link point to point protocol (ML-
PPP) only. The mapping granularity is VC-12. These boards transmit Ethernet services.
l Provides 10M/100M Ethernet electrical interfaces and 100M optical interfaces, whose
electrical characteristics, such as the flow control function, comply with IEEE 802.3x.
l Supports the working modes of auto-negotiation, 100M full-duplex/half-duplex and 10M
l Supports the ML-PPP encapsulation protocol with the encapsulation granularity of VC-12.
l Provides bandwidth sharing and statistical multiplexing based on virtual local area network
(VLAN) and port to improve the bandwidth utilization.
l Supports Ethernet layer 2 switching.
l Supports isolation among different users, and VLAN isolation within one user.
l The ET1 and ET1D boards support Ethernet private line (EPL) services. The ET1O, ET1D,
and EF1 boards support Ethernet private LAN (EPLAN) services.
l Supports multicast and broadcast.
l Supports the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) to prevent broadcast storms.
Table 3-9 lists the functions of the ET1, ET1O, ET1D, and EF1 boards.
Table 3-9 Functions of the ET1, ET1O, ET1D, and EF1 boards
Number of FE 8 8 2 4
electrical interfaces
Number of FE optical - - - 2
Encapsulation ML-PPP
VC-4 bandwidth on 1 1 1 1
the SDH side
Number of 16 16 16 16
EVPLAN - - - -
The ET1, ET1O, ET1D, and EF1 boards are interconnected with PCs, routers or Ethernet
switches to transmit Ethernet services. Pay attention to the following points:
l The ET1 and ET1D boards support transparent transmission of services and are applicable
to EPL services.
l The ET1O, ET1D, and EF1 boards support layer 2 switching of services and are applicable
to EPLAN services.
l The EF1 board provides 100M optical interfaces and can be interconnected with the data
equipment that provides 100M optical interfaces.
l The ET1, ET1O, ET1D, and EF1 boards use the same encapsulation protocol and mapping
granularity. Hence, they can be interconnected with each other.
The EFS, EFS4, EFT, EGS, EFSC, ELT2, and EGT boards support the generic framing
procedure (GFP). The mapping granularities are VC-12 and VC-3. These boards transmit
Ethernet services.
l Provides 10M/100M/1000M Ethernet interfaces, the electrical characteristics of which
comply with IEEE 802.3x.
l Maps Ethernet services into VC-12s or VC-3s.
l The EFS, EGS, and EFSC boards support the GFP. The EFS4, EGT, EFT, and ELT2 boards
support the GFP, link access procedure-SDH (LAPS), and high level data link control
Table 3-10 Functions of the EFS, EFS4, EFT, EGS, EFSC, ELT2, and EGT boards
Number of FE 4 12 - 4 - - 4
Number of FE - - - - 2 - -
Number of GE - - 1 - - 1 -
FE - - - - 100M - -
optical full-
interfac duplex
GE - - 1000 - - Auto- -
optical M negotiati
interfac full- on,
e duplex 1000M
VC-4 4 4 4 2 2 2 4
bandwidth on
the SDH side
Number of 24 24 24 4 2 1 8
Link state pass Support Supporte Suppo Support Suppor Support Support
through (LPT) ed d rted ed ted ed ed
QinQ - - - - - - Support
The EFS, EFS4, EFT, EGS, EFSC, ELT2, and EGT boards can be interconnected with PCs,
routers, or Ethernet switches to transmit Ethernet services. Pay attention to the following points:
l The EFS, EFS4, EGS, and EFSC boards support layer 2 switching and multi-protocol label
switching (MPLS), and are applicable to EPL, EVPL, EPLAN, and EVPLAN services.
l The EGS and EGT boards provide 1000M optical interfaces and can be interconnected with
the data equipment that provides 1000M optical interfaces.
l The EFT, ELT2, and EGT boards only support the transparent transmission of services and
are applicable to EPL services.
l The ELT2 board provides 100M optical interfaces and can be interconnected with the data
equipment that provides 100M optical interfaces.
l The EFS, EFS4, EFT, EGS, EFSC, ELT2, and EGT boards use the same encapsulation
protocol and mapping granularity, and they can be interconnected with each other.
l The EFS, EFS4, EFSC, EGS, EFT, ELT2, and EGT boards support the LCAS V2.
l Provides four G.SHDSL electrical interfaces to transmit E1/V.35 services over a long
distance on the existing twisted pair network by adopting the single pair high-bit-rate digital
subscriber line (SHDSL) technology.
l The characteristics of interfaces comply with the corresponding specifications defined in
ITU-T G.991.2.
l Transmits Framed E1 and Nx64 kbit/s data services in the G.SHDSL format, and can thus
access remote E1 and Nx64 kbit/s signals.
l Processes the path overheads, configures each G.SHDSL service channel, and monitors the
alarms and performance of each G.SHDSL service channel. In addition, this board
implements the communication between the G.SHDSL service channels and the SCC unit.
l Supports inloop and outloop so that faults can be located quickly.
l Uses the RJ-11 connector.
l Provides one synchronous clock source for the clock unit.
l This board accesses G.SHDSL services to the transmission equipment.
l This board extends the transmission distance of E1 signals to more than 3 km, or the
transmission distance of 3x64 kbit/s signals to more than 6.5 km.
Interfac Nx64 kbit/s interface: Nx64 kbit/s interface: Framed E1 interface: CRC4
e V.35/V.24/X.21/ V.35/X.21/RS-449/ and non-CRC4
specific RS-449/EIA-530 V.24/RS-530/
ation Framed E1 interface: RS-530A
CRC4 and non-CRC4
Type of 2 mm HM 2 mm HM DB78
Loopbac Supports inloop and Supports inloop and Supports inloop and outloop
k outloop for all ports outloop for all ports for all ports
The N64, N64Q, and FP2D boards are mainly applied to point-to-point, point-to-multipoint, and
multipoint-to-multipoint transmission of the video conference systems and routers, and are used
for convergence in the case of multi-point router access, and thus access V.35/V.24/X.21/
RS-449/EIA-530 multi-protocol interface services and Framed E1 services to transmission
The FP2D board is applicable to DDN private networks of small and medium-sized enterprises,
government departments, banks or security business halls.
The AIUD board supports two external ports and two internal ports. The AIUQ board supports
four external ports and four internal ports. The AIUD and AIUQ boards can be installed in slot
IU4 of the OptiX 155/622H.
l Supports the configuration of multicast and point-to-point ATM services (including spatial
multicast services and logical multicast services).
l Provides VP/VC connection-based 1+1/1:1 protection for ATM services. Eight protection
configuration modes are available.
l Supports flow control for ATM services. Fifteen flow control modes are supported
according to ITU-T Recommendations.
l Supports the ATM OAM function and continuity check (CC) by sending the loopback (LB)
cell and CC cell, and captures the alarm indication signal (AIS) and the remote defect
indication (RDI) signal.
l Supports the setting of the ATM port attributes. The ATM ports can be set according to the
service requirements. Setting and querying the VP/VC sub-space are supported.
l Monitors ATM service alarms. All the alarms related to ATM features can be reported.
l Supports the performance measurement of ATM services. All the performance events
related to ATM features can be counted.
l Supports the SDH features of ATM services.
The AIUD and AIUQ boards mainly transmit and protect ATM services. The AIUD and AIUQ
boards support the following services:
l Constant bit rate (CBR) services
l Real time variable bit rate (rt-VBR) services
l Non-real time variable bit rate (nrt-VBR) services
l Unspecified bit rate (UBR) services
The AIUD and AIUQ boards do not support available bit rate (VBR) services. The CBR services
are applied to voice services, video services, and circuit emulation services at a constant bit rate.
These services require guaranteed transmission bandwidth and latency. The rt-VBR services are
applied to audio and video services at a variable bit rate. The nrt-VBR services are applied to
data transmission. The UBR services are applied to LAN emulation and file transfer.
The services and traffic types supported by the OptiX 155/622H comply with IETF RFC2514,
ATM Forum TM 4.0, and ATM Forum UNI 3.1. For details, see Table 3-12.
1 atmNoTrafficDescriptor UBR -
CBR Clp01Pcr
l Provides 12 audio interfaces and four standard RS-232/RS-422 interfaces.
l The audio interface is 600-ohm balanced, which can be set to the feed-providing mode or
non feed-providing mode for the user equipment.
l The RS-232/RS-422 data port transmits services at a maximum rate of 19.2 kbit/s.
l Processes the VC-12 path overheads, configures the E1 service bearer channel, monitors
the alarms and performance of the E1 service bearer channel (excluding the audio and data
services), and communicates with the SCC unit.
l Supports inloop and outloop to test services and locate faults.
l Provides the cross-connection at the 64 kbit/s level.
The application of the TDA board is described as follows:
l The audio interface supports the point-to-point bidirectional service, which is called the
private line service. This type of service is mainly applied to point-to-point application
scenarios, such as banks and post bank cards. Usually, services are transmitted by a TDA
board that is connected to a private line modem.
l The audio interface also supports the point-to-multipoint unidirectional service. This type
of service is applied to the transmission of paging information.
l The RS-232 and RS-422 interfaces transmit environmental information, power monitoring
information, and NM information. In addition, they can form a simple network with PCs.
Table 3-13 lists the transmission distances of the audio interface and the data interface.
Table 3-13 Transmission distances of the audio interface and data interface on the TDA board
The environment monitoring unit EMU provides the following environment monitoring
l This board detects and monitors the voltage of two channels of power supply at the same
time, and reports the result to the T2000.
l This board monitors the working temperature of the OptiX 155/622H, and reports the result
to the T2000.
l This board inputs external alarms and outputs equipment alarms through the housekeeping
l The serial interface can be set to RS-232 or RS-422 to transparently transmit serial
communication information of other equipment, such as the monitoring information.
- 48 V
3.12.1 Functions
The UPM functions as a backup of the equipment power supply. When the mains supply is
interrupted, the UPM automatically enables the storage batteries to supply power, thus ensuring
the uninterrupted power supply.
3.12.2 UPM Power Converter Box
The UPM power converter box can convert power supplies.
3.12.3 Storage Battery
The storage battery can be installed in the storage battery box or on the storage battery tray.
When the mains supply is interrupted, the UPM automatically enables the storage battery to
supply power, thus ensuring uninterrupted power supply.
3.12.1 Functions
The UPM functions as a backup of the equipment power supply. When the mains supply is
interrupted, the UPM automatically enables the storage batteries to supply power, thus ensuring
the uninterrupted power supply.
l The UPM provides two AC/DC rectifier modules with the hot backup design for power
conversion. If one rectifier module fails, the other rectifier module takes over the load
immediately so that the ongoing services are not affected. This feature significantly
improves the stability of the system. Each rectifier module can support a load of 250 W.
When only one rectifier module works, it can ensure that two sets of OptiX 155/622H in
full configuration function normally or that four sets of OptiX 155/622H in standard
configuration function normally.
l The UPM provides the monitoring module, which combines the functions of power
monitoring and NMS monitoring. The monitoring module monitors and controls the
parameters and status of the rectifier module, AC/DC power distribution, and storage
battery group in real time, and then reports the parameters and status to the T2000. The
storage batteries support the automatic management and the protection function. The
monitoring module automatically measures the charging and discharging currents of the
storage batteries, and controls the rectifier module to perform even charging, floating
charging and current limitation on the storage batteries.
l The UPM provides protection for the storage batteries. When the mains supply is
interrupted, the UPM automatically enables the storage batteries to supply power. The
storage batteries can provide a normal power supply of five to six hours for the OptiX
155/622H in standard configuration.
The dimensions of the UPM power converter box are 436 mm (W) x 240 mm (D) x 44 mm (H).
Figure 3-6 and Figure 3-7 show the appearance of the power converter box.
Load Load
4 Software Architecture
4.1 Overview
The software system is of a modular design. Each module provides specific functions and works
with other modules.
4.2 Communication Protocols
Complete protocol stack and messages of Qx interface are described in ITU-T G.773, Q.811 and
4.3 Board Software
The board software runs on each board and it manages, monitors and controls the operation of
the board.
4.4 NE Software
The NE software manages, monitors and controls the board running on the NE. In addition, the
NE software functions as a communication service unit between the T2000 and the boards so
that the T2000 can control and manage the NE.
4.5 Network Management System
The NM system implements unified management over the optical transmission network, and
maintains all OSN, SDH, Metro, DWDM NE equipment in the network.
4.1 Overview
The software system is of a modular design. Each module provides specific functions and works
with other modules.
The entire software is distributed in three modules including board software, NE software and
NM system.
The software resides respectively on functional boards, the SCC, and NM computer. Hierarchical
structure ensures that it is highly reliable and efficient. Each layer performs specific functions
and provides service for the upper layer.
Figure 4-1 shows the system software architecture.
In the diagram, all modules are NE software except "Network Management System" and "Board
High Level
Communication Module
Communication Module
NE software
Board Software
In addition, to support remote access of the NM through modem, IP layer uses serial line internet
protocol (SLIP).
It receives the commands issued from the NE software and reports the board status to the NE
software through performance events and alarms.
l Alarm management
l Performance management
l Configuration management
l Communication management
It directly controls the functional circuits in corresponding boards and implements ITU-T
compliant specific functions of the NE.
4.4 NE Software
The NE software manages, monitors and controls the board running on the NE. In addition, the
NE software functions as a communication service unit between the T2000 and the boards so
that the T2000 can control and manage the NE.
Data communication function (DCF) provides the communication channel between NE and
other equipment (including the mediation device, the T2000 and other NEs).
module also reports the status, alarm and performance events of the boards to the NE
l Network Side (NS) Module
The NS module is between the communication module and the equipment management
module. It converts the data format between the user operation side (at the application layer)
and the NE equipment management layer, and provides security control for the NE layer.
Functionally, the NS module is divided into the following three submodules:
– Qx interface module
– Command line interface (CLI) module
– Security management module
l Equipment Management Module
The equipment management module is the core of the NE software for implementing NE
management. It includes administrator and agent.
The administrator can send NM operation commands and receive events.
The agent can respond to the NM operation commands sent by the administrator, implement
the operations on the managed object, and send performance events according to the status
change of the managed object.
l High-Level Communication Module
The high-level communication module implements the Message Communication Function
(MCF) in the functional block of the transmission network equipment. It provides hardware
interfaces through the control board, transports the Operation, Administration,
Maintenance, and Provision (OAM&P) information, and exchanges management
information between the T2000 and the NEs and between the NEs.
It consists of the network communication module, serial communication module and ECC
communication module.
l Database Management Module
The database management module is an important part of the NE software.
It includes two independent parts: data and program.
The data is organized in the form of database, including the network database, alarm
database, performance database and equipment database.
The program manages and accesses the data in the database.
It exchanges information with the NE software through the communication module to monitor
and manage the network equipment.
The NM software runs on a workstation or PC, managing the equipment and the transmission
network to help operate, maintain and manage the transmission equipment.
l Alarm management: collects, prompts, filters, browses, acknowledges, checks, clears, and
counts alarms in real time; implements alarm insertion, alarm correlation analysis and fault
l Performance management: configures performance monitoring; browses, analyzes and
prints performance data; forecasts medium-term and long-term performance; resets
performance register.
l Configuration management: configures and manages interfaces, clocks, services, trails,
subnets and time.
l Security management: provides NM user management, NE user management, NE login
management, NE login locking, NE setting locking and local craft terminal (LCT) access
control of the equipment.
l Maintenance management: provides loopback, board resetting, automatic laser shutdown
(ALS) and optical fiber power detection; collects equipment data to help the maintenance
personnel in troubleshooting.
5 Data Features
The data features include Ethernet features, ATM features, and DDN features.
5.1.1 Functions
The OptiX 155/622H provides various types of Ethernet boards to meet the requirements of
different Ethernet services.
5.1.2 Application
The OptiX 155/622H provides the Ethernet service access function that is integrated on the SDH
transmission platform. Hence, the OptiX 155/622H can transmit voice services and data services
at the same time.
5.1.3 Protection
The OptiX 155/622H provides hierarchical protection for Ethernet services.
5.1.1 Functions
The OptiX 155/622H provides various types of Ethernet boards to meet the requirements of
different Ethernet services.
Table 5-1 lists the Ethernet boards that support the ML-PPP encapsulation protocol. Table
5-2 lists the Ethernet boards that support the GFP encapsulation protocol.
Table 5-1 Functions of the ET1, ET1O, ET1D, and EF1 boards
Number of FE 8 8 2 4
electrical interfaces
Number of FE optical - - - 2
Encapsulation ML-PPP
Number of 16 16 16 16
EVPL - - - -
EVPLAN - - - -
Table 5-2 Functions of the EFS, EFS4, EFT, EGS, EFSC, ELT2, and EGT boards
Number of 4 12 - 4 - - 4
FE electrical
Number of - - - - 2 - -
FE optical
Number of - - 1 - - 1 -
GE optical
Valid slot IU1, IU2, IU4 IU1, IU1, IU1, IU1, IU1, IU2,
and IU3 IU2, IU2, IU2, IU2, and IU3
and and and IU3 and IU3
FE - - - - 100M - -
optical full-
interfa duplex
GE - - 100M - - Auto- -
optical full- negotiat
interfa duplex ion,
ces 1000M
Number of 24 24 24 4 2 1 8
Traffic - - - - - - Supporte
management d
Queue - - - - - - Supporte
management d
QinQ - - - - - - Supporte
Port - - - - - - Supporte
mirroring d
Intra-board - - - - - - Supporte
5.1.2 Application
The OptiX 155/622H provides the Ethernet service access function that is integrated on the SDH
transmission platform. Hence, the OptiX 155/622H can transmit voice services and data services
at the same time.
The OptiX 155/622H supports the following types of Ethernet services:
l EPL service
l EVPL service
l EPLAN service
l EVPLAN service
EPL Service
The EPL realizes the point-to-point transparent transmission of Ethernet services. As shown in
Figure 5-1, the Ethernet services of different NEs are transmitted to the destination nodes
thorough their respective VCTRUNKs. This ensures secure and reliable data transmission. In
addition, the Ethernet services are protected by the SDH self-healing network.
NE 1 NE 2
EVPL Service
The OptiX 155/622H supports the following two types of EVPL service:
PORT-shared EVPL: The services are isolated by VLAN tags and share the bandwidth. As
shown in Figure 5-2, traffic classification is performed for the Ethernet service according to
VLAN ID, to distinguish services from different departments of company A. The two services
are transmitted over their respective VCTRUNKs.
NE 1 NE 2
VCTRUNK-shared EVPL: The OptiX 155/622H can converge and distribute the EVPL service
in the following two modes.
l The VLAN ID-based mode, as shown in Figure 5-3.
l The QinQ-based mode, as shown in Figure 5-4.
NE 1 NE 2
Branch 1 Branch 2
EPLAN Service
Through the EPLAN service, NEs can dynamically share the bandwidth. The OptiX 155/622H
uses the virtual bridge (VB) or pure bridge to implement the layer 2 switching of Ethernet data.
This is referred to as the EPLAN service.
Each NE in the system can created one or several VBs. Each VB establishes a media access
control (MAC) address table. This table is updated periodically by self-learning. The accessed
data is transmitted according to the destination MAC address. See Figure 5-5.
Port 1 NE 1 NE 2 Port 1
Department 1 of company A Department 2 of company A
EVPLAN Service
Through the EVPLAN service, NEs can dynamically share the bandwidth and the service
isolation between data of the same VLAN can be implementd. When the data services with the
same VLAN ID are accessed into the same NE and dynamically share the bandwidth, the
EVPLAN service an meet the service requirement.
As shown in Figure 5-6, the Ethernet board of the OptiX 155/622H uses the VB+VLAN filter
table to implement the EVPLAN service.
Department 3
of company A
Department 3 VB1
of company B UNI UNI
Port1 LSP Port1
Port2 NE 2 Port2
Department 2
Department 1 Department 1 of company A
of company A of company B Department 2
of company B
Access point Company A Company B OptiX 155/622H
5.1.3 Protection
The OptiX 155/622H provides hierarchical protection for Ethernet services.
l At the Ethernet service layer, the OptiX 155/622H supports the following protection
– Link capacity adjustment scheme (LCAS)
– Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)/Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP)
– Link state pass through (LPT)
– Link aggregation group (LAG)
l At the optical transmission layer, the OptiX 155/622H supports the multiplex section
protection (MSP) and sub-network connection protection (SNCP) schemes.
LCAS provides an error tolerance mechanism to enhance the reliability of the virtual
concatenation. LCAS provide the following functions:
l When applied to the virtual concatenation technology, LCAS can be used for configuring
the system capacity, increasing or decreasing the number of concatenated VCs, and
dynamically changing the bearer bandwidth.
l LCAS protects and restores failed members.
As shown in Figure 5-7, LCAS can dynamically add or delete members according to the
requirements, and can thus dynamically increase or decrease the bandwidth. Services are not
interrupted during the bandwidth adjustment.
New member
OptiX 155/622H
As shown in Figure 5-8, LCAS protects the Ethernet services. When certain members fail, they
are automatically deleted, whereas other members transmit data normally. This ensures that the
concatenation group is available. When the failed members are available again, they are
automatically restored and data is loaded to these members again.
Figure 5-8 Protection for the virtual concatenation group through LCAS
Feiled member
Branch Headquarters
Delete the failed member
OptiX 155/622H
For more details on LCAS, see LCAS in the Feature Description of this product.
The Ethernet board supports STP and RSTP. When STP or RSTP is enabled, the network
topology is modified logically to prevent a broadcast storm. STP or RSTP realizes link protection
by restructuring the topology.
For more details on STP and RSTP, see STP and RSTP in the Feature Description of this product.
LPT is a link-based protection scheme. In a network, when the active and standby ports between
routers belong to different links, the LPT function is available for protection. When the working
link becomes faulty, the LPT function is used to shut down the local port so that the peer router
is informed of the abnormality of the working link. Hence, services are switched from the active
port to the standby port and the services are protected.
The LPT function has two modes, point-to-point (P2P) and point-to-multipoint (P2MP).
For more details on LPT, see LPT in the Feature Description of this product.
LAG means that multiple links connecting to the same device are bound to increase the
bandwidth and enhance the link reliability. The aggregated links can be regarded as one link.
The features of LAG are as follows:
l Improving the link availability
In an LAG, the LAG members back up each other dynamically. When a link is interrupted,
another LAG member can take over its work immediately.
l Increasing the link bandwidth
LAG provides an economical method for you to improve the link transmission rate. By
binding multiple physical links, you can obtain a data link with higher bandwidth without
upgrading the existing equipment. The total bandwidth of the link after aggregation is the
sum of the bandwidth of the physical links.
– Load sharing: The physical links of the same group can share the data traffic and back
up each other.
– Higher reliability: The members of the same group back up each other dynamically.
5.2.1 Functions
The OptiX 155/622H provides two types of ATM processing boards: AIUD and AIUQ.
5.2.2 Application
The OptiX 155/622H supports the application of several types of ATM services.
5.2.3 Protection
The ATM services of the OptiX 155/622H are protected at several layers.
5.2.1 Functions
The OptiX 155/622H provides two types of ATM processing boards: AIUD and AIUQ.
The AIUD board can access and process two STM-1 ATM services and the AIUQ board can
access and process four STM-1 ATM services.
Table 5-3 lists the functions of the AIUD and AIUQ boards.
Optical interface Ie-1, S-1.1, L-1.1, L-1.2, and Ie-1, S-1.1, L-1.1, L-1.2, and
type Ve-1.2 Ve-1.2
Type of connector LC
Traffic type and QoS IETF RFC2514 and ATM forum TM 4.0
OAM function (ITU- AIS, RDI, loopback (LB), and Continuity check (CC)
T I.610)
5.2.2 Application
The OptiX 155/622H supports the application of several types of ATM services.
The service types and traffic types supported by the OptiX 155/622H meet the requirements
specified in IETF RFC 2514, ATM Forum TM 4.0, and ATM Forum UNT 3.1. For more details,
see Table 5-4.
1 atmNoTrafficDescriptor UBR -
CBR Clp01Pcr
In this case, each ATM service exclusively occupies a VC-3 or VC-4 path. At the central node,
the ATM services are converged to an STM-1 or STM-4 optical port for output.
As shown in Figure 5-9, the 34 Mbit/s ATM services of NE1 and NE3 exclusively occupy a
VC-3 bandwidth each. The 155 Mbit/s ATM service of NE2 exclusively occupies a VC-4
bandwidth. Only the SDH timeslot pass-through is performed at NE3. After the three services
reach the central station NE4, they are converged by the ATM board and are output through the
622 Mbit/s optical port.
34M ATM Traffic
Service Convergence
NE 1
NE 4
NE 2
NE 3
As shown in Figure 5-10, NE1 accesses E3 ATM services from the tributary board and sends
these services to the ATM board for ATM switching and protection configuration (1+1 or 1:1).
Then, after these services are encapsulated into VC-4-xv, they are sent to the line by the cross-
connect board. NE2 accesses STM-1 ATM services from the optical port, and then performs the
ATM switching and protection configuration. At the same time, the ATM services from NE1
are dropped at NE2 for the processing at ATM layer. Then, the locally accessed services and
the services from the upstream NE are encapsulated into the same VC-4-xv and sent to the
downstream NE. The processing at NE3 and NE4 is similar. One VP-Ring or VC-Ring has a
maximum bandwidth of 300 Mbit/s.
5.2.3 Protection
The ATM services of the OptiX 155/622H are protected at several layers.
5.3.1 Functions
The OptiX 155/622H uses the N64, N64Q, and FP2D boards to access and process DDN services.
5.3.2 Application
When the DDN board is configured in the OptiX 155/622H, the SDH network can access and
groom DDN services.
5.3.3 Protection
The OptiX 155/622H provides the MSP and SNCP protection schemes on the SDH side.
5.3.1 Functions
The OptiX 155/622H uses the N64, N64Q, and FP2D boards to access and process DDN services.
l The N64 board provides two V.35/V.21/RS-449/EIA-530 interfaces and two Framed E1
l The N64Q board provides four V.35/X.24/RS-449/V.24/RS-530/RS-530A interfaces.
l The FP2D board accesses 16 Framed E1 signals and provides time division cross-connect
services at the 64 kbit/s level.
Table 5-6 lists the functions of the N64, N64Q, and FP2D boards.
Type of 2 mm HM 2 mm HM DB78
Loopbac Supports inloop and Supports inloop and Supports inloop and
k outloop for all ports. outloop for all ports. outloop for all ports.
5.3.2 Application
When the DDN board is configured in the OptiX 155/622H, the SDH network can access and
groom DDN services.
The N64 and N64Q boards mainly apply to point-to-point, point-to-multipoint, and multipoint-
to-multipoint transmission of the video conference system and routers, and convergence in the
case of multi-point routers access, thus realizing the accessing of the V.35/V.24/X.21/RS-449/
EIA-530 multi-protocol interface services and Framed E1 services into transmission networks.
The FP2D board is applicable to the DDN private networks of small and medium-sized
enterprises, government departments, banks, or security business halls.
5.3.3 Protection
The OptiX 155/622H provides the MSP and SNCP protection schemes on the SDH side.
6 Protection
This topic describes the comprehensive protection mechanism of the OptiX 155/622H in terms
of equipment-level protection, network-level protection, and clock protection.
Linear MSP
The linear MSP is mainly used in a chain network. The OptiX 155/622H supports the 1+1 and
1:N (N≤5) protection schemes. If the 1:N protection scheme is used, extra services can be
transmitted on the protection system. The switching time of the linear MSP is less than 50 ms,
which complies with ITU-T G.841.
MSP Ring
The OptiX 155/622H supports the two-fiber MS shared protection ring, which complies with
ITU-T G.841. The switching time is less than 50 ms.
The OptiX 155/622H supports SNCP, which complies with ITU-T G.841. The OptiX 155/622H
can still ensure a switching time that is less than 50 ms even when the switching of multiple
services occurs.
As shown in Figure 6-1, when the fiber-shared virtual trail protection is used, an STM-4 is
logically divided into several lower order or higher order paths. These paths are connected to
other links to form rings at the path layer. In addition, protection schemes, such as SNCP, can
be configured accordingly for these rings at the path layer.
This topic describes the maintenance and network management capabilities of the OptiX
the T2000 can also maintain and test the optical transmission system. The T2000 improves the
quality of network services, reduces maintenance costs and ensures reasonable utilization of
network resources.
8 Technical Specifications
Table 8-1 provides the weight, dimensions, and power consumption of the OptiX 155/622H.
If the power consumption of the hardware configuration exceeds 100 W, the system may become unstable.
Performance Description
Linear MSP
Table 8-3 lists the linear MSP parameters.
MSP Ring
Table 8-4 lists the MSP ring parameters.
Table 8-5 lists the SNCP parameters.
l B2_EXC
l B3_EXC (Optional)
l B3_SD (Optional)
l B3_EXC (Optional)
l B3_SD (Optional)
Any of the following alarms
triggers the switching of VC12
level SNCP:
l BIP_EXC (Optional)
l BIP_SD (Optional)
The equipment can operate normally in the long term in the environment defined in Table
Specifications Description
Altitude ≤ 4000 m
Specifications Description
Table 8-7 lists the specifications of the electromagnetic compatibility test for the OptiX
Maximum –20 dB nm - - - 1
spectral width
Attenuation range dB 0 to 7 0 to 12 10 to 28 10 to 28
Minimum optical dB - - - 20
return loss of cable at
S (including any
Maximum optical dB 1 1 1 1
path penalty
Maximum dB - - - –25
reflectance of
receiver at R
Attenuation range dB 0 to 7 0 to 12 10 to 24 10 to 24
Minimum optical dB - - 20 24
return loss of cable at
S (including any
Maximum optical dB 1 1 1 1
path penalty
Transmission km 2 to 25
Table 8-12 Bit rate error tolerance at the optical output interface
Item Value
Item Value
Table 8-15 Bit rate error tolerance at the electrical output interface
Item Value
Interface type 1544 kbit/s 2048 kbit/s 34368 kbit/s 44736 kbit/s
Item Value
Interface type 1544 kbit/s 2048 kbit/s 34368 kbit/s 44736 kbit/s
Item Value
Interface type 1544 kbit/s 2048 kbit/s 34368 kbit/s 44736 kbit/s
Item Value
Specification (SNR) ≥ 18 dB ≥ 18 dB ≥ 20 dB
Specifications Description
Specifications Description
Specifications Description
Operating current 18 mA
Specifications Description
Table 8-24 Test specifications of the single-port 10M bidirectional full-duplex feature
Item Value
Number of bound 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Ratio of < 5% < 5% < 5% < 10% < 10% < 10% < 10%
frame lossc
Table 8-25 Test specifications of the single-port 100M bidirectional full-duplex feature
Item Value
Number of bound 48 48 48 48 48 48 48
Frame loss < 5% < 5% < 5% < 10% < 10% < 10% < 12%
a: This refers to the maximum frame rate that the system can bear when no frames are lost.
b: This refers to the interval that begins when the last bit of the input frame enters the input port
and ends when the first bit of the output frame appears at the output port.
c: This refers to the ratio of the frames that should be forwarded (but are not forwarded due to
insufficient resources) to total frames when the interface rate is constant.
Specifications Description
Output jitter 0.05 UIpp (the bandwidth of the test filter is 20 Hz–100 kHz.)
Performance Description
Item Standard
Environment RoHS
Table 8-29 lists the requirements on the climate for storage.
Altitude ≤ 5000 m
Biological Environment
l Avoid reproduction of microbes, such as eumycete and mycete.
l Protect the storage environment against rodents.
Air Cleanness
l The air must be free from explosive, electric-conductive, magnetic-conductive or corrosive
l Table 8-30 lists the density requirements on the mechanically active substances in the
storage environment.
l Table 8-31 lists the density requirements on the chemically active substances in the storage
Table 8-30 Density requirements on the mechanically active substances in the storage
Mechanical Active Content
Table 8-31 Density requirements on the chemically active substances in the storage environment
Chemical Active Content
HF ≤ 0.01 mg/m3
O3 ≤ 0.05 mg/m3
Mechanical Stress
Table 8-32 lists the requirements on the mechanical stress in the storage environment.
Table 8-33 lists the requirements on the climate for transportation.
Altitude ≤ 5000 m
Biological Environment
l Avoid reproduction of microbes, such as eumycete and mycete.
l Protect the transportation environment against rodents.
Air Cleanness
l The air must be free from explosive, electric-conductive, magnetic-conductive or corrosive
l Table 8-34 lists the density requirements on the mechanically active substances in the
transportation environment.
l Table 8-35 lists the density requirements on the chemically active substances in the
transportation environment.
Table 8-34 Density requirements on the mechanically active substances in the transportation
Mechanical Active Content
Table 8-35 Density requirements on the chemically active substances in the transportation
Chemical Active Content
HF ≤ 0.01 mg/m3
O3 ≤ 0.05 mg/m3
Mechanical Stress
Table 8-36 lists the requirements on the mechanical stress in the transportation environment.
The requirements on the climate for the operation of the OptiX 155/622H are as follows:
l Table 8-37 lists the requirements on the temperature and relative humidity.
l Table 8-38 lists other requirements on the climate.
Item Range
Altitude ≤ 4000 m
Biological Environment
l Avoid reproduction of microbe, such as eumycete and mycete.
l Protect the operation environment against rodents.
Air Cleanness
l The air must be free from explosive, electric-conductive, magnetic-conductive or corrosive
l Table 8-39 lists the density requirements on the mechanically active substances in the
operation environment.
l Table 8-40 lists the density requirements on the chemically active substances in the
operation environment.
Table 8-39 Density requirements on the mechanically active substances in the operation
Mechanical Content
Mechanical Content
Table 8-40 Density requirements on the chemically active substances in the operation
Chemical Active Content
HF ≤ 0.01 mg/m3
O3 ≤ 0.005 mg/m3
CO ≤ 5.0 mg/m3
Mechanical Stress
Table 8-41 lists the requirements on the mechanical stress in the operation environment.
Static load 0
Table 8-42 provides the power consumption and weight of each board of the OptiX 155/622H.
OI16D - -
OI2S 10 0.21
OI2D 11 0.22
SL1O 14 0.66
SL1Q 9 0.6
SB2D 11 0.2
SB2L 10 0.2
SB2R 10 0.2
SLE 9 0.21
SDE 10 0.22
SP1D 5 0.24
PD2S 11 0.54
SM1S 4 0.2
PM2S 9 0.52
PM2D 10 0.64
PM2T 11 0.74
PE3S 8 0.28
PE3D 8 0.28
PE3T 8 0.28
PT3S 8 0.28
PT3D 8 0.28
PT3T 8 0.28
ET1D 15 0.26
EF1 25 0.68
EFT 8 0.26
ELT2 9 0.22
EFS4 10 0.3
EFSC 22 0.6
EGS 17 0.3
AIUD 23 0.66
AIUQ 25 0.68
N64 4 0.22
N64Q 5 0.20
SHLQ 15 0.24
TDA 12 0.7
SCB 24 0.8
9 Standard Compliance
This topic lists the standards that the OptiX 155/622H complies with.
Recommendation Description
G.661 Definition and test methods for the relevant generic parameters of
optical fiber amplifiers
G.663 Application related aspects of optical fiber amplifier devices and sub-
G.704 Synchronous frame structures used at 1544, 6312, 2048, 8448 and
44736 kbit/s hierarchical levels
G.707 Network node interface for the synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH)
G.775 Loss of signal (LOS) and alarm indication signal (AIS) defect
detection and clearance criteria
Recommendation Description
G.812 Timing requirements of slave clocks suitable for use as node clocks
in synchronization networks
G.823 The control of jitter and wander within digital networks which are
based on the 2048 kbit/s hierarchy
G.824 The control of jitter and wander within digital networks which are
based on the 1544 kbit/s hierarchy
G.825 The control of jitter and wander within digital networks which are
based on the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH)
G.958 Digital line systems based on the synchronous digital hierarchy for
use on optical fiber cables
V.35 Data transmission at 48 kilobits per second using 60-108 kHz group
band circuits
Recommendation Description
Standard Description
IEEE 802.3 Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD)
access method and physical layer specification
IEEE 802.3ae Media access control (MAC) parameters, physical Layer, and
management parameters for 10 Gbit/s operation
IEEE 802.3ah Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD)
access method and physical layer specifications
IEEE 802.3u Media access control (MAC) parameters, physical Layer, medium
attachment units, and repeater for 100 Mbit/s operation, type 100Base-
IEEE 802.3x Standards for local and metropolitan area networks: specification for
802.3 full duplex operation
IEEE 802.3z Media access control (MAC) parameters, physical Layer, repeater and
management parameters for 1000 Mbit/s operation
Standard Description
Standard Description
Standard Description
Standard Description
Standard Description
A Glossary
1PPS Pulse per second, which, strictly speaking, is not a time synchronization
signal. This is because 1PPS provides only the "gauge" corresponding
to the UTC second, but does not provide the information about the day,
month, or year. Therefore, 1PPS is used as the reference for frequency
synchronization. On certain occasions, 1PPS can also be used on other
interfaces for high precision timing.
1:N protection A 1:N protection architecture has N normal traffic signals, N working
SNCs/trails and one protection SNC/trail. It may have one extra traffic
100base-TX Physical layer specification for a 100 Mbit/s CSMA/CD local area
network over two pairs of category 5 unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) or
shielded twisted-pair (STP) wire.
10BASE-T Physical layer specification for a 10 Mbit/s CSMA/CD local area
network over two pairs of twisted-pair telephone wire.
19-inch cabinet A cabinet which is 19 inches in width and 600 mm in depth, complying
with the standards of the IEC297.
administrator A user who has the authority to access all the Management Domains of
the EMLCore product. He has access to the whole network and to all the
management functions.
AIS Alarm Indication Signal. A signal sent downstream in a digital network
if an upstream failure has been detected and persists for a certain time.
alarm A process wherein alarm is raised within five seconds after alarm 1 is
correlation raised, and alarm 2 complies with the conditions defined in the alarm
analysis correlation analysis rule. You can either suppress alarm 2 or raise its
severity level according to the behavior defined in the alarm correlation
back up A method to copy the important data into another storage location in case
that the original data is damaged or lost.
bandwidth Information-carrying capacity of a communication channel. Analog
bandwidth is the range of signal frequencies that can be transmitted by
a communication channel or network.
BITS Building Integrated Timing Supply. A building timing supply that
minimizes the number of synchronization links entering an office.
Sometimes referred to as a synchronization supply unit.
broadcast The act of sending a frame addressed to all stations on the network
CBR Constant Bit Rate. The CBR service category is used by connections that
request a static amount of bandwidth which is continuously available
during the connection lifetime. This amount of bandwidth is
characterized by a peak cell Rate (PCR) value. One type of network that
all network nodes are connected one after one to be in series.
CDVT Cell Delay Variation Tolerance. Information sent in the forward and
backward directions to determine the upper bound of the tolerance
admitted for the time interval between cells pertaining to a given cell
flow. The backward CDVT values included in the IAM and MOD shall
be interpreted as maximum acceptable values for the cell flow in the
backward direction.
chain network One type of network that all network nodes are connected one after one
to be in series.
channel The smallest subdivision of a circuit that provides a type of
communication service; usually a path with only one direction.
circuit A communications path or network; usually a pair of channels providing
bi-directional communication.
clock tracing The method to keep the time on each node being synchronized with a
clock source in a network.
configuration Configuration management enables inventory query of network
management configuration resources, including relevant configuration of NMS or
SNMS, NE, subnet, links, SNC, route, TP, edge point, equipment, and
so on. Real-time inventory change report can also be provided through
this resource, it will be timely reported to the upper NMS to notify the
carrier of the current network operation status and ensure data
consistency of the upper NMSs.
connection A "transport entity" which consists of an associated pair of
"unidirectional connections" capable of simultaneously transferring
information in opposite directions between their respective inputs and
convergence The process of developing a model of the echo path which will be used
in the echo estimator to produce the estimate of the circuit echo.
defect A limited interruption in the ability of an item to perform a required
digital signal An electrical or optical signal that varies in discrete steps. Electrical
signals are coded as voltages, optical signals are coded as pulses of light.
drop The port on a network element where the service to an end customer may
be connected, such as a tributary card on a SONET ADM. For example,
a drop for a DS1 customer service may be provided by a VT1.5 card
terminating a VT1.5 trail.
ECC Embedded Control Channel. An ECC provides a logical operations
channel between SDH NEs, utilizing a data communications channel
(DCC) as its physical layer.
flow An aggregation of packets that have the same characteristics. On the
T2000 or NE software, flow is a group of classification rules. On boards,
it is a group of packets that have the same quality of service (QoS)
operation. At present, two flows are supported: port flow and port
+VLAN flow. Port flow is based on port ID and port+VLAN flow is
based on port ID and VLAN ID. The two flows cannot coexist in the
same port.
free-run mode An operating condition of a clock, the output signal of which is strongly
influenced by the oscillating element and not controlled by servo phase-
locking techniques. In this mode the clock has never had a network
reference input, or the clock has lost external reference and has no access
to stored data, that could be acquired from a previously connected
external reference. Free-run begins when the clock output no longer
reflects the influence of a connected external reference, or transition from
it. Free-run terminates when the clock output has achieved lock to an
external reference.
input jitter The maximum amplitude of sinusoidal jitter at a given jitter frequency,
tolerance which, when modulating the signal at an equipment input port, results in
no more than two errored seconds cumulative, where these errored
seconds are integrated over successive 30 second measurement intervals.
IP over DCC The IP Over DCC follows TCP/IP telecommunications standards and
controls the remote NEs through the Internet. The IP Over DCC means
that the IP over DCC uses overhead DCC byte (the default is D1-D3) for
isolation A non-reciprocal optical device intended to suppress backward
reflections along an optical fibre transmission line while having
minimum insertion loss in the forward direction.
jitter Short waveform variations caused by vibration, voltage fluctuations, and
control system instability.
jitter tolerance For STS-N electrical interfaces, input jitter tolerance is the maximum
amplitude of sinusoidal jitter at a given jitter frequency, which results in
no more than two errored seconds cumulative, when the signal is
modulated at an equipment input port. These errored seconds are
integrated over successive 30 second measurement intervals.
Requirements on input jitter tolerance as just stated, are specified in
terms of compliance with a jitter mask, which represents a combination
of points. Each point corresponds to a minimum amplitude of sinusoidal
jitter at a given jitter frequency which results in two or fewer errored
seconds in a 30 second measurement interval when the signal is
modulated at the equipment input port. For the OC-N optical interface,
it is defined as the amplitude of the peak-to-peak sinusoidal jitter applied
at the input of an OC-N interface that causes a 1 dB power penalty.
label A mark on a cable, a subrack, or a cabinet for identification.
laser The device that generates the directional light covering a narrow range
of wavelengths. Laser light is more coherent than ordinary light.
Semiconductor diode lasers are the used light source in fiber-optic
layer A concept used to allow the transport network functionality to be
described hierarchically as successive levels; each layer being solely
concerned with the generation and transfer of its characteristic
mapping A procedure by which tributaries are adapted into virtual containers at
the boundary of an SDH network.
mean launched The average power of a pseudo-random data sequence coupled into the
power fiber by the transmitter.
MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching. It is a standard routing and switching
technology platform, capable of supporting various high level protocols
and services. The data transmission over an MPLS network is
independent of route calculating. MPLS, as a connection-oriented
transmission technology, guarantees QoS effectively, supports various
technologies, and is independent of the link layer.
MSP A protection function that provides the capability for switching a signal
between and including two MST functions, from a working to a
protection channel.
MSTP Multi-service transmission platform. It is based on the SDH platform,
capable of accessing, processing and transmitting TDM services, ATM
services, and Ethernet services, and providing unified management of
these services.
multicast Transmission of a frame to stations specified by a group address.
multiplex section The multiplex section overhead comprises rows 5 to 9 of the SOH of the
overhead STM-N signal.
multiplex section A protection function that provides the capability for switching a signal
protection between and including two MST functions, from a working to a
protection channel.
multiplexing A procedure by which multiple lower order path layer signals are adapted
into a higher order path or the multiple higher order path layer signals
are adapted into a multiplex section.
optical interface A device that allows two or more corresponding optical transmitting
units to be connected.
overhead Extra bits in a digital stream used to carry information besides traffic
signals. Orderwire, for example, would be considered overhead
path protection The working principle of path protection: When the system works in path
protection mode, the PDH path uses the dual-fed and signal selection
mode. Through the tributary unit and cross-connect unit, the tributary
signal is sent simultaneously to the east and west lines. Meanwhile, the
cross-connect matrix sends the signal dually sent from the opposite end
to the tributary board through the active and standby buses, and the
hardware of the tributary board automatically and selectively receive the
signal from the two groups of buses automatically according to the AIS
number of the lower order path.
PCR Peak Cell Rate. An upper limit on the rate at which cells can be submitted
on an ATM connection.
PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy. PDH is the digital networking
hierarchy that was used before the advent of SONET/SDH.
performance Performance register is the memory space for performance event counts,
register including 15-min current performance register, 24-hour current
performance register, 15-min history performance register, 24-hour
history performance register, UAT register and CSES register.
pointer An indicator whose value defines the frame offset of a virtual container
with respect to the frame reference of the transport entity on which it is
procedure A generic term for an action.
process A generic term for a collection of actions.
receiver Receiver sensitivity is defined as the minimum acceptable value of
sensitivity average received power at point R to achieve a 1 x 10-10 BER.
reference clock A clock of very high stability and accuracy that may be completely
autonomous and whose frequency serves as a basis of comparison for
the frequency of other clocks.
regenerator The regenerator section overhead comprises rows 1 to 3 of the SOH of
section overhead the STM-N signal.
S1 byte The byte defined in ITU-T to transmit the network synchronization status
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy. A hierarchical set of digital transport
structures, standardized for the transport of suitably adapted payloads
over physical transmission networks.
section The portion of a SONET transmission facility, including terminating
points, between (i) a terminal network element and a regenerator or (ii)
two regenerators. A terminating point is the point after signal
regeneration at which performance monitoring is (or may be) done.
section overhead Nine bytes of overhead accessed, generated, and processed by section
terminating equipment. This overhead supports functions such as
framing the signal and performance monitoring.
service The measures to make sure the service transmitting not to be damaged
protection or corrupted.
side mode The ratio of the largest peak of the total source spectrum to the second
suppression ratio largest peak.
simple network An IETF protocol for monitoring and managing systems and devices in
management a network. The data being monitored and managed is defined by a
protocol Management Information Base (MIB). The functions supported by the
protocol are the request and retrieval of data, the setting or writing of
data, and traps that signal the occurrence of events.
SSM Synchronization Status Message. ITU-T defines S1 byte to transmit the
network synchronization status information. It uses the lower four bits
of the multiplex section overhead S1 byte to indicate 16 types of
synchronization quality grades.
STM-N Synchronous Transport Module. An STM is the information structure
used to support section layer connections in the SDH. It consists of
information payload and Section Overhead (SOH) information fields
organized in a block frame structure which repeats every 125 ms. The
information is suitably conditioned for serial transmission on the selected
media at a rate which is synchronized to the network. A basic STM is
defined at 155.520 bit/s.
subnet The logical entity in the transmission network and comprises a group of
network management objects. A subnet can contain NEs and other
subnets. A subnet planning can enhance the organization of a network
synchronous A network where transmission system payloads are synchronized to a
master (network) clock and traced to a reference clock.
T2000 A subnet management system (SNMS). In the telecommunication
management network architecture, the T2000 is located between the NE
level and network-level, which can supports all NE level functions and
part of the network-level management functions. See also NM.
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. Common name for the
suite of protocols developed to support the construction of worldwide
timeslot Single timeslot on a E1 digital interface, that is, a 64 kbit/s, synchronous,
full-duplex data channel, typically used for a single voice connection.
trail A type of transport entity, mainly engaged in transferring signal from the
input of the trail source to the output of the trail sink, and monitoring the
integrality of the transferred signal.
transceiver An electronic device which has both transmit and receive capabilities.
tray A discal component in the cabinet, which is used to place the chassis or
other equipment.
TUG Tributary unit group.
UNI User Network Interface. It identifies the interface between the user and
the ATM network node.
VC Virtual container.
VLAN Virtual local area network. A subset of the active topology of a Bridged
Local Area Network. Associated with each VLAN is a VLAN Identifier
AC Alternating Current
ADM add/drop multiplexer
AIS Alarm Indication Signal
ALS automatic laser shutdown
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
BIOS Basic Input/Output System
BITS Building Integrated Timing Supply
CAR Committed Access Rate
CBR Constant Bit Rate
CC Connectivity Check
DC Direct Current
DCC Data Communication Channel
DDN Digital Data Network
DSLAM Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer
DTE Data Terminal Equipments
ECC Embedded Control Channel
EGT Gigabit Ethernet Transparent Transmission Board
EPL Ethernet Private Line
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
EVPL Ethernet Virtual Private Line
EPLAN Ethernet Private LAN
EVPLAN Ethernet Virtual Private LAN
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
GE Gigabit Ethernet
GFP Generic Framing Procedure
GPS Global Positioning System
GUI Graphic User Interface
HDLC High level Data Link Control
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol
ISP Internet Service Provider
ITU-T International Telecommunication Union -
Telecommunication Standardization Sector
LAG Link Aggregation Group
LAN Local Area Network
LAPS Link Access Procedure-SDH
LB Loopback
LC Lucent Connector
LCT Local Craft Terminal
LCAS Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme
LPT Link State Pass Through
MCF Message Communication Function
MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching
MSP Multiplex Section Protection
MSTP multiservice transport platform
MADM Multiple Add/drop Multiplexer
MTIE maximum time interval error
NM Network Manager
NMS Network Management System
nrt-VBR non-real time Variable Bit Rate
NTP Network Time Protocol
OAM Operations, Administration and Maintenance
OLT Optical Line Terminal
ONU Optical Network Unit
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy
rt-VBR real time Variable Bit Rate
RDI Remote Defect Indication
RNC Radio Network Controller
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SFP Small Form-Factor Pluggable
SHDSL Single Pair High-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line
SNCP Sub-Network Connection Protection from the Function
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SSM Synchronization Status Message
STM-1 SDH Transport Module -1
STM-4 SDH Transport Module -4
STP Spanning Tree Protocol
TM Terminal Multiplexer
TMN Telecommunication Management Network
UBR Unspecified Bit Rate
UPM Uninterruptible Power Module
UNI User Network Interface
UTC Universal Time Coordinated
VBR Variable Bit Rate
VC Virtual Container
VLAN Virtual LAN
VP Virtual Path