Ateneo de Zamboanga University
Ateneo de Zamboanga University
Ateneo de Zamboanga University
College of Nursing
Level 2 - MODULES for Blended Learning
NCM 104j Community health Nursing (Individual and Family)
CHN MODULE 1- :OVERVIEW OF THE Public Health Nursing in the Philippines Week : 1 Date: August 05 (thursday)
MINDSET: “ Nurses in the Community” Time of Synchronous session: 1:00 – 5:00 am
Platform: Google classroom / Eclass / Messenger Academic Consultation: 1:30pm – 4:00 pm (Monday-Weds)
Learning objectives Asynchronous Learning Topic Tasks / activities Synchronous Tasks / activities Assessment
Learning Topic
At the end of Module 1, I. OVERVIEW OF THE Public health nursing Assignment output: to be * Screen share on the Identify what Roles and
the students should be in the Philippines submitted on or before concepts of Public health responsibilities does the Rubric for grading
able to: A. Global and National Health situations date (7pm)@ gmail: Nursing and its importance CHN assumes base from individual output
B. Definition and Focus B. Definition and Focus different scenarios given.
Integrate relevant 1. Public Health Video clips on National 1. Public Health Quiz – AdZU
principles and concepts of 2. Community Health Health Situations 2. Community Health From lecture/ grading scheme
Public Health Nursing in 3. Public Health Nursing 3. Public Health Nursing
Title: Health care at the discussion, identify the
4. Community Health Nursing. (CHN). 4. Community Health
the Philippines in a given Phils-VPHCS
5. Evolution of Public health Nursing in the Nursing. (CHN). difference between
health situation. Philippines community health
5. Evolution of Public . Rubric for class
6. Roles and Responsibilities of a community p?u=https%3A%2F
health Nursing in the nursing and public participation
Health Nurse.
Philippines health nursing.
%2Flp2v0eiADz8 6. Roles and
1) What are the Responsibilities of a
strategies rendered by Why is community
community Health
health workers to the health nursing
References: Nurse.
community? *Video clip synthesis on important to the
- Nursing Care of the Community 2) What are the people in the
national health situation
( 2013) Zenaida U. Famorca et al Pp 9, 14-17 functions of community?
Community Base
-Community Health Nursing & Community Health Program? *Interactive online
Health Development (2012) Cecilia Castro Pp 3) What is the role of discussion on the roles and
2-3, 25-26 CHNurse Irish Grace in responsibilities of CHN
the community?
-Public health Nursing in the Philippines, 4) What do you
(2007),Cuevas et al.p.2-8 understand about
homeopathy? Is it
beneficial to the
5) As a whole, what new
learnings/insights, did
you get from the
video clip in relation
to the National Health
Situation in the Phils ?