A2 UNITS 1 and 2 CLIL Teacher's Notes
A2 UNITS 1 and 2 CLIL Teacher's Notes
A2 UNITS 1 and 2 CLIL Teacher's Notes
LESSON OBJECTIVE In this lesson, students focus on some interesting and unusual buildings in the UK that have
been designed with the environment in mind, helping them understand the importance of
eco-friendly technology, recycling and sustainability.
LANGUAGE Unit 1: biology, go to school on foot, library; Present simple; Adverbs of frequency
REFERENCE Unit 2: bathroom, bedroom, desk, environment, fridge, kitchen, living room, recycle,
pollution, sink, toilet, window; Present continuous; There is/There are; Prepositions of place
WARMER Answers
1 provide energy: solar panels, wind turbines
Write the following adjectives on the board and ask
students to tell you their meaning: 2 provide insulation: straw, grass, thick walls, thick
eco-friendly ecological
environmentally-friendly green 3 stop rain entering: plastic sheets, mud
Elicit that all four adjectives have the same meaning: 4 use recycled materials: rainwater, desks made from
they are all four ways to describe causing less harm to drainpipes
the world we live in. Ask students to name some ways 5 provide natural light: skylights, large windows
in which we can protect our environment from harm. 5 In pairs, students discuss the questions. Elicit answers
Suggested answers from the class and talk about any eco-friendly buildings
that are in your town or city. Find out what students
recycle products, use sources of renewable energy,
think about eco-buildings and point out their merits,
e.g. wind, sunlight, etc., turn off electrical devices
such as usually being more energy-efficient.
when you finish using them, walk or cycle to school
instead of using cars or buses, take shorter showers
and turn off the tap when brushing teeth to save ? DID YOU KNOW?
water, choose to receive mail electronically to Direct the students’ attention to the Did you know?
save paper box. Read the interesting fact about some
eco-friendly buildings made from unusual materials.
1 Students look at the photos and describe the buildings.
Elicit answers about the appearance of the buildings PROJECT
and what they think seems unusual about them.
Find out about another unusual building that uses
2 Students read the text and find four ways in which the green technology and eco-friendly materials. Describe
two buildings are friendly to the environment. the features of the building and how it is less harmful
than most buildings to the environment. Present the
Suggested answers
information to the class.
built with natural and recycled materials, grass roofs
mean better insulation to keep buildings warm in winter 1 In pairs or groups, students research in books or
and cool in summer, solar panels are a good source of online buildings that are constructed using green
energy, skylights and large windows allow more natural technology and eco-friendly materials, either in their
light into buildings, thick walls and windows help reduce country or another country.
heat loss, wind turbines are a good source of energy
2 In their same groups, students choose one of the
Before reading the text again, write the words in the
buildings they found in 1 to focus on and find out as
Vocabulary focus box on the board and ask students
much information as possible. They find out what the
to find them in the text. Pre-teach some of the more
features of the building are and the ways in which it is
complex words if necessary.
relatively harmless to the environment. The students
3 Students read the text again in detail and circle the can decide to research the information separately
correct answers. then pool information, or do the research together as
a whole. Encourage students to find photos of their
Answers building and its features.
1 H 2 H 3 B 4 S 5 B 6 S
3 The group decides how to present their information
4 Focus the students’ attention on the five ways of being
to the class. Allow some class time for preparation
eco-friendly and ask them to scan the text to choose the
and set deadlines for the presentation. Students
correct examples of each that are in the word box.
should then compare buildings and can vote on
which building is the most green.