CHN Notes Summary
CHN Notes Summary
CHN Notes Summary
Twitter: @nursehooman
ii. Family-monitor growth and Health Care System- organized plan of health services
development of child and able to Health Care Delivery- rendering services to people
address to problems in government Health Care Delivery System- network of health facilities
iii. Community- organizations formed and personnel which carries out task of rendering health
to promote health development care to people
Philippine Health Care System- complex set of
Concepts of Primary Health Care organizations interacting to provide an array of health
1.) PHC represents supplementary health system RA 7160
2.) Equip community with capability to solve its own o Local Gov’t Code of 1991
problems by conducting trainings o Provides for decentralization
3.) Come into being only when community recognizes and o Places in local gov’ts to manage health care
accepts problems system
4.) Government officials don’t work in place of community
and vice versa Levels of Health Care Facilities
5.) Community involvement is the heart and soul of PHC
6.) Good health is related to living conditions and lifestyle 1.) Primary level
7.) Provide opportunity to underprivileged majority to a. Composed of barangay, municipal and
develop to an acceptable level medicare health facilities
a. Basic minimalistic needs: b. 1st contact emergency care
i. Food c. rural health units, chest clinics, malaria
ii. Clothing eradication units, schistosomiasis control units,
iii. Shelter and clean environment puericulture units, private clinics, company
iv. Health clincis
v. Education and information d. early symptomatic stage
vi. Security of life 2.) Secondary level
vii. Means of livelihood a. Consists of district health care institutions with
8.) Community must take its role and responsibility to capabilities and facilities for cases with
develop basic needs hospitalization
9.) PHC activities must be in harmony with existing b. Smaller non-departmentalized hospitals
institution including emergency and regional hospitals
10.) PHC activities must be flexible in its application 3.) Tertiary level
11.) Must be related to public health services and technical a. Highly technological and sophisticated services
support levels of public… b. Specialized centers, regional health care
institutions and provincial health care centers
Elements of Primary Health Care
Multi-Sectoral Approach to Health
1.) Education
2.) Locally Endemic Diseases Intersectoral
a. Filariasis o Sectors most closely related to health
b. Schistosomiasis o Agriculture, education, public works, local
3.) Essential basic drugs governments, social welfare, population
a. Cotrimoxazole control, private sectors
b. Amoxicillin Intrasectoral
c. Rifampicin
d. Isoniazid Restructured Healthcare Delivery System
e. Ethambutol
f. Paracetamol
g. Pyrazinamide
h. Oresol
healthcare system serves only small portion of rural
i. Nifedipine
4.) Maternal and Child Health Care population
5.) Expanded program of immunization diseases do not require sohphistication
a. BCG- bacillus calmette guerin some problems can be handled by other postiions besides
b. OPV- oral polio vaccine MHO (Municipal Health Officer)
c. AMV- anti-measles vaccine
d. DPT- dyptheria pertussis tetanus Solutions
e. Anti-Hep B
6.) Nutrition 3 levels of health care provided by RHU (rural health unit)
a. IDD- iodine deficiency disorder staff, with referral and supervisory system support
b. IDA- iron deficiency anemia redefinition of roles and relationships among RHU staff
c. PEM- protein energy malnutrition establishment of satellite health centers in selected
7.) Treatment of common diseases barangays
8.) Safe water supply and sanitation
9.) Prevention and control of leading communicable diseases Features of DOH reorganization
10.) Promotion of dental health
11.) Elderly and disabled’s physical and mental health 1958- RA 1082
o 1st Rural Health Act
The Philippine Healthcare Delivery System
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Twitter: @nursehooman
Health Promotion, Health Maintenance, and Disease Prevention
BHS Midwife BHS
Health Promotion
Sanitary Inspectors RHU Midwife
o WHO- “Health promotion includes encouraging
healthy lifestyles, creating supportive
environments for health, strengthening
community action, reorienting health services
to place primary focus on promoting health
Secondary Health Care Facility and preventing disease, and building healthy
public policy.”
Tertiary Health Care Facility o Pender, 1996- “Health promotion is a behavior
motivated by the desire to increase well being
and actualize human health potential.”
Health promotion includes any activity that helps people
Types of Health Care Systems to change or maintain lifestyles that support a state of
optimal health or balance of physical, emotional, social,
1.) Traditional spiritual and intellectual health.
a. E.g. client provider Prominence of health promotion came about as a result of
2.) Non-Traditional changing patterns of health and corresponding emphasis
a. Holistic Health Centers on “lifestyle” as a factor.
i. Believes that time, space and PHE (Public Health Education) can only have impact on
encouragement can help people find PH only if joined other sectors and brought multiples
strength to deal with problems social forces to bear.
confronting them Green- “Behavioral changes that health education is able
ii. Spiritual, physical and psychological care to effect can only be maintained if supportive
iii. Acts:
1. Pastoral counseling
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Twitter: @nursehooman
environment were provided via: political, economic, Setting priorities, making decisions,
social, biological and other sectors.” planning strategies and
1st use of term, health promotion- 1945, Henry E. Sigerist implementing
o Defined 4 major tasks of medicine Heart of this process is
Promotion of health Empowerment of communities
Prevention of illness Community development helps to
Restoration of the sick enhance self-help and social support,
Rehabilitation to develop flexible system for
o Sigerist: “Health is promoted by providing a strengthening public participation in
good labor condition, education, physical and direction of health matters
culture and means of rest and recreation.” o Develop Personal Skills
Concepts used and found in Ottawa Through providing information,
Charter for Health Promotion which education for health and enhancing
occurred 40 years later life skills
1986, WHO, Health and Welfare Canada and Canadian Enabling people to learn throughout
Public Health Association organized an International life, to prepare themselves for all of
Conference on Health Promotion its stages and to cope with chronic
o later known as Ottawa Charter illnesses and injuries
o Guiding principle in health promotion efforts o Reorient Health Services
currently Health services are shared among
individuals; community groups,
Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion health service institutions and
“Process of enabling people to increase control over and
to improve their health”
To reach a state of complete physical, mental and social
well-being , an individual or group must be able to
identify and to realized aspiration; to satisfy needs and to
change and cope with environment
Health promotion is not just a responsibility of the health
sector, but goes beyond healthy lifestyles to well-being.
Prerequesite for Health
o Peace
o Shelter
o Education
o Food
o Income
o A stable eco-system
o Sustainable resources
o Social Justice
o Equity
In order to operationalize the concept of Health
Promotion, the Charter recommended the following
o Build Health Public Policy
Coordinated action that leads to
health, income and social policies
that foster greater equity
o Create Supportive Environment
Societies are complex and
Overall guiding principle is the need
to encourage reciprocal
maintenance to take care of each
other, our communities and our
natural environment
Conservation of natural resources
throughout world should be
emphasized as a global
Changing patterns of life; work and
leisure leave a significant impact on
Systematic assessment of health
impact of rapidly changing
environment, especially in areas of
technology, works, energy
production and urbanization
o Strengthen Community Action