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Concept Creator Rob Wieland Editors TR Rowe
Misty Bourne
Writing & Rob Wieland
Game Design TR Rowe
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King Blrrk, The Crime Lord
A Chance Encounter with Wonder. For many years, Blrrk was
nothing more than an unremarkable ooze in an unremarkable dun-
geon. Only when they enveloped a gem of whirling cosmic thought was
their fate changed forever. It began with a battle between a stalwart
band of heroes and an ancient, gem-hoarding lich named Farocasta.
During the course of the battle, one of the heroes was thrown into
a pile of treasure, which scattered everywhere. The gem of whirling
cosmic thought tumbled through a crack, was swept downstream, and
ended up landing atop a gelatinous cube, which then absorbed it. The
gelatinous cube became aware: aware of their surroundings, aware
of their strengths, and aware of their weaknesses. The first thing they
did was name themself Blrrk. The second thing they did was to escape
the dungeon to a safer place where they could plot to protect their
newfound intellect.
Blrrk holed up in the sewers of a nearby city and started to take
control of the criminals there. In no time at all, they had amassed
enough lackeys to adopt the title “king” without any arguments. Their
magically enhanced intellect was no match for the thieves guild or the
local constabulary. Now, King Blrrk has both organizations in their
gooey pocket. They get a cut of every illicit activity in the city and
make sure that if anything happens without their permission, the per-
petrators become public examples of why it is unwise to cross the boss.
A Taste For Power. Blrrk never wants to return to their humble
roots. Building up their criminal empire is the best way they can
protect their sentience. With layers and layers of soldiers, middlemen,
and corrupt watchmen between them and their foes, King Blrrk will
have plenty of time to escape and rebuild their empire again should it
ever crumble.
King Blrrk is not interested in becoming a public figure—too much
attention might expose their carefully run operations. Controlling
things from behind the scenes is much safer, and what could make a
better cover for a thieves guild than a guild of upstanding chefs?
The chefs guild is the main front for Blrrk’s organization, lending
an air of legitimacy to their actions in the eyes of society. Some guild
members are indeed culinary geniuses, while others turn their knives
toward more dastardly purposes. Most notable are the members who
can make a souffle rise in one breath, then flawlessly eliminate an
unsuspecting target in the next.

An Offer
A Flawed Gem. King Blrrk is terrified the gem of whirling cosmic
thought will be stolen from within their body and render their sentience,
and therefore their empire, moot. It’s driven them into an anti-magic

You Can’t
paranoia. Nearly any magic item recovered from a job is either sold
at a substantially cheap price or given out as a bonus to the crew. This
policy is one of the major recruiting elements for the chefs guild. In

Ref-ooze! most thieving rings, magic items get kicked up to the top, but the
chefs get magic weapons and the like at much lower ranks. The use of

magic items in the commission of petty street crimes has frustrated the local constabulary. It’s a lot
harder to catch a simple thug when he owns a ring of feather fall.
There is one vice in which King Blrrk indulges: gems. They love gems. Any impressive stones
are absorbed and put on display within their body. Their fear of magic items does not extend to
enchanted gems, which Blrrk keeps for themselves.

Roleplaying The Boss

It’s hard to get a read on Blrrk. The ooze displays no mannerisms or tells. It’s difficult to know
when they are upset or when they lie. Primarily, they communicate through members of the chefs
guild that protect and accompany them. Due to the gem of whirling cosmic thought, Blrrk has developed
a limited form of telepathy, which they can use by reaching out and touching another being with a
pseudopod. While underlings handle most of the guild’s basic communication, if Blrrk really wants
to get a message across, they’ll make sure to get up close and personal. And when someone receives
a “personal” message from King Blrrk, engulfment and digestion usually aren’t far behind.
When encountered, Blrrk tends to play things cool. They want to know the score and take the
time to figure out all the angles. They have also learned that for many beings, silence is frightening.
Letting someone talk to fill the void increases the chances that a vital piece of information might
just accidentally slip out. Blrrk plays this silence up in professional meetings, using subtle movements
and motions as a bluff, making it look like they know more than they really do. This ruse often puts
pressure on rivals to say more than they should.
Blrrk knows their creation was accidental, and while they do take
the time to be cautious, that doesn’t erase the fear of being snuffed
out at any second. The original owner of the gem of whirling
cosmic thought could return to reclaim it. Someone could discover
it as the source of Blrrk’s power and steal it. While Blrrk has the
patience and intelligence to retaliate in kind against a rival or
adjust a plan that is ruined by chaos, they also sometimes let
their fear out through sudden bursts of violence or irrational
actions. Blrrk doesn’t target their associates—good help is hard
to find, doubly so in the underworld—but it’s not unusual for
a chef to be called into Blrrk’s wine cellar to clean up a
few smashed bottles from time to time.
Those rare individuals who have spoken with Blrrk
directly have experienced a curious detail—Blrrk
has no singular voice. To one person, they speak
in a whispering, gravelly tone. To another,
Blrrk has a nasal twang. To a third, there is a
pronounced foreign accent. Whether this is
some affectation of the telepathy bestowed
on Blrrk or simply an amusement of the
mastermind ooze is unclear.

King Blrrk’s Tactics
Blrrk prefers to assess potential threats as much as possible before making a move. Violence is
rarely their first response. Gold tends to work as well as one might think. The pliable nature of
Blrrk’s form allows chefs to carry a small sample of the ooze that’s able to squeeze into impossible
openings. This calling card sends the target a simple message: This is King Blrrk’s territory; back off!
In Blrrk’s estimation, anyone who doesn’t recognize or heed this message is inviting further harm
upon themselves.
When it’s time to turn violent, Blrrk has the resources of the chefs guild readily available. These
responses are measured against Blrrk’s attempts with bribery, intimidation, blackmail, or other
methods of coercion. Some targets need to be hit hard and fast. Others need to be quietly poisoned.
Ultimately, everyone has a soft spot, if not a vice or a flaw—there is always someone or something
important in their lives that Blrrk can exploit. Give Blrrk enough time, and they can wrap a pseudo-
pod around a weakness and squeeze.
Blrrk is rarely caught without some of their best chefs around for protection. They prefer to
support the chefs by providing opportunities for sneak attacks and offering tactical advice. Blrrk
even supplies the chefs with small pieces of themself to employ against opponents. These fist-size
chunks of ooze can act as Blrrk’s direct senses in remote locations, be used as a distracting projectile,
or help hide a weapon in an unexpected location.
When Blrrk does wade into combat, they display a level of intelligence and innovation that most
adventurers do not expect from an ooze. Blrrk can expand and contract their size, form shapes
that mirror weapons and armor, and even manipulate and control detached pieces of themself.
Assailants that underestimate Blrrk, anticipating nothing more than a gummy cube, find themselves
quickly overwhelmed.

King Blrrk’s Traits

Ideal. “The more power I get,
the safer I’ll be.”
Bond. “I’ve turned the chefs
guild into my family. They hurt
people I need to hurt, and I hurt
anything that hurts them.”
Flaw. “Ugh. Magic. Who needs it?”

Adventure Hooks
Consider the following scenarios if you wish to include King Blrrk in your campaign:
It Would Be A Shame. Blrrk sets their sights on taking over a business owned by the party
or on one the party patronizes frequently. Blrrk wants to control the business and force the adven-
turers’ influence out. First, chefs start harassing customers, then they begin damaging property
and disrupting operations. If the characters aren’t scared off, the chefs kidnap a vital employee
and send the party a thinly veiled ransom demand:

Such a shame—it seems one of your employ-

ees has gotten rather lost. But don't worry,
King Blrrk will look after them. All we ask in
return is that you kindly deliver the deed to
your establishment to us, in three days time,
and we'll make sure your worker gets home
safe. As they say: good help is so hard to find!

The Highest Bidder, After The Fact. Even the lowest tavern rat
has heard of D’Versae wine. It has a reputation for quality amongst
elven wine connoisseurs, thanks to the subtle enchantments of its flavors.
Its scarcity makes it valuable, which makes it something King Blrrk wants for their cellar. The only
known bottle on the continent resides in the castle of Baron Ivan Von Wilfrath. It’s guarded by elite
mercenaries, magical security, and rumors of a demon bound to the vault. Blrrk asks the party to
retrieve the wine and offers a hefty payment in return, but can the monster blob be trusted?
The Lesser of Two Evils. Blrrk’s greatest fear comes true. The original owner of the gem of
whirling cosmic thought, the lich Farocasta, has found out where it is. Everyone around Blrrk, both
chefs and innocent bystanders alike, will suffer until the lich has what it wants. Blrrk summons the
party and proposes a team-up, in the hopes that, compared to a lich, they will see the ooze as the
lesser of two evils.

The Cellar
Blrrk conducts their affairs from a wine cellar located in an affluent part of the city. It may be
located underneath a popular tavern or well-appointed inn. It might be located under the manor
of a powerful noble. Only a few trusted chefs know the true location. Any other visitors are trans-
ported to and from the Cellar with a sack over their head. When the sack is removed, visitors find
themselves surrounded by towering racks of expensive vintage wines, a sparkling collection of long-
stemmed glasses and gold-plated tumblers, and King Blrrk, seated on a large chair inside a massive
oaken wine cask set into a wall.
Entrances to the Cellar are scattered throughout the city: hidden in closets, behind bookshelves,
under stairs, and in other secret places. Most of the tunnels leading to the Cellar are barely wide
enough for a human. Getting to the Cellar is a gruelling slog through a tight, twisting tunnel
that leads to a disguised door that doubles as a wine rack. The chefs sometimes include a hidden
entrance to the tunnels as part of their “protection plan” for local businesses. The layout of the
tunnels change on a regular basis to make sure that anyone who might discover one by accident
doesn’t enter the Cellar unannounced.

Lair Actions
King Blrrk has set up several unassuming defenses to protect the Cellar. On initiative count 20
(losing initiative ties) King Blrrk may take a lair action to cause one of the following effects. They
can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row:
• Blrrk pulls an empty wine rack down onto up to two creatures adjacent to the rack. The target
takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage and must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be
restrained under the wine rack. Targets can repeat the saving throw at the beginning of each
of their turns, ending the restrained condition on a success.
• Blrrk hurls an empty wine barrel at dangerous speed in a straight line up to 30 feet long.
Creatures in the line must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 bludgeoning
damage from the barrel. On a failed save, the target may choose to become prone to take
half damage.
• Blrrk engulfs an adjacent full wine rack as a free action. On this or a subsequent turn, Blrrk
may immediately spend an attack action to have all creatures Blrrk can see within 15 feet of
them make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d10 bludgeoning damage as heavy wine
bottles shoot out from Blrrk in all directions. Blrrk must engulf another wine rack before using
this attack again.


The chefs use the assassin stat block with the following changes: add a +1 dagger and add either
another magical weapon or a magical piece of armor to their equipment list.

Gem, rare

Your Intelligence score is 20 when you attune the gem to your person.
You may use your bonus action to allow an ally to take one action on your turn.

Wondrous Item, Rare

 ccasionally, Blrrk will offer one of their lieutenant Chefs a small chunk of themselves, as protection
during a heist or other dangerous task.
The Chunk of Blrrk has a few useful properties:
• You can stretch it over a door frame or window, requiring a creature to make a DC 14
Strength check to break through. On a failure, the creature gets stuck in the ooze until
another creature helps break them free.
• It is a powerful adhesive that can fasten any two objects together when heat is
applied. Once the ooze cools, it requires a DC 18 Strength check to separate the
two items.
• It can be thrown as an improvised weapon, dealing 2d4 acid
damage upon impact.

Large ooze, neutral evil

Armor Class 6
Hit Points 105 (10d10 + 50)
Speed 15 ft.


14(+2) 3(-4) 20(+5) 20(+5) 10(+0) 10(+0)

SkillsDeception +10, Intimidation +10

Condition ImmunitiesBlinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Prone
SensesBlindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), Passive Perception 10
LanguagesTelepathy (touch only)
Challenge12 (8,400 XP)

Amorphous. King Blrrk can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
Ooze Cube. King Blrrk takes up their entire space. Other creatures can enter the space, but a creature
that does so is subjected to Blrrk’s Engulf and has disadvantage on the saving throw.
Creatures inside King Blrrk can be seen but have total cover.
 creature within 5 feet of King Blrrk can take an action to pull a creature or object out of the cube.
Doing so requires a successful DC 12 Strength check, and the creature making the attempt takes 10 (3d6)
acid damage.
Spider Climb. King Blrrk can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing
to make an ability check

Pseudopod Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 5) acid damage.
Engulf. King Blrrk moves up to their speed. While doing so, they can enter Large or smaller creatures’
spaces. Whenever King Blrrk enters a creature’s space, the creature must make a DC 12 Dexterity
saving throw.
 n a successful save, the creature can choose to be pushed 5 feet back or to the side of the cube.
A creature that chooses not to be pushed suffers the consequences of a failed saving throw.
 n a failed save, King Blrrk enters the creature’s space, and the creature takes 21 (6d6) acid damage
and is engulfed. The engulfed creature can’t breathe, is restrained, and takes 35 (10d6) acid damage at
the start of each of King Blrrk’s turns. When King Blrrk moves, the engulfed creature moves with them.
 n engulfed creature can try to escape by taking an action to make a DC 15 Strength check.
On a success, the creature escapes and enters a space of its choice within 5 feet of King Blrrk.

Legendary Actions
 ing Blrrk can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action
option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. King Blrrk regains all spent
legendary actions at the start of their turn.
Everybody Hurts. King Blrrk makes a Pseudopod Slam attack on every enemy creature within a 10-foot
radius of them.
Squeeze Right by You. King Blrrk moves double their speed and does not provoke any opportunity
attacks during this movement.
Off the Top. While using Spider Climb to climb on the ceiling, King Blrrk may drop down and make an
Engulf attack on any target below them within a 15-foot radius. The target of the attack has disadvan-
tage on its saving throw to avoid being engulfed.

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Big Bad Booklet is Copyright © 2020 Hit Point Press Inc. All rights reserved. Reference to other copyrighted material in
no way constitutes a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material. Hit Point Press, The Deck of Many,
Big Bad Booklet and it’s associated logos are trademarks of Hit Point Press Inc. Printed in Canada.
Hit Point Press Inc., 1175 Brookfield Rd. East, Ottawa, Ontario, K1V0C3, Canada


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