F'Chelrak's Tomb: Goblins in The Hills
F'Chelrak's Tomb: Goblins in The Hills
F'Chelrak's Tomb: Goblins in The Hills
Near a mule-drawn cart, the goblins are fussing about a hill amongst piles of rock
until they sight you. They snatch up their weapons and yell out to you, ‘Gree-nark
Dath!’, as they rush forwards.
8 Goblins (AC 6; HD 1-1, hp 3; #AT 1/1 ; Dmg d6 (various weapons including broken
blades, knives, clubs and a war-hammer); SZ S; XP 5 each). They have some stolen
spades, bags, crates of vegetables, bottles of beor and even a large chest (empty) on
a two-wheeled cart attached to a mule. Some of the gobs are keen to eat the mule
but they need it for now.
The goblin leader has 6 hp and bears the best weapon they have, a fine dwarf
short sword. It is masterfully constructed, is a bit heavier than usual blades and
does an extra point of damage on a hit. It’s worth 20 XP. The goblins have a total
of 18 silver coins and 1 gold half-coin the leader likes to chew on.
The Barrow-Mound
When sighted:
The long, skinny weeds covering this small hill wave in the wind. Its roundness
makes it stand out among the other small hills and ridges nearby. It is surely a
barrow, and the goblins have removed most of the rocks covering the entrance to
the tomb.
If climbed:
The view from atop the mound is pleasing, with the nearby fields extending to the
edge of the wood in the distance.
Many centuries ago, a sorcerer-chieftain named F’Chelrak was buried in the lands he
once ruled. His weed-covered, roughly round barrow-mound is about 40 paces
across. The goblins have removed most of the large stones covering the entrance.
The sealed entrance to the barrow is a rock-like wall with an engraving carved into
it. The runes are in an unknown language, but if Comprehend Languages or similar
magic is used, it can be determined that it reads ‘F’Chelrak’, but this will also
activate a Fear spell (save vs magic or flee). Note that this happens anytime one
can read the sorcerer-chieftain’s name.
Beyond the seal, an area of darkness and cobwebs is revealed. Light shone into it
reveals that it is indeed a barrow, with a stone sarcophagi near the back of the
flagstone floor, beyond which the grinning face of a giant skull is cut into the back
Area A
The skull is cut into the middle of the back wall and is about 5 feet wide. The two
eye sockets are deep holes, filled with cobwebs. If carefully examined with light, it
looks like right at the back of each is a stone button the size of a large coin.
Left: pushing the button causes the floor of the sarcophagus to open, with it
hinging back against the wall in two long rectangles and dropping the false burial
remains 100 ft to Room 2 below. This shaft is filled with old webs and is the
entrance to the actual burial vault.
Right: pushing this button causes the secret doors C - L to open for the skeletal
guards to be released.
10 Skeletons (AC 7, HD 1; 5 each; #AT 1/1; Dmg 1-6 (variety of one-handed swords);
SZ M; SD 1/2 dmg from edged weapons; XP 10 each). They wear rotting robes and
wield short blades made of ancient pig iron. All of them are either slightly bent,
have been hammered back into shape or have cracks and chinks. There’s a 10%
chance per hit that they break or bend (50% chance of either). The skeletons attack
any living thing within the room, but will not leave the tomb.
Area B
A carved stone sarcophagi with a rounded lid. It isn't sealed but slides into place
and weighs 300 lbs. If slid off, the dusty, skeletal remains of a human lie within.
The figure wears a rotting robe with gold stitching along the edges, pointy and
shrivelled boots, and a carved staff in its bony hands. It wears a ring with a large
Treasure: gold stitching worth 1 gp and a corroded, gold finger ring set with a fat
red crystal worth 4 gp. It is actually a Ring of Rainfire, which
can be used once each day as the spell (from Dragon Magazine
#205, on page 87, created by Spike Y. Jones), as a 3rd level
magic-user’s level; it creates a small fire which shoots from the
ring at the end of a fiery trail and can be used to light a fire
which can burn even in heavy rain or even underwater at one-
tenth duration; or used as an attack on an enemy within 30 feet,
doing d4 damage each round if the targets fails a save vs magic;
duration is three turns; worth 1500 XP if experience given for magic items.
The bones of the the sarcophagus lie broken upon another stone floor of another room
far below the one you were in. In the cold darkness, you see large casks lining the
walls, a tapestry hanging from one wall and on the other wall, a throne. Dressed in
golden robes, the bones of F’Chelrak sits upon it, a bejewelled crown atop his grinning
skull, and an ornate rod across his lap. The gems from the rod and crown glint in your
The skeletal lord’s mouth opens and a horrible whisper fills the air, but you are unable
to understand the words. He grasps the rod, drawing from it a glowing sword, its blade
glowing blue. His bony arms detach themselves from his body and fly towards you,
swishing the sword.
Dread (AC 6; HD 3+3, hp 17; THAC0 17; #AT 1/1; DMG d6+2 (F’Chelrak’s magic
sword); SZ: S; MOR 20; XP 975; see Monstrous Compendium Annual, Volume 1, p.
Crown worth 5500 gp, fine robe worth 28 gp but too rotted to wear, elf rod of spell
recall and storing (has a +2 elf short sword in it which can be removed and is the
storage location of the spells; it can hold up to 2 levels of spells, i.e. two 1st or one
2nd level, and currently has the spell Dog for a Day (2nd level magic-user spell
which forms the shape of a dog out of whatever materials are at hand, typically dirt
and rocks. It is semi-intelligent, completely loyal and lasts until midnight, has AC 8
+/- 2 depending on material; HD 1; #AT 1/1; Dmg 1-3; MV 6; MOR 20; SZ S) .
F’Chelrak gained the sword as he died, defeating an elf who had recently collected
these old human spells to bring back to his people. With the sword inserted, the rod
can be used to release the spells and also allows the bearer to regain one cast spell
each day, up to 4th level and this power stays with the rod regardless of whether
the sword is in it or not; worth 9400 XP if experience given for magic items).
The casks contain rotten clothing, dust which was once foodstuffs, 1000 gold pieces,
250 silver pieces, dry-rotted fine woods that once were going to be made into wands
and a crude golden charm necklace worth 12 gp, a potion of healing (heals d8 hit
points when drunk; XP 400), potion of flying (XP 750), and a scroll of spells (XP
300) containing Enlarge, Levitation, and Detect Magic, and a pair of human-sized
gauntlets of strength (confer a +1 bonus to strength when worn; heavy leather and
metal fittings; XP 1250)
Spitting cobra snake (AC
7; HD 1; hp 6; #AT 1/1 bite
or spit; Dmg 1-3 + poison;
if save vs poison fails, bite
causes death in 1-10 turns,
spit is in eyes and causes
blindness; XP 13). It is
released from its magical
stasis if the cask in the
exact middle opposite the
throne is opened or