POS Interface - Inbound: Inbound Processing
POS Interface - Inbound: Inbound Processing
POS Interface - Inbound: Inbound Processing
In sales transactions, customers receive merchandise in a store and pay for it with the means of
payment of their choice. The sales transactions are entered at POS with electronic cash registers
and the resulting data is evaluated in POS inbound processing.
Sales data is relevant for the following functions in SAP Retail:
Inventory Management
Inventory management can be carried out for stores in SAP Retail. The sales data
transferred to SAP Retail updates the stock of the articles sold.
SD Billing, among other things, is used to process sales data. SD Billing prepares the
data for the follow-on functions of Financial Accounting, the Information System, Profit
Center Accounting, Profitability Analysis, and Cost Accounting. Billing also prepares the
discounts that were granted for the POS systems. If the POS system did not send any
information on the discounts granted, the system can determine these automatically, as
SAP Retail can compare the actual sales prices with the prices calculated in SAP Retail.
In addition to the statistics transferred to the Information System from Billing, information
structures can also be updated in the Information System directly during inbound
processing. The information can also be updated even if Billing is not active for the sales
The sales data can be transferred to SAP Retail with two different levels of detail:
All the details of every individual sales transaction are transferred to SAP Retail. You use
this option if you wish to use all sales transactions in SAP Retail for statistical analysis or
auditing purposes.
If customers are known in the store (that is, their master data has been recorded and the
customers are therefore identifiable), the customer number is sent to SAP Retail. If
customers are not known, a default customer number is used for posting.
You use this option if you do not wish to use all the detailed information on sales
transactions in SAP Retail. The advantage of this option is that the volume of data
processed is much smaller than with the non-aggregated method
If you use the non-aggregated method, information on the means of payment used by the
customers is transferred together with the individual sales transaction. When the aggregated
method is used, this information is transferred in a separate message in the form of a payment
Information on the means of payment is also passed on from Billing to Financial Accounting,
where the necessary accounts are updated.
If the discount article is to be assigned to the source articles, you also have two options:
In POS interface - inbound processing, structured articles are treated as standard articles. They
are not exploded. If you require Inventory Management on an individual article basis for the
structured article, you must explode the article in the POS system or by using a POS - inbound
user exit.
The only exception is articles subject to deposit. The POS systems usually send information
relating to the empties. If the POS system is no longer able to do this, an article subject to deposit
can be exploded during inbound processing. You can make this setting in POS inbound
customizing in the profiles for aggregated and non-aggregated sales.