Fábulas de Ritchie
Fábulas de Ritchie
Fábulas de Ritchie
Geoffrey Steadman
Ritchie’s Fabulae Faciles
Latin Text with Facing Vocabulary and Commentary
First Edition
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ISBN-13: 978-0-9843065-5-8
ISBN-10: 0-9843065-5-2
Table of Contents
Introduction to Ritchie’s Fabulae Faciles……………………………..……………v-vi
How to Use This Commentary………………………………………………………vii
Running Core Vocabulary List……………………………………………………viii-x
Nouns, Pronouns, and Adjectives……………………………………………...116-117
Verb Synopses…………………………………………….…………………...118-124
Alphabetized Core Vocabulary List…………………………………………...125-128
This book should be on the bedstand of every intermediate Latin student. The volume
is a graded reader of Latin stories, which the modern author Francis Ritchie composed
in order to give students additional practice before reading Caesar’s Gallic War. The
book includes the myths of Perseus, Heracles, Jason and the Argonauts, and Ulysses;
and the entire text is divided into 100 sections of Latin which are roughly a paragraph
in length. Although Ritchie assumes that readers know all five declensions, pronouns,
and active and passive verbs from the first story about Perseus, he does not introduce
the subjunctive mood until the middle of the the account of Heracles or indirect
discourse and ablative absolutes until Jason and the Argonauts. Ritchie’s purpose is to
provide readers with an opportunity to master simple Latin grammar and morphology
before they encounter more complex constructions in the later stories, and he does so
while presenting students with an informative and thoroughly engaging storyline.
This Latin text was first published by Ritchie in 1884 in a volume called Fabulae
Faciles: A First Latin Reader. In 1903, John Kirtland published a revised edition
entitled Ritchie’s Fabulae Faciles: A First Latin Reader. Kirtland modified Ritchie’s
Latin text, added grammatical notes, and eliminated a section of drill exercises found
in the beginning the original volume. Kirtland’s book remained the standard edition
until 1991, when another revised volume was prepared by Gilbert Lawall, Stanley
Iverson, and Allan Wooley, entitled Fabulae Graecae: A Revised Edition of Ritchie’s
Fabulae Faciles. While the first two books are no longer protected by copyright law
and can be downloaded for free, the Fabulae Graecae remains available in paperback.
The aim of this current edition is to make Ritchie’s myths even more accessible to
beginning Latin readers. Facing each page of the Latin text is a page of commentary
divided into halves. The top half includes all of the corresponding vocabulary that
occur fourteen or fewer times, arranged alphabetically in two columns. The bottom
half is devoted to grammatical notes, which are organized according to line numbers
and arranged in two columns. The advantage of this format is that it allows me
to include as much information as possible on a page and at the same time ensure
that the commentary entries are distinct and immediately accessible to readers.
2. Read actively.
Read in Latin word order. Initially, readers have a tendency both (a) to scan
through the entire Latin sentence quickly to order to attain a sense of the
constructions and (b) to treat the sentence as a puzzle and jump around the
passage from subject to verb to object and so on. As you acquire more
vocabulary and your comfort with the Latin increases, make reading in Latin
word order your primary method. It is a lot of fun and with persistence very
satisfying as well.
Develop the habit of making educated guesses as you read. The purpose of the
graded reader to provide you with an opportunity to encounter difficult
constructions, particularly subjunctive clauses and indirect discourse, so
frequently that you cannot help but to develop proficiency identifying and
translating them. Make educated guests as you read. If you guess correctly, the
commentary will reaffirm your knowledge of the Latin. If you answer
incorrectly, you will become more aware of your weaknesses and therefore more
capable of correcting them.
4. Reread the most recent passage immediately before you begin a new one.
This additional repetition will strengthen your ability to recognize vocabulary,
forms, and syntax quickly, bolster your confidence, and most importantly provide
you with much-needed context as you begin the next selection in the text.
2 ā, ab, abs: from, away from; by, 72
2 accipiō, -ere, accēpī, acceptum: receive, get, accept, 26
2 ad: to, toward; near; for, 188
2 annus, -ī m.: year, 18
2 at: but; mind you, 27
2 atque: and; and also, and even, 21
2 autem: however, but; moreover, 81
2 brevis, -e: short, brief, 15
2 capiō, capere, cēpī, captum: take, capture, seize, 14
2 coniciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum: throw, hurl; throw together, 13
2 cōnsilium, -iī n.: plan, advice; council, assembly, 23
2 cōnstituō, -ere, -uī, -ūtum: decide, establish, resolve, 36
2 cum: with (abl.); when, since, although, 196
2 dē: from, down from; about, concerning, 29
2 deus, -ī m.: god, divinity, deity, 19
2 dīcō, -ere, dīxī, dictum: say, speak, tell, call, name, 17
2 dō, dare, dedī, datum: give; grant, allow, 42
2 enim: for, indeed, 77
2 et: and; also, even, 287
2 faciō, -ere, fēcī, factum: make, do, 89
2 habitō (1): inhabit, live, 18
2 hic, haec, hoc: this, that, these, 222
2 ibi: there, 21
2 igitur: therefore, then, accordingly, 71
2 ille, illa, illud: that, those, 84
2 in: in (abl.) , into (acc.), 272
2 īnsula, -ae f.: island, 20
2 ipse, ipsa, ipsum: -self; the very, 50
2 is, ea, id: he, she, it; this, that, 230
2 lītus, lītoris n.: shore, beach, 19
2 māgnōpere: greatly, 15
2 magnus, -a, -um: great, large; important, 79
2 mare, maris n.: sea, 15
2 multus, -a, -um: much, many, 36
2 omnis, omne: every, all, 96
2 Perseus, -ī m.: Perseus, 26
2 post: after, behind (acc.); afterward, next, 32
Running Core Vocabulary ix
1s, 2s, 3s 1st, 2nd, 3rd person singular 1p, 2p, 3p 1st, 2nd, 3rd person plural
Well, when I did Star Wars, I consciously set about to recreate myths and the classic
mythological motifs. And I wanted to use those motifs to deal with issues that existed today.
- George Lucas
To make the ancients speak, we must feed them with our own blood.
- von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff
2 Perseus
1. THE ARK 1
Haec nārrantur ā poētīs dē Perseō. Perseus fīlius erat Iōvis, maximī
deōrum; avus eius Acrisius appellābātur. Acrisius volēbat Perseum
nepōtem suum necāre; nam propter ōrāculum puerum timēbat.
Comprehendit igitur Perseum adhūc īnfantem, et cum mātre in arcā 5
ligneā inclūsit. Tum arcam ipsam in mare coniēcit. Danaē, Perseī
māter, magnopere territa est; tempestās enim magna mare turbābat.
Perseus autem in sinū mātris dormiēbat.
2 haec: these (things); neut. pl. is a common gen. pronoun ending (hic)
dē: about… 14 quiētam capiēbat: was taking a rest
Iovis: of Jupiter; Iūppiter declines in the 3rd 15 quō-dam: a certain; the suffix -dam never
decl.: Iuppiter, Iovis, Iovī, Iovem and Iove declines but the first half of this indefinite
3 eium: gen. sg. of is, ea, id adjective does and modifies piscātōre (abl)
Acrisius: pred. nom. of appellābātur 16 benignē: kindly; -ē indicates an adv.
4 suum: his; reflexive possessive adj., use the 17 eīs: dat. pl. is, ea, id; ind. obj. of dedit
subject (‘su’ as in subject!) to translate 18 prō: (in return) for
6 in mare: acc. place to which, neuter sg. rēgī: dat. sg. 3rd decl. noun rex, rēgis
Danaē: Greek nom., the two dots grātiās ēgit: gave thanks; common
(diaeresis) indicate that the ‘e’ is idiom for grātiās āgo, here pf.
pronounced separately from the ‘a’ 21 multōs annōs: for…; acc. duration
7 tempestās: nom. sg., fem. 3rd decl. 22 agēbat: was living/spending; common
9 sinū: 4th decl. abl. sg. idiom for vītam agō; cf. line 18
11 haec omnia: neuter acc. pl., add ‘things’ Danaēn: Greek accusative ( ‘n’ not ‘m’)
12 fēcit: made (x) (y); tranquillum is an adj. 23 Perseō: dat. of reference with grātum
in the predicative position: not ‘tranquil 25 haec: neuter pl., supply ‘things’
sea’ but ‘sea tranquil’ Turpe est: it is shameful to; the adj. turpis,
10 huius īnsulae: gen. sg. with rex; –ius turpe is neut. because an inf. is subject
4 Perseus
vītam agere; iam dūdum tū adulēscēns es. Quō ūsque hīc manēbis? 1
Tempus est arma capere et virtūtem praestāre. Hinc abī, et caput
Medūsae mihi refer.”
abeō, -īre, -iī, -itum: go away, depart, 6 hinc: from this place, hence
abscīdō, -ere, -cīdī, -cīsum: cut away or off, 5 horribilis, -e: horrible, dreadful, 11
adulēscēns, -entis: young (man), youth(ful), 3 ictus, -ūs m.: strike, blow, 4
āēr, āeris m. (acc. āera): air, 6 ignōrō (1): not know, be ignorant, 5
aes, aeris n.: bronze induō, -ere, induī, indūtum: put on, 8
agō, agere, ēgī, āctum: drive, lead, spend, 13 īnspiciō, -ere, -spexī, -spectum: look upon
anguis, -is m. f.: serpent, snake īra, īrae f.: anger, 12
Apollō, Apollinis m.: Apollo, 7 magicus, -a, -um: magic, 5
arma, -ōrum n.: arms, equipment, tools, 6 maneō, -ēre, mānsī, mansūrum: stay, wait, 9
ascendō, -ere, -ī, -ēnsum: ascend, mount, 3 Medūsa, -ae f.: Medusa, 6
cēterī, -ae, -a: the other, remaining, 2 Minerva, -ae f.: Minerva, 4
commoveō, -ēre, -mōvī, -mōtum: move, namque: for, 2
trouble, upset, 14 nātūra, -ae. f.: nature, 9
cōnspectus, -ūs m.: sight, view, 6 occīdō, -ere, -cīdī, -cīsum: kill, cut down, 14
contegō, -ere, -tēxī, -tēctum: cover omnīnō: altogether, wholely, entirely, 11
contineō, -ēre, -nuī, -tentum: hold or keep pēs, pedis m.: foot, 8
together, 4 praestō, -stāre, -stitī: stand in front, show, 6
dēmōnstrō (1): show, demonstrate, 13 propter: on account of, because of, 6
difficilis, -e: hard, difficult, troublesome, 6 rapiō, -ere, rapuī, raptum: seize, snatch, 5
discēdō, -ere, -cessī, -sum: go away, depart, 4 somnus, -ī m.: sleep, 14
diū: a long time, long, 13 soror, sorōris f.: sister
dormiō, -īre, -īvī: sleep, 8 speculum, -ī n.: mirror, 3
dūdum: + iam, for a while, a long time, 2 tālāria, -ium: winged shoes, 4
ego: I, 9 tergum, -ī n.: back, 8
ēvādō, -ere, ēvāsī, ēvāsum: go out, escape, 9 tū: you, 10
excitō (1): excite, rouse, incite, 8 ūsque: all the way to, up to, continuously, 2
falx falcis f.: sickle, 2 vertō, -ere, vertī, versum: turn, 4
frūstrā: in vain, for nothing, 13 via, -ae, f.: way, road, 4
fugiō, fugere, fūgī, --: flee, hurry away, 9 virtūs, -ūtis f.: valor, manhood, excellence, 10
galea, -ae f.: helmet, 3 vīta, -ae, f.: life, 9
Gorgō, -onis f.: Gorgon, 4 volō (1): fly, 3
Graeae, -ārum f.: Gray sisters, the Graeae
1 agere: live; idiom, see p. 2, line 22 one eye, which they shared; Perseus stole
iam dūdum: now for a long time; often the eye until they told him what he wanted
as one word 11 eī: to…; dat. sg. ind. obj. of is, ea, id
es: 2s pres. sum 12 pedibum: on…; dat. pl. with compound
quō ūsque: for how long…?; ‘up to what’ verb (make prefix “in-“ into a preposition)
hīc: note the long vowel ‘ī’ indicates that 14 speciē horribilī: of horrible appearance;
this is the adverb ‘here’ not the pronoun abl. of quality with monstra, horribilī is i-
2 Tempus est: it is time; infinitives are subj. stem 3rd decl. abl., speciē is 5th decl. abl.
hinc: from here; compare hīc above 15 aere: bronze; abl. of aes, not āēr
abī: sg. imperative abeō 19 difficillima: superlative difficilis
3 mihi: dat. sg. ego eius…cōnspectū: gen. sg. the Gorgon’s
refer: sg. imperative, 3rd conj. referō 22 hōc modō: in this way; abl. of manner
does not retain the final “e.” Consider 24 ubi: when; i.e. ‘at this point’ in time/place
the mnemonic: ‘dīc, dūc, fac and fer īrā: by anger; abl. of cause or means
should have an “e” but it isn’t there.’ commōtae sunt: were moved; they are
7 frustrā: a common adverb moved emotionally, not physically
Graeae: these 3 sisters to the Gorgons had
6 Perseus
Post haec Perseus in fīnēs Aethiopum vēnit. Ibi Cēpheus quīdam
illō tempore regnābat. Hīc Neptūnum, maris deum, ōlim
offenderat; Neptūnus autem mōnstrum saevissimum mīserat. Hoc
cotīdiē ē marī veniēbat et hominēs dēvorābat. Ob hanc causam 5
pavor animōs omnium occupāverat. Cēpheus igitur ōrāculum deī
Hammōnis cōnsuluit, atque ā deō iussus est fīliam mōnstrō trādere.
Eius autem fīlia, nōmine Andromeda, virgō fōrmōsissima erat.
Cēpheus ubi haec audīvit, magnum dolōrem percēpit. Volēbat
tamen cīvēs suōs ē tantō perīculō extrahere, atque ob eam causam 10
imperāta Hammōnis facere cōnstituit.
Tum rēx diem certam dīxit et omnia parāvit. Ubi ea diēs vēnit,
Andromeda ad lītus dēducta est, et in cōnspectū omnium ad rūpem 15
alligāta est. Omnēs fātum eius dēplōrābant, nec lacrimās tenēbant.
At subitō, dum mōnstrum exspectant, Perseus accurrit; et ubi
lacrimās vīdit, causam dolōris quaerit. Illī rem tōtam expōnunt et
puellam dēmōnstrant. Dum haec geruntur, fremitus terribilis
audītur; simul mōnstrum horribilī speciē procul cōnspicitur. Eius 20
cōnspectus timōrem maximum omnibus iniēcit. Mōnstrum magnā
celeritāte ad lītus contendit, iamque ad locum appropinquābat ubi
puella stābat.
At Perseus ubi haec vīdit, gladium suum ēdūxit, et postquam tālāria 25
induit, in āera sublātus est. Tum dēsuper in mōnstrum impetum
subitō fēcit, et gladiō suō collum eius graviter vulnerāvit.
Perseus 7
accurrō, -ere, -cucurrī, -cursum: run to, 2 impetus, -ūs m.: attack, onset, assault, 9
āēr, āeris m. (acc. āera): air, 6 induō, -ere, induī, indūtum: put on, 8
Aethiopēs, -um m.: Ethiopians, 2 iniciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum: throw in or upon, 2
alligō (1): bind to, tie to, 2 lacrima, -ae f.: tear, 10
Andromeda, -ae f.: Andromeda, 4 maximus, -a, -um: greatest, 9
appropinquō (1): come near, approach, 8 nec: and not, nor, 10
celeritās, -tātis f.: speed, quickness, 7 Neptūnus, -ī m.: Neptune, 4
Cēpheus, -ī m.: Cepheus, 5 nōmen, nōminis, n.: name, 12
certus, -a, -um: fixed, sure, 11 ob: on account of (acc.), 13
cīvis, -is m/f: citizen, fellow citizen, 5 occupō (1): occupy, seize, 8
collum, -ī n.; neck, 6 offendō, -ere, offendī, offēnsum: offend
cōnspectus, -ūs m.: sight, view, 6 ōlim: once, formerly, 10
cōnspiciō, -ere, -exī, -ectum: catch sight of, 3 ōrāculum, -ī n.: oracle, 11
contendō, -ere, -ī, -tum: hasten; fight, 11 pavor, pavōris m.: terror, panic
cotīdiē: daily, 2 percipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: receive,
dēdūcō, -ere: lead or bring down, launch, 10 perceive, get, 5
dēmōnstrō (1): show, demonstrate, 13 procul: from afar, from a distance, 5
dēplōrō (1): lament, weep puella, -ae f.: girl, 8
dēsuper: from above, 2 que: and, 14
dēvorō (1): swallow down, devour, 4 rēgnō (1): rule, reign, 3
ēdūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ductum: lead out, draw, 3 rūpēs, rūpis f.: rock, cliff, 6
expōnō, -ere, -suī, -situm: set out, explain 7 saevus, -a, -um: savage, fierce, 3
extrahō, -ere, -trāxī, -tractum: draw out, 2 simul: at the same time; at once, together, 10
fātum, -ī n.: fate, ruin, death, 2 stō, -āre, stetī, stātum: stand, 8
fīnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 tālāria, -ium: winged shoes, 4
fōrmōsus, -a, -um: shapely, beautiful, 2 teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentum: hold, keep 13
fremitus, -ūs m.: roaring, roar, 2 terribilis, -e: terrible, dreadful, 5
gladius, -ī m.: sword, 10 tollō, -ere, sustulī, sublātum: raise, lift up 10
Hammōn, -ōnis m.: Hammon (Jupiter), 2 tōtus -a, -um: whole, entire, 14
horribilis, -e: horrible, dreadful, 11 virgō, virginis f.: maiden, 2
imperō (1): order, command, 12 vulnerō (1): wound, injure, 7
2 in fīnēs: into the borders; usual meaning been commanded’ neuter acc. pl. PPP
3 illō tempore: at…; abl. of time when (pf. pass. pple) imperō
hīc: here; adv. 14 diem certam dīxit: appointed a…day
3 saevissimum: superlative adj. saevus omnia: neut pl. acc. 3rd decl. i-stem
Hoc: this one; neut. sg. subject; “this ea: this; is, ea, id as an adj. is a
(monster),” monstrum is neuter demonstrative which can be translated
5 marī: abl. sg. 3rd decl. i-stem noun as “this/these” or “that/those”
6 omnium: gen. pl. 3rd decl. i-stem adj. 16 eium: her; gen. fem. sg. is, ea, id
deī Hammōnis: of the god Hammon; a expōnunt: explain; ‘set out (in detail)’
north African god often identified with 20 horribilī speciē: of…; see p. 5, line 14
Jupiter/Zeus, sometimes spelled ‘Ammon’ eium: of this one; or ‘of it,’ i.e. monstrum
7 mōnstrō: dat. sg. ind. obj. of trādere 21 omnibum: upon all; dat. of compound
8 nōmine: by name; abl. of respect magnā celeritāte: with..; abl. manner
virgō: nom. sg. predicate often ‘cum’ missing when there is an adj.
9 haec: these (things); neut. acc. pl. 26 sublātus est: 3s pf. pass. tollō
volēbat: impf. of volō, velle, ‘to wish,’ in mōnstrum: against...; often in an attack
not from volō, volāre, “to fly” impetum…fēcit: made an attack
10 ob eam causam: for this reason 27 eium: his; ‘of that one,’ gen. sg.
11 imperāta: commands; ‘things having
8 Perseus
1 ēdidit: ē/ex + dedit, in compound verbs 13 maximō gaudiō: with…; abl. manner,
vowels ‘a’ and ‘e’ often become ‘i’ without “cum” when modified by adj.
4 sustulit: pf. tollō, belua is subject prō: (in return) for…
5 graviōre: graver; or ‘more serious,’ 14 rettulit: pf. referō with a dat. ind. obj.
abl. sg. comparative adj. gravis, -e eī: dat. sg., is, ea, id
9 prīmum: first (of all); adverbial acc. 16 paucōs annōs: for…; acc. of duration
11 salūtis: for safety; objective gen., it is 23 eā: this; demonstrative adj. with regiōne
equivalent to the obj. of a verb ‘hope’ 22 sē contulit: carried himself; pf. cōnferō, a
adiit: pf. ad-eō common expression for ‘went,’ ‘moved’
terrōre: abl. of cause 23 domum: fem. sg. modified by 2 adjectives
12 patrī: dat. ind. obj. of rē + dedit 24 trēs diēs: for…; acc. of duration
reddidit: red-dedit, pf. red-dō (give back), 25 quartō diē: at…; abl. time when
compare to red-it from red-eō (go back) hūc: (to) here; see also hīc and hinc
10 Perseus
accendō, -ere, -ndī, -cēnsum: kindle, light, 2 īrātus, -a, -um: angry, 5
Aegyptiī, -ōrum m.: Egyptians Linus, -ī m.: Linus, 2
Alcmēna, -ae f.: Alcmena, 4 lūmen, lūminis n.: light, 3
alius, -a, -ud: other, another, else, 9 magister, magistrī m.: teacher
arcus, -ūs m.; bow, 4 marītus, -ī m.: husband, 3
ars, artis f.: skill, craft, art, 5 minum: less
Būsīris, -idis m.: Busiris mīrus, -a, -um: wonderful, amazing, 7
centaurus, -ī m.: centaur, 12 mōnstrō (1): show, demonstrate, 3
cithara, -ae f.: cithera, lyre mortuus, -a, -um: dead, 7
clāmor, -ōris m.: shout, roar, applause, 4 mūsica, -ae f.: music
collum, -ī n.; neck, 6 nārrō (1): narrate, relate, 7
comprimō, -ere, -pressī: press together, 2 nōmen, nōminis, n.: name, 12
cōnfirmō (1): make strong, strengthen, 5 obiurgō (1): child, scold, reproach, 2
cōnsuēscō, -ere, -ēvī, -suētum: accustom, 3 officium, -iī, n.: duty, 2
cōnsūmō, -ere, -mpsī, -mptum: take, spend 9 ōlim: once, formerly, 10
corripiō, -ere, -uī, -reptum: snatch (up), 6 palaestra, -ae f.: wrestling-court
crūdēlis, -e: cruel, bitter, bloody, 6 parvus, -a, -um: small, 3
diligenter: carefully, diligently, 3 percutiō, -ere, -cussī, -cussum: strike, 2
discō, -ere, didicī: learn, come to know posteā: after this, afterwards, 7
equus, -ī m.: horse, 7 prehendō, -ere, -hendī, -hēnsum: seize, 5
ērudiō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum: instruct properō (1): hasten
excēdō, -ere, -cessī, -cessum: go out, depart, 2 prōsternō, -ere, -strāvī, -ātum: lay out, 3
excitō (1): excite, rouse, incite, 8 quisquam, quidquam: anyone, anything, 4
exclāmō (1): cry out, 3 rapiō, -ere, rapuī, raptum: seize, snatch, 5
exerceō, -ēre, -uī, -ercitum: train, exercise. rēgnō (1): rule, reign, 3
exercitātiō, -tiōnis f.: training, exercise rīdeō, -ēre, rīsī, -rīsum: laugh
fīnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 serpēns, serpentis f.: serpent, 6
fortis, -e: strong, brave, valiant, 5 somnus, -ī m.: sleep, 14
frāter, -tris m.: brother, 5 studeō, -ēre, -uī: be eager, be enthusiastic
gladius, -ī m.: sword, 10 studiōsus, -a, -um: eager, diligent, studious
haudquāquam: not at all, in no way, 2 suscipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: undertake, 14
ictus, -ūs m.: strike, blow, 4 tālis, -e: such, 6
immolō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum: sacrifice tēlum, -ī n.: weapon, arrow, spear, 3
īnfēlīx, -fēlīcis: unhappy, unfortunate, 2 terreō, -ēre, -uī, territum: terrify, scare, 5
intendō, -ere, -ndī, -ntum: stretch out, aim, 4 vinculum, -ī n.: bond, chain, 4
inter: between, among (+ acc.), 10 vīta, -ae, f.: life, 9
Īphiclēs, -is m.: Iphicles vōx, vōcis, f.: voice, 9
1 magnā vōce: in a loud…; abl. of manner, studeō, ‘be eager or enthusiastic for (dat.)’
loses prep. ‘cum’ when there is an adj. 16 minum: comp. adv. modifies dīligenter
3 magnā vī: with great force; abl. of manner; 18 vīribum: cf. line 14, abl. of means, note
irreg. abl. sg. vīs that this word is 3rd decl. while vir, virī
4 tālī modō: in such a way; abl. of manner, ‘man’ is 2nd decl.
abl. sg. 3rd decl. i-stem adj. tālis, -e 19 paulō: (by) a little; abl. of degree of
12 ā puerō: from boyhood difference modifies adverbial post, ‘later’
13 diēī: partitive gen. sg. 5th decl. diēs 20 ē vītā excessit: euphemism for dying
didicit: pf. discō id officium: this duty; demon. adj.
14 vīrēs: strength; fem. pl. of vīs, which 24 Dē: about…
translates as ‘force’ in the sg. haec: these (things); neuter acc. pl.
eium: gen. sg., is, ea, id 25 nōmine: by name; abl. of respect
16 huic…artī: dat. sg. ars, artis f.; obj. of illō tempore: at…; abl. of time when
14 Heracles
abscīdō, -ere, -cīdī, -cīsum: cut away or off, 5 īnspergō, -ere, -ersī, -ersum: sprinkle upon
aciēs, -ēī f.: sharp edge, battle line, army, 3 īnstruō, -ere, -ūxī, -ūctum: equip, draw up, 6
adulēscēns, -entis: young (man), youth(ful), 3 īrātus, -a, -um: angry, 5
adventus, -ūs m.: arrival, approach, 3 lēgātus, -ī m.: ambassador, legate, 3
afficiō, -ere, -fēcī, fectum: influence, treat, 13 līberō (1): set free, release, 6
alter, -era, -erum: other (of two), second, 7 Minyae, -ārum f.: Minyae, 5
antīquus, -a, -um: ancient, 3 mola, -ae f.: meal
appellō (1): call (by name), name, 12 mōs, mōris m.: custom, manner, law, 6
appetō, -ere, -īvī, -petītum: draw near, 3 nam: for, 6
apud: among, in the presence of (+ acc.), 9 nōlō, nōlle, nōluī: not…wish, be unwilling 12
āra, -ae f.: altar, 2 nūntius, -iī m.: messenger, 12
auris, -is f.: ear ob: on account of (acc.), 13
bellicōsus, -a, -um: warlike, 2 occīdō, -ere, -cīdī, -cīsum: kill, cut down, 14
catēna, -ae f.: chain, 2 ōlim: once, formerly, 10
centum: hundred, 3 pendō, -ere, pependī, pēnsum: pay, hang
cīvis, -is m/f: citizen, fellow citizen, 5 perrumpō, -ere, -rūpī, -ruptum: break
cōgō, cōgere, -ēgī, -āctum: collect, compel, 5 through, 2
comprehendō, -ere, -dī, -sum: grasp, seize, 3 postulō (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11
cōnātus, -ūs m.: attempt, effort, 7 prōsternō, -ere, -strāvī, -ātum: lay out, 3
contendō, -ere, -ī, -tum: hasten; fight, 11 proximus, -a, -um: nearest, next, 5
cōpia, -ae f.: abundance, supply; troops, 10 pugnō (1): fight, 4
creō (1): create, 2 quotannīs: every year, yearly, 2
Creōn, -ntis m.: Creon, 5 rīte: duly, fitly
culter, cultrī m.: knife sacerdōs, -dōtis m. f.: priest(ess), 2
dēligō, -ere, -lēgī, -lectum: choose, select, 6 sacrificium, -iī n.: sacrifice, 5
dēmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: drop, 3 sāl, salis m.: salt
ēmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: send out, 2 salsus, -a, -um: salted, salty
Ergīnus, -ī m.: Erginus sānctus, -a, -um: sacred, holy
exercitus, -ūs m.: army, 2 stīpendium, -ī n.: tax, tribute
explōrātor, -ōris m.: scout, spy stō, -āre, stetī, stātum: stand, 8
far, farris n.: spelt (wheat), sacrifical meal sūmō, -ere, sūmpsī, sūmptum: take, 3
ferreus, -a, -um: of iron, iron superior, -ium: higher, upper, 3
fīnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 superō (1): overcome, defeat, 3
fīnitimus, -a, -um: neighboring, bordering, 2 Thēbae, -ārum f.: Thebes, 4
gēns, gentis f.: clan, race, nation, herd, 4 Thēbānī, -ōrum m.: Theban, 7
ictus, -ūs m.: strike, blow, 4 tribūtum, -ī n.: tribute, tax, contribution
idōneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12 vehementer: strongly, violently, ardently, 11
ignāvus, -a, -um: lazy, cowardly, 2 victima, -ae f.: victim, 2
imperātor, -ōris m.: commander vīnciō, -īre, vīnxī, vīnctum: bind, tie, 4
impōnō, -ere, -posuī, -positum: place on, 7 vinculum, -ī n.: bond, chain, 4
1 sacrificiō: for sacrifice; dat. of purpose 12 Thēbānīs: Thebans; dat. with a special
ēdīxit: appointed, proclaimed adj. fīnitimī
ea diēs: this day; a demonstrative adj. 13 hī: these; i.e. the lēgātī, envoys
3 Mōs erat: it was the custom to; impersonal Thēbās: Thebes; place to which, towns
4 capitibum: on…; dat. of compound verb and cities do no require ‘ad’
magnō cōnātū: with…; abl. of manner 15 pendēbant: used to pay; iterative impf
7 alterō (ictū): with another blow; abl. means 16 hōc stipendiō: from…; abl. separation
10 Thēbīs: in Thebes; locative (place where) 18 habentur: are held (to be); + nom. pred.
11 Creōn: nom. predicate 22 cōpiīs: troops; as often in Caesar
bellicōsissima: superlative adj. 26 profectus est: set out; pf. dep. proficiscor
16 Heracles
aciēs, -ēī f.: sharp edge, battle line, army, 3 impetus, -ūs m.: attack, onset, assault, 9
afficiō, -ere, -fēcī, fectum: influence, treat, 13 incidō, -ere, -cidī: fall into, fall upon, 3
agō, agere, ēgī, āctum: drive, lead, spend, 13 itaque: and so, 8
Apollō, Apollinis m.: Apollo, 7 līberī, -ōrum m.: children
beātus, -a, -um: blessed, happy, 3 mātrimōnium, -iī n.: marriage, 6
celeber, -bris, -bre: frequented, celebrated, 2 maximē: especially, very greatly, 5
cēlō (1): hide, conceal, 5 nōlō, nōlle, nōluī: not…wish, be unwilling 12
cīvis, -is m/f: citizen, fellow citizen, 5 nōmen, nōminis, n.: name, 12
colō, -ere, coluī, cultum: cultivate, cherish, 3 occīdō, -ere, -cīdī, -cīsum: kill, cut down, 14
contendō, -ere, -ī, -tum: hasten; fight, 11 ōrāculum, -ī n.: oracle, 11
convertō, -ere, -ī, -rsum: turn (around), 6 ōrnō (1): equip, adorn
cōpia, -ae f.: abundance, supply; troops, 10 plūrimus, -a, -um: most, very many, 3
Creōn, -ntis m.: Creon, 5 praecipuē; especially, 2
cupiō, -ere, -īvī, -ītum: desire, long for, 4 proelium, -iī n.: battle, 4
decorō (1): adorn, distinguish, 2 propter: on account of, because of, 6
Delphicus, -a, -um: Delphic Pȳthia, -ae f.: Pythia, 4
doceō, -ēre, -uī, -ctum: teach, tell, 9 recipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: accept, take
dōnum, -ī n.: gift, 6 back, 8
duodecim: twelve, 6 redūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -tum: lead/bring back, 11
effugiō, -ere, -fūgī: flee away, escape sānitās, -tātis f.: soundness, sanity
ēnūntiō (1): speak out scelus, sceleris n.: wickedness, crime, 4
eō, īre, iī (īvī), itūrum: go, 3 sedeō, -ēre, sēdī, sessum: sit, 6
expiō (1): atone for, expiate, 2 sermō, sermōnis m.: conversation, talk, 2
expōnō, -ere, -suī, -situm: set out, explain 7 servitūs, servitūtis, f.: servitude, 2
facinus, facinoris n.: bad deed, crime, 1 silva, -ae f.: wood, forest, woodland, 7
fēmina, -ae f.: woman, 3 sustineō, -ēre, -uī, -tentum: hold up, endure 7
fīnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 taceō, -ēre, -uī, -itum: be silent, 2
fuga, -ae f.: flight, haste, exile, speed, 6 templum, -ī n.: temple, 3
furor, -ōris m.: rage, fury, madness, 4 Thēbānī, -ōrum m.: Theban, 7
gaudeō, -ēre, gāvīsus sum: enjoy, rejoice, 4 Tīryns, Tirynthis f. (acc. Tiryntha): Tiryns
honor, -ōris m.: honor, glory; offering, 4 uxor, uxōris f.: wife, spouse, 10
hostis, -is m./f.: stranger, enemy, foe, 5 victōria, -ae f.: victory
hūc: this place, hither, 2 vīta, -ae, f.: life, 9
imperō (1): order, command, 12 voluntās, -tātis f.: will, wish, permission, 1
1 in hostēs: against…; as often in battle 20 eīs: dat. pl. ind. obj. with dabat
2 in fugam: flight 21 hominibum: dat. pl. ind. obj.
5 cōpiās: troops 22 colēbat: used to worship; iterative
7 eī: him; dat. sg. ind. obj. is, ea, id hūc: here; place to which of hīc
8 agēbat: lived; idiom with vītam scelum: neuter acc. sg.
10 ipse: he himself; supply a subject 26 prīmō: at first; adverb
11 affectus est: was afflicted īre: go; inf. eō
12 sē recēpit: retreated; sē recipiere is a 27 Tīryntha: Grk. acc. sg.
common idiom for “retreat” Eurystheī rēgis: gen. sg.
16 tantum scelum: neuter acc. sg. 28 imperāta: commands; ‘things having been
17 īre: go; inf. eō commanded’ neuter acc. pl. PPP (pf. pass.
omnium: partitive gen. with superlative pple) of imperō
18 celeberrimum: predicate, superlative adj. 29 Eurystheō rēgī: dat. ind. obj.
erat…ornātum: ornātum erat, plpf. pass.
18 Heracles
afferō, -ferre, attulī, allātum: carry to bring 5 leō, leōnis m.: lion, 5
amīcus, -ī m.: friend, 6 Lernaeus, -a, -um: of Lerna
arcus, -ūs m.; bow, 4 mors, mortis, f.: death, 9
bracchium, -ī n.: arm, 2 nārrō (1): narrate, relate, 7
cadāver, -eris n.: corpse, dead body, 3 necō (1): kill, slay, put to death, 9
clāva, -ae f.: club Nemeaeus, -a, -um: of Nemea
collum, -ī n.; neck, 6 novem: nine, 3
complector, -plectī, -plexus sum: embrace, 3 occīdō, -ere, -cīdī, -cīsum: kill, cut down, 14
comprimō, -ere, -pressī: press together, 2 oppidum, -ī n.: town, 4
crēdibilis, -e: credible, 2 palūs, palūdis f.: swamp, marsh, 3
crūdēlis, -e: cruel, bitter, bloody, 6 pellis, -is f.: hide, skin, pelt, 2
dēmum: at length, finally, 3 percutiō, -ere, -cussī, -cussum: strike, 2
dēnsus, -a, -um: thick, 2 plūrimus, -a, -um: most, very many, 3
dētrahō, -ere, -āxī, -actum: draw away/off, 2 poēta, -ae m.: poet, 4
duodecim: twelve, 6 posteā: after this, afterwards, 7
exanimō (1): kill, exhaust, 9 prō: before, in front of, for, 9
expiō (1): expiate, 2 quamquam: although, 4
facultās, -tātis f.: ability, opportunity, 5 reddō, -ere, didī, dditum: give back, render 4
fāma, -ae f.: fame, reputation, report, rumor 7 respīrō (1): breathe back, breathe out, 2
faucēs, -ium f.: throat, 2 scelus, sceleris n.: wickedness, crime, 4
fera, -ae f.: wild animal, beast scrībō, -ere, scrīpsī, scrīptum: write, 2
frūstrā: in vain, for nothing, 13 semper: always, ever, forever, 2
gaudeō, -ēre, gāvīsus sum: enjoy, rejoice, 4 serviō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum: be slave to, serve
honor, -ōris m.: honor, glory; offering, 4 silva, -ae f.: wood, forest, woodland, 7
Hydra, -ae f.: Hydra (many-headed snake), 5 trāiciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum: pierce, throw
imperō (1): order, command, 12 across
incolō, -ere, -uī: inhabit, 4 umerus, -ī m.: shoulder, 3
īnfēstus, -a, -um: unsafe, dangerous; hostile vallis, -is f.: valley, vale, 2
intendō, -ere, -ndī, -ntum: stretch out, aim, 4 vehementer: strongly, violently, ardently, 11
inveniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventum: find, discover 8 vestis, -is f.: clothing, 12
Iolāus, -ī m.: Iolaus vix: with difficulty, with effort, scarcely, 5
abscīdō, -ere, -cīdī, -cīsum: cut away or off, 5 incrēdibilis, -e: incredible, 2
accendō, -ere, -ndī, -cēnsum: kindle, light, 2 itaque: and so, 8
adūrō, -ūrere, -ūssī, ūstum: set fire to, burn labōrō (1): work, toil, labor, strive, 2
ager, -grī m.: land, field, territory, 11 lignum, -ī n.: wood, 3
aper, aprī m.: wild boar, 3 mordeō, -ere, momordī, morsum: bite
arbor, arboris f.: tree, 5 mortifer, -fera, -ferum: death-bearing, 2
Arcadia, -ae f.: Arcadia, 2 nec: and not, nor, 10
ārdeō, -ēre, ārsī, ārsum: be on fire, burn, 3 nocturnus, -a, -um: nocturnal, 2
audācia, -ae f.: boldness, audacity, 2 nōlō, nōlle, nōluī: not…wish, be unwilling 12
aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 novem: nine, 3
caedēs, -is f.: slaughter, killing novus, -a, -um: new, 4
cancer, -cancrī m.: crab nūntiō (1): announce, 3
celeritās, -tātis f.: speed, quickness, 7 occupō (1): occupy, seize, 8
celeriter: swiftly, quickly persequor, -sequī, -secūtus sum: follow up
cervus, -ī m.: stag, 5 prehendō, -ere, -hendī, -hēnsum: seize, 5
collum, -ī n.; neck, 6 quiēs, quiētis f.: rest, repose, sleep, 5
comprehendō, -ere, -dī, -sum: grasp, seize, 3 quotiēns: as often as, 2
cōnātus, -ūs m.: attempt, effort, 7 reddō, -ere, didī, dditum: give back, render 4
cōnsequor, -ī, secūtum: follow; pursue, 3 relinquō, -ere, -līquī, -lictum: leave behind, 9
cornū, -ūs n.: horn, 2 retineō, -ēre, -uī, -tentum: hold/keep back, 3
crūs, crūris n.: leg sagitta, -ae f.: arrow, 10
currō, -ere, cucurrī, cursum: run, rush, fly, 4 sanguis, sanguinis m.: blood, 6
cursus, -ūs m.: course, running, haste, 10 silva, -ae f.: wood, forest, woodland, 7
deinde: then, thereupon, 8 sinistra, -ae f.: left hand
dēsistō, -ere, -stitī, -stitum: desist, stop, 5 succīdō, -ere, -cīdī, -cīsum: cut down or off
dexter, -tra, -trum: right (hand); favorable suscipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: undertake, 14
diū: a long time, long, 13 tālis, -e: such, 6
Erymanthius, -a, -um: of Erymanthus terreō, -ēre, -uī, territum: terrify, scare, 5
exanimō (1): kill, exhaust, 9 unde: whence, from which source, 6
exorior, -orīrī, -ortus sum: arise from, rise, 2 ūsque: all the way to, up to, continuously, 2
fax, facis f.: torch, firebrand, 2 vāstō (1): lay waste, 2
frūstrā: in vain, for nothing, 13 vērō: in truth, in fact, certainly, 5
Hydra, -ae f.: Hydra (many-headed snake), 5 vesper, vesperī m.: evening, 4
ignis, ignis, m.: fire, 9 vestīgium, -iī n.: track, foot-print, 4
imbuō, -uere, -buī, -būtum: wet, soak, 2 vīvus, -a, -um: living, alive, 4
incola, -ae m.: inhabitant, 7
1 sinistrā (manū): with is left (hand); abl. of 9 mortiferās reddidit: rendered (the arrows)
means deadly; mortiferās is acc. pred.
dextrā (manū): abl. means 15 referre: irreg. inf. of re-ferō
exoriēbantur: impf. deponent tantae audāciae: of…; gen. of description
3 frūstrā: in vain; adverb 16 fuisse: pf. inf. sum
hōc cōnātū: from…; abl. of separation trāduntur: are reported
5 ligna: nom. subject, neuter plural incrēdibilī celeritāte: of…; abl. of quality
face ārdente: abl. abs.; pres. pple ārdeō 17 prīmō: adverb
7 auxiliō Hydrae: as help for the Hydra; 18 persequēbātur: impf. dep., translate act.
‘for help,’ double dative (dat. purpose and 20 sibi: for him; dat. of interest
dat. of interest) 21 cōnsequī: catch up with; dep. inf.
8 eium: gen. sg. is, ea, id; i.e. Heracles’ 22 ita trāditur: thus it is reported
talī modō: in such a way; abl. of manner, 23 rettulit: pf. referō
3rd decl. i-stem abl. 25 illō tempore: in…; abl. of time when
22 Heracles
afferō, -ferre, attulī, allātum: carry to bring 5 iūcundus, -a, -um: pleasant, sweet
altus, -a, -um: high, lofty, tall, 2 laqueus, -ī m.: noose
amphora, -ae f.: amphora, jar, 3 līberō (1): set free, release, 6
aper, aprī m.: wild boar, 3 nārrō (1): narrate, relate, 7
aperiō, -īre, -uī, -ertum: open, disclose, 3 nōlō, nōlle, nōluī: not…wish, be unwilling 12
appetō, -ere, -īvī, -petītum: draw near, 3 nōmen, nōminis, n.: name, 12
Arcadia, -ae f.: Arcadia, 2 nōtus, -a, -um: known, familiar, 3
benignus, -a, -um: kind, 4 nox, noctis, f.: night, 7
cēna, -ae f.: dinner, 5 occurrō, -ere: run into, meet, attack, 2
centaurus, -ī m.: centaur, 12 odor, odōris m.: smell, odor, 2
cēnō (1): dine, eat dinner, 2 optimus, -a, -um: best, noblest, finest
committō, -mittere, -mīsī: commit, entrust, 6 perterreō, -ēre: frighten, terrify, 5
cōnveniō, -īre, vēnī, ventum: come together 8 Pholus, -ī m.: Pholus, 6
dēpōnō, -ere, -suī, -situm: put down/aside, 9 pōculum, -ī n.: cup, 7
dēvertō, -ere, -vertī: turn away, turn aside postulō (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11
difficultās, -tātis f.: difficulty, 7 praeter: except, besides, 2
diffundō, -ere, -fūdī, -fūsum: pour out prōiciō, -icere, -iēcī, -iectum: throw forth, 4
etsī: even if, although, though, 13 quartus, -a, -um: one-fourth, 3
excipiō, ere, cēpī, ceptum: take out, receive 9 refugiō, -ere, -fūgī: flee back, 5
extrahō, -ere, -trāxī, -tractum: draw out, 2 repleō, -ēre, -plēvī, -plētum: fill again, fill, 4
fortiter: bravely, 2 repugnō (1): fight against, oppose, resist, 2
fossa, -ae f.: ditch, trench, 3 silva, -ae f.: wood, forest, woodland, 7
hauriō, haurīre, hausī, -stum: drink, draw simul: at the same time; at once, together, 10
incolō, -ere, -uī: inhabit, 4 suāvis, -e: sweet, pleasant
iniciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum: throw in or upon, 2 suprā: above, before, 6
inquam, inquis, inquit: say, 6 timeō, -ēre, -uī: fear, dread, 6
inrīdeō, -ēre, -rīsī, -rīsum: laugh at, mock undique: from everywhere, from all sides, 7
īrātus, -a, -um: angry, 5 vīvus, -a, -um: living, alive, 4
1 profectus est: pf. dep. proficiscor, translate 10 eam: that; demonstrative adj.
in the pf. active 12 nōmine: by name; abl. of respect
paulum: adverbial acc. 13 benignē: -ē ending forms an adverb
progressus est: pf. dep. progredior 14 Erat: there was
aprō: dat. obj. of a compound verb 15 replēta: PPP (pf. pass. pple) repleō
2 simul atque: as soon as; ‘the same time as’ 18 mihi: dat. ind. object
3 altam: deep commissum est: was entrusted
4 attulerat: pf. afferō Sī…dabō, interficient: If I give…will
5 etsī: although kill; fut. more vivid condition (sī, fut. ind.,
nūllō modō: in no way; abl. of manner fut. ind.), the protasis (dabō) in English
6 relātus est: pf. pass. re-ferō translation is pres. in form but fut. in sense
9 dē: about 23 Simul atque: as soon as; ‘at the same time
9 suprā: above; i.e. earlier in the story as’
haec: neut. pl. nom. subject īrātī: angered; predicate nominative
trāduntur: are reported
24 Heracles
absūmō, -ere, -mpsī, -mptum: take away, 2 magnitūdō, -tūdinis f.: size, greatness, 13
adeō, -īre, -i(v)ī: go to, approach, 4 membrum, -ī n.: limb, member, 10
aditus, -ūs m.: approach, access, entrance, 2 mīlle (pl. mīlia): thousand, 7
alter, -era, -erum: other (of two), second, 7 mīror, -ārī, -ātus sum: be amazed at, 7
amīcus, -ī m.: friend, 6 mortuus, -a, -um: dead, 7
ārdeō, -ēre, ārsī, ārsum: be on fire, burn, 3 obtineō, -ēre, -uī, -tentum: hold, maintain, 9
arma, -ōrum n.: arms, equipment, tools, 6 ōlim: once, formerly, 10
Augēās, -ae m.: Augeas pēs, pedis m.: foot, 8
bibō, -ere, bibī: drink, 4 petō, petere, petīvī, petītum: seek, aim at, 10
cadāver, -eris n.: corpse, dead body, 3 Pholus, -ī m.: Pholus, 6
cāsus, -ūs m.: misfortune, accident, event, 8 pōculum, -ī n.: cup, 7
centaurus, -ī m.: centaur, 12 rapiō, -ere, rapuī, raptum: seize, snatch, 5
cōnstō, -stāre, -stitī, -stitum: stand firm, sagitta, -ae f.: arrow, 10
stand together; cost; it is agreed, 6 sanguis, sanguinis m.: blood, 6
deinde: then, thereupon, 8 sepultūra, -ae f.: burial, 2
Ēlis, -idis f.: Elis sequor, -ī, secūtus sum: follow; attend, 4
exanimō (1): kill, exhaust, 9 sīve: or if, whether if, 6
exhauriō, -īre, -ausī, -austum: drink up somnus, -ī m.: sleep, 14
extemplō: immediately, straightaway spectō (1): watch, look at
fax, facis f.: torch, firebrand, 2 stabulum, -ī n.: stable, inclosure, 5
fortis, -e: strong, brave, valiant, 5 sustineō, -ēre, -uī, -tentum: hold up, endure 7
fuga, -ae f.: flight, haste, exile, speed, 6 tam: so, so much, so very, such, 8
fugiō, fugere, fūgī, --: flee, hurry away, 9 tergum, -ī n.: back, 8
Hydra, -ae f.: Hydra (many-headed snake), 5 trahō, -ere, trāxī, tractum: draw, drag, 6
iaceō, -ēre, -uī: lie, lie low, 3 trēs, tria: three, 9
imbuō, -uere, -buī, -būtum: wet, soak, 2 venēnum, -ī n.: poison, 7
impetus, -ūs m.: attack, onset, assault, 9 vertō, -ere, vertī, versum: turn, 4
impōnō, -ere, -posuī, -positum: place on, 7 volō (1): fly, 3
lābor, lābī, lāpsus sum: slip, glide vulnerō (1): wound, injure, 7
lacrima, -ae f.: tear, 10 vulnus, -eris n.: wound, blow, 6
levis, leve: light, slight, 2
1 bibentem: pres. pple bibō 14 iacēbat: from iaceō, iacēre, ‘to lie
3 fortissimē: very…; superlative adverb down’ not iaciō, iacere, ‘to throw’
sustinēbat: was holding off sīve…sīve: whether…or
Facēs: acc. pl. fax cāsū: by chance; abl. of cause, elsewhere
ārdentēs: pres. pple ārdeō cāsus means ‘misfortune’
in: ‘at’ or ‘against’ in context of fighting 15 cōnsiliō: by the plan; abl. of cause
4 eaedem: the same; the suffix -dem does lāpsa est: pf. deponent
not decline, but eae- modifies sagittae eium: gen. sg., i.e. Pholus
6 reliquī: the remaining (centaurs) 17 vī: abl. of means, vīs
7 fugā: in flight; abl. of mean venēnī: gen. sg.
peti(v)ērunt: syncopated pf. petō 18 secūtus est: pf. dep., translate act.
10 reliquī: the remaining (centaurs) rediit: pf. red-eō
ēgressus est: pf. dep. ēgredior 19 magnō cum dolōre, multīs cum lacrimīs:
11 eōrum: of those; demonstrative in sense abl. of manner, adj. is emphasized
12 levī vulnere: abl. of means; i-stem 3rd 20 ad: for…; expressing purpose
decl. adj. 21 somnō: sleep; dat. ind. obj.
13 eius reī: of this matter; gen. sg. 24 graviorem: comparative adjective
Adiit: pf. ad-eō 26 bo(v)üm: of cattle; gen. pl. bōs
cuiusdam: gen. sg. quīdam ingentis magnitūdinis: gen. of description
26 Heracles
appellō, -ere, -pulī, -pulsum: drive (to), 14 incolumis, -e: inscathed, uninjured, safe, 7
appropinquō (1): come near, approach, 8 īra, īrae f.: anger, 12
cadāver, -eris n.: corpse, dead body, 3 nauta, -ae f.: sailor, 3
carō, carnis f.: flesh, meat, 4 nāvigō (1): sail, 5
celeritās, -tātis f.: speed, quickness, 7 nōlō, nōlle, nōluī: not…wish, be unwilling 12
cōnscendō, -ere, -ndī, -nsum: climb aboard, 6 obiciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum: throw or cast at, 3
cōnsequor, -ī, secūtum: follow; pursue, 3 occupō (1): occupy, seize, 8
contendō, -ere, -ī, -tum: hasten; fight, 11 paene: almost, nearly, 8
coörior, coörīrī, coörtus sum: arise, 4 peregrīnus, -ī m.: stranger, foreigner
cornū, -ūs n.: horn, 2 postulō (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11
Crēta, -ae f.: Crete, 3 praeda, -ae f.: plunder, spoils, 2
crūdēlis, -e: cruel, bitter, bloody, 6 prehendō, -ere, -hendī, -hēnsum: seize, 5
cursus, -ūs m.: course, running, haste, 10 quamquam: although, 4
deinde: then, thereupon, 8 recipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: take back, 8
dēpōnō, -ere, -suī, -situm: put down/aside, 9 redūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -tum: lead/bring back, 11
Diōmēdēs, -is m.: Diomedes, 3 taurus, -ī m.: bull, 7
doceō, -ēre, -uī, -ctum: teach, tell, 9 teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentum: hold, keep 13
equus, -ī m.: horse, 7 terreō, -ēre, -uī, territum: terrify, scare, 5
etsī: even if, although, though, 13 Thrācia, -ae f.: Thrace, 3
ferōx, -ōcis: fierce, savage trahō, -ere, trāxī, tractum: draw, drag, 6
Graecia, -ae f.: Greece, 7 tranquillitās, -tātis f.: calm, tranquility, 2
haudquāquam: not at all, in no way, 2 vāstō (1): lay waste, 2
idōneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12 ventus, -ī m.: wind, 10
imperītus, -a, -um: inexperienced vēscor, vēscī: feed on, eat (+ abl.) 3
imperō (1): order, command, 12 vīvus, -a, -um: living, alive, 4
With the exception of purpose clauses (may, might) and if-then clauses, almost all the
subjunctives that readers will encounter do not require a special translation. Simply identify
the tense of the verb and translate as one would an indicative.
30 Heracles
Ita mīra rērum commūtātiō facta est; is enim quī anteā multōs cum 1
cruciātū necāverat ipse eōdem suppliciō necātus est. Cum haec
nuntiāta essent, omnēs quī eam regiōnem incolēbant maximā
laetitiā affectī sunt et Herculī meritam grātiam referēbant. Nōn
modo maximīs honōribus et praemiīs eum decorāvērunt sed 5
orābant etiam ut rēgnum ipse susciperet. Ille tamen hoc facere
nōlēbat, et cum ad mare rediisset, nāvem occupāvit. Ubi omnia ad
nāvigandum parāta sunt, equōs in nāvī collocāvit; deinde, cum
idōneam tempestātem nactus esset, sine morā ē portū solvit, et
paulō post equōs in lītus Argolicum exposuit. 10
adhibeō, -ēre, -uī, -itum: apply, hold to, 4 īnferō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātum: carry on, wage, 3
Admēta, -ae f.: Admeta laetitia, -ae f.: joy, happiness, 3
Amāzonēs, -um f.: Amazon, 7 mandō (1): command; entrust, commit, 2
anteā: before, earlier, formerly, previously, 7 Mars, Martis m.: Mars
Argolicus, -a, -um: of Argolis maximus, -a, -um: greatest, 9
audeō, -ēre, ausus sum: dare meritus, -a, -um: deserved, due, just, 4
balteus, -eī m.: belt, girdle, 5 mīlitāris, -e: military, warlike, 3
bellum, -ī, n.: war, 6 mīrus, -a, -um: wonderful, amazing, 7
celeber, -bris, -bre: frequented, celebrated, 2 mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14
cōgō, cōgere, -ēgī, -āctum: collect, compel, 5 mulier, mulieris f.: woman, 3
committō, -mittere, -mīsī: commit, entrust, 6 multitūdō, -tūdinis f.: multitude, 2
commūtātio, -tiōnis f.: change, 2 nancīscor, -ī, nactus sum: attain, meet, 7
conlocō (1): place together nāvigō (1): sail, 5
cōnstō, -stāre, -stitī, -stitum: stand firm, necō (1): kill, slay, put to death, 9
stand together; cost; it is agreed, 6 nōlō, nōlle, nōluī: not…wish, be unwilling 12
cōnveniō, -īre, vēnī, ventum: come together 8 nūntiō (1): announce, 3
cōpia, -ae f.: abundance, supply; troops, 10 nūntius, -iī m.: messenger, 12
cruciātus, -ūs m.: torture, 2 occupō (1): occupy, seize, 8
cupiō, -ere, -īvī, -ītum: desire, long for, 4 omnīnō: altogether, wholely, entirely, 11
decorō (1): adorn, distinguish, 2 ōrō (1): pray (for), entreat, beseech, 5
deinde: then, thereupon, 8 persuādeō, -ēre, -suāsī, -suāsum: persuade, 9
dēligō, -ere, -lēgī, -lectum: choose, select, 6 portus, -ūs m.: harbort, port, 3
equus, -ī m.: horse, 7 possideō, -ēre, possēdī, possessum: possess
expōnō, -ere, -suī, -situm: set out, explain 7 praemium, -iī n.: reward, 5
fāma, -ae f.: fame, reputation, report, rumor 7 rēgīna, -ae f.: queen, 2
gēns, gentis f.: clan, race, nation, herd, 4 scientia, -ae f.: knowledge, wisdom, 6
grātia, -ae f.: graditude, favor, thanks, 10 supplicium, -iī n.; punishment, supplication, 5
Hippolytē, -ēs f.: Hippolyte, 4 suscipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: undertake, 14
honor, -ōris m.: honor, glory; offering, 4 ūsus, ūsūs m.: use, employment, 3
idōneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12 vehementer: strongly, violently, ardently, 11
incolō, -ere, -uī: inhabit, 4 virtūs, -ūtis f.: valor, manhood, excellence, 10
aciēs, -ēī f.: sharp edge, battle line, army, 3 memoria, -ae f.: memory, 4
admittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: admit, allow, 1 mīlēs, mīlitis m.: soldier, 2
Amāzonēs, -um f.: Amazon, 7 mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14
appellō, -ere, -pulī, -pulsum: drive (to), 14 nec: and not, nor, 10
balteus, -eī m.: belt, girdle, 5 negō (1): deny, say that…not, 3
bellum, -ī, n.: war, 6 neu: nor, and not
castra, -ōrum n.: camp neuter, neutra, neutrum: neither
cohortor, -hortārī, -hortātum: encourage, 2 novus, -a, -um: new, 4
committō, -mittere, -mīsī: commit, entrust, 6 nūntiō (1): announce, 3
cōnscendō, -ere, -ndī, -nsum: climb aboard, 6 nūntius, -iī m.: messenger, 12
contrā: against (+ acc.), 7 occīdō, -ere, -cīdī, -cīsum: kill, cut down, 14
cōpia, -ae f.: abundance, supply; troops, 10 opīniō, -iōnis f.: opinion, reputation, 6
dēdecus, dēdecoris n.: dishonor, disgrace ōstium, -iī n.: mouth, entrance, 3
dēligō, -ere, -lēgī, -lectum: choose, select, 6 palūs, palūdis f.: swamp, marsh, 3
dēspērō (1): despair, give up, 4 persuādeō, -ēre, -suāsī, -suāsum: persuade, 9
doceō, -ēre, -uī, -ctum: teach, tell, 9 perturbō (1): trouble, greatly disturb, 2
duo, duae, duo: two, 10 poscō, -ere, poposcī: ask, demand
ēdūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ductum: lead out, draw, 3 praestō, -stāre, -stitī: stand in front, show, 6
ērigō, -ere, -rēxī, -rectum: raise up, lift pristīnus, -a, -um: former
ēvocō (1): call out, challenge proelium, -iī n.: battle, 4
exercitus, -ūs m.: army, 2 proximus, -a, -um: nearest, next, 5
fāma, -ae f.: fame, reputation, report, rumor 7 pugna, -ae f.: fight, 2
fīnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 que: and, 14
fortis, -e: strong, brave, valiant, 5 quoque: also
fortiter: bravely, 2 redintegrō (1): make whole again, renew
fortūna, -ae f.: fortune, chance, luck, 3 retineō, -ēre, -uī, -tentum: hold/keep back, 3
fuga, -ae f.: flight, haste, exile, speed, 6 signum, -ī n.: sign, signal, 2
genus, -eris n.: birth, race; kind, family, 2 sustineō, -ēre, -uī, -tentum: hold up, endure 7
Hippolytē, -ēs f.: Hippolyte, 4 temptō (1): attempt; attack; test, probe
hostis, -is m./f.: stranger, enemy, foe, 5 Thermōdōn, -dontis m.: Thermodon
idōneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12 trānseō, -īre, -iī (īvī), -itum: pass (by), 10
impetus, -ūs m.: attack, onset, assault, 9 vehementer: strongly, violently, ardently, 11
initium, -ī n.: beginning, entrance verbum, -ī n.: word, speech, 4
īnstruō, -ere, -ūxī, -ūctum: equip, draw up, 6 virtūs, -ūtis f.: valor, manhood, excellence, 10
inter: between, among (+ acc.), 10 volō (1): fly, 3
intervallum, -ī n.: interval, distance, 2 vulnus, -eris n.: wound, blow, 6
1 esset: impf. subj. sum, translate impf. 14 neutrī: neither; nom. pl. subj. neuter
3 quī…doceret…posceret: who would... 15 trānseundī: gen. sg. gerund (-ing) trāns-eō
and would; relative clause of purpose; impf. 16 trānsiit: pf. trāns-eō
subj. 17 fortissimē: superlative adv.
4 veniendī: gen. sg. gerund (-ing) sustinērunt: held off
Hippolytē: fem. nom. sg. 18 ut…occīderint: that…; pf. subj. in a result
6 persuāsērunt: persuaded (dat) that…; clause, translate as pf. indicative
governs ind. command (ut); impf. subj. novō genere: by the new type
7 nūntiāta essent: plpf. subj. translate 24 ut…sustinērent: ind. command
just as plpf. pass. indicative quibus verbīs: with these words; ‘which’
8 Proximō diē: on…; abl. of time when 25 ut…redintegrārent: that…; result clause,
ēdūxisset: plpf. subj. ēdūcō impf. subj.
10 nōn magnō intervāllō: not a great confectī essent: plpf. pass. subj. in a
interval rel. clause of characteristic
34 Heracles
ac: and, and also, 14 nancīscor, -ī, nactus sum: attain, meet, 7
ācriter: sharply, fiercely, 2 Neptūnus, -ī m.: Neptune, 4
aestās, aestātis f.: summer nōlō, nōlle, nōluī: not…wish, be unwilling 12
ager, -grī m.: land, field, territory, 11 nōndum: not yet, 4
antequam: before, 9 numerus, -ī m.: number, multitude, 7
Apollō, Apollinis m.: Apollo, 7 ob: on account of (acc.), 13
appetō, -ere, -īvī, -petītum: draw near, 3 obiciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum: throw or cast at, 3
balteus, -eī m.: belt, girdle, 5 obtineō, -ēre, -uī, -tentum: hold, maintain, 9
captīvus, -a, -um: prisoner, 2 occāsus, -ūs m.: fall, destruction, 4
clementia, -ae f.: mercy, kindness offerō, -ferre, obtulī, -lātum: offer, present 5
commūtātiō, -tiōnis f.: change, 2 opus, -eris n.: work, deed, toil, 9
compellō, -ere, -pulī: drive together, 3 ōrāculum, -ī n.: oracle, 11
cōnscendō, -ere, -ndī, -nsum: climb aboard, 6 pecus, pecoris n.: herd, flock, 4
cōnsulō, -ere, -luī, -ltum: consult, 3 pecus, pecudis f.: herd of cattle
contineō, -ēre, -nuī: hold or keep together, 4 persolvō, -ere, -solvī, -solūtum: pay up
cotīdiē: daily, 2 perterreō, -ēre: frighten, terrify, 5
dēfessus, -a, -um: wearied, exhausted petō, petere, petīvī, petītum: seek, aim at, 10
dēficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum: fail, 3 praecipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: order, take, 6
diū: a long time, long, 13 praemium, -iī n.: reward, 5
frūmentum, -ī n.: grain, 4 praestō, -stāre, -stitī: stand in front, show, 6
fuga, -ae f.: flight, haste, exile, speed, 6 prōpōnō, -ere, -suī, -situm: put or set forth, 4
fugiō, fugere, fūgī, --: flee, hurry away, 9 pugnō (1): fight, 4
Graecia, -ae f.: Greece, 7 que: and, 14
Hēsionē, -ēs f. (Grk acc. Hēsionēn): Hesione redūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -tum: lead/bring back, 11
Hippolytē, -ēs f.: Hippolyte, 4 sōl, sōlis m.: sun, 10
horribilis, -e: horrible, dreadful, 11 superior, -ium: higher, upper, 3
idōneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12 superō (1): overcome, defeat, 3
intrā: within, among (+ acc.), 4 tergum, -ī n.: back, 8
īrātus, -a, -um: angry, 5 Trōia, -ae f.: Troy, 9
Lāomedōn, -ontis m.: Laomedon, 5 Trōiānī, -ōrum m.: Trojans
lībertās, -tātis f.: freedom, liberty vērō: in truth, in fact, certainly, 5
mātūrō (1): hasten, ripen, 7 vertō, -ere, vertī, versum: turn, 4
moenia, -ōrum n.: walls, 2 vorō (1): devour
mulier, mulieris f.: woman, 3 vulnus, -eris n.: wound, blow, 6
mūrus, -ī m.: (city) wall, rampart, 4
2 pugnātum est: they fought; ‘it was fought,’ proficīscī: dep. inf. proficiscor
an impersonal passive is often translated in 9 nactum: having obtained; dep. nancīscor
the active in English, supply a subject 10 solvit: set sail
ad: near… 15 illō tempore: at…; abl. time when
3 ut…peterent: that…; result, impf. subj. 16 annō superiōre: in the previous year
fugā: in flight; abl. means cum…habēret: since…; causal in sense
4 Multae: many (Amazons) 17 ad…: for…; expressing purpose
vulneribum: abl. means 21 speciē horribilī: of…; abl. of quality,
5 Hippolytē: Greek 1st decl. nominative sg. 3rd decl. i-stem abl. adjective
7 vērō: in fact; adverb 24 commōtum: upset; ‘troubled,’ PPP, as
8 multum aestātis: much of the summer; often, to move emotionally, not physically
partitive gen. 25 eī praecēpit: instructed him; ‘ordered’
supererat: remained; impf. supersum ut…obiceret: ind. command, impf.
36 Heracles
accidō, -ere, accidī: happen, fall (on)to, 8 intendō, -ere, -ndī, -ntum: stretch out, aim, 4
admīror, -ārī, -ātus sum: admire, wonder at inveniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventum: find, discover 8
arcus, -ūs m.; bow, 4 īra, īrae f.: anger, 12
audācia, -ae f.: boldness, audacity, 2 Iuppiter, Iovis m.: Jupiter, 8
aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 lapis, -idis m.: stone
barbarus, -a, -um: foreign, savage libenter: gladly, willingly, 12
bellicōsus, -a, -um: warlike, 2 Ligurēs, -um m.: Ligurians, 3
cadō, -ere, cecidī, cāsum: fall Liguria, -ae f.: Liguria
caelum, -ī n.: sky, 4 linter, lintris f.: boat, skiff, 3
calor, -ōris m.: heat longē: far, far and wide, 6
cōgō, cōgere, -ēgī, -āctum: collect, compel, 5 magnitūdō, -tūdinis f.: size, greatness, 13
compellō, -ere, -pulī: drive together, 3 moror, -ārī, -ātus sum: delay, linger, 3
cōnstō, -stāre, -stitī, -stitum: stand firm, nancīscor, -ī, nactus sum: attain, meet, 7
stand together; cost; it is agreed, 6 nihil: nothing, 14
cōnsuēscō, -ere, -ēvī, -suētum: accustom, 3 nōlō, nōlle, nōluī: not…wish, be unwilling 12
continēns, -entis f.: continent numerus, -ī m.: number, multitude, 7
cōpia, -ae f.: abundance, supply; troops, 10 occīdō, -ere, -cīdī, -cīsum: kill, cut down, 14
dēdūcō, -ere: lead or bring down, launch, 10 opportūnus, -a, -um: suitable, convenient, 2
dēmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: drop, 3 paene: almost, nearly, 8
dēpōnō, -ere, -suī, -situm: put down/aside, 9 petō, petere, petīvī, petītum: seek, aim at, 10
difficultās, -tātis f.: difficulty, 7 postulō (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11
dōnum, -ī n.: gift, 6 prohibeō, -ēre, -hibuī: hold back, hinder, 2
Eurytiōn, -ōnis m.: Eurytion, 2 que: and, 14
fīnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 quidem: indeed, in fact, assuredly, certainly, 8
gēns, gentis f.: clan, race, nation, herd, 4 sagitta, -ae f.: arrow, 10
Gēryōn, -onis m.: Geryon, 4 sōl, sōlis m.: sun, 10
Hispānia, -ae f.: Spain superior, -ium: higher, upper, 3
idōneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12 tālis, -e: such, 6
imber, imbris m.: rain tēlum, -ī n.: weapon, arrow, spear, 3
incola, -ae m.: inhabitant, 7 trānsportō (1): carry over or across, 2
incommodum, -ī n.: inconvenience, 2 ventus, -ī m.: wind, 10
abripiō, -ere, -ripuī, -reptum: snatch away 2 magnitūdō, -tūdinis f.: size, greatness, 13
adventus, -ūs m.: arrival, approach, 3 mōns, montis m.: mountain, mount, 5
agō, agere, ēgī, āctum: drive, lead, spend, 13 moror, -ārī, -ātus sum: delay, linger, 3
Alpēs, -ium f.: Alps necesse: necessary, 2
antequam: before, 9 nix, nivis f.: snow
ascendō, -ere, -ī, -ēnsum: ascend, mount, 3 noctū: at night, by night, 2
Cācus, -ī m.: Cacus, 4 nōndum: not yet, 4
cauda, -ae f.: tail, 2 ob: on account of (acc.), 13
celer, -eris, -ere: swift, quick, 12 onerō (1): load, burden, 2
cēlō (1): hide, conceal, 5 opīniō, -iōnis f.: opinion, reputation, 6
citerior, -ium: on this side, on the near side ōs, ōris n.: face, mouth 3
commeātus, -ūs m.: supplies, provisions pābulum, -ī n.: food, fodder, pasture, 2
comparō (1): prepare, collect, 4 pāscor, -ī, pāstus sum: feed
condō, -ere, -didī, -ditum: found; hide, 2 perennis, -e: perennial, perpetual
cōnsūmō, -ere, -mpsī, -mptum: take, spend 9 praebeō, -ēre, -uī, -itum: present, give, 7
contrā: against (+ acc.), 7 procul: from afar, from a distance, 5
cōpia, -ae f.: abundance, supply; troops, 10 pulcher, -chra, -chrum: beautiful, pretty, 2
difficultās, -tātis f.: difficulty, 7 quartus, -a, -um: one-fourth, 3
dīvidō, -ere, -vīsī, -vīsum: divide, separate, 3 quattuor: four
dormiō, -īre, -īvī: sleep, 8 recreō (1): make anew, renew
exspīrō (1): breathe out Rōma, -ae f.: Rome
fāma, -ae f.: fame, reputation, report, rumor 7 superō (1): overcome, defeat, 3
fessus, -a, -um: wearied, exhausted, 2 tego, -ere, tēxī, tēctum: cover, 1
frūmentum, -ī n.: grain, 4 terribilis, -e: terrible, dreadful, 5
Gallia, -ae f.: Gaul Tiberis, is m.: Tiber
haud: by no means, not at all, 4 trādūcō, -ere, -xī, -ctum: lead or bring over, 1
horribilis, -e: horrible, dreadful, 11 trahō, -ere, trāxī, tractum: draw, drag, 6
ignis, ignis, m.: fire, 9 trānseō, -īre, -iī (īvī), -itum: pass (by), 10
incolumis, -e: inscathed, uninjured, safe, 7 trēs, tria: three, 9
inveniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventum: find, discover 8 ulterior, -ius: farther, 3
Ītalia, -ae f.: Italy, 2 vallis, -is f.: valley, vale, 2
Ligurēs, -um m.: Ligurians, 3 vestīgium, -iī n.: track, foot-print, 4
2 hōc modō: in…; abl. manner 11 omnium: gen. pl. i-stem adj.
quam celerrimē: quam + superlative: ‘as X opīniōnem: expectation; obj. of contrā
as possible,’ here with a superlative adverb 15 Brevī tempore: abl. time when; 3rd
4 Necesse erat: it was necessary decl. i-stem adj.
hās: i.e. the Alps, Alpēs is fem. pl. 16 condita erat: had been established
ageret: purpose clause, impf. subj. agō itinere: abl. of means, iter
5 summae difficultātis: of…; gen. of 17 paucōs diēs: for…; acc. duration of time
description as predicate of erat morārī: linger; dep. inf.
ulteriōrem…Galliam: farther-side Gaul ut…recreāret: so that…might; purpose
from nearer-side (Gaul); the Alps divided 20 nōn modo…sed: not only…but
nearer-side Gaul (northern Italy) from ingentī magnitūdine: of…; abl. of quality
farther-side Gaul (France) 23 boüm: of the cattle; partitive gen.
6 nive perennī: abl. sg. of nix, nivis nē…posset: neg. purpose clause, impf.
sunt tēctī: tectī sunt, pf. pass. tegō subj. possum
quam ob causam: for which reason 25 quō in locō…cēlātī essent: in quō locō;
7 neque…neque: neither…nor plpf. subj. in ind. question
invenīrī: pass. inf. inveniō
10 quartō diē: on…; abl. time when
42 Heracles
aditus, -ūs m.: approach, access, entrance, 2 inclūdō, -ere, -ūsī, -ūsum: close in, shut in, 7
alius, -a, -ud: other, another, else, 9 irrumpō, -ere, -rūpī, -ruptum: burst in, 2
āmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: lose, let go, 8 introitus, -ūs m.: entrance, 6
āmoveō, -ēre, -mōvī, -mōtum: move away, 5 inūsitātus, -a, -um: unusual
animadvertō, -ere: turn mind to, notice, 6 īrātus, -a, -um: angry, 5
bracchium, -ī n.: arm, 2 labōrō (1): work, toil, labor, strive, 2
Cācus, -ī m.: Cacus, 4 līberō (1): set free, release, 6
celer, -eris, -ere: swift, quick, 12 magnitūdō, -tūdinis f.: size, greatness, 13
cēlō (1): hide, conceal, 5 mōs, mōris m.: custom, manner, law, 6
cernō, -ere, crēvī, crētum: discern, decide mūgiō, -īre, -īvī: moo, bellow, 2
certus, -a, -um: fixed, sure, 11 nātūra, -ae. f.: nature, 9
collum, -ī n.; neck, 6 nūsquam: nowhere
complector, -plectī, -plexus sum: embrace, 3 obstruō, -ere, -ūxī, -ūctum: block, close off 4
cōnātus, -ūs m.: attempt, effort, 7 omnīnō: altogether, wholely, entirely, 11
cōnspiciō, -ere, -exī, -ectum: catch sight of, 3 patefaciō, -ere, -fēcī, -factum: lay open, 2
cōnsūmō, -ere, -mpsī, -mptum: take, spend 9 posterus, -a, -um: following, next, 2
dēcipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: catch, deceive praeda, -ae f.: plunder, spoils, 2
dēiciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum: throw/cast down 2 propter: on account of, because of, 6
difficilis, -e: hard, difficult, troublesome, 6 quisquam, quidquam: anyone, anything, 4
diū: a long time, long, 13 recipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: accept, take
efficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum: make, form, 3 back, 8
etsī: even if, although, though, 13 reddō, -ere, didī, dditum: give back, render 4
ēvomō, -ere, -uī, -vomitum: vomit forth reperiō, -īre, repperī, repertum: find, 9
exanimō (1): kill, exhaust, 9 repleō, -ēre, -plēvī, -plētum: fill again, fill, 4
excitō (1): excite, rouse, incite, 8 repugnō (1): fight against, oppose, resist, 2
facultās, -tātis f.: ability, opportunity, 5 respīrō (1): breathe back, breathe out, 2
fallō, -ere, fefellī, falsum: deceive, 3 simul: at the same time; at once, together, 10
frūstrā: in vain, for nothing, 13 somnus, -ī m.: sleep, 14
fūmus, -ī m.: smoke, 2 turbō (1): confuse, disturb, 2
furtum, -ī n.: theft vehementer: strongly, violently, ardently, 11
gaudium, -iī n.: gladness, joy, 9 vestīgium, -iī n.: track, foot-print, 4
haesitō (1): hesitate; stick, cling vix: with difficulty, with effort, scarcely, 5
ignārus, -a, -um: ignorant, not knowing, 2
2 posterō diē: on…; abl. time when quō in locō cēlātī essent: in quō locō;
simul atque: as soon as; “as the same plpf. pass. subj., ind. question
time as” 10 quam celerrimē: quam + superlative: ‘as
3 āmissōs: lost; PPP (pf. pass. pple) āmittō X as possible,’ here a superlative adverb
locīs: in…; abl. place where 11 sē contulit: carried himself; pf conferō
4 nōn modo…sed: not only…but ut…reciperet: so that…might; purpose
quod: because 12 ut…obstruerētur: purpose
6 diēī: of the day; partitive gen., 5th decl. posset: impf. subj. possum (inf. posse)
bōbum: irreg. abl. pl. bōs, bovis 16 cōnātus est: pf. deponent, translate in act.
prōgredī: dep. inf. prōgredior 17 difficillima: superlative, stems ending
7 proficīscī: dep. inf. proficīscor in r and l duplicate instead of -issimus
bōbum: irreg. abl. pl. bōs, bovis quicquam: quidquam, acc. direct obj.
8 eī quī: those who…; nom. pl. demonstrative 18 magnō cōnātū: with…; abl. manner
9 hōc modō: in…; abl. of manner 19 āmissōs: see line 3
certiōrem fēcērunt: made…more certain; 20 mōre suō: by his custom
i.e. ‘informed,’ a double acc., comparative 23 multum: much; adverbial acc.
adj. is is an acc. predicate 24 respīrandī: gen. gerund (-ing)
44 Heracles
abeō, -īre, -iī, -itum: go away, depart, 6 meus, -a, -um: my, mine, 2
absum, -esse, āfuī: be away, be absent, 7 mīlle (pl. mīlia): thousand, 7
adhibeō, -ēre, -uī, -itum: apply, hold to, 4 mīror, -ārī, -ātus sum: be amazed at, 7
aliquandō: sometimes, at some time mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14
aliter: otherwise, in another way, 3 mūnus, mūneris n.: service, gift, duty
ante: before, in front of (acc.); adv. before, 5 negōtium, iī n.: task, business, occupation, 13
Ātlās, -antis m.: Atlas, 8 nōlō, nōlle, nōluī: not…wish, be unwilling 12
caelum, -ī n.: sky, 4 ob: on account of (acc.), 13
celer, -eris, -ere: swift, quick, 12 offerō, -ferre, obtulī, -lātum: offer, present 5
certus, -a, -um: fixed, sure, 11 pāreō, -ēre, pāruī: obey, 3
complūrēs, -plūra: several, many passus, -ūs: pace, 7
colloquium, -iī n.: conversation pater, patris, m.: father, 12
continuus, -a, -um: continuous, successive, 2 persuādeō, -ēre, -suāsī, -suāsum: persuade, 9
diū: a long time, long, 13 petō, petere, petīvī, petītum: seek, aim at, 10
doceō, -ēre, -uī, -ctum: teach, tell, 9 plūs, plūris: more, many
eō, īre, iī (īvī), itūrum: go, 3 pōmum, -ī n.: fruit, apple, 9
expōnō, -ere, -suī, -situm: set out, explain 7 pondus, ponderis n.: weight, 2
fāma, -ae f.: fame, reputation, report, rumor 7 postulō (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11
fīō, fierī, factus sum: become, be made, 9 prōsum, prōdesse, prōfuī: profit, benefit, 6
gaudeō, -ēre, gāvīsus sum: enjoy, rejoice, 4 quamquam: although, 4
haereō, -ēre, haesī, haesūrum: stick, cling, 2 reditus, -ūs m.: return, 5
Hesperidēs, -um f.: Hesperides, 5 sciō, -īre, -īvī (iī), -ītum: know, understand, 9
hortus, -ī m.: garden, 7 sōlus, -a, -um: alone, only, lone, sole, 6
hortor, -ārī, -ātus sum: encourage, urge, 4 sponte: of one’s own will, voluntarily, 2
inquam, inquis, inquit: say, 6 suscipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: undertake, 14
intereā: meanwhile, 7 sustineō, -ēre, -uī, -tentum: hold up, endure 7
Iūnō, -ōnis m.: Juno, 3 ūllus, -a, -um: any, 3
libenter: gladly, willingly, 12 umerus, -ī m.: shoulder, 3
maximē: especially, very greatly, 5 vehementer: strongly, violently, ardently, 11
agō, agere, ēgī, āctum: drive, lead, spend, 13 nēmō, nūllīus, nēminī, nēminem,
aliēnus, -a, -um: of another, foreign nūllō/nūllā: no one, 6
aliquī, -qua, -quod: some, any, definite, 3 numquam: never, at no time, 4
antequam: before, 9 opus, -eris n.: work, deed, toil, 9
appellō (1): call (by name), name, 12 Orcus, -ī m.: Orcus, underworld, 11
Ātlās, -antis m.: Atlas, 8 Plūtō, Plūtōnis m.: Pluto, 6
aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 pōmum, -ī n.: fruit, apple, 9
beneficium, -iī n.: benefit, favor; kindness, 8 pōns, pontis m.: bridge, 2
canis, -is m. f.: dog, 3 praecipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: order, take, 6
Cerberus, -ī m.: Cerberus, 6 praetereā: besides, moreover, 3
Cerēs, Cereris f.: Ceres prō: before, in front of, for, 9
cingō, -ere, cīnxī, cīnctum: surround, gird prōpōnō, -ere, -suī, -situm: put or set forth, 4
contineō, -ēre, -nuī: hold or keep together, 4 Proserpina, -ae f.: Proserpina, 2
dēcēdō, -ere, -cessī, -cessum: depart; die, 2 Pȳthia, -ae f.: Pythia, 4
dēdūcō, -ere: lead or bring down, launch, 10 quīntus, -a, -um: fifth
difficilis, -e: hard, difficult, troublesome, 6 quisque, quidque: each one, each person, 3
duodecim: twelve, 6 quoniam: since now, seeing that
gaudium, -iī n.: gladness, joy, 9 relinquō, -ere, -līquī, -lictum: leave behind, 9
Graecia, -ae f.: Greece, 7 rīpa, -ae f.: bank, shore, 7
grātia, -ae f.: graditude, favor, thanks, 10 saevus, -a, -um: savage, fierce, 3
Hādēs, -ae m.: Hades sēdēs, sēdis f.: seat; abode, home, 5
horribilis, -e: horrible, dreadful, 11 serpēns, serpentis f.: serpent, 6
iste, ista, istud: that or those (of yours), 7 Styx, Stygis f.: Styx, 6
Iuppiter, Iovis m.: Jupiter, 8 sub: under, 4
lūx, lūcis f.: light, 6 timeō, -ēre, -uī: fear, dread, 6
mānēs, -ium m.: spirit, shade, 4 trahō, -ere, trāxī, tractum: draw, drag, 6
mātūrō (1): hasten, ripen, 7 trānseō, -īre, -iī (īvī), -itum: pass (by), 10
mentiō, -tiōnis f.: mention, 2 trānsvehō, -ere, -vexī: carry across, 2
Mercurius, -ī m.: Mercury, 8 trēs, tria: three, 9
morior, morī, mortuus sum: die, 4 umquam: ever, 5
nārrō (1): narrate, relate, 7 unde: whence, from which source, 6
necesse: necessary, 2 uxor, uxōris f.: wife, spouse, 10
negōtium, iī n.: task, business, occupation, 13 vīta, -ae, f.: life, 9
1 quīntō diē: on…; abl. time when 12 iste: that; commonly ‘that…of yours,’ is
redeuntem: acc. pred. pple. red-eō an alternative for ille that often expresses
2 grātiās…ēgit: gave thanks; common contempt
idiom, grātiās agō in the pf. 13 horribilī speciē: of…; abl. quality
prō: (in return) for cui…erant: whom there were…; ‘who
3 proficiscī: pres. dep. inf. had,’ dat. of possession
6 modo: just; or ‘only;’ an adverb which is 14 vidētur: it seems; ‘is seen,’ the subject is
often confused with the noun modus, -ī the inf. prōpōnere below; aliēnum is a
7 Herculī: dat. ind. obj. predicate nominative
cum: since…; causal in sense + impf. subj. 19 trāduntur: are reported; pres. pass.
10 unde…posset: from where…; impf. subj. Ut: when…; as often with indicative
in a rel. clause of characteristic 20 Huius regiōnis: gen. sg. with rex
negōtium…ut: task, (namely) that…; 22 cui: whose; dat. of possession
an indirect command in apposition 24 quō: by which; abl. of means
11 omnium: partitive gen. i-stem adj. with 25 necesse erat: it was necessary; impersonal
the following superlative difficilimum possent: were able; subj. of ideal limit
redierat: plpf. red-eō
50 Heracles
adiungō, -ere, -iūnxī, -iūnctum: join to, 2 nec: and not, nor, 10
auferō, -ferre, abstulī, -lātum: carry away 11 nōlō, nōlle, nōluī: not…wish, be unwilling 12
benignus, -a, -um: kind, 4 onerō (1): load, burden, 2
Cerberus, -ī m.: Cerberus, 6 Orcus, -ī m.: Orcus, underworld, 11
Charōn, -ontis m.: Charon, 5 perdūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ctum: lead through, 4
cōnscendō, -ere, -ndī, -nsum: climb aboard, 6 petō, petere, petīvī, petītum: seek, aim at, 10
dēscendō, -ere, -ndī, -scēnsum: descend, 4 Plūtō, Plūtōnis m.: Pluto, 6
doceō, -ēre, -uī, -ctum: teach, tell, 9 polliceor, -ērī, -citus sum: promise, proffer, 2
excipiō, ere, cēpī, ceptum: take out, receive 9 pondus, ponderis n.: weight, 2
facultās, -tātis f.: ability, opportunity, 5 postulō (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11
fāma, -ae f.: fame, reputation, report, rumor 7 prehendō, -ere, -hendī, -hēnsum: seize, 5
imperium, -iī n.: power to command, rule, 2 redūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -tum: lead/bring back, 11
imperō (1): order, command, 12 rīpa, -ae f.: bank, shore, 7
incola, -ae m.: inhabitant, 7 rūrsus: again, backward, back, 7
incolumis, -e: inscathed, uninjured, safe, 7 scapha, -ae f.: boat, skiff, 4
Lacōnia, -ae f.: Laconia, Sparta sēdēs, sēdis f.: seat; abode, home, 5
libenter: gladly, willingly, 12 situs, -a, -um: situated, place, 2
licet, -ēre, -uit: is allowed, permitted, 5 sōlus, -a, -um: alone, only, lone, sole, 6
magnitūdō, -tūdinis f.: size, greatness, 13 Styx, Stygis f.: Styx, 6
medius, -a, -um: middle of, 10 Taenarus, -ī m.: Taenarus
Mercurius, -ī m.: Mercury, 8 terreō, -ēre, -uī, territum: terrify, scare, 5
mergō, mergere, mersī, mersum: sink, 3 trānseō, -īre, -iī (īvī), -itum: pass (by), 10
minae, -ārum f.: threats ulterior, -ius: farther, 3
Minerva, -ae f.: Minerva, 4 vereor, -ērī, -itum: be afraid, fear; revere, 5
mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14
abscindō, -ere, -scidī, -scissum: tear off malus, -a, -um: bad, 3
ac: and, and also, 14 marītus, -ī m.: husband, 3
afferō, -ferre, attulī, allātum: carry to bring 5 membrum, -ī n.: limb, member, 10
albus, -a, -um: white, 2 meus, -a, -um: my, mine, 2
amor, -ōris m.: love, desire, passion, 3 mīror, -ārī, -ātus sum: be amazed at, 7
anima, -ae f.: breath, soul, life mōns, montis m.: mountain, mount, 5
antequam: before, 9 morior, morī, mortuus sum: die, 4
antīquus, -a, -um: ancient, 3 mōs, mōris m.: custom, manner, law, 6
appellō, -ere, -pulī, -pulsum: drive (to), 14 Nessus, -ī m.: Nessus, 7
apud: among, in the presence of (+ acc.), 9 nihil: nothing, 14
āra, -ae f.: altar, 2 numquam: never, at no time, 4
bellum, -ī, n.: war, 6 nunc: now, at present, 4
captīvus, -a, -um: prisoner, 2 occāsiō, -iōnis f.: chance, opportunity, 6
Cēnaeum, -ī n.: Cenaeum ( n Euboea) Octa, ae f.: Octa (mountain)
comes, -itis m./f.: companion, 3 Oechalia, -ae f.: Oechalia
cōnor, cōnārī, cōnātus sum: try, attempt, 7 paene: almost, nearly, 8
cōnservō (1): preserve, keep pectus, pectoris n.: breast, chest, heart, 3
contrā: against (+ acc.), 7 priusquam: before than, sooner than, 2
Dēianīra, -ae f.: Deianira, 5 prōmunturium, -iī n.: promontory
dēmum: at length, finally, 3 quasi: as if, 4
dētrahō, -ere, -āxī, -actum: draw away/off, 2 redūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -tum: lead/bring back, 11
domus, -ūs f.: house, home, dwelling, 11 repōnō, -ere, -posuī, -positum: put back, 2
efflō (1): breath out rogus, -ī m.: pyre, 2
effundō, -ere, -fūdī, -fūsum: pour out sacrificium, -iī n.: sacrifice, 5
ergā: toward, for (+ acc.) sacrificō (1): sacrifice
Eurytus, -ī m.: Eurytus sagitta, -ae f.: arrow, 10
exanimō (1): kill, exhaust, 9 sanguis, sanguinis m.: blood, 6
furor, -ōris m.: rage, fury, madness, 4 sūmō, -ere, sūmpsī, sūmptum: take, 3
haereō, -ēre, haesī, haesūrum: stick, cling, 2 suscipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: undertake, 14
humī: on the ground, 2 suspiciō, -iōnis f.: suspicion, look askance
iaceō, -ēre, -uī: lie, lie low, 3 suspicō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum: suspect, mistrust, 7
impellō, -ere, pulī, pulsum: drive on, incite, 3 trānsfīgō, -fīgere, -fīxī, -fīxum: pierce, 4
imperō (1): order, command, 12 tū: you, 10
induō, -ere, induī, indūtum: put on, 8 tuus, -a, -um: your, yours, 3
īnficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum: stain, dye, 4 ulcīscor, ulcīscī, ultus sum: avenge, 2
Iolē, -ēs f.: Iole, 2 ūllus, -a, -um: any, 3
Iuppiter, Iovis m.: Jupiter, 8 verbum, -ī n.: word, speech, 4
Lichās, -ae m.: Lichas, 3 vereor, -ērī, -itum: be afraid, fear; revere, 5
loquor, loquī, locūtus sum: speak, address, 9 vestis, -is f.: clothing, 12
abripiō, -ere, -ripuī, -reptum: snatch away 2 indūcō, -ere, -xī, -ductum: induce, lead in, 2
addūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ctum: lead to, bring, 8 Iuppiter, Iovis m.: Jupiter, 8
Aesōn, -ōnis m.: Aeson, father of Jason, 4 misericordia, -ae f.: pity, compassion
alter, -era, -erum: other (of two), second, 7 morior, morī, mortuus sum: die, 4
amīcus, -ī m.: friend, 6 mors, mortis, f.: death, 9
āmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: lose, let go, 8 nesciō, -īre, -scīvī, -scītum: not know, 4
appellō (1): call (by name), name, 12 noctū: at night, by night, 2
auferō, -ferre, abstulī, -lātum: carry away 11 nūbēs, -is f.: cloud
bene: well, 5 ob: on account of (acc.), 13
celeritās, -tātis f.: speed, quickness, 7 obscūrō (1): hide, conceal
circumstō, -āre, -stetī: stand around obtineō, -ēre, -uī, -tentum: hold, maintain, 9
cōnsulō, -ere, -luī, -ltum: consult, 3 occupō (1): occupy, seize, 8
cupiditās, -tātis f.: desire, passion, 5 ōlim: once, formerly, 10
Delphī, -ōrum m.: Delphi, oracle of Apollo, 2 Olympus, -ī m.: Olympus
dēmōnstrō (1): show, demonstrate, 13 ōrāculum, -ī n.: oracle, 11
dēnsus, -a, -um: thick, 2 ōrō (1): pray (for), entreat, beseech, 5
diū: a long time, long, 13 pāstor, pāstoris m.: shepherd, 2
duo, duae, duo: two, 10 Peliās, -ae f.: Pelias, 14
ēripiō, -ere, -uī, -reptum: tear from, rescue, 2 percipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: feel perceive 5
etsī: even if, although, though, 13 posterus, -a, -um: following, next, 2
expellō, -ere, -pulī, -pulsum: drive out, 3 praebeō, -ēre, -uī, -itum: present, give, 7
exstruō, -ere, -uxī, -ūctum: build, heap up recūsō (1): refuse, give a reason against
fābula, -ae f.: story renūntiō (1): report, announce, 2
fallō, -ere, fefellī, falsum: deceive, 3 respondeō, -ēre, -dī, -ōnsum: answer, 13
fīlius, -iī m.: son, 10 rogus, -ī m.: pyre, 2
fingō, -ere, fīnxī, fictum: make up, imagine sententia, -ae f.: thought, feeling, opinion, 2
frāter, -tris m.: brother, 5 subdō, -ere, -didī, -ditum: put under, apply
fraus, fraudis f.: fraud, deception, 2 succendō, -ere, -cendī, -cēnsum: kindle
fūmus, -ī m.: smoke, 2 Thessalia, -ae f.: Thessaly, 4
gaudium, -iī n.: gladness, joy, 9 vēlō (1): veil, cover
ignis, ignis, m.: fire, 9 vereor, -ērī, -itum: be afraid, fear; revere, 5
impōnō, -ere, -posuī, -positum: place on, 7 vērus, -a, -um: true, real, 2
1 summā celeritāte: with…; abl. manner 16 eī: nom. pl. or dat. sg. for is, ea, id
2 eōs quī: those who; demonstrative puerum…esse: that…; ind. discourse,
ut..succenderent: that..; ind. command translate pres. inf. of sum as imperfect
quam celerrimē: as fast as possible 17 cum…audīvisset: plpf. subj. audiō,
9 Erant: there were translate as you would plpf. indicative
alter…alter: one…the other; apply the rē vērā: in true fact; abl. of respect
verb appellābātur to both nom. subjects 18 quae causa esset mortis: what was…;
10 prīmō: first; adverb indirect question with impf. subj. sum
11 regnī: for the kingdom; objective gen. 19 dolōrem…esse: that…; see 16 above
adductum: attracted; “drawn” PPP 20 nesciō quam: some; “I-do-not-know-
nōn modo…etiam: not only…but also what,” indefinite modifying fābulam
12 in animō habēbat: had in mind; common 23 veritus nē: having feared that…would;
way in Latin to express ‘I intended’ PPP, fearing clause (nē + impf. subj.)
14 ēripere: commonly means ‘to rescue’ vī: with force; irreg. abl. of means, vīs
15 abstulērunt: pf. au-ferō (ā/ab + ferō) 24 Delphōs: Delphī; place to which
cum…rediissent: when…; plpf. subj. 25 cōnsuleret: would consult; purpose
redeō as often translate in the correct tense 26 quam ob causam: for what reason
posterō diē: on…;abl. of time when vēnisset: plpf. subj., ind. question
60 Argonauts
absum, -esse, āfuī: be away, be absent, 7 nesciō, -īre, -scīvī, -scītum: not know, 4
accidō, -ere, accidī: happen, fall (on)to, 8 nōlō, nōlle, nōluī: not…wish, be unwilling 12
Aeētēs: Aeetes, king of Cochis, 10 nūdus, -a, -um: naked, bare
afficiō, -ere, -fēcī, fectum: influence, treat, 13 numerus, -ī m.: number, multitude, 7
ager, -grī m.: land, field, territory, 11 nūntius, -iī m.: messenger, 12
āmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: lose, let go, 8 obtineō, -ēre, -uī, -tentum: hold, maintain, 9
apud: among, in the presence of (+ acc.), 9 ōlim: once, formerly, 10
arcessō, -ere, -īvī, -itum: summon, invite, 2 ōrāculum, -ī n.: oracle, 11
aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 Peliās, -ae f.: Pelias, 14
calceus, -ī m.: shoe, 3 pereō, perīre, periī, peritūrum: perish
caveō, -ēre, cāvī, cautum: be on guard, 1 pēs, pedis m.: foot, 8
centaurus, -ī m.: centaur, 12 Phrixus –ī m.: Phrixus
certus, -a, -um: fixed, sure, 11 potior, -īrī, potītus sum: get possession of
cohortor, -hortārī, -hortātum: encourage, 2 praesentia, -ae f.: the present
Colchis, -idis f.: Colchis, 4 pueritia, -ae, f.: childhood
committō, -mittere, -mīsī: commit, entrust, 6 recipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: take back, 8
cōnveniō, -īre, vēnī, ventum: come together 8 rēgia, -ae f.: palace, 4
dēmōnstrō (1): show, demonstrate, 13 relinquō, -ere, -līquī, -lictum: leave behind, 9
difficilis, -e: hard, difficult, troublesome, 6 sacrificium, -iī n.: sacrifice, 5
doceō, -ēre, -uī, -ctum: teach, tell, 9 sōlus, -a, -um: alone, only, lone, sole, 6
etsī: even if, although, though, 13 spērō (1): hope (for), expect, 5
fīō, fierī, factus sum: become, be made, 9 suscipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: undertake, 14
ineō, -īre, -iī, -itum: go into, enter, 4 trānseō, -īre, -iī (īvī), -itum: pass (by), 10
libenter: gladly, willingly, 12 undique: from everywhere, from all sides, 7
moneō, -ēre, -uī, monitum: warn vellus, velleris n.: fleece, 12
negōtium, iī n.: task, business, occupation, 13
adhibeō, -ēre, -uī, -itum: apply, hold to, 4 lātus, -a, -um: wide, broad
adiungō, -ere, -iūnxī, -iūnctum: join to, 2 moveō, -ēre, mōvī, mōtum: move, arouse, 3
aedificō (1): make a building, build, 2 multitūdō, -tūdinis f.: multitude, 2
alius, -a, -ud: other, another, else, 9 nancīscor, -ī, nactus sum: attain, meet, 7
appellō (1): call (by name), name, 12 nauticus, -a, -um: naval, nautical
appetō, -ere, -īvī, -petītum: draw near, 3 nāvigō (1): sail, 5
arbitror, -ārī, -ātus sum: judge, think, 11 negōtium, iī n.: task, business, occupation, 13
Argō, -ūs f.: Argo, 2 nocturnus, -a, -um: nocturnal, 2
Argus, -ī m.: Argus, builder of the Argo nōmen, nōminis, n.: name, 12
armō (1): arm, equip, 4 noster, nostra, nostrum: our
attingō, -ere, -tigī, -tāctum: touch at, reach, 3 nōtus, -a, -um: known, familiar, 3
aut: or (aut...aut – either…or), 2 novitās, -tātis f.: newness, novelty, 3
Castor, -oris m.: Castor numerus, -ī m.: number, multitude, 7
cāsus, -ūs m.: misfortune, accident, event, 8 nūntius, -iī m.: messenger, 12
circiter: about, around opus, -eris n.: work, deed, toil, 9
citharoedus, -ī m.: cithara-player Orpheus, -ī m.: Orpheus
commoror, -ārī, -ātus sum: delay, linger, 3 perferō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātum: bear, betake, 2
comparō (1): prepare, collect, 4 perscrībō, -ere, -psī, -scriptum: write fully, 3
comportō (1): carry together, collect plausus, -ūs m.: applause
cōnsuēscō, -ere, -ēvī, -suētum: accustom, 3 praeclārus, -a, -um: bright, very famous, 2
cōnsūmō, -ere, -mpsī, -mptum: take, spend 9 praesum, -esse, -fuī: be before, preside over 2
cōnveniō, -īre, vēnī, ventum: come together 8 que: and, 14
Cyzicus, -ī f.: Cyzicus quidem: indeed, in fact, assuredly, certainly, 8
decem: ten, 4 quīnquāgintā: fifty
dēligō, -ere, -lēgī, -lectum: choose, select, 6 rōbor, rōbōris n.: oak; strength
dīligentia, -ae f.: diligence, attentiveness, 5 scientia, -ae f.: knowledge, wisdom, 6
dūcō, -ere, dūxī, ductum: lead, draw, bring, 5 subeō, -īre, -iī: undergo, go up (to), 5
ēdīcō, -ere, -xī, -dictum: declare, proclaim, 4 subsidium, -iī n.: support, relief, protection
excipiō, ere, cēpī, ceptum: take out, receive 9 suprā: above, before, 6
glōria, -ae f.: glory Thēseus, -ī m.: Theseus
Graecia, -ae f.: Greece, 7 tōtus -a, -um: whole, entire, 14
haud: by no means, not at all, 4 trānsportō (1): carry over or across, 2
hospitium, ī n.: hospitality, 5 undique: from everywhere, from all sides, 7
idōneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12 ūsus, ūsūs m.: use, employment, 3
intereā: meanwhile, 7 ūtor, ūtī, ūsus sum:use, employ, enjoy 2
intermittō, -ere: interrupt, break off, 5 vehō, -ere, vexī, vectum: convey, carry, 5
iste, ista, istud: that or those (of yours), 7
1 sunt ūsuī: are of use; ‘for a use’ dat. sg. of quam: than; follows a comparative adj.
purpose, 4th decl. noun ūsus quibum: (those) which; abl. obj. of ūtī
ad…nāvēs: for arming…; ‘for ships to be 8 ūtī: deponent inf. ūtor, governs an abl. obj.
armed’ use a gerundive-gerund flip and ad…perferendam: ad + gerundive; ll. 1, 6
translate as gerund + acc. direct object vim: irreg. feminine acc. sg. of vīs
ut…aedificāret: that…; purpose 14 Trāditum est: it was reported that…
5 praeerat: was (in charge) over + dat. 18 ad…subeunda: for undergoing…; subeō
nē nocturnum quidem: not even night…; 21 ad nāvigandum: for sailing; a gerund
nē, quidem emphasize an intervening word nactum: having attained; dep., nancīscor
ut…intermitterent: that; result clause 22 solvit: set sail
6 ad labōrem: for; ‘ad’ expresses purpose 25 multō: much; abl. of degree of difference
ad…: for transporting…; ad + gerundive 27 ēgressī: having stepped out; PPP, ēgredior
7 paulō: a little; abl. of degree of difference exceptī sunt: were welcomed
64 Argonauts
abiciō, -icere, -iēcī, -itūrum: throw away iuvenis, -is m.: youth, young man, 4
ācriter: sharply, fiercely, 2 maneō, -ēre, mānsī, mansūrum: stay, wait, 9
agnōscō, -ere, -nōvī, -nōtum: recognize, 4 mīlle (pl. mīlia): thousand, 7
alius, -a, -ud: other, another, else, 9 Mȳsia, -ae f.: Mysia
ancora, ancorae f.: anchor, 7 nauta, -ae f.: sailor, 3
ante: before, in front of (acc.); adv. before, 5 negō (1): deny, say that…not, 3
aqua, -ae f.: water, 11 nox, noctis, f.: night, 7
arbitror, -ārī, -ātus sum: judge, think, 11 numerus, -ī m.: number, multitude, 7
arma, -ōrum n.: arms, equipment, tools, 6 nūper: recently, lately, not long ago, 2
attingō, -ere, -tigī, -tāctum: touch at, reach, 3 nympha, -ae f.: nymph, 2
auferō, -ferre, abstulī, -lātum: carry away 11 ob: on account of (acc.), 13
colō, -ere, coluī, cultum: cultivate, cherish, 3 obscūrus, -a, -um: dark
comes, -itis m./f.: companion, 3 occāsus, -ūs m.: fall, destruction, 4
commoror, -ārī, -ātus sum: delay, linger, 3 occīdō, -ere, -cīdī, -cīsum: kill, cut down, 14
cōnor, cōnārī, cōnātus sum: try, attempt, 7 passus, -ūs: pace, 7
cōnsequor, -ī, secūtum: follow; pursue, 3 percipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: feel perceive 5
coörior, coörīrī, coörtus sum: arise, 4 persuādeō, -ēre, -suāsī, -suāsum: persuade, 9
cōpia, -ae f.: abundance, supply; troops, 10 postrīdiē: the day after, the next day, 4
currō, -ere, cucurrī, cursum: run, rush, fly, 4 praestō, -stāre, -stitī: stand in front, show, 6
dēcurrō, -ere, -cucurrī: run down prohibeō, -ēre, -hibuī: hold back, hinder, 2
dēficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum: fail, 3 pugnō (1): fight, 4
dēiciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum: throw/cast down 2 rapiō, -ere, rapuī, raptum: seize, snatch, 5
dīlūcēscō, -ere, -lūxī: grow light rūrsus: again, backward, back, 7
errō (1): wander, 3 satis: enough, sufficient, 6
fōns, fontis m.: origin, fount, source, 3 sēcēdō, -ere, sēcessī, sēcessum: withdraw
fōrma, -ae, f.: beauty, shape, form, 3 sōl, sōlis m.: sun, 10
hōra, -ae f.: hour, 5 teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentum: hold, keep 13
Hylās, -ae m.: Hylas, 2 tollō, -ere, sustulī, sublātum: raise, lift up 10
idōneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12 tranquillitās, -tātis f.: calm, tranquility, 2
incola, -ae m.: inhabitant, 7 unde: whence, from which source, 6
inimīcus, -a, -um: unfriendly, hostile, 2
1 hōrās: for…; acc. duration of time 14 postrīdiē eius diēī: the day after that
commorātī: having…; PPP deponent day; abl. time when; gen.
solvērunt: they set sail; ‘set loose’ tempestātem…esse: ind. disc.
2 mīlia passuum: for…miles; acc. extent arbitrātum: having thought; dep. PPP
progressī sunt: pf. deponent progredior, 15 sustulit: pf. suf-ferō
translate in the active 16 mīlia passuum: see note line 2
3 coörta est: pf. deponent coörior progressum: dep. PPP progredior
ut…: that…; result, impf. possum 17 paucās hōrās: for…; acc. duration
5 cum…esset: since…; causal, impf. subj. 18 cōpiam…dēficere: that…; ind. disc.
6 nāvem…vēnisse: that…; ind. disc. habērent: subordinate verbs often are
with pf. inf. veniō, nāvem is acc. subj. made subjunctive in ind. discourse
arbitrātī: having…; dep. PPP quam ob causam: for which reason
7 ēgredī: from stepping out; dep. inf. ēgredior 19 Hōrum: of these; partitive gen.
pugnātum est: they fought; “it was 20 fōrmā: of…beauty; abl. of quality
fought,” impersonal pass., translate active Quī dum: while he…; ‘who while…’
9 incolae: nom. subject of sēnsērunt 22 eī: him; dat. sg. (is, ea, id) of persuadeō
sē errāre: that…; reflexive, ind. disc. 23 ut..manēret: remain; ind command
10 occīsum esse: pf. pass. inf. occīdō in sē…factūrum esse: that…; fut. inf.
ind. discourse; acc. subject is rēgem 24 abstulērunt: pf. au-ferō (ā/ab + ferō)
66 Argonauts
absum, -esse, āfuī: be away, be absent, 7 molestia, -ae f.: trouble, annoyance
ac: and, and also, 14 morior, morī, mortuus sum: die, 4
accumbō, -ere, accubuī,: lie (at dinner), 4 nec: and not, nor, 10
afferō, -ferre, attulī, allātum: carry to bring 5 negōtium, iī n.: task, business, occupation, 13
afficiō, -ere, -fēcī, fectum: influence, treat, 13 nūntius, -iī m.: messenger, 12
appellō (1): call (by name), name, 12 obtineō, -ēre, -uī, -tentum: hold, maintain, 9
appellō, -ere, -pulī, -pulsum: drive (to), 14 ōlim: once, formerly, 10
appōnō, -ere, -posuī, -positum: set before, 3 opīniō, -iōnis f.: opinion, reputation, 6
auferō, -ferre, abstulī, -lātum: carry away 11 oppidum, -ī n.: town, 4
caecus, -a, -um: blind, 2 Phīneus, -ī m.: Phineus, 7
certus, -a, -um: fixed, sure, 11 praebeō, -ēre, -uī, -itum: present, give, 7
cibus, -ī m.: food, 5 praemium, -iī n.: reward, 5
crūdēlis, -e: cruel, bitter, bloody, 6 prōmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: send forth, 3
cursus, -ūs m.: course, running, haste, 10 quantus, -a, -um: how much, how great, 4
dēmōnstrō (1): show, demonstrate, 13 quīn: nay (even), (but) that, 12
dīrus, -a, -um: dreadful quotiēns: as often as, 2
dubitō (1): hestitate, doubt, 5 rēgia, -ae f.: palace, 4
famēs, -is f.: hunger, 3 remedium, iī n.: remedy, cure
ferō, ferre, tulī, lātum: carry, endure, 10 reperiō, -īre, repperī, repertum: find, 9
fīlius, -iī m.: son, 10 Salmydessus, -ī m.: Salmydessus
fīnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 sciō, -īre, -īvī (iī), -ītum: know, understand, 9
gaudeō, -ēre, gāvīsus sum: enjoy, rejoice, 4 simul: at the same time; at once, together, 10
genus, -eris n.: birth, race; kind, family, 2 supplicium, -iī n.; punishment, supplication, 5
Harpȳiae, -ārum f.: Harpies, 3 suscipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: undertake, 14
haud: by no means, not at all, 4 teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentum: hold, keep 13
hōra, -ae f.: hour, 5 Thrācia, -ae f.: Thrace, 3
horribilis, -e: horrible, dreadful, 11 virgō, virginis f.: maiden, 2
incola, -ae m.: inhabitant, 7 virtūs, -ūtis f.: valor, manhood, excellence, 10
Iuppiter, Iovis m.: Jupiter, 8 vocō (1): call, summon, invoke, 2
libenter: gladly, willingly, 12 volucris, -is f.: bird, 3
male: badly
2 Post haec: after these (things); neuter acc. 12 appositum: having been served;
3 ab incolīs: from…; abl. of source ‘having been set before,’ PPP appōnō
4 quis…obtinēret: who…; ind. question Quō factum…morerētur: (because of)
5 certiōrēs factī sunt: were made more which it happened that it was by no means
certain; ‘were informed’ a common phrase very far away that Phineus would die from
in Caesar, often followed by ind. discourse famine; abl. of cause, noun result clause
6 hunc caecum esse…afficī: that this one…; 16 male sē habēbat: was faring poorly;
ind. discourse with 2 verbs: pres. pass. inf. idiom ‘held itself poorly’
7 quod: because… 17 simul atque: as soon as; ‘same time as’
in…: against ēgressōs esse: pf. dep., eōs is acc. subj
praebuisset: had shown; governs a double 18 gāvīsus est: pf. of semi-deponent gaudeō
acc.; relative clause of characteristic, quantam opīniōnem: how great a
praebeō (prae-habeō) reputation…; introduces ind. question
cuius supplicī: gen. modifies genus 19 nec dubitābat quīn: he did not doubt
8 speciē horribilī: of…; abl. quality; the adj. that; quīn often follows “nōn dubitō”
is 3rd decl. i-stem (horribile à horribilī) 20 quī…: call…; relative clause of purpose
9 (et) corpora: and bodies; ellipsis, add ‘et’ 21 Eō: there; frequenctly an adverb, ‘to there’
10 Phineō: to…; dat. of compound verb 22 sē…datūrum esse: that he…; fut. inf.
11 quotiēns enim: for…; enim is postpositive 24 simul ac: as soon as; ‘same time as’ l. 17
68 Argonauts
3 hoc...prōdesse: that this was not beneficial 11 ingentī magnitūdine: of…; abl. quality
erant īnstrūctī: had been equipped 12 eō cōnsiliō, nē: with this purpose, so that
4 ut…: so that…; purpose 13 intervallō: at a small interval; manner
5 reī novitāte: by the novelty of the situation 15 faciendum esset: had to be done; passive
6 rediērunt: pf. red-eō periphrastic (gerundive + sum)
9 Hōc factō: ablative abs., common transition sublātīs ancorīs: abl. abs., PPP of tollō
8 speciē horribilī: of…; abl. quality 19 caudā: with only the tail lost; abl. abs.
10 quā ratiōne: by what means; ind. question 23 ēgērunt: gave thanks; idiom, grātiās agō
70 Argonauts
adamō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum: fall in love, love iungō, -ere, iūnxī, -iūnctum: join, 3
Aeētēs: Aeetes, king of Cochis, 10 medicīna, -ae f.: medicine, art of healing, 4
aegrē: with difficulty, wearily, 4 medius, -a, -um: middle of, 10
ager, -grī m.: land, field, territory, 11 mōns, montis m.: mountain, mount, 5
āmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: lose, let go, 8 morior, morī, mortuus sum: die, 4
appellō, -ere, -pulī, -pulsum: drive (to), 14 mūtō (1): change
arō, arāre, -āvī: plow, 4 negō (1): deny, say that…not, 3
aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 negōtium, iī n.: task, business, occupation, 13
bene: well, 5 nox, noctis, f.: night, 7
Colchī, -ōrum m.: Colchians, 3 ob: on account of (acc.), 13
dēns, dentis m.: tooth, 5 occāsiō, -iōnis f.: chance, opportunity, 6
difficilis, -e: hard, difficult, troublesome, 6 ōs, ōris n.: face, mouth 3
diū: a long time, long, 13 ostendō (1): show, display, 6
dracō, -ōnis m.: dragon, serpent, 7 pater, patris, m.: father, 12
duo, duae, duo: two, 10 perficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum: accomplish, 3
ēdō, -ere, ēdidī, ēditum: give out, emit, 3 Phāsis, Phāsidis m.: Phasis
etsī: even if, although, though, 13 postulō (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11
ēvādō, -ere, ēvāsī, ēvāsum: go out, escape, 9 prium: before, 3
ferō, ferre, tulī, lātum: carry, endure, 10 prōmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: send forth, 3
fīnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 prōpōnō, -ere, -suī, -situm: put or set forth, 4
fīnitimus, -a, -um: neighboring, bordering, 2 scientia, -ae f.: knowledge, wisdom, 6
fīō, fierī, factus sum: become, be made, 9 sciō, -īre, -īvī (iī), -ītum: know, understand, 9
flamma, -ae f.: flame, fire, torch, love sententia, -ae f.: thought, feeling, opinion, 2
herba, -ae f.: plant, grass, 6 serō, serere, sēvī, satum: sow, plant
horribilis, -e: horrible, dreadful, 11 spatium, -iī n.: space, span, extent, 6
ineō, -īre, -iī, -itum: go into, enter, 4 subeō, -īre, -iī: undergo, go up (to), 5
īnsciēns, īnscientis: not knowing, 2 suscipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: undertake, 14
intermittō, -ere: interrupt, break off, 5 taurus, -ī m.: bull, 7
īra, īrae f.: anger, 12 vellus, velleris n.: fleece, 12
2 eī: (for) him; dat. obj. if imperāverat (going) to be omitted’ pass. periphrastic
3 ut…interficeret: ind. command in ind. disc. in secondary sequence;
5 quiētī sē trādidit: gave himself to rest; i.e. cōnsilium is acc. subject
he rested 13 id saxum: this rock; demonstrative adj.
6 paucās hōrās: for…; acc.of duration vellet: impf. subj. volō, (inf. velle)
sub: near 14 strictīs gladiīs: abl. abs.
7 ēvēnisse: had turned out; pf. inf. ēveniō hōc modō: in…; abl. manner, cum is the
ita…ut…esset: thus as it had been adverbial conjunction ‘when’
predicted; otherwise indicative, subordinate 15 plūrimī: very many (men); nom. subj.
verbs in ind. disc. become subjunctive nūllō negōtiō: with no effort; manner
8 ingentī magnitūdine: of…; abl. quality 21 nec dubitābat quīn: he did not doubt
9 mīrum in modum: in an amazing way; that; quīn often follows ‘nōn dubitō’
‘according to an amazing manner’ tulisset: plpf. subj. ferō
Hōc cognitō: abl. abs. 22 fore: would be; ~futūrum esse, fut. inf.
10 quod dedisset: which…; relative clause of 23 omnibus…parātīs: abl. abs.
characteristic, plpf. subj 24 īnsciente patre: abl. abs., pres. pple
10 ōmittendum esse: had to be…: ‘was 25 quam celerrimē: as quickly as possible
76 Argonauts
1 sē contulit: carried himself; pf. conferō day; abl. time when; gen. sg.
Eō: (to) there; adverb ortā lūce: abl. abs., deponent PPP
2 nē…dēsereret: neg. ind. command 11 nactī: having attained; pple nancīscor
3 eī tantum prōfuisset: had been so good to contendērunt: hastened; ‘strove’
him; ‘had been so much profit to him,’ dat. 12 eō: there; see line 1
interest and inner acc. “so great a benefit’; 13 sociīs…relictīs: abl. abs.
plpf. subj. prōsum, relative of characteristic 14 praesidiō nāvī essent: served as guard for
memoriā tenēbat: i.e. remembered; ‘in the ship; ‘for guard for the ship,’ double
memory’ is in fact an abl. of means dat. (purpose and interest)
sē…ēvāsisse: that he…; follows tenēbat 16 id…auferre: carry it off; subject inf.
4 excēpit: welcomed; as often, ‘received’ summae difficultātis: of…; gen. of
5 veniendī: gen. sg. gerund description is a predicate
hortātus est: pf. dep. hortor 17 nōn modo…sed etiam: not only…but also
nē…timēret: negative ind. command et…et: both…and
6 sē…āvectūrum (esse): that…would erat munītum: munītus erat; plpf. pass.
carry away; fut. inf. (add esse to the pple.) 21 īnfēcit: infected a branch with poison
quam prīmum: as soon as possible 24 quam celerrimē: as quickly as possible
10 postrīdiē eius diēī: the day after that 25 pedem rettulit: i.e. “returned” referō
78 Argonauts
accidō, -ere, accidī: happen, fall (on)to, 8 īnsequor, -sequī, -secūtus sum: follow upon
adveniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventum: approach intrā: within, among (+ acc.), 4
Aeētēs: Aeetes, king of Cochis, 10 longus, -a, -um: long, 4
aliquī, -qua, -quod: some, any, definite, 3 lūmen, lūminis n.: light, 3
ancora, ancorae f.: anchor, 7 maneō, -ēre, mānsī, mansūrum: stay, wait, 9
ante: before, in front of (acc.); adv. before, 5 mātūrō (1): hasten, ripen, 7
anxius, -a, -um: anxious, 3 maximus, -a, -um: greatest, 9
arbitror, -ārī, -ātus sum: judge, think, 11 mīlēs, mīlitis m.: soldier, 2
auferō, -ferre, abstulī, -lātum: carry away 11 mīror, -ārī, -ātus sum: be amazed at, 7
aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 mīrus, -a, -um: wonderful, amazing, 7
bene: well, 5 mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14
cāsus, -ūs m.: misfortune, accident, event, 8 nec: and not, nor, 10
cēnseō, -ēre: think, 2 negōtium, iī n.: task, business, occupation, 13
concurrō, -ere, -currī: run together 4 occāsus, -ūs m.: fall, destruction, 4
cōnscendō, -ere, -ndī, -nsum: climb aboard, 6 occurrō, -ere: run into, meet, attack, 2
cōnspiciō, -ere, -exī, -ectum: catch sight of, 3 quīn: nay (even), (but) that, 12
dēdūcō, -ere: lead or bring down, launch, 10 recipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: accept, take
dēspērō (1): despair, give up, 4 back, 8
discrīmen, -crīminis n.: crisis, peril, 5 reditus, -ūs m.: return, 5
dubitō (1): hestitate, doubt, 5 refulgeō, -ēre, -fulsī: flash back, shine
dux, ducis m/f.: leader, guide, chieftain, 5 relinquō, -ere, -līquī, -lictum: leave behind, 9
ēveniō, -īre: turn out, happen, 8 rūrsus: again, backward, back, 7
exārdēscō, -ere, -ārsī, -ārsum: catch fire, 2 satis: enough, sufficient, 6
excipiō, ere, cēpī, ceptum: take out, receive 9 sciō, -īre, -īvī (iī), -ītum: know, understand, 9
fēlīciter: happily, fortunately, 3 silva, -ae f.: wood, forest, woodland, 7
ferō, ferre, tulī, lātum: carry, endure, 10 sōl, sōlis m.: sun, 10
frūstrā: in vain, for nothing, 13 tam: so, so much, so very, such, 8
fugiō, fugere, fūgī, --: flee, hurry away, 9 tollō, -ere, sustulī, sublātum: raise, lift up 10
gaudium, -iī n.: gladness, joy, 9 tūtus, -a, -um: safe, secure, 3
grātia, -ae f.: graditude, favor, thanks, 10 vellus, velleris n.: fleece, 12
impōnō, -ere, -posuī, -positum: place on, 7 vigilia, -ae f.: watch, night-watch
inimīcus, -a, -um: unfriendly, hostile, 2
2 ea: these (things); neuter pl. demonstrative quae…esset: ind. question, impf. subj. sum
ad: near, at 10 Quō: where; ‘to which place’
3 anxiō animō: with anxious heart; manner Iāsonī, Mēdēae: dat. of compound verb
id negōtium: this task; acc. subj. advenientibum: dat. pl. pres. pple
4 summī perīculī: of…; gen. description 12 omnī…sublātō: abl. abs., PPP tollō
5 nec dubitābat quīn: he did not doubt ‘remove,’ in other instances ‘lifted up’
that; quīn often follows “nōn dubitō” 13 excēpērunt: welcomed
6 aliquī: some; nom. sg. adj. modifies cāsus grātiās ēgērunt: gave thanks; idiom, agō
quae cum...: Since these things were quod…ēvēnisset: because it had turned
so; i.e. ‘as a result,’ common in Cicero out; plpf. subj. of alleged cause
7 mātūrandum (esse) sibi: that he had to 17 Hīs…gestīs: abl. abs., PPP gerō
hurry; ‘(it is) (going) to be hurried by him’ 18 sublātīs ancorīs: abl. abs., tollō ‘lifted up’
passive periphrastic (gerundive + sum) with 19 manēre: subject of esse, tūtum is the pred.
dat. of agent: translate in active 20 inimīcō animō: of…; abl. quality
ducī: the leader; dat. ind. obj. dux 21 sē recēpisse: had retreated; idiom
8 mīrum in modum: in an amazing way ad auferendum: for carrying off…
9 refulgēns: pres. pple, modifies neut. lūmen 22 gravium: more strongly; comp. adv.
mīrātī: having wondered; dep. PPP 23 mīlitibus impositīs: abl. abs.
80 Argonauts
abdūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ductum: lead away intermittō, -ere: interrupt, break off, 5
absūmō, -ere, -mpsī, -mptum: take away, 2 intersum, interesse, -fuī: be between
Absyrtus, -ī m.: Absyrtus, Medea’s brother, 2 longē: far, far and wide, 6
adhūc: still, 5 magnitūdō, -tūdinis f.: size, greatness, 13
adiciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum: throw at, hurl membrum, -ī n.: limb, member, 10
Aeētēs: Aeetes, king of Cochis, 10 minimus, -a, -um: very little
arbitror, -ārī, -ātus sum: judge, think, 11 mōnstrō (1): show, demonstrate, 3
auferō, -ferre, abstulī, -lātum: carry away 11 nihil: nothing, 14
aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 nōmen, nōminis, n.: name, 12
celeritās, -tātis f.: speed, quickness, 7 obtineō, -ēre, -uī, -tentum: hold, maintain, 9
certus, -a, -um: fixed, sure, 11 opīniō, -iōnis f.: opinion, reputation, 6
Colchī, -ōrum m.: Colchians, 3 paene: almost, nearly, 8
Colchis, -idis f.: Colchis, 4 Peliās, -ae f.: Pelias, 14
conligō, -ere: gather, tie together prium: before, 3
cōnspectus, -ūs m.: sight, view, 6 prōsequor, -ī, prōsecūtus: follow, pursue
contendō, -ere, -ī, -tum: hasten; fight, 11 prōsum, prōdesse, prōfuī: profit, benefit, 6
cursus, -ūs m.: course, running, haste, 10 quīn: nay (even), (but) that, 12
dēmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: drop, 3 rēmigō (1): row
dēmōnstrō (1): show, demonstrate, 13 rēmus, -ī m.: oar, 4
dēpōnō, -ere, -suī, -situm: put down/aside, 9 revertō, -ere, reversī: turn back, return, 2
dēsistō, -ere, -stitī, -stitum: desist, stop, 5 sciō, -īre, -īvī (iī), -ītum: know, understand, 9
domus, -ūs f.: house, home, dwelling, 11 sepultūra, -ae f.: burial, 2
Ēridanus, -ī m.: Eridanus sequor, -ī, secūtus sum: follow; attend, 4
ēveniō, -īre: turn out, happen, 8 spērō (1): hope (for), expect, 5
fallō, -ere, fefellī, falsum: deceive, fail, 3 suprā: above, before, 6
fīlius, -iī m.: son, 10 tēlum, -ī n.: weapon, arrow, spear, 3
fugiō, fugere, fūgī, --: flee, hurry away, 9 teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentum: hold, keep 13
hostis, -is m./f.: stranger, enemy, foe, 5 unde: whence, from which source, 6
impediō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum: hinder, impede vehō, -ere, vexī, vectum: convey, carry, 5
īnfandus, -a, -um: unspeakable vellus, velleris n.: fleece, 12
1 vīribum: with all their strength; manner cōnsilium cēpit: adopted a plan; ‘took up’
contendēbant: hastened 9 nōmine: by name; abl. respect
cum: since 10 ut: as; ut + indicative
quā: relative pronoun, abl. means fugiēns: pres. pple fugiō, -ere
2 ingentī magnitūdine: of…; abl. quality, 11 eō cōnsiliō: with this purpose, (namely)
pred. of esset; 3rd decl. i-stem ablative so that; precedes purpose cl.
celeritāte: with…; abl. manner 12 membris…coniēctīs: abl. abs.
quā: with which; abl. manner 14 longium: farther; comparative adv.
prōgredī: pres. deponent inf. opīniō: expectation
3 Quō factum…morerētur: because of 15 ita…ut: just as; ut + indicative
which it happened that it was not at all far prīmum: first; adverb
from being captured by the pursuing 16 ad ea colligenda: for gathering them;
Colchians; ‘were least away that they…’ employ a gerund-gerundive flip
abl. of cause; the ut-clause is a noun result 17 remigandī: gen. gerund
clause; minimum is adv. acc. 18 prius…quam: earlier than, before
Longius intererat quam: for it was no fugere: from fleeing; English idiom
farther between than…; comparative 19 nihil: that it would be no profit for him;
5 quō tēlum: (that) in which, (that) to which inner acc. or adv. acc. (not at all), cf. p. 77
posset: impf. subj. possum + pass. inf. 20 animō dēmissō: with dejected heart
6 paene omnī…dēpositā: abl. abs. 26 sē contulit: carried himself; conferō
82 Argonauts
addūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ctum: lead to, bring, 8 num: question expecting negative answer, 2
aegrē: with difficulty, wearily, 4 nunc: now, at present, 4
aēneus, -a, -um: of bronze, 3 obtineō, -ēre, -uī, -tentum: hold, maintain, 9
aetās, aetātis f.: age, lifetime, time, 4 ōrātiō, -iōnis f.: speaking, speech, language, 2
ager, -grī m.: land, field, territory, 11 ostendō (1): show, display, 6
appropinquō (1): come near, approach, 8 pater, patris, m.: father, 12
aqua, -ae f.: water, 11 Peliās, -ae f.: Pelias, 14
ariēs, -ietis m.: ram, battering-ram, 2 perferō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātum: bear, betake, 2
cantō (1): sing permaneō, -ēre, -mānsī: remain
carmen, carminis n.: song, 2 polliceor, -ērī, -citus sum: promise, proffer, 2
cupiditās, -tātis f.: desire, passion, 5 pōnō, -ere, posuī, positum: place, put, 5
currō, -ere, cucurrī, cursum: run, rush, fly, 4 postulō (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11
dēcēdō, -ere, -cessī, -cessum: depart; die, 2 quīn: nay (even), (but) that, 12
dēmōnstrō (1): show, demonstrate, 13 reficiō -ere -fēcī -fectum: make new, repair, 2
diū: a long time, long, 13 rēgnō (1): rule, reign, 3
dolus, -ī m.: trick, deceit, 4 respondeō, -ēre, -dī, -ōnsum: answer, 13
dubius, -a, -um: doubtful, uncertain, 3 rogō (1): ask
effervēscō, -ere, -fervī: boil up or over rūrsus: again, backward, back, 7
exsiliō, -īre, -siluī: leap out or forth satis: enough, sufficient, 6
ferō, ferre, tulī, lātum: carry, endure, 10 scientia, -ae f.: knowledge, wisdom, 6
fīnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 sciō, -īre, -īvī (iī), -ītum: know, understand, 9
fīō, fierī, factus sum: become, be made, 9 senex, senis m.: old man
herba, -ae f.: plant, grass, 6 succēdō, -ere, -cessī: come up, succeed
ignis, ignis, m.: fire, 9 suppōnō, -ere, -posuī, -positum; set beneath
īnferō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātum: carry on, wage, 3 suprēmus, -a, -um: highest, last
īnfundō, -ere, -fūdī, fūsum: pour into taceō, -ēre, -uī, -itum: be silent, 2
iuvenis, -is m.: youth, young man, 4 tristitia, -ae f.: sadness
licet, -ēre, -uit: is allowed, permitted, 5 tū: you, 10
loquor, loquī, locūtus sum: speak, address, 9 umquam: ever, 5
magicus, -a, -um: magic, 5 valeō, -ēre, -uī: be strong, fare well, be able, 5
medicīna, -ae f.: medicine, art of healing, 4 vās, vāsis n. (2nd decl. in pl.): vessel, 5
membrum, -ī n.: limb, member, 10 vellus, velleris n.: fleece, 12
mors, mortis, f.: death, 9 vester, vestra, vestrum: your, 2
ne: introduces a yes/no question vīvus, -a, -um: living, alive, 4
nihil: nothing, 14 vōs: you, you all, 3
1 summā arte: with…; abl. manner crūdēlī: abl. i-stem modifies cruciātū
textam, īnfectam: PPP texō, īnficiō 10 Hīs…gestīs: abl. abs.
2 tālis: such; nom. predicate of erat 11 magnum…fore …perīculum: that…
ut…ūrerētur: that…burned; result would be; ~futūrum esse, ind. disc
sī quis: if anyone…; quis is indefinite governed by arbitrāta (PPP arbitror)
before sī, nisi, num, and nē sibi: reflexive, dat. of interest
3 induisset: plpf. subj. sī…manēret: fut. pf. ind. subordinate
ignī: abl. of means, i-stem 3rd decl. noun verb made subjunctive in ind. disc.
hōc factō: abl. abs. 13 ut…praebēret: that…; ind. command
4 nihil malī: nothing (of) evil; partitive 14 cui: which…had been joined
5 mōre: by custom; ‘from the custom’ 15 ōmittendam (esse): must not be omitted
8 Glaucē: nom. subject; Greek 1st decl. 17 Accidit…ut…dormīret: it happened
9 paulō post: a little later; abl. of degree that…; noun result clause
of difference 18 sīve…sīve: whether by….or by…
88 Ulysses
alius, -a, -ud: other, another, else, 9 inter: between, among (+ acc.), 10
ancora, ancorae f.: anchor, 7 iste, ista, istud: that or those (of yours), 7
antequam: before, 9 Ithaca, -ae f.: Ithaca, 3
appellō, -ere, -pulī, -pulsum: drive (to), 14 Libya, -ae f.: Libya, 3
aqua, -ae f.: water, 11 longus, -a, -um: long, 4
ārdeō, -ēre, ārsī, ārsum: be on fire, burn, 3 mātrimōnium, -iī n.: marriage, 6
bellum, -ī, n.: war, 6 mātūrō (1): hasten, ripen, 7
cōnstō, -stāre, -stitī, -stitum: stand firm, maximus, -a, -um: greatest, 9
stand together; cost; it is agreed, 6 merīdiēs, -ēī m.: midday, noon; south, 2
cōnsūmō, -ere, -mpsī, -mptum: take, spend 9 mīlle (pl. mīlia): thousand, 7
coörior, coörīrī, coörtus sum: arise, 4 nancīscor, -ī, nactus sum: attain, meet, 7
cupiditās, -tātis f.: desire, passion, 5 nātūra, -ae. f.: nature, 9
cursus, -ūs m.: course, running, haste, 10 nōmen, nōminis, n.: name, 12
decem: ten, 4 nōnnūllus, -a, -um: not none, some, 3
decimus, -a, -um: tenth nōtus, -a, -um: known, familiar, 3
dēdūcō, -ere: lead or bring down, launch, 10 nunc: now, at present, 4
dēferō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātum: carry off obsideō, -ēre, -sēdī, -sessum: beset, beseech
disiciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum: scatter obtineō, -ēre, -uī, -tentum: hold, maintain, 9
dolus, -ī m.: trick, deceit, 4 opus, -eris n.: work, deed, toil, 9
domus, -ūs f.: house, home, dwelling, 11 passus, -ūs: pace, 7
dūcō, -ere, dūxī, ductum: lead, draw, bring, 5 patria, -ae f.: fatherland, country, 8
excōgitō (1): think out, devise, contrive Pēnelopē, -ēs f.: Penelope
expōnō, -ere, -suī, -situm: set out, explain 7 poēta, -ae m.: poet, 4
exsilium, -iī n.: exile, 2 profectiō, -tiōnis f.: departure, start, 3
fessus, -a, -um: wearied, exhausted, 2 prūdentia, -ae f.: prudence
fōns, fontis m.: origin, fount, source, 3 puella, -ae f.: girl, 8
fōrmōsus, -a, -um: shapely, beautiful, 2 quālis, -e: of what sort?
gaudium, -iī n.: gladness, joy, 9 quasi: as if, 4
Graecus, -a, -um: Greek, 14 satis: enough, sufficient, 6
Homērus, ī m.: Homer scrībō, -ere, scrīpsī, scrīptum: write, 2
iaciō, -ere, iēcī, iactum: throw, cast teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentum: hold, keep 13
idōneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12 Trōia, -ae f.: Troy, 9
Īlias, -adis f.: the Iliad, Homer’s epic uxor, uxōris f.: wife, spouse, 10
imperō (1): order, command, 12 vehō, -ere, vexī, vectum: convey, carry, 5
īnsidiae, -ārum f.: ambush, 2 virtūs, -ūtis f.: valor, manhood, excellence, 10
1 Urbem…obsessam esse: that…; pf. quō: by which; means: masc. follows dolum
pass. inf., subject of impers. cōnstat 10 cōnstat: it is agreed; impersonal
2 decem annōs: for…; acc. duration 11 paulō: little; abl. of degree of difference
satis cōnstat: it is sufficiently agreed; 12 nōmine: by name; abl. of respect
impersonal verb. 13 cum…cōmsūmpisset: when…; plpf. subj.
3 opum: neuter acc. in apposition to Iliadem 14 patriae..videndae: for seeing…; use a
Troiā…captā: abl. abs. gerund-gerundive flip: translate this
5 domum: home; place to which gerundive as a gerund with direct objects;
6 ad…: for…; expressing purpose the genitive is an objective gen.
7 nactī: having attained; PPP nancīscor 18 mīlia passuum: for…miles; acc. of extent
solvērunt: set sail; ‘set free the ship’ 19 ut…posset: that…were able; result
8 prīmōs: the leaders; ‘the first (men)’ 20 vī: irreg. abl. of means, vīs
summae virtūtis: of…; gen. desciption 23 quī: who might…; relative of purpose
9 quem: whom; acc. subj. of excōgitāsse 24 quālis..regiōnis: what..; ind. question
excōgitā(vi)sse: syncopated pf. inf. 24 imperāta: orders; ‘things ordered,’ PPP
90 Ulysses
abeō, -īre, -iī, -itum: go away, depart, 6 mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14
absum, -esse, āfuī: be away, be absent, 7 nātūra, -ae. f.: nature, 9
accidō, -ere, accidī: happen, fall (on)to, 8 nōnnūllus, -a, -um: not none, some, 3
ancora, ancorae f.: anchor, 7 nox, noctis, f.: night, 7
appellō (1): call (by name), name, 12 numquam: never, at no time, 4
appellō, -ere, -pulī, -pulsum: drive (to), 14 nūntius, -iī m.: messenger, 12
cibus, -ī m.: food, 5 oblītus, -a, -um: forgetful, unmindful
clāmitō (1): call out obviam: in the way of, opposite to (+ dat.) 3
cōnfirmō (1): make strong, strengthen, 5 patria, -ae f.: fatherland, country, 8
cōnor, cōnārī, cōnātus sum: try, attempt, 7 perpetuus, -a, -um: perpetual, everlasting
cōnsistō, -ere, -stitī, -stitum: stand still persuādeō, -ēre, -suāsī, -suāsum: persuade, 9
contendō, -ere, -ī, -tum: hasten; fight, 11 portus, -ūs m.: harbort, port, 3
dēfendō, -ere, -nsī, dēfensum: defend postrīdiē: the day after, the next day, 4
doceō, -ēre, -uī, -ctum: teach, tell, 9 quasi: as if, 4
dulcis, -e: sweet, dear, fresh, 2 relinquō, -ere, -līquī, -lictum: leave behind, 9
ēbrius, -a, -um: drunk, inebriated rēmus, -ī m.: oar, 4
expōnō, -ere, -suī, -situm: set out, explain 7 reperiō, -īre, repperī, repertum: find, 9
frūctus, -ūs m.: enjoyment, fruit reportō (1): carry back, bring back
frūstrā: in vain, for nothing, 13 resistō, -ere, -stitī: resist, oppose; stand, 2
Graecus, -a, -um: Greek, 14 saepe: often
gustō (1): taste, 2 semper: always, ever, forever, 2
hōra, -ae f.: hour, 5 septimus, -a, -um: seventh, 2
hortor, -ārī, -ātus sum: encourage, urge, 4 sponte: of one’s own will, voluntarily, 2
hospitium, ī n.: hospitality, 5 tergum, -ī n.: back, 8
ignōrō (1): not know, be ignorant, 5 tollō, -ere, sustulī, sublātum: raise, lift up 10
incola, -ae m.: inhabitant, 7 ūndecimus, -a, -um: eleventh, 2
īnfectus, -a, -um: not done, 1 vereor, -ērī, -itum: be afraid, fear; revere, 5
invītus, -a, -um: unwilling, 2 versor (1): be engaged, move about, live, 3
longē: far, far and wide, 6 vēscor, vēscī: feed on, eat (+ abl.) 3
lōtus, -ī f.: lotus vesper, vesperī m.: evening, 4
māior, māium: greater, larger; older vīctus, -ūs m.: nourishment, diet; livelihood
maneō, -ēre, mānsī, mansūrum: stay, wait, 9 vīcus, -ī m.: village
mīrus, -a, -um: wonderful, amazing, 7 vīnciō, -īre, vīnxī, vīnctum: bind, tie, 4
abdō, -ere, -didī, -ditum: hide, put away, 3 mīror, -ārī, -ātus sum: be amazed at, 7
Aetna, -ae f.: Aetna mōns, montis m.: mountain, mount, 5
an: or (in questions) mūniō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum: fortify, build, 2
animadvertō, -ere: turn mind to, notice, 6 nātūra, -ae. f.: nature, 9
appellō (1): call (by name), name, 12 obstruō, -ere, -ūxī, -ūctum: block, close off 4
compellō, -ere, -pulī: drive together, 3 oculus, -ī, m.: eye, 7
condō, -ere, -didī, -ditum: found; hide, 2 officīna, -ae f.: workshop, shop, factory
cōnor, cōnārī, cōnātus sum: try, attempt, 7 paene: almost, nearly, 8
cōpia, -ae f.: abundance, supply; troops, 10 pāstor, pāstoris m.: shepherd, 2
Cyclōps, Cyclōpis m.: Cyclops, 7 pecus, pecoris n.: herd, flock, 4
deinde: then, thereupon, 8 perlūstrō (1): look over, examine, 2
etsī: even if, although, though, 13 porta, -ae f.: gate, 7
exanimō (1): kill, exhaust, 9 praecipuē; especially, 2
exclāmō (1): cry out, 3 praedor, -ārī, -ātus sum: plunder
explōrō (1): search out, explore, 2 praeses, praesidis m.: protector
faber, fabrī m.: smith, engineer, 2 quidem: indeed, in fact, assuredly, certainly, 8
fāma, -ae f.: fame, reputation, report, rumor 7 refugiō, -ere, -fūgī: flee back, 5
figūra, -ae f.: form, shape reperiō, -īre, repperī, repertum: find, 9
frōns, frontis f.: forehead respondeō, -ēre, -dī, -ōnsum: answer, 13
horribilis, -e: horrible, dreadful, 11 sēdēs, sēdis f.: seat; abode, home, 5
hūmānus, -a, -um: cultured, refined, 4 servus, -ī, m.: slave, 2
ignis, ignis, m.: fire, 9 sīc: thus, in this way, 2
incolō, -ere, -uī: inhabit, 4 Sicilia, -ae f.: Sicily
interior, -ium: interior, 3 simul: at the same time; at once, together, 10
intrō (1): go into, enter, 7 sonitus, -ī m.: sound, noise, clang
introitus, -ūs m.: entrance, 6 terribilis, -e: terrible, dreadful, 5
inveniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventum: find, discover 8 terror, terrōris m.: terror, fright, 4
lac, lactis n.: milk torqueō, -ēre, torsī, tortum: twist, turn
latrō, -ōnis m.: robber vās, vāsis n. (2nd decl. in pl.): vessel, 5
magnitūdō, -tūdinis f.: size, greatness, 13 Volcānus, -ī m.: Vulcan, 13
medius, -a, -um: middle of, 10 vōx, vōcis, f.: voice, 9
mercātor, -ōris m.: trader, merchant, 3
1 loca: neut. pl. loca is the common plural for hunc: that this…; acc. subject
masc. locus in the nom. and acc. dē quibum: about whom
paulum: a little; adv. acc. 16 praeses…inventor: nom. appositives
progressī: dep. PPP progredior 19 simul ac: as soon as; ‘the same time as’
2 quam: which; acc. subj. of habitārī 20 exanimātī: having been overcome
eium: its; i.e. the cave’s 22 cum…obstrūxisset: after…; plpf. subj
introitum..munītum esse: that...; ind. disc. 23 saxō ingentī: abl. means, i-stem abl.
4 sē…factūrōs (esse): would do; fut. inf. 24 Hōc factō: abl. abs.
5 quod: this; ‘which’ object of fēcissent hominēs….esse abditōs: that…had been
6 conditam: stored up; PPP or pf. pass. inf. hidden; pf. pass. inf. in ind. disc.
(add esse) in ind. discourse 25 magnā voce: with a loud…; abl. manner
quis: wonder who…; ind. quest., impf. subj. 26 Quī hominēs: what (sort of) people;
7 oculīs…tortīs: abl. abs., PPP torqueō interrogative adj.
8 hūmānā…figūrā: of…; abl. of quality an: or
9 ingentī magnitūdine: of...; abl. of quality 27 neque…neque: neither…nor
10 mōnstum…habēre: ind. disc. sē…esse: that they were; ind. disc.
tantum: only; an adverb praedandī: gen. gerund (-ing) object
11 positum: placed; modifies oculum of the prep. causā, “for the sake of”
94 Ulysses
abeō, -īre, -iī, -itum: go away, depart, 6 introitus, -ūs m.: entrance, 6
agō, agere, ēgī, āctum: drive, lead, spend, 13 licet, -ēre, -uit: is allowed, permitted, 5
āmoveō, -ēre, -mōvī, -mōtum: move away, 5 magnitūdō, -tūdinis f.: size, greatness, 13
animadvertō, -ere: turn mind to, notice, 6 maximē: especially, very greatly, 5
antequam: before, 9 membrum, -ī n.: limb, member, 10
arbitror, -ārī, -ātus sum: judge, think, 11 mors, mortis, f.: death, 9
bene: well, 5 nihil: nothing, 14
carō, carnis f.: flesh, meat, 4 obstruō, -ere, -ūxī, -ūctum: block, close off 4
cēna, -ae f.: dinner, 5 occāsiō, -iōnis f.: chance, opportunity, 6
cōnor, cōnārī, cōnātus sum: try, attempt, 7 occupō (1): occupy, seize, 8
corripiō, -ere, -uī, -reptum: snatch (up), 6 offerō, -ferre, obtulī, -lātum: offer, present 5
cursus, -ūs m.: course, running, haste, 10 omittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: neglect, omit, 6
decem: ten, 4 omnīnō: altogether, wholely, entirely, 11
dēmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: drop, 3 ōrō (1): pray (for), entreat, beseech, 5
dēpellō, -ere, -pulī, -pulsum: drive away, pectus, pectoris n.: breast, chest, heart, 3
drive off, 3 praecaveō, -ēre, -cāvī, -cautum: take
dēpōnō, -ere, -suī, -situm: put down/aside, 9 precautions, guard against, 1:
dēsistō, -ere, -stitī, -stitum: desist, stop, 5 praesēns, -sentis: present
dēspērō (1): despair, give up, 4 prōsternō, -ere, -strāvī, -ātum: lay out, 3
dēvorō (1): swallow down, devour, 4 prōsum, prōdesse, prōfuī: profit, benefit, 6
dīvellō, -ere, -vellī, -vulsum: tear apart quidem: indeed, in fact, assuredly, certainly, 8
duo, duae, duo: two, 10 ratiō, -ōnis f.: plan, method, means, reason, 2
ēdō, -ere, ēdidī, ēditum: give out, put forth, 3 rēctus, -a, -um: direct, straight, 2
ēvādō, -ere, ēvāsī, ēvāsum: go out, escape, 9 respondeō, -ēre, -dī, -ōnsum: answer, 13
exīstimō (1): judge, consider, regard, think, 2 rūpēs, rūpis f.: rock, cliff, 6
explōrō (1): search out, explore, 2 somnus, -ī m.: sleep, 14
fāma, -ae f.: fame, reputation, report, rumor 7 tam: so, so much, so very, such, 8
fortūna, -ae f.: fortune, chance, luck, 3 temere: rashly
frangō, -ere, frēgī, frāctum: break, shatter terror, terrōris m.: terror, fright, 4
gladius, -ī m.: sword, 10 trānsfīgō, -fīgere, -fīxī, -fīxum: pierce, 4
horribilis, -e: horrible, dreadful, 11 Trōia, -ae f.: Troy, 9
hortor, -ārī, -ātus sum: encourage, urge, 4 vehementer: strongly, violently, ardently, 11
humī: on the ground, 2 vehō, -ere, vexī, vectum: convey, carry, 5
iniūria, -ae f.: wrong, insult, injustice, 2 vōx, vōcis, f.: voice, 9
afferō, -ferre, attulī, allātum: carry to bring 5 lāmenta, -ōrum n.: lamentation
āmoveō, -ēre, -mōvī, -mōtum: move away, 5 lignum, -ī n.: wood, 3
anteā: before, earlier, formerly, previously, 7 lūx, lūcis f.: light, 6
bibō, -ere, bibī: drink, 4 mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14
carō, carnis f.: flesh, meat, 4 nam: for, 6
cēnō (1): dine, eat dinner, 2 nōndum: not yet, 4
cogitō (1): consider, think over numquam: never, at no time, 4
compleō, -ēre, -ēvī, -plētum: fill full or up omnīnō: altogether, wholely, entirely, 11
corripiō, -ere, -uī, -reptum: snatch (up), 6 orior, orīrī, ortus sum: arise, spring up, 5
dēdō, -ere, dēdidī: surrender, give up, 2 ostendō (1): show, display, 6
dēligō, -ere, -lēgī, -lectum: choose, select, 6 ovis, ovis f.: sheep, 6
dēmōnstrō (1): show, demonstrate, 13 pālus, -ī m.: stake, 2
dēpōnō, -ere, -suī, -situm: put down/aside, 9 pecus, pecoris n.: herd, flock, 4
dēspērō (1): despair, give up, 4 pōculum, -ī n.: cup, 7
dēvorō (1): swallow down, devour, 4 praeacūtus, -a, -um: very pointed or sharp
dīligentia, -ae f.: diligence, attentiveness, 5 prōmō, -ere, -mpsī, -mptum: bring out
discrīmen, -crīminis n.: crisis, peril, 5 prōvocō (1): call forth
diū: a long time, long, 13 que: and, 14
dubius, -a, -um: doubtful, uncertain, 3 quīn: nay (even), (but) that, 12
duo, duae, duo: two, 10 reditus, -ūs m.: return, 5
etsī: even if, although, though, 13 repellō, -ere, reppulī, -pulsum: drive back
ēvādō, -ere, ēvāsī, ēvāsum: go out, escape, 9 repōnō, -ere, -posuī, -positum: put back, 2
excitō (1): excite, rouse, incite, 8 resistō, -ere, -stitī: resist, oppose; stand, 2
exeō, -īre, -iī, -itum: go out, 5 somnus, -ī m.: sleep, 14
ferō, ferre, tulī, lātum: carry, endure, 10 sub: under, 4
fīō, fierī, factus sum: become, be made, 9 suprā: above, before, 6
fors, fortis f.: luck, chance; forte by chance, 2 ūter, ūtris m.: skin, wine-skin
gustō (1): taste, 2 vērō: in truth, in fact, certainly, 5
hesternus, -a, -um: of yesterday vesper, vesperī m.: evening, 4
lacrima, -ae f.: tear, 10
1 sē…ēvāsisse: that they had escaped; pf. 16 hoc cōnsilium cēpit: he adopted this plan
2 neque…quīn: there is not a doubt that… 18 fēcit: made (x) (y); double accusative
dī: the gods; deī, nom. pl. prae-acutum is a pred. accusative
3 lātūrī essent: plpf. pass. subj. ferō quid fierī vellet: what he wished to be
6 idem: the same thing; id-dem, acc. d.o. done; ind. quest; impf. subj. volō
hesternō diē: on…; abl. time when 22 sub: near
7 correptīs…duōbum: abl. abs.; duōbus is rediit: pf. red-eō
an alternate abl/dat. pl. ending eō-dem modō: in…; abl. of manner
9 progressus est: pf. dep. progredior 23 quō: in which; abl. of manner
quod: this; ‘which’ i.e. the situation forte: by chance; abl. as adverb
10 sē…ēvāsūrōs (esse): (namely) that…; 24 eī erat salūtī: because it served as a
fut. inf. in apposition to spem, ‘hope’ refuge for him; ‘because it was for refuge
post paulum: a little later; adverbs for him,’ double dat. (dat. of purpose and
12 omnī…dēpositā: abl. abs. dat. of interest)
lamentīs lacrimīsque: to…; dat. i.o. attulerat: plpf. af-ferō
13 vērō: in truth, truly; adv., in contrast 25 ad bibendum: for…; ad + acc. gerund
ut: as…; common for ut + indicative expresses purpose
14 magnī cōnsiliī: of…; gen. description
98 Ulysses
abdō, -ere, -didī, -ditum: hide, put away, 3 loquor, loquī, locūtus sum: speak, address, 9
abeō, -īre, -iī, -itum: go away, depart, 6 nec: and not, nor, 10
adstō, -stāre, -stitī: stand at or near nēmō, nūllīus, nēminī, nēminem,
afficiō, -ere, -fēcī, fectum: influence, treat, 13 nūllō/nūllā: no one, 6
appellō (1): call (by name), name, 12 nōmen, nōminis, n.: name, 12
arbitror, -ārī, -ātus sum: judge, think, 11 ob: on account of (acc.), 13
beneficium, -iī n.: benefit, favor; kindness, 8 occāsiō, -iōnis f.: chance, opportunity, 6
caecus, -a, -um: blind, 2 oculus, -ī, m.: eye, 7
calefaciō, -ere, -fēcī, -factum: make hot omittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: neglect, omit, 6
cibus, -ī m.: food, 5 omnīnō: altogether, wholely, entirely, 11
clāmor, -ōris m.: shout, roar, applause, 4 opprimō, -ere, -pressī: overpower, 5
cōnor, cōnārī, cōnātus sum: try, attempt, 7 ōrātiō, -iōnis f.: speaking, speech, language, 2
cōnveniō, -īre, vēnī, ventum: come together 8 pālus, -ī m.: stake, 2
convocō (1): call together, 3 percipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: feel perceive 5
Cyclōps, Cyclōpis m.: Cyclops, 7 perfodiō, -ere, -fōdī, -fossum: dig through
dēvorō (1): swallow down, devour, 4 petō, petere, petīvī, petītum: seek, aim at, 10
dīversus, -a, -um: different, contrary pōculum, -ī n.: cup, 7
dormiō, -īre, -īvī: sleep, 8 posteā: after this, afterwards, 7
dubius, -a, -um: doubtful, uncertain, 3 postrēmus, -a, -um: last
efficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum: make, form, 3 prehendō, -ere, -hendī, -hēnsum: seize, 5
errō (1): wander, 3 prō: before, in front of, for, 9
excitō (1): excite, rouse, incite, 8 que: and, 14
exhauriō, -īre, -ausī, -austum: drink up quīn: nay (even), (but) that, 12
extrēmus, -a, -um: outermost, farthest, last, 2 recumbō, -ere, recubuī: lie back, lie down, 2
facultās, -tātis f.: ability, opportunity, 5 repleō, -ēre, -plēvī, -plētum: fill again, fill, 4
ferveō, -ēre: boil; glow resistō, -ere, -stitī: resist, oppose; stand, 2
grātia, -ae f.: graditude, favor, thanks, 10 respondeō, -ēre, -dī, -ōnsum: answer, 13
haud: by no means, not at all, 4 somnus, -ī m.: sleep, 14
ignis, ignis, m.: fire, 9 supplicium, -iī n.; punishment, supplication, 5
incidō, -ere, -cidī: fall into, fall upon, 3 terribilis, -e: terrible, dreadful, 5
īnferō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātum: carry on, wage, 3 tertius, -a, -um: third, 2
inquam, inquis, inquit: say, 6 tollō, -ere, sustulī, sublātum: raise, lift up 10
īnsānia, -ae f.: insanity, madness tū: you, 10
intereā: meanwhile, 7 undique: from everywhere, from all sides, 7
introitus, -ūs m.: entrance, 6 volō (1): fly, 3
iterum: again, a second time, 3 voluptās, -tātis f.: pleasure, delight, 2
lignum, -ī n.: wood, 3 vulnerō (1): wound, injure, 7
1 quod: this; ‘which’ obj. of fēcisset 8 quam: relative adj., ‘what opportunity,’ or
ut…iusserit: that…; result clause with relative pronoun, ‘the opportunity which’
perfect subj. iubeō, translate in pf. tense nē…ōmittāmum: let us not…; neg. jussive
2 quō nōmine: with…; abl. means introduces 9 gerendae: of carrying out…; gerundive
an indirect question modifies reī; use a gerundive-gerund flip
3 Nēminem: acc. predicate of pass. appellārī 12 hāc…habitā: this speech made; idiom
4 quod: this; ‘which’ obj. of appellār ignī: abl. of means, 3rd decl. i-stem noun
tibi: dat. ind. object of referam 13 ferventī: abl., 3rd decl. i-stem adj. (pple)
5 referam: 1s future, referō quō factō: abl. abs. translate quō as ‘this’
6 cibō vīnōque: with…; abl. cause with gravis 15 sustulit: raised; pf. tollō, see also l. 20
brevī tempore: in…; abl. time when 19 adstantēs: standing near; pres. pple
7 oppressus est: was overcome 24 haud…quin: it is by means doubtful that
sociīs convocātīs: abl. abs. or dat. i.o. 25 quibum: whom; dat. of compound verb
100 Ulysses
1 abiisse: pf. inf. ab-eō in ind. discourse ita…ut: in such a way…that; result clause
3 quō: by which; abl. mean 12 ferentēs: pres. pple, ferō
4 obstrūcta erat: it…; supply porta as subject ēgit: pf. agō
ut…exīret: so that…; purpose, exeō Id…suspicātus erat: it happened as he
5 ut: as…; as often, ut + indicative had suspected that it would be; ‘that which
quaeque: each; nom. sg. modifies fem. ovis he had suspected would be happened’; id
6 nē…possent: neg. purpose, impf. possum is subject; fore (~futūrum esse) is fut. inf.
7 quod: this; ‘which’ 13 ovium: of the sheep; i-stem gen. pl.
8 magis quam: more than; magis is an adv. 14 eās: them; i.e. the sheep
pōnī: was placed; pres. pass. inf. pōnō passus est: allowed; pf. dep. patior
9 iniit: he initiated; pf. in-eō 16 quō factō: this done; abs.: ‘which done’
prīmum: first; adverb novissimum: last; ‘most recent’
trēs: supply acc. pl. ovēs 19 nē: lest…realize; fearing clause
pinguissimās: superlative adj. 20 quō: there; “to where”
10 quās cum: when…these (sheep) nāvī praesidiō: as protection for the ship;
inter sē: one another double dat. (dat. interest + dat purpose)
11 suīs ventribum: under…; dat compound 23 id…erat: (that which indeed was true)
of verb 24 auxiliandī…: for the sake of helping
102 Ulysses
absum, -esse, āfuī: be away, be absent, 7 nāvigātiō, -ōnis f.: sailing, voyage, 2
Aeolia, -ae f.: Aeolia, 2 passus, -ūs: pace, 7
Aeolus, -ī m.: Aeolus, 2 patria, -ae f.: fatherland, country, 8
altus, -a, -um: high, lofty, tall, 2 persuādeō, -ēre, -suāsī, -suāsum: persuade, 9
ancora, ancorae f.: anchor, 7 poena, poenae, f.: punishment, 3
antrum, -ī n.: cave praeter: except, besides, 2
appellō, -ere, -pulī, -pulsum: drive (to), 14 premō, -ere, pressī, pressum: press, check
arbitror, -ārī, -ātus sum: judge, think, 11 prōvehō, -ere, -vexī, -vectum: carry forth, 3
carcer, -eris m.: prison que: and, 14
commoror, -ārī, -ātus sum: delay, linger, 3 quīn: nay (even), (but) that, 12
cōnscendō, -ere, -ndī, -nsum: climb aboard, 6 recipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: accept, take
corium, -ī n.: hide, leather back, 8
corripiō, -ere, -uī, -reptum: snatch (up), 6 recuperō (1): recover
cupidus, -a, -um: desirous, eager removeō, -ēre, -mōvī, -mōtum: remove
cursus, -ūs m.: course, running, haste, 10 saccus, -ī m.: sack, bag, 5
damnum, -ī n.: harm, injury satis: enough, sufficient, 6
dēbeō, -ēre, -uī, debitum: owe; ought, 2 sciō, -īre, -īvī (iī), -ītum: know, understand, 9
etsī: even if, although, though, 13 septimus, -a, -um: seventh, 2
excipiō, ere, cēpī, ceptum: take out, receive 9 sonōrus, -a, -um: sounding, loud, noisy
exclāmō (1): cry out, 3 spernō, -ere, sprēvī, sprētum: spurn, reject
exclūdō, -ere, -ūsī, -ūsum: shut out, hinder, 2 statuō, -ere, -uī, -ūtum: establish, build, 3
frēnō (1): bridle, restrain submergō, -ere, -mersī, -mersum: sink
hospitium, ī n.: hospitality, 5 teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentum: hold, keep 13
immānitās, -tātis f.: cruelity tollō, -ere, sustulī, sublātum: raise, lift up 10
imperium, -iī n.: power to command, rule, 2 tū: you, 10
inclūdō, -ere, -ūsī, -ūsum: close in, shut in, 7 tūtus, -a, -um: safe, secure, 3
īra, īrae f.: anger, 12 tuus, -a, -um: your, yours, 3
Ithaca, -ae f.: Ithaca, 3 unde: whence, from which source, 6
iūs, iūris n.: justice, law, right, 4 vāstus, -a, -um: waste, huge, enormous
iūstus, -a, -um: just vehementer: strongly, violently, ardently, 11
luctor, -ārī, -ātus sum: wrestle, struggle ventus, -ī m.: wind, 10
maneō, -ēre, mānsī, mansūrum: stay, wait, 9 vinculum, -ī n.: bond, chain, 4
mīlle (pl. mīlia): thousand, 7 vōx, vōcis, f.: voice, 9
mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14 Zephyrus, -ī m.: Zephyrus
1 ēgredī: pres. dep. complementary inf. 16 Hīc vastō…frēnat: prose word order: ‘Hīc
satis tūtum: that it is safe enough; add esse in vastō antrō Aeōlus imperiō premit ac
2 quam celerrimē: as fast as possible vinclīs et carcere frēnat luctantēs ventōs et
proficīscī: pres. dep. inf. tempestātēs sonōrās”
3 ancorīs sublātīs: abl. abs., PPP tollō 19 imperiō premit: checks with his power
paulum: a little; adverb vinclīs et carcere: with chains and prison
in altum: the sea; ‘into the deep (water)’ 20 hospitiō: with hospitality; abl. of manner
4 magnā vōce: with a loud…; abl. manner ut…commorārentur: that…; result
Polyphēme: vocative, direct. address ad…vīrēs: for…;employ a gerundive-
5 immānitātis tuae: for…; gen. of crime gerund flip and translate this gerundive
6 solvistī: you have paid (adj). as a gerund with an object
7 sē contulit: carried himself; pf. conferō 22 sē recēpissent: had retreated; idiom
8 correptum: grabbed; modifies saxum nē…: so that…might not; neg. purpose
9 nōn…quīn: not very far from being 23 proficīscendum (esse): that he had to
drowned; multum is an adv. acc. set out; pass. periphrastic with dat. agent
13 mīlia passuum: few miles; acc. extent 25 profectūrō: the one about to set out
104 Ulysses
Hīc tanta tempestās subitō coörta est ut illī cursum tenēre nōn
possent sed in eandem partem unde erant profectī referrentur.
Ulixēs ē somnō excitātus quō in locō rēs esset statim intellēxit; 20
saccum solūtum, Ithacam post tergum relictam vīdit. Tum vērō īrā
vehementer exārsit sociōsque obiurgābat quod cupiditāte pecūniae
adductī spem patriae videndae prōiēcissent.
addūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ctum: lead to, bring, 8 mīror, -ārī, -ātus sum: be amazed at, 7
agmen, agminis n.: formation, battle line mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14
agō, agere, ēgī, āctum: drive, lead, spend, 13 nam: for, 6
alligō (1): bind to, tie to, 2 nāvigō (1): sail, 5
appellō, -ere, -pulī, -pulsum: drive (to), 14 novem: nine, 3
appropinquō (1): come near, approach, 8 obiurgō (1): child, scold, reproach, 2
arbitror, -ārī, -ātus sum: judge, think, 11 occāsiō, -iōnis f.: chance, opportunity, 6
argentum, -ī n.: silver omittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: neglect, omit, 6
aurum, -ī n.: gold, 3 opprimō, -ere, -pressī: overpower 5
beneficium, -iī n.: benefit, favor; kindness, 8 patria, -ae f.: fatherland, country, 8
cēlō (1): hide, conceal, 5 pecūnia, -ae f.: money
cōnspectus, -ūs m.: sight, view, 6 perflō (1): blow over
coörior, coörīrī, coörtus sum: arise, 4 porta, -ae f.: gate, 7
crēdō, -ere, -didī, -ditum: believe, trust, 2 portus, -ūs m.: harbort, port, 3
cupiditās, -tātis f.: desire, passion, 5 prō: before, in front of, for, 9
cursus, -ūs m.: course, running, haste, 10 profectiō, -tiōnis f.: departure, start, 3
dēficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum: fail, 3 prōiciō, -icere, -iēcī, -iectum: throw forth, 4
dōnum, -ī n.: gift, 6 que: and, 14
dūdum: + iam, for a while, a long time, 2 quiēs, quiētis f.: rest, repose, sleep, 5
dux, ducis m/f.: leader, guide, chieftain, 5 recumbō, -ere, recubuī: lie back, lie down, 2
exārdēscō, -ere, -ārsī, -ārsum: catch fire, 2 relinquō, -ere, -līquī, -lictum: leave behind, 9
excitō (1): excite, rouse, incite, 8 ruō, -ere, ruī: rush, 2
ferē: almost, nearly, closely saccus, -ī m.: sack, bag, 5
frūmentor, -ārī, -ātus sum: get grain, forage secundus, -a, -um: following, favorable, 2
frūmentum, -ī n.: grain, 4 sōl, sōlis m.: sun, 10
grātia, -ae f.: graditude, favor, thanks, 10 somnus, -ī m.: sleep, 14
gubernō (1): steer, direct spatium, -iī n.: space, span, extent, 6
inclūdō, -ere, -ūsī, -ūsum: close in, shut in, 7 statuō, -ere, -uī, -ūtum: establish, build, 3
intermittō, -ere: interrupt, break off, 5 teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentum: hold, keep 13
īra, īrae f.: anger, 12 tergum, -ī n.: back, 8
itaque: and so, 8 turbō, turbinis m.: whirlwind, 1
Ithaca, -ae f.: Ithaca, 3 unde: whence, from which source, 6
lassitūdō, -inis f.: weariness, 2 vehementer: strongly, violently, ardently, 11
libenter: gladly, willingly, 12 velut: just as, even as, as
lucrum, -ī n.: gain, profit; money ventus, -ī m.: wind, 10
mālus, -ī m.: mast, pole vērō: in truth, in fact, certainly, 5
merīdiānus, -a, -um: midday, of the noon
accidō, -ere, accidī: happen, fall (on)to, 8 misceō, -ēre, -uī, mīxtum: mix, mingle
addūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ctum: lead to, bring, 8 mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14
aedis, -is f.: temple, pl. house nārrō (1): narrate, relate, 7
aliquantum, -ī n.: somewhat, 2 obsecrō (1): beseech, implore, entreat, 5
anxius, -a, -um: anxious, 3 occāsus, -ūs m.: fall, destruction, 4
appōnō, -ere, -posuī, -positum: set before, 3 oculus, -ī, m.: eye, 7
ars, artis f.: skill, craft, art, 5 opprimō, -ere, -pressī: overpower 5
aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 ōstium, -iī n.: mouth, entrance, 3
baculum, -ī n.: staff, wand, 4 perlūstrō (1): look over, examine, 2
bibō, -ere, bibī: drink, 4 perturbō (1): trouble, greatly disturb, 2
committō, -mittere, -mīsī: commit, entrust, 6 porcus, -ī m.: pig, swine, 5
complector, -plectī, -plexus sum: embrace, 3 praesidium, -iī n.: protection, guard, 3
convertō, -ere, -ī, -rsum: turn (around), 6 regredior, -gredī, -gressus sum: step back
corripiō, -ere, -uī, -reptum: snatch (up), 6 respondeō, -ēre, -dī, -ōnsum: answer, 13
dēmōnstrō (1): show, demonstrate, 13 satis: enough, sufficient, 6
dēsiliō, -īre, -siluī, -sultum: jump down scientia, -ae f.: knowledge, wisdom, 6
dīlūcidē: distinctly, plainly sedeō, -ēre, sēdī, sessum: sit, 6
discrīmen, -crīminis n.: crisis, peril, 5 sequor, -ī, secūtus sum: follow; attend, 4
domus, -ūs f.: house, home, dwelling, 11 servus, -ī, m.: slave, 2
Eurylochus, -ī m.: Eurylochus, 6 sōl, sōlis m.: sun, 10
gladius, -ī m.: sword, 10 sollicitūdō, sollicitūdinis f.: anxiety, worry
ignārus, -a, -um: ignorant, not knowing sollicitus, -a, -um: troubled, anxious
imperō (1): order, command, 12 sōlus, -a, -um: alone, only, lone, sole, 6
intereā: meanwhile, 7 somnus, -ī m.: sleep, 14
intrō (1): go into, enter, 7 statuō, -ere, -uī, -ūtum: establish, build, 3
invītus, -a, -um: unwilling, 2 suscipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: undertake, 14
iste, ista, istud: that or those (of yours), 7 tam: so, so much, so very, such, 8
lacrima, -ae f.: tear, 10 tangō, -ere, tetigī, tāctum: touch, 3
licet, -ēre, -uit: is allowed, permitted, 5 ūllus, -a, -um: any, 3
magicus, -a, -um: magic, 5 versor (1): be engaged, move about, live, 3
magnificus, -a, -um: splendid, magnificent, 2 via, -ae, f.: way, road, 4
malō, malle, maluī: prefer vīlla, -ae f.: country-house, villa, 2
maneō, -ēre, mānsī, mansūrum: stay, wait, 9 vix: with difficulty, with effort, scarcely, 5
medicāmentum, -ī n.: drug, potion vōx, vōcis, f.: voice, 9
mentiō, -tiōnis f.: mention, 2
2 quod: this; ‘which, obj. of bibissent ēvēnit: it turned out that; noun result cl.
gravī somnō: abl. means; i-stem adj. 14 imperāvit: ordered (dat) that…; governs
7 quō factō: this done; abl. abs. a dat. and ind. command (ut + subj.)
8 quid in aedibus agerētur: what was 16 nē…sē committeret: not to entrust
done in the house; ind. question governed himself…; ‘that…not,’ ind. command
by the adjective ignarus sī quid: if anything more serious; quid is
9 ad ōstium: near the entrance indefinite before sī; comparative adj.
11 Eō: there; adverb 17 futūram (esse)…adductūrum (esse):
tam perturbātum: so upset; predicate susceptūrum (esse): all fut. infinitives
12 ut…posset: that…; result, impf. subj. in successive ind. discourse
quae vīdisset: (the things) which he 19 eī licēre: that it is allowed for him
had seen; relative of characteristic, the sī māllet: if he preferred; impf. subj. mālō
missing antecedent is obj. of narrāre sē…susceptūrum (esse): fut. inf.
13 sociōs…versārī: that…; pres. dep. inf. in 21 nūllō sequente: no one…; abl. abs.
ind. discourse
110 Ulysses
accumbō, -ere, accubuī,: lie (at dinner), 4 intrō (1): go into, enter, 7
adulēscēns, -entis: young (man), youth(ful), 3 līmen, līminis n.: threshold
agnōscō, -ere, -nōvī, -nōtum: recognize, 4 loquor, loquī, locūtus sum: speak, address, 9
amīcus, -ī m.: friend, 6 magnificē: magnificently, splendidly
anteā: before, earlier, formerly, previously, 7 medius, -a, -um: middle of, 10
aura, -ae f.: air, breeze Mercurius, -ī m.: Mercury, 8
aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 mortālis, -e: mortal
baculum, -ī n.: staff, wand, 4 nōnne: introduces a yes/no question
benignus, -a, -um: kind, 4 num: question expecting negative answer, 2
calamitās, -tātis f.: misfortune, calamity obviam: in the way of, opposite to (+ dat.) 3
carmen, carminis n.: song, 2 oculus, -ī, m.: eye, 7
cēna, -ae f.: dinner, 5 patefaciō, -ere, -fēcī, -factum: lay open, 2
cibus, -ī m.: food, 5 pōculum, -ī n.: cup, 7
contrā: against (+ acc.), 7 porcus, -ī m.: pig, swine, 5
convertō, -ere, -ī, -rsum: turn (around), 6 precēs, -um f. pl.: prayer, entreaty, 3
corripiō, -ere, -uī, -reptum: snatch (up), 6 procul: from afar, from a distance, 5
dēpellō, -ere, -pulī, -pulsum: drive away, 3 pulcher, -chra, -chrum: beautiful, pretty, 2
dēterreō, -ēre, -uī, -territum: frighten off pulsō (1): strike against, knock, 3
domus, -ūs f.: house, home, dwelling, 11 relinquō, -ere, -līquī, -lictum: leave behind, 9
etsī: even if, although, though, 13 repleō, -ēre, -plēvī, -plētum: fill again, fill, 4
ēvānescō, -ere, ēvanuī: vanish, pass away ruō, -ere, ruī: rush, 2
excipiō, ere, cēpī, ceptum: take out, receive 9 sciō, -īre, -īvī (iī), -ītum: know, understand, 9
exhauriō, -īre, -ausī, -austum: drink up sermō, sermōnis m.: conversation, talk, 2
famēs, -is f.: hunger, 3 simul: at the same time; at once, together, 10
fīnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 spatium, -iī n.: space, span, extent, 6
foris, -is f.: door, entrance stō, -āre, stetī, stātum: stand, 8
fōrma, -ae, f.: beauty, shape, form, 3 stringō, -ere, strīnxī, strictum: draw out, 3
gladius, -ī m.: sword, 10 subeō, -īre, -iī: undergo, go up (to), 5
herba, -ae f.: plant, grass, 6 suspicō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum: suspect, mistrust, 7
hūmānus, -a, -um: cultured, refined, 4 tangō, -ere, tetigī, tāctum: touch, 3
iānua, -ae f.: door, 2 tenuis, -e: thin
impetus, -ūs m.: attack, onset, assault, 9 tū: you, 10
inclūdō, -ere, -ūsī, -ūsum: close in, shut in, 7 tuus, -a, -um: your, yours, 3
inquam, inquis, inquit: say, 6 valeō, -ēre, -uī: be strong, fare well, be able, 5
īnstituō, -ere, -uī, -ūtum: establish, set venēnum, -ī n.: poison, 7
īnstruō, -ere, -ūxī, -ūctum: equip, draw up, 6 verbum, -ī n.: word, speech, 4
intermittō, -ere: interrupt, break off, 5 vōx, vōcis, f.: voice, 9
1 in eō esset ut: was in such (a place) that carmina: songs; i.e. Circe’s spells
eī obviam: facing her, in the way of her cape: sg. imperative capiō
2 fōrmā pulcherrimā: of..; abl. quality; 10 ubi…tetigerit: when…touches; fut. pf.
superlative adj. 11 vidē ut faciās: see to it that you make
3 Quō: where?; ‘to where,’ adv. 13 mortālis: he left the sights of the mortal in
4 Circēs: Grk. gen. sg. the middle of the his speech and vanished
5 Num vīs: Surely you do not wish…?; ‘you from his eyes far off into the thin breeze;
do not know…do you?’ Num anticipates a Aeneid 4.277-8
negative response, 2s pres. volō 17 Brevī…spatiō: abl. abs.
6 simul ac: as soon as; ‘the same time as’ ad…subeunda: for undergoing…; subeō,
7 ab īnstitūtō cōnsiliō: from his set plans 19 eōdem…atque: in the same way as before
8 quod: this; ‘which,’ obj. of sēnsisset 23 quō factō: this done; abl. abs.
9 quam…valēre: 24 ea verba: neuter acc. object. of locūta est
112 Ulysses
tamen omnīnō aliter ēvēnit atque illa spērāverat. Tanta enim vīs 1
erat eius herbae quam Ulixī Mercurius dederat ut neque venēnum
neque verba quicquam efficere possent. Ulixēs autem, ut eī
praeceptum erat, gladiō strictō impetum in eam fēcit et mortem
minitābātur. Circē cum artem suam nihil valēre sēnsisset, multīs 5
cum lacrimīs eum obsecrāre coepit nē sibi vītam adimeret.
adimō, -ere, -ēmī: take away, deprive mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14
afficiō, -ere, -fēcī, fectum: influence, treat, 13 mors, mortis, f.: death, 9
agnōscō, -ere, -nōvī, -nōtum: recognize, 4 nihil: nothing, 14
aliter: otherwise, in another way, 3 nisi: if not, unless, 2
ars, artis f.: skill, craft, art, 5 nūntius, -iī m.: messenger, 12
certus, -a, -um: fixed, sure, 11 obsecrō (1): beseech, implore, entreat, 5
Circaeus, -a, -um: of Circe omnīnō: altogether, wholely, entirely, 11
cōnfirmō (1): make strong, strengthen, 5 ostendō (1): show, display, 6
convertō, -ere, -ī, -rsum: turn (around), 6 perterreō, -ēre: frighten, terrify, 5
dēbeō, -ēre, -uī, debitum: owe; ought, 2 pēs, pedis m.: foot, 8
dēdō, -ere, dēdidī: surrender, give up, 2 poena, poenae, f.: punishment, 3
domus, -ūs f.: house, home, dwelling, 11 porcus, -ī m.: pig, swine, 5
dux, ducis m/f.: leader, guide, chieftain, 5 postulō (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11
efficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum: make, form, 3 praecipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: order, take, 6
ēveniō, -īre: turn out, happen, 8 prōiciō, -icere, -iēcī, -iectum: throw forth, 4
gaudium, -iī n.: gladness, joy, 9 quisquam, quidquam: anyone, anything, 4
gladius, -ī m.: sword, 10 recipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: take back, 8
herba, -ae f.: plant, grass, 6 redūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -tum: lead/bring back, 11
hūmānus, -a, -um: cultured, refined, 4 signum, -ī n.: sign, signal, 2
immittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: send in, 2 spērō (1): hope (for), expect, 5
imperō (1): order, command, 12 stringō, -ere, strīnxī, strictum: draw out, 3
impetus, -ūs m.: attack, onset, assault, 9 sūmō, -ere, sūmpsī, sūmptum: take, 3
inruō, -ere, -ruī: rush in ung(u)ō, -ere, ūnxī, ūnctum: oil, annoint
iūrō (1): swear, 2 unguentum, -ī m.: ointment, 3
iūs, iūris n.: justice, law, right, 4 ūniversus, -a, -um: entire, whole
lacrima, -ae f.: tear, 10 valeō, -ēre, -uī: be strong, fare well, be able, 5
laetitia, -ae f.: joy, happiness, 3 venēnum, -ī n.: poison, 7
Mercurius, -ī m.: Mercury, 8 verbum, -ī n.: word, speech, 4
minitor, -ārī, -ātus sum: threaten vīta, -ae, f.: life, 9
adflīgō, -ere, -flīxī, -flīctum: dash, shatter maneō, -ēre, mānsī, mansūrum: stay, wait, 9
adhibeō, -ēre, -uī, -itum: apply, hold to, 4 mātūrō (1): hasten, ripen, 7
aegrē: with difficulty, wearily, 4 moror, -ārī, -ātus sum: delay, linger, 3
amor, -ōris m.: love, desire, pasfansion, 3 nancīscor, -ī, nactus sum: attain, meet, 7
ante: before, in front of (acc.); adv. before, 5 nāvigātiō, -ōnis f.: sailing, voyage, 2
antequam: before, 9 nāvigō (1): sail, 5
apud: among, in the presence of (+ acc.), 9 obsecrō (1): beseech, implore, entreat, 5
beneficium, -iī n.: benefit, favor; kindness, 8 obtestor, -ārī, -ātus: call to witness, implore
comparō (1): prepare, collect, 4 odium, -iī n.: hatred
cōnsūmō, -ere, -mpsī, -mptum: take, spend 9 opus, -eris n.: work, deed, toil, 9
convertō, -ere, -ī, -rsum: turn (around), 6 ōrō (1): pray (for), entreat, beseech, 5
convocō (1): call together, 3 ostendō (1): show, display, 6
dēscendō, -ere, -ndī, -scēnsum: descend, 4 paene: almost, nearly, 8
dēsīderium, -iī n.: desire, longing patria, -ae f.: fatherland, country, 8
dēsistō, -ere, -stitī, -stitum: desist, stop, 5 perficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum: accomplish, 3
dīligentia, -ae f.: diligence, attentiveness, 5 perscrībō, -ere, -psī, -scriptum: write fully, 3
discēdō, -ere, -cessī, -sum: go away, depart, 4 persuādeō, -ēre, -suāsī, -suāsum: persuade, 9
diū: a long time, long, 13 postrīdiē: the day after, the next day, 4
exclūdō, -ere, -ūsī, -ūsum: shut out, hinder, 2 precēs, -um f. pl.: prayer, entreaty, 3
exīstimō (1): judge, consider, regard, think, 2 profectiō, -tiōnis f.: departure, start, 3
facilis, -e: easy quidem: indeed, in fact, assuredly, certainly, 8
ferō, ferre, tulī, lātum: carry, endure, 10 reficiō -ere -fēcī -fectum: make new, repair, 2
idōneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12 subeō, -īre, -iī: undergo, go up (to), 5
impetrō (1): obtain, gain one’s end tam: so, so much, so very, such, 8
inūtilis, -e: not useful, useless tertius, -a, -um: third, 2
inveniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventum: find, discover 8 ūsus, ūsūs m.: use, employment, 3
longus, -a, -um: long, 4 vehementer: strongly, violently, ardently, 11
1 postrīdiē eius diēī: the day after that 10 tam afflictam: so dashed; PPP
day; abl. time when; gen. ut…esset: that…; result, impf. subj. sum
quam celerrimē: as fast as possible ad nāvigandum: for…; ad + acc., here a
in animō: had in mind; i.e. intended gerund expresses purpose
2 haec: these (things); neuter pl. acc. obj. 11 ad nāvēs reficiendās: for…; employ a
3 omnibus precibum: abl. means, with ōrāre gerund-gerundive flip: translate the
4 ut…morārētur: that he linger…; ind. gerundive (adj) as a gerund with obj.
command 12 quae…ūsuī essent: which were of use;
paucōs diēs: for…; acc. of duration of time dat. purpose; omnia is antecedent
5 apud sē: at her house 13 ut…perfēcerint: that…; result; unusual
quā rē impetrātā: which matter having pf. subj., translate in the pf. tense
been attained; abl. abs. i.e. Circe got 14 ad profectiōnem: for setting out
what she had requested above 15 ferēbat: endured
6 contulit: pf. conferō, Circe is subject eō cōnsiliō: from this purpose; separation
ut…persuāsum sit: that she persuaded 16 nē…exclūderētur: neg. purpose clause
him; impersonal pf. pass., translate active 17 mātūrandum (esse): that it had to be
ut…manēret: that…; ind. command hastened by him; i.e. ‘he had to hasten,’
diūtium: longer; comparative adv. passive periphrastic in secondary seq. with
7 apud Circēn: at Circe’s house dat. of agent
patriae suae: for his country; objective 18 subeunda erant: had to be undergone;
gen. governed by desideriō passive periphrastic with dat. of agent
8 sociīs convocātīs: abl. abs. or dat. i.o. 19 quae: which (dangers); obj. of perscribere
9 Quid…habēret: ind. question longum est: it is long; nom. predicate
116 Nouns, Pronouns, and Adjectives
Selected Pronouns
Nom. is he ea she id it
Gen. eius his eius her eius its
Dat. eī to/for him eī to/for her eī to/for it
Acc. eum him eam her id it
Abl. eō with/from him eā with/from her eō with/from it
Nom. quī quae quod quī quae quae who, which, that
Gen. cuius cuius cuius quōrum quārum quōrum whose, of whom/which
Dat. cuī cuī cuī quibus quibus quibus to whom/which
Acc. quem quam quod quōs quās quae whom, which, that
Abl. quō quā quō quibus quibus quibus by/with/from whom/which
Nouns, Pronouns, and Adjectives 117
Pres. amem amēmus same as amer amēmur same as
amēs amētis indicative amēris amēminī indicative
amet ament ametur amentur
Impf. amārem amārēmus amārer amārēmur
amārēs amārētis amārēris amārēminī
amāret amārent amāretur amārentur
Perf. amāverim amāverīmus amāta sim amātae sīmus
amāverīs amāverītis amāta sīs amātae sītis
amāverit amāverint amāta sit amātae sint
Plpf. amāvissem amāvissēmus amāta essem amātae essēmus
amāvissēs amāvissētis amāta essēs amātae essētis
amāvisset amāvissent amāta esset amātae essent
amā amāte love!
Pres. amāns (amantis) loving
Perf. amātus, -a, -um having been loved
Fut. amātūrus, -a, -um going to love amandus, -a, -um going to be loved
Pres. amāre to love amārī to be love
Perf. amāvisse to have loved amātum esse to have been loved
Fut. amātūrum esse to be going to love
Synopsis: 2nd Conjugation 119
Pres. videam videāmus same as videar videāmur same as
videās videātis indicative videāris videāminī indicative
videat videant videatur videantur
Impf. vidērem vidērēmus vidērer vidērēmur
vidērēs vidērētis vidērēris vidērēminī
vidēret vidērent vidērētur vidērentur
Perf. vīderim vīderīmus vīsa sim vīsae sīmus
vīderīs vīderītis vīsa sīs vīsae sītis
vīderit vīderint vīsa sit vīsae sint
Plpf. vīdissem vīdissēmus vīsa essem vīsae essēmus
vīdissēs vīdissētis vīsa essēs vīsae essētis
vīdisset vīdissent vīsa esset vīsae essent
vidē vidēte see!
Pres. vidēns (videntis) seeing
Perf. vīsus, -a, -um having been seen
Fut. vīsūrus, -a, -um going to see videndus, -a, -um going to be seen
Pres. vidēre to see vidērī to be seen
Perf. vīdisse to have seen vīsum esse to have been seen
Fut. vīsūrum esse to be going to see
120 Synopsis: 3rd Conjugation
Pres. dūcam dūcāmus same as dūcar dūcāmur same as
dūcās dūcātis indicative dūcāris dūcāminī indicative
dūcat dūcant dūcatur dūcantur
Impf. dūcerem dūcerēmus dūcerer dūcerēmur
dūcerēs dūcerētis dūcerēris dūcerēminī
dūceret dūcerent dūceretur dūcerentur
Perf. dūxerim dūxerīmus ducta sim ductae sīmus
dūxerīs dūxerītis ducta sīs ductae sītis
dūxerit dūxerint ducta sit ductae sint
Plpf. dūxissem dūxissēmus ducta essem ductae essēmus
dūxissēs dūxissētis ducta essēs ductae essētis
dūxisset dūxissent ducta esset ductae essent
dūc ducite lead!
Pres. ducēns (dūcentis) leading
Perf. ductus, -a, -um having been led
Fut. ductūrus, -a, -um going to lead ducendus, -a, -um going to be led
Pres. dūcere to lead dūcī to be lead
Perf. dūxisse to have led ductum esse to have been led
Fut. ductūrum esse to be going to lead
Synopsis: 3rd-io Conjugation 121
Pres. capam capāmus same as capar capāmur same as
capās capātis indicative capāris capāminī indicative
capat capant capatur capantur
Impf. caperem caperēmus caperer caperēmur
caperēs caperētis caperēris caperēminī
caperet caperent caperetur caperentur
Perf. cēperim cēperīmus capta sim captae sīmus
cēperīs cēperītis capta sīs captae sītis
cēperit cēperint capta sit captae sint
Plpf. cēpissem cēpissēmus capta essem captae essēmus
cēpissēs cēpissētis capta essēs captae essētis
cēpisset cēpissent capta esset captae essent
cape capite take!
Pres. capiēns (capientis) taking
Perf. captus, -a, -um having been taken
Fut. captūrus, -a, -um going to take capiendus, -a, -um going to be taken
Pres. capere to take capī to be take
Perf. cēpisse to have taken captum esse to have been taken
Fut. captūrum esse to be going to take
122 Synopsis: 4th Conjugation
Pres. audiam audiāmus same as audiar audiāmur same as
audiās audiātis indicative audiāris audiāminī indicative
audiat audiant audiātur audiantur
Impf. audīrem audīrēmus audīrer audīrēmur
audīrēs audīrētis audīrēris audīrēminī
audīret audīrent audīretur audīrentur
Perf. audīverim audīverīmus audīta sim audītae sīmus
audīverīs audīverītis audīta sīs audītae sītis
audīverit audīverint audīta sit audītae sint
Plpf. audīvissem audīvissēmus audīta essem audītae essēmus
audīvissēs audīvissētis audīta essēs audītae essētis
audīvisset audīvissent audīta esset audītae essent
audī audīte hear!
Pres. audiēns (audientis) hearing
Perf. audītus, -a, -um having been heard
Fut. audītūrus, -a, -um going to hear audiendus, -a, -um going to be heard
Pres. audīre to hear audīrī to be heard
Perf. audīvisse to have heard audītum esse to have been heard
Fut. audītūrum esse to be going to hear
Synopsis: sum and possum 123
Pres. sim sīmus same as possim possīmus same as
sīs sītis indicative possīs possītis indicative
sit sint possit possint
Impf. essem essēmus possem possēmus
essēs essētis possēs possētis
esset essent posset possent
Perf. fuerim fuerīmus potuerim potuerīmus
fuerīs fuerītis potuerīs potuerītis
fuerit fuerint potuerit potuerint
Plpf. fuissem fuissēmus potuissem potuissēmus
fuissēs fuissētis potuissēs potuissētis
fuisset fuissent potuisset potuissent
xxx xxx
Pres. esse to be posse to be able
Perf. fuisse to have been potuisse to have been heard
Fut. futūrum esse* to be going to be ----
Pres. sequar sequāmur same as indicative
sequāris sequāminī
sequātur sequantur
Impf. sequerer sequerēmur
sequerēris sequerēminī
sequerētur sequerentur
Perf. secūta sim secūtae sīmus
secūta sīs secūtae sītis
secūta sit secūtae sint
Plpf. secūta essem secūtae essēmus
secūta essēs secūtae essētis
secūta esset secūtae essent
sequere sequitor follow!
Pres. sequēns (gen. sequentis) following
Perf. secūtus, -a, -um having followed
Fut. secūtūrus, -a, -um going to follow sequendus,-a -um going to be
Pres. sequī to follow
Perf. secūtum esse to have followed
Fut. secūtūrum esse to be going to follow