Syllabus MTech - Environment Engineering

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Course Code : MTCEE
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering

Duration of Course : 2 Year

Examination Mode : Semester
Examination System : Grading

Swami Vivekanand University, Sironja Sagar (M.P.)

Swami Vivekanand University, Sagar (M.P.)
Scheme of Examination
Faculty of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering
Scheme of Course : Master of Technology (M.Tech.) - Environment Engineering Semester :- 1st Sem
Course Code : MTCEE

Credit Allotted
Distribution of Marks
Theory Practical Grand Duration
Paper / Subject Total
Title of the Paper / Subject Credit End Sem. Internal Total End Sem. Internal Total Total of Theory
Code L T P Max Min TW MST (D= Max Min LW (G= (H= Exam
(A) (B) (C) A+B+C) (E) (F) E+F) D+G)
Environmental Chemistry &
MTCEE-0101 3 1 - 4 70 28 10 20 100 - - - - 100 3 Hrs
MTCEE-0102 Water Treatment – I 3 1 - 4 70 28 10 20 100 - - - - 100 3 Hrs

MTCEE-0103 Waste Water Treatment - I 3 1 - 4 70 28 10 20 100 - - - - 100 3 Hrs

Climate Change and Clean
MTCEE-0104 Development Mechanism (CC & 3 1 - 4 70 28 10 20 100 - - - - 100 3 Hrs
MTCEE-0105 Solid Waste Management 3 1 - 4 70 28 10 20 100 - - - - 100 3 Hrs

MTCEE-0106 Adv. Environmental Lab – I - - 6 6 - - - - - 90 36 60 150 150 -

MTCEE-0107 Field Testing Lab – I - - 6 6 - - - - - 90 36 60 150 150 -

Total 15 5 12 32 350 - 50 100 500 180 - 120 300 800

Swami Vivekanand University, Sagar (M.P.)
Scheme of Examination
Faculty of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering
Scheme of Course : Master of Technology (M.Tech.) - Environment Engineering Semester :- 2nd Sem
Course Code : MTCEE

Credit Allotted
Distribution of Marks
Theory Practical Grand Duration
Paper / Subject Total
Title of the Paper / Subject Credit End Sem. Internal Total End Sem. Internal Total Total of Theory
Code L T P Max Min TW MST (D= Max Min LW (G= (H= Exam
(A) (B) (C) A+B+C) (E) (F) E+F) D+G)

MTCEE-0201 Water Treatment –II 3 1 - 4 70 28 10 20 100 - - - - 100 3 Hrs

MTCEE-0202 Waste Water Treatment – II 3 1 - 4 70 28 10 20 100 - - - - 100 3 Hrs

Industrial Water and Waste Water
MTCEE-0203 3 1 - 4 70 28 10 20 100 - - - - 100 3 Hrs
Environmental Impact Assessment
MTCEE-0204 3 1 - 4 70 28 10 20 100 - - - - 100 3 Hrs
and Audit
MTCEE-0205 Air Pollution & Control 3 1 - 4 70 28 10 20 100 - - - - 100 3 Hrs

MTCEE-0206 Advance Environment Lab - II - - 6 6 - - - - - 90 36 60 150 150 -

MTCEE-0207 Field Testing Lab –II - - 6 6 - - - - - 90 36 60 150 150 -

Total 15 5 12 32 350 - 50 100 500 180 - 120 300 800

Swami Vivekanand University, Sagar (M.P.)
Scheme of Examination
Faculty of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering
Scheme of Course : Master of Technology (M.Tech.) - Environment Engineering Semester :- 3rd Sem
Course Code : MTCEE

Credit Allotted
Distribution of Marks
Theory Practical Grand Duration
Paper / Subject Total
Title of the Paper / Subject Credit End Sem. Internal Total End Sem. Internal Total Total of Theory
Code L T P Max Min TW MST (D= Max Min LW (G= (H= Exam
(A) (B) (C) A+B+C) (E) (F) E+F) D+G)

MTCEE-0301 Elective-I 3 1 - 4 70 28 10 20 100 - - - - 100 3 Hrs

MTCEE-0302 Elective-II 3 1 - 4 70 28 10 20 100 - - - - 100 3 Hrs

MTCEE-0303 Seminar - - 4 4 - - - - - - - 100 100 100 -

MTCEE-0304 Dissertation Part-I - - 8 8 - - - - - 120 48 80 200 200 -

Total 6 2 12 20 140 - 20 40 200 120 - 180 300 500

Elective-I Elective-II
MTCEE-0301 (A) Energy Efficient & Environment Friendly Construction MTCEE-0302 (A) Environmental Modelling
Material & Techniques
MTCEE-0301 (B) Advanced Treatment Methods MTCEE-0302 (B) Risk Assessment
MTCEE-0301 (C) Noise Pollution MTCEE-0302 (C) Environmental Economics and Management
MTCEE-0301 (D) Instrumentation And Process Control MTCEE-0302 (D) Environmental Planning
Swami Vivekanand University, Sagar (M.P.)
Scheme of Examination
Faculty of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering
Scheme of Course : Master of Technology (M.Tech.) - Environment Engineering Semester :- 4th Sem
Course Code : MTCEE

Credit Allotted
Distribution of Marks
Theory Practical Grand Duration
Paper / Subject Total End Sem. Internal Total End Sem. Internal Total Total
Title of the Paper / Subject Credit
of Theory
Code L T P
Max Min TW MST (D= Max Min LW (G= (H= Exam
(A) (B) (C) A+B+ (E) (F) E+F) D+G)

MTCEE-0401 Dissertation Part-II - - 20 20 - - - - - 300 120 200 500 500 -

Total - - 20 20 - - - - - 300 - 200 500 500 -

Swami Vivekanand University, Sagar(M.P.)

Environmental Chemistry & Microbiology

Periods Per
Distribution of Marks
Theory Practical Gra
Course Total Tot Tota
Title of the Paper on of
code (e= al l
L T P C Ma Mi MS T Ma Mi T Exam
a+c+ (i= (j=
x n T W x n W
d) f+h) e+i)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (f) (g) (h)

Chemistry & 3 1 - 4 70 28 20 10 100 - - - - 100 3 hrs.

Fundamentals of general chemistry: Elements, symbols, atomic rate, chemical
equation, gas laws, Le­
chateler's principle, activity, solubility product,
ion effect.

Physical chemistry: Thermodynamics vapour pressure, surface tension, osmosis,

electrochemistry, conductivity, chemical kinetics, and adsorption.

Equilibrium chemistry: Acids and bases, pH concept, equilibrium problems, titration,

buffers, solubility, oxidation and reduction reactions.

Basics of organic:

Organic chemistry: Aliphatic compound, alcohol, aldehydes and ketones,

halogenated carbon compounds, esters, simple carbon compound containing
nitrogen, cyclic and aromatic compounds etc. Dyes, carbohydrates, fats, oil, proteins,
detergent, pesticides, trace organics.

Water analysis and atmospheric reaction, standard methods of analysis,
basic concepts from quantitative chemistry:

Atmospheric reaction including tropospheric and stratospheric chemical reactions,

urban atmosphere, hazardous chemical and their control.
Relevance of microbiology to environmental engineering: Micro-organism, classification
structure and function, pathway of metabolism proteins, fatty acids, nuclei acids,
lipids, amino acids, enzymes.


Colloidal and Nuclear Chemistry: Colloidal and dispersion, general properties and
significance of
colloids. Atomic structure, radio activity, nuclear reaction, fission
and fusion, traces.

Reference Books:

1. Clair N. Sawyer & Perry L. Me Carty: Chemistry for Environmental Engg., McGram-
Hill, Inc.
2. Manahan, S.E. :Environmental Chemistry, Lewis, Chelsea Ml
3. Wertheim, E & H. Jeskey: Introductory Organic Chemistry, McGraw-Hill N.Y.
4. Brock T.D. and M.T. Madigan :Biology of Micro-organism, Prentice Hall, Englewood
Cliffs N.J.
5. White A, P. Handler & E. Smith :Principles of Biochemistry, McGraw-Hill. N.Y.
6. Ross, S& I.D. Morrison: Colloidal System & Interface, Wiley -Inter science N.Y.
7. Harvey, B.G. :Introduction to Nuclear Physics & Chemistry, Prentice Hall Engle
Wood N.J.
Swami Vivekanand University, Sagar(M.P.)

Water Treatment – I (MTCEE-0102)

Periods Per
Distribution of Marks
Theory Practical Gra
Course Total Tot Tota
Title of the Paper on of
code (e= al l
L T P C Ma Mi MS T Ma Mi T Exam
a+c+ (i= (j=
x n T W x n W
d) f+h) e+i)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (f) (g) (h)

MTCEE Water Treatment – I

3 1 - 4 70 28 20 10 100 - - - - 100 3 hrs.

Process Dynamics. Mechanics of mass transport. Reactor Engineering process design.

Water Quantity and concepts of beneficial use. water Quality criteria and drinking water

UNIT - III : Sedimentation:

Settling velocity of discrete particle. hindered settling of discrete particles. settling of
flocculent suspensions. efficiency of an ideal settling basin. size weight composition and
removal. reduction in settling efficiency by currents. short circuiting and basin stability.
elements of tank design. general dimensions. Inlet and outlet hydraulics. common tank

UNIT - IV : Coagulation and flocculation:

Objectives. coagulation mechanisms mixing and stirring devices (Gravitational and
mechanical) Flocculator loading and performance. up flow classification.

UNIT - V: Filtration:
Granular water filters. granular filtering materials. grain size and size distribution. grain shape
and shape variation. preparation of filter sand hydraulics of filtration. hydraulics of stratified.
unstratified and fluidized beds. Removal of impurities. Kinetics of filtration. 'hydraulics of
back washing of filter.

1. Physiochemical Processes for treatment of Water By - W.J. Weber
2. Environmental Engineering By - H.S. Peary. DR. Rowe & G. Tehobanoglous
3. Manual on water Supply & Treatment CPHEEO. Min of Urban Development. New Delhi.
4. Water Supply & Sewerage By - Ernest W. Steel (Mc-Graw Hill Book Co.)
Swami Vivekanand University, Sagar(M.P.)

Waste Water Treatment – I (MTCEE-0103)

Periods Per
Distribution of Marks
Theory Practical Gra
Course Total Tot Tota
Title of the Paper on of
code (e= al l
L T P C Ma Mi MS T Ma Mi T Exam
a+c+ (i= (j=
x n T W x n W
d) f+h) e+i)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (f) (g) (h)

MTCEE Waste Water

3 1 - 4 70 28 20 10 100 - - - - 100 3 hrs.
-0103 Treatment - I

Physical. chemical and Biological Characteristics of sewage.

Wastewater treatment objectives. Classification and application of wastewater treatment methods
Elements of plant analysis.

Physical units operations: Screening. flow equalization. Mixing. flocculation. sedimentation.

UNIT - IV : Disposal of Sewage :

(A) Land treatment systems - Fundamental consideration. Irrigation systems - Design objectives. site
Selection. Pre-application treatment. loading rates. land requirements. Crop-selection.
distribution systems.
Rapid - infiltration systems. over land flow systems. land application of sludge.
(B) Effluent disposal and Reuse: Receiving water standards. Effluent standards.
Disposal bv dilution. Disposal into lakes. Disposal into rivers. Re-oxygenation in rivers. De-
oxygenation in rivers. Oxygen sag mode. Disposal into estuaries. Disposal into ocean. Direct and
indirect reuse of wastewater.

Hydraulic design of sanitary and storm sewers

1. Waste Water Engineering Treatment & Reuse bv - Metcalf & Eddy ( Tata Mc-Graw Hill) "
2. Water & Wastewater Technology bv - Mark J.Hammer (Prentice - Hall of India) .."
3. Manual on Sewerage & Sewage Treatment CPHEEO. Min of Urban Dev. New Delhi
Swami Vivekanand University, Sagar(M.P.)

Climate Change and Clean Development

Mechanism (CC & CDM)
Periods Per
Distribution of Marks
Theory Practical Gra
Course Total Tot Tota
Title of the Paper on of
code (e= al l
L T P C Ma Mi MS T Ma Mi T Exam
a+c+ (i= (j=
x n T W x n W
d) f+h) e+i)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (f) (g) (h)

Climate Change and

MTCEE Clean Development
3 1 - 4 70 28 20 10 100 - - - - 100 3 hrs.
-0104 Mechanism (CC &

Unit I: Basics of Climate Change:

Weather, Climate Variability, Climate change, Greenhouse gases, Natural and enhanced
greenhouse effect
Natural and Man Made Sources of Greenhouse gases & Carbon emissions.
Basic Terms of Climate Change, Science of climate change, Global warming and GWP of GHG.
Climate Change (CC) Impacts on agriculture, water resources, human health, forest and also on
Ecosystem like Himalayan, coastal zones, Western Ghats. Indian Network for Climate Change
Assessment (INCA) 4x 4 Assessments.

Unit II: International and National Policies And Regulation

Brief History on Environmental Negotiations, Rio Summit, UNCED-1992, Convention on
Biodiversity (CBD) and its key elements, Definition and concepts of Sustainable
Montreal Protocol on Ozone.
UNFCCC, Brief History of CC, Negotiations and Decision of Conference of Parties (COP)
Kyoto Protocol & Mechanism: CDM/JI/ET, IPCC.
Ratification to UNFCCC, Assessment Reports of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) like AR-5
Institutional Mechanism on Climate Change(CC); MoEFCC, India's efforts on CC, PM Council
of CC, National Action Plan on Climate Change(NAPCC), National Missions: Its objectives and
Status, NATCOM, GHG Inventorization, Low Carbon Economy, Intended National Determined
Contribution (INDC), State Action Plan on Climate Change(SAPCC).
Unit III: Clean Development Mechanism
Basics of CDM/CDM Glossary, CDM project cycle, PIN, PDD, DNA of India, National
Approval Potential of Carbon markets, CDM Related bodies, E+ & E- Policies, PoA
Baseline Standardization and Demonstration of Additionality, Methodologies & Tools for
Validation, Monitoring and Verification, Large, Small and Micro Scale Projects.
Other Voluntary Carbon markets: Chicago Climate Exchange, Gold Standard (GS), Verified
Carbon Standard (VCS), NAMA,

Unit 4: CC & CDM Project Development Opportunity

Case Studies on Renewable Energy, Solid Waste Management, Energy Efficiency, Forestry.
Identification/Possibilities of CDM projects in MP.

Unit 5: Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation

Basics of Adaptation and Mitigation; Adaptation strategies & options, REDD+.
Concept of Vulnerability, Exposure, Sensitivity, Adaptive Capacity with regards to
Development Indicators.

Environmentally sound technologies for transport, infrastructure, industry, waste

management, energy efficiency, Renewable and alternative energy, Green building and
other carbon sequestration technologies.
Swami Vivekanand University, Sagar(M.P.)

Solid Waste Management (MTCEE-0105)

Periods Per
Distribution of Marks
Theory Practical Gra
Course Total Tot Tota
Title of the Paper on of
code (e= al l
L T P C Ma Mi MS T Ma Mi T Exam
a+c+ (i= (j=
x n T W x n W
d) f+h) e+i)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (f) (g) (h)

MTCEE Solid Waste

3 1 - 4 70 28 20 10 100 - - - - 100 3 hrs.
-0105 Management

UNIT –I: Introduction and Basic data: Concept and dimension of third pollution survey and
discussion of Generation and Characterization of solid waste (Physical, Biological
and Chemical); Integrated Solid waste Management; Waste Reduction at the
source, community collection methods, Critical appraisal, Rate Variation,
Management options for Solid Waste.

UNIT-II: Collection and conveyance systems: Volume reduction during and prior collection
Transformations and disposal Techniques, Size reduction and classification collection
management systems routing and Scheduling, Special collection problems or reuse
and recycling for waste alleviation, problems of sorting and separation.

UNIT-III: Disposal methods: Unit operations in composting practices, Vermin-Composting,

Health problems and bio-degradation, soil microbes and their influence in waste
disposal, public relation and marketing problems, unit operation of sanitary land fill
site selection and land use planning, design of landfills Movement and control of
landfill leachate & gases.
Technical and economic aspects and incinerator operations, components and unit
operation for waste incinerator operation problems, high temperature .

UNIT-IV: Solid Waste System: solid waste management collection and conveyance system
drying and incineration systems, dewatering and conditioning systems, refuse derived
fuels, land filling, Discussion of solid waste acts, resources and recovery act of other
countries rate of solid waste in total environment protection necessity of public
education and persuasion managed solutions to collection and disposal problems
UNIV-V: Waste to energy options: combustion (unprocessed and processed fuel),
gasification, anaerobic digestion, pyrolysis.


1) Solid Waste Management Collection :A.D. Bhide and B.B. Sudershan

2) Solid Waste Engineering Principles, Tecobanoglous G.
3) Handbook of Solid Management, Frank Kreith, Mcgraw Hill,Inc USA
4) Solid waste Management- A practical approach by Manoj Datta
5) Energy form solid waste by Jackson
6) Refuse recycling and recovery by John R. Holmes
7) Handbook of Solid Waste Management Frank Kreith, Mcgraw Hill, Inc USA
8) Hand Book Environmental Engineering Vo12, Lawrence K.Wang and Worman C.
Pereira, The Human Press Clifton, New Jersey (1980)
9) Hand Book Environmental Engineering Vo1, I Liptak
10) Environmental Engineering by Peavy, Rowe Tchobanogolous
11) Manual on Solid Waste Management CPHEEO,GOI
12) Waste Management and Resource Recovery by Rhyner, Schwartz & Kohrell
13) Ramachandra T.V , 2006. Management of Municipal Solid Waste , Commonwealth of
Learning, Canada and Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
Swami Vivekanand University, Sagar(M.P.)

Adv. Environmental Lab - I (MTCEE-0106)

Periods Per
Distribution of Marks
Theory Practical Gra
Course Total Tot Tota Duration
Title of the Paper
code (e= al l of Exam
L T P C Ma Mi MS T Ma Mi T
a+c+ (i= (j=
x n T W x n W
d) f+h) e+i)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (f) (g) (h)

MTCEE Adv. Environmental

- - 6 6 - - - - - 90 36 60 150 150 -
-0106 Lab - I

The exercises in this component shall be designed to demonstrate the basic principles
outlined in different units of the theory paper. After completing the exercises the student should
have developed a good grasp of the practical utilities of the theory content.
(Suggested Exercise)

1. To determine the total suspended solids & dissolved solid in the water sample.

2. To determine the turbidity in wastewater sample by Nephlometer.

3. Determination of pH, temperature and conductivity of given sample by electrode


4. Determination of the strength of unknown strong acid by titrating it against weak base by
conductometric method.

5. To determine the dissolved oxygen content of the given sample by Winkler method.

6. To determine the biochemical oxygen demand of the given wastewater sample.

7. To determine the chemical oxygen demand of the given wastewater sample.

8. To determine the fluoride content in the given water sample.

9. Find out chloride content in a given sample of water.

10. Find out iron content in a given sample of water.

11. Determine "percentage Available Chlorine" in a given sample of "bleaching: Power."

12. Find out M.P.N. in a given sample of water by :

(A )Multiple Tube Technique
(B) Membrane Filter Technique
13. To Study the Water/Waste Water Analyzing kit.
Swami Vivekanand University, Sagar(M.P.)

Field Testing Lab - I (MTCEE-0107)

Periods Per
Distribution of Marks
Theory Practical Gra
Course Total Tot Tota Duration
Title of the Paper
code (e= al l of Exam
L T P C Ma Mi MS T Ma Mi T
a+c+ (i= (j=
x n T W x n W
d) f+h) e+i)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (f) (g) (h)

MTCEE Field Testing Lab - I

- - 6 6 - - - - - 90 36 60 150 150 -

The exercises in this component shall be designed to demonstrate the basic principles outlined in
different units of the theory paper. After completing the exercises the student should have developed
a good grasp of the practical utilities of the theory content.
(Suggested Exercise)

1. Determine the "Optimum Dose of Coagulant" (Alum) by "Jar Test".

2. To obtain "Filter Sand" from a given sample of "Stock Sand".
3. Find out the clay content in a given sample of filter sand.
4. Find out the ignition loss in a given sample of the filter sand. etc..
Swami Vivekanand University, Sagar(M.P.)

Water Treatment – II (MTCEE-0201)

Periods Per
Distribution of Marks
Theory Practical Gra
Course Total Tot Tota
Title of the Paper on of
code (e= al l
L T P C Ma Mi MS T Ma Mi T Exam
a+c+ (i= (j=
x n T W x n W
d) f+h) e+i)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (f) (g) (h)

MTCEE Water Treatment -

3 1 - 4 70 28 20 10 100 - - - - 100 3 hrs.
-0201 II

UNIT –I : Disinfection Processes :Mode of Disinfection, Theories and rate of disinfection

effect of different parameter on disinfection efficiency, Different methods of
disinfection .
UNIT-II : Adsorption Processes : Cause and type of adsorption, Adsorption equilibrium
and Isotherms, Rate limiting step, Factors influencing adsorption of mixing
solute, Nature of Adsorbent, Batch and continuous system, Designing of mixed
bed absorber.
UNIT –III : Membrane Process : Separation Process and principle driving forces of
Separation of different processes, Reverse osmosis, Osmotic presser, Water and
solute Diffusion, Properties of cellulose acetate membrane, Feed temperature and pH
effect on Processes, Solute rejection, System design and application, Ultra-
filtration, Concentration Polarization application, Electro-dialysis, Desalination.
UNIT- IV : Aeration and Gas Transfer :Gas transfer process, Rate of gas transfer, Aeration
And gas transfer system, Factor affecting oxygen transfer rate, Transfer
UNIT –V: Advance Water Treatment : Advance method of water treatment, Alkaline
water, Ionized water, Hexagonal water, Ionizer Ozonation.
Reference Book
1. Physiochemical Processes for treatment of water by-WJ Weber
2. Environmental Engineering by- H,S.Peary, UR, Rowe & G.Tehobanoglous
3. Municipal Water Supply and Treatment published by CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban
4. Water supply & Sewerage by - Ernst Wested
Swami Vivekanand University, Sagar(M.P.)

Waste Water Treatment - II (MTCEE-0202)

Periods Per
Distribution of Marks
Theory Practical Gra
Course Total Tot Tota
Title of the Paper on of
code (e= al l
L T P C Ma Mi MS T Ma Mi T Exam
a+c+ (i= (j=
x n T W x n W
d) f+h) e+i)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (f) (g) (h)

MTCEE Waste Water

3 1 - 4 70 28 20 10 100 - - - - 100 3 hrs.
-0202 Treatment - II

UNIT –I: Biological Unit Process: Role of Micro-organisms, Bacterial growth and
Biological oxidation, Knotless of biological growth, Techniques for evaluation of
kinetic and stanchion-metric parameter, Aerobic & anaerobic suspended-growth
treatment processes, Aerobic & attached growth treatment processes.

UNIT-II: Design of Biological Treatment units of Waster water: Attached growth reactors
(process description design and applications), Aerated lagoon treatment, Trickling-
Filter (Aerated attached-growth) treatment, and stabilization pond.

UNIT-III: Design of the Treatment and Disposal of sludge: components of anaerobic

reactions that influence process design, sludge sources, characteristics and
quantities, preliminary operations concentrations, Thickening stabilization chemical
and thermal processes, Stabilization: Anaerobic sludge digestion process, sludge
conditioning, Dewatering, Heat Drying Composting.

UNIT-IV: Different Advanced Waste Water Treatment: Concepts and principles of carbon
oxidation, chemical constituents in wastewater, Nitrogen conversion and removal,
Nitrification, Nitrogen Removal of refraction organisms. De-nitrification

Reference Books:

1. Waste Water Engineering Treatment & Reuses By- Metcalf & Eddy (Tata Mc-Graw Hill)
2. Water & Wastewater technology by mark J. Hammer (prentice-Hall of India)
3. Manual on Sewerage & sewage Treatment By CPHEEO, Ministry of urban Dev. New
4. Waste water Treatment for pollution Control by Soli J Arceiwala
Swami Vivekanand University, Sagar(M.P.)

Industrial Water & Waste Water Treatment

Periods Per
Distribution of Marks
Theory Practical Gra
Course Total Tot Tota
Title of the Paper on of
code (e= al l
L T P C Ma Mi MS T Ma Mi T Exam
a+c+ (i= (j=
x n T W x n W
d) f+h) e+i)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (f) (g) (h)

Industrial Water &

Waste Water 3 1 - 4 70 28 20 10 100 - - - - 100 3 hrs.

UNIT-I : Introduction to water conditioning: Processes, Production water, Boiler feed

water, Internal Treatment of boiler feed water, Control of hardness, Conditioning of
Precipitate Corrosion Control, Control of carry over , Blow down in boiler, External
treatment of water , Ionic Strength of water, langelier index ,Ryzner index, Saturation

UNIT-II: Water conditioning process: Lime soda process, hotline soda process, Hot
Phosphate process, water conditioning by Equilibrium diagram use of Lawrence-
Caldwell Diagram, Ion-Exchange process, Cooling water an it’s treatment.

UNIT-III: Preliminary treatment of industrial waste water : Volume Reduction, Strength

reduction, Neutralization, Equalization and prepositioning, Removal of suspended
solid, removal of colloidal solids, Removal of inorganic dissolved solids.

UNIT-IV: Joint treatment: Joint treatment of Raw industrial waste water with domestic
sewage, Site selection of plant, solid waste from industries.

UNIT-V: Origin, characteristics and treatment of waste water: From sugar tannery,
textile, Brewery, Distillery, Pharmaceutical, Metal Plating, Pulp and Paper industries.


1. “Liquid waste of industries”,( Theories, practices and treatment) By Nelson

L. Nemerow(Addition-Wesley Pub Co.)
2. ”Managing Industrial Pollution” By S.C. Bhatia (Mc-millan India Ltd)
Swami Vivekanand University, Sagar(M.P.)

Environmental Impact Assessment And Audit

Periods Per
Distribution of Marks
Theory Practical Gra
Course Total Tot Tota
Title of the Paper on of
code (e= al l
L T P C Ma Mi MS T Ma Mi T Exam
a+c+ (i= (j=
x n T W x n W
d) f+h) e+i)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (f) (g) (h)

MTCEE Environmental Impact

3 1 - 4 70 28 20 10 100 - - - - 100 3 hrs.
-0204 Assessment & Audit

Planning and Management of Environmental Impact Studies. Impact indentation methodologies:
base line studies, screening, scooping, checklist, networks, overlays.

Prediction and assessment of impacts on the socioeconomic environment. Environmental cost
benefit analysis. Decision methods for evaluation of alternatives. Case Studies.

Environmental impact assessment at project level, regional level, sectoral level, and policy level.
Sustainable development.

Environmental policy in planned, mixed and market economies. Preventive environmental

Guidelines for Environmental Audit :Concepts and definitions of Environmental Audit, Audit
objectives , Scope, Types of Audit, Need for Environmental Audit , Application.
Key steps to Environmental Audit: Pre , Onsite & Post Environment audit activities. Audit
Procedure, Format of Environmental Audit.

1 Environmental Impact Assessment- Larry W. Canter, University of Oklahoma- McGraw
Hill Company
2. Environment Impact Assessment, Clark D. Brain, Biesel Donald
3 EIA for Developing Countries, Biswas Asit K.
4 Environment Impact Assessment, W. Canter (II Edition)
5 EIA Guidelines 1994, Notification of Govt. of India Impact Assessment
Methodologies Publications Ltd. (1995)
6. Guidelines for environmental audit. By Central Pollution Control Board. DELHI, Place
and Publisher: Delhi : CPCB
7. Environmental audit and business strategy: Total quality approach by G. Ledgerwood,
8. A-Z organization of environmental audit by by A. Mehrotra, mpIIFM
9. Environmental audit (an overview), , Ashok Keshav Mhaskar, CSE
10. An outline of environmental audit by K. V. Bengeri, CSE
11. Environmental audit (an overview) by A. K. Mhaskar, CSE
12. Clarck KC Parks, B O, Crane ,MP “Geographic Information Systems and environmental
Modeling” Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd.2002.
13. Reddy, MA “Text book of remote sensing & GIS”, BS publications 2001.
Swami Vivekanand University, Sagar(M.P.)

Air Pollution & Control (MTCEE-0205)

Periods Per
Distribution of Marks
Theory Practical Gra
Course Total Tot Tota
Title of the Paper on of
code (e= al l
L T P C Ma Mi MS T Ma Mi T Exam
a+c+ (i= (j=
x n T W x n W
d) f+h) e+i)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (f) (g) (h)

MTCEE Air Pollution And

3 1 - 4 70 28 20 10 100 - - - - 100 3 hrs.
-0205 Control

Unit – I: Air pollution problem: Economics and social aspects, historical episodes of air
pollution. Sources of Air pollution, effects of air pollution on health, animal,
plants and materials
Unit – II: Role of meteorological condition, properties of typical air pollutants, air diffusion
and concentration pollutants. general diseases caused by air pollutants. toxicity of
various pollutants. Plums patterns and height of chimneys.
Unit – III : Atmospheric chemistry, formation of secondary pollutants – PNN, PBN,
Photolytic cycles, general diseases and toxicity of pollutants
Unit – IV : Sampling and Analyzing of Air Pollutants: Instruments pollution survey,
standards of air pollution. Principle of air pollution control, site selection and zoning,
various control methods, process and equipment changes, design and operation of
various air pollution control equipments.
Unit – V : Air pollution control legislation, public education pollution standards, status of air
pollution control in various countries.
Industrial Hygiene: Concept and importance, factory Involved in environmental
hazards, industrial ventilation occupational diseases, control methods.

Reference Books :--

1. "Air Pollution" - Faith W.L, John Wiley & Sons
2. "Air Pollution" - Mc Cabe L.C., Mc. Graw Hill, International
3. Air Pollution - Stern A.C., Academic Press N. York
4. Fundamentals of Air Pollutions - Raju BSN Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
5. "Air Pollution" - Rao M.N. & Rao HVN - Tata Mc Graw Hill
6. Air Pollution – Wark and Warner
Swami Vivekanand University, Sagar(M.P.)

Advance Environment Lab - II (MTCEE-0206)

Periods Per
Distribution of Marks
Theory Practical Gra
Course Total Tot Tota
Title of the Paper on of
code (e= al l
L T P C Ma Mi MS T Ma Mi T Exam
a+c+ (i= (j=
x n T W x n W
d) f+h) e+i)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (f) (g) (h)

MTCEE Advance Environment

- - 6 6 - - - - - 90 36 60 150 150 -
-0206 Lab - II

The exercises in this component shall be designed to demonstrate the basic principle outline in
different units of the theory paper . After completing the exercises the student should have
developed a good grasp of the practical utilities of the theory contents.

( Suggestion: Experiments related to Air Quality Monitoring and Waste Management)

Swami Vivekanand University, Sagar(M.P.)

Field Testing Lab - II (MTCEE-0207)

Periods Per
Distribution of Marks
Theory Practical Gra
Course Total Tot Tota
Title of the Paper on of
code (e= al l
L T P C Ma Mi MS T Ma Mi T Exam
a+c+ (i= (j=
x n T W x n W
d) f+h) e+i)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (f) (g) (h)

MTCEE Field Testing Lab - II

- - 6 6 - - - - - 90 36 60 150 150 -

The exercises in this component shall be designed to demonstrate the basic principle outline in
different units of the theory paper . After completing the exercises the student should have
developed a good grasp of the practical utilities of the theory contents.
Swami Vivekanand University, Sagar(M.P.)

MTCEE-0301 - Elective – I
(A) Energy Efficient & Environment Friendly Construction
Material & Techniques
Periods Per
Distribution of Marks
Theory Practical Gra
Course Total Tot Tota
Title of the Paper on of
code (e= al l
L T P C Ma Mi MS T Ma Mi T Exam
a+c+ (i= (j=
x n T W x n W
d) f+h) e+i)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (f) (g) (h)

MTCEE Elective - I 3 1 - 4 70 28 20 10 100 - - - - 100 3 hrs.


Concepts of energy efficient & environment friendly materials and
Cost effective materials :- Soil, Fly ash, Ferrocement, Lime, Fibers, Stone Dust, Red
mud, Gypsum, Alternate Wood, Polymer.
Energy Efficient & Environment friendly building material
products :-
Walls - Stabilized and sun dried, soil blocks & bricks, Solid & Hollow concrete blocks,
stone masonry blocks, Ferrocement partitions.
Roofs - Precast R.C. Plank & Joists roof, Precast channel roof, Precast L-panel roof,
Precast Funicular shells, Ferrocement shells, Filler Slab, Seasal Fibre roof, Improved
country tiles, Thatch roof, M.C.R. tile.


Cost effective construction techniques and equipments :-

(a) Techniques :- Rat trap bond construction, Energy Efficient roofings, Ferrocement
technique, Mud Technology.
(b) Equipments :- Brick molding machine, Stabilized soil block making machine and plants
for the manufacturing of concrete blocks, M.C.R. tile making machine, Ferrocement
wall panel & Roofing channel making machine, R.C.C. Chaukhat making m/c.
Cost effective sanitation:-
(a) Waste water disposal system
(b) Cost effective sanitation for rural and urban areas
(c) Ferrocement Drains

Low Cost Road Construction

Cost effective road material , stabilization , construction techniques tests , equipment used for
construction , drainage , maintenance.


Cost Analysis And Comparison

(A) All experimental materials
(B) All experimental technique
Swami Vivekanand University, Sagar(M.P.)

MTCEE-0302 - Elective – II
(D) Environmental Planning
Periods Per
Distribution of Marks
Theory Practical Gra
Course Total Tot Tota
Title of the Paper on of
code (e= al l
L T P C Ma Mi MS T Ma Mi T Exam
a+c+ (i= (j=
x n T W x n W
d) f+h) e+i)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (f) (g) (h)

MTCEE Elective - II 3 1 - 4 70 28 20 10 100 - - - - 100 3 hrs.



Environmental problems : Introduction, air pollution-sources, control and harmful effects of CO,
NOx, SOx, HC, automobile pollution, water pollution and its control, solid waste management, noise

Land use planning: Deforestation and soil erosion, water logging, afforestation, forest
conservation, wild life management, photometry and remote sensing for mapping of land scapes and
land use, principles of town and country planning.

Environmental impact assessment: Framework, statement, predication and assessment of impact

of air, water noise, cultural and socioeconomic environment, methods of impact assessment.

Environmental protection and legislation: Environmental organization and agencies, pollution

control Acts, standards of emission and effluent, environmental education, public participation.

Global Environmental Issues: Green House Effect, Global warming and its effects, Ozone
depletion – causes, chemical reactions, consequences, El-Nino phenomenon, Acid rains, Case
Swami Vivekanand University, Sagar(M.P.)

MTCEE-0401 – Dissertation – Part – II

Periods Per week Distribution of Marks
Theory Practical Gr
Total Tot Durati
Course Tot
Title of the Paper (e= al on of
code L T P C Ma Mi MS T Ma Mi al
a+c+ TW (i= Exam
x n T W x n (j=
d) (h) f+h) e+i)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (f) (g)

MTCEE- Dissertation Part

- - 20 20 - - - - - 300 120 200 500 500 -
0401 – II

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