Dellal Et Al.2008
Dellal Et Al.2008
Dellal Et Al.2008
Heart Rate Responses During Small-Sided Games and Short Intermittent Running
Training in Elite Soccer Players: A Comparative Study
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was measured and expressed as a mean percentage of HR ndurance training effects of short-duration
reserve (%HRres). The %HRres in the 30–30-second inter- intermittent runs have been reported in athletes
mittent run at 100% MAS with active recovery (at 9 kmh21 with (3,9,23) with improved maximal oxygen con-
sumption (Vo_ 2max) and delayed fatigue com-
corresponding distance) was significantly higher than that with
passive recovery (85.7% versus 77.2% HRres, respectively, pared to continuous running methods (10,15). Balsom et al.
(5,8) have shown that short-duration intermittent training
p , 0.001) but also higher than the 1 versus 1 (p , 0.01),
allows limited lactate production and increased creatine
4 versus 4 (p # 0.05), 8 versus 8 (p , 0.001), and 10 versus
phosphate metabolism during intermittent exercise. Creatine
10 (p , 0.01) small-sided games. The %HRres was 2-fold less
phosphate (5,21,32,37) and muscle glycogen (8,12,34) were
homogeneous during the different small-sided games than described as the most important energy substances for this
type of training. The effects of training with short-duration
intermittent running in elite soccer players have been
Address correspondence to Alexandre Dellal, analyzed for years (6,11). These studies have shown that
22(5)/1449–1457 this type of training method has the potential to improve the
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research players’ endurance. A high level of aerobic capacity in elite
Ó 2008 National Strength and Conditioning Association soccer allows improved field performance, i.e., greater
participation in the game through greater covered distance, duration intermittent running training. In this context, it was
involvement with the ball, and playing intensity (2,25,41). reported that HR monitoring during various sided games was
Kirkendall (29) described soccer as the amount of game considered valid to reflect the intensity of the soccer players’
phases at 4 versus 4 or less, on reduced areas. Other authors have activity (26).
shown that during specific aerobic training, it is possible to reach Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to compare
heart rates (HRs) similar to running interval training (26,27). HR responses within and between generic physical (short-
One of the main differences between these 2 training methods is duration intermittent running) and integrated physical (sided
that the presence of the ball during small-sided games allows the games) training in elite soccer players. First, it is hypothesized
concomitant improvement of technical and tactical skills with that HR responses are similar during some sided games and
greater motivation of the players (20). Nevertheless, the players short-duration intermittent runs. Then, it is hypothesized that
are relatively free during the sided games and their effort is the intersubject homogeneity of HR responses during sided
highly dependent on their level of individual motivation. It is also games is less than during intermittent running and that the
suggested that this level of motivation is generally increased in presence of goalkeepers increases game intensity.
soccer when goalkeepers are included, inducing the players to
play to score (1). In this context, recent studies have reported
conflicting results concerning the physiological impact of METHODS
different small-sided games. Comparing the activity of soccer Experimental Approach to the Problem
players during two reduced games (5 versus 5 and 11 versus 11), During the experimental period, 2 study-related sessions were
Allen et al. (1) noted that despite an equal distance jogged, implemented per week: 1 short-duration intermittent running
changes in HR during the activity and the number of ball and 1 sided game session. Sessions and exercises were sched-
contacts during the 5 versus 5 game was significantly greater uled as shown in Table 1 (as commonly used in high-level
than those during the 11 versus 11 game. The number of players, soccer players). The experiment was performed just after
player activity, and the presence of goalkeepers have an impact mid-season (7 days of rest), i.e., during the sixth and the
on HR responses (1). During sided games, coaches cannot seventh months after the beginning of the season. Each week
accurately control the activity of their players, and it is not very the medical staff checked the players’ hormone levels, body
clear to what extent this training modality has the potential to mass, and HR activity (variability in resting HR). The players
produce the same physiological responses as does short- were healthy and did not have any recent injury. Subjects
Week 1
VAMEVAL test Rest Official game
Week 2
2 vs. 2 10–10-s at 110% Rest Official
V_ O2max game
Week 3
30–30-s at 100% 10 vs. 10 GK Rest Official game
V_ O2max AR
Week 4
30–30-s at 100% Rest 8 vs. 8 GK Official game
V_ O2max PR
Week 5
1 vs. 1 Rest 5–20-s at 120% Official game
V_ O2max
Week 6
8 vs. 8 Rest
Week 7
15–15-s at 100% 4 vs. 4 GK Official game
V_ O2max
VAMEVAL; V_ O2max = lowest velocity associated with maximum oxygen consumption or maximum aerobic speed; x versus y = sided
games with x against y players; GK = presence of goalkeepers; PR = passive recovery; AR = active recovery (the soccer players had to
jog at 9 kmh21).
the TM
were first tested with a maximal field test in order to measure atmospheric pressure, and 46% relative humidity. The test
maximal aerobic speed or the velocity at maximum oxygen was performed on a natural grass soccer field, and subjects
consumption (Vo _ 2max) and maximum HR (HRmax). Each wore soccer uniforms. Subjects were familiar with this testing
player was verbally encouraged to maximally perform during procedure as it was often used to set the training pace during
the overall protocol during which players continued to train training sessions.
normally, i.e., 5–7 training sessions and 1 competition match The VAMEVAL maximal incremental running test is very
per week (Table 1). The maximal field test and the most similar to the University of Montreal Field Test (14). It begins
difficult experimental training sessions took place on Tuesday with a running speed of 8 kmh21 with consecutive speed
or Wednesday in order to be far enough away from the increases of 0.5 kmh21 each minute until exhaustion. The
official games on Sunday. Generally the players played an subjects adjusted their running velocity to auditory signals at
official game on Saturday or Sunday. On Monday, the 20-m intervals, delineated by visual marks along a 200-m long
training consisted of recovery sessions consisting of jogging track. This test estimated the subjects’ maximal aerobic speed
at 12 kmh21 for 20 minutes and therapeutic actions (e.g., (MAS) and measured the HRmax. The MAS is the velocity
massage, sauna, thermoaction). On Tuesday, 2 training ses- in kmh21 of the last 1-minute stage completed by the subject.
sions were performed: muscle strengthening in the morning The uncompleted 1-minute stages were not taken into
(e.g., general muscle work) and a technical-tactical (e.g., account (30).
technical circuit) training session in the afternoon. On
Wednesday, there was a mixed session with an aerobic power Short-Duration Intermittent Running. All subjects completed all the
session (interval training and sided games) and a technical- short duration intermittent running sessions presented in
tactical workout. On Thursday, no training was performed. Table 3. During these sessions, running distances were
On Friday, 2 technical-tactical training sessions with a reac- individualized based on the subject’s measured MAS. In case
tivity session (e.g., multiple short-burst sprints) were per- of active recovery, players had to jog at 9 kmh21 (with
formed. An appropriate standardized warm-up (e.g., general corresponding distance). Each exercise protocol was per-
physical preparation with articular and muscular mobiliza- formed in different weeks and on a natural grass field.
tion) was performed before each training session.
Small-Sided Games. All subjects performed all the different
sided games presented in Table 4. The different sided games
were performed with or without a goalkeeper in smaller
Ten male elite soccer players belonging to a French first areas on a natural grass field. With goalkeepers, the sided
league senior team volunteered to participate in the study. games consisted of playing a match, whereas without
Players’ physical characteristics are presented in Table 2. The goalkeepers, the sided games consisted of keeping the ball
protocol was approved by the local university ethics despite the opponents’ efforts to take the ball. Several balls
committee, and all subjects gave written informed consent were placed all around the area of the sided games for
before participating. The subjects could withdraw from the immediate availability in order to avoid stopping the game.
study at any time and were informed about the protocol In both modes of training, players were allowed hydration
details without being informed about the aim of the study. ad libitum.
Values 26.0 6 2.9 78.3 6 4.4 181.4 6 5.9 17.1 6 0.8 195.4 6 4.9 52.0 6 3.8 144.3 6 5.6
MAS = maximal aerobic speed; HRmax = maximum heart rate observed at the end of the VAMEVAL test; HRrest = minimum HR
observed when the athletes laid on a bed for 10 minutes at 10:30 AM; HRres = heart rate reserve, i.e., difference between the maximum
and resting heart rate.
PR = passive recovery; V_ O2max = lowest velocity associated with maximum oxygen consumption or maximum aerobic speed;
AR = active recovery (the soccer players had to jog at 9 kmh21).
Total duration of the session = the end of this duration corresponded to the end of the last series of the reduced game;
GK = presence of goalkeepers.
the TM
GK = presence of goalkeepers; V_ O2max = lowest velocity associated with maximum oxygen consumption; PR = passive recovery; AR = active recovery (the soccer players had to
30-s intermittent exercise with AR than during the 1 versus 1
TABLE 5. Percentage of heart rate reserve (%HRres) during the different sided games and during the different short-duration intermittent running sessions.
V_ O2max PR
80.2 6
(p , 0.01), 4 versus 4 (p # 0.05), 8 versus 8 (p , 0.001), and 10
versus 10 (p , 0.01) sided games, whereas with PR, the HR
response was not significantly different during all the sided
games (Figure 1). Concerning the 10–10-s intermittent
exercise with PR, the HR response was also significantly
V_ O2max PR
76.8 6
greater than during the 1 versus 1 (p # 0.05), the 8 versus 8
(p , 0.01), and the 10 versus 10 (p # 0.05) sided games
(Figure 1), whereas during the 2 versus 2 and the 8 versus 8
sided games with goalkeepers, the HR response was not
V_ O2max AR
The purpose of this study was to compare HR responses
V_ O2max PR
75.7 6
+ GK
Sided games
+ GK
Figure 1. Comparison of the percentage of heart rate reserve (%HRres) during the 30–30-s intermittent running at 100% of the lowest velocity at the maximum
oxygen consumption (V_ O2max) with active recovery (AR) (the soccer players had to jog at 9 kmh21) and passive recovery (PR), the 10–10-s intermittent running at
110% V_ O2max, and the different sided games. *Significant difference between the 30–30-s intermittent exercise with AR and the sided games. *p # 0.05; **p ,
0.01; ***p , 0.001. $Significant difference between the 10–10-s intermittent exercise with PR and the sided games. $p # 0.05; $$p , 0.01; GK = presence of
goalkeepers; x versus y = sided games with x against y players.
ball, which imposes a specific activity and allows the con- physical effect was variable according to the game. A sided
comitant improvement of technical and tactical skills with game change in characteristics implies a change in physio-
high player motivation. logical impact. The game area, the number of players, game
Nevertheless, the soccer players’ HR response was less instructions, the number and duration of the series, the total
homogeneous during the different sided games compared to duration of the session, and the presence of goalkeepers
intermittent running (intersubject CV = 11.8% versus 5.9%, directly influence the activity of the players and the phy-
respectively). Indeed, the activity of the soccer players was not siological impact (4). Allen et al. (1) compared the activity of
totally controlled by the staff because the moves of soccer soccer players during 2 sided games (5 versus 5 and 11 versus
players were different depending on their experience, their 11). Despite an equal distance jogged, these authors showed
position during the competition game, the movements of the that the players’ activity during the 5 versus 5 was signifi-
opponents, and/or their motivation (38,39). cantly greater than that during the 11 versus 11. In addition,
Coaches may use sided game training, which requires they found that the number of ball contacts was also
technical, tactical, and physical aspects at the same time, significantly higher with the smallest number of players, i.e.,
making it very similar to the soccer game itself. Therefore, the 5 versus 5. The number of players is important for physically
Figure 2. Comparison of the percentage of heart rate reserve (%HRres) during the 8 versus 8 with goalkeepers sided game, the 2 versus 2 sided game, and the
different short-duration intermittent running. GK = presence of goalkeepers; x versus y = sided games with x against y players; V_ O2max = the lowest velocity at the
maximum oxygen consumption or maximum aerobic speed.
the TM
specific integrated training. Indeed, Rampinini et al. (35) present study, for the same intermittent running training
showed that the intensity of sided games increases while the modality—30–30-s intermittent exercise at 100% V_ O2max,
number of players decreases. Nevertheless, this is also the difference in %HRres was about 9.1% between the PR
dependent on the playing area, with the game intensity and AR. This indicates that the type of recovery greatly
decreasing when the available game area is decreased (35). determines the physiological responses of an athlete during
Another key factor in influencing the sided games is the a 30–30-s intermittent exercise at 100% V_ O2max. Dupont and
presence of the goalkeepers, which increases the HR of the Berthoin (17) have shown that the AR could be less efficient
soccer players during sided games. In the present study, the than the PR to optimize V_ O2max, because of the fact that
8 versus 8 sided games with goalkeepers showed a 12% in- AR enhances blood lactate removal in comparison with PR
crease in the %HRres compared to the same game without (13,24,33). Moreover, PR could allow greater reoxygenation
goalkeepers. The aims of scoring and protecting their own of myoglobin and hemoglobin than AR (18,19). The results
goalkeepers may have imposed greater activity on the soccer of this latter study showed that there were no significant
players probably because of higher motivation (38,39). The differences between AR and PR concerning blood lactate
activity of the soccer player was less homogeneous during 8 concentration (12.6 6 1 versus 13.1 6 2.7 mmolL21), peak
versus 8 sided game with goalkeepers than without goal- HR (183.3 6 13.9 versus 182.5 6 15 bmin21) and average
keepers (intersubject CV = 15.6% versus 8.8%, respectively). HR (66.6 6 11.9; 165.6 6 14.6 bmin21, respectively).
It is possible that some players are more motivated than However, these authors have shown that there was
others by the presence of goalkeepers, explaining such a significant difference between AR and PR with regard to
a difference. overall metabolic power.
The physiological impacts of sided games were less Some of the limitations of the present study are the absence
homogeneous than those of intermittent running. This of randomization and the stability of the day-to-day HR
difference was increased with the presence of goalkeepers, response. Because the subjects were elite first division players,
the modification of the number of players, and the decrease in it was not possible to randomize the order of the sided games
area. The sided games characteristics and rules have to be and intermittent runs performed. Randomization would have
chosen with care because each element can influence the avoided any order effect of any exercise on any other one.
activity of the soccer players (35). Nevertheless, randomizing is much easy to implement in
Thus, if the staff aims to totally control the physical training some studies and almost impossible in others. The proposal of
effects for the majority of the players involved and thus reduce randomization was rejected by the team coach as this would
interplayer variability, they have to use intermittent running have imposed too much organization concerns and would
sessions. Some authors have reported that high-intensity have disturbed the regular training schedule of the staff.
intermittent exercise can both improve the V_ O2max and the Concerning the potential bias of an eventual day-to-day HR
performance of the soccer players (7,28). In this study, the variability, players were regularly checked for their resting
most intensive intermittent exercise was the 10–10-s (110% of HR variability and were coming back from a week of
V_ O2max) and the least intensive was the 15–15-s intermittent intraseason recovery. This does not impede the day-to-day
exercise (100% of V_ O2max). This type of short-duration HR variability bias, but might limit it. In this context, several
intermittent exercise solicits the anaerobic and aerobic other studies were conducted on soccer player training using
mechanisms at the same time (23,40). In addition, Dupont HR as a physiological variable to control exercise intensity.
and Berthoin (17) have shown that the 15–15-s intermittent Despite that, HR variability has to be taken into consideration
exercise at 120% V_ O2max was the best intermittent exercise when interpreting the results of the present study.
to improve V_ O2max. The present study showed that the To summarize, our findings support the idea that some
15–15-s intermittent exercise at a lower intensity, i.e., 100% small-sided games enable HR responses to increase, similarly
V_ O2max, was insufficient to induce a high HR response, to some short-duration intermittent runs shown to be
showing the importance of the choice of exercise intensity in effective in enhancing player endurance. Nevertheless, some
intermittent training. These results confirm the fact that the other sided games cannot increase the HR responses at the
development of V_ O2max requires an exercise intensity higher same level as the described intermittent exercises methods.
than 100% of V_ O2max when short-duration intermittent Sided games show greater interplayer HR variability, and the
running is considered (22,31,36). presence of goalkeepers during sided games increases the
Millet et al. (33) showed that a 30–30-s (at 100% V_ O2max physiological impact. Further studies are needed to compare
for 10 minutes) intermittent exercise with PR allows 54 the effects of these 2 training methods on the enhancement of
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