Future of Money by Simon Davis
Future of Money by Simon Davis
Future of Money by Simon Davis
Since the early 1990s forward thinkers have been Since around 330 BC in Ancient Egypt warehouse
discussing various technologies that could be receipts have been used as a form of money. Farmers
used for private money. With the arrival of strong deposited grains in secure warehouses and received
cryptography and the Internet, digital cash in the written receipts for specific quantities of grain. The
form of “Digital Bearer Certificates” became a real receipts could be returned and exchanged for the
possibility. In this article we will look at the history grain when needed. These receipts were much easier
behind the idea of bearer certificates and why it is to carry, store and exchange than bags of grain, so
more relevant today than ever before. they were used as a secure and convenient form
of payment. The warehouse receipt itself had no
The history of warehouse receipts as means of inherent value; it was only a symbol for something
exchange. of value. These highly successful ancient grain