Take Home Exam - Discrete Structures
Take Home Exam - Discrete Structures
Take Home Exam - Discrete Structures
Question 03: Let f and g be functions from {1, 2, 3, 4} to {a, b, c, d} and from {a, b, c, d} to {1, 2,
3, 4}, respectively, with f (1) = d, f (2) = c, f (3) = a, and f (4) = b, and g(a) = 2, g(b) =
1, g(c) = 3, and g(d) = 2.
a. Is f one-to-one? Is g one-to-one? If so, why? [02]
b. Is f onto? Is g onto? If so, why? [02]
c. Does either f or g have an inverse? If so, find this inverse. [02]
[06 points]
Question 04: Fill out the following table with Yes or No with proper justification of every answer.
Properties → P1 P2 P3
Relation ↓ Asymmetric Irreflexive Transitive
R1 x,y ∈ Z | x+y = 0
R2 x,y ∈ N | x < y
R3 x,y ∈ Z | x2 > y
Z is the set of all integers. N is the set of all natural numbers.
[10 points]
Question 05: Consider the following problems and solve according to the rule of permutation or
combination (whichever applies). Show your working with proper justification of
every rule applied.
a. A cricket tournament between 8 teams is to be played. The teams are divided
into two groups of four teams each. In group stage matches, every team will play
exactly one match with each of its group members. How many total number of
games will be played in the tournament’s group stage? [04]
b. Suppose there are nine pairs of pants and seven shirts. One shirt and one pair of
pants make up a dress. How many total numbers of possible dresses can there
be? [03]
c. Suppose there are six empty wooden wall frames and twelve paintings. How
many possible numbers of way are there to arrange these paintings in the given
frames? [03]
[10 points]
***********END OF PROBLEM SET***********
1. Write all your solutions in a Word document.
2. Save your solution’s Word file as BSE20F123_DS_2A_FinalExam (for your own roll
3. Upload the file on your LMS Assignment titled as “Final Exam Submissions – DS”.
4. No late submissions are allowed on LMS.
For Email
5. In addition to submitting on LMS, you are also required to submit your solution on email
as well.
6. Attach the file (as mentioned in point 2) in email.
7. Write subject as “Final Exam – DS – 2A – BSE20F123” (for your own roll number/section).
8. Write your full name and roll number in email body.
9. Send the email to zubairfall2020smiu@gmail.com.
10. Email Submission’s due date is the same as the due of LMS.
*******THE END*******