A2 Study Skills Answer Key

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Study skills answer key A2

Units 1–2 Units 5–6

Learning to speak English Planning before you write
1 1
Students’ own answers. Students’ own answers.
2 2
1 b 2 a 3 c Hi Ceri
3 I’m sorry I didn’t see you at lunch today. I had football practice.
1 In class 2 In class 3 In class and Out of class 4 In class I was thinking about our English school trip to the theatre next
5 In class 6 Out of class 7 In class and Out of class Monday. Yan is sick and not at school, so he doesn’t know about
8 Out of class the trip. Should we email him and tell him what he needs to know?
Students’ own answers for the ideas they tick. I think it’s important to tell him what time the bus leaves and what
4 time he needs to be at school. He also needs to bring money for
Students’ own answers. a drink and a snack. Maybe we could also tell him what time the
play finishes and what time the bus will be back, so that his parents
know when to pick him up.
Units 3–4 What do you think? Are there any other things that we should tell
him? I’m really looking forward to seeing you and going on this
Learning spelling trip!
1 Bye for now,
Students’ own answers. Miguel
2 3
1 A 4 B 1 C 2 D 3 a 1 b 3 c 2
3 4
A Ceri probably didn’t plan her email because it is very short;
1 grandparents 2 dialogue 3 cupboard 4 right 5 favourite she hasn’t included greetings; she hasn’t answered Miguel’s
6 muscle 7 knee 8 climb questions or made many suggestions; she hasn’t thought carefully
about how she is going to say things; it isn’t clear what she
means when she says ‘And remember ticket!’; there are no clear
1 night rhymes with delight; morning rhymes with warning, paragraphs
although the beginnings of the words are spelled differently,
the endings are the same.
Suggested answers:
2 a day rhymes with away, but a day is two words and away is
a What am I going to say?
only one word.
■ Ask about football practice
3 rise rhymes with wise; healthy rhymes with wealthy. They have
the same spelling patterns. ■ Offer to email Yan
4 showers rhymes with flowers. They have the same spelling ■ Other suggestions of things to tell Yan: wear warm clothes,
patterns. he must remember to bring his ticket
C ■ Looking forward to seeing him on Monday

1 build 2 climb 3 comfort 4 basket, ball 5 stress 6 paint b In what order am I going to say it?
D ■ Say hello
1 thought – bought 2 dictionary – station ■ Say thanks for his email and ask about football practice
3 originally – usually 4 contain – explain 5 watch – kitchen
■ Offer to email Yan and make suggestions
Students’ own answers. ■ Say you’re looking forward to seeing him, too
5 ■Say goodbye
Students’ own answers. c How am I going to say it?
6 Friendly: Hi / Bye.
Students’ own answers. I’m looking forward to ...
Phrases for making suggestions and offering to do things:
Should we ...?
I will ...
I can ... if you like.
What do you think?

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Study skills answer key A2

Students’ own answers. Suggested answer for A: Units 7–8
a What am I going to say?
■ Ask how he’s feeling and say we miss him. Reading outside the classroom
■ Say you’re looking forward to seeing him on Monday. 1
■ Say what he must remember: bring money for a drink or Students’ own answers.
a snack, wear warm clothes, remember to bring his ticket 2
a online blogs and articles
■ Tell him about theatre trip: on Monday
b four questions that you want to find out before you read,
■Give the information he needs: what time the bus leaves,
three things you discovered when you read, two things you found
what time to be at school; what time the play finishes;
when parents can pick him up
c reading different news articles about the same topic
b In what order am I going to say it?
d grouping new vocabulary by topic
■ Say hello
e reading graded readers
■ Ask how he’s feeling and say we miss him f it takes too long
■ Tell him about the theatre trip, give the information he needs 3
and say what he must remember Suggested answers:
■ Say you’re looking forward to seeing him on Monday Before reading: What is Hygge? How do you learn it? Is it a type
■ Say goodbye of art? Why would you want to learn hygge?
c Friendly: Hi / Bye. After reading: students’ own answers.
I’m looking forward to ...
Suggested answers:
Phrases for giving information and reminding people:
Activities that make you feel happy: spending time with loved
Don’t forget ...
ones; chatting (with loved ones); relaxing in front of a burning log
Remember that ...
fire; eating a few chocolates: watching a beautiful sunset (with your
It’s important to...
best friend); lighting candles; closing the curtains; reading your
6 favourite book
Suggested answer for Task a: Activities that make you feel unhappy: spending money; eating
Dear Yan, a whole box of chocolates, worrying about school work
How are you feeling? Miguel and I are really missing you at school. 5
I’m writing to tell you about the school trip to the theatre next Students’ own answers.
Monday. The teacher gave us some important information about
the trip that you need to know.
The bus leaves at 5 pm so we need to be at school by 4.30. The
Units 9–10
play finishes at 8 pm, so you can tell your parents to pick you up
at 9 pm. The teacher says it’s important that you wear warm clothes Using a dictionary
as we have to walk to the theatre and it’s going to be cold! You 1
should also remember to bring some money to buy a snack and Students’ own answers.
a drink at the theatre.
Miguel and I are really looking forward to seeing you. Get better
a 2 b 8 c 7 d 4 e 9 f 5 g 6 h 3 i 1
1 built
Students’ own answers for Task b. 2 slender/slim/wiry
3 information
4 up
5 dark
6 information
Students’ own answers.
Students’ own answers.

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