Linking Ring 2006
Linking Ring 2006
Linking Ring 2006
Mark Raffles
British Ring President 2005-2006
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Sindie Richerson
11155C South Towne Square, St. Louis, MO 63123-7823
(314) 845-9200 • FAX (314) 845-9220 / e-mail:
I.B.M. Web Page:
Roger Miller
Box417, Bonner Springs, KS 66012
(913) 422-5191 / e-mail:
Fred Casto
(925) 906-9967 - e-mail:
Phil Willmarth
(919) 572-9811 - e-mail:
Don Wiberg
10472 Brookridge Creek Dr., Frankfort, IL 60423
(815) 464-0414 • FAX (815) 464-0757 / e-mail:
Mike Santow
(847) 490-9487 - e-mail:
Joan Caesar - (519) 846-2605 Scott Wells - (713) - 524-0147
Steve Hart - (800) 504-4800 Rolando Santos - (770) 804-1179
Jack White - (619) - 283-4375 Dick Staub - (910) 256-2180
Arnold Drennen, Dr. Richard O. Mossey, Royal H. Brin, Jr., Earle Christenberry, Jr., Walter F. Williams,
Bill Pitts Jr., William A. Wells, Donald E. Wiberg, William E. Spooner, June Horowitz, Edward A. Morris,
Michael Ellis, Michael J. Gorman, Jim Nagel, R.J. Obie O’Brien, Jep Hostetler, Ken Klosterman, Bev Bergeron,
Abb Dickson, John R. Browne III, Jerry Schnepp, Jack K. Greenberg, Dr. Robert A. Escher,
Michael Stratman, David Sandy, Tony Wilson
William E. Evans
THE LINKING RING (ISSN 0024-4023) is published monthly by the International Brotherhood of Magicians. Office of Publication, 11155C
South Towne Square, St. Louis, MO 63123-7823, for members only. Annual dues, $40.00, includes $20.00 for 12 issues. PERIODICALS
postage paid at St. Louis, MO and other places. ©2006 by the International Brotherhood of Magicians. All rights reserved under inter-
national and Pan-American conventions. Reproduction of THE LINKING RING magazine in whole or in part is forbidden without prior writ-
ten permission. For airmail, address changes, and other official business, contact our International Executive Secretary (see above). POST-
MASTER: Send address changes to THE LINKING RING, 11155C South Towne Square, St. Louis, MO 63123-7823.
Mark Raffles, a lifelong pro and VOLUME 86
British Ring President NUMBER 1
From Briefcase
Wayne Rogers’ unusual, spectacular,
visual production has amazed audiences
world wide since its conception in 1998.
Magician shows a regular briefcase on all sides,
opens it, and in an instant produces a realistic
looking 8 ft ladder. It’s that straight forward.
There is nothing to load during your show. No
bulges in the briefcase to hide. No mirrors or
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the briefcase and make your production.
This is no slow-motion, gradual appearance that
telegraphs the method. The Appearing Ladder
from Briefcase is about as fast, and as visual
an illusion as you can get. Easily set up for a
performance in under a minute by one person.
No assistance is required
Comes complete with the specially fitted out briefcase, allowing you to perform with
the audience on three sides. Light in weight, the standard case measures 17 and a
half inches by 12 inches, and is only 4 inches deep when loaded with the ladder.
If the use of a briefcase does not suit your act, the ladder can easily be transferred
to another bag or container.
From a magical point of view, a briefcase is the perfect place to produce a ladder
from, as there is no logical connection between the two items. The sudden appearance
is most unexpected and will astound any audience. Even with the ladder in the case,
there is still enough room to hold the props for a small act. Close the show by walking
off with the ladder on your shoulder. Guaranteed to get the applause.
Wayne Rogers’ Appearing Ladder is made using “Appearing Pole” plastic technology.
All seven rungs are reinforced with aluminium flat bars for added stability and ease
of working. The silver finish is achieved through the use of a high performance vinyl.
Developed and manufactured in New Zealand. Each Appearing Ladder from Briefcase
is handcrafted by the creator. No other manufacturer has been given rights to copy
the Appearing Ladder concept, or make a similar product.
Contact your dealer for the best price
DEALERS Send $6.00 for a complete set of wholesale catalogs, via airmail. These cat-
alogs contain over 300 pages of illustrations and descriptions. (Foreign Airmail:
Americas, $10.00; Europe, $16.00; Other Areas, $18.00.) Mail payment or FAX your
Visa or Master Card number and expiration date. Include your FAX and telephone num-
ber with any catalog request. Send proof that you are a dealer or quantity buyer.
MAGICIANS You can buy the new magic tricks below from your favorite dealer. He may
already have them in stock, or he can order them for you.
h my, 2005 was certainly not the others, we can help each other. Isn’t that
best of years. Let’s hope it is the what a brotherhood is all about? A card
worst we will see for many years was included with the December issue
to come: tidal waves, hurricanes, earth- announcing the creation of the Magicians’
quakes, epidemics, armed conflict, civil Support Fund, and you will find it repeated
strife, and suicide bombings all packed in this issue. It is hoped that this will be a
into one unforgettable year. Many magi- permanent fund providing the means to
cians were tragically impacted, and many help magicians in need deal with govern-
magicians volunteered to bring aid, the mental and charity agencies, paying their
relief of laughter, and a feeling of normal- dues, replenishing lost and damaged
cy to those from whom much had been magic, books, etc. And, we are looking for
taken. people experienced in dealing with gov-
Tom Verner of Magicians Without ernmental agencies and charity organiza-
Borders brought the joy of magic to many tions to help magicians get the benefits
across the globe (see the story in this that are offered.
issue). Rick Allen returned again to India If you know a magician who has suf-
bring Optimist Club funds and his magic fered losses, please make it your duty to
to the poor and the needy. Alabama TVP find out how they are doing, how you, the
and retired policeman Bruce Walstad Magicians’ Support Fund committee, or
found out what was needed, solicited the I.B.M. might help them. Do what you
funds, encountered unexpected generosity can to help, and enlist the aid of your magi-
both from magicians and his former police cian friends to join with you. In brief, do
buddies, and bought and delivered sup- what you would want to be done for you
plies and toys to refugees relocated to were you in their situation. I am sure you
Alabama. Past International President Jep will feel as good about any effort you
Hostetler traveled to Louisiana with his make as they will. If you or they need help
Mennonite group to bring his uplifting you can’t manage, let me know and I’ll do
spirit and his magic to those who have lost my best to find help.
so much. And, I am sure there were many I believe we continually underestimate
more magicians who contributed money, the power of Magic, that it goes well
donated shows, and performed for those beyond simply entertaining people. It can
in need of uplifting. restore people’s hopes, reawaken their
Faithful readers will know that I strong- dreams, raise their spirits, and remind
ly believe in the healing power of magic them of the beauty and wonder of life.
and laughter and in Magicians helping Let’s seriously use that power!
Magicians In Need. Surely if we can help
am excited! Not because Sheila and I
have had a wonderful first half of my
term with anticipation for a great sec-
ond half but because of a meeting that is
going to be held this month that should
result in a greater organization for you, the
I continue to marvel at how well the
I.B.M. operates. Our14,000 members are
served by a very small staff in the home
office. They handle the annual dues col-
lection and issuance of membership cards
and answer a plethora of questions that
members ask. They handle all of the day-
to-day activities. The Linking Ring editor
is salaried along with a few others who put
the magazine together each and every
The rest of what happens is up to volun- You don’t buy life insurance; you buy
teers. All our committees, the convention security.
organizers and the officers serve on a vol- You don’t buy glasses; you buy vision.
unteer basis. It is also a volunteer effort to You don’t buy awnings; you buy shade.
provide all the Ring support through our You don’t buy membership in an organ-
TVPs and many others. ization; you buy cooperation of people
However, I believe that we can do even with whom you can join hands to do things
better by taking some time to evaluate just you cannot do alone.
what we are about and to plan for the Writing in the Harvard Business
future, which seems so uncertain during Review, author V. Kasturi Rangan focused
these times. on how nonprofits need a systematic
Two days before our Midyear Board method that connects their callings to their
Meeting on January 21 the officers, past programs. Many have mission statements
International Presidents and some to inspire but rely on policy guidelines to
Committee Chairs are meeting in Kansas determine the appropriate proposals or
City to participate in a planning retreat. programs to support.
We will be looking at our organization’s Strategy is about future action, not his-
present structure and programs to see if we torical justification. The I.B.M. will be
can improve our efficiency. We will be try- looking at developing a strategy that will
ing to focus on what is needed to keep the not only serve its members now but in the
I.B.M. at the forefront of magic organiza- future also.
tions. I thank in advance those individuals
Jim Nagel, a past International Presi- who will be donating and devoting several
dent and currently Sr. Director for Mem- days of their time to improve your organi-
ber Services for Optimist International has zation. So, stand back.... the I.B.M. will be
the following printed on his business card. “amovin.”
You don’t buy a newspaper; you buy Roger Miller
news. International President
January, 2006 29
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The Annual Midyear Board Meeting of the International Brotherhood of
Magicians will be Saturday, January 21, 2006, 9:00am – 6:00pm at the Hampton
Inn and Suites on the Plaza, 4600 Summit, Kansas City, Missouri 64112.
Any active member of this organization is welcome to attend, however, due to
the amount of business that must be handled, opportunity to address the Board will
of necessity be limited. Anyone wishing to bring anything to the attention of the
Board may contact any elected officer, but especially International President
Roger Miller or International Secretary Don Wiberg (contact information on page
Mark Raffles
British Ring President 2005-2006
ark Raffles has a connection with show business that goes back at least to the
middle of the nineteenth century. In Cork, Ireland, around 1859, his maternal
grandfather, Tom Traynor, was born into a family of strolling players. As a
boy Tom was taught various theatrical skills including clog dancing. He emerged as a
performer in British music hall (vaudeville) about 1880 as an Irish-American comedian.
He later worked in double acts with Joe O’Gorman, and with Joe Collins (the grandfather
of Joan and Jackie Collins) as Collins and Clough, and with Horace Wheatley as
Wheatley and Traynor.
Mark’s mother, Amelia Traynor, was
born in 1888 and lived to the age of 101,
appearing on a television program on her
100th birthday. She was taught clog danc-
ing by her father and appeared on stage in
pantomime when she was ten alongside a
nine-year-old Charles Chaplin, and later in
1906 in a show called “Casey’s Court
Circus.” A talented pianist, she played
piano for silent films during the First
World War.
A great-uncle of Mark was F.V. St.
Clair, a star performer, who appeared in
the first Royal Command Performance in
1912 alongside David Devant. Yet another
great-uncle, Jim Fox, toured the music
halls and saloons of the southern states of
America with his wife, Kitty, as the act
Fox and Melville. Kitty, a Creole and
southern belle, was a soprano who sang
appropriate songs to lanternslides shown
by Jim.
Mark was born in 1919 and shortly
afterwards his mother set up a theatrical
boarding house, and thus for all of his life
Mark has been surrounded by theatrical
people and show business.
But it was his uncle, Chris Taylor, who
set Mark’s magic ball rolling. Chris was a
professional magician working under the
name of Rolyat (Taylor spelt backwards).
A founder member of the Order of the
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Magi, at one time he was the company Mark Raffles and Joan
manager for the Great Carmo.
Chris put together Mark’s first act that
consisted of the rising wand, egg bag, sand
frame, sliding die, production coils from
hat, and goodnight banner. A young Mark
would play the act at church halls and con-
certs and he still has a printed program for
a church hall temperance society show
dated 22nd February 1935. As he is still
performing on a regular basis, this notches
up 70 magical years of performing.
Having also served a bricklaying
apprenticeship with his father, Albert
Taylor, Mark turned professional in 1938
with a manipulative act of cards, ciga-
rettes, and billiard balls after being
inspired by seeing Cardini at his local the-
atre. He adopted his great-uncle’s name of he took the name of Mark Raffles.
St.Clair and used Ray as a first name, tour- Remembering his own early endeavors
ing the theatre circuits of the time. and struggles and coping with a lack of
A bad stammer, since overcome, led information, he decided that the knowl-
Mark to a medical grading which kept him edge, skills, and experience he had
out of the front-line armed forces, and, acquired over the years should be passed
instead, in 1942 he was directed into the on, especially to young performers, as it is
Entertainment National Service Assoc- only by this process that the art can sur-
iation where until the second world war vive and progress. So in 1982 he pub-
was over he entertained military personnel lished his book, The Pickpocket Secrets of
of different nations. Following Victory in Mark Raffles that is considered to be the
Europe Mark entertained on the American bible on the subject, and this was followed
bases in France and Germany. Today he is by a videotape.
one of the very few ex-ENSA members Back in 1948, Mark joined a new show
still performing. at the Theatre Royal in the small midland
Pre-war, Mark had seen Giovanni, the town of Bilston. One of the young ladies
Italian pickpocket, and he was so appearing in the show was called Joan
impressed by this form of entertainment Cleare. They fell in love and entered into a
that he set out to develop a pickpocket act. contract that still holds good today, 57
However, there was no information in years later. She now manages Mark’s
book or any other form available at that work attending to all his contracts and
time, for, of course, professionals guarded business.
their secrets jealously. And so, starting She worked with Mark until their fami-
from scratch, he devised methods to use ly came along. They had three children,
for practice and in performance, how to Jacqui, Tim, and Wendy, who became a
steal articles from various pockets, steal successful pop act of the 1970s called
wrist-watches, remove neckties and Golden Brandy, and they played many of
braces (suspenders), and much more. the world’s top venues, were televised and
That he was successful is borne out by recorded for eleven years until they dis-
the fact that over the next forty years he banded. Tim who was always interested in
became one of the world’s foremost stage his father’s magic decided to take up the
pickpockets. As a performing pickpocket, wand and for the past 25 years has been a
32 The Linking Ring
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featured illusion act on most of the world’s that the show clearly works for its intended
cruise lines with his wife, Kate, as Tim ‘family’ market, but inevitably it should
Raffles and Co. Wendy and Jacqui still prove a magnet for the magic fraternity,
have interests in the business and Jacqui’s for here is one of the masters giving a
sons, Scott (21) and Fraser (19), look set to snatch or two of all the things in which he
follow in the family tradition. Scott is a is so skilled and experienced – picking
Bachelor of Music and Fraser is following pockets, producing Wychwoods, sleights
the same university course. of hand, illusions, audience participation,
In the 1960s, Mark was involved in the and children’s magic.” Mark himself
building of a new act called The opined: “I have been in show business for
Wychwoods. It was the brainchild of Jack a long time and Joan and I are much sad-
and Audrey Shaw and it consisted of pro- dened by the way standards have slipped.
ducing toy poodles from silks in the man- So much of modern material is blue and
ner of dove productions. objectionable and it is very difficult to find
The Wychwoods played the world’s good family entertainment. That is why
number one venues including five appear- we decided to put together our own show,
ances on the Ed Sullivan Show. Unfor- self-contained and mobile. It is a magic
tunately Jack died at the early age of 47 show aimed at highlighting how good
and the act was mothballed. Ever one for a clean entertainment fits in with the morali-
new challenge Mark acquired the props ty which we believe the silent majority of
and bought twelve toy poodles when they people would love to see generally
were eight weeks old, and, after training restored.”
them, he and Joan played prestige theatres In 1997, to mark his sixtieth year as a
and other venues with The Wychwoods act professional magician, Mark’s acclaimed
for many years. However, times changed, book of reminiscences, Diamond Jubilee
theatres closed and comedy stores and Memoirs: Magic All The Way was pub-
close-up magic were the order of the day. lished by his friend, John Moore, the jour-
And so, the curtains were once again nalist, author, and historian.
closed on what was arguably one of the Mark recently completed a DVD on his
most original and visually pleasing spe- pickpocket work. It is called “Mark
cialty acts of the last fifty years. Raffles, The Legacy,” and was compiled,
So it was back to picking pockets, directed, and released by his friend and
developing children’s magic, and creating fellow magician and illusionist, Russ
features, which involved more manage- Stevens. Mark has many television shows
able props thus improving mobility for the to his credit, and some of these can be seen
performer. A prime example is his new on the DVD.
ring and chair routine that, at the invitation Mark is a member of the Inner Magic
of John Fisher, Mark was delighted to Circle with Gold Star, past President and
present at the glittering Magic Circle cen- Honorary Life Vice-President of the cele-
tenary celebrations in London in July brated Blackpool Magicians Club.
2005. Goodliffe’s weekly magic magazine Amongst his many awards are: The Magic
Abracadabra reckoned that “This very Circle Carlton Comedy Award, Winner of
funny routine showed a real master at the First Grand Prix Champion of Magic,
work.” The Murray Award, Champion of General
Innovation has always been a Raffles Magic, Larry Spencer Pro of the Year
maxim. Another example took place on Award, All Winners Magical Champion-
Saturday 3 August 1996 when Mark pre- ships, Best of British Performers, and
sented a remarkable show in the Service to Magic Awards.
Lancashire holiday town of Morecambe. We wish him a great year as President of
A review in The Stage newspaper recorded Ring 25.
January, 2006 33
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One of the world’s finest magic collec- The rope was over a hundred feet long and
tions, The Salon de Magie, is in a location it barely hit the bottom. I asked Charlie to
unlike any other. According to its owner climb down the rope and tell me what was
and creator, I.B.M. Past President Ken there. This was the first time that Charlie
Klosterman, it is 80-plus feet below had ever been insubordinate. He said,
ground, under his home outside “Boss, you climb down there, not me.” I
Cincinnati, Ohio. After some three decided not to.
decades of collecting, Ken is publishing a Instead, we called the Ohio Department
book that tells how his interest in magic of Engineers. They know where every
evolved from performing to collecting, well or hole in the state has ever been dug.
describes how the Salon was created, and They asked what the coordinates were. I
shows many pieces from the collection. replied that I did not know and gave them
The first Salon de Magie was estab- my address. That was on a Thursday. I fig-
lished in the late 1970s in the spacious ured that about six months later they
third-floor attic of the house Ken and his would get back to me. Not so. They
wife Judy owned in Cincinnati. But that phoned on the following Tuesday and
was only the beginning. As Ken relates, asked if they could come out and inspect
“In the 1980s, Judy and I purchased some the site the very next day.
land in Loveland, Ohio, about twenty-
eight miles from Cincinnati. We thought it The mine shaft and entrance to the museum.
would be great to have a place to go on
weekends. We decided to build a small log
cabin overlooking a creek – simply one
bedroom, a screened-in porch, and a com-
bined kitchen and family room. And
maybe we could build a stable for Judy to
raise horses. What happened was, we
found a hole and ended up building a
house that is something more than a cabin
over it. The Salon de Magie is beneath the
house. Here’s the ‘hole story’ as I tell it to
Charlie Payne, a longtime friend and
employee, was going to build our “cabin.”
I received a call from Charlie, who said
that while digging for a root cellar (for
some reason Judy wanted this) he had dis-
covered a deep well and thought that this
might be a poor place to carry out the proj-
ect. I immediately went to the site and we
dropped a stone down the well hole. If
memory serves, it seemed to take almost
ten seconds before we heard it hit bottom.
I prompted Charlie to tie a rope to the
backhoe and drop the rope down the hole.
34 The Linking Ring
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Display Cases
tioning system keeps the temperature con- date of installation: 1903. On the other
stant at sixty-nine degrees Fahrenheit and side is the Salon de Magie.
the humidity between 40 and 60 percent.
The noises you hear are the compressors Hundreds of performers and magic col-
running. Those of you who have claustro- lectors have visited the Salon de Magie,
phobia and wish to stay here, that’s fine; I for Ken Klosterman is a warm host who
understand. Those of you who wish to takes great pleasure in sharing his treas-
make the trip, let’s go! Oh, first: If anyone ures with others who have a love of magic
has to go to the bathroom, please do so and a genuine interest in the history of our
now. We do not have any conveniences art. The pictures shown here are just a peek
down there. We can’t flush up, you know. into the Salon. In the forthcoming book, to
I’ll lead the way to the Salon, and you all be published in the spring of 2006, the full
can follow me. . . .” story is told in preliminary chapters devot-
With that, we enter a small elevator that ed to several earlier major collectors, some
rumbles and shakes as it slowly descends. of whose holdings have become part of the
At bottom, we step into a rock-floor tunnel Salon. The major part of the book takes the
where wooden posts and a timber ceiling reader on an illustrated tour of the seven
have been reinforced with steel beams. rooms housing the collection. This
Occasionally there is a dead rodent along includes two- to four-page presentations
the path. Shortly, we come to a massive of nearly 100 historic items from the col-
vault door made by the Mosler Safe lection, along with revealing information
Company of Cincinnati. Actually it is two about their inventors, the magicians who
sets of doors that together weigh about a used them and how they came to the Salon.
ton; each set has its own combination lock. And for that tour it’s not necessary to actu-
The maker’s name is still readable, and the ally go underground.
Ring 19 performers (from l to r): Tyler Erickson, Mike Wilke, Thom Peterson, Don Bowsell, Brian
Alexander, and Norm Barnhart.
and we enjoyed seeing Thom present sev- magic DVD, Thom Peterson – The Ama-
eral of his excellent inventions including zing GUY is available at most magic
changing lemons into lemonade. His new shops. Norm Barnhart
Ring 21 performers (l to r): Don Kenney has costumes for his young assistants as he does his “movie
magic,” Martin Mercy teaches a trick, Nicholas Garcia does skillful silk magic.
Ring 21 (from top, l to r):Tim Mannix entertained, Chuck Lefever amazes with super giant card tubes,
Wendy Sobel does her Paper Tear, Paul Hirsch tells all it’s “the end,” Lorraine Kriensky sells Ring 21 Magic
Kits, After the show, the audience gets to pet Maybelline, Tim Mannix’s rabbit,
closed the first show with a silk routine routine; and Paul Hirsch ended the show
and the appearance of a spectator’s bor- with a clever and intricate routine with a
rowed ring in a nest of boxes. rope.
The second show gave a new audience a After each show, aspiring young trick-
chance to see sorcery as Martin Mercy sters could get started in magic by pur-
provided the introductions. chasing Ring 21’s own magic kits, meet
Chuck Lefever did some original giant the performers for autographs, and say
card effects; Wendy Sobel repeated her “hello” to Tim’s pet rabbit. The shows
paper tear; Tim Mannix kept the audience raised money both for the ring and the
laughing with several kid-oriented effects school and provided a most memorable
– finally producing his rabbit, Maybelline; evening for magicians and audience alike.
Nicholas Garcia provided a smooth silk Gerry Schiller
Stage Winners were: 1st Bob Cervas, Year” Award was presented to Program
2nd Rich Weeber, 3rd Mark & Sheryl Chairman, Jim Kleefeld. In addition, a lec-
Sturdevant. Close-Up Winners were: 1st ture by Darwin Ortiz was held the follow-
Paul Burdick, 2nd Joel Gabelman, 3rd Bob ing day for the members who attended the
Cervas. The Ring 23 “Member Of The banquet. Greg Wilmoth
(l to r): Greg Clements fashioned a foulard out of layers of paper napkins for a zombie-style presenta-
tion using a Smiley-Face ball. Dr. Bill Wells offered a miniature version of the Indian Rope Trick.
money routine using three play five dollar displayed on the end of a long stick to
bills and performed a rubber band manipu- change into blue-backed cards on either
lation to recreate Houdini’s handcuff side. He also made coins dropped into a
escape. He also caused an ash mark placed bag to transform into a bill. He ended with
on a spectator’s right hand to transfer to his a Cut-and-Restored rope.
left palm. Scott McDonald dropped two Rucj Uffelman, the Ring’s veteran
white silks (paper napkins) into a paper Treasurer, tied a knot in a length of rope
bag only to have them come out knotted. without letting go of the ends. He conclud-
Father Ronald Escalante startled every- ed by showing how a wooden chopstick
one by coaxing a borrowed ring to climb can possess magnetic qualities, called on
up an inclined rubber band. He finished by his mentalism expertise with ESP cards
linking together some paper clips and a and then made sponge-like balls, fash-
rubber band that had been placed separate- ioned from napkins flash from his hand to
ly around a bill. the hand of an audience assistant.
Greg Clements, of the Salmon Team, David Juraschek asked three audience
earned appreciative applause for a delight- members to randomly choose one of four
ful Zombie Illusion in which he floated a envelopes. When the messages inside
yellow Smiley Face ball atop a foulard were revealed, each spectator had a card
fashioned from pasted sheets of paper nap- labeled “YOURS” while his read
kins. Louis Hofheimer caused red crosses “MINE.” Jim Flanigan
Earl Edwards’ Ring 103 Celebrates 55 Years
The Oceana Naval Air Station’s Chief your card?” Again, he kept finding the
Petty Officer Club in Virginia Beach was wrong card but getting tremendous laugh-
the site for the Earl Edwards’ Ring 103 ter from his antics. Finally he took the
55th Anniversary Banquet extravaganza. deck out of mouth and found the selected
The meal was superb, with appetizers card missing. The selection was now fold-
(including shrimp cocktail) and a dinner ed and inside Mike’s mouth!
(roast beef; stuffed flounder; lemon herb Chuck Conklin performed some beauti-
chicken; green beans almandine; russet ful rubber band magic that included a mind
potatoes; roll and butter, and a fabulous boggling ring on Rubber Band right in
chocolate cake). The entire staff did an front of your eyes! He then predicted the
outstanding job. A brief 30-minute close- number of face-down cards (after the deck
up show preceded the main course and fea- was given several triumph type shuffles by
tured two fine magicians from the Ring: assistants). He predicted they would all be
Mike Sears and Chuck Conklin. black cards, all be spot cards (no face
Mike began with a wonderful hat tear cards), and they would all be even. He was
assisted by a spectator, who liked the hat correct on all counts except for the Seven
so much he wore it the rest of the evening. of Clubs. Another prediction that had been
Mike had a card selected and proceded to on the table since the start that said “with
produce cards from various parts of his the exception of” with a picture of the
clothing, but always the wrong card! The Seven of Clubs. For his finale, Chuck pre-
laughs got louder each time Mike pro- sented a murder mystery in which two
duced the wrong card. Of course, Mike did “Ace” detectives would find the murder
determine the correct card totally catching (AKA the selected card). The two Aces
the crowd off guard as we believed he had changed to two Jacks and when the deck
no idea what the card was. Mike had was examined the two Aces were reversed
another card selected returned to the deck, with the selected card between them.
thoroughly shuffledthe deck, and prom- Outstanding magic; and this was before
ised to put bite marks on the selected card dinner!
using his teeth. He put the entire deck After dinner the first Ring 103 president
about 1/3 of the way into his mouth and rif- (yes, from 55 years ago), George Lyon,
fled through, stopping and asking (as best presided over the induction of the newly
he could with a deck in his mouth) “is this elected Ring 103 Officers: Joe Nicholas,
Ring 103 photos (from l to r): Mike Sears did close-up, Chuck Conklin did also, Harold Wood juggled
and cycled, Randy Hermosa did rings, Harold Wood escaped, Harold Woods received award from President
Joe Nicholas, Nicholas then presented an award to Dr. Bob Albertson.
President; Jack Shea, Vice President; audience – this person just happened to
Michael Heckenberger, Secretary; Robert have a jumbo twenty-dollar bill which Joe
“Moldy” Morthland, Treasurer; Mike traded a single dollar for. Then Joe counted
Sears, Sgt at Arms; and Harold Wood, his four bills only to find out that he had
Chaplain. Awards were presented to four 20-dollar bills. He no longer needed
Moldy for almost thirty years of service as the fourth 20 so he traded it back for the
treasurer; to Dr Bob Albertson for serving single, bought the gift and ended up with
as secretary for over ten years and to his original four jumbo dollar bills. What a
Michael Heckenberger as the outgoing wonderful tip for the holidays!
President. Next, Harold introduced George Lyon
For the evening stage (more like a par- from Vero Beach, FL (which had direct
lor) show Harold Wood served as Emcee, hits from two different hurricanes in 2004)
and started the show by demonstrating his who flew to Hampton Roads just to attend
prowess on the unicycle, which included a our banquet. George came out dressed up
juggling routine. Harold happened to men- for the occasion but within seconds he
tion that at a previous show the audience changed before our eyes into his street
called for Harold to do the “bunny hop.” hustler outfit in which he entertained us
As you might guess this prompted the with his street corner medicine salesman
audience to do the same and started chanti- act. This was truly a highlight of the
ng “bunny hop, bunny hop, bunny hop” evening and everyone laughed as the bot-
until Harold started bouncing up and down tle of medicine he was peddling produced
on his unicycle. Harold’s other antics various liquids.
included hitting himself on the head with Harold Wood, another former Ring 103
the juggling clubs – what a hoot! After President, Bill Detterman, who told a story
Harold had the audience sufficiently about his grandson who would occasional-
warmed up he introduced the first act, our ly bring along a MacDonald’s happy meal
newly elected Ring President, Joe when he visited. Well, on this particular
Nicholas. occasion his grandson brought a second
Joe explained that we are approaching happy meal for Bill but it only contained
the Christmas shopping season and two chicken nuggets while his grandson’s
demonstrated a very practical trick that had five chicken nuggets. Bill tried to bal-
every magician could use for his wife ance this out by collecting all the chicken
when they go shopping. Joe displayed four nuggets and placing one nugget in one bag
jumbo (and I mean huge) one dollar bills and then one in the other until all of them
and said he had found a present that cost were in the two bags. Only then did he
$56.00 so he was a little short of cash. In show that he had just two nuggets and his
order to try to fix the problem he “bor- son had five! But the kicker was that Bill
rowed” 19 dollars from a member of the got both of the happy meal toys!
Next was Randy Hermoso, who has famous straitjacket escape while riding a
been performing street magic on Virginia unicycle. I know this sounds impossible
Beach’s “Beach Street” for the last five and it really is something to see because
summers. Randy dedicated his perform- Harold never loses control of the unicycle
ance to Pete Pederson, a long-time mem- while getting out of the straitjacket. No
ber of both I.B.M. Ring 103 and the SAM straitjacket escape would be complete
Assembly 146, who had died a week earli- without plenty of humor and I would com-
er. One of Randy’s signature routines is his pare Harold’s straitjacket with Simon
Linking Rings in which he teaches an Lovell’s (who performed his routine at
audience volunteer how to link and unlink Ring 103’s Magic Virginia 2005), it’s
the Rings. Randy times it so that he is not THAT good! Finally Joe Nicholas thanked
looking at the volunteer when he unlinks everyone for attending.
and then links the rings in various ways. It has been five years since our last ban-
Whenever Randy looks over at the assis- quet (the Ring’s 50th Anniversary) and I
tant he thinks they’ve successfully un- hope it does not take us another five years
linked and linked the two rings. This had to do this again as it sure was a night of
the audience in stitches! great food, magic performances and fel-
To close, Harold Wood performed his lowship. Michael Heckenberger
Ring 129 participants (from top, l to r): Jason Dean (coins), Harris Deutsch (coins), Eric Woods (pic-
tured with Gene Kean) (ropes), Duane Fields (pictured with Allen Goodheart) (ropes), Terry Davis (every-
day objects), Brian McElvain (everyday objects).
75 minutes. Each class was taught by two there was lots of opportunity for hands-on
instructors and focused on a single topic. instruction, and no one was trying to sell
This year the classes covered magic with anything.
ropes, coins, and everyday objects. In con- All in all, it was a valuable learning
trast with the traditional lecture format, experience. Magic 103 anyone?
the business of magic, ended up selling details of developing our characters.
many of their props and belongings three “Don’t try to do every kind of magic, spe-
to six months later to afford the fare to fly cialize in one type. Create a show now, and
home. Paul showed us how to avoid these start performing it for real audiences. After
pitfalls; he gave us the steps necessary to you have mastered it, start over.” Paul
transform our show into show business. went on to explain how to make our char-
Filled with high-energy drama and acters real through understanding who we
humor, Paul told us many of his personal are. “Are we Funny, Serious etc... Are our
stories including his attending an audition costumes and mannerisms in line with our
for a Vegas variety show that hired many character?”
different acts. When Paul heard a man in He then led us through his steps to
front of him say “I am a magician,” and the developing a magical character. These
casting director stated, “We don’t want ideas brought us new insight into who we
any magicians,” Paul had to come up with are and how the audience sees us when we
a new act – in 30 seconds. When the cast- perform.
ing director asked Paul what he did, To conclude the evening, Paul per-
instead of stating he was a magician, Paul formed and explained several of his
said, “I bend spoons with my mind, and favorite effects from his own corporate
even I don’t understand how I do it.” Paul Mentalism act. He started with an effect
got the job on the spot! called “Slates” where spirit writing
He went over the secrets to getting your appeared on ungimmicked slates that were
act set up and how to market one’s self. He shown blank on all sides, then handed out
also explained that we need to keep our to be examined, after which a ghostly mes-
shows simple, direct, workable, and magi- sage appeared. Next came Effects with
cal. “Keep to the classics,” he said. “This ESP cards that empowered the audience
is my whole walk-around set that I use to and made us feel like real mind readers.
pay my rent, a thumb tip, Velvet cord, deck Paul ended with cold readings and
of cards, and a hunk of rope.” Equivoque. It was a marvelous evening.
Paul later went on to share the greatest I highly recommend Paul Draper to
secret of all “Quit buying new magic. your Ring for your next event! Look for
Focus on what you have. They pay to see his new two DVD set on the history of
you, not your effects.” The second part of magic coming onto the market soon.
Paul’s lecture was on Character Thanks,Paul!
Development. He delved deep into the Wilford Hinkson
include the President, Albert Tam; the 3rd Hong Kong Stage Magic Contest
Vice-President Mr. Simon Ma; the Freddy Ng; a professional performing
Program Secretary Jim Chan; the 1st Asian artist in Hong Kong Andy Ko and an active
Stage Magic Champion 2004, Kenneth member of MAHK Alex Ng. The support-
Chan; the 2nd runner-up of Hong Kong ing team also consists of members of
International Close-Up Magic Contest MAHK including Aaron Cheng, Kenneth
2003, Gary Charm; the winner of Tam, Pierre To, Lau Shu Kei, Wong Chun
Outstanding Award at the National Golden Kin, Ivan Fung and Victor Tam. Tickets
Chrysanthemum Award of China 2004, were sold out quickly and the show met
Adrian Man; the winner of 2nd prize of the with great reaction and comments from the
4th Hong Kong Stage Magic Contest 2005 audience. Pierre To
Man Kam; the winner of 2nd prize of the ■
Singular Sorcerers
Sorcerers tend to be singular by nature and their stage names often reflect that trait.
See if you can match these
1. Goldfinger a. E. Ray Griffiths
2. Aubrey b. Jack Vaughn
3. Fabian c. Peter R. Dommel
4. Eryx d. Pavel Pomezny
5. Barbarosa e. Henry Strasser
6. Kalanag f. Claude Isbeque
7. Klingsor g. Helmut Schreiber
8. Pavel h. Robert Bluemle
9. Occupant i. James Crabe
Dr. Juris welcomes contributions to his collection of nom de plumes. Write him c/o
Robert L. Bluemle, 131 Main Street, Apartment 401, Burlington, VT 05401. Email:
1b, 2i, 3a, 4e, 5c, 6g, 7f, 8d, 9h.
Verner and his wife, Janet, are the the packed parking lot, there was a line of
founders of Magicians Without Borders three or four hundred people stretching
(Linking Ring, August 2003). from the side door of the church hall out to
For the past four years they have per- the street. The 101-degree humid heat was
formed for over 100,000 refugee and scorching them. We opened the hatchback
orphan children in many of the most war- of our 10-year-old station wagon and
torn, troubled places in the world. They began to gather some props and get into
are currently traveling in East Africa, per- our costumes. We gathered a variety of
forming in Sudanese and Somali refugee props, not at all sure what the performing
camps and in HIV/AIDS orphanages. Here situation would be. As I did this, there was
is his story about his and his wife’s reac- a kind of nervousness I had never experi-
tion to the devastation of Hurricane enced before.
Katrina. I was filled with fear and hesitancy as I
It was mid day when my wife Janet and I walked toward the Church to tell them I
pulled into the Skyland Blvd Baptist wanted to do a magic show for these peo-
Church in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. The ple who had been through unspeakable,
church was being used as a center where unimaginable horror and were still, even
Hurricane Katrinia evacuees could come two weeks later, in the middle of it. Part of
to speak with a Red Cross Volunteer or me felt to do a magic show for these people
FEMA representative about food, shelter, would be at best inappropriate and at
employment, or any of their many other worse, obscene. I had performed in some
needs. Many of these people had left shel- of the most troubled and war torn places in
ters in Mississippi and Louisiana at four the world – in the refugee camps and
that morning to get to this particular center orphanages of Sudan, Bosnia, Haiti,
that had a reputation among evacuees for Bangladesh, even orphanages set up after
finally getting results. As we pulled into the Tsunami in Thailand and Burma. But
January, 2006 51
PP51-58 12/15/05 11:21 AM Page 2
walking across the parking lot toward that may have to wait a little longer.” I pause,
church I felt more fear and doubt than I had as if forgetting something, and then say,
ever felt. The man guarding the door let us “Oh yes, a great person once said, ‘At
in, as we found out later, because he mis- times like these we need to eat our grief
took us for Red Cross Volunteers. We told and suffering,’” As I say this I begin to put
him we were here to do a magic show for the torn pieces, one by one, into my mouth,
the people, he said okay. We found our- “If we are nourished by our suffering, it
selves in a long corridor with two hundred becomes bread that feeds us and the whole
people lining both sides. They were sitting community, and then, when our life comes
there in what felt like an exhausted, sad back together, it is not only the way it was,
silence. it is even more beautiful.”
I walked to the middle of the long corri- I slowly pulled the restored white paper
dor and took a red silk from my bag of from my mouth, but it is now a 40-foot
tricks. I began in what felt like the safest, rainbow streamer. As the paper comes
most respectful way. I approached a boy pouring out of my mouth, the crowd
about eight years old and asked him if he begins to laugh and then cheer and finally
wanted to see some magic. He said yes. I applaud. They thank me for coming and
began by vanishing and changing the color we shake all their hands and head out the
of a silk. I then did the sponge balls with door into the sweltering Alabama sun
his mother who seemed delighted that I where an ambulance is pulling into the
had brought a little joy to her boy. More parking lot to rescue a woman who has
people began to watch and wonder what fainted in the broiling sun. We perform for
was going on. The show was off and run- the people in the line outside and then head
ning. off down the road toward Jackson
Within a matter of minutes the whole Mississippi where we are told there are
room was trying to see the magic and lots of shelters housing Hurricane evac-
laughter began to echo down the hallway. uees.
For the next hour, while Janet (“LaFleur”) The Skyland Baptist Church was our
did “meet and greet” and did funny mime first and perhaps the most difficult per-
antics, I moved up and down the corridor formance we did for the evacuees of hurri-
doing the linking rings, sponge balls, silks, canes Katrina and Rita. And yet, we left
rising card, coins, and ended with the the church filled with a sense of the univer-
mouth coil. Holding a two-foot long piece sal healing power of magic to bring love,
of tissue paper I said, “This is a life, a laughter, and maybe even a bit of hope to
whole life, a wonderful life, and then war people in the darkest of times. We have felt
comes, famine comes, a hurricane comes this after most of the shows we have per-
and tears that life to pieces,” I say this as I formed around the world, since we found-
begin to tear the tissue into pieces. With ed Magicians Without Borders four years
each piece, I say, “Friends are lost, family ago (Linking Ring, August 2003). I also
is lost, work is lost, homes are lost, and sense that some of my fear was not how
you have to flee and then you loose days they would respond to the magic, but how
and days living in a shelter,” I stand there I would respond to their grief and suffer-
for a moment holding the hand full of ing.
shredded paper. “However, with love and In reflecting back on that show in The
courage and imagination, perhaps our Skyland Blvd Baptist Church, I also real-
lives will come back together again, like ize once again, that magic performed for
this,” Said as I pull the still shredded people in refugee camps, evacuee shelters,
pieces from my hand. HIV/AIDS orphanages and hospitals, or
I look disappointed and say, “Nothing the children I have performed for in pedi-
comes quickly at times like these, and we atric oncology units, needs to be per-
52 The Linking Ring
PP51-58 12/15/05 11:21 AM Page 3
selves he said: “I’ve heard all about you country: Magicians who would be “on
and the magic you have come to bring us.” call” to travel, if possible, to the disaster
Then he introduced us to Beth, the Red area and do magic for those living in
Cross Volunteer running the shelter, church basements, abandoned factories,
“While you are here, if you need anything, and school gymnasiums. I know we would
you can ask two people, God or Beth.” be welcomed if we came with love and
Beth got us a couple of cots and we used respect. I made wonderful contacts with
the vast, noisy abandoned factory, filled local Red Cross Chapters and FEMA rep-
with a patch work of hundreds of cots as resentatives in the Gulf States. I am also
our base for the next few days as we per- going to be speaking in the near future
formed in other shelters in the area. . with a National Red Cross Board member
In all the shelters we visited, we were I was introduced to recently.
told over and over, you are the only people I would love to hear from any magicians
who have come to bring a bit of entertain- who might be interested in being part of
ment and relief to the endless hours of such a compassionate band of daring
bored, anxious and sometimes tense wait- magicians. I.B.M. members could support
ing. In one shelter we were told a woman such an effort in many ways: be one of the
brought a small petting zoo that was a big magicians who travel to the disaster area;
hit, especially the snake. Over and over provide financial support (gas cost us
evacuees and volunteers told us how grate- $800.00 for the hurricane trip); a magic
ful they were that we came all the way dealer might donate props (all props for
from Vermont to bring them a bit of laugh- this trip and up coming trips abroad are
ter and magic. As we were leaving the fac- generously donated by Os Magic); magi-
tory to begin the journey back home, Lt. cians in the disaster area could provide
Deselles said, “Thank you for all the housing or transportation once we arrived.
magic and joy you brought to us,” and then I am sure there are many other ways mem-
he paused, and with great gratitude and a bers might support such an idea that I am
sad, almost funny resignation, said, “See not thinking of. This idea is still in its early
y’all next year.” conceptual stages, so I am very open to
“See y’all next year.” Lt. Deselles’ new ideas, feedback and suggestions. I
words awakened in me a dream I have had look forward to hearing from many of you
since I founded Magicians Without to keep the dream alive of bringing love,
Borders. I would love to help create a laughter and magic to people in troubled
Band of Magicians that would be a magic places in the world. E-mail: verner@
strike force, a swat team of compassion or write: Tom Verner, 100 Geary
and relief, when natural disasters hit our Road, Lincoln, VT 05443
54 The Linking Ring
PP51-58 12/19/05 10:48 AM Page 5
Time after time, we learn of incidents demonstrating the awesome power of magic to
create wonder, laughter, and the healing these create. I am not sure there has been a more
human or dramatic example than the one told here. Please read and think about the
impact of magic in...
You never know where life will take you when you’re
a magician.
I’ve been performing magic with my friend, Gery
Deer, and his country band for some time now. Since it is
a family band most of the members are relatives and I’ve
become friends with all of them. I have been with Gery
thru many ups and downs in life, but this particular
Saturday was the strangest so far.
A few months ago, Gery and his bride to be, Barbara,
made the announcement they were going to be married.
This was wonderful news to all of us as we had learned
only weeks before that Gery’s uncle and the lead gui-
tarist, Gary Sutton, was battling cancer.
With wedding plans came the inevitable request to do
both walk around and stage magic as part of the day’s
festivities. This I would never turn down for a friend, so
I began my ritual of deciding what I would be doing and
how I wanted to present it.
As the big day drew near, the news of Gary’s pro-
gressing illness became more serious. In fact, he was far
worse than any of us had known. Mid-day Wednesday,
four days before the wedding, Gery contacted me to let
me know that his uncle had lost his battle and the servic-
es would be held on Saturday morning, the same day as
the wedding.
Because Tuff, as he was called, would never have
wanted to be the cause of any change in plans, especially
in such an important event in his favorite nephews life, it
was decided that both ceremonies would proceed as
planned. On top of this Tuff requested that the members
of the band act as pallbearers. I could not refuse the
request of someone I have grown to respect so much, so
pallbearer I would be.
Saturday morning rolled around and I dressed in our
traditional band outfit, which was also Tuff’s request, I
loaded my magic act into the back of the car, grabbed
my magician’s outfit, and off I went to my first engage-
ment of the day. The late Gary Sutton, Mr. And
From nine thirty until noon, the family and friends of Mrs. Gery Deer.
Gary Sutton wished a final farewell to a as for the first time, in a very long day, peo-
man who had meant so much too so many. ple were beginning to laugh. Little at first,
But as quickly as the last goodbyes were then more and more, until there were peo-
shared, those gathered went to their vehi- ple bellowing with laughter. As my act
cles and drove as directly as possible to the drew to a close I began to realize what was
site of the wedding originally scheduled going on.
for one in the afternoon, but now moved This was not the response of a regular
back an hour to allow for travel. crowd. These were the sounds of a group
When I arrived, I unloaded and went to longing for something to take them off the
the most convenient location to the wed- emotional roller coaster they were riding.
ding/reception as possible, which in this All the major ones were there. Sadness,
case was a garage next door. There I happiness, tears, joy, they were all there
changed outfits and set my props quickly but one. And like a cork from a bottle of
for later in the day. I then went directly to champagne, the laughter came out filling
the room in which the wedding was to be the empty void and made the day com-
held and went into action. plete.
As the guests began to arrive my mind It was a day filled with the events of life
was amazingly clear. I began by working we both long for and dread, but it was a
the fidgeting children in their fancy day I would have not missed for anything
clothes and then proceeded to play to the in the world. It was a chance to say good-
parent and other adults that were waiting. bye to a great man and true friend. It was
As grateful as they were that I was taking also the opportunity to see the union of two
their minds off what had just happened I of my best friends as they turn a new page
was equally grateful I had something to in life. As odd as it seemed from the begin-
concentrate on. ning, it felt somehow the way it should
After an hour of entertaining the crowd, have been.
the big event was underway and I had my Such great flow of emotions com-
first chance to sit down. The wedding went pressed into a few hours really helped to
off beautifully lasting little more than half reset my perspective and move the healing
an hour. Then it was time for me to go to process along much faster that I could
work again as the room in which the wed- have ever believed possible. I was more
ding was held doubled as the reception than happy to be there, sharing all the feel-
area. The guests were asked to step outside ings at once, and helping make a normally
while it was being rearranged. So, out on unhappy day into one filled with wonder
the patio I went to continue with some of and magic. I am a much stronger per-
the bigger and more colorful illusions I former for the experience and a better man
kept hidden within my pockets. Soon the as well.
reception was underway and again I could
take a load off. This time it included a
Following a toast to the happy couple
and cutting of the cake, it was time for the
real entertainment to begin. As most of the
crowd was very tired at this Point, I decid-
ed to make some last minute changes in
my standard act going with my comedy
material over the standard production stuff
hoping to raise their spirits.
After the first couple of bits in the rou- From the Heart,
tine I realized I had made the right choice Jim (Professor) Karns
56 The Linking Ring
PP51-58 12/15/05 11:21 AM Page 7
Fernand Ridel
TVP for France,
The French Connection
Edited by Joan Caesar
Exhibitions in Western and Eastern piano, and play the chosen song... it is
Europe, United States, Mexico, Africa and funny and entertaining.”
Japan. As well, he is a trout fisherman and phi-
Fernand never used magic during nego- latelist. He collects stamps from around
tiations involved in his work, however at the world, finding this an interesting, if not
the conclusion of a successful contract unusual way to learn both history and
with pleasant partners he would surprise geography. Some stamps, he says, are true
them with some magic! Years later, he still puzzles, and he enjoys the challenge of
has many links with friends around the learning in which country they originated.
world. “Magic,” he says, “creates open- He reads a great deal in French, but also
ness and tolerance as well as any psycho- in English, Latin and Greek. He studies
logical expertise. My goal with magic has magic through books, but also likes a good
always been to generate happiness, so that detective novel. He owns dictionaries in
my audience, whether one person, or a several languages, and uses them to
group, is better equipped to face the advantage when necessary. One of his
world.” prize books is an old Funk and Wagnall’s
Now, retired, he devotes his time to his New Standard English Dictionary given to
wife Genevieve, their three children, ten him by his grandfather. Bookcases are in
grandchildren and four great grandchil- every room of their house, and of course,
dren, as well as his beloved West Highland he says, The Linking Ring series is in a
Terrier. Magic remains a priority, thanks to place of honor among the shelves full of
the patience of his wife and friends – and magic in both French and English.
his computer. He is continually surprised He can repair almost anything and likes
to receive an answer shortly after an e-mail to invent and manufacture new magic
is sent. In France posted mail can take tricks. He likes to solve puzzles and also
weeks, and sometimes never arrives. writes every day
Fernand plays several musical instru- He knows nearly all the members of the
ments. He started playing tunes by ear at new French I.B.M. Rings, as well as the
age four, to the amazement to his parents. French dealers, and has helped them to
He was alone, touching the keys of the communicate, not only between them-
piano in the dark while his parents were selves, but with other I.B.M. members
talking with friends in an adjacent room. around the world.
They heard his small fingers pluck tunes His wish, he says, is to ‘light a few can-
such as “Frére Jacques” and suddenly his dles’ by creating new I.B.M. Rings within
parents stopped talking to listen. That was France, with serious people who speak
the beginning of his musical adventure. He English well enough to read our wonderful
still plays mostly by ear. His American Linking Ring, and to develop a vital friend-
mother taught him songs such as “My Old ship between these magicians, a friendship
Kentucky Home,” songs from My Fair void of power and dominance.
Lady and Irish melodies, as well as every- Fernand calls himself a “tiny amateur
thing from Symphony in Blue to jazz. Magician.” For close to 75 years he has
Fernand remembers a rainy afternoon after been interested in, and performed magic.
he had been playing for about an hour, he He has used magic for such purposes as
heard loud applause. About 30 Americans bridging the gap between diametrically
had been quietly listening. As well, opposite outlooks, and to make a child
Fernand plays the violin, mandolin, har- smile. He has bonded the I.B.M. magicians
monica, and organ. He has managed to into three new Rings, and works endlessly
combine his two loves. “I do a mind read- and enthusiastically for the betterment of
ing magic trick with playing cards where magic in France and around the world.
the name of one song is written. I go to the There is nothing “tiny” about this man!
58 The Linking Ring
PP59-76 12/15/05 11:23 AM Page 1
OF MAGIC by Julian Franklin
Borrowed Time
How much money would you borrow if working a full-time job (40 hours per week
it was interest free and you never had to vs. 42 hours in front of the TV). That
pay it back? I’d get as much as they would makes television watching seem pretty
give me! Those are pretty good terms. expensive, in my mind. A guy who makes
Here’s something even better. I know $40,000 a year at his job is loosing about
how you can borrow time. And in my book $40,000 a year in lost income by parking
time is infinitely more valuable than in front of the TV for more hours than he
money. I mean, money can come and spends at work.
money can go, but we are each allotted the What if a person decided that this year,
same amount of time and once it’s gone, they would watch no more than three
you can’t get it back. hours of television per day, every day of
I discovered a way to “borrow” time and the year. That’s still 1,095 hours for the
based on my research, the average person year spent watching television. That time
can borrow as much as six hours per day is equivalent to over 27, full-time work-
with NO interest. The best part is that you weeks, all squandered on reruns, sitcoms,
never have to pay the time back. and relentless advertising.
What would you do with an extra six On the brighter side, such a person
hours per day? What could you accom- would still have saved 27, full-time work-
plish if your day was 30 hours long, com- weeks. That’s like getting to work for
pared to everyone else’s 24? What skills almost seven months straight without it
could you learn? What sort of relation- costing anything but “borrowed time.”
ships could you develop with your family What could you do with a few hours of
and friends? What kind of marketing could borrowed TV time each week? If you
you accomplish if you had an extra six aren’t sure, I’ll get you started with my list
hours per day? What books could you of “Things to do Instead of Watching TV.”
write? What effects could you master? You can access the list for free on my web
What dreams could you make real? site at, click the
All our days are only twenty-four hours, link to “Free Stuff.”
and we can’t borrow hours from our neigh- But for those of you unable to access my
bor. But we can borrow hours from our- web site to get to this, and other free
selves and we never have to pay them reports, I’ll toss out a few dozen ideas
back. from the list, to hopefully inspire you to
I read a report that indicated the average make the decision to sacrifice your rela-
U.S. citizen spends six hours per day tionship with your television. One of the
watching television. That is a phenomenal nice things I’ve found is that by divorcing
amount of time. It equates to spending my television, I’ve been able to strengthen
more time in front of the television than my marriage to my wife.
60 The Linking Ring
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We watch TV together as a family, but the TV and read a good book. If you don’t
we watch in a very systemized way, care- like to read, get audio books also known as
fully choosing which programs we watch. “Books on Tape” though most are avail-
Usually we watch DVD rentals and we able on CD or MP3 format now as well.
spend at least 15 minutes discussing each These are available for free from your pub-
movie we watch. But we also get to do lic library so there is no excuse not to lis-
other things together when we forego an ten. You can also listen to some great moti-
addiction to “next week’s episode.” vational and inspirational audio programs.
We take the money that we would have I have several thousand dollars worth of
spent on cable TV and spend it instead on audio programs that I listen to while I
family memberships to the Houston Zoo, drive, and I’ve created a list of my
The Museum of Fine Arts, The Children’s favorites (as well as my favorite books).
Museum, and other excellent opportuni- This list is also available at
ties that our city provides. when you click
We get to spend fun, family time togeth- the link to “Free Stuff.”
er at these interesting, engaging, and edu- As performing artists, borrowing TV
cational places. Yes, it is more work to time is a great way to create time to prac-
load up and drive to these places than it is tice, rehearse, and develop new routines
to plop down on the couch with the remote and material. It is a great way to pull time
control, but I’ve found the long-term bene- seemingly out of thin air to use to create an
fits to be more worthwhile. exercise program, plant a garden, read a
I spend a lot of free evenings that might book to a child, or make a phone call to an
otherwise be spent watching TV, instead old friend whom you haven’t talked to in
writing on the computer. This simple habit years. These are things that you will
has allowed me to create this monthly col- remember for the rest of your life. These
umn for the past few years, write more activities are so much more meaningful
than a dozen books, record several audio than watching a poorly written sit-com.
programs, and compile many complete Many have written about “putting more
marketing packages that have helped life into your years” by focusing on these
countless magicians pursue new, lucrative little things that mean so much. Now, you
markets in ways they would never have cannot only put more life into your years,
been able to do otherwise. you can actually borrow the time to do it,
I’ve written before about my use of thus putting more years into your life. You
direct mail as a marketing medium. I can borrow these “TV hours” interest free
spend many evenings stuffing envelopes, and you never have to pay them back.
putting labels on postcards, and in other What a great deal. How many hours are
ways preparing mailings to go out. Many you going to borrow tonight? In what ways
times I do these things while I’m watching are you going to improve your life with
television. those hours?
Almost every highly successful entre- Julian Franklin
preneur I know is an avid reader. Turn off
Do us all a favor:
When buying from an ad in our journal, tell
the advertiser where you saw the ad!
Advertisers help pay the cost of this journal
and need to know their ads work!
January, 2006 61
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by its scrawny neck and raises dangling Meatball increase a hundredfold. Off
heavenward as with profound exaltation comes the lid. A mound of raw beef. Let
he bellows, “Fly, Phoenix, Bird fly and the damned germ-phobic guests make
outshine the great Sun God Ra.” He then their own meatballs; you tried to be a per-
gently places the charred chicken into the fect host.
ornate cage murmuring, “After you rest.” Of course, for Halloween you could go
Presentation. All that precedes the hilar- the route of beef brain, sheep eyeballs,
ious denouement is ritualistically serious tripe – all the goodies from local market.
and intriguing. Then the instant the audi- Christmas. Make a red brick chimney of
ence sees the lid and cage, and knows heavy cardboard or wood that fits over the
what’s coming – that familiarity enhances knob on the lid of the Dove Pan. Using that
the unexpected goofy climax. They antici- spray snow for giving Christmas trees a
pated a gorgeous bird, or pretty dove – but wintery look, cover the Dove Pan with the
they see a semi-cremated chicken and a stuff – an igloo for one of Santa’s elves. A
loony performer who never falls out of plaintive story of one elf thinking ungrate-
character, who treats the absurd critter like ful Santa forgot about the elf’s hard work
a divinity. all year long in Santa’s workshop. Well, a
Think about all the different factors that little surprise when Santa gets back from
have been brought into play to make the delivering gifts to a bunch of ungrateful
ordinary Dove Pan not so ordinary. kids while a hard-working elf is forgotten.
Presentation. The elf gathers a bunch of snow plotting
Well, I certainly want to earn that statue to let loose with snowballs then Santa gets
so here are a few more ideas for your Dove back. Snow is poured into the pan (white
Pan. It looks like part of a Chafing Dish. confetti). Lid placed on pan completing
Why not use that similarity. Attach a han- the igloo look. The Spirit of Christmas
dle to make it look more like one. If you comes down the chimney. Now snowballs
have a chafing dish, cross your fingers and in the pan – those Hostess brand coconut-
hope your Dove Pan will fit on top of the covered round cup cakes logically called
metal structure on which the dish rests. “Snowballs.”
Below it is the Sterno can or candle that Make sure they’re wrapped in plastic if
keeps the contents warm. If it doesn’t fit you plan to distribute them to children.
enlarge the upper part with a few strips of {Parents don’t appreciate you feeding
metal to accommodate the bottom of the their darlings things that rattled around in
pan. your dirty prop).
So the presentation might be on hospi- Or, if you have the talent, paint your
tality and gluttonous greed – a party. But Dove Pan to look like a basket with lid –
what if your superb Swedish meatballs are the whole thing. I know you love it shiny –
consumed by greedy guests, some of the basket look is better. All sorts of possi-
whom might sneak a few into purse or bilities here for a Native American presen-
pocket for later snacking. Down to just one tation; or Grandma’s Sewing basket;
meatball. What does the gourmet magi- Easter Bunny theme; and certainly a Snake
cian splendid host/hostess do? That single Charmer’s basket. Rubber snake if you’re
remaining meatball is taken into hand and chicken, real snake if you want my respect.
– what else – multiplied. Just a bit of a Make your Dove Pan mean something.
paint job on your standard Billiard Ball Am I “Out of My Mind” expecting a
set. statue? If all members pitched in only one
Fine, but time consuming to make them dumb little dollar each then – oh, never
all by hand. Besides finicky guests worry mind. My life was not a merry one.
you might have germs on your fingers. On
goes the ‘Chafing Dish’ lid. Let the ++++++++++
January, 2006 63
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Rebo’s Vanishing car was a little more and Lyceum tours. His sand and rag paint-
complicated than the Dizzy Limits. It ing were the featured part of his act and is
required the sides to fold outward and the what gained him fame.
cage to simulate falling to pieces. It was Later he became very active in the early
really two containers. The inside one held I.B.M. and is mentioned in the August
the car and rider (me) and also supported 1934 issue as having sent a letter telling of
the outer shell that fell on cue releasing their problems performing in China. The
black-art blinds, which hid the inner box letter sent to President Durbin tells of
with the car and Rebo. At the beginning of receiving a letter from Dr. J.G.F. Holston
the illusion, part of my body was above the of Zanesville, who was corresponding
cage, but when the time came, I doubled with Henry. Henry tells of working the
over to vanish with the car. Dah Kworng Wong theatre in the walled
Henry was born in Jamestown, Ohio on city of Soochow when a fire broke out.
September 13, 1891 and went on to study Quoting from the letter: “We actually had
medicine at the Cincinnati College of the fire under control when the Chinese
Medicine. Medicine did not suit him so he volunteer fire-department arrived. They
took up art at both the Cincinnati and swarmed into the theatre, literally hun-
Chicago Art Institutes. By 1907 he was dreds of them. They broke up seats, tore
working as a professional magician. He down electric fans, broke up chairs,
toured in vaudeville, but is best remem- smashed illusions, and took axes and
berd for his performances in Chautauqua broke open my trunks and threw the con-
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tents to the four winds. Mrs. Henry saw It was evident that Henry was building the
this destruction first, and ran to the stage to illusion not only for his use, but also for
try to stop it. She was knocked down and other magicians. The film showed fellow
kicked, and rather badly beaten up by the performers performing. One was T.
maddened crowd. In fact, we had to have a Nelson Downs, “The King of Coins.”
squad of soldier police to protect us and The Downs’ Coin Star had been men-
escort us outside the city wall to our tioned several times in magic publications,
hotel.” especially in Greater Magic by John
How I wish that I had read this when I Northern Hilliard. This was the manipula-
was sixteen years old visiting with the tion of four or five (depending on who was
master magician and his wife. What stories doing it, or if Downs only used four coins)
they could have told. The letter went on to appearing balanced on the ends of the fin-
tell of losing over $3,000 in Chinese robes, gers. Henry had photographed Downs per-
costumes, illusions, and other curios. forming outdoors tossing the coins from
Because of the loss they had to cancel the one hand to the other, behind his legs.
Japanese dates that were scheduled. Magic Watching these old films over and over
acts all had major hardships touring the helped to reconstruct how Downs accom-
world before the 1950s. We forget how plished this feat. It was not much longer
difficult it was and still is to travel in some that I got proficient with the sleight. To this
parts of the world. day I owe both the Henrys for allowing us
Henry inspired other things in magic. teenagers to view these films. Yes, I can do
He was an early user of movie film to a right-hand version of the Down’s Coin
record magic and the performers. We Star with five coins and I can also vanish a
young future magicians of Houston got to goat.
view these films over and over. There were
early pictures of the Frederick Culpitt’s Bev Bergeron
Doll House illusion being built by Henry.
66 The Linking Ring
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and ANSWERS by Rolando Santos
It’s a pretty safe bet that every one of us mysteriously, all is dead. So dead, in fact,
at one time or another has been a “lurker;” that nobody even bothers to respond to
you know, one of those people that read something creative. When this happens
magic forums, message board or magic the creative people fade away and all of us
newsgroups, but rarely speak up or con- in magic lose.”
tribute to them. The term usually has Larry admits it may not be unethical to
Internet connotations, but the truth is that do it, but to simply take and never con-
it applies to Magic Clubs and even the tribute is just plain wrong. “I strongly feel
International Organization. We have too that people who want to learn magic
many darn lurkers and as we begin 2006, I should PAY a price for it. The price can be
think it is time to stop lurking. as simple as a contribution, reading a
Wikipedia, a free online encyclopedia ( book, or actual money. If you don’t pay SOME price why bother? This is the
says the term, “lurking,” dates back to the biggest problem on many bulletin boards
mid-1980s when people used BBS chat and magic forums. You can live there for
rooms and message boards.“Many Internet free. And this is why, although it is meant
communities advise newbies to lurk for to be a “discussion group” the lurkers have
some time to get a feel for the specific cul- a field day.”
ture and etiquette of the community, lest Larry shared his frustration with one of
they make an inappropriate or redundant the forums he belongs to: “The thing that
comment, ask a frequently asked question, annoys me is that I KNOW that every cre-
or incite a flame war.” Lurking is not ille- ative piece is downloaded and saved by
gal and certainly not unethical, but lurking well over half the readers, myself included
doesn’t help Magic, a Magic Club, or even – we get it all for free. But, in return for
you as an individual. this, I have contributed regularly in an
Larry White, the former Magic Editor of effort to “give back” to those who have
M-U-M Magazine and Joint Editor of a given to me. The vast majority of ‘down-
new Mentalism and Bizarre Magic loaders’ give nothing, ever.”
Magazine called Oracle: Journey into the This, of course, happens in Magic Clubs
Unknown, ( as well. Haven’t we all seen a few people
and I were discussing the pitfalls of lurk- carry the load, while others sit on the side-
ing which he feels kills a good organiza- lines getting the benefits of the work of a
tion. “There is a sudden deluge of post- few?
ings, and creativity runs rampant, then, In researching this column, I learned
January, 2006 67
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I.B.M. Merchandise
Members: Show your pride in belong-
ing. Check out the I.B.M. merchandise on
our website. Go to,
click on “Members,” then “I.B.M.
merechandise.” Every purchase supports
your organization.
“Why Not?”
Why didn’t you go to your last Ring rarely participate or go out of their way to
meeting? As I stare at the attendance list attend functions. (The gyms across the
for our own Ring, the trend is that a little country count on the fact that people will
more than half of the paid members show join and rarely if ever go; otherwise, there
up for any one meeting. That means almost isn’t enough room or equipment for them
half stayed home. (I’m quick, aren’t I?) I to use.) There’s not much we can do at the
have to assume that your Ring is similar, Ring to get these people to attend. They
and I can’t help but wonder why. More got their membership card and they can
importantly, I want to know what can be find their name on the website under the
done to increase the desire – and even member they are happy.
eagerness & anticipation – to attend the Belongers: Psychologically there is a
next meeting for those who don’t regularly deep-rooted human desire for a person to
show up. be accepted and needed. Some folks came
First things first, it’s important to realize to your Ring so they could “belong” to
that there are three different types of peo- something bigger than themselves. They
ple who join your Ring (or any group for were excited to find the Ring (probably
that matter). when someone invited them), but they
Zealots: Don’t worry about these folks, may have been tentative about joining for
they’ll be at just about every meeting and any one of a myriad of reasons. These are
activity. Their zeal doesn’t have to be the folks who pop in irregularly. They have
about magic as much as it is about social- spurts where they come several months in
ization. These are not necessarily your best a row, and then they’re gone for a few
magicians or performers. Belonging to the months. They like the Ring and have fun
Ring gives them a chance to get out, talk when they are there, but you don’t know if
tricks, show off a bit, and just socialize they are coming next time.
with other people who have the same love To make a change in the attendance at
of magic as they do. Only a few things will your meetings, you need to identify these
keep them away from the next meeting. “Belongers.” These folks need an invita-
These folks usually are outspoken and tion. They want to feel needed. Given the
willing to participate and help. Generally free choice, they may stay home with the
they soon become an officer of the Ring – wife and kids instead of going to the Ring
which is one more reason they won’t miss meeting. But they are also easily influ-
the next meeting. enced...and it just takes a little personal
Joiners: At the opposite end of the prodding to get them to the next meeting.
spectrum are those people who “join” The easiest way to attract them is via
things just because it legitimizes their one-on-one communication: give them a
infatuation. They like being a member, but call. Start off by asking, “Are you coming
January, 2006 69
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It’s January, the time of new beginnings, resolutions. and the like. I am assuming that
if you are reading this you have a computer or are interested in getting one. So let’s take a
bit of a break from the fun and reflect a bit on the things that enable us to enjoy surfing the
web. It has been quite some time since I talked about keeping your PC safe from the nasty
people out there that want to do vile things to your PC. I think it is time to do so again.
If you are using Win 2k or XP, you have a lot more control than if you are using an
older version of windows. The simplest, yet most important thing that you can do to keep
your system safe is to set up a “user account” without administration privileges and use
that for most of your computer work. If you are running with a “non-admin” account,
‘Mal-wear’ (things like worms, Trojans, and viruses) cannot install on your PC. Only an
account with admin access can do that! A simple yet effective protection.
Regardless of what operating system you are running, there are a few things that you
should have on your computer if it is connected to the Internet. I am going to mention
them pretty much in the order of importance.
The first thing you need is a good Anti-Virus (AV) program. These programs watch all
the data coming into your PC and try to ‘recognize’mal-wear when it first enters your PC
before it has a chance to do anything – sort of your first line of defense.
The next useful tool is called a personal “firewall” (FW). This is software that moni-
tors your Internet connection in two ways. First it prevents ‘crackers’ (the malicious peo-
ple trying to break into your system from outside of your PC) from gaining access to your
system though the Internet connection. Almost every program that calls itself a firewall
will do this. The second ‘function’is not always present. It watches the programs running
on your PC and lets you know if any of them try to do something “suspicious” and alerts
you, giving you the choice to let the activity proceed or block it. This can be a tricky thing
when you first get started using a program like this. For example, it will tell you that your
“anti-virus” is trying to connect to the Internet. Now that will seem like suspicious
70 The Linking Ring
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behavior. But a good AV needs to use the Internet connection so it can find out if there is
a new update to the “signatures” file. This is the data that tells the AV program how to
recognize the various things it is protecting you from. So you need to tell the FW that it is
OK to let the AV go check for its update file. (Whew!)
Those are the two most important things to have on your PC to keep you safe. But
there are other programs that can help as well. There are programs that will prevent “pop-
ups.” These are the annoying windows, usually ads, which ‘explode’ all over your desk-
top when you make the mistake of visiting a less than reputable web site. Another useful
tool is the “spyware remover.”
Spyware usually doesn’t adversely affect your system, or at least it is not meant to do
that. But much of this code is not well tested and so can cause your system to become
unstable and lock up or crash. Another problem that can affect your system’s perform-
ance is when you get so many of these little devils running on your system that they use
up a significant percentage of your system’s “horsepower.” The real insidious thing
about spyware – as you might guess from the name – is that it is keeping track of what
you are doing with your computer (that is, spying) and, from time to time, sending that
information back to the spyware’s authors. Thankfully there are programs, “anti-spy-
ware” tools, which can help you remove these nasty little buggers.
There is a lot more to this subject, keeping your PC safe and secure, than I can possibly
cover here. But Google is your friend. You can find plenty of good information on prod-
ucts, including free versions of all the tools I mentioned, out there. But take your time,
read reviews on the products – not all programs are the same – and pick the ones that best
meet your needs and your pocketbook.
And just because I don’t want to make this all work and no play, here are some more
links to Cyrl on the web, starting with his website:, and
moving on to a killer glass penetration illusion at:
.php?path=/videos/glass_illusion.wmv and finally a new twist on the card through the
window effect
Mike Durant
by Steve Hart, Chair
J.P. has performed at the J.D. McCarty and can help out at a minutes notice; Rick
Center for Disabled Children, and the Walker, how much can you say about
Special Olympics, the VA Hospital, and someone who is as flamboyant as Rick;
the local Cub Scouts. He is a regular at Tom Todd, “The Mad Scientist,” he can
Borders Book Store. J.P. states, “One of solve any problem from computerized
my proudest shows was when I performed lampposts for my stage act to a wonderful
for both of my grandmothers at the tenderloin.”
“Cancer Walk for Life.” Actually, Rick Walker helped J.P. come
J.P. Wilson has also taken home some up with his themed stage show. J.P. states,
big magic awards in both stage and close- “I went out to dinner one night with Rick
up including first place in the 2004 Junior Walker and started brainstorming on a
Stage Contest at the Texas Association of stage competition act. I wanted a unique
Magicians, and second place in the 2005 act that no one had seen or done before.
Junior Close-Up at the I.B.M. Convention First, I needed a theme and after several
this past summer. He has also won numer- discussions we came up with a Paris Park
ous local magic awards. One part of com- Scene. After I had the theme we decided
petition J.P. likes is the feedback that the on the storyline, what I wanted to happen,
judges give. “There were three judges that when, and why. We thought about the
showed up at the critique session at the magic I wanted to have in the act, and how
I.B.M. Convention and they gave me some we wanted the magic to happen. Then after
phenomenal ideas. Thank you judges.” that we proceeded on building the props.
J.P. Wilson is very active in the Most of my act is original and custom
Oklahoma City Ring 46. He states, “The made.” J.P. is also working on some other
members are very supportive of the youth acts. “I am currently working on a duo act
and have always offered their expertise to for stage competition with John Pansze,
me. I attend every lecture that I can and I and working to perfect my close-up act
have several mentors that also help me. I themed to bells.”
have several people I would like to give J.P. is involved with many hobbies and
credit to for helping me. In no particular interests that help him create his new acts.
order: Rick Walker, John Pansze, David We all know of hobbies that we can easily
Hira, Tom Todd, David Thomas, Dewey understand how they can help us improve
Beene, Len Sparogawski, Jim Smithson, our magic, like acting, mime, dance, mar-
Gary Owen, Joe Exotic, and definitely my tial arts. But J.P. is involved in photogra-
Mom and Dad, who help in every way they phy and debate. How in the world would
can. My parents are very supportive of my these two interests help with magic? You
magic and photography. They always help may be very surprised! J.P. states,
me practice, have become I.B.M. mem- “Photography and debate have helped me
bers, and are very active in the OKC magic a lot in my magic. With photography you
club. All of our family vacations are now have to be aggressive (in a non-violent
magic conventions. If it weren’t for my way) in getting a good shot and getting a
parent’s involvement and support in my different angle than anyone else. I relate
magic, I wouldn’t be able to do the things I photography to magic in the fact that you
do.” have to see your magic from every angle
Several magicians inspire J.P. He states, and practice to be perfect with one shot.
“David Thomas, because he is very pol- The debate team makes you look at
ished at what he does, and besides that he’s issues from all perspectives. In order to be
a really nice guy; David Hira, David can successful in debate you have to know all
be in extreme pain from back surgery, and sides of the issue and where other people
still go out and perform a beautiful show; are coming from, that way you can relate
John Pansze, John has a lot of unique ideas to them and yet refute their arguments with
74 The Linking Ring
PP59-76 12/19/05 11:01 AM Page 17
knowledgeable answers. Debate has will be also. J.P. Wilson certainly has this
helped me to be comfortable in front of lesson mastered.
people and presenting what I have, Youth Members: Let the magic world
whether it is a debate case or magic.” know who you are. Contact me at magic-
All too often, when people ask us what Please send me any
hobbies and interests we have, how many questions, thoughts or ideas for future arti-
of us will only say, “Magic.” Many of us cles.
have a lesson to be learned from J.P.
Wilson. The more diverse our lives are the Dakota Rose
more interesting and creative our magic
In Italy we say, “Sognare non costa owner, Gerry Griffin. Gerry is bringing the
nulla.” And I think you will agree with me finest magicians in the world today to his
that it is a beautiful saying. Dreaming does theater. Having been in the business of
not cost you a thing, dreaming is free, this “Magic” for more than 25 years it was a
is what it means. Sometimes, when the natural for him to open a theater dedicated
dream comes true, it makes you feel to the art. For Griffin it is his “dream come
accomplished; it makes you feel so happy. true.”
A friend of mine had a dream one day, a I worked there, together with so many
dream containing these simple require- magicians such as Rafael Benatar, Daryl,
ments: Losander, John Carney, Mike Caveney,
a) To build a place where the fine art of Dana Daniels, John Calvert, Sylvester the
magic can be performed by the greatest Jester, and Martin Lewis. Believe me, it is
magicians from around the world. the best place on earth to do magic!
b) A place where the public can experi- Everyone’s evening begins with a deli-
ence one of the finest forms of entertain- cious dinner. And yes, they serve their
ment in the world. famous hand dipped, chocolate covered
c) A full evening of fun that begins with strawberries for dessert (believe me, they
a delicious dinner and then concludes with are so good. I ate more than it is legal to
a show filled with mystery, laughter, and have).
wonder, all presented in an intimate dinner The formal magic show begins with a
club setting. dimming of house lights and some snappy
And this is precisely what my friend did music. The emcee provides a little history,
and it’s there to experience. Where? I hear a little humor, and a little magic before
you asking: Martinez, California, not so introducing the warm-up act. Warm-up
far from glamorous San Francisco. When? performers are polished professional
I hear you screaming: Friday and Saturday entertainers still on the rise in the magic
evenings. community. It is the perfect chance to see
It is about time to introduce you my the headliners of tomorrow early in their
friend and the “dreamer,” magician and careers. The headliner, a top performer
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well known nationally and/or internation- one) to reveal the KC. (If the Triple
ally, keeps the audience on the edge of Turnover scares you, you may prefer to
seats. deal a double card on the table during the
After the show, guests get a chance to spelling procedure and perform instead a
meet the performers, get some Auto- Double Turnover to show the King.)
graphs, and have a photo taken with them. Do not pay attention to that card! Act
The magic gift shop is open and everyone like the card is simply telling you the color
has the chance to purchase the latest mys- of the selection. Flip the cards face down
teries available. and deal the top one (King) to one side.
Gerry Griffin California Magic Dinner Pick up the dealt cards and replace them on
Theater is located at 729 Castro Street, top of the deck. Give the deck a False Cut.
Martinez, Ca 94553. Information & Second question: “Seeing the card is
Tickets 925-374-0056, Fax Line 925-374- black, tell me now the suit – Clubs or
0057. For more information on California Spades?” The spectator answers, “Clubs.”
Magic check out If Spell “C-L-U-B-S” by placing five cards
you are in the area do not miss it; go there on the table. Perform a Double Turnover
and tell Gerry I sent you! and show the KC. Act as if the card simply
Gerry, thanks for giving us an opportu- tells you the suit.
nity to perform our art in a perfect place, Flip the cards face down and deal the
surrounded not only by great audiences top one (another King) on top of the previ-
but friends. I’ll be back anytime you ask. ously tabled card. Pick up the packet used
Spell-King for the spelling procedure and place it on
The routine is relatively simple to per- the deck. Give the deck another False Cut.
form (it’s from an idea by Phil Goldstein). Third question: “Is your card a spot card
Effect: You produce the four Kings and, or a face card?” The spectator’s answer
as a final climax, the four Aces! should be, “A face card.” Spell the word
Set-Up: From the top down you have “F-A-C-E,” placing four cards on the
the KC, followed by the other three Kings table. Flip over the top two cards as one,
in any order, then the four Aces in any again showing the KC.
order, and then the rest of the deck (all the Flip the cards face down and the top
cards are face down). card (the third King) onto the two tabled
Performance: Force the KC and con- cards. Pick up the four-card packet used
trol it back on top of the face-down deck for the spelling and place it on the deck.
(directly on top of the other cards of the Give the deck another False Cut.
set-up). Fourth and final question: “Is your card
With an Overhand Shuffle reverse the a King, a Queen, or a Jack?”
order of the top eight cards, peeling them “It’s a King.”
singly into the left hand and then throw Spell the word “K-I-N-G,” placing four
them back on top of the deck. You may cards on the table and flip the next card
want to follow these actions with a False singly to reveal the KC. Place this card on
Cut. You have now the four Aces on top the three-card packet already on the table
followed by the four Kings. The KC is (all Kings).
eighth from the top. For the climaxes, turn over the packet to
Explain that you’ll ask a few questions. show the Kings and then turn over the
First question: “What’s the color of the other four-card packet to reveal the four
selected card?” They should answer, Aces.
“Black.” Spell the word “B-L-A-C-K” by Until next time, take care of yourself.
placing a card for each letter face down on As always, Aldo
the table. Perform a Triple Turnover (flip-
ping over the top three cards of the deck as
76 The Linking Ring
PP77-124 12/15/05 11:53 AM Page 1
Compiled by Ian Adair
Edited by Jon Racherbaumer
Illustrated by Tony Dunn
loaded, should not Protrude so much from panel X flush with the end panel D. (Figs.
the back of the panel that it becomes visi- 8 and 9)
ble to members of the audience who are The production can now be made.
sitting at the sides. However, if the Four-Folda is squeezed
Allow the glue to dry. Test the bag’s into a rhomboid shape, the load-panel, X
efficiency and capacity by loading in some can be positioned on the diagonal. (Fig.
silks. My bag takes at least six 24-inch 10)
silks with no trouble. Dennis Vickery The production can be made from the
claimed a capacity of ten 36-inch silks. It center of the apparatus. After the produc-
is essential that the corners of the silks are tion, the load-panel should be pushed flat
intertwined when loading. against panel D. The whole Four-Folda
Set-Up: With the load panel (X) to the can be squeezed flat and briefly displayed
left, fold it under panel A. Clip the two edge on to the audience.
panels together by placing them between Afterthoughts: Take care that no one
the first and second fingers of the right can see into the top of the Four-Folda
hand. (Fig. 4) when the production is being made. When
Zig-zag fold panels B, C, and D with the displaying the unfolded panels, the appa-
left hand and bring them up to be gripped ratus should be kept in a flat plane towards
by the right thumb. (Fig. 5) This is the the audience. When working in conditions
starting point. where the audience is close, the per-
Method:: Release the grip of the right former’s body can be used to block the
thumb allowing the Four-Folda to drop angled view from the left, so that the pan-
open. els can be turned slightly to the right to
Four blue panels will be displayed to the cover angled sight lines from that direc-
audience. The left hand is placed under the tion.
hinge of panels C and D. The left hand lifts The Four-Folda can be made in any col-
these panels up and round towards the ors that one desires. The shape can be
right hand. (Fig. 6) adjusted to make the Four-Folda look like
In the process, the left thumb, folds a castle (Figure 11) or a silk factory. If one
panel D flat against the blue face of panel edge of the panels is crenellated and one
C. The hinge of panels C and D is placed side painted grey and the other side black,
under the right thumb. At the same time, a story could be devised about a princess
the first and second fingers of the right who was locked up in a castle and forced to
hand release panel A and the load-panel X. spin and weave silk for a wicked witch.
The load will drop and be left hanging After the production of the silks a figure of
from the back of panel X in the bottom the princess could be produced from the
position. (Fig. 7) bundled silks.
All the panels facing the audience will The advantage of Four-Folda is that it
be yellow. It appears that both sides of a packs flat, is very deceptive, and can pro-
four-panel strip have been shown. duce an amazingly large load.
The left hand takes hold of the bottom Final tip: Before constructing a full-
panel X and pivots the Four-Folda into a size Four-Folda, make a playing-card
horizontal position. The opening of the sized version from thin card. This will pre-
load chamber will be upwards. The Four- vent any confusion when you make the
Folda is brought over the performer’s table real thing.
in the horizontal orientation as the hands Roots: (1) “The Silkworm Factory” by
move together in order to form it into a Dennis Vickery: Magigram, Vol. 22 -
four-sided container. The right fingers No.10: Supreme Magic. (2) “The Myster-
open the C and D panels slightly to allow ious Silkworm” by Brian Eden: The
the left-hand to push the load chamber Linking Ring, Vol. 75, No.1. (Jan.1995)
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ing the ribbon/key and have him unlock Method: Bring out the envelope and
the tube. The rolled up note is passed to the place it on the table, or give it to someone
first helper who takes off the rubber band to hold, saying, “This contains a prediction
and verifies the number or signature. of something that has yet to happen.”
Depending on the make of bill tube and Bring out the deck and spread it face up
how confident you are of its secret, it can showing a regular deck, then look at a
be examined. spectator and say, “I assume you are famil-
Roy adds: “Although the props for this iar with a deck of cards?” He will affirm.
trick are no bigger than the largest of the To which you say, “Good. In that case you
nest of boxes, the combination of use of will know the names of all the cards in the
money, a disappearance, an interesting deck?” He will nod in agreement.
brass object, and an attractive collection of Turn the deck face down and hold it in
boxes gives a lot of appeal to an audience. dealing position in the left hand. Pick up
It has gone well for me and is worth a try.” the deck from above with your right hand,
fingers at the front and thumb on the inner
The Laurel & Hardy end (Biddle grip). You now slowly dribble
Card Trick the cards into your waiting left hand, stop-
By Peter Duffie ping at varying intervals and drawing
attention to whatever name happens to be
Effect: Place an envelope on the table in in view atop the left hand section, for
full view. State this is a prediction of example, “Here we have John – here’s
something that has yet to happen. Show a Harry – and here’s Fred.” And so on.
deck of cards. On the back of each card is a Once the complete deck is back in the
different person’s name, e.g., John, Dave, left hand, say, “So, you now know all these
Harry, etc. Two spectators each freely names, do you?” This will raise a smile or
select a card. The envelope is opened and a two. However, you have also clearly
photograph of the comedy duo, Laurel and shown that each card bears a different
Hardy, is removed. The envelope is other- name without having to say so.
wise empty. When the two selected cards Pick up the deck again in a right-hand
are turned over, they bear the names “Stan Biddle grip, and begin to slowly dribble
and Ollie.” the cards into your left hand; at the same
This effect was inspired by Fred Lowe’s time ask the spectator to call stop at any
“Christened Reverse.” The Long and time.
Short principle was devised by Burling He must stop you in the upper half of the
Hull and firmly established in his classic deck. Due to the short/long arrangement,
Svengali Deck. with the cards falling in pairs, you will
Requirements: The deck for this effect reach the upper section in half the normal
consists of all 52 cards-26 are regular and time; therefore, it is nearly impossible not
26 are shortened. The short and long cards to be stopped in this section of the deck.
alternate throughout – short-long-short- When he calls stop, turn the cards
long, and so on. Every short card has a dif- remaining in your right hand face up and
ferent male first name printed on its back. place them on top of the left-hand section,
The 13 long cards in the upper half of the your left thumb clipping them in place in a
deck each have the name “STAN” printed stepped position, and remove the upper
on their backs, while the 13 long cards in face-up card and place it onto the table.
the bottom half each have the name Finally, turn the face-up cards face down
“OLLIE” printed on their backs. This onto the left-hand section and square the
gives you two forcing blocks. You also deck.
require a picture of Laurel and Hardy, Turn to a second spectator and at the
which you seal inside an envelope. same time casually give the deck a cut by
January, 2006 81
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loon from your pocket and blow it up. Two covers the middle “window.”
children are invited up to assist you. They To explain why, at the beginning your
stand either side of you, holding a balloon audience is able to see right through and
end each. The two ropes are taken and out the other side of the box. But when the
both tied around the center of the balloon. inflated balloon is pulled out later on, as
The balloon is folded in half and the the inner “black art” flap swings down to
ends fed down into the top of the box and allow the load to fall; this flap obscures
through two cut out holes, one at the front the middle back window. This normally
and one at the back. The balloon is pulled would be noticed, but the outer flap drops
and straightened out. The rope ends are to cover the space. This has never ever
fed down inside-two ends going through a been questioned as it happens at the cli-
hole at one side of the box, the other two max of the trick and there is too much else
ends going through a hole at the other side. going on.
(At this point in the routine, I usually My POPBOX is made of strong quality
model the end of the balloon into a sword. card available from Craft Shops. It is mid
This always looks good. The sword handle blue with gold trim round all the cut-outs.
is to the rear.) Make the main box first, measuring care-
The box is picked up and displayed then fully and cutting out the various openings
openly turned upside down with the open- before assembling it. The box has a fixed
ing at the bottom. The box is placed down and permanent base. The top is left open
again and a single rope is taken from each and has no lid. The entire inside is covered
side, tied together (crossed over) then two in sticky back black felt Fablon (Contact)
ends of rope are given to your helpers or similar to give it a black art effect.
(either side) to hold. They are instructed The outer flap is shown in the illustra-
on the count of “three” to gently pull their tion. This is over the opening as the bal-
You begin to count - one - two -
three! The balloon sword is pulled
out, the ropes are pulled, and they
seem to magically penetrate the
box! This should be followed by a
big round of applause. But that’s
not all that’s happened. Looking
in the box, a big pile of balloons
has appeared by magic!
The ropes are discarded; the
box is lifted up to fully display the
production. Having turned the box
up the other way again, all the bal-
loons can be dropped back inside,
left on display, and used through-
out your show.
Requirements: In a simplified
description, the prop is just a box
within a box. Study Fig. 1. All
measurements are given and
should be followed as close as you
can. You will see there is a flap at
the front that, when the box is
turned upside down, flips over and
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like. The entire order of the packet is sim- Fifteen? Act puzzled, as if something
ply reversed during the process, but the has gone wrong. Fifteen? Point out that the
cards are not mixed. most prominent suit present is clubs as
I like to ask for three numbers that total there are two of them. Fifteen of Clubs?
nine. I then reverse count the first number End by having the laminated prediction
into my empty hand and table the packet. card flipped face up to reveal your bizarre
Repeat the procedure with the second but accurate prediction!
number, tabling the second packet to the
right of the first and, finally, reverse count The Black Box
the remaining cards into my empty hand Mystery
and table the packet to the right of the rest. By Arthur Setterington
When picking up the packets always Effect: Two members of the audience
pick up the last one first, drop it onto the are invited to take part in an unusual
middle packet and then drop these com- demonstration – an observation test. They
bined cards onto the remaining packet are handed a large black box to examine,
before picking up all the cards. and both agree that the box is empty.
So, the cards have been programmed. Spectator A is asked to sit on a chair some
Next deal a row of four face-down cards distance from the box. Spectator B is seat-
from left to right. Hand the fifth card to ed in front of the box, but at one side. (Fig.
someone. This fifth card should be the 1) Both sit with their backs to all that is
Five of Clubs. taking place, and Spectator A may be
Continue to deal out the remaining given a magazine to look at whilst waiting
cards by dealing the sixth card onto the to play his part.
fourth card tabled, the seventh onto the
third, the eighth onto the second, and the
ninth onto the very first card you tabled.
Now ask the person with the Five of
Clubs to place it face up onto any of the
tabled pairs. Once he has done this, ex-
plain that he has thus eliminated the other
three pairs and gather them up as follows.
Scoop up one pair onto your waiting
palm-up hand. Scoop up the next pair in
the same way onto the first pair but – when
you scoop up the final pair – allow the Fig.1
upper card of the pair to fall on top of the
cards in your hand and the lower card to The performer says that apart from
slip beneath the rest of the cards. some introductory remarks that the first
This isn’t a move – simply allow the two part of the demonstration will be carried
cards to separate a little as you drag them out in silence. He gives to Spectator B a
off the table. It is an easy matter to lever up card on which is written a number of items
the top card of the two and allow the rest of and a pen.
the cards in your waiting hand to slip He explains that he is going to put some
between them. items in the box and Spectator B will tick
Now remove the upper two cards and them on her list as he does so. The items
state their total value. Repeat this with the are placed in the box and Spectator B ticks
other two pairs – each total will be differ- them off on her list. The box lid is closed.
ent. Pocket these six cards and have some- The performer goes to Spectator A, takes
one total the values of all three cards in the her chair, and places it in front of the box
chosen tabled pile. facing Spectator B.
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Construction Details:
A 100 mm inside diameter pvcu tube with solvent welded screw cap.
B Additional pvcu socket ends cut for open end of barrel.
C Cut out for sliding trap door with additional stops solvent welded to Locate barrel on
base unit.
D Slide out. Felt strips help to seal when trap is pushed inside.
E Unfinished base unit. Rear section for access, batteries/timer.
F Front Section is the load chamber for live bird.
G Tubes 34mm diameter shown which creates a visual link through.
H 240mm diam. Wheels, The cut outs replicate the holes created in sides.
I Two batteries PP3 -9 volt, timer unit, test lamp, and lead. If the timer is Omitted
care must be taken not to fit the Theatrical Flash prematurely. Ensure switch is off
before connecting batteries and smoke puff. Dual connector for smoke puff. Phono
double socket is fine.
J Screw cap with wiring for Theatrical Flash Smoke Puff on other side (inside barrel)
K Additional cover to protect wiring and add acceptable visual finish. Timer! battery
inside rear chamber.
to appear to be magical, the count should ly starting your count while you instruct
be achieved with lightning speed. the spectator to note the second-hand posi-
Accordingly, after much further thought, tion on his/her watch. Hence, by the time
the 60-Second (T)race, was born.” you call out “Now,” you could well have
Effect: This effect is an ideal item to already totaled the initial six or seven
introduce when you are at the bar, socializ- cards, having less than five to count for
ing in general, or if someone throws you a every 10 seconds still left on the clock!
deck and says: “Show us something with To put that into further perspective, I
the cards!” have just shuffled my own deck and placed
When such an opportunity occurs, give an unknown card face down to the table.
the deck to someone to shuffle, then ask The deck order is as follows:
that person to place any card therefrom Top down: 7, 6, 6, 8, 7, 7, 4, 2, 9, 2, (K),
face down on to the table, so that no one J, 5, 10, 3, Q, (K), 10, A, 5, 9, 3, A, 9, J, 9,
knows its identity. 10, Q, J, A, J, 2, (K), 6, 6, 4, (K), 3, 8, 7, 4,
After acquainting the audience with the 8, 8, 4, 3, Q, 2, 5, 10, Q, 5 deck face.
fact that the world record for memorizing a If you put your own deck in that order,
deck of cards is approximately three min- and then carry out the following count
utes, state that you will attempt to emulate steps with deck in hands, all should
that feat, in less than a minute, proof of become clear:
which will be the naming of the face-down 1. The key to scanning through all 51
card. cards in less than 60 seconds, is simply to
Ask your helper to note the position of keep mentally casting out all multiples of
the second hand on his/her watch, and 13 as they occur, or when the cumulative
state that on the word ‘now,’ you will start count figure gets to within 1 of such multi-
a scan of the entire deck from face to back, ples, with the exception of 52.
the culmination of which being that, 2. So, starting with the face card [the 5],
before the second hand has passed 60, you as the sum of the first two cards (5 +
will have announced the identity of the 12[Q]) exceeds 13 by more than 1, then
face-down card! continuing on to the next card [ie. the 10],
Method: In searching for a means of brings you just 1 past the multiple 26 (5 +
undertaking a lightning count of the pips in 12 + 10 = 27). You thus mentally cast out
the 51-card deck, I broke the number 364 26, and restart your count, with the
down into its factors, which are: 2, 4, 7, 13, remainder 1.
28, 52, 91, and 182. As that analysis 3. Adding that 1 to the next five cards [1
revealed, a full deck can be split up into 28 + (5 + 2 + 12[Q] + 3 + 4), brings you to 27
groups of 13, and that multiples of 13, are once more, so again you mentally cast out
26, 39, and 52, I soon discovered that, with 26, and restart your count with the remain-
a bit of practice, it was really quite easy to der 1. This time, as the progressive cumu-
commence totaling the pips from the face lative count does not get close enough to
card, and by dropping every multiple of 13 either 13 or 26, you simply continue
along the way, arrive at a number, after the towards the next multiple - 39, and as quite
last card, which, when subtracted from 13, often happens, you will find that the next
would equate to the value of the face-down six cards actually bring you precisely to
card! that figure (1 + [8 + 8 + 4 + 7 + 8 + 3])!
At that point, it was a simple task, to 4. As Kings have a value of 13, they are
quickly re-scan the deck to see which of automatically cast out whenever they are
the four cards bearing that value, was encountered. Hence, ignore the next card
missing! (the King, plus any further Kings), and
You can imperceptibly “buy time,” by begin a fresh count on the 4. As that count
spreading the “in hands” deck, and actual- progresses, it will be found that the cumu-
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only one of those grooves is actually used skills now. He asks the spectator to state
to hold the book, the other two form a con- aloud the page number he selected.
tinuous decoration. You will now find that He further adds that this is so the specta-
the triangular stand can be turned around tor will not change his mind in the middle
but still retains the same shape. of the experiment. Once known, that page
A tray, which has an area large enough number can be easily found in a glance.
to hold the stands in a row. With every ten page-numbers forming a
Cue Cards: Go through each book and column, it is an easy matter to glance at,
using a thin nib pen list the first and last say, page 65.
word of each page. This should be Simply concentrate on the sixth column
arranged in columns of ten, with the page and both the first and last words will be
numbers running down the sides. there. Say, “You are thinking of a word, sir.
Example: Six worship/table; Seven I am starting to see this word very clearly. I
folding/agony. have the feeling that you took your time to
Each cue card should be of the size of decide whether it should be the first word
one of the sides of a triangular stand and or the last one. I have a feeling that you
once made, should be glued to such. The might have thought of the last word!”
same procedure is repeated with all of the Should the spectator have chosen this
books and stands. last word, all the better and he will quickly
In setting up the apparatus, each stand affirm. Should he, however, have selected
should be arranged in a row, with the cue the first word, you immediately say, “Yes,
card side downwards and out of view. yes, the last word, you must have changed
Corresponding books should now be your mind at one point. I can reveal that
slotted into the groove so they stand the last word on your selected page is
upright, covers to the front. Because the ‘worship.’The spectator will acknowledge
books and stands are displayed on a tray, this. The performer then climaxes the
this can be lifted away and casually shown effect by saying, “But, should you have
around at all angles. definitely concentrated on the first word,
Working and Presentation: Lift up the this is ‘table.”’
tray and display the books resting within The display block with the cue card to
their stands. Casually show all sides. Now its rear can be causally turned over again
remove the books from their stands and as the tray is being picked up, so that you
pass them out to a selected spectator, ask- purposely flash the rear sides.
ing him to freely look through them to
make sure the contents relate to the covers Predict-a-Ball
etc. By Chris Wardle
Now ask the spectator to select one of
the books. The other books are retrieved Effect: The performer displays a small
and in discarding them onto the tray, the clear plastic gift box in which can be seen
triangular stand from which the selected four one-and-a-half-inch sponges (in red,
book came is simply given one small turn yellow, green, and blue). On the front of
so the cue card comes into the performer’s the box is a cartoon of a man thinking with
view at the rear. the four colored balls on the front. This is
The rest is simple, the spectator being what the performer invites the spectator to
asked to open the book at any page and to do, just to think of one of the colors. This is
glance at either the first or last word of the a completely free choice and whichever
page, and then to close the book. color is thought of will be the one which is
The performer states that he has memo- used – there will be no elimination.
rized thousands of words which appear in The spectator is invited to name the
all four books and will demonstrate his color he has been freely thinking of – and
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Debra’s Aces
By Jack Skertchly
tributed near the center of the deck. done in the hands and should look casual
Run through the face-up pack, upjog- as the magician toys with the cards while
ging the Aces, and showing there ‘are only explaining what he proposes to do.
four of them. Jack writes: “The effect is an outgrowth
Perform the Vernon Strip-out Addition of “The Braue Poker Deal” – an effect I
with one card (the key card), which places have consistently modified since 1952
the key card on the back of the face-up Ace when I first read it in Expert Card
packet as it is stripped out, thus hiding the Technique and started learning the Faro
different back. Shuffle from the same book.”
Let a spectator cut the pack in two por-
tions. The back of the Ace packet, still in Holiday Prediction
the magician’s hand or on the table can be By Father Mervyn Jennings
flashed to show a regular back (the key Effect: A Prediction Envelope is given
card) which is then placed on either of the to a member of the audience either just
tabled packets. The other packet is then before the effect begins or earlier in the
placed on top of the Aces, apparently los- evening. A member of the audience is
ing them within the full pack. asked to cut a pack of cards in which each
Using the key card, cut a few cards card bears a different holiday venue. The
above it and perform a Tabled Faro card chosen, the Six of Hearts, reveals the
Shuffle. Repeat the cut and Faro Shuffle. holiday to be in Cyprus. The Prediction
Finally, cut at the key card to leave it as the Envelope is opened and it reveals a
top card of the pack. brochure for Holidays in Cyprus and
Deal four hands of poker, Second attached to it is a card. It is turned over; it is
Dealing on the dealer’s hand. Each card is the Six of Hearts.
quickly turned face up as it is dealt. These Requirements: This effect uses a
are the Aces with the very different backs. Svengali pack of cards. Half of the cards
Spread the other hands and the rest of are marked with different venues, the oth-
the pack to show similar backs, comment- ers with the same. Collect brochures from
ing on the efficiency of the marking sys- a Travel Agent; one to be used as the pre-
tem and then finish with the startling reve- diction, the others just to demonstrate in
lation of the marked Aces’ the presentation.
End Notes: In the set-up, the Aces Method:: Say, “I am finding it more
could be placed at any positions from the and more difficult to choose where to go
top and bottom of the pack such as 2nd and on holiday.”
4th, or 2nd and 5th, etc. so long as the Show some holiday brochures:
magician can conceal them during the “There’s so much choice.”
face-down fan spread. The positions given Flicking through the brochures, contin-
(2nd and 4th) are quite adequate to give a ue: “I could go to Florida and visit Mickey
random distribution. Mouse, or Los Vegas and gamble night and
The key card could be any type the day, or how about Paris the city of
magician is familiar with. I use a belly Romance, or Rome the eternal city with its
stripper – always positive – and since the wonderful museums and churches and the
card is flat with “proper” corners, there is Sistine Chapel. Or I could explore the
no problem with the Faro Shuffles. Mediterranean on a cruise, or go to the
The effect, as a gambling demonstra- Caribbean. Or how about Mexico or
tion, looks much better with a Tabled Faro Cancun? So, much choice it’s difficult. To
which, of course, resembles a Riffle help me I’ve prepared a deck of cards and
Shuffle. Only about sixteen cards need to written down a different holiday venue on
be Faro’d perfectly. each one. Some of them I’ve mentioned.”
The first shuffle, to distribute the Aces is Look through the cards and say,
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them on the top of the packet. Because the unerring ability to instinctively know
top card has remained on top, the spectator where every card in the deck is at any
should have followed the actions and reply given moment. Do not be smug when you
it is still on top. The count is repeated twice utter these words for you will be greeted
more. The performer asks do you know with a stony silence.
what has happened. Nothing – they are “That is not my card” will be the reply.
back in the same order Ace through to Slightly crestfallen, you frown, pause for a
Eight. moment, and then let your face light up
Now the spectator is to follow your with a knowing look of “Eureka!” Remove
actions with the blue-backed set. the card and slip it face down into the face-
However, this time the top red-back Ace is down deck adding, “My mistake, your
separated and counted as a single card. The card should be the only one facing the
red set of cards will now have nine cards to wrong way. What was it?”
be counted, but no one will notice, as all The spectator names the Ace of Spades.
eyes will be watching the spectator. Both Ribbon spread the deck face-down to
sets are mixed three times. reveal the chosen card face-up. This is a
At the completion of the mixing the simple card effect you can use as a filler
spectator looks at the blue-backed set and between your other outstanding card
the cards will have been returned to the magic. As stated at the beginning of the
original order Ace through to Eight. effect you are required to use cards with a
The spectator is now asked to try some back design that has no border.
magic with a small magic wand. The small The reason for this is that when the
wand is waved over the performers red- cards are spread or out of alignment it is
backed set. Some fun can be had here by hard to distinguish the edges of the cards
repeating some stupid incantation. because of the design. A further explana-
After the business with the small wand tion will follow later in the text.
has been carried out, the red set of cards Method: Have a card freely selected by
are shown to have completely reversed a member of your audience, noted and
themselves Eight through to Ace. held up for all to see what it is. You do not
Congratulate the spectator for doing the need to see the card as you will be in con-
magic and, as you put the small magic trol of its position. The card can be slipped
wand back into a plastic wallet, say: face down into the deck by the spectator or
“Don’t tell anyone how you did this will you can do this yourself. You decide.
you – I will be kicked out of the Mystic If the spectator slips the card into the
Circle. Oh! By the way this is my stick.” deck, it has to go in from the bottom end.
This is a particular favorite of mine and, Do not allow the card to be pushed in all
when carried out in a slow and deliberate the way. The card is held in an out-jogged
manner, always registers well. position from the inner end of the deck.
(Fig. 1)
Shining Like a Raise your hand to clearly show the
Beacon position of the card. (Fig. 2)
By Alexander Allen The card is now pushed into the deck
Effect: Using Bicycle Bee decks or 999 from the back with the right thumb. By
Steamboat, a card is freely selected, noted pressing down on the end of the card with
by all in your presence and clearly slipped the right thumb as it is pushed in, you
into the deck. The deck is cut and shuffled cause a natural break to form above the
to lose the selection. You pull a card from chosen card. (Fig. 3)
the deck to a face-up position on the face- Hold the break with the right thumb, as
down deck and state that this was the card you remove about half the cards above the
selected, and you have found it by your break and place them on the bottom of the
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fully erase your address from the front of Continue: “Do you have in your posses-
the envelope, and unstick the flap. You are sion a letter from me?” (The spectator will
left with an open envelope postmarked affirm.) “Does it have a normal postage
with an earlier date with no address on the stamp?” (The spectator will affirm.) “Is it
front. The reason for three envelopes is totally sealed up all the way round?” (The
purely insurance. On one occasion my spectator will affirm.)
wife got the post (mail) first and slit the Continue: “Today is the 20th of January
envelope open! (for instance). Would you please confirm
On the day of performance, you get up that the envelope is postmarked 10th of
early and buy a newspaper with a suitable January?” (The spectator will affirm.) “Is
headline. You write your prediction, seal it it true that since the envelope came into
in the postmarked envelope, and address it your possession I have not come near it or
to the VIP who will be bringing it on stage. been able to tamper with it in any way?”
Here is the part that may cause some dif- (The spectator will affirm.)
ficulty. You now have to get it delivered Let this register and add, “Please now
without causing suspicion. If it is a compa- open the envelope and reveal my predic-
ny, just handing it in to reception saying it tion.” The VIP does so, and the prediction
requires immediate attention should be is confirmed by the copy of the newspaper
OK. As circumstances will vary with each brought.
event, I leave this part to your own ingenu- Wallace adds: “Please do not mix this in
ity. Here is a little subtlety that can help with a normal act with cards, ropes, silks,
allay any suspicion. When the envelope is and the usual paraphernalia. Do not pres-
addressed, make a minor mistake. In my ent this as a magician but as someone who
case, my Post Code (Zip Code) is BS3 has unknown powers. The last time I pre-
4SN. This would be written as BS3 4SM. sented this it meant arising early in the
Then circle the mistake and write by the morning to get that day’s copy of a news-
side in disguised handwriting WRONG paper, driving forty eight miles to a hotel
POST CODE. This would explain why the to deliver the prediction and driving home
letter was so long (?) in transit. again. Back in the evening once again to
Presentation Tips: I have borrowed the present the act, all told nearly 200 miles.
salesperson’s technique of asking ques- Was it worth it? Indeed.”
tions and only invite the answer “yes” or Thanks to all the British Ring members
“no.” After calling the VIP on stage and who contributed to this Parade and espe-
the usual introductions, say: “I am going to cially to our faithful compiler Ian Adair.
ask you some questions, to keep things Send questions, comments and thanks to
moving you only need to answer yes or Ian at 15 Oak Tree Drive, Barnstable,
no.” Devon, EX32 0HE ENGLAND.
Our contributor this month lives in and works around Orlando, Florida and likes to
rework classic plots. He was also the first contributor to this column to submit an effect
with the new Texas Hold ‘Em poker game as its theme. His contribution this month is a
complete card routine.
face up with one card face down on top. ever play ‘Follow the Leader’as a kid. You
Place the selection face down in the know, that’s where whatever you do, all
deck about halfway down and outjogged. the others have to do the same?”
Shift the cards up to the fingertips, as if As you say this line, flip the selection
you were going to do a Charlier Pass, as face down. Immediately spread the deck
you say, “Let me show you what just hap- face down hiding, as before the face-up
pened. This time I’ll leave your card stick- second card.
ing out so you can keep track of it.” Close up the cards locating the Breather
As you say this, squeeze the deck so Crimp and doing a Half Pass of all the
that the cards near the palm bow out a lit- cards under it. This precedes the next pat-
tle. Use your forefinger to move the bot- ter line, “Did you ever watch the ‘Twilight
tom card back (Fig. 3) so that the right Zone?’ What if some morning you went to
hand can thumb-clip the card that you are the mirror and saw the back of your
moving back. This can be done as the right head?”
hand gestures toward the protruding card. Do a Double Turn here with the back-
to-back double. Continue your patter with,
“No matter how you turned your head,
you just couldn’t see your face.”
Flip the double over twice quickly as if
trying to catch a glimpse of its face.
“In a panic you run into the street but all
you can see is the backs of people’s heads
and no faces.”
Hiding the face-up second card, spread
a good bunch of the top face-down cards.
Square up the deck and turn it over. “Even
when you run around to their other sides,
Holding the cards with the left thumb you still see only backs of heads, no
near the end of the deck where the out faces.”
jogged card is eliminates almost all of the During the above patter, use your right
backward movement usually used for this thumb to riffle up the inner right corner
move. Deposit the thumb-clipped card on until the Corner Short falls and secure a
the top of the deck. Pinky Break
Point out that the card doesn’t turn over, Spread the cards above the pinky break
the deck does. Except for the selection, showing more backs. Square up the deck
only the card under the face-up card just doing a Half Pass of all the cards below the
deposited is face down. Spread the cards break.
by pushing a small block from the top and “Let’s get out of this nightmare by
the rest of the deck will appear face down going back to when you had a face.” Here
except for the selection. you spread the cards to show the selection
Slowly square the face-up deck in the again face up in the middle.
left hand, strip out the selection, and place Out jog the selection and close up the
it face up on top of the deck. deck again. Grip the deck with the right
With the right thumb, riffle up the inner, thumb on top and fingers underneath.
left corner of the deck until the corner Turn the left hand palm down and
short falls. This will be under the top three approach the deck using the left forefinger
cards. Do a Half Pass under these three to move the selection to the right as you
cards retaining the left pinky break. grip the deck from above, thumb on the
Push off the top card as if to deal it, but left long edge and the fingers on the right
leave it side-jogged as you say, “Did you long edge. (Fig. 4)
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back-to-back double onto the face of the
right-hand cards. Rotate the right hand
palm down and place it on top of the left-
hand cards. This move is the Larre-verse.
Saying that you will try it again, ask the
second spectator the name of his card.
Respread the cards showing the second
selection, saying, “I love it when a plan
comes together.”
This is a take-off of a well known effect, but it has an interesting and mysterious end-
ing. Some credit should go to Larry Jennings for the inspiration in his effect “Coin in
Beer Can.” I don’t know who to credit for the basic “Salt Shaker” through the table. Dan
Alessini has combined both ideas into a well thought-out routine. I’m already using this
idea, and hope many of my readers will also find it useful. Enjoy...
By Dan Alessini
Effect: A can and a coin both penetrate Cover again and go through the same
the table. motions. “Hmmm, still there. Oh, I placed
Required: Two empty 5.5 ounce juice it on the table with the wrong side of the
cans, two duplicate coins, and a paper nap- coin uppermost.”
kin. As you reach for the coin and turn it
Preparation: Drop one of the coins into over, the can is allowed to fall out of the
one of the cans, and crush this can almost napkin and into your lap. “It should work
flat. now!”
Presentation: On the table are the Place the napkin over the coin (as if the
uncrushed can, the other coin, and the nap- can were still inside). “I’ll try another tac-
kin. Between your knees is the crushed can tic!”
with the coin inside. Smash the napkin flat (apparently
“I’m going to show you a scientific phe- smashing the can) and say, “I didn’t realize
nomenon. If a silver coin is covered with my own strength.” Reach under the table
an aluminum can, and both are covered to and retrieve the smashed can bringing it
block out all light, the coin will vanish.” into sight. “These new cans must be made
Show the articles. Place the coin about of a new alloy, and that’s why the coin did-
six inches from the edge of the table, then n’t vanish.”
wrap the napkin around the can. Place the Shake the flattened can so the coin
napkin-wrapped can on top of the coin. inside rattles. “I guess the coin penetrated
“A little time is needed for the reaction both the table – and the can.”
to take place. Only a few seconds are all it As this is said, the other hand drags the
takes. That should do it.” nakin (with the coin underneath) off the
Lift the can and napkin off the coin and table.
bring it back to the edge of the table and The can with the coin inside can be
hold it there. Look down at the coin. given to one of the spectators as a keep-
“Darn, it’s still there. Maybe it needs more sake of the event.
time.” Tom Craven
Cover the coin again and repeat the lift- 5217-G Cline Rd.
ing of the can to see if the coin is gone. “It’s Kent, OH 44240
still there.”
January, 2006 105
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The magic coloring book is both a derided and commonplace trick. But it doesn’t have
to be! Are you still using that old, tired book with circus pictures in it? Well, it’s time for
an update!
Effect: The magician shows a book, principle; the colored pages are angled in
titled Balloon Magic, filled with pictures one direction, the black and white pages
of balloons and people with balloons – but are angled in the other direction.
in black and white. When you flip through the pages, hold-
“Well, that’s not very exciting,” he says. ing the book at the top, you get one set of
“Let’s say the magic words and see what pages; when you hold the book at the bot-
happens!” tom, you get the other set.
(NOTE: Well, actually, TWO The pages should be of card stock, not
NOTES: First, while this model is done light paper, to avoid any “show-through.”
for balloons, it can be made into a coloring Use your computer’s clip art to generate
book for just about any area of magic: For the balloon pix; one picture in color, the
example, I have done it as a book of spells, other (the same size) in black and white.
a Christmas theme, a Halloween theme, a Trim the colored pages along the right-
bizarre theme, a Hogwarts theme – but hand side, from the top, starting about a
don’t step on the copyright! – and so on.) half-inch wide and then tapering to zero.
Secondly, this book starts off black and The black and white pages are done the
white and changes to color; the way I have same, but they are trimmed starting at the
set it up, there is no “blank” series of bottom.
pages, but one can easily be added.) Alternate the pages, colored and black
Have the youngsters call out the “magic and white, so that you have pairs of pic-
word or words.” This can be something as tures.
simple as “Abracadabra” or you can use Add a cover that says something like
the colors of the rainbow (especially good Balloon Magic (assuming the book is
for younger children who delight in show- going to be used in conjunction with bal-
ing off their knowledge – in this case, of loons.)
colors). Or you can use any one (or any Square the pages up on the LEFT side
number) of gag wands. and staple them or otherwise permanently
After the “magic words,” the magician and SOLIDLY hold them together.
flips through the book again to show the Stop here – because you are done!
pictures have been colored. Second thoughts: Samuel Patrick
Working: The coloring book – for the Smith has a great routine that uses two of
one or two readers who don’t know how it the three-color changes of the standard
works – operates on the Svengali deck coloring book. Fortunately, as he says,
106 The Linking Ring
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most magicians won’t use it because they just leave the black and white pages blank.
paid for a book with three changes and If you want to go from blank to black
they are going to use all three! (That’s the and white, leave the colored pages blank.
sort of thinking that gave us World Wars I Peter Marucci
and II!) 200 River St., Suite 303
However, the model above will get Fergus, Ontario Canada
around that, since it only has two changes. N1M 3H8
If you want to go from blank to colored, e-mail:
by MarcoM
“...from the table of my memory...”
(Being a Compilation of Anecdotes on Magic annd Magicians
Gleaned from Recollections vaults)
It was the second season of Scarborough Faire, the Renaissance Festival that has been
my second home for these many years, and early Sunday morning I was outside the
motel room, loading props and equipment preparatory to heading for the Faire site. I was
shirtless, and clad only in black tights, boots, and an earring. Suddenly, a pickup truck
pulled up beside me and the bucolic type in the driver’s seat, noting my rather pictur-
esque attire and apparently mistaking me for a Hulk Hogan type or one of the profession-
al wrestlers who sometimes affect similar garb, inquired, “Say, whur they havin’ rasslin’
at today?” I replied, “Out at the Faire grounds.” “Wal, Ah’ll shore be thar! Ah love
rasslin’!” “Good,” I answered, “I’ll look for you.”
Of course, I never saw him – but I hadn’t lied; the Beggars of M’Earth periodically
strive mightily in mock mortal combat in the mud pit that is their theatre. I only wish that
Clem (or whatever the wrestling fan’s name was) had been able to see them.
Editor’s Note: Wel, Ah shore yam glad I dint see MarcoM lak that! Mah hero wierd-
ship wold ave gun out da winda.
Tips on Tricks
Years ago, the late, lamented Sid Lorraine had a column in Tops magazine by this title.
I always thought it was a superb idea. So does Bev Bergeron, and I have a plethora (that’s
a lot) of ideas from Bev to start this with, but want you all to know I am seriously looking
for ideas from YOU! This first is from ye olde editor.
Why is it some close-up venues are so dark people really can’t see the magic? Here are
a couple of ideas to help with that. The first is called “The Effortless Over-Ear Book
Light” and is in the current (last chance 2005) Hammacher Schlemmer catalog. It is a
compact little unit not much bigger than an average ear with a focused beam and pro-
vides a claimed 100,000 hours of light and does not heat up. It requires one AAA battery
for over 25 hours of intermittent use. Price is $24.95. It’s worth trying out and if it doesn’t
help your close-up illumination, you can always read a book. Couldn’t hurt.
(Continued on page 109)
Storytelling IS MAGIC
by Ed Solomon
Play Ball
DeNomolos has a collection of unique raise some questions in your mind. There
boxes that sit upon the shelves in his are parts of this tale, which bring tears to
library, on the occasional tables, the man- my eyes each time it comes to mind. Don’t
tle above the fireplace, on top of his desk, be alarmed or embarrassed for me as it is a
in fact the boxes are almost a fetish with part of the human condition and is a result
him. Behind his back we call him the “box of the passion I have for the unreal, the
freak” because every time he sees a unique unsaid, or the unexplained.”
container it is purchased and becomes a He got our attention needless to say.
part of his vast collection. Each box now When the old man gets serious he can tug
contains some sort of interesting item with your heartstrings. I braced myself mental-
which he uses to demonstrate a theory or ly for what was coming next.
as a prop for one of his remarkable stories. “This story concerns a 16-year-old boy,
The evenings gathering knew that critically ill in a small community hospital
tonight would be no exception. DeNom- back in the 1930’s. Tommy Blain was his
olos had selected a rather crude cardboard name and meningitis had struck him
box about six inches square. It was bound down. The family was told that he might
with strips of tape and had a slip-on lid that not make it through the night. He was in a
could be opened to remove the contents. ward that had been the sun porch in the
DeNomolos fondled the old cardboard local residence that had been converted
box as he began his story for the evening. into a hospital. This was customary in that
“I want you to listen with care my friends time period. Real hospital buildings didn’t
for this story is one which will no doubt get built until after WW2.” DeNomolos
108 The Linking Ring
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seemed to be rambling – again. “Tommy told his mother what had hap-
“There were portable screens surround- pened and she gasped. Visibly shaken, she
ing the patients giving them some sense of told Tommy that when his little brother
privacy and Tommy was in and out of con- David was small, Tommy, who was six at
sciousness during the day. Somewhere in the time, had given him a ball. A bright red
the back of his mind, he was still thinking ball and they used to toss the ball back and
and listening. He heard and recognized his forth. David died when he was four and
mother’s voice. He heard the nurses rat- Tommy had no memory of the ball. But
tling the bedpans and heard the doctors as somehow Tommy knew that it had been
they made their rounds. Some time about David on the other side of the screen, and
mid afternoon, he was at his lowest ebb. today will tell you his brother had come to
The nurses were saying that it wouldn’t be fetch him from the jaws of death. ‘Because
long now. In the background he heard his my life was not finished, he came to play
mother weeping. ball with me and I got well.’”
“Then without warning, over the top of That was the story and we all sat in
the screen nearest his bed, came a bright silence. I thought I heard Charles sniffle
red ball and he heard a child’s laughter. He once but I couldn’t be sure. DeNomolos
rallied and thought how rude. Some kid opened the box and put the lid on the table.
running up and down the isles playing with Almost immediately, from the box, sailed
a ball. He picked up the ball and threw it a bright red ball.
back over the screen. Again there was DeNomolos smiled and said in a very
laughter and again the ball came sailing quiet voice, “Anybody want to play
over the screen. catch?”
“Tommy sat up in his bed. It was a strug- Working: The box described in the
gle but he had to do it. Again he tossed the story is very unique and adds to the story
ball and again it came back. As it came as it looks like it might have come from the
back a part of him felt better and he gig- time period, but any box will do. A card-
gled to himself. Here he was a big 16-year- board box with a detachable lid large
old, playing ball with some kid he couldn’t enough to hold a four-inch ball will be
even see. The ball bounded over the screen fine. The ball I use is a soft rubber ball
and he caught it this time and said out loud, about the size of a “Nerf” ball.
‘Who is that?’ They didn’t have foam rubber or plastic
“There was no answer but there was this in the thirties so the old soft rubber ball
little laugh again and he stood up in his bed was my choice. The box is arranged with
and tossed the ball again. Each toss he felt rubber bands stretched across the middle
better and better. About that time the nurse of the box about half way down. Holding
looked in on him and he was up, standing the box and squeezing the sides against the
on his bed laughing. The nurse exclaimed, ball will keep the ball in place. When you
‘Glory be, It’s a miracle.’ His mother was relax your grip, the rubber bands toss the
crying and his dad held her hand. The doc- ball up in the air about two feet.
tors came and examined Tommy and pro- That is all that is needed. The story must
nounced him well. supercede the props.
Reviews by
with the people who created what you are superb poster collection. There is a fine
reading is very intriguing. Highly article by Stanley Palm on Dante and the
Recommended. Rolando Santos very first big magic show that appeared in
■ Vegas. Editor and Publisher David Meyer
Magicol winds up the issue with a Farewell to
The Magic Collectors’ Association, LLC, PO Box Oscar Weigle, Jr., MCA President Jim
511, Glenwood, IL 60425-0511, USA or magic.col- Published quarterly in
Alfredson remembers Clifton Flora,
February, May, August and November. Four color, Meyer reviews the Yankee Collector #11.
soft cover, stapled 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, avg. 2005 36 pages, There is a listing of early issues of Magicol
both color and b&w photos. Available by member- for sale, and the usual “Notes and
ship, dues $25.00 US, $30.00 all other countries, Comments” by the editor. Two pages of
payable in US funds only.
ads for people and companies collectors
The November 2005 issue (No. 157)
need to know about end the issue. If you
features Carmo’s “Mummy” levitation in
care about the history of Magic, this
color on the cover
delightful little journal is highly recom-
and in eight color
photos with three
Phil Willmarth
beautiful ladies per- ■
forming this out-
standing levitation Supreme Master Parasol Production
described in a nine- Richard Hughes. Hughes Magic Inc., 352 N.
Prospect St., Ravenna, Ohio 44266 (330) 296-4023
page article by col- Complete. $250 plus $15
lector and illusion s&h US, $25 elsewhere.
restorer Tad Ware.
No less an authority
than British TV pro-
ducer John Fisher
described this as
“ of the most
artistic levitations
ever produced....”
The issue is worth having for this one item
alone, as Mr. Ware explains the history of
the illusion from Carl Hertz who started it
and The Great Carmo who carried it on, to Performer shows four silks to be empty
Jeffrey Atkins who recreated the apparatus and then produces a brightly colored para-
which Mr. Ware finally acquired and sol, followed by another, and another, and
restored to working condition. Clay another until four parasols have been pro-
Shelvin offers a very valuable article for duced. Thinking the performer is done,
book collectors on how to do it right. one more parasol is produced but this one
Finally, Terry Harris’s “Who Is it? What Is looks like a giant frog.
It? Who Made It?” Column once again All parasols are self-opening, large
tries to answer these questions about a (30˝) and brightly colored. There are four
photo of a magician and another about the different colored parasols (collapsing
unknown maker of a Blue Phantom. down to about 23˝ long); plus the special
However, there is much more. Michael frog parasol. Five 100% China silks with
Claxon contributes an excellent, detailed double-turned flat hems. Complete direc-
review of the 36th Annual Magic tions included.
Collectors’ Weekend including photos of This is a colorful, effective production
the David Copperfield Museum and with a humorous ending. Definitely rec-
Warehouse and a shot of Norm Nielsen’s ommended. Phil Willmarth
January, 2006 111
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Card Repeat” that you will want to make, a how effective it was, he ordered specially
routine with a ring and spring (the props printed napkins. When his peers saw his
are no longer made and may be difficult to napkins, they wanted them, and he had to
locate), “Coin Snatch” and “Original go into the business. Then he made a DVD
Inside Out,” a sort of one-card “Card explaining his presentations plus impor-
Warp” that uses a paper clip and is handed tant tips such as how to scent the rose, how
out at the end. to make a tea rose, how to carry the roses,
Volume 7 has four sets, the first consist- etc.
ing solely of his Q&A act. The simplicity Having made the napkin rose a number
of this will delight you and the audience of times, even impromptu using a plain
response will inspire you. The next set is cocktail napkin when coaxed to perform at
strictly card tricks and contains finding a a party when not expecting it, I can tell you
chosen card under impossible conditions, it is a most effective effect, given even a
having a spectator locate a selected card, rough presentation, and a much appreciat-
having a mentally chosen card appear in ed giveaway. However, the effectiveness
your pocket, and finally having a chosen is upped in great measure when Mode’s
card appear as the inside of a matchbook – special napkins are used. And, you’ll find
twice. The next set consists of an ESP his presentations and tips invaluable. It’s a
demonstration, design duplication and “warm fuzzy” you’ll find effective in most
ashes on the arm. All three of these could any venue.
easily go into the repertoire of a profes- Highly recommended. You can learn
sional mentalist. The final set shows his how to make the rose on the Internet
“Pen Paddle Move,” and he explains how (including on Michael’s website.
he uses it in trade shows, “Dad’s Favorite,” However, I urge you to buy the video and
a card trick actually taught to him by his at least one 50-pack and believe you’ll
father, his handling of the “Haunted Key,” never be sorry. Phil Willmarth
and his version of “Solid Ghost,” where a
ghost appears inside a plain, white hand-
For more information on the videos and
other Osterlind products visit his website
Many of the effects on the videos, while B O O K S
fully explained, are available ready to per-
form from his website. Devious Deceptions
These DVDs have a good combination Steve Skomp order from Steve Skomp, 368 Imperial
Way #346, Daly City, Ca. 94015 or
of magic, mental magic and mentalism. Spiral wire bound, soft cover,
There is enough of each to be of interest to 8 x 10,64 pages, 26 effects, 50 photos. $25.00 plus
all performers. Highly recommended. $3.50 postage/handling.
Fred Rosenbaum Like many people who start young,
■ Skomp drifted away from magic for a
Napkin Rose time, only to have a night of internet surf-
Michael Mode, 37460 Charter Oaks, Clinton ing rekindle his interest in our craft.
Township, Michigan, 48036, 1-800-913-8669, DVD plus bonus pack of 12 After an eighteen-year hiatus beginning
napkin roses. $19.50, 50-refill pack $9.95, 150-count in 1983, Skomp is back and I think we will
pack $24.95. Available in red, yellow, and pink roses. be glad that he is. Devious Deceptions is a
Michael Mode is a corporate magician collection of effects invented and used
from Michigan. He did not create the nap- almost 25 years. Part of what is interesting
kin rose nor was he the first to market it. about the book is that because of the retro
However, after doing it and finding out feel of the effects, they work well for
January, 2006 113
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today’s audiences because the seventies the result of his individual experience, his
are “in” again. hard-earned wisdom about what works
That is not to say this is just a rehash of and what does not work for him. As such, it
old effects, the book has really good may or may not work for you – but, I’ll
magic, with an occasional nostalgic ding. I wager that most of it will. There are now
found myself going back through my several books of this type. I doubt you will
library to see the original effects that some find one that is cheaper or more packed
of the tricks are based on. with succinct expressions of how to do it.
There are also more recent creations Recommended if you want to grow.
such as “Imagination Deck,” an entire Phil Willmarth
deck of cards turns into a dollar bill; “Tiny ■
Town Terror,” three cards are selected and Bill Goldman’s Magic Bar and Grill
the magician is able to name the cards, but Bill Goldman, PO Box 36, Clarendon Hills, Illinois
then miniature replicas of the selected 60514 or YFD. Dealers contact Murphy’s Magic
Supplies, 1-800-
cards begin turning all over the place like a 853-7403 or international 916-853-9292. $40.00 plus
plague of mini cards; “Monster Box” is $3 p&h.
great sight gag, but the method could easi-
ly be used by Bizarrists; as can the “Steffi
Gaff,” a way-so-easy method of marking
just about anything you want. I made up
the gaff in no time and it is very easy to
use. The mentalism and bizarre possibili-
ties are very intriguing.
The book has a little of everything,
coins, cards, mentalism, gaffs and solid
methods for good magic. Welcome back to
the fold Mr. Skomp.
Highly Recommended.
Rolando Santos
The Little Book of Secrets
Bill Goldman, Bad Dog Magic, www.baddogmagic This is a reprinting of Bill Goldman’s
.com or YFD. Dealers contact Murphy’s Magic eclectic and erratic periodical that caused
Supplies 1-800- so much interest among working pros
853-7403 or international 916-853-9292. Perfect
bound, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 54 pages, several decorative when it was released. Goldman is one of
illustrations. $19.95 the very few magicians who have moved
Bill Goldman is one of the very few effortlessly from amateur to corporate
magicians who moved directly from ama- magician and he has never looked back.
teur to corporate One of the major reasons is he is an indi-
magician. He earns vidual with original material and the other
most of his living per- is that he thinks very commercial. His
forming at trade peers consider him the consummate pro-
shows, hospitality fessional and both Doc Eason and Gaeton
rooms, club shows. Bloom have labeled him “a genius.” What
He is sharing his more recommendation do you want?
experience of the This is a sampling of his material, most
secrets of making audience tested and my guess is that you
“tricks” into “Magic.” will find at least one idea in each of the ten
This is a book of issues in this collection that you will use
theory, no tricks, pre- and maybe more than one. His Newspaper
sentations, gags. It is Tear was marketed by others, but you can
114 The Linking Ring
PP77-124 12/15/05 11:53 AM Page 39
ber of letters published after his name – mini stage. Clear and simple, with no
M.B., ChB, and FRS, as well as magic extraneous moves, this is an excellent
IBM, BMS, and SMM. He was a full instruction piece for those interested in
member of both the British Ring and inter- performing close-up magic and in particu-
national organization, and was the recipi- lar the Cups and Balls routine.
ent of several civil honors bestowed by Howard Flint
King George VI of England. He was a pro-
fessor on the medical faculty of a British
University, a neuropyschiatrist, and med-
ical jurist in the high court of justice.
Cannon was well traveled, including trips
to China and Tibet. He claimed to be a
Kushog Yogi of northern Tibet. T R I C K S
Alexander Cannon was actually a magic
hobbyist, and in fact had a theater installed Double Feature
in his mansion. His major claim to fame, By Larry Becker and Lee Earle Two books: The
Century’s 100 Classic Films, soft cover, approx. 5
however, was as the inventor of the lie 1/4˝ x 7 3/8˝, 160 pages. On This Day, soft cover,
detector. approx. 5 7/8˝ x 6 7/8˝, 200 pages, 734 illustrations,
This is a scholarly publication that from or
should give the reader an insight into the YFD, $169 + shipping.
history of English magic. Well written and
well documented, the authors present
engaging stories of the lives of these men.
Very highly recommended reading to
those with a yen for magic history.
Howard Flint
the 366 days of the year. You can turn to a movie.” Three bookmarks are fairly
spectator’s birthday and let them read placed in the book and are used to select
what happened in history on their birthday. the movie, leading man and leading lady.
This can be repeated for several specta- After trying to visualize what that might
tors. Finally, a spectator is told to just think end up looking like, you unroll a movie
of her birthday. You describe several poster for the selected movie. At the bot-
events, and when she tells you when she tom are written the selected leading man
was born you turn to that page and let her and lady. This can be repeated three times.
read off the events that match your premo- As a kicker you have one of the “little peo-
nition. There are cues on the back of the ple” selected and read their mind to reveal
book so no memorization is needed. The it letter by letter. No mistakes, no branch-
only downside is that this cannot be ing anagrams, you name every letter in the
repeated so is more amenable to stage than name, every time.
walk-around. You only receive the book, but a web
The book is well made, with different address is provided that contains a down-
drawings or pictures for each day. The load of the three different posters required.
information you read to the first few spec- You can print them on your own inkjet
tators is historically accurate and different printer or fairly inexpensively at some-
for every day of the year. The method used place like Kinkos if you want it bigger than
to gimmick the book has not been used you can do at home. Also at the website is a
before, will not be lost and will never wear video describing both effects and full
out. explanations.
The second book is The Century’s 100 Both books are well made and will with-
Classis Films. Each two-page spread has a stand casual handling by the spectators.
movie poster (black and white) on the You can place them in their hands as rou-
right, and a listing containing the produc- tined with no fear.
er, director, writer, leading man, leading Although this is a pricey item, when I
lady, and list of “little people” involved in think of the work that went into them and
the movie. You describe how sometimes the quality of the product, and, of course,
movies are written with one actor in mind, the effects and the impact they will have
but for some reason another actor ends up on your audience, this is highly recom-
with the role and it changes the history of mended for the serious mentalist.
movies, and several examples are given. Fred Rosenbaum
You offer to make your own “fantasy ■
2702 128th Street, Toledo, OH 43611 • (419) 726-4911
KEVIN CARNEY 101 Rue De LaPaix, Slidell, LA 70458 •
JERRYARGETSINGER 91 Saddlehorn Dr., Rochester, NY 14626 •
Welcome to yet another New Year and ber. This turned out to be a very entertain-
may it be a Happy, Healthy and Prosper- ing and instructing time with some twelve
ous one for you all. January is always a members doing an assigned trick complete
quiet month with folks recovering from with explanations.
the shows and celebrations of the festive But as with all these things a lot of
season, but two interesting events loom on research went into the meeting by Mike.
the horizon, especially for close-up work- Having decided on the best effects to make
ers. One is “Sessions” organized by Andi a balanced program, he then had to make
Gladwin, to take place just outside of copies of the effects and give to each of the
Gloucester on Sunday the 15th, with a fine performers, in some cases even supplying
line-up including Lee Asher and Kostya the props! But it was work that paid off. It
Kimlat. Then on the following Sunday, was interesting to see some of the younger
Mark Leveridge is holding a gathering of members showing their prowess. Like
close-up workers to include Nicholas Nathan Croft who already has mastered
Einhorn and Martin Sanderson. two memorized deck systems, and though
The last Sunday in the month, the still a student taking a doctorate in Cancer
Nottingham Guild of Magicians will be Research, is fast becoming a card worker
holding another day of magic with a lec- to compete with the best of them. He per-
ture in the afternoon by Wayne Dobson, formed a routine using the Tamariz system
and an evening show open to the public with some additions of his own.
and emceed by none other than Derek Then there was Anthony Waldron who
Lever of Blackpool fame. This is the performed at very short notice “The
Society that hosted a very successful day Invisible Hole” from Apocalypse.
with Paul Daniels as the principal guest Anthony is already making a mark not just
last September. It would seem as though with card magic but also on the production
2006 is getting off to a flying start magic side. He recently accompanied TV mental-
wise. ist Derren Brown when he took his one-
With meetings every week with the man show to packed theatres around the
exception of August and December, it is country, and helping with many of the
not an easy task to come up with a varied stage settings. He is also gradually becom-
program of events without the need for a ing a part of the Objective Productions
lecture each time, as I have found out dur- team of Andrew O’Connor and Anthony
ing my year of office as president of the Owen who produce so many of the off-
British Magical Society here in Birming- beat magic programs seen on television,
ham. It is the president’s job to arrange the including those of Derren Brown.
meetings for the year, and so it came to Of course, there were stalwarts like
pass that that I was able to persuade Mike Bryan Atherton with “Ad Infinitum” from
Gancia to organize an evening of tricks Pabular; Geoff Ogram with a mathemati-
from books and magazines during Novem- cal effect from Sam Schwarz’s book
January, 2006 119
PP77-124 12/15/05 11:53 AM Page 44
Sam’s, Andy Kirk with a newspaper pre- was in top form that night with a fund of
diction from Magic, and Derek Robbins gags and effects like the torn and restored
performing Fechter’s “Dunbury,” to name newspaper and card gag, which had the
just a few of the members who went to audience rocking with laughter. No won-
make this a most entertaining evening. der he is so popular in the States and par-
Leamington is a spa town nestling close ticularly at the Magic Castle where once
to the historic castle town of Warwick again he had recently appeared, this time
where so many knights and kings have in the British Week that included such
fought and died. It is also only a short dis- names as Alan Shaxon, Michael Vincent,
tance from Stratford, the home of Shake- Mark Oberon, and Tim Shoesmith.
speare. But history apart, Leamington is One would not imagine that a mental act
also very active magically. In 1948 the could appear in a cabaret and keep the
Leamington and Warwick Magic Society attention of the audience. But Luke
was founded by four enthusiastic amateurs Jermay, that young and up and coming
one of whom Stewart Williams, is still mentalist who had just returned from lec-
alive and practicing magic even though he turing in Las Vegas, did just that with an
is now in his eighties, but looking much act that was punchy and entertaining from
younger. One magician who was to have a start to finish. There was the Hoy Tossed
great influence on the Society was J. Out Deck and a very impressive pulse-
Milton Woodward, a professional magi- stopping routine with two members of the
cian, who toured in variety and became audience. He was heavily blindfolded
famous for his Woodward’s Wonderbar complete with tape and coins, but man-
act, which he performed with Millicent aged to read chosen drawings and objects,
Cooper. He became president of the and finished with a psychological guess-
British Ring at their annual convention in ing game.
1963, but died in office before he could
complete his year. Many of you who came
to the early conventions and other events
in this country may recall seeing his color-
ful act with its fast production of drinks.
The Society was in existence for only a
year when it was decided to hold a dinner.
This was so successful that it became an
annual event and is still going strong 56
years later. It is quite a prestigious event
and one that has seen many prominent
names in magic appearing in the cabaret.
Always held in November, it was to the
one in 2005 that I was invited along with
Mike Gancia to be Guest of Honor. While
it may have been a bitterly cold night out-
side with a white frost outside making a
Xmas card picture, inside the hotel the
atmosphere was warm and friendly as 100
members and guests gathered to enjoy a Luke Jarmay MIKE GANCIA PHOTO
leisurely and somewhat protracted meal, a
couple of speeches, and a superb cabaret To complete the cabaret there was the
which despite its late start had everyone popular illusion act of Safire (Stuart and
enthralled and entertained. Jane Loughland), who as usual completely
Terry Seabrooke was the emcee and he mystified the audience not just with the
120 The Linking Ring
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illusions themselves, but at the pace they In regard to the Cups and Balls there is
perform them for remember this was on a one performer here who has made a spe-
cabaret floor and not on a stage. There was cialty of this and that is street magician
the production of Jane from a giant radio, Peter Wardell, who has worked a patch in
Mini Zag, Heads Off, that great Legs Off Covent Garden in London for many years.
illusion that had interested Siefried and But not only that, he is also one of the few
Roy so much prior to the tragic accident of to have completely mastered the Slydini
Roy, and finally a very fast Untying Knots. It was in regard to this that
Metamorphosis using a clear trunk. It is he came to the Wolverhamp-ton Circle of
easy to see why this engaging couple are in Magicians one afternoon in November to
such demand for regular theatre shows run a workshop for some ten of its mem-
around the country appearing with many bers. Although these days I am not in the
of our leading entertainers. market for learning new routines, I went
I was very saddened along with magi- along with Mike Gancia for the sheer joy
cians around the world to learn of the sud- of going through the mechanics of such a
den death of Bob Read from a heart attack fine effect, which I had seen Slydini, him-
at the age of 65. He had just attended the self, do many years ago.
Conference on Magic History in Los It was a most instructive afternoon
Angeles where he had given a talk, and going through the various phases of the
was taking a few days vacation in tying and upsetting the knots, although
California with his wife Pauline when he one had to bear in mind that there is so
was stricken down. He was not just a fine much more to the effect than that, in fact,
and popular comedy close-up magician, in talking to Peter afterwards, he told me
but also an authority on the Cups and Balls that it took him two years to work it in and
in respect of which he wrote The perfect it. It must have been the strangest
Penultimate Cups and Balls and The Cups thing though to see many middle-aged
and Balls in 19th Century Graphic Art. men, and one old lady, sitting around in a
His collection of prints of the many street circle with a silk in each hand and trying to
performers of this classic trick is formida- follow Peter’s instructions. I might add
ble, and his lecture on the subject was that some were more successful than oth-
sought after by magic organizations ers.
around the world. Our congratulations go to Nicholas
For those who attended The Magic Einhorn on becoming The Magic Circle
Circle Centenary Celebrations in London Centenary Close-up Magician of the Year
last July, it was perhaps their last opportu- in the first all-winners contest held in
nity of seeing Bob perform some of his November. His act featured some of his
crazy close-up magic, and some might superb card and coin work as well as a new
even have gone on the walk he organized and original routine, which was what
on the Monday after the event, showing tipped the judges in his favor. Nicholas is
some of the magical sights of London. He probably one of the best and busiest close-
even produced an illustrated color map of up workers in the country with engage-
it, which is on sale by The Magic Circle. ments that take him around the world
Bob will be sadly missed as a performer, working for top companies. In the magical
historian, collector, and a fun person to be world he is, of course, in great demand
with, and our condolences to go to his wife both as a lecturer and performer. May his
Pauline in her great loss. success continue.
Rest in peace Bob. You will never be I’ll be with you again next month.
forgotten as long as there is magic around. ■
“...any man’s death diminishes me because I am involved in mankind...” John Donne
June 15, 1940. Gerry and he were the per- great grandchildren.
fect “Magic Couple,” both very attractive We of Gene Gordon Ring 12, wish our
people that performed a class act. As you dear friend peace. Will Robertson
can see by the photograph of Bill in his ◆
prime in the 1950’s he was a very debonair JAMES A. SEYSTER
performer. James A. Seyster, 65, of Wyoming,
Upon his return from the service, Bill Michigan, died January, 22, 2005. He held
joined his father-in-law in the printing I.B.M. number 35214 and was a member
business. He became President of of the Order of Merlin.
Anderson and Wahl, Inc. from 1948 until
1962. NOTE: The following individuals have
During the early days of TV in Buffalo, been reported as having died, but no date
Bill hosted a weekly magic program on of death has been furnished. If you can
Channel 4. He always found time to lec- provide this information, please send it on
ture to the newly formed Ring 12 Junior to the editor (contact information on page
Ring. Bill was very generous with his time 4 of each issue) so that it can be on the
and talents with youngsters and his peers. record. Thank You.
Unfortunately, in 1962, at the age of 45, ◆
Bill suffered a severe stroke. This ended HENIZ N. STOLK
his performing days but never dampened Heniz N. Stolk, 75, of Amstelveen,
his spirit or his love of magic. He succeed- Netherlands. He held I.B.M. number
ed in mastering a few close-up effects that 22118 and was a member of the Order of
he could perform one handed and attended Merlin. Stolk was also a member of Ring
as many Ring meetings and programs as 78, Fred Kaps Ring.
he could. Bill also developed his talent as ◆
an artist and produced beautiful Christmas JO WALVISCH
cards. Jo Walvisch, 85, of Amstelveen,
Bill is survived by his wife, Gerry, and Netherlands. Walvisch held I.B.M. num-
three children; Suzanne Masterson of ber 43925 and was a member of Ring 78,
Tonawanda, David of Buffalo, William Jr. Fred Kaps Ring.
of Cleveland; two grandchildren; and two ◆
Reports MUST be received by the 15th of each month to appear in the second following
issue (your January meeting should appear in March or April). Send to: Roy Barnes, Reports
Editor, P.O. Box 7476, Arlington, VA 22207, or FAX to (703) 524-2369, or Email ringre- MAXIMUM 2 PAGES TYPED DOUBLE-SPACED, CAPITALS AND
NO. 1, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI - Spirit of St. Louis we set up only four. A club member would
Meets 1st Wed. of month, Webster Groves Community Center receive two cards after all of the teachers had
STEVEN BUESKING., Secretary finished. That was a problem easily fixed. We
2419 Srawberry Fields Ct., Florissant, MO 63033
then worked with four instructors and four
The annual pre-Halloween activities at
Nestle/Purina Farms again featured the magical
Bud Dietrich, the first instructor at my table,
talents of Ring One.
concentrated on a gambling trick with playing
Our performers have become a special part of
cards that ended in the surprise appearance of a
events, as described in our monthly newsletter,
playing card that read “You Lose.” Steve
The Spirit, like this: “Kids can paint pumpkins,
Finkelstein presented a great mentalism effect,
watch cartoons, listen to storytellers, witness with typed instructions. Jim “Cards” Molinari
magic from Ring One, pet farm animals, and first explained a couple of good card tricks. He
crawl around in a creepy hayloft.” It’s called concluded with a truly amazing trick of his own.
The Haunted Hayloft, free to the general public I think Jim called it “A Four Ace Assembly
and presented the two weekends prior to Anywhere You Choose.”
Halloween. I tried to reconstruct the method for doing
The Haunted Hayloft shows are Ring One’s just what the name says, but I only got a
largest money-maker and therefore our club is headache for my efforts. That explains why I
extremely grateful to the members who per- didn’t give proper attention to the trick Ray Belz
formed 24 shows over two weekends. Their was teaching. It was a rope penetrating a knot-
names and when they performed: Sonny ted silk, but I couldn’t stop thinking about
Williams, Tom Westerheide, Oct. 21; George Molinari’s Ace Assembly.
Van Dyke, Jerry Novack and Don Rataj, Oct. Finally, take notice of Ring One’s beloved
22; Terry Richison, Steve Zuehlke, Oct. 23; Ted Harold D. Russell on the cover of the November
Schnarre, David Snetsinger, Oct. 28; Larry issue of The Linking Ring. And look inside for
Skorepa, Don Burgan and Keith Smith, Oct. 29; the tribute to “Harold D.” by our own Past
Ray Belz, Tom Westerheide, Oct. 30. International President, Jim Nagel.
When you consider that each of these magi- Harry Machin, Jr., O.M.
cians presented his own act four times daily, our
gratitude is understandable. NO. 2, YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO - Filips – Doeright -
A Teach-In/Poker Run was the theme of our Tutter Ring
Meets 2nd Fri., Byzantine Catholic Central School, Poland, OH
November meeting. The initial idea was to have NICK VERINA, Secretary, 1453 Kearny St., Niles, OH 44446
five tables with the club members divided and (330) 652-6499 •Email:
seated at five tables. The five instructors were to Newly elected President Tom Craven con-
move from table to table and, at the conclusion ducted the executive meeting prior to our
of each teaching session, a playing card would November meeting. A tentative date of Sunday,
be given to each person at each table. March 26, 2006, was set for our annual Close-
As the instructors moved around, teaching Up Show.
one or two tricks, the members would collect Tom announced the new committee chairmen
five cards and thus a poker hand. The highest for 2005-2006. A phone committee was estab-
and lowest hands would win prizes, with the lished for future events.
second-highest hand getting the third prize. I Our annual “Nite of Magic” Banquet and
highly recommend this activity to other Rings. Show was a historical event for Ring 2. The
We discovered that our regular room, quite Club was renamed the Filips-Tutter-Doeright
fine otherwise, was too small for five tables, so Ring in honor of long time member, Bob Filips.
January, 2006 125
PP125-180 12/15/05 11:28 AM Page 2
Bob will celebrate 60 years in the I.B.M. Con- Treasurer Matthew David Stanley reported
gratulations, Bob! on the success of the flea market and auction at
Gary Morton was fishing for a three with his our meeting last month. Secretary Bill West
entertaining hook, line, and sinker routine. Nick reported on the Club roster to be sent to I.B.M.
Hans selected four cards, eliminated three and International, and reminded everyone about var-
ended up with the previously selected card. Bill ious upcoming magic events. Details were dis-
Crago presented a clever children’s effect using cussed for our Club Christmas Party next
five animal cards, a display board and pen. Dan month, and everyone will receive the informa-
McDonald dusted off the original Wild Card tion in a separate e-mail and in the next Club
routine and presented it with panache! newsletter.
Tom Craven gave us a “new twist on an old Fred Witwer, Millie Witwer and Bill Alex-
trick” by using a borrowed dime, a napkin and ander reported on the recent Unconventional
an empty soda can. Larry Henderson borrowed Convention at the Cumberland Falls State Park
a deck of blue-backed cards, changed them to in Kentucky in the manner that only they can. It
red backs and the chosen card back to a blue- was a very fun report. Larry McMechan and
back. Frank Spritzer demonstrated the New Linda McMechan reported on a recent trip they
Elevator Card vs. the Modern Elevator Card. took to Alabama to help in the disaster relief
George Milnes had a balloon selected, inflated, mission. It was a very enlightening and emo-
and then produced a fistful of coins when it tional report.
“popped.” Matthew David Stanley reported on his
Chuck Smith did a variation of his famous recent trip for the Taser Foundation to Scot-
Cards To Pocket. Peter Luke did Professor’s tsdale, Arizona. Thanks, Matthew, for the won-
Nightmare to the theme of physics and quantum derful sharing.
mechanics. Nick Verina explained the mystical After scheduling refreshments and trick-of-
origins of the bagel. Trent Rapp had a card the month for January and February, the busi-
selected, shuffled back in the deck and produced ness meeting came to a close. Thanks to Dave
from one of three balloons. Adam Mingo used a Davis who during the business meeting, con-
red-back deck to find a pre-selected card that ducted the magic training for our youth mem-
ended up being the only blue-backed card in the bers and guests.
deck. Bob Filips demonstrated his solution to Following a break for refreshments, which
credit card identity theft. Five-year-old guest, were brought by Bill Alexander, it was time for
Kristen Henderson, made an English penny dis- magic. The magic theme selected by Doc Smith
appear right in front of our eyes. was rescheduled for January as we had another
It was a great evening of fun, entertainment, lecture as well. During open magic time, Caylan
laughter and magic! Nick Verina performed an effect with the help of Melanie,
Nick performed, and Ron Franks presented his
NO. 5, DAYTON, OHIO - Dayton Magic Club Child’s Play Stealth.
Meets 2nd Fri. each month at 8:00pm, Mighty Fortress Lutheran
Church, Kettering, OH. After open magic, Lecture Committee Chair
BILL WEST, Secretary / Email: Jim Karns introduced our lecturer, Travis
The November meeting was attended by 27 Fessler. Travis spoke about his experiences and
people, including several guests. President about how to market oneself. He also amazed us
Larry McMechan gave a special welcome to with some very unusual magic, including, but
member Fred Junkala. Everyone wished Fred a not limited to, sword swallowing. Thanks, Jim,
speedy recovery from his recent surgery. for arranging the lecture and thanks, Travis, for
Larry also welcomed guests Ron Franks, doing the lecture. People surely saw some
I.B.M. TVP, Mary Alexander and Ivy things that they will never forget.
Alexander, wife and daughter of Bill Alexander, Our magic and meeting came to an end, but
and Shawn Kalis and Nick Kalis, friends of we all had a fun time. Bill West
Steve Collier. Vice President Mike Herrick
thanked Club members John Collier, Scott NO. 6, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA -
Miller and Bill Alexander for performing with Delaware Valley Conjurers Club
Meets 2nd Monday, each month, 7:30 p.m., Hancock United Methodist
him, his son, Taylor Herrick, and Craig Morgan Church, Rt. 320, Springfield, PA.
at the recent City of Beavercreek’s 25th DAVID KELLY, Recording Secretary
Anniversary Celebration Gala at the Nutter 117 Drexel Ave, Lansdale, PA 19050
Center. Magic with a master! Mark Wilson of televi-
126 The Linking Ring
PP125-180 12/15/05 11:28 AM Page 3
sion and print fame shared a little of his magical Spades, Hearts and Diamonds. Then the suits
life with us in October. Over 50 members and switched to red Spades and Clubs, black Hearts
guests sat on the edge of their seats as he cast a and Diamonds then back to a normal deck.
spell of his own for two and a half hours. Mark Taylor Close-up started with Larry
Mark began with his story by recalling the Kobel. Larry had a volunteer spread out nine
eight-year old boy who saw his first magic ESP cards. After the ESP cards were cut and
show, to working as a 13 year old demonstrator dealt on the table, the sequence of cards
at Douglas Magicland in Texas, to performing matched what Larry had printed on a piece of
magic to help pay his way through college. He paper. Joe Elliott Performed Will The Cards
told of how each time he tried to sell television Match? Tom Kracker showed us his escape
executives on the idea of performing magic on expertise with a pair of Thumb Cuffs. Ty Argo
TV, he would be told that “Magic doesn’t work had Ron Frank shuffle and deal a deck of cards.
on television,” and then finally got the ok to put Ty was able to correctly predict the 8H as the
together a show. chosen card.
Every time he did this, he received high rat- Inner Circle Close-up Magic started with Ron
ings and increased exposure for our art. He kept Frank. Ron performed a flea circus routine with
magic in the public eye during the 1950s and the Stiff Rope, Genii Tube and a card in box pre-
1960s when the venues for live magic were dry- diction. George Stewart did a routine with some
ing up. very old P&L effects, Dice Missing, Dove Pan
At every step of the way, his lovely wife, and Phantom Tube.
Nani Darnell, supported his efforts. She per- Jack Watson started the Mark Taylor Standup
formed, added charm and sparkle and magic of category. Jack did a very nice routine with a
her own to the performances on television. For KH, 9S and 2H. Chet Cox had a small card with
five years and on two networks, Mark put the five ESP symbols on it. Larry circled one of
together 99 episodes of “The Magic Land of the symbols and Chet correctly named the cir-
Allakazam,” developing whole new shows each cled symbol. Steve Parlette cut a piece of ribbon
week! in two with a knife. After the ends were put back
Mark showed us how illusions need not be to together the cut ends appeared to melt back
expensive, and he had video clips of how he art- together.
fully used cardboard to construct some of the Joe Elliott gave a willing volunteer an eye
illusions he performed on TV. Mark emphasized test. Apparently the volunteer couldn’t see a
that magic is universal and international, and thing with the Supreme Eye Chart. Thomas
can open many doors for the magician using it Kracker had Larry Kobel select a card. The
in almost any field of work. selected card was placed in the deck and the
Using a video projector, we saw some clips deck was placed in Tom’s mouth. This was a
of his Magic Land of Allakazam and his TV spe- very tasteful trick with the selected card found
cials for Pillsbury. folded inside Tom’s mouth. Matthew Jones per-
The time with Mark Wilson and Nani Darnell formed the Sands of Time to music. This was a
Wilson went much too fast. Mark and Nani were very beautiful effect that ended with a light
gracious in signing copies of their books, shining on the water. Steven Parlette
posters and photos. It was wonderful to feel the
real magic of this magical pair. David Kelly NO. 9, ATLANTA, GEORGIA – Georgia Magic Club
Meets 3rd Mon. of month, 7:30pm.
See Ring 9 Web Site: for details.
NO. 7, COLUMBUS, OHIO - Wheeler-McGory Ring EVAN REYNOLDS, Secretary,
Meets 3rd Thu. each month at 7:00pm, Faith Community Church.
STEVE PARLETTE, Secretary, 4306 Secludedwood Ct., Gahanna, OH Ron Myers performed for membership, doing
43230 / (614) 428-5966 Email: a very funny routine.
Magic for the September meeting started We took final nominations for club officers
with the Inner Circle and our President, Glenn and for Magician of the Year.
Mackie. Glenn had Joe Elliott cut a deck of We have several excellent candidates and it
cards and select one. With the help of a magic should be a great election.
lamp, Glenn was able to find the selected card. October was the time for the yearly club flea
From an empty silver box, George Stewart market and auction, so there isn’t much to report
was able to produce some colorful silks. Ron except that the auction went very well! Thanks
Frank had a blank deck of cards. These cards to Jack Corcoran for being our auctioneer!
changed from blank to the normal Clubs, Evan Reynolds
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NO. 10, INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA - We thought the evening was over, but we
Gene Keeney Ring were just getting started! The end of the evening
Meets 3rd Monday of each month at Wile Hall, Methodist Hosp. turned into a fun “session” with magicians com-
Email: ing back out to show “just one more.” Jim
The October meeting was fairly well attend- Croop entertained with a Torn and Restored
ed, especially considering that the Colts were Card that was a ticket on a time machine ride.
playing in town and were featured on Monday Bob Vasileff predicted a spectator’s mentally
Night Football! selected color. Mike Gerrish used a dollar bill to
We began the meeting by reviewing some of break a pencil. Chris Henderson performed Dr.
our upcoming activities, specifically mentioning Bill’s Impossible Stop Trick”
the Joshua Jay lecture here in Indianapolis. Bob Vasileff returned to perform a card trans-
We’re looking forward to that lecture, as well as position done with cards riveted together. Mike
all of our other holiday activities. Kohrman surprised with his Magnetized Card.
The theme for our magic was “Classics of Dee Saul demonstrated an impromptu “out” for
Magic Re-Done.” The goal was to take a classic many card routines. Finally, Bob Vasileff truly
magic trick and come up with some type of new wrapped things up with Jim Steinmeyer’s take
patter or presentational angle. As usual some of on the Nine Card Problem.
our magicians didn’t always follow the theme, Whew! It was a great night with a lot of
but those who did showed some true creativity magic.
in performing these “tried and true” work-hors-
es. NO. 12, BUFFALO, NEW YORK - Gene Gordon Ring
Meets 1st Mon. each month at the Screening Room Cinema & Café,
President Jim Croop began with the venera- 3131 Sheridan Dr., Amherst, NY.
ble Dollar Bill Switch. He was assisted by Chris BOB GECKLER, Secretary,
Henderson, and presented the effect as a men- 485 Pine St., Lockport, NY 14094 / (716) 434-5644
talist routine. Jim hypnotized the entire audi- The theme of the October meeting was, natu-
ence into believing the bill changed, when in rally, Halloween. At the teaching table was Dan
reality it didn’t! Darren Roberts, assisted by Sova wearing a tri-cornered pirate hat, eye
Mike Kohrman and Chris Henderson, enter- patch, and his own homegrown mustache. This
tained us with Nick Trost’s Color Changing set the stage for his coin routine.
Deck routine, entitled The Observation Test. Dan produced, magically, four gold-dollar-
Chris Henderson astounded us with his ver- size coins. The coins changed to brass Chinese
sion of a Ted Lesley card prediction from Ted’s coins as they passed from hand to hand and
book, Paramiracles. In this effect, Chris, assist- were placed on the table. The Chinese coins
ed by Mike Kohrman, correctly predicted a card changed back to gold dollars when they were
that was selected by Mike after Mike himself picked off the table one by one. Dan gave a
shuffled and cut the deck. This was an excellent complete explanation of the necessary sleights
display of hands-off mentalism. and to our surprise the coins were real. No gim-
Mike Kohrman, assisted by Bob Vasileff, micks. Thank you, Dan Sova, for bringing coins
presented an entertaining in the hands (no back into their own.
Thumb Tip required) bill transposition. This Following the teaching table was a brief busi-
was another nice presentation for an old stand- ness meeting. Then it was time for the “Haunted
by. Bob Vasileff, assisted by Mike Kohrman, Halloween Workshop” which featured Ring 12
truly entertained all of us with a close-up ver- members performing tricks with a Halloween
sion of the vanish of the Statue of Liberty! Not twist. Gary Para shared several ideas he uses
the easiest classic to re-do! Dee Saul created a during Halloween shows. Gary handed out
surprising moment by predicting that a majority small orange and black colored balloons which
of people in the audience would all be thinking when inflated and poked resembled pumpkins.
of an orange kangaroo in Denmark! A magic marker was used to draw a face on the
Mike Gerrish, assisted by Jim Croop and pumpkin balloon. “This is a big hit with the
Mike Kohrman, did an entertaining rope routine kids,” stated Gary. A small pumpkin sticker was
that he entitled What Knot? Rope routines defi- removed from a sheet covered with the same
nitely classify as classics of magic. Finally, so type of stickers and placed on Gary’s chest.
we thought, Bob Vasileff predicted correctly the Believe it or not, “This really gets the people’s
symbol that our guest would hit with an imagi- attention.”
nary dart on Bob’s dartboard. Karl Norman performed the Nut Off The Bolt
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trick. A 1/4˝ nut is threaded onto a 1/4˝ bolt two- Zombi from a plastic skull and a coat hanger.
inches long and covered with a handkerchief. A The skull appears slowly from a plastic witch’s
few mystic passes are made. The handkerchief caldron.
is removed and the nut has been removed pre- During intermission, doughnuts, cider, pop,
sumably by a wayward spirit Karl then pro- coffee, popcorn and candy were served courtesy
duced a solid block of wood two inches square of our treasury. It was wonderful spending the
with a 1/8˝ wide groove across one side and evening with Ring 12’s spirits, witches, and
which penetrated the block halfway down. magicians. Jim Maloney
Perpendicular to this groove was a small hole
just large enough for a hatpin to pass from one NO. 15, FORT WORTH, TEXAS - Ren Clark Ring
Meets 1st Thu. each month, 7:00pm at Artistic Blends coffehouse and
side of the block to the other. theatre, 5298 Trail Lake Dr., Ft. Worth, TX
The block was examined by a spectator. A KENNETH BROWN, President (817) 269-5938
thin brass ring three inches in diameter was The Fort Worth Magicians Club opened its
placed in the groove and held in place by a hat- November meeting with an announcement by
pin. The assembled ring and block was placed President John Miller that the Club has a new
hanging on the spectator’s index finger. Karl web site: The
placed his hand under the block and the block site is up and running.
fell free of the hatpin. After the announcements it was on with the
Keith Randolph with the aide of spirits from show. Vice President Larry Blevins put together
the nether world performed a card trick. A a program of rope magic, and introduced the
selected card was remembered and returned to first performer, Mark Mierschin, who tied the
the deck. Keith drew a picture on the bottom of world’s fastest knot before performing a knot
a paper picnic plate of a ghost wearing a long routine with a good message to boot.
sheet. He asked that the card be named. The Ray Cage cut and restored, then cut, then
plate was turned over and the spirits did it again. restored a rope before ending up with some
The name of the card was drawn on the ghost’s additional knots. Robert Smith squeezed a knot
sheet. out of existence and into an alternate universe
Tony Weiland produced a rubber chicken before causing a borrowed ring to penetrate the
form his mouth followed by two dozen eggs. He rope. Later the rope penetrated his neck. Randy
then cleaned out his sinus cavity with a six-inch Keck showed Karrell Fox’s handling of the
steel nail. President Bill Butski pushed a ten- Professor’s Nightmare.
inch steel needle through his forearm climaxing John Hatzenbuehler had an uncooperative
in a pool of flowing blood. The ladies loved it. rope. It started out with the traditional two ends,
Mike Joseph called on the spirits to make a then it had three, and finished with four. He
paper napkin dance. A paper napkin rolled-up ended up holding a rope with no ends—only
and knotted at its center was placed in a large middle. Finally, a rope penetrated his body, but
glass jar and locked inside by a glass cover. The not before picking up an embarrassing personal
haunted napkin at his command danced up and garment along the way.
down and all around the inside of the jar. Earl Warren showed a way to hand out the
Jim Maloney took us on a journey to the vil- four-ended rope for examination, and then
lage at the base of the Carpathian Mountains. Bruce Chadwick did a cut and restored rope
The villagers plotted and succeeded in capturing with invisible scissors.
Count Dracula. But as usual he escaped and is Larry Blevins performed the teach-a-trick—
once again putting the bite on the villagers. an un-gimmicked Linking Ropes routine. John
Todd Nelson with the aide of Norine Foster Miller showed how to get a rope to penetrate a
offered to treat the membership to a fresh batch spectator’s finger.
of homemade candy. Several ingredients includ-
ing brain of Brazilian muskrat, dragon milk, NO. 16, MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE –
pickled eyeball, Mongolian death snake, and Society of Memphis Magicians
Meets 3rd Mon. of the month, 7:30pm Memphis Botanic Gardens, 750
bloodworms were stirred in a pan and heated Cherry Road
with an open flame. The pan was covered and JOHN SORRELL, Secretary /
when the cover was removed, to the surprise of Our October meeting began with a presenta-
all, the pan was full of candy. tion from the nominating committee, Grayson
Will Robertson performed a novel version of (The Amazing Grayson) Smith, Chairman.
the Zombi. Several years ago Will made a Grayson presented the proposed slate of officers
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for 2006. The election will be held in NO. 17, TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA -
November. The Sid Lorraine Hat and Rabbit Club
Tony Butterfield, our VP, shared a coin van- Meets 1st Thurs., 7:00 pm. (except July and August) Web Site:
ish in this month’s ‘Teach a Trick’ segment of MARC LINETT, Vice President / Email:
the meeting. Thanks to Tony for sharing some- Our November meeting commenced with a
thing new each month. brief report from President Vic Phillips about
Open Magic began with a discussion of a uni- the present state of our Ring. A vote regarding a
versal ‘Birthday Act’ by Tony Butterfield. change of venue was narrowly defeated. We are
Tony’s thoughts are that you should have a hoping to return to our former location on Leslie
series of effects that flow together for an act that Street once renovations have been completed.
can be performed at multiple venues (birthdays, We were pleased to have Brian Geer as a
office parties, kids and adults). Some of Tony’s guest lecturer. Brian hails from Rochester, New
favorites include sponge balls, Linking Rings, York. Brian brought along his lovely wife and
Change Bag, D’Lite, mouth coils and jumbo assistant. A number of our members had seen
coins. Brian perform at last year’s MAWNY
Johnny Williams performed several effects Convention. We were wowed by his close-up
including a coin vanish, Tells Bells, Color work and were pleased when he accepted our
Changing Silk and a Penn & Teller card trick. invitation.
Jay Jayaraman captured the ‘most bizarre pat- Brian’s lecture was quite varied. He grabbed
ter’ award as he performed several effects for everyone’s immediate attention with an opening
our ‘Halloween’ meeting. Jim Surprise followed Egg Bag routine which was simply amazing.
with a Mark Mason card miracle entitled Club This included a surprise finish with the produc-
Sandwich. The card magic theme was continued tion of a full glass of water from an Egg Bag that
with effects performed by Mike Blumenthal, Jay was previously shown and felt to be totally
Jayaraman and Barry Rice. empty. Next was a delightful sponge ball effect
Joshua Jay brought his lecture to the which had another surprise finale, this time the
Memphis area during October. Members and appearance of simply too many sponge balls to
guests were amazed as Joshua used items such count!
as a tape measure, a TV remote control, Chinese Brian went on to show us a great Rubber
coins, playing cards and coins. From mini- Band Through Finger routine. This was all just
workshops on card forcing to coin control to a a warm-up for a number of well thought out and
mentalism Book Test, Joshua helped Ring 16 to unique card effects. Brian did a very visual color
conclude its banner year of great lectures. changing deck effect which included a signed
Ring 16 members have been busy. Ben Neal card repeatedly changing colors. This was fol-
combined magic and storytelling at the lowed by not one but four different signed cards
Germantown Festival. Johnny Williams, Tony appearing in his various pockets. If that wasn’t
Butterfield, Margarette LeClaire, Mike Blumen- enough, Brian than went on to cut up a number
thal and Jay Jayaraman performed at the Main of cards with a razor blade and a signed one
Library’s Family Activity with their fee being ended up on a razor blade in his wallet!
donated to the Ring. Members performed at a Brian also demonstrated his Meteor Paddle
new shopping center opening (for four days) as and Wildcard Deck. These are two effects which
well as the Memphis Zoo’s ZooBoo Halloween are items he has created and are presently being
event. marketed. His repertoire with full explanations
Local clown Larry Clark even made the front was all accomplished before a short break. The
page of the local newspaper. second half was Brian at his very best. Here he
Margarette LeClaire performed an escape at patiently went over difficult moves from the
the House of Pain (haunted house, in case you earlier effects and showed us many useful
were wondering) while Mike Blumenthal per- forces, passes and other card moves to incorpo-
formed at a Shelby Farms event. rate into our own routines.
If you’re going to be in the Memphis area, Also included was the meticulous breakdown
check out our website at for last of a watch steal which can prove most difficult
minute changes in meeting dates, locations and even at the best of times. Brian worked hard and
upcoming lectures. You can also leave e-mail over 40 of our members in attendance had a
for any of the officers at the website. thoroughly enjoyable evening.
John Sorrell, OM Our meeting location may be changing over
130 The Linking Ring
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the next few months and anyone interested in results were as follows: Mike Thomas, Presi-
attending should check our website for the dent; Craig Pontz, Vice President; Randy Sned-
proper venue. We extend an invitation to all den, Secretary; Marlin Troutman, Treasurer; and
magicians visiting the Toronto area. Marc Denny Gorman, Board Member. Congratula-
Linett tions to all!
We also held our annual “Eddie Clever” com-
NO. 19, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA - petition. For this competition, the presented
Carl Jones Ring trick has to come from the pages of the maga-
Meets 2nd Mon. each month, Twin Cities Magic and Costume Co., 241
W. 7th St., St. Paul, MN. zine you are now holding, The Linking Ring. Al
TYLER ERICKSON, President Bienstock presented a truly baffling card loca-
The October meeting was short. A few ques- tion called Speed Reader. Frank Bianco showed
tions were posed about the convention and us the Ultra Ultra Book Test. In very close vot-
tabled for further discussion. A few notes were ing, Frank was declared the 2005 Eddie Clever
mentioned about local events, and the meeting winner (Hey! He won last year, too!)
ended after 15 minutes. We had 38 in attendance Just for kicks, a few club members showed us
including eight guests. The reviews from the some new stuff. Zach Thomas performed a very
Tim Gabrielson show were good. “mysterious” three way test. Following Zach,
Our VP asked about adding meals for the newly re-elected Mayor, Jack Ritter, presented a
annual convention on Saturday. This change somewhat “bawdy” nursery rhyme trick.
would increase the convention price but may Finally, Lou Abbatiello showed us a really nice
keep everyone together between sessions. This Floating Ring trick with a borrowed ring.
will be discussed at the next convention com- Mike Thomas
mittee meeting.
October features one of our club auctions. NO. 21, HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Caryl Fleming
The club gets a small percentage of the selling Meets 1st Thu of the month at Monlux Elementary School Auditorium,
6051 Bellaire Ave. North Hollywood.
price and admission fees from non-members. GERRY SCHILLER, Secretary
Our Treasurer, Walt Pattinson, said we had a P.O. Box 246, Newbury Park, CA 91319 / (805) 499-8921
nice contribution to the club coffers. JR Branson New President Martin Mercy called the
again was the auctioneer and he kept the bids November meeting to order. The official meet-
moving quickly. There were some great deals! ing had been preceded by a “pre-lecture” pro-
Some DVD’s and VHS tapes sold for $5. Other vided by member Lois Harmeyer. Lois gave a
items sold at bargain basement prices. There fascinating presentation about how to make
were collectable Abbott’s items and one of a puppets from ordinary objects and showed some
kind, hand-crafted pieces. The auction was short marvelous examples.
and ended earlier than any previous auction. Virtually every household object was utilized
to make charming and funny puppets: toilet
NO.20, HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA - Eddie Clever paper rolls, empty boxes, pieces of Styrofoam,
Keystone Ring and a man’s necktie which—in Lois’s hands—
Meets 2nd Thur., at 7:00pm at Hershey Colonial Park Mall, PA
MICHAEL THOMAS, President E-mail: became a slithering snake. It was a rare oppor-
Ring 20 held our November meeting at the tunity to learn a creative, imaginative skill—one
Hershey Magic Shop in Colonial Park Mall. As that Loiss has beautifully perfected.
always, there was a lot going on! The official meeting began with introduc-
First and foremost, there was “Magic From tions of the newly elected officers and President
the Heart,” a hurricane relief benefit magic Mercy’s admonition to the membership to “get
show organized by club members Randy more involved.”
Snedden, Keith Hanshaw and Tom Naran. The Former President Tim Mannix gave a report
full evening show, featuring a number of per- on the recent Halloween show for the Monlux
formers from Ring 20, was held on November students. The Ring made over $1,000 from its
12th at Founder’s Hall in Hershey, Pennsyl- share of tickets and the sale of the club’s magic
vania. kits. Participation by the membership was
We’re also gearing up for a lecture by Chuck excellent with more members involved both on
Hickock, which will be on December 6th at stage and backstage then during any previous
Hershey Magic. In February 2006, we’re plan- show.
ning on having our annual stage competition. Martin announced that December will be the
This evening, we held elections, and the annual Holiday potluck, gift exchange, and per-
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formance of holiday magic. This was followed to woo an audience with a magical rose. Angela
by our regular raffle. Funovitz located a selected and lost card with-
The main item of the evening was a stimulat- out even looking at the deck, and Jim Klayder
ing lecture/presentation by Greg Wilson. Greg awed us all with a visible torn card restoration.
kept the members entertained with his lively There was Great magic with friendly discus-
presentation of many close-up effects—all using sion as the cider and donuts were served. The
ordinary objects—often in unusual ways. larger groups exploded into many smaller
Among the many effects he performed—then groups which hung around actively sessioning
explained—were a humorous bounce/No until the building closed.
Bounce ball trick that is perfect for restaurant
walk-arounds. The broken goblet pedestal he NO. 29, LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS -
did was perfect for dinner table performing. Logan Pritchett Ring
Meets 1st Thur. each month, 7:30 pm., Baptist Medical Center, Room
Greg followed with a clever routine with a 20, Little Rock, AR
poker chip called Chip on the Shoulder. His $1 CHRIS WESTFALL, Secretary, 8912 Stagecoach Rd. #11, Little Rock,
bills that change to $100 bills was a mind bog- AR 72210 / (501) 455-6242
gler. After a break he did some clever card October found us at UAMS, focused on, you
tricks—including card tosses and catches that guessed it, Halloween magic. Don Baer,
will take us more than a little practicing to mas- President, Christie Henson, VP, and James
ter—and concluded with a pen and it’s cap rou- Kinsey, Treasurer, oversaw a brief but effective
tine that is fun and highly effective. business meeting. Don went on to expertly MC
The lecture was a real winner with Ring the evening’s performances.
members and breaking up proved a major chal- Bill Fulton and Talking Boris...the animated
lenge with so much to learn and discuss. skull, divined a card selected by Erin Lion.
Gerry Schiller Boris’ voice strangely resembled that of Mr.
Magic himself, Jim Henson...imagine that.
NO. 23, CLEVELAND, OHIO - Blackstone Ring Ernie Staggs, assisted by Christie Henson
Meets 1st Wed., at Metro. General Hosp., Room R170
DOUG MCKAY, Secretary
caused an image to spookily appear in a mirror.
P.O. Box 110473, Cleveland, OH 44111 John Crippen with the able assistance of
(216) 476-1741 / Email: Mike Curtis and Sid Salmans performed a most
After a brief business meeting in which the baffling version of Out of this World, actually
success of the recent banquet was discussed, drawing gasps of amazement from the lay mem-
Jim Kleefeld tested the membership on “Hidden bers of the audience. My gasp was silent
TV Magicians”—magic that has shown up in because I am one of those jaded magicians-
television shows that do not normally have types. But gasp I did. John was kind enough to
magic. Among the 20 or so questions, members explain the method, mercifully allowing us to
discovered that Lance Burton has played a mur- fall asleep that night. Gerry Bailey presented the
derer on “Knight Rider,” and that one “Leave It Future, Past and Present Card with notable skill.
to Beaver” episode began at a magic shop, also Don Baer, assisted by Erin Lion, performed a
Harry Blackstone, Sr. was a performer on a “Mr. prediction effect with a Magic Coloring Book in
Ed” show. Nobody came up with the name of a a most effective manner. Erin was rewarded for
BBC mystery series about an illusion designer her stage presence with a cleverly constructed
(it was “Jonathan Creek”) but Dave Neuman octopus balloon. Chris Westfall, with the for-
won the top prize for having the most correct bearance of the talented Pam Medrez, per-
answers. formed Dean Dill’s Blizzard. Thank you, Dan,
Holiday Magic ensued, in which Jim for this diabolically clever card mystery.
Kleefeld performed an excellent Halloween Gerry Bailey went on to perform a spooky
safety trick using a flashlight. Neil Rozum illusion with grandma’s photo in a picture
wowed the audience with a musical rendition of frame. Jim Henson’s Grave Mistake was in per-
Skeleton in the Closet, and Mark Sturdevant fect keeping with the spooky Halloween
magically located a spectator’s Tarot card in a theme—laced with Jim’s omnipresent sense of
spooky séance atmosphere. humor.
Bob Cervas surprised us all with a clever Curtis Belin, with the help of Wilma Staggs,
Rope Through Body routine. Cheryl Sturdevant provided an excellent envelope prediction. Pam
created a Christmas tree in a magical step-by- Medrez, with the help of Mike Curtis, per-
step manner, and Max Goldweber showed how formed some wonderful card magic. Sid
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Salmons, with the assistance of Bill Fulton, exact match was made with a pre-recorded pre-
closed the show with Helga’s Heart. diction. Our returning guest, Shank, performed
All in all, it was a great evening of magic and a transposition with a $1 and $5 bill.
a fitting prelude to magic’s holiday—All Paul Roper performed a mentalism effect
Hallow’s Eve. with the “sensitivity pad.” Victor Cypert per-
Wishing all of you many magical moments, formed a die prediction with his back turned
we are, Ring 29. Chris Westfall while a side on the die was chosen. Victor pre-
dicted correctly. Michael Baker told a spooky
NO. 30, SCRANTON, PA - Faye Plotkin story with props. The amazing thing was that the
Meets 1st Thu. of the month, 7:30pm, at The Iron Skillet Restaurant,
Avoca, PA props seemingly came to life as a skull began
RICHARD DeCOWSKY, President smoking a cigarette that lit independent of any-
The Northeast Pennsylvania Magic Associa- one’s help... spooky indeed!
tion is preparing some awesome upcoming Chris Morrow performed a Color Changing
events for its membership; special lectures, par- Silk routine which concluded with the vanish of
ties, and our annual Banquet and Magic show! the silk. This was a fine presentation, and very
After the October business meeting, we cleanly performed. Robert Blair then did a rou-
opened the floor to our magical performances. tine where two selected cards where placed in
Bonzai the Magic Guy presented a devious bit separate bags. As a conclusion, each card
of “Lithuanian Mentalism” that had a Trick or jumped from its original bag into the opposite
Treat theme. Joe’s comedy tricks are always a bag. A card transposition with costumes and a
treat. Dave Jaye, performed his version of storied routine this was.
Eugene Burger’s Last Dream using specially After the meeting many members attended
made Tarot Cards instead of “tombstone cards.” our regular after-meeting place, Nabeel’s. jw
I doubt anyone had the proffered “pleasant
dreams” after this incredibly atmospheric bit of NO. 37, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE -
magic! Nashville Magic Club
Richard Eric closed the evening with a won- Meets 4th Thurs. of month, Fraternal Order of Police Building, 440
Welshwood, Nashville, TN
derful effect involving children’s blocks that JAMES HARGRAVE, Secretary
disappeared and then reappeared elsewhere. 224 Gloucester St., Franklin, TN 37064 / (615) 791-2532
Where did the “A” block go? Only Richard Instead of a regular meeting for October, the
knows for sure. Nashville Magic Club hosted the Joshua Jay
Afterward, our little ghouls and goblins hud- Lecture on October 27. A good group attended
dled about to discuss their magic and upcoming the excellent lecture.
plans. In business, nominations were made for offi-
cers for the coming year. They included: Jerry
NO. 35, BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA, The Magic City Magic Fraley, President; Dick Staub, Vice President;
Club-Judge Arnold Drennen Ring Tom Gibson, Secretary; Mark Gray, Treasurer;
Meets 1st Tues. at Homewood Library, call (205) 939-3226 for details.
MIKE BAKER, Secretary, and Jason Mosesly, Sergeant-at-Arms. Elections
2711 6th St. N.E., Birmingham, AL 35213 will be held at the November meeting and the
At our October meeting, Ring 35 discussed installation of officers at the December meeting.
upcoming conventions, lectures and officers for Looks like a great slate of officers who should
the coming year. Ring 35 agreed to keep the cur- do a terrific job next year!
rent line-up of officers for 2006. Our installation Guests, new members and old members are
banquet will be held in November. all welcome at every meeting! Please join us
After a business meeting, members began any time you are in the Nashville area.
showing magic related to Halloween or that was James Hargrave
spooky. Jamie Sellers performed a Rising Card
effect, where a spectator’s chosen card rose NO. 42, CLEARWATER, FLORIDA - Martineiz Ring
from the deck, while the spectator held the deck. Meets 2nd Tues. each month, Largo Cultural Center, 105 Park Drive,
Largo, FL 3.2 mi W of US 19 on SR 686 (East Bay Drive). Close-up
Lucy Sanders stunned the audience with a 6:40 PM, Meeting 7:45 PM.
pumpkin production. PAUL PRESTON, President
Lee Ohlman performed an effect called 7337 Amhurst Ln., Clearwater, FL 33764 (727) 531-7489
Room for Doubt, during which an audience Our November meeting was held at the
member moved a game piece around a series of Cinema Café in Clearwater where a number of
spaces as guided by a tape-recorded voice. An members enjoyed a buffet meal before the meet-
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ing started. After a brief business meeting, we hope they do it again next year.” “I didn’t know
got on with the program. It was our annual we had such great magicians in our communi-
Magic Mini Mall to which we invite dealers to ty.”
demonstrate and sell their wares to an eager If you are interested in presenting a lecture to
bunch of magicians who like to do their our Club, you should communicate with one of
Christmas shopping early. our two Program Coordinators: Mark Byrne,
We had Wild Magic from San Antonio, The 1225 Hermitage Ave., Clearwater, FL, 33764
Magic Shop from Tampa and BestBuy Magic Office: (727) 532-4115, Cell (727) 742-6713, e-
from the Internet. The way paper money was mail:, or Bill Dahl-
flying through the air it appeared to be a great quist, (813) 884-8082, e-mail: seaquist2@
success, especially from the dealers’ point of Bill White
The really big event of the month was our NO. 43, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - Harlan Tarbell Ring
Meets 3rd Fri. each month, 7:30 p.m., at Magic, Inc., 5082 N. Lincoln
annual Magic Show which was held on Ave., Chicago.
November 12 at St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church MIKE KAMLET,Secretary, 175 E. Delaware #7608, Chicago, IL 60611 /
in Largo. Wow! What a show! Tampa Bay (312) 266-2129
Magic Club boasts that is it “The World’s This year is Ring 43’s 60th anniversary. To
Greatest Magic Club.” Evenings like this prove kick off this year, the Ring has decided to dedi-
the point. cate itself to teaching its members to become
MC Bill Dahlquist started with a bang when better magical entertainers (being the Harlan
he pulled a gun and shot someone who had the Tarbell Ring).
temerity to raise his hand when Bill asked, “Is September featured a Card Academy focus-
there anybody here who doesn’t like magic?” ing on revelations. Our instructors, Bob Miller,
(Come on, guys and gals, he didn’t really shoot Jim Geppert, Mel Siegel and Mike Kamlet,
anybody. He just fired a blank into the air, but it taught a variety of card revelations including
sure as heck kept the crowd awake!) some “flashy” ones. Bob taught a Dunbury
Bob Klase’s act was outstanding. It was Delusion effect as well as a few other entertain-
warm, funny, polished and very professional. ing methods to reveal a card. Mel taught a slop-
Bob gave a great performance. It was a tough shuffle and single deck Do As I Do.
act to follow, but Sterling Steele was up to the Mike taught a nice opening sequence of
challenge. His coin routine was memorable and revealing three cards as well as a spelling effect.
his giant Linking Rings presentation was really Elliot Cutler came up to show a very funny rev-
enjoyable. Jim Hall, among other things, did a elation and Cesar Juarez taught us a bunch of
very neat $11 illusion with the help of two very flashy Ace productions and card revela-
youngsters from the audience. Howard Read, tions. Everyone in attendance received printed
AKA Howie Dozit, really did it. He quickly notes and I’m sure learned a few items to add to
developed a rapport with the audience. Half the their repertoire.
ladies in the audience wanted to take him home. In October, we hosted a fantastic lecture by
The other half just wanted to give him a hug. John Rogers, the wooden cigar guy. John began
The entire audience loved his act. He was warm, the lecture with his $100 give-away. While
very funny and an accomplished magician. using a simple method, John carefully explained
Windy and Sunny Douton closed the show the reasons behind it and how to make this a
with some of their balloon routines that had the very entertaining effect that can involve the
kids in the audience screaming. Their give and whole crowd. Next, John did his Sobriety Test
take brought many chuckles from the older followed by his Walrus three ball routine. What
members of the audience. Windy’s dove act had made the ball routine great was the fact that it
everybody enthralled. can play anywhere.
We would really be remiss if we didn’t men- John then showed some of his card skills by
tion our Club Secretary, Dave Tillery. Dave was finding a signed card simply by cutting the
the stage manager, scene shifter, sound man, packet, and showing his MVP move, along with
lighting director, etc. Dave worked his tail off a false cut similar to Lenart Green’s.
all during the show and his efforts contributed After a short break, John did some fantastic
greatly to the success of our show. rope effects. His Ring On/Off Rope looked
As the audience drifted away after the show, great, and then John shared other touches he has
comments were heard: “What a great show!” “I added to various rope routines. The lecture con-
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cluded with a demonstration of John’s wonder- ture by Tom Craven. Tom is the author of the
ful cigars. Not only did they look great, but Havenly Close-up, a monthly column in The
John’s handling amazed the crowd. Linking Ring.
Ring 43: dedicated to teaching its members to At the November meeting, President Oliver
become better magical entertainers. Codorniu, who has served as Ring President for
Mike Kamlet three years, announced he would not seek re-
NO. 44, PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND - Nominees for 2006 are: President, “Big” Lou
William E. Baker Ring Berdasco; Vice President, Jose “Pepe” Sousa;
Meets 1st Tues. each month from Sept. to June, 7:00 p.m.,
American Legion Auburn Post 20, 7 Legion Way, Cranston, RI
Secretary, Rick Del Vecchio; Treasurer, Jeff
LARRY STANGEL, Secretary Silver; and Sgt. at Arms, Hill Silver.
88 Fairview Ave., N. Smithfield, RI 02895 / (401) 766-3119 larry.stan- The program for the meeting was “Platform Magic.” Hill Silver served as MC. Member
September’s meeting was held in RISM’s Alfonso Andres opened by performing a beauti-
new home, the American Legion Auburn Post ful routine with silks, an appearing wine bottle
20 in Cranston RI, a very nice facility. Cameron and Balloon to Cane. Phil LaBush, performed a
Ramsay started the meeting by teaching some clever routine themed around Hurricane Wilma.
card magic. In the effect, the spectators helped Dr. Richard Mark, performed some mental mir-
the magician find a blind date in the form of the acles which entailed reading members’ minds.
Queens. Hill Silver started with a card routine, then lit
After a quick business meeting, Max Howard a cigarette. Once informed there was No
gave a fantastic performance and lecture. Mr. Smoking, Hill extinguished the cigarette finish-
Howard was a stage actor for 15 years, and has ing with the smoke appearing in a previously
even won an Emmy award. His lecture focused “empty” glass bowl to his left. Jorge Larrabure
on the performance of magic, and the impor- had Phil LaBush choose a brand of cigarettes
tance of words and actions. from five different brands. Jorge then cut a fold-
In Max’s own words, “The last frontier of ed newspaper, “origami” style. He opened the
magic is the spoken word.” He did magic with cut out which produced a Camel. Unfortunately
sponge balls and then a Five Card Monte. Phil picked Marlborro. Close...But No Cigar!
During the explanation phase, he pointed out (Sorry, Jorge).
how the words and the actions he chose The ever amazing Al Goodman performed a
enhanced the overall effect. variety of magical effects from his vast reper-
Max continued by explaining that the most toire. Mouth coils, Appearing silver Cane, rope
magical words are “Once upon a time...” He routine and Serpentine Silks. Al finished by tak-
demonstrated how magicians must examine ing a Polaroid picture of three volunteers. Once
every detail of their shows, from dressing up the developed, the snapshot revealed a previously
props, to making good use of theatrics in the chosen card in the background. Stash, the Polish
performance. Max put all of these concepts Magician, AKA Tom Golabek, took the stage
together in his final piece, an Asian-themed pro- next. Coins unexpectedly dropped from his
duction of goldfish. sleeves. Stash was unfazed as he then produced
During the evening, Ed Hill ran a magic raf- his babushka. (20th Century Silks).
fle, with some really nice prizes. Thanks to Stash had his significant other, Myrna, and
Cameron for his workshop, to Ed for running Phil assist. He tied the babushka in a knot and
the raffle, and to Max Howard for a great lec- placed it “strategically” between, as Stash so
ture. Chris Natale poetically expressed, Myrna’s two “Milky
White Mounds.” He and Phil each pulled the
NO.45, MIAMI, FLORIDA - Syd Bergson Ring ends of the silks which magically produced his
Meets 2nd Tues. each month, 7:30 p.m. at the Polish-American Club
1250 NW 22nd Ave., Miami. under shorts and a pair of socks!
RICK DEL VECCHIO. Secretary Guyini, then did a fabulous effect linking a
Ring 45 and The Magic City Conjurers held rubber band and two paperclips from a jumbo
a joint meeting in October. Oliver announced bill. He finished by having a chosen card vanish
that nominations for the 2006 Ring Officers from a Card Frame and appear in his sock! Nice
would be taken at the November meeting. job. Ronstad the Magnificent, AKA Ron
Following the business portion both clubs Olmstead, performed a great version of
enjoyed a very entertaining and informative lec- Sidewalk Shuffle and finished by showing and
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reading several articles cut from a newspaper. Schmitt, winning a book on Karrell Fox magic.
Once finished he did a “flash production” show- MC Melton Francis kept us amused with
ing all the pieces joined to form a completely gags, jokes and predictions that either got great
restored newspaper. laughs or huge moans. Ron Margolis, did his
Long time member Fritzner Paul produced version of Blocks Off Rope and the endless loop
two large flower bouquets and a large cage with through neck. Randy Fritzemeier performed his
two live doves from a small briefcase. He fin- magic picnic escape in which a selected card
ished by draping a large silk over a flat table. He escaped from a bag and appeared in a napkin.
then picked up the silk and produced a large Caleb Bailey had cards shuffled, then, after
cage with two more live doves. spelling out Wizard’s Picnic and creating four
piles, he had four royal flushes. Ben Small suc-
NO. 47, WICHITA, KANSAS - Wizards of Wichita cessfully completed a rope escape. Ben then had
Meets 1st Tues., 6:30pm, HomeTown Buffet, 6820 W. Central, Wichita,
a chest with ropes passing through it and color-
RICK PUGH, Secretary, Email: ful silks tied on the rope outside of the chest all
The September meeting was really filled with pass through a person holding the chest. A neat
talent. Our raffle winners were Ben Small, win- penetration effect.
ning the book, The Enlightened Magicians, and Denys Fredrickson did a complicated Rope
Denys Fredrickson, winning a tape of Larry Tie/Thumb Cuff escape that appeared complete-
Becker from the Greater Magic Video series. ly un-escapable. Ryan Fricke did an Oil and
Our MC was Ben Small who kept us in Water effect. Rick Pugh showed three large
stitches with jokes and some wonderful magic. cards. After mixing them, one vanished only to
Ben did an amazing salt pour and a nifty cut appear on his back. Mike Mann did a wonderful
rope and Change Bag gag. routine with his puppet, doing an ostrich Head
The theme was rope magic and Levon Chopper. Once Glenda Mann was all tied up, a
Kendall did a version of the Professor’s volunteer wearing a jacket and she were hid
Nightmare. He then placed the cut up ropes into from view for a moment. She re-appeared still
a container and made a rope rise high into the air bound but wearing the gentleman’s jacket.
all in one piece. Brent Adam did his version of Thank you to all who helped with the setup
the poor man’s Professor’s Nightmare with bail- and clean up for the evening. Rick Pugh
ing twine, which was different.
One of our junior members, Travis Bailey, NO. 55, PHOENIX, ARIZONA - Bert Easley &
did the Rainbow Rope. Travis tied together sev-
Danny Dew Ring
Meets 3rd Tue., 7:30 pm, La Sandia Restaurant 1010 W. Washington,
eral different colored ropes, then the knots van- Phoenix, AZ.
ished and it was one long rope with all the col- JIM POAGE, Secretary / Email:
ors. Ron Margolis did a knot on rope, followed In October, Ring 55 held an auction at the
by Dick Williams’ Linking Ropes. Ron finished IBEW Union Hall in Phoenix, Arizona. All were
with a rings and rope routine. With some manip- welcome to bring items they wanted to get rid of
ulating of ropes on which were five rings sepa- and place them on the auction block. There were
rated by a magic wand, he was able to have the approximately 45 people vying for the treasures
rings penetrate the rope all at once. of the night.
Denys Fredrickson did a rope and paper cone For those not wishing to take a risk on the
routine which appeared to be like an Imp Bottle prices, but wanting to sell a few items, side
routine, but he suckered us when the ball fell to tables were available, to the delight of the bar-
the floor from the cone yet the rope lifted the gain hunters. Those purchasing display tables
paper cone. This is another original trick of were Clark Wirthlin, Barry Schor, Bruce Stork
Denys who invents a lot of his own magic. and Al Garvey. Al was responsible for us being
President Glenda Mann and husband, Mike, did able to use the excellent venue we had.
a whole routine to music! She made silks appear Our Auctioneers/MCs were our own Gene
on an empty rope, produced feather boas and Urban and Larry Wilfong. They really kept the
birds, then produced a rabbit. A beautiful, well evening rolling at a fast pace, while our
thought out, entertaining routine. Sergeant at Arms, Nick Orlando, kept a tallied
Our October Picnic meeting was really fun! list of items won by each bidder.
We had 17 guests, so the turnout was huge. Our Michael and Lori Finney brought refresh-
raffle winners were Denys Fredrickson, winning ments which were an absolute hit with atten-
an Ammar tape on coin magic, and Joey dees. Lori’s baking talents are always welcome
136 The Linking Ring
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at our get togethers! Also, there was an occurred time after time. When Jenny’s card dis-
announcement that Michael is trying to plan a appeared from the deck, she looked under her
magic convention for the Phoenix area during chair and found it beneath a plastic rat. That one
the month of October next year. Keep watching scared at least one person!
the Ring 55 webpage for more details, or The David Key really took the theme seriously
Lota, or come to the meetings for live coverage! and performed the Razor Blade trick. The only
The usual 50/50 raffle was part of the festiv- problem was he ended up with a mouth full of
ities, with Gary Lazok splitting the collected blood! Now, that was both scary and bizarre to
$79 with the club coffer. all of us. Ed Ripley talked about the fears he
Some of the key announcements made during wanted to work through, specifically cleaning
the meeting were that a past member Fred out cobwebs at home. Seems he is afraid of spi-
Watson is now living in an assisted living cen- ders. He had Jenny pick a card and after finding
ter. Anyone wishing to contact him can send me it, Jenny screamed when she found an ugly,
an e-mail and I will send you his contact info. black spider on her hand! (It was a fake one but
The Big public show was set for November 5th I’m not sure Jenny’s ever coming back to one of
at Sun Lakes Community Center. our meetings.) Debbie Debuty used her pet spi-
der, “Charlene,” to help her find John Lyon’s
NO. 58, KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE - selected card.
Smoky Mountain Mystics Jeff King brought a series of Indian objects
Meets 4th Thu. 7:00 pm each month, Seventh-day House Annex 3625
Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN. TOM VORJOHAN, President, (865) 977-
that represented fire, materialism, water, etc.,
9253 Email: and the one selected matched a duplicate of that
After a brief business meeting, the members item he had in his hand. He also told a story of
and guests were treated to a full evening of per- his uncle, the gambler, and his lucky card. He
formances for October. had found a letter and photo from his uncle,
Kicking it off were three initiation perform- which told the story and helped to reveal a
ances. Kevin Stith, assisted by his lovely wife, selected card. Finally, Jeff picked on Jenny one
Jenny, proclaimed that he was performing more time as he made a spot he drew on a piece
“magic that sucks” and pulled a handkerchief of paper appear on her hand.
through Jenny’s arm. He also performed two Guest David McCorkle then presented sever-
coin tricks. Ben Young, age 13, wowed the al card routines. The final performer was Bob
membership with his D’Lite routine, and Carter. Using an Axtell Drawing Board, he told
demonstrated his card skill with his version of a ghostly story. When he checked the headstone,
the Ambitious Card. Zeke “The Freak” Powerz it said boo and when he turned the board around,
recently moved to the area, and he showed that it said boo too! It was great evening of magic!
he has lots of experience. His jumbo Monte rou- Michael Messing
tine was filled with bad puns and lots of laughs.
All three performers were unanimously voted NO. 59, NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT -
Frederick Eugene Powell Ring
into the Ring! Meets 1st Mon. each month, 7:00 p.m., Connie’s Restaurant, 87
The magic theme was “Scary or Bizarre Eliabeth St., Drby, CT (202) 743-1311 Website:
Magic.” Tim Pressley stood in as program SANDI SISTI, Secretary / Email: www\
chairman. J. Akal Singh Krau did some “scary” New Officers, elected in November are
card moves as he present his Oil and Water rou- President, Jim Sisti; Vice President, Jim Lang;
tine using blue-backed and red-backed cards. Secretary, Sandi Sisti; Treasurer, Nelson
Caleb Bailey decided that mentalism fit the Nicholson; Sgt. at Arms, Gale Alexander; and
bill; he used Ben Young to help, but even with a Scribe, Des Desmond.
calculator it was hard to keep up with Caleb. President Sisti thanked the outgoing officers
(Maybe that was on purpose!) Fortunately, guest for their leadership in the past year and we voted
Pan Walker (our deck memorizing guru) man- unanimously to induct into full membership in
aged to do the calculations in his head. The Ring 59 Andre Bowie, whose initiation show as
number was used to find a word in a book, and TOTO last month was such a hit.
that very word was found on a piece of paper We accepted the invitation of Dean Nelson
buried in a nest of boxes. and his wife, Carol, to hold our December
Somehow, every time Pan Walker had Jenny Holiday meeting at their home. A gala and fes-
Stith select a card, someone else managed to tive occasion is anticipated.
pick the same one. Pan said, “I smell a rat,” as it Showtime featured Judy Rodger in a feat of
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rope tying in which she deftly tied a knot in the Chris Walden announcing that the meeting
center of a three foot length of cowboy rope would begin with an “open mike” after the
without letting go of either end. She allowed announcements.
sufficient suspense to build as she contemplated He then introduced Vice President Bertil
the task, and in a final swift maneuver she Fredstrom who gave the 21 members present
accomplished the feat, to deserved applause. information on the annual Holiday Banquet
But she was not done. She removed a yellow which is in January, but is also called the Ring
silk hank from her tall velvet hat, changed it into 60 Christmas Party. The site of the function is
a colorful cane and reproduced the hank from Dave & Busters, located at MoPac and Highway
her pocket. Nice routine. 183.
President Sisti shared a newly issued “puz- The date of the party is January 22 between
zler” based on ideas by Winston Freer in which the hours of 5:00 and 8:00 p.m. The cost is $25
a flat group of 63 square tiles is assembled in a adults and $20 kids. However, members in good
frame several times...and each time there is an standing with dues paid to both the Ring and
added tile. In the end, there were three extra I.B.M. may buy up to four tickets for $15 each.
tiles...and still 63 tiles in the frame. This puzzler Will Mannis announced a successful commu-
had us all guessing... and especially frustrated nity effort in which he and Larry Johnson par-
Judy, who wanted to know how it’s done. We all ticipated. Ron Cartlidge gave a brief presenta-
wondered. tion on the recent Austin Magic Auction which
In a second effect, Jim presented a Question grossed over $8,000 in sales. He also announced
and Answer act with a new twist on reading the the next meeting would feature the magic of
questions. We could see the hand written ques- new members.
tions on the table, yet Jim was able to call out After the announcements, the “open mike”
our question and give us commendable answers. session began with Larry Johnson doing an
Jim then generously tipped the gaff and excellent rope routine in which a white knot
answered questions on the angles. Clever ruse, jumped to a red rope. Ron Cartlidge performed
useful for almost any occasion. an effect that he had purchased at the recent
Closing for the evening was Ramigo who had Austin Magic Auction, Psychic Sword. Ron
Nelson select a card which was revealed made a prediction inside an envelope that was
through the magic spell of a new pocket calen- inside a box on the table. Frank White selected
dar. Checking the deck, Nelson discovered that a card with the sword and although Ron swore
his card was missing. Ramigo used a cell phone the prediction would not match the selected
to call a spirit guide who revealed the card card, it did!
impaled on the antenna of the phone...a la the Chris Walden then brought Frank White up to
card sword. interact with him in a nice Cut and Restored
Next Ramigo showed us a Zig Zag Card in Rope routine. Lou Hornug was the third magi-
which all three sections moved out of the card- cian to use Frank White. He not only used
board frame. Lots of interest in this item. Using Frank, but also his $100 bill, in a routine Lou
giant cards, Ramigo predicted two cards chosen called the Five Aqua Cups. No matter which cup
from a red backed deck by pulling identical Frank put the $100 bill under, Lou found it. The
cards from a blue backed deck. This was a part final part of the routine used five cups and a
of Joe Novaco’s estate and included a giant card glass of ice tea. Without looking, Lou knew not
stand made by Joe. Quite a showy effect. only where the bill was, but also the tea.
Following a fire-proof hank effect in which Robert Castillo ended the “open mike” ses-
three colored hanks were demonstrated impervi- sion with a production of four sponge card pips
ous to the flame of a candle, Ramigo produced from a rope. They were place randomly in front
four colorful fan-like displays in shimmering of stacks of cards and each stack was found to
foil colors. “How much?” shouted the boys in have the Ace of the pip that had been placed in
the rear. front of it. Robert also tried a card rise of the
Magic at 59 is always fine. Come and join the selected card from a deck. It didn’t work, so he
enterprise. Des Desmond had the selected card rise from his shirt pocket.
NO. 60, AUSTIN, TEXAS - Carl Moore Ring He finished with a nice rope routine.
Meets 1st Mon., 7:00, call for location. After intermission, John Maverick gave a
RON CARTILIDGE, Secretary talk on the survival of a magician doing “street
The November meeting began with President magic” on 6th Street in Austin, Texas. He lec-
138 The Linking Ring
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tured on an opening trick, dress code, location NO. 74, SYRACUSE, NEW YORK -
for a street magician, closure, law and order, Harris A. Solomon Ring
timing, and protecting yourself on the streets. Meets 1st Thu of every month 7:30pm at Liverpool Masonic Temple,
Oswego St., for directions.
John has performed in the 6th Street area for a SCOTTY MATTHEWS, Secretary
number of years and is well versed in the tricks 612 N. McBride St., Syracuse, NY 13203 / (315) 425-0704
of the trade on street magic. Ron Cartlidge Email:
At our October meeting, Territorial Vice
NO. 64, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY - President Ray Cerio conducted our official cer-
Okito/Lance Burton Ring emony for installation of officers for 2005-2006.
Meets various times at Executive Inn
They are as follows: President, Bruce Purdy;
In October, the Louisville Magic Club met Vice President, David Jackman; Treasurer, Ray
for a “teach-in” meeting. President Jerry Oliver Cerio; Secretary, Scotty Matthews; and
first discussed the upcoming schedule of meet- Sergeant-At-Arms, Mark Alford.
ings, competitions, elections and conventions We did not convene a business meeting, but
available to our members. rather welcomed special guest lecturer Paul
Then President Oliver set the tone for the Hallas, who presented his “Funarama” lecture,
night by giving a demonstration of magic fol- consisting of numerous mentalist card effects
lowed by introductions of Pat Wheeler, who requiring no difficult sleight-of-hand, but pack-
presented a few minutes of puppetry, Durbin ing quite a punch in audience impact.
Oldham, who provided his funeral trashcan rou- These included 43, in which the performer
tine, Marvin Cull, showing a prediction box he divines two spectators’ selected cards, while
made in his wood shop and involving colored apparently never handling the cards himself. Mr.
silk handkerchiefs, and Tom Crecelius dis- Hallas also demonstrated an effect called Glass
cussing storytelling magic presentations. to Glass, a visible and striking version of Cards
After these presentations the group broke into Across with three selected cards. Among many
smaller groups and assembled at tables set others, was also an effect which Paul Hallas has
around the room where card routines and tech- entitled, A Prediction in Millions, a very com-
niques were shown and discussed by Jerry mercial presentation utilizing a new twist of
Oliver and Pete Miller. Coin routines and tech- misdirection, and an age-old displacement prin-
niques were shown and discussed by Ken ciple utilized in a fresh and surprising way.
Abbott and David Garrard. Several other mem- With more than 30 members and guests in
bers set up shop and showed routines and dis- attendance, Mr. Hallas’ lecture was very well
cussed ways of presenting the routines and var- received, and we thank him for his delightful,
ious techniques. instructive, and elegant presentation. It was a
The club tries to do two “teach-ins” a year, wonderful, magical evening that all in atten-
allowing the members to practice showing tech- dance will treasure for years to come.
niques to those who will give honest, good Now, we’re all gearing-up for the biggest
advice for improving while allowing the “old gala we’ve thrown in a good many years, the
timers” to give guidance and gain creditability Jack Miller 2005 Central New York Magic Fest!
and respect from our younger members. This is It will likely be magical history by the time this
an enjoyable evening that was shared by both is published, so here are some thank-yous in
new and old members alike. advance: Thanks to Ray Cerio for his tireless
The Louisville magic club was well repre- work organizing performers; to Don Attle and
sented at this year’s Unconventional Conven- our President, Bruce Purdy, for their hard work
tion as usual. Cumberland Falls Park in with staging, lighting and sound; to Wally Meier
Southeastern Kentucky was alive with color and for minding the registration table.
warm temperatures as magic filled the air and Thank you also to our lecturers, Gene Doane
friends enjoyed the presentations and hospitali- and Joe Legari, to our Close-up and Stage per-
ty of the Lexington host club. Ray Adams, Jr. formers, Mike Ihrig, Shaun Robison, Dan
presented a close-up routine and also presented Block, The Magic of Virgil, Todd Nelson,
his award winning routine during the evening Robert Tarry, Jake Weiland, Doug Rougeaux,
performance on Saturday night. Wade Live!, and Jeff Sterling; to our magic
“We don’t succeed because of our abilities, dealers, Empire Magic, Bob King, Anthony
but because of our choices.” (Professor Dum- Weiland, Mike’s Magic & Merriment and The
bledore to Harry Potter) Tom Crecelius Wizard’s Magic Shop; to close-up MC George
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Becker; to our special guest MC for the evening Those of us at the October meeting met three
show, Glenn Brooks; and to all the other mem- new potential members. They are Robert, Dillon
bers and friends of the Ring who helped make and Richard Bullock. They represent three gen-
this event successful. erations all at once. We hope to have them back
Because of all of you, magic continues to next month to show us some of their magic.
thrive in Central New York! Many, many On October first there was a Katrina fund-
thanks! raising event at the Town Square mall. I am
Be sure to visit happy to report that Phil Messina, David Black,
Joe Nestoryak, Lucas Kleese and Dick Gusefski
NO. 75, FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS - Bill Pitts Ring 75 showed their magic to help those in need. There
Meets 2nd Sun. each month, 1:30 p.m., Fort Smith Library, 3201
Rogers Ave., Fort Smith, AR.
are a couple more opportunities for members to
BILL PITTS, Secretary-Treasurer, help others by performing magic locally in the
6214 Carthage St., Fort Smith, AR 72903 next few weeks.
The November Ring meeting was called to Whenever people hear that I am a magician,
order by Vice President Bill Rogers, in the they want to show me a trick that they know. I
absence of Larry Bean, President. Larry has had imagine this is a common experience and when
a carpal tunnel operation on a wrist, and is not I perform for kids I talk to them about how each
feeling well from same. Larry will be “up and at of them probably knows at least one magic trick.
‘em” for the December meeting, which will be Why is this true? Is magic something inherent in
our annual Dinner/Magic show for our members all of us?
and guests. I recently attended a magic lecture in
Chuck Larson told of magic events he has Syracuse, hosted by Ring 74. They brought in
attended at Branson, Missouri, including snap- Paul Hallas who did a great job presenting some
shots and autographs from Siegfried and Roy excellent magic. I was joined on the trip by Dick
who were visiting in Branson. Chuck also told Gusefski and his son. Paul has very effective yet
of the Mark Wilson lecture at Tulsa, Oklahoma, easy to do magic. His lecture had a little some-
with Ye Scribe attending with Chuck. thing for everyone, so if you get a chance to see
The writer knew Mark when he lived in him, take advantage. dmYmd
Dallas, Texas, and worked at Douglas Magic-
land. Al Brown, later known as Al Sharpe, also NO. 84, MELBOURNE, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA -
worked at Magicland. In fact, the writer knew Charles Waller Ring
Meets 1st Mon. each month, 7:30 p.m. at Bells Hotel, 157
Lyle Douglas, the original owner of Magicland, Moray St., S. Melbourne, Victoria.
later owned by his brother, Delbert. WAL PARKER, Secretary, 397 Hawthorn Rd., Caufield South, Victoriia,
The Cavalcade of Magic for 2006 will be 3162/ (03) 9528-2672 Email:
over the weekend of March 31 and April 1, with President Keith Jones opened the November
night-before on Thursday March 30. Another meeting by welcoming two visitors—card
stellar line-up of performers, dealers and lectur- expert Barry Govan and a young magician from
ers—for those attending the 35th annual Malaysia, Eric Cheung.
Cavalcade. As Mentalism was the theme, Keith read a
Chuck Larsen performed a Magic Squares short article, Going Mental, from Magic
effect he had worked out for the meeting. Ron Makers, July 1982, by Graham Etherington.
Ingram, past Ring President, gave a “lecture” on This was to introduce our host for the evening,
“Setting-up a Magic Act.” Ron used the chalk- Mentalist Charles Gauci. He has a website at:
board to address certain factors and get respons-
es from those attending and those with perform- Charles demonstrated his dealer item, Winner
ing experiences. Ron did a nice job in his pres- Takes All, a kind of Three Ball Monte with the
entation. magician revealing the black ball and collecting
Members of Ring 75 wish all I.B.M.’ers a the bet. Further revelations followed. Eric
very Happy New Year! Bill Pitts Cheung revealed that a card in an envelope was
the mentally chosen one—a very strong revela-
NO. 79, BINGHAMTON, JOHNSON CITY and ENDICOTT, tion. David Wright performed Alex Elmsley’s
NEW YORK - Southern Tier Magic Circle Inc. Multiple Mind Reading to reveal more cards.
Meets 1st Mon. 7:00 p.m., Picciano Education Center, Arch St.,
Johnson City, NY.
Barry Govan was able to skillfully riffle a
PHIL MESSINA, President pack of cards, again revealing a chosen one; and
311 Floral Ave., Johnson City, NY 13790 after some hesitation, Keith Jones also succeed-
140 The Linking Ring
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ed in revealing a chosen card! For a variation, Prystay who recorded buyers’ bids and David
Graham Etherington used large cards with Wilson who acted as head paper shuffler and
employee’s faces on them. The object was to cashier. Clinton W. Gray was kind enough to
find the murderer; and, yes, he was revealed. lend us his sound system and David Watters pro-
Peter Cook performed another non-card trick, vided the awesome stage decoration with a
Thought Transmitter, in which a selected motor Halloween theme.
car was revealed in a very convincing manner. Just after 9:00p.m., we stopped for a refresh-
He also showed a synchronous watch that ment break provided by Joe Ward, Merle
matched a spectator’s chosen time; and then a Helberg and Cathie Watters. Super delicious.
Sharpie Thumb Writer, used to predict a chosen After this break we had our costume parade of
number (dealer item: Super Sharpie). This pre- seven participants.
diction was very convincing! Dave Watters appeared as a midget riding on
In a general discussion, Keith Jones men- Frankenstein’s back, Tequila, the wonder
tioned Al Baker’s How to Perform Mental Chihuahua dog, a lady bug, Trevor Watters was
Magic. Charles Gauci contributed the comment a hulking caveman, Neale Bacon a policeman,
that two techniques—the Centre Tear and the Chris Pataki a magician, John Smithman was a
Billet Switch—were very useful; but that a Nail doctor, and finally, a self-described lover(?) was
Writer was also useful provided that one was Munro MacKenzie. The audience eventually
adept.. chose Munro as the winner.
The evening closed with Peter Cook per- After that we went back to the auction. The
forming Paul Harris’ Twisted Deck; but contin- 50/50 draw of $100.50 was won by one of our
ued with Graham Etherington showing some guests, Denzil Bee, who promptly used her win-
dealer items. Wal Parker nings to join the Vancouver Magic Circle, join
the I.B.M. and buy a brand new Vancouver
NO. 92, VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA - The Magic Circle baseball hat.
Vancouver Magic Circle (Charles Howard Ring) Auction report by David Wilson with permis-
Meets 4th Thurs. except July, Aug. and Dec., 8:00 pm, Sunrise
Community Hall, 1950 Windmere St., Vancouver, B.C. sion and gratitude of Munro MacKenzie.
KAREN ESKILSON, President, Email:
Our October meeting is actually our auction NO. 94, HAGERSTOWN, MARYLAND - The King Ring
Meets 4th Weds. each month, 7:30 p.m., Hagerstown American
sale night. The auction started at 7:31 p.m. and Legion, Northern Ave., Hagerstown, MD
ended at 10:37 p.m. with 55 members and 15 JOE HACKETT, Secretary
guests sniffing for a bargain. 8487 Devon Lane, Walkersville, MD 21793
There were 15 sellers and 36 buyers who bar- The October meeting at the Hagerstown
gained for 158 lots of which 117 sold. The least American Legion was the Ring’s annual
expensive was $1 Canadian, and the most Spookini Night.
expensive were two items at $300—a wireless Prior to the dinner and program, the Ring
microphone and a chair suspension illusion. held a best dressed costume contest. The major-
John Smithman bought the most lots—10, while ity of members and guests came in costume, so
Damien Carriere had tthe deepest pockets. He it was no easy decision. Second Vice President
spent $331. John Swomley conducted the contest. Best
The club earned $238.85 in commissions. dressed female was Judy Bowers, best dressed
Other monies earned for the Club: $166 from male was Hugh McVeagh. Both received a $10
the sale of goods donated by the Watson family, certificate, good for an upcoming Ring event.
the Sawchuck family and Michael Stratman. We It was suggested by Kathleen Breeze to add a
also earned $177 for the Katrina Fund. best-dressed couple category next year. All
Dedication was shown by Craig Prystay who members who came in costume received a cer-
stepped off the plane from Phoenix, Arizona, tificate for $3 for a future event.
and came directly to the auction to assist at the Following the welcome and invocation,
control desk. Auctioneer was Clinton W. Gray, members and guests enjoyed the buffet meal.
ably assisted by Flow Coordinator Dennis The meeting was then called to order by John
Hewson. Trevor Watters, Lorena Paradon and Swomley. Kept brief, the meeting included
Cameron Fisk were runners, organizing buyers’ committee reports. Good and welcome included
lots after they were purchased. mention of upcoming lectures. Bill King donat-
At the control table were Karen Eskilson, ed a beautiful poster to the Ring’s 50/50 draw-
who recorded the bids for thesellers, Craig ing. Although a bit embarrassing, I must report
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that Charles James won the poster, and I won impressed with the gaming deck he had, the
the cash! edges seemed almost plastic coated and slip-
Entertainment featured MC John Swomley as pery, so much so they almost Faro themselves.
Dr. Theodore Saliva (he was dressed as a doc- We looked at my Bicycle deck in comparison
tor). He was assisted by his new bride (Ynita) as and there was none, the edges seemed crudely
Nurse Spittle. cut and fibery.
Jim Greer offered a silk routine with a pre- Charlie was working on a couple of card
diction. Dr. Saliva performed the signed card in moves with Derick Finn, then Derick went into
a surgical glove (must be seen to be appreciat- a few routines which really were outstanding,
ed!) Hugh McVeagh used a “Just Say No” some from the latest Ortiz book. As a move, I
theme, while Dave Bowers used a hypnosis love Derick’s double lift turnover, it’s so slow
wheel to get us all a little dizzy and watch his and disarming, it’s just beautiful. Derick also
head “grow.” helped John McLachlan with some routines
Grant Berry performed as “Aunt Blabby” John was having problems with and John
and, using colored water, taught us all a lesson showed us some card work as well.
about why we should not blab or gossip about David Ben hung in for a short period before
people. Mildred Hammond had a young volun- the meeting and a few minutes into our getting
teer dress up as a pirate and play make believe. started, as he had hockey to get to, for his son. I
Joe Hackett offered a card effect, this time with was working on a false table riffle with a push
the addition of fire! Michael Myers reprised his through for the strip out and David showed a
performance of producing tiny chicken nuggets. few methods, all with unbelievable precision.
Charles James offered a Houdini giant card There was virtually an imperceptible 1/64th of
effect. A card with Houdini’s likeness vanished an inch, or less, protrusion for his strip out, as
from among cards of jail cells. opposed to the half-inch I was practicing with. I
We were pleased to have many guests with must say, David has to have the strongest yet
us. One of them, “Dr. Wonderful,” performed a most sensitive fingers in magic.
mysterious folded jumbo card effect, then gen- Just before the meeting ended, Bruce Fricker
erously gave them out to members and demon- was talking about some of the lecturers he had
strated (privately) how it was done. seen in the past, including Vernon and others;
Participation prize winner this month was really interesting stuff.
Hugh McVeagh, who received many goodies It was a great evening of relaxation, discus-
from the Ring, collected at this year’s I.B.M. sion and card handling, a little warm though, we
Convention. Karen L. James were looking for the rocks to throw some water
on for more steam!
NO. 99, TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA – Our October meeting was also a hot event
The P. Howard Lyons Ring although we had a lighter than normal turnout,
Meets Monday on an irregular basis, 7:30pm at the VIP Lounge.
Secretary: but this was expected due to the fact a number
Our September meeting started very early of our regulars were taking off on Thursday for
with some members showing up at 5:00 p.m. to Dan Block’s Buffalo close-up event.
discuss magic and share a libation or two. The Those who attended really enjoyed the
pub makes for a great meeting place and this evening, with yours truly giving a small talk on
meeting was more typical of the original inten- some of my own card techniques. We were hon-
tion of the group. ored to have a guest all the way from Winnipeg,
After some nachos and other fare, we retired Marc Hatche, who entertained us with a few of
to the VIP lounge and just by happenstance his own routines. Charlie McBurney
broke into a couple of groups (two large tables). and Alexander W. Hobson (Sandy)
Discussions at one area ranged from illusion
building and the marketplace, to the latest in NO.103, NORFOLK, VIRGINIA - Earl Edwards Ring
Meets 1st Mon., 7:30 p.m., Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA
illusion technology with Gerry Frenette and MICHAEL HECKENBERGER, Secretary 10 Gallaer Ct., Hampton, VA
Mike Segal heading the illusion discussion. 23666 / (757) 865-6172 / Email:
Nick Sacco and Joan Caesar were off to one Website:
side working on a card cull move for Joan, and The Oceana Naval Air Station’s Chief Petty
Bill Abbott flipped back and forth between the Officer Club in Virginia Beach was the site for
gang. Club President Charles McBurney was Earl Edwards Ring 103’s 55th Anniversary
discussing card construction of late. I was really Banquet extravaganza.
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The food and service were superb; we started clever routine correctly predicting the number
with appetizers (including shrimp cocktail) and of cards that would be cut from a deck.
then a dinner of roast beef, stuffed flounder, Jorge Marabal had a spectator choose a card
lemon herb chicken, green beans almandine, and Jorge produced four cards with the chosen
russet potatoes, roll and butter and a fabulous card being the only one face up. Not only that,
chocolate cake for dessert. The entire staff did the card’s back was a different color from the
an outstanding job. A brief 40-minute close-up others. Nice! Guest Michael Skinner did a great
show preceded the main course and featured Three Card Monte where you had to follow the
two fine Ring 103 magicians, Mike Sears and red card. Easier said than done.
Chuck Conklin. Sandy Kartzman did an amazing face up and
After dinner, the first Ring 103 President face down card prediction that was very impres-
(yes, from 55 years ago), George Lyon, presided sive. Sandy, however, really brought the house
over the induction of the newly elected Ring down with his appearing rabbit under the silk
Officers: Joe Nicolas, President; Jack Shea, bit. Let’s just say, the rabbit never appeared but
Vice President; Michael Heckenberger, Secre- we all know it was once there. Use your imagi-
tary; Robert “Moldy” Morthland, Treasurer; nation! Joel Rosenthal
Mike Sears, Sgt. at Arms; and Harold Wood,
After this ceremony, awards were presented M.H. Ortwein Ring
Meets 3rd Tue. of each month, 7:00pm at the First Cumberland
to Moldy for 18 years of service as Treasurer; to Presbyterian Church
Dr. Bob Albertson for serving as Secretary for MIKE EDWARDS, Secretary / (423) 842-1319
over 10 years and to Michael Heckenberger as October was a full month for the Ring. On
the outgoing President. Saturday, October 15, Ring 112 presented
For the evening/parlor show Harold Wood Magic, Mystery and More at the Colonnade
served as MC. The show included: Harold jug- Theatre in Fort Oglethorpe, GA. The show was
gling while riding a unicycle; Joe Nicholas turn- presented in memory of member James Patrick,
ing four jumbo $1 bills into four jumbo $20 bills AKA Dumbstone the Clown, who passed away
and then back to $1 bills; George Lyon present- in September of a lung disease. Proceeds from
ing his street corner medicine salesman that was the show were donated to the American Lung
truly a highlight of the evening; Bill Detter- Association.
man’s routine with McDonald chicken nuggets Steve Mac and Sam Puckett of Two Guys and
in which the nuggets go from one Happy Meal a Rabbit MC’d the show. They kept things run-
to the other; Randy Hermoso who did a hilari- ning smoothly while performing some wonder-
ous Linking Rings routine, and finally Harold ful magic between each act. Some of their
Wood’s famous Straight Jacket Escape while effects included turning a child into a mummy,
riding a unicycle—outstanding! making magical Halloween treats appear, and
For more about this great event check out the resurrecting Dracula. Andy Still opened with
write-up in the Ring Events section of The Timmy the Toilet Paper, and then amazed every-
Linking Ring. one with a vanishing ring trick. Ken Hartley
transformed part of his act into an audience par-
NO.106, BLOOMFIELD, NEW JERSEY - ticipation game show with the Lemon Game
Pyramid Garden State Ring before astonishing the audience with a breath-
Meets 8:00pm, 4th Tue. Bloomfield Civic Center, Broad St.,
Bloomfield, NJ. PEGGY HAMLIN, Secretary taking, no hyperbole, levitation!
(201) 339-6194 Ian or Joel (Magic Korner Co.) Robert Jones turned an audience member into
Our October (just before Halloween) meeting a magician, created a musical fantasy with silks
was full of tricks and treats. After our business and flowers, and finally repeatedly ran a girl
meeting and a short break, the festivities began. through with balloon swords. Scott Fillers and
Bennett Carlin started with a little show and Co. closed with an incredible Halloween illu-
tell. He showed us a new close-up table that he sion show featuring a Mismade Monster, a Head
had just built and immediately put it to good Chopper and things that go bump in the night.
use. First, he introduced three blank cards. Then In addition to the foregoing, James Schwaab
he asked if it would be amazing if your picture entertained the crowd with close-up before and
appeared on one of them. Sure enough, the after the show, and Mike Edwards made balloon
words “Your Picture” appeared on one of the animals.
formerly blank cards. He continued with a Josh Jay lectured for magicians from both
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near and far thanks to the patronage of member ment. Adeline Ng was inducted into our Ring.
Adam Ryan who sponsored the event. Thank Gician Tan performed a Linking Friendship
you, Adam! After the lecture Josh Jay taught a Bands routine. He ended with a Cut and
private workshop for several of the attendees. Restored Chewing Gum effect. President John
The club’s October meeting theme was A Teo demonstrated paper magic using playing
Tribute to Houdini. Steve Mac performed a cards. Jimmy caused a 20-cent coin to magical-
Houdini card trick. Vaughn Stevens amazed ly transform into a dollar coin in the hands on a
with a unique version of the Invisible Deck. Ron volunteer. A guest of Prakash, Nick Amir Singh,
and Cindy Williams made the evening a special did a well executed card effect called Impos-
treat for all by showing various video clips of sible Jeopardy.
Houdini. They also brought Halloween treats After the break, Tan JK and Victor Heng took
for everyone present. Thanks to all members their tests. Performing to music, Tan JK execut-
and friends who made October an extremely ed the Disappearing Cane, paper transformation
special month for the Ring. Justin Kase and Snowstorm in China. He bought laughs
when he showed us his NEWater invention (in
NO.115, SINGAPORE - The Great Wong Ring the shape of a toilet bowl) and went on to
Meets 15th of each month, at The City Bay View Hotel, 30 Bencoolen explain how reverse osmosis works. Victor
JOHN TEO, President Heng did a Time Travel effect with a watch, an
10M Braddell Hill #01-49, Singapore 57931 / (Tel: 2504422) improvised Card and Die trick and a Chain
Our June theme was “Perform and Analyze.” Escape effect.
We had a major turnout, not just because of the Lim Teck Guan did the Dynamite Dice.
large crowd that packed in, but also the magni- Gordon Li entertained us with a Paul Harris ver-
tude of achievers from our own Ring who were sion of Out of this World. Sandeep performed a
present. Among these high flyers were Prakash, truly impromptu effect with the help from a vol-
J.C. Sum, Gician Tan and Tan Choon Tee, who unteer who took turns eliminating eight of nine
were our “analysts” (also, judges or panelist) for borrowed objects on the table. Amazingly, the
the night. item that was left matched his prediction.
Put together, they packed a flurry of con- After performing an astonishing mind induc-
structive criticism backed by about a 100 years tion test, Prakrash gave his views on Impromptu
of experience. This reporter was again the mod- Magic. Teh Ah Hock gave a performance with
erator and MC for the event. two classical magic props-The Dice Transfor-
The system was “Singapore Idol” format: mation and Block Penetration.
performers performed and analysts analyzed. It Sherman Malachi Tjiong and Kelvin Ho
is that simple. Each was given five minutes to
perform and then the panelists commented on NO. 123, MIDDLETON, NEW JERSEY
Meets 4th Wed., King of Kings Lutheran, Cherry Tree Farm at
how their acts can be improved. They highlight- Harmony Rd., Middletown Township, NJ
ed aspects of performance like speed, framing, RICHARD D. HERRING, Secretary Email:
techniques, dramatization and routining, among Hear ye! Hear ye! For the Fall 2005 election
other things. season, The LeRoy, Talma, and Bosco Ring
Adelene, the only girl in our midst, took her returns to a “Back to Basics” platform.
qualifying test, executing her Ace Assembly That’s correct, my friends, the Ring’s unify-
with smoothness and ease. She received sup- ing theme promises backbone in this year’s pro-
port, encouragement and “well-dones” from the grams. We guarantee there will be no trick left
four panelists. The other performers were Lim behind as we cover the “Top Twenty” tricks that
Teck Guan, Alvin Koh, Pambudi, Shufi and each magician should know. The first Trick of
Kien Meng. the top 20 is the card force, and Rob Murray, our
Also that evening, President John Teo made VP, demonstrated his version. Others then con-
some important announcements, Alvin Koh tributed and compared their favorite methods.
took his induction ceremony, a demonstration The meeting ran so long that we cut the cut
on a certain card technique was made and, of and restored rope effect, but we will restore it
course, there was lots of food. next month.
July’s meeting was “Impromptu Magic” and The mostly-warlock crowd conjured up the
was coordinated by Kenneth and Kelvin. With a following Halloween-themed performances:
turnout of more than 40 people including about John Waters magically recovered a floating
four guests, Jade Room was packed with excite- Halloween balloon that escaped; Jerry Van de
144 The Linking Ring
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Sande gave a short version of a “dark” routine with jumbo dollar bills, and he followed
Halloween close-up routine with a five way his magic with a performance of a country song.
Tarot card prediction; Tom Durnin gave a com- Steve Steiner followed (and won) with the
edy routine using Supreme’s Witch Book. restoring of a crushed pop can, which he used to
Bob Parmelee did a nice Burned and represent crushed souls.
Restored Match routine which ended with a Three magicians competed in the close-up
match book with all of the matches burned contest. Laird Wilcox entertained us with an
except one; and Our Prez, Dick Swandby, pre- Ambitious Card sequence and a Ninja Ring
sented his new routine of a ghost rising out of a (small Linking Rings) routine. Chuck Macan
miniature casket using Losander’s Floating followed (and won) with a two-in-hand, one-in-
Bubble without the bubble. pocket sequence with a handful of dice, follow-
Finally, we announced a special presentation ing it with a card sandwich routine, which con-
in January 2006. We will be honored to host cluded with a previously selected card that was
David Haversat, a principal of S. S. Adams, found inverted in the deck.
America’s oldest continuously-running magic Joe White’s contribution was a Cups and
factory. S. S. Adams has been in Neptune, NJ Balls routine and an effect in which several col-
since 1932 and provided many of us magicians ored disks were put inside a tube, with all but
with our first magic apparatus. This will truly be the chosen one being threaded on a string that
a treat. was run through the tube.
The highlight of the open, non-competitive
NO.129, KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI - segment of the meeting was a visit from former
Heart of America Ring member Mark Tams, who was visiting from
Meets 1st Thurs. at Best Western Inn Conference Center,501 Tulsa. He showed us why he had won our annu-
Southwest Blvd., Kansas City, KS.
DON DOUGLAS, Secretary
al close-up contest three times with his perform-
10112 W 99 Ter, Overland Park, KS 66212 / (913) 888-9236 ance of his original rope routine, along with a
Email: DDDONDON@SBCGLOBAL.NET multi-phase card routine (Juan Tamariz) in
Our November meeting began with the elec- which shuffled cards kept returning to their
tion of officers. Long-time member L.C. Collier original order. Blake Silvernail performed a
will be our new President. Other officers are card force in which the cards are dealt into the
Chuck Macan, Vice President; Matt Gurley, shape of a clock.
Sergeant-at-Arms; John Hicks, Secretary; Kirk Brian McElvain performed a card location.
DeWeese, Treasurer; and Eric Woods, at-large Mike Melito showed us a bell that could be
Board Member. made to ring or not ring at will. Jason Dean had
The highlight of the evening was a 50-minute a spectator cut the cards into four piles, and then
lecture by our past President, Terry Elton. The count down to the Aces based on the value of
title of his lecture is “The Devil is in the the top card (i.e., if she cut to a three, the Ace
Details,” and the focus was not on tricks but would be three cards down). Dale Huffman also
rather on performance. He showed how to cre- did a four Ace cut and an ESP effect. Mentalist
ate interest in a routine by establishing a story- Marty Isenberg performed a billet-reading rou-
line, finding routines that fit the performer’s tine. There was enough magic in the air to carry
personality, and creating a character. over to the following Saturday, when our
He spoke of maintaining a consistent tone, Jayhawks beat Nebraska in football for the first
and focusing on seemingly small details such as time in 36 years. Stu Lewis
where to place a volunteer. He demonstrated his
ideas by showing us two of his routines, includ- NO. 131, DENVER, COLORADO -
ing an original rhyme for the Gozinta Box. He Mile High Magicians Society
Meets 2nd Thu., 7:00pm Children’s Haven. 2600 S. Sheridan Blvd.
explained how he had spent too much money EARL REUM. Secretary
over the years buying tricks that did not fit his (303) 355-2838 / Email:
personality, and he explained that he hoped he On a beautiful mid-October night in Denver,
could save others the wasted time and money he Dan Fleshman presented his lecture for approx-
had experienced until he found his own voice. It imately two dozen members of the Mile High
was an excellent, professional presentation by a Magicians Society.
true professional. After briefly describing his philosophy about
Two competitors vied for the position of doing magic and explaining his style of work-
Stage Magician of the Month. Jim Wright did a ing, he moved right into the magic. He opened
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with his version of the well-known Professor’s club members will continue to be a highlight
Nightmare, with some different handling twists, this year. Additional lectures already booked
followed by a Ring on Rope routine. include James Biss, David Stone and Aldo
Next was a routine with four small Linking Colombini. The club is continuing their use of
Ring (yes, the little ones like you get when the point system established last year to deter-
you’re a kid just starting in magic). In Dan’s mine who the Magician of the Year will be. The
hands, they looked great. He followed this with race is on.
a borrowed Ring on String effect, ending The summer of 2005 proved to be a busy sea-
(thanks to Ring Flight) with the borrowed ring son for a few of our club members. Chris
in his key case. Pilsworth is staring in “The Magic Man,” a
He closed the first half of the lecture with musical production playing at the Centrepointe
Jumbo Prediction, where a freely selected card Theatre in October. Break a leg, Chris. Real
matches a jumbo card in an envelope previous- Boucher has been working hard building his
ly given to an audience member, featuring a new house. I wonder if there are any trap doors
comical ending; followed by Kid Cards, a in the floor or moving walls? And, Pierre
unique version of the old Mental Photography Bourgeau, our Vice President recently tied the
deck. knot, and it’s not a slip knot, it is the real thing.
The second half opened with Tag, a clever, Congratulations on your marriage, Pierre.
marketed card effect; Magic Cards, an effect Members gathered for their first meeting on
where packets of cards change to match a card, September 14 for an open night of magic and
and then the entire deck changes color; a flashy socializing.
four Ace production that looked really good; a Memorial Night was the theme of the
version of Dr. Daley’s Last Trick; a four-card September 28 meeting. We saw a variety of
Oil and Water routine; and a Steven Bender magical effects created by those who have
Triple Prediction effect with pictures of various passed away. It is always nice to pay tribute to
fruits on the cards. the magicians who have inspired us in the art of
Dan closed the lecture wit his Cups and Balls magic.
routine using the Mike Rogers baseballs, which Jean-Luc Dupont and Denis St. Jean joined
included some new moves and a final load fin- forces (on Oct. 12) to present an informative
ish that knocked many of us out of the ballpark. mini-lecture on restaurant Magic. They have
He includes a little something for everyone in been digging in the trenches of restaurant magic
his lecture, and his experience doing restaurant for some time now and shared a wealth of infor-
magic was evident throughout his presentation. mation on the business. Everything from
Dan takes the time to explain the moves and approaching a restaurant for work, approaching
sleights thoroughly, most of which are well a table, handling odd situations, pocket organi-
within the range of magicians with a general zation, and more was covered.
understanding of basic card sleights. This informative presentation combined with
After 2-1/2 hours, we left entertained, edu- a question-answer discussion created a fun
cated and enlightened. If Dan Fleshman is plan- learning experience for all in attendance.
ning to lecture in your area, we recommend that Lecture notes were also available. Great job!
you take the opportunity to see him. James Biss, a mentalist from Toronto,
Lindsay Smith for Earl Reum Canada, and the author of Messing With Minds,
lectured at our club on October 26. His interac-
NO.151, OTTAWA, ONTARIO, CANADA - tive lecture shared a variety of ideas and presen-
Ottawa Society of Magicians - The Roy Cottee Ring
Meets 2nd and 4th Wed., 2157 Dublin Ave., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. tations using books, chairs, underwear, and
JOHN PERT, Secretary, 3744 Albion Rd., Gloucester ON, K1T 1A5 more. His mentalism combines the ideas of the
Another season of magic has begun under the past with a contemporary twist, making it enter-
direction of David Oxley, our new President. taining for today’s audiences.
Pierre Bourgeau has taken on the duties of Vice Club members were impressed with his mate-
President while Jacko Marshal and John Pert rial and handlings. His book and mentalism kit
continue their respective roles as Treasurer and were also well received by club members.
Secretary. Steve Duperre is our Past President. Thank you, James, for making the trek east and
Members of the executive met in August to spreading your passion for mentalism with the
plan an exciting year of magic. club. We look forward to haring from you in the
Mini-lectures and mini-shows presented by future.
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NO.157, CORPUS CHRISTI, TX - Lettie Barnes Ring my contribution. The idea of a chewing gum
Meets the 2nd Sun., 3:00 pm, at Ronald McDonald House, 3402 Fort effect that comes from under your table is gross
Worth St., Corpus Christi, TX.
but funny. We all had a lot of fun with the con-
3213 Secretary, Corpus Christi, TX 78410 test.
The November meeting was opened by Vice Before things wound to an end, Brad Rutter
President Don Stiefel. Kenneth Foerster opened brought in an interesting coin. It went from a
the Magic Show by asking, “Got Cookies?” quarter to a half dollar with no switches and in
Katelyn Garcia assisted as they showed the an instant. Very cool Stuff. It was the talk of the
magic of Oreo Cookies. evening as everyone parted ways.
Ed Betts performed a twist on the choose a As a reminder: January’s theme is new magic
card routine. Al Garcia had coins appearing and and February is Heart magic. Adam McDivitt
vanishing. He even had a coin shedding real
tears. Ray and Katelyn Garcia amazed everyone NO.161, AKRON, OHIO - Akron Magic Club
Meets 3rd Wed. of each month at 8:00pm, at On Tap Restaurant, 3997
as they performed the Square Circle. Medina Rd., Akron, OH
Albert Lucio, Jr. had a chosen card vanish JIM KLAYDER, Secretary / Email:
and then reappear in a sandwich zip lock bag. 1972 Clark Ave., Alliance, OH 44601
Cody Whitten performed sponge ball, cube and After a reasonably short business meeting, in
ball and multiplying sponge ball routines. which we mainly discussed the details for a
Kenneth Foerster future public show put on by our club, we began
the evening’s magic.
NO.158, GREENSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA - Robert Soules performed a very fine initia-
Wizards of the North tion show which included effects with rubber
Meets 1st Wed., 7:30pm at Manhattan’s in Greensburg, PA. bands, cards, and coins. Robert has a nicely rou-
MICHAEL MEHALEK, Secretary, Email:
tined sequence of coin effects—from a matrix
November was great. And hilarious. We variation with four coins and four cards, to an
began the meeting discussing the Christmas effect with four coins and two cards, and finally
party and all the nuances. By the time you read to a shadow coins routine with just four coins.
this it will be the New Year so I will spare you Robert is scheduled to become a full member of
all the details for now. the club at our November meeting.
We also discussed putting together a newslet- David Wertman performed an Ambitious
ter in an effort to liven things Ring wide. We Card routine, ending with his always astonish-
completed our elections and the voting was ing visible Ambitious Card with cards in the
tight. Look for our winners in an upcoming card box. Paul Burdick did a charming magi-
Ring report. cians-only packet trick in which each time he
After the conclusion of our meeting, contest- counted a small packet of cards bearing the
ants prepared for the annual Turkey Magic con- names Hamman, Elmsey, Olram and Sybil. John
test. The premise is: all magicians wanting to Johnson performed a card box vanish and then
participate bring a magic effect that for them is produced a deck from a flattened box.
a turkey. Then all the magicians involved select Joe Abraham wrapped a rubber band around
one effect that wasn’t their own and have five a deck which then snapped a selected card from
minutes to figure it out. the middle of the deck. Robert found a selected
My notes on who participated and what card in his pocket, and then put a pair of sun-
effects were brought are extremely sketchy as I, glasses on George Washington, and the glasses
Adam “Too Short Notice” McDivitt, was con- moved on command. Jim Klayder performed a
centrating on learning John Kennedy’s Dollar series of coin routines using four international
Monte, I think (stupid, patter dependent effects). coins and a Coin Box.
Gregor “Animal” Strucaly did a very hilarious
mind reading effect using animal cards. No one NO.170, ORLANDO, FLORIDA - Bev Bergeron Ring
3rd Wed., 7:30 p.m., The Marks Street Senior Center on Marks St,
remembers what the selection even was because Orlando.
we were hysterically laughing as Gregory DENNIS PHILLIPS, Secretary, 1006 West Fairbanks Ave., Winter Park,
dropped cards and accidentally exposed gaffs. FL 32789 / (407) 644-9112
Mike “Got off Easy” Genovese got an Okito October is the bewitching month and our
type box that produced quite a bit of astonish- Ring meeting was haunted by friendly spirits.
ment amongst us. Mark “Sticky Finger” Duri- We had one guest, Cory Knox, and 26 members
gon performed Sticky Situation, which he did present. Lecture Chairperson and Video
near perfectly and amazed me with it and it was Librarian Craig Fennessey brought us up to date
on upcoming lectures. Bev Bergeron mentioned a funny bit with two eyes that transformed his
the prolific literary output of our Ring. fingers into a puppet. He went into Bob Carver’s
J.C. Hiatt had a great story in The Linking Professor’s Nightmare routine but with many
Ring. Dan Stapleton, our resident cruise ship original flourishes and twists. He ended with a
professional performer, was featured on the Multiplying Sponge Bunny routine. As always
cover of The Linking Ring and had a Parade J.C.’s humor was tops.
inside. Dennis Phillips did the cover story on the MC Sheldon showed us a recent improve-
May issue of Magic magazine. ment on a pocket trick. A series of four square
J.C. Hiatt mentioned that the Orlando Park sticks had random numbers on them and when
System was looking for a person to coordinate arranged by an audience member Sheldon’s pre-
an after school program teaching magic lessons. diction made beforehand proved correct!
Don Arthur introduced Dr. J.D. Zang from Dennis Phillips
China who presented his act, “Change of Face,”
later in the evening. Zang had an amazing act NO.172, TUCSON, ARIZONA - Tucson Magic Club
Meets 3rd Tue.of month, Craycroft Tower Apatments 1635 N.
where his face masks instantaneously changed Craycroft, Tucson, AZ.
at least six times. He danced to music and the LaMONT McCONNELL, Secretary, 3331 W. Tuurkey Ln., Lucson, AZ
changes were mysterious and enchanting. The 85742 Email:
presentation also baffled several hundred ball- The business portion of the October meeting
room dancers who paused their weekly dance to focused on last minute preparations for the
watch this amazing act! Annual Ring 172 Banquet at the El Parador
The evening’s show was hosted by Sheldon Restaurnat on November 19, featuring a buffet
Brooke. Bev Bergeron stayed with the style Mexican food menu and performances by
announced theme of Halloween and Spooky members of Ring 172 and Assembly 136. Norm
Magic. Bev began with a white hankie that Marini will MC the performances by Joe
floated across the stage (aided by the classic and DuPerry, Bill Black, and Pat Brestel.
rare Thornton Reel). Bev helped Wyman Baker Morris Moore announced that the date of the
in Baker’s last years with the Dr. Silkini Ghost upcoming Arizona Stage Magician of the
Show. Bev did a card effect where a selected Year—2006 Competition has been set for
card changed colors on the back and later Saturday, April 8, 2006 at the Berger
appeared in his pocket. Finally the card changed Performing Arts Center.
while in his pocket. Bev concluded with the still Scott Fridinger acted as MC for this evening
mysterious Hyrum Hank. of magic that featured some rather unusual
Young guest Cory Knox, assisted by Cary material at times. (Oh, where are the PC thought
Pierce, did a delightful two man routine with police when you really need them?) Mike
Rocco’s classic D’lite. In the end all the lights DeShalit began the show with a four Ace pro-
were placed into a Change Bag. When turned duction that then progressed into Jack in the
inside out, the bag was full of bright red puff Box. Morris Moore demonstrated his ability to
balls. Lee Bernard skillfully worked his magic escape from a pair of locked handcuffs. LaMont
with a novel trick. He first showed a Magician’s McConnell performed the Gypsy Foretells
ID card that stated that he was a professional Further Than Farther from Penumbra #7 in
magician. His picture was visible on the small keeping with Halloween. George Franzen, per-
blue identification card. formed a series of magical gags.
A playing card was selected and returned to Recommended readings for this month: Jon
the deck and the place was marked with Lee’s Racherbaumer’s Countthesaurus that provides
ID card. After some bits of byplay, the card an extensive explanation of false counts and dis-
actually appeared laminated on the back of the plays. John Carney’s The Book of Secrets, Jason
ID card! Lee was generous to announce that he Alford’s Cyber Sessions, and Max Maven’s
had free templates available after the show so Prism.
that anyone interested could also perform the Here is a brief glimpse at magicians and
trick. magic in and around the Old Pueblo.
Richard Hewitt showed us an effect he The Tucson Magic Club Picnic arranged by
learned from old timer and local legend, Harry Morris Moore was held for all club members
Wise. A rope and a handkerchief penetrated a and their families on October 22nd. It was well
spectator’s wrist. Richard ended with coins that attended and everyone reports having had a
vanished from a spectator’s hand. J.C. Hiatt did great time.
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You are always welcome to drop in at tables, and noting that potential new member
Williams Magic or one of our meetings if you Ben L’Heureux had sold nearly 30 tickets).
are in the Tucson area. Rob Brown stood in as Librarian for Ed
Check out the Prestidigipaper, the Tucson Silva-White (off on a cruise). Tony Eng remind-
Magic Club Newsletter, and www.williamsmag- ed members that the David Stone lecture for the latest information on magic (accompanied by Lee Asher) would take place
events in Tucson. within the week at the Malahat Lounge. A
motion by Doug Poruchny, seconded by Paul
NO.175, TAMPA, FLORIDA - Warren Hamilton Ring Kilshaw, was approved, that David Acer be
Meets 1st Thu., 7:00pm at Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, cor-
ner of Linebaugh and Central Ave., 10110 N. Central Ave. brought in to lecture on November 30th. Bob
CARTER MAYZIK, President (813) 901-0512 Reilly resigned as the Ring’s Sergeant-at-Arms
We had an October evening of spooky and Rob Brown volunteered to take over the job.
Halloween Effects. Tony Eng reminded members that the
Dick Johnson got us off to a good start. An January 2006 meeting would feature the Ring’s
old box his mother told him never to open was annual Tony Award competition, with the win-
the center of his first story. A chosen card ulti- ner to be announced at the Annual Dinner on
mately appeared as a severed hand crept out of January 21, 2006. A motion by Derek Peach and
that old box. In a second number, a frame that Shayne King was approved, that the price of
used to hang in his childhood home had no pic- Dinner tickets be increased to $30 to cover ris-
ture in it. His deceased mother’s instructions ing costs.
from his spiritualist friends led him to light a David Attwood, fresh from his success this
candle. Catching the fumes in a sack helped him year, agreed to organize next summer’s Annual
produce a picture of his mother in that empty Picnic, and Tony Eng announced more details
frame. about talent to appear at the PCAM 2006
Howie Duzit demonstrated some unusual Convention, in Victoria. Tony also introduced
mentalism, using an ordinary calculator. In addi- the evening’s three guests: Tracy and John Tanis
tion, he showed how to look through a blindfold and potential member Ben L’Heureux, attending
of squeezed and unfolded aluminum foil! Mario his third Ring meeting. On a motion by Mike
Zacchini turning a playing card into a match Brough and Bob Reilly which was unanimously
box, pushed a pen through a bill, and showed a approved, Ben was welcomed as a new member
cheap way of making small wands as handouts. of the Ring.
Bob Klase told about a hotel in Transylvania, Alex Day conducted the meeting’s “Focus”
where at midnight he met Dracula. He had to session, filling in for David Kendall. The
prove that he, too, was a vampire by piercing his evening’s theme was mental magic. Alex out-
arm with a needle. A bloody success! Lowell lined the career of Max Maven, and finished by
Tassik used a rat trap dropped in a sack to recov- performing Max’s effect B’Wave. Rob Brown
er a chosen card. Clever! followed with the Teach-A-Trick session,
Windy Dutton vanished a silk in a zipped up demonstrating a gaffed coin routine learned
small purse which a spectator continually from Danny Archer at this year’s PCAM, and
unzipped and unzipped to shreds. Neat idea! His handing out a lot of (magnetic) pennies.
spooky conclusion was a voodoo doll that mys- Tony Eng gave the evening’s Mini-Lecture
teriously rose on the palm of his hand. on the effective use of card forces in mental
Jim Whitehurst magic—with emphasis on choosing the right
words. He finished with a beautiful modifica-
NO.183 VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA - tion of David Hoy’s The Tossed Out Deck from
The Victoria Magic Circle–The Ernie Crockford Ring The Bold and Subtle Miracles of Dr. Faust
1st Tue. (except Jul & Aug). Langford Fire Hall.
TONY ENG, President, 688 Broughton St., Victoria, BC V8W 1C9 (1963), using a three-way forcing deck.
(250) 385-5543 Email: After the break, the evening’s show was
The November meeting had 15 members and MC’d by Harvey Davidson. Tony Eng opened
three guests present. The meeting began with with a lovely two-card prediction routine (using
executive reports, including notes on Round an original Merv Taylor rotating stand). Ray
Table meetings (this month, the theme was bal- Parker gave a funny routine featuring “named”
loon magic) and the “Wacky Wednesday” show cards, by John Gilliland, with a Think-A-Card
in two weeks’ time (with Vice President Joy (Fred) routine which never seemed to go quite
Kruger recruiting several members to set up the way expected. Ryan Stanley did a more
January, 2006 149
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impressive Think-A-Card in which the thought- Ray Adams was the only performer on the
of card was produced from a blank deck. close-up show.
Guest Tracy Tanis performed a delightfully Paul Emick was the MC for the Saturday
impressive vent routine which led to a lot of dis- evening show. Performers were Roger Despard,
cussion after the show. Shayne King demon- Mike Woodward and Stephanie Griswold AKA
strated the power of “psychopyresis” (Heat) to Fred and Millie, Tom Vorjohan, Ray Adams,
guest John Tanis, using a scrap of cigarette- Christian Compton and Scott Compton. Lonnie
package foil which developed unexpected heat. and Wanda Caplinger closed the show.
John Gilliland The weather was good and the food was deli-
cious. It was another great Unconventional
NO.192, SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA - Convention. Bill Woodward
Victor Saint Leon Ring
Meets 2nd Weds., 7:30 p.m., at the Mission Oaks Community
Center, 4701 Gibbon’s Ave., Carmichael.
PAMELA IMPSON, Secretary / Email: Harry Blackstone, Sr. Ring
Meets 3rd Tue. each month. The Steton Community Center located on
November is the month of our election of Plainfield Ave., Edison, NJ
officers for next year. The newly elected officers EUGENE SOUCEK, Secretary (732) 572-6697 Email: ersourcek@opton-
are: President, Larry Impson; Vice President, Website:
Steve Johnson; Secretary, Pamela Impson; Our November meeting started with a recap
Treasurer, Bob Hooper; and Sergeant at Arms, of our first annual Haunted Walk, and photos
Richard LaVergne. Congratulations to all of you were shown so that those poor souls who were
and may next year continue to be one of growth not able to attend or help out could get an idea
and great magic. of what we did. Plans have already begun for
The theme for the month was Card Magic. next year’s expansion.
We saw new effects as well as some of the clas- For our first attempt, we feel we did a good
sics. The performers this month were: Tom job getting comments such as, “That was great!”
Allen, Don Banks, Chris Boyer, Joe Chez, Larry and “Absolutely fabulous!” I guess the real
Impson, Steve Johnson, Dan Kirk, Jim Lambert, proof came with all of those people who ran out
Ed Middelton, Mary Mowder, David Peters, screaming and never made it past the first room.
Zack Peters, Eddie Saenz and David Wright. We Hopefully we can get some photos up on our
had so many great performers that we were web site for anyone who would like to see them,
unable to have an Inner Circle. This is a trend or, better yet, come by and see for yourself next
we all hope to continue. year.
As we do not have a meeting in December, After our business meeting was complete, we
there will be no Ring report until January. Hope moved on to the theme of the evening, “Your
to see all of Ring 192 at Dale Lorzo’s Holiday Favorite Trick.” Everyone who attended the
Party. meeting brought something to share, including
our guests and potential new teen members, Ben
NO.198, LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY - and John Winters. Even their mom, Susan, got
Thoroughbred Magic Guild into it by being a volunteer for a couple of our
Meets 1st Sun. 2:30 pm., Gethsemane Lutheran Church
BILL WOODWARD, Secretary members.
1506 Port Royal Dr., Lexington, KY 40504 Without going into individual detail, we saw
We did not have a regular meeting in everything from card tricks to ropes, coins to
November. It was replaced by the Unconven- voodoo dolls. Even Farvel the Marvel’s famous
tional Convention on the weekend of the 4th and “Farfel the mind reading dog” came by for a
5th. The activities began with a Friday night visit. Besides doing the effects, we told why
show. Mark Comley was the MC. Performers they were our favorites, and some shared the
were Judge Ray Corns, Blake and Ellie secrets. All in all it was a very nice evening of
Woodward, Barry Manley, Roger Patton, Will sharing and camaraderie.
Pearson, Bill Pryor and John Rogers. As usual, after the meeting, some of us
Saturday began with a lecture by Steve moved on to the local diner and continued our
Bender (Ickle Pickle). He had several items he fun for a few more hours.
demonstrated and later sold. I bought several If you ever find yourself in the area on the
items. third Tuesday of the month, please stop by and
Saturday afternoon there was another lecture share your magic, we will all be happy if you
by Steve Bender followed by the close-up show. do.
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NO. 204, ROME, ITALY tance of Paul Ricksecker, put together another
Meets ist and 3rd Mon. of the month at 8:30 p.m. at Park Hotel great magical event. The close-up tables were
Amaranto Via Laurentina 5f.
ably manned by our “old” friends from Toledo
Web Site: Ring 68. Special thanks are due to Allen
In the last two years Dr. Andrew Turchi has Wilkinson, Harold Twaddle and award winning,
taken direction of the Ring 204 in order to Patrick Przysiecki for their unique and enter-
improve the quality of regional magic and espe- taining approaches to table magic.
cially Italian magic. He has increased the meet- New officers for Ring 205 in 2006 are Dick
ings designed to study magic and is bringing Haas, Treasurer; Gene Craft, Secretary; Chris
lectures by professional magicians who are Topel, Vice President; and Dave Sieja,
known worldwide. President. Gene Craft
He also has made it obligatory to annually
retain membership in the I.B.M. and to support NO.211, GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN -
the Ring. John DeVries Magic Club
Meets 4th Mon., 7:00 pm, Brann’s Steakhouse & Grill at 4157 S.
In 2004, the Ring entertained the following Divison Ave. Aug. & Dec. meetings TBA.
lecturers: Lee Earle and Carl Andrews (USA); JIM & MICHELE PARKES, Secretary, 4339 Illinois SW, Wyoming, MI
Charles Gauchi (Australia); Tony De Santis and 49509 Email:
Luca d’Agostini (Italy); Alfredo Marchese Sonny Tgiros presented our October work-
(Argentina). It also held sessions on magic card shop. His topic was “Making Your Magic
and on mentalism under the direction of the Salable To Your Audience.” He challenged us to
International Vice President for Italy, Tony look at each of our tricks or routines and to think
Binarelli. of what sells that trick or routine to the audience
In 2005, the lecturers have been Tony and then to keep perfecting that.
Binarelli with a splendid presentation on cards The selling could be a look, the use of a prop,
and mentalism; Eugenio Dell’Anno (Italy) a subtlety, or assistants. He gave us a few exam-
teaching magic with foulards; Hayashi (Canada) ples by performing a few routines. One idea he
on magic with papers and coins; John Shryock showed us was the use of a deck of fanning
(USA) with close-up; Alexander De Cova cards. He uses a blown egg in a comedy routine
(Germany) with a study of misdirection; Elliot and after cracking the egg casually wipes his
(Italy) magic for children; Miguel A. Clavello: fingers. This sells that the egg must be real.
Michel (Argentina) with the invisible hand; Another idea he shared was how he acts and
Goldstain (Italy) on medical support through reacts to the audience as he uses a Breakaway
magic; and Steve Draun (USA) on close-up. Wand. He also shared the way to use assistants.
Shows have been organized for Carnival and Make sure to use them as an integral part of the
for Christmas. There will be a magic show in the presentation. The way they move, smile, and
theater to celebrate the end of the year. Further, other expressions guides the audience (aiding in
techniques have been studied for magic with misdirection). Thanks, Sonny.
coins, with papers and with ropes. Tonight was Mental Night with chairperson
The activity of the Ring proceeds with love Dr. A. Jack Vander Wal. He opened the show
for magic and the desire to present Magic of with an ESP number prediction which matched
quality. President Andrew Turchi is bringing us the revelation taken from an envelope. Al
ahead through the success of his program. Munro showed us four objects (a hula doll, a
E. Conte troll, a dog, and a football) and one of us chose
one of the objects. That choice matched Al’s
NO.205, LIMA/FINDLAY, OHIO - Northwestern Ohio prediction. Al followed with three card selection
Magicians Association (NOMA) and find effects. The first card he revealed just
Meets last Sun. alternate months at St. Paul’s United Methodist
Church in Elida and the Shrine Clown Bldg. in Findlay.
as the spectator placed the card back into the
GENE CRAFT, Secretary, 5038 Pheasant St., Elida, OH 45807 deck. He found the other choices in two differ- ent ways.
There was no regular NOMA meeting for Charles Bennett had a prediction which was
October because of the early scheduling of our matched by a spectator who had a choice of
annual banquet, installation of officers, and which box to use. This lead to a door prize,
show on Saturday, October 29, and the lecture which happened to go to June Horowitz. Next,
on Sunday, October 30. he used a few Halloween characters for a pre-
Once again Chris Topel, with the able assis- diction. A Frankenstein doll from a trick-or-treat
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bag was the matching prediction. MagicBob website, a woman with glasses and a band in her
Zoerman had a spectator choose a symbol from hair which he magically removed. Next her top
a handful of cards. The choice was the India was gone. Finally...
flag. This matched Bob’s prediction from an Roy Wong produced two scarves, white, yel-
envelope. Next, he showed us a notary public’s low, and then a third, a red one. He placed the
seal on a mailed envelope which he wrote years yellow, red and white scarves into a tube and
ago. Inside it was a card with the word Wilma when he blew them through the tube—they
written. This matched the predicted headline on were tied together. He showed us his super pill
today’s newspaper. which popped up on its own.
Next, Bob used Charlie Matthews for a Book All were then unanimously voted into mem-
Test involving a dictionary. Dr. Jack followed bership by those present.
with a comic ESP revelation of receiving a seri- After all the formalities of voting in and wel-
al number of a dollar bill, using the assistance of coming our new members, it was time for the
Kathy Herdegen and Vickie MiCallef. Brad social portion of the evening. President John
Lancaster had three people give a three-digit Bodine provided a wonderful spread of snacks.
number. The numbers were added and matched Then it was performance time.
his prediction. Richard Myer invited three guests to sit in
Brad used Randi Richardson for a Book Test chairs: Kwan, Phil, and Marilee each was asked
revelation. Then he surprised us all with his to think of a name, a date or geometric shapes.
mental ability by causing a pen to move on top Richard got two of them correct. With the
of a steak sauce bottle. Scott Raymond closed remaining spectator he wrote a prediction down
the show. First he recited the alphabet back- and even though the spectator shuffled and cut
wards and taught us his method. Part of his the cards, the card the spectator selected (8C)
secret is that he uses mnemonics. He also per- matched the prediction. Tony Greenwell did a
formed a dollar bill prediction. His last effect four Ace production, placed the Aces in the mid-
involved popping a balloon to obtain the match- dle of the deck and they jumped to the top.
ing prediction. After all of that fun it was time to say good-
We had a good mental night and thank all the night. David Goldberg
performers. Randy Vander Wal
NO.219, LAFAYETTE, INDIANA - Bob Hurt Ring
NO.216, SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA Meets 2nd Thu., 7:30pm, Jenks Rest Bldg. Columbia Pk., Lafayette, IN
Meets 2nd Wed each month at the Yu Ai-Kai Cultural Center, 588 N. RON LONDON, Secretary, 88 Maples Park, West Lafayette, IN 47906
Fourth St., San Jose, CA The November meeting again was a great
CAREY KLENETSKY, Secretary night of sharing.
November was our social and initiation night. While we were waiting to start the meeting
After a very brief business meeting we invited we swapped horror stories of crazy things that
our four new inductees to step up to perform. happened during our shows. Doug Jave proba-
They were under no pressure...even under the bly topped the list when he told of the time his
threat of having to pull down their pants if they open topped table was mistaken as a trash can.
failed to perform. Right before his show someone scraped leftover
No, just kidding about that last part. No pants food into his table and on his props. Gravy and
were pulled down during the evening. chicken bones ruined scarves and a few props!
Doug Akin had Stan select a card which he Marcus Lehmann provided doughnuts and
mesmerized and galvanized. This card appeared cider for everyone’s enjoyment.
in Doug’s pocket! Ben Davis brought some We recapped our benefit show for the hurri-
rope, which, coincidentally, was his wife’s new cane victims in October. We were able to pres-
clothes dryer. He took the rope, gave it a cut, ent checks to the Red Cross and the Salvation
thought better of it, and started over with a Army. On stage were Duane Gillam, Marcus
restored rope! He absent-mindedly did this a Lehmann, Jim Snapp, Duane Ott and Ron
second time. He finally decided to cut the rope London. Taylor Felton and Doug Jave did close-
into three pieces which he managed to do prop- up in the lobby before the show. Rick Deardorff
erly and used the pieces to present the was stage manager. Pat Blanchard, Jon and
Professor’s Nightmare. Kathy Sexson and Emily Gillam were ticket
Farrell Dillon showed us his skill with “west sellers and ticket takers.
side” and “Vulcan” symbols with the fingers of Jim Snapp started the entertainment with the
each hand. He then related his experience with a observation that coffee cup wrappers make a
152 The Linking Ring
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substitute for the Boomerang Trick. Marcus After reviewing several principles of misdi-
Lehmann did a rope routine, $1 bill to a $100, rection, he then performed several simple
Done With Mirrors and a Money Counting rou- effects with defective misdirection techniques.
tine. The members present were asked to point out
Jim Snapp handed out some old lecture notes the flaws and how they could be improved.
to those present. Even the notes were unique in Following the mini lecture, Darryl taught a Ring
the way they folded. Jim did a couple of tricks and Rope routine complete with ring and rope
from the notes. and a four page handout.
Ron London performed Future Fungus, After Darryl’s mini lecture Peter Marucci
Haunted Dollar Bill and the Flower and Net showed some novel effects with business cards.
Tube. Taylor Felton did Flushtration. Bill Ironside showed us a penetration with a
Mike Koning performed the Popcorn Box. rope through thumb and a rope intertwined off
Robert Pedigo did a couple of Ambitious Card his fingers.
routines. Prospective member Larry Rooze did a Max Scott performed an amazing penetration
rope routine. of a thread through a punched business card, an
And we had a discussion of the best way to excellent method of handing out your card.
do a Double Lift with Jacob Ott and Doug Jave Max’s wife, Edna, performed a Find the
leading the way. Queens card routine where two Queens placed
Another great night of sharing at Ring 219! into the pack with a spectator’s assistance ended
Ron London up locating the other two Queens.
The great Gerard Dietrich taught the shoelace
NO.234, CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA - The John knot, an invaluable addition to any rope routine.
Murray Ring Romaine, the Monarch of Manipulators, pre-
Meets 2nd Mon. of each month, 7:00 pm, Shoney’s Restaurant, 1656
Savannah Hwy, Charleston, SC 29407
sented several variations of sleights designed to
HOWARD VANDERBECK, Secretary (843) 406-0526 solve problems. For example in his top palm, his
Email: squaring of the pack on the table aligned the
The November meeting was preceded by a card perfectly in his hand. Romaine’s handling
magical auction. Many great buys were made of the basic sleights and passes added tailored
and several door prizes were given out. bits of misdirection gained from years of expe-
Following the business meeting, visitor Chris rience as a master manipulator.
Stone gave an excellent lecture on silk magic. Mark Pallin presented a novel touch to the
He was very generous in sharing his ideas and Professor’s Nightmare where the rope is
routines. He is from Canada and was in town on restored to one longer piece, a nice handling of
work-related business. Three Ropes and a Baby.
Our program theme was Cups and Balls and Mike Olender showed and taught Exodus, a
the Chop Cup. Routines ran from Combo Cups packet trick where an “X” appeared on a card
to Dixie Cups. Don Alan magic was the most and then disappeared in the end. Joan Caesar
favorite. performed a mathematical effect with little plas-
We had a teach-in session on coins. Kaps, tic fish, 13 in each row. After a spectator added
Downs and Roth were the main topics. five fish to different piles of fish, there were 13
We were delighted to have several visitors fish in each row, for five fish have vanished in
and ended the night with our brainstorming ses- the Bermuda Triangle.
sion. The topic was liquid magic. David McFarlane did the vanishing Assistant
Howard Vanderbeck a la Thumb Tip. What made this routine great
was David’s wonderful stage presence and
NO.235, KITCHENER, ONTARIO, CANADA - The Hat and entertaining patter.
Wand Club To close the evening of fun was Sophia van-
3rd Thur., 7:30 pm, at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, ueen & Weber
St., Kitchener.
ishing a looney before our very eyes using a
DARRYL HUTTON, President, General Delivery, Kenilworth, Ontario N0G modicum of misdirection.
2E0 / (519) 848-3817 After the meeting, several members met at
The Hat and Wand Club October meeting Zeke’s Eatery to discuss the history of magic
was devoted to a “Teach-a-Trick” evening. and David Copperfield’s latest trick to impreg-
Members who arrived at 7:00 p.m. heard club nate a lady in the audience without any physical
Secretary Darryl Hutton present a mini lecture contact. What is the world of magic coming to?
entitled, “Magic is Misdirection.” Darryl Hutton
January, 2006 153
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NO.236, CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS - Magic Wand Ring Andy Dallas, Don and Dorothy Schultz, Kel
4th Thurs., 7:00 pm, (Except Nov. and Dec.) for location (217) 841- Wilkinson, Dennis Reed, Dale Farris, Kemal
5616 or (217) 359-7333
KEN BARHAM, President
Piskin, Lewis and Joanne Mershon, Maria
1502 Joanne Ln., Champpaign, IL 61821 / (217) 841-5616 Schwieter-Close, Ron and Jayne Henson, Don
Email: Oltz, Shag Shadley and Vic Tarquini, your
We had a great meeting this month with most knowledge and expertise is second only to your
of our core group in attendance, as well as Cody, commitment to teach and promote the art of
who is a new/prospective member. We are also Magic. Ring 236 is lucky to count all of you as
happy to report the return of Kemal, who just members. Ok, enough mushy stuff.
flew in from Turkey. Quote of the month: In the beginning there
The program topic this month was coins. was nothing. God said, “Let there be light.”
President Ken opened the show with The There was still nothing but you could see it a
Houdini Coin. He followed with two versions of whole lot better. (Ellen DeGeneres)
Coins Across. The second was Mr. Clean Coins Ken Barham
Across from Jay Sanky. It was not so much a
Coins Across as a waterfall-o-coins as Ken deft- NO.238, ALBANY, OREGON - The Floating Ring
Meets 3rd Sun., 2:00pm, usually at Red Cross Building in Albany,
ly demonstrated the importance of practice prior
Oregon. To double check month’s location phone (541) 752-3900
to performance. JANET VANCE, Secretary
Cody did a Dice Prediction where three dice 3125 N.W. McKinley Dr., Corvallis, OR 97330
were rolled a number of times, added up, and We had 23 attendees at our October meeting.
the solution was arrived at psychically. Cody Our Treasurer Janet Vance could not be in atten-
followed with a Movie Card Prediction where a dance due to the total replacement of her knee.
freely chosen movie was predicted; a double We wish Janet a speedy recovery.
prediction which was nicely performed. Cody After a brief business discussion, we held a
used a Scotch and Soda set borrowed from Ken, brainstorming session upon which topics we
who can not apologize enough for giving him a would most like to learn about through future
Real 20 centavo with the 50 cent piece. Teach-ins. After a short recess, we moved into
Those of you who know the trick understand our performance portion of the program.
what a problem that could cause. Kudos to Cody Our October theme was Autumn Color
for jumping up and performing at his first meet- Changes and Halloween. Zoe Alley asked a vol-
ing. We hope to see more of Cody in the future unteer to think of a number but not say what it
and be dragged along to fame and fortune on his was, then shuffle some cards into different
coat tails. packets. When he finished, Zoe was able to tell
Kemal opened with Scotch Purse, which is a exactly what number he had chosen! She went
little bag with a penny sewn into it. The trick is on to her ‘grand finale,’ pulling a yellow ghost-
to remove the penny without a sharp instrument. hankie from a snap purse. The purse was
Kel was the only person able to figure it out checked by the audience to ensure it was empty.
prior to the explanation. Next Kemal was able to The ghost hankie had disappeared from Zoe’s
divine which of three different coins was placed hands and was no where to be found! That is
inside a coin box. This was postceded (yes, I until Zoe pulled it back out from the examined
made that word up, so what?) by a chosen coin purse!
shrinking in a volunteer’s hand and an explana- Elijah Hart showed us two coins, one copper,
tion of the French Drop method to vanish a coin. one silver. He covered each of them with a card.
At the introduction of coin sleights, resident When the cards were lifted, the coins had
coin master Dale Farris took the forefront. Dale switched places! Following Elijah, was his
demonstrated a variety of coin moves in his Father, Jeremiah Hart. Jeremiah displayed four
usual flawless fashion. At least I think he did. Chinese coins. One by one they disappeared,
Try as I might, I couldn’t see him do them. Dale until the last remaining coin vanished with a
is always willing to share his knowledge (of sudden clap! With a second clap, all four coins
coins or puns) and we are lucky to have him as instantly returned in his hand!
a member of Ring 236. Professor Ray Hyman told us the story of his
I thought I would thank the members of Ring ‘Uncle Moe’s Famous Card Trick,’ and how it
236. I have been a member now for a little over could only be done with card number 11 in the
20 years and I can not begin to tell you the dif- deck. The trouble was, being a Psychology
ference the members have made in my life. Professor, Ray reluctantly admitted he felt
154 The Linking Ring
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superstitious about the number eleven. So he cut or shuffle the deck within a fraction of a sec-
asked for help, preferably from someone who ond, he may be able to possibly get one of two
had no superstitions of their own. His helper Aces to the top of the deck, but not all four. So
dealt out 11 cards from the deck. But of those, instead he waved his hand and all four signed
Ray only counted ten! So one more was added. Aces had jumped to the top again! He contin-
But then 13 were counted, so two were taken ued, and put the Aces back on top of the deck,
away. Then there were only ten! No matter what leaving the last face up. Then had a spectator
combination they tried, they couldn’t get to deal them into a pile. Jerry dealt another pile of
eleven. It must have been the superstition. four indifferent cards. With a mere wave of his
Fran Wallace showed us an empty, hollow, hand, the two piles of cards were shown to have
vacant house. But when the top was removed, transposed!
the walls collapsed, and Ms. Johnson appeared! With that our show came to a close.
She was quite a fright, but that’s OK, Halloween Brian Weatherly
was her favorite holiday because she loved to
dress up. President Steve Peterson apologized NO.244, LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK - Frank Garcia Ring
Meets 1st Thu., 8:00 pm, Plainview Public Library, Plainview, NY
that he had not brought any change, but he did CHRIS WARD, Secretary
bring a $100 bill. With a bit of static electricity, 15 Moran Place, New Rochelle, NY 10801
the bill hovered in mid air! until the static wore In November, Ring 244, like the rest of the
off and it dropped to the floor. It was then hand- country, holds its annual election of officers.
ed out for examination. Congratulations are in order for our 2006 offi-
Max Suko shared two different variations of cers who are: President, Jonathan Frede; VP,
dice boxes. He showed us the ‘Supreme’ version Mike Raccuia; Secretary, Chris Ward; Treasurer,
where doors open in front and back making it Steve Ziegleman; and Sgt. at Arms, Billy Gray.
possible to see all the way through, in compari- The club was fortunate to have Tom Craven
son to the standard style with doors on top and visit us and deliver a wonderful lecture. Tom’s
front. Kelly Ledgerwood started by giving a lecture was entitled “New Twists on Old
book review on The Magician and the Card Tricks.” Tom started with a three-phase Ring
Shark by Carl Johnson. (Stories about the leg- and Rope routine using two rings of different
endary Dai Vernon.) Then Kelly began to tell a sizes simultaneously. He followed this with a
gambling tale of Silas and the Slickers. routine using the G.W. Hunter puzzle knot and a
He illustrated the story with a deck of shuf- ring you can grab when riding a carousel.
fled cards. First Silas was dealt a three, then a He continued with Joe Berg’s version of the
deuce, then a pair of deuces. (His luck was same knot and a vanishing knot bit. Tom then
increasing.) Then another deuce giving him shifted into his mentalism gear and demonstrat-
three of a kind, and then an Ace. These were ed Mental Shopper, Whisper Word and a very
clipped by the corners of the deck, jogged way ingenious Book Test. He closed with an item he
out, face down. But when the deck was lifted up, calls the Groby Prediction. This is an effect dur-
all the clipped cards had become the four Aces! ing which he correctly predicts which one of
Brian Weatherly gave an illustration of the five silks the spectator will choose along with
four seasons, with assistance from his son, the spectator’s astrological sign.
Brenden, and a tri-fold screen. He first produced Although there were not supposed to be any
a black ribbon for winter, then flowers for card tricks at this lecture, Tom closed with an
spring, an animal picture scarf for summer, and item called the Invisible 21 Card Trick, which
leaves for fall. But if we keep an eye out, amidst he credits to, if memory serves, Chuck Smith in
any season we may get a glimpse of a rainbow. Texas.
A colorful banner was produced. Tom delivers a very fine lecture with some-
Jerry Andrus took four Aces and placed them thing for everyone and he writes a column for
directly in the center of the deck. Many years our magazine too. Catch him whenever you can.
ago he discovered that he could simply wave his In December, we move from our humble
hands over the deck and they would go to the meeting room to the library’s theater for our
top. And that they did! To be fair about it, he annual holiday show and on January 14, 2006,
asked that the Aces be signed on their face side, we host our annual dinner, dance and show
and this time they were put faced up in separate headlined by the Dean of American Magicians
areas within the deck. himself, George Schindler. Should be a hoot!
Jerry explained that even if he were able to Bill Krupskas, O.M.
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NO.248, WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA - which included old standards such as the
The Coastal Carolina Conjurors, Del Ray Ring Linking Rings and Professor’s Nightmare, cer-
Meets 3rd Wed. of except July & Aug., 7:00pm. at the UBCW Campus. tainly was not to be missed.
HAROLD URETSKY, Secretary / 1505 Village Dr., Wilmington, NC
28401 / Email:
Dan has studied the work of Slydini and has
The evening of October 11th featured one of incorporated Slydini’s principals of misdirec-
the finest lectures that the club had seen for tion to make some of the old standards some of
many a year. We were fortunate enough to have the most fluid, well done routines seen in many
the 23 year young Joshua Jay perform his many years. Dan’s routines were very entertaining and
close-up effects and then show us how they the actions made perfect sense in the context of
were done. the routine. Dan also has recently released his
Many of them were his original ideas or vari- material on DVDs, which were for sale along
ations of other great magicians. His skilled with many other items. Thanks, Dan, for a great
hands and slim fingers were flawless in per- lecture and an entertaining evening.
On October 29, Presto’s Geoff Thompson
forming some of the most mystifying routines
and Tim Pendergast entertained a large crowd of
and effects that the audience of 21 magicians
trick-or-treaters at the historic Governor’s
and spectators had ever seen.
Mansion in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The mansion
Many of them were very novel in as much as
is a restored 1900s era museum and was the per-
the materials and gimmicks were used. For
fect setting for parlor magic. Geoff and Tim kept
example, in the first effect he used a 25˝ tape
a packed drawing room entertained for over an
measure for a prediction regarding a randomly
hour. The two were presented with a check
selected person, who happened to be Stephen
which they then donated to the club.
Wolfson. Joshua showed he had predicted
The money will be used to fund next year’s
Steve’s exact height by showing the audience
Magic in the Rockies Convention, which will be
that there was an “X” marked on the tape exact-
held on September 7, 8, 9 and 10, 2006. Details
ly at 5 feet 7 inches which is Steve’s height.
will begin appearing on the club website,
His card routines so blew us away, that you in April 2006.
could hear a pin drop in the audience as Joshua
finished his routines. His coin handling was NO. 252, MURFREESBORO, TENNESSEE -
magnificent. The three coin vanish was out- Sam Walkoff Ring
standing and memorable. We were able to buy Meets 1st Tue., 7:02 pm at the Murfreesboro Center for the Arts, 110
all of the effects that we were shown and most West College St., except for the january meeting.
ERIC JAMBORSKY, Secretary / Email:
everyone purchased something. Even the club
made purchases for future raffles. October is the busiest month for Ring 252
The evening was a complete success. and this year proved no exception. Members
Harold Uretsky arrived early at the Center for the Arts to begin
construction on the set for our annual Howl-O-
NO.250, FORT COLLINS, COLORADO - Ween Spooktacular. When meeting time came
Presto-Digitators several members, including Eldridge Alexander,
3rd Wed., 7:30 pm, Fort Collins Senior Center, 1200 Raintree Dr. Jerry Fraley and Eric Jamborsky, continued con-
LEW WYMISNER, President / (970) 484-7014 structing the set.
October was a busy month for the Presto- Vice President Alan Fisher began with a sem-
Digitators. On October 1, President Lew (The inar on stage make-up. He has had a lot of expe-
Great Loudini) Wymisner, Doug Zimmerman, rience in this with his theater degree and appear-
and Tim Pendergast donated their time to a ben- ing in a traveling burlesque show for several
efit for the Larimer County Food Bank in North years.
Fort Collins. The Food Bank provides food to The theme for October was Silk Magic. Kyle
those in need at no charge throughout the year. Lewis performed a Change Bag Blendo. Jim
The Food Bank Warehouse was converted into a Ford was next, followed by Vickie Gibson who
series of entertainment lounges featuring music, demonstrated a Color Changing Scarf and
comedy, fortune telling and magic. Change Bag Blendo. David Williams presented
On October 19, the Presto-Digitators hosted a a knotted silk, silk production and back togeth-
lecture by Dan Fleshman, a very talented magi- er silks. Treasurer Jeff Mullins produced silks
cian who has honed his skills in the St. Louis, from an empty box. Tom Gibson produced sev-
Missouri area performing at restaurants, ban- eral silks and caused others to vanish.
quets and corporate events. Dan’s recent lecture, For a change of pace, Paul McCallie per-
156 The Linking Ring
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formed the Color Changing deck of Cards, continue to have lectures and entertainment.
Cloned Deck and Deck Penetration. Gene Our present club officers (President, George
Cunningham performed Laflin’s Silk Blow Smallwood, VP, Hal Abernathy and Secretary
Tube. Dick Staub did a Card Monte and card Allan Konstan) will leave these positions. Jarvis
location. Jimbo Hooten closed the evening with Howell will continue as Treasurer. The group
Ball Through Silk. voted in the new officers: President, Jim
The Howl-O-Ween Spooktacular went off Moody; VP, Allan Konstan; Secretary, Bill
well with two sold-out shows. We also put Scavuzzo; and Treasurer, Jarvis Howell. A club
together an exhibition in the gallery of magic officer must be a member of the I.B.M.
posters, photos, books and props. It ran until the Our club notice and Ring report have been
end of November. seen online at This
The theme for the November meeting was page is donated by Magic Central and will con-
Paper Magic. Clark Kirsch started with the No- tinue to carry some club information for a limit-
Tear Restored Newspaper. Jim Ford passed ed period of time. Many clubs have their own
around a pad of paper and had three people web site. If you would like to donate a site, and
write a three-digit number. He correctly predict- your time, please contact our new President,
ed the sum, the prediction being in a sealed Jim, at
envelope. He later showed his very punny Hole Our young member, Donald, turned the ripe
Collection. old age of 15 in October. Donald is already
Tom Gibson, the paper bag man, emptied a doing stage shows and is on his way to becom-
stack of color coded napkins from the local ing a professional.
McDonalds. Yellow represented mustard, pink Our MC was Chris Dunn. Chris is also a Ring
for catsup, and white was used to wipe up salt. 170 member and is known for his ability to con-
Tom then had President Kevin Morell wad up struct effects that he uses in his performance as
three napkins and put them in the bag. a magician and clown. The rubber band man,
Alternating, Kevin would reach into the bag to Len Lamoureux, “Ducky,” started our entertain-
pull out a napkin and Tom produced a matching ment with a Cut and Restored Rope effect that
napkin. Alan Fisher predicted a number selected ended as the Jumping Knot. Len is a very good
by Tom Gibson. This was based on an effect clown and uses small effects in his magic walk
recently discussed on Ring 2100. around.
David Williams tore and restored the instruc- Bill Scavuzzo, who is advancing quickly in
tions for the cut and restored rope. He later magic, introduced his rabbit in the hat assistant,
demonstrated a Moon and Stars paper tear. Paul “Georgette,” a puppet. Bill has been busy doing
McCallie performed the Torn and Restored children and business shows. His hat rabbit will
Encore Sign. Jerry Fraley demonstrated Michael be a good addition to act.
Ammar’s torn wallpaper gag. To close, Roy President Jim Moody shared his many quips
Tucker pulled out the pasteboards and cleverly with the group as he fooled everyone with his
located a card chosen by Kevin Morell. spooky Egg Bag comedy. Jim restored a torn
When in the Middle Tennessee area, please link of paper into a loop. A necktie appeared
drop in. Everyone is welcome and all the details from his Egg Bag and silk that said KNAHT
can be found on our web site, www.IBMring252 UOY front and back. He tried to show it as
.com. Eric Jamborsky thank you but never made it.
Allan Konstan told about his mother keeping
NO.258, LEESBURG, FLORIDA - him out of the candy cube. Allan produced a
Lake County Magic Club
4th Thu. at 7:00 pm, at The Youth and Retreat Center, Leesburg,FfL pumpkin and then the guard spider from the
ALLAN KONSTAN, Secetary / Email: cube. Finally, an empty cube produced candy
Our October meeting was a time to talk busi- that was thrown to the group.
ness and elect new officers. Allan Konstan
A meeting poll showed that of our 26 mem-
bers more than 16 are paid I.B.M members. We NO. 261, INDIA - India Ring
Meets 2nd Sun., 1:00 pm, Mettur Bungalow, 11-E Chettipalayam
encourage everyone in the group to apply for Rd, Pondanur 641 023 (Tamilnadu) India.
national membership and receive The Linking SUDHEER MADAKATH’, Secretary
Ring. Poornanjali Nilayam, Bank Rd., Nileshwar 671 314 (Kerala)
The group voted that our 2006 local member- The October meeting was held at the New
ship dues should be raised to $20 so that we can Happy Tourist Home, during the eleventh
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I.B.M. Magic Fiesta held at the Kadinjimoola NO.265, LONDON, ONTARIO, CANADA -
GWLP school, a little way from Nileshwar on London Magicians Guild
the Highway to Goa. The Fiesta was inaugurat- Meets 2nd Wed., Labatt’s Engineering Bldg. unless otherwise notified.
MARK HOGAN, Secretary
ed by Ring President S. Ismail Shah followed by
October’s meeting was a special one indeed.
self introduction with magic by each registrant.
Our guest lecturer was David Ginn, all the way
The second event was Deja-Wu with 10 Mind
from Atlanta, Georgia. David is one of the
Bogglers (Wire Puzzles) impartially selected by
world’s foremost experts on kid’s magic, per-
a little boy from the audience. Each magician
forming upwards of 300 shows per year, and
could come forward and if successful in sepa-
rating the given puzzle, could keep it for him- author of some 70 books and videos on the sub-
self. If he failed, other magi from the registrants ject. His reputation precedes him, and we had
could offer to solve it and keep it. This was fol- more than a dozen guests—one coming from as
lowed with magic items from Funtime Innova- far as Thunder Bay!
tions of Kolkatta which were given without His lecture was his “Crash Course On
instructions and each registrant could come for- Kidshows,” where he focused on the elements
ward and try his luck. he uses to structure a show for children, and a
After this, the competitions in conjuring and variety of effects that fit each element. For
close-up began with a judging committee example, his warm-ups always involve comedy
formed of S. Ismail Shah, Magician Vako and (surprises, groaners and exaggeration), and he
Joy Oliver. Sudheer Madakath was declared showed us comedy routines like Middle Diddle
winner in the Conjuring and E.K.P. Nair in the Silk (where a coloured silk goes from one hole
Close-up category. M. Subramanian, who did to another); a deck of cards “freezing” together
Indian Cups and Balls, was chosen for the like Niagara Falls in winter; and Future Fungus,
Special Jury Award. where coloured feathers on a pole switch places.
The most interesting and enjoyable event of All of his effects touch upon key points he
the first evening was our trip sponsored by the highlighted in his lecture. For example: repeti-
Bekal Boat stay (The Backwater destination of tion (Flower Wallet); running gags (Fantasio
Malabar) whose MD, C Jagannath, took partic- Appearing Cane); objects taking over (Rising
ular interest and was with us. Wand); involvement (necklace prediction). He
We went to the banks of the river at also performed effects to music, tricks with ani-
Achanturuthi where the villagers were gathered mals and story telling. David even had one of
in tens of thousands on the banks and bridges to our young guests (Ganzalo Arboleda) help pull
watch our magic. Some even came with families a rabbit out of a hat, even though the rabbit was
in little boats to watch us from the river. This on his head the entire time!
was a really thrilling and touching experience There isn’t enough room to cover all the ele-
facing an expectant receptive audience enjoying ments David touched upon, and all the effects he
every moment of the magic. demonstrated. His energy was contagious and
After dinner we viewed DVDs like “A Day he truly both entertained and enlightened us. His
with Finn Jon,” Penn & Teller’s Magic & dealer table was very busy afterwards, and he
Mystery Tour covering China, Egypt and India left everyone smiling.
(with Lee Siegel of Hawaii University, author of Many thanks to David for a marvelous
Net of Magic, Magique of India with Majinga evening. Mark Hogan
(Michael Stroud) of USA, Las Vegas Magic
Invitational 2003 and Coinvention. NO. 266, TYLER, TEXAS - East Texas Court of Magic
1st Mon, 7:00 at Spine and Joint Hospital, 1814 Roseland Blvd.
The second day we had E.K.P. Nair lecture on BRUCE THOMPSON, Secretary
Cards, Coins and Ropes. Dr. Munawar Pasha Email:
did his close-up magic and a routine with For several weeks east Texas magicians had
Linking Rings, U.P. Kunhabdulla showed a few been anticipating November 7th.
mental effects, and finally, Magician Vako gave Well, the day finally arrived and with it came
an excellent demonstration of Indian Cups and Mark Wilson and Nani Darnell!
Balls. The evening festivities began at Gilbert’s El
In the evening some of our members per- Charro, a local Mexican food restaurant, which
formed for a public show organized by the is one mile from the TV studio where, 50 years
Youth Wing of the Merchants Association. earlier, Mark and Nani presented their Dr.
B. Dayanand Pepper-sponsored, live, weekly performance.
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A few early-birds enjoyed an authentic Tex- selected card was turned over it was imprinted,
Mex meal and shared stories with Mark and “finger.” Only at Halloween could you get away
Nani. Later, at the lecture venue, the 14 or more with this.
in attendance were literally captivated by their Jason Abate brought out his beloved rubber
personally telling of their history and magical bands and entertained us with his version of
experiences. The group was also treated to video Crazyman’s Handcuffs. One band penetrated
footage of The Magic Circus, The Magic Land the other a couple of times. Then he had a spec-
of Allakazam, It’s Magic and much more. tator stretch a band between his fingers, yet
As if that weren’t enough, Mark even pre- Jason was still able to penetrate it with his band.
sented a few effects including Magic Bingo, Soll Levine related his experiences at a magi-
which is a must have. Try to visualize an entire cian’s convention on the sea, sponsored by the
audience shouting BINGO at the same time...the PCAM on the Norwegian Star as it cruised from
possibilities are limitless! Vancouver, BC to Los Angeles, CA with stops in
This report cannot do justice to Mark and Seattle, Washington; Victoria, BC; and Astoria,
Nani’s lecture but suffice it to say several peo- Oregon. There were magic shows, competitions
ple were overheard at the conclusion expressing and some wonderful cuisine.
their sincerest joy in being able to attend. Roger Cisowski had a card selected then had
Of course, one of the highlights of the various spectators call out single digit numbers
evening was being able to get autographs and which he wrote in columns. The columns were
snapshots with the famous couple. It was very added and then, using a chart, translated to let-
apparent that everyone had a good time. ters of the alphabet. The letters spelled out the
Bruce Thompson name of the selected card. Peter Waluk dis-
played several strips of money-sized paper cut
NO.278, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT from magazines. The strips instantaneously
Meets 1st Wed. of each month, 6:30pm at The Colonnade Conference changed to real currency. He then showed us a
Center, 2941 Main St., Glastonbury, CT dinner spoon which he twisted, cork-screw fash-
JACK A. STROUP, Secretary, 234 Redwood Rd., Manchester, CT 06040
/ (860) 643-8756 E-mail: ion, with little or no effort. A couple of our
Our October meeting provided some lively “strong men” could not return the spoon to its
entertainment. The theme was “So, You’re a original condition, but Peter did.
Magician, Show Me a Trick.” The final performer was Rick St. Pierre who
Our President, Chris Mansfield, led off with told us that he was the master of wrong decision,
a nifty effect using Tarot cards. One spectator but took pride in the fact that he was always
was given ten cards with instructions to seal absolutely wrong. He showed us a paper with a
them in an envelope. Another also got ten cards prediction and had a card selected from a deck,
and was instructed to have three different and the deck returned to its case. Rick removed
helpers select one of them and return it to his the deck and found one card reversed, but it was
packet. These ten were also sealed in an enve- the wrong card. Nevertheless, this card led to a
lope. When the envelope with the selections was second selection in a second deck which
matched his written prediction. Jack Stroup
opened, the three cards were gone. The other
envelope was opened and found to have NO. 284, FORT WALTON BEACH, FLORIDA -
increased by the three chosen cards. Ruben Conrad C. Bush Ring
Sanchez followed with a nice little coin “quick- Meets 3rd Sun,, 3:00pm, Slick Mick’s Deli & Grille, 19 Elgin Pkwy NE
ie.” One coin became two then returned to a sin- (Rt.85), Fort Walton Beach.
gle in the blink of an eye. BRIAN WARD, President
80 Miracle Strip Pkwy, Ft. Walton Beach, FL
Jack Stroup shuffled a deck of 30 business 32548/(850) 499-2720
cards imprinted with the name of body parts. He Email:
had one selected and placed face down. He then The October meeting was a special event for
told us about an express delivery truck that sped Ring 284, as we hosted members from
by him, accidentally leaving a package in the Pensacola Ring 287. We had planned a joint
road. He picked it up with good intentions but meeting with Ring 287 in September, however,
then forgot about it. The next day he saw water with all of the displaced gulf coast residents
leaking from the package. Apparently, it had now in Florida, the hotel meeting room we had
been packed in ice. He brought it to the meeting arranged for was no longer available.
so he could open it in front of witnesses. For the event, we needed to use one of the
Opening it revealed a severed finger. When the conference rooms at the Marina Bay, because
January, 2006 159
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we had an auction of magic paraphernalia as it didn’t work. The table was too heavy! Beau
long time Pensacola member Henry Jones did another effect using an amulet in which a
streamlines his collection. selected card was revealed. John Allen put a silk
Because of the number of the items to be inside his closed fist and made the silk disap-
sold, we passed over the usual meeting and pear.
demo session events. Chris Reaves did another of his nice coin dis-
President Brian Ward got right to the sale and appearing routines which ended with a puff of
acted as our Auctioneer. There were many good smoke from nowhere. Henry Jones did a Jack O
deals, a few surprises and “new” sights, and Lantern routine using pumpkins and aliens, fol-
everyone had a good time. lowed by an Egyptian Water Box where things
Remember that we now meet for late lunch appeared from inside after the box was shown
on the third Sunday; if any of you find yourself empty. Then came the Tipsy Bottles routine
in the area, please feel free to drop in. Also, we (upside down bottle—Do As I Do routine) with
have several members who drive in from points a Water Suspension made of a tube with Chinese
as far away as Panama City and Crestview, so if symbols in front.
you would like to car pool, feel free to call or e- For pictures of this meeting and general
mail for information. information about our magic club, visit our
Ron Hudspeth website at
“Magic Entertains, So Can You!”
Meets 3rd Wed., each month 7:00 pm at the Bayview Senior Center
JAVIER ARRILLAGA, Secretary Coachella Valley Magic Club
Meets the 1st Tue. of month, at Downey Savings and Loan, 72-260
The October meeting had the theme of Hwy 111, Palm Desrt, CA No meetings July and August.
Halloween Magic, which several of our mem- DICK DAVIS, President
bers performed. This was the last meeting for Email:
Joe Digiacomo since he is moving out of the Dick Davis opened the November meeting.
area. Due to some membership illness and time con-
Before the performances some business was straints our Christmas banquet will be a quiet,
discussed which included our Annual Fund- group affair instead of our normal lavish magic
Raising Show on October 29. banquet which is open to the public.
Discussion was held about our Third Annual Elections will be held in December and our
Awards Night on November 16. Michael Baker club banquet will also serve as an installation
from Alabama is scheduled to perform as the dinner.
entertainment for the evening. Our Territorial VP, Jeff Marcus, was present
A creative contest was held using pens. Five and offered to preside over installations.
members participated in but only one of them President Dick Davis did his patented Colored
got first place. The rest had tied scores, resulting Candies routine and followed with a Four Ace
in second place. routine where all the cards turn to mirrors.
Eighteen members were in attendance, plus Hudson Hale performed the Virginia City
10 SYM members and 16 guests. Shuffle, and our visiting TVP, Jeff Marcus, per-
Halloween theme magic performances were formed an outstanding Ace routine that ends by
presented by the following: Chris did a Haunted locating a spectator’s card as part of a straight
Deck routine in which three cards were selected flush! Jeff also performed a superb Tarbary rope
by audience members, returned to deck and, by routine.
themselves, all three cards came out of the deck. We concluded with refreshments and a 50/50
Joe Digiacomo did several prediction effects. raffle.
One of them involved a Y card. Bruce Walstad Our Secretary, Norm Lewis, was in Las
followed performing a Lizzie Borden effect in Vegas celebrating the birthday of his wife,
which a spectator’s bloody hand print appeared Revina. They celebrated at a comedy Hypnosis
on top of a replica letter from this murder case. Show at the Rivera Hotel where their son, Dr.
Then Beau Broomall attempted to contact Scott Lewis, performs every Monday night.
Houdini with the help of six volunteers. After See you next month, Norm, and remember,
rubbing their hands together (friction) and plac- what happens in Vegas...
ing their hands on the table that they were all sit- Hudson Hale
ting around, the table was to rise. Unfortunately for Norm Lewis
160 The Linking Ring
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NO.303, FT. MYERS, FLORIDA - Ron Murphy Ring might consider doing something special to cele-
Meets 1st Tue., 7:00 pm. at the Myerlee Manor brate the event. We discussed performing a
1910 Virginia Ave., Ft. Myers, FL 33901 / (239) 590-0557
magic show to raise money for charity and at the
We had 17 members at our November meet- same time increase membership. Everybody felt
ing. There was much excitement about out fifth it was a good idea but decided to hold off until
annual Holiday Show downtown at the Arcade next year to decide what to do.
Theater, December 19th. Over 100 tickets have Dan Sterling presented the slate of nomina-
been sold. It looks like another sell out. tions for executive committee. They are as fol-
Travis Brown told a great joke and did a trick lows: Paul Weinberg, President; Marty Wernick,
that he says is not too good but you don’t see it Vice President; Ron Heckler, Secretary; and
very often. Terry Harris performed a sponge ball Andrew Hans, Treasurer. Voting for these posi-
routine, a card effect that rocked ‘em, called tions will be held at the November meeting and
Stooged, and then a version of Cards Across. will take effect at the close of business at the
Kent Sheets did a mental effect in which he pre- December meeting in compliance with our By-
dicted the number 11. He then explained the Laws.
secret. Past President Don Brown also did a Auditions were held for three of our newest
mental effect where five people were asked to members: Dan Ferrara, Andrew Paulsen and
select any three digit number, reverse it, subtract Steve Paulsen. All three put on a great perform-
it and then he told each one what their number ance and were accepted into Ring 317.
was. Next month will be media exchange.
Dan Tong had a member think of a card and Members who participate will exchange CD’s,
then predicted which card he was thinking of Video Tapes, or books. The following month
through the powers of elimination. The card they will demonstrate one of the effects from
thought of turned out to be the only blue card in that media.
a red deck. Don Cox did Think a Knot and it The meeting was adjourned and we moved
was there. He also had four Queens that changed on to the theme of the night “EST” where Bob
to four Jokers. Jim Drake had a small hand that McEntee, Dan Sterling, Paul, Marcel, Bob
came out of his hand and selected a card. Weinowitz and Ron demonstrated some of the
Jim Chartier did a one eyed Jack mystery shortest, longest, bestest and weirdest effects
where the four Queens changed to four Jacks. ever seen. It was a very entertaining night.
Tony Dunn did an Oil and Water effect called Ron
Origami Poker. Guest, and hopefully new mem-
ber, Kevin Cabal closed the show by changing Meets 1st. Thur. 327 E. Maple Ave., Miamisburg, Oh 45342
five $1 dollar bills to five $100 bills. With RON EVANS, President 324 E. Maple Ave., Miamisburg, OH
money like that, we of course invited him for Stranger things have happened at Ring 324,
coffee at the Pancake house. He didn’t pick up but not by much, as we decided to hold a very
the bill, but we all still had fun. Terry Harris short meeting for November. It was a nice night,
a little on the cool side with a slight breeze in the
Ring of Illusions The leaves were rustling as they drifted
Meets 3rd Tue. at 7:30pm LIJ Hospital (Parker Geriatric Institute) 271-
11 76 Ave., New Hyde Park, Long Island, NY (718) 247-6500 about, before settling to the ground in ever
RON HECKLER, Secretary Email: growing piles. Just the thing to start a beautiful
October’s meeting was called to order and fall evening. It was not, however, the way we
Ron stated that he neglected to mention in last expected to hold court over our evening’s
month’s minutes that Rob Smith had auditioned schedule of events.
and was accepted into Ring 317 but would add But here we were, 20 loyal members gath-
it to this month’s minutes. ered around the parking lot of our regular meet-
Marcel introduced a prospective new mem- ing place, looking at each other, making chit
ber, German Saldarriago, who gave us a short chat waiting for someone to arrive to let us in.
bio. German was welcomed by all. President Ron Evans tried every available
Bob stated that Bruce Kalver was advised option, calling number after number trying to
that we are interested in having him give a lec- reach someone to come unlock the church for
ture sometime in April. us. He even made several attempts to get us into
Alan Glassman suggested that since next year another location near by, but to no avail.
is going to be the Ring’s 10th anniversary, we Under the circumstances, in the spirit of the
January, 2006 161
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moment, Barb and Bob Pfeifer set out an idea of putting a chop stick through a balloon
impromptu tailgate party with refreshments as and using a flashlight to prove it was going
Fred Witwer roamed the crowd handing out through. Other winners of this award in past are
cookies. Ben Gimlin, Andrew Ziegelbauer and John
With time passing Ron decided to make the Holcomb. This award is only given out three
best of the situation. With a grateful acknowl- times per year.
edgement of those in attendance Ron gained the We had some guests visit our club this month.
attention of everyone and announced the details Thom Borckert from Ring 305 Joplin, MO, did
of the upcoming Christmas party at Bethlehem tricks for the club including a ring and rope rou-
Lutheran Church in Middletown to occur at the tine. First time guests, Phil and Medley Knocke,
first Thursday in December. are jugglers and juggling teachers. They want to
This was followed by a general discussion start a juggle club in our area.
about future events including lectures and the Ring 325 turned eight years old this year,
club’s next magic community production, beginning with 10 members. Now we have 42
“Magical Daze.” members.
After the Christmas sign-up list had made its Yak Williams
way through the crowd, Ron thanked everyone
for showing up and made the decision to save NO. 326, BURBANK, GLENDALE, EAGLE ROCK & PASADE-
the members any more waiting in the ever grow- NA, CALIFORNIA - Harry Blackstone, Jr. Ring
Meets 3rd Tue., 7:00 pm. different member’s homes or businesses
ing darkness and called it an evening. We then RENEE TELESE, Secretary, P.O. Box 6728, Burbank, CA 91510 www.har-
headed off in our different directions knowing / Email:
that, sometimes not everything goes right. The October meeting made its way to the
But we don’t complain. It just means there magical museum home of Barry Sokolsky. His
will be that much more fun at the Christmas home is a favorite amongst magic aficionados
party/meeting when we can catch up on all the for immense, diverse and historical magic
news and start getting ready to ring in the New pieces both very, very large to very, very small.
Year. After dining on home made turkey and beef
There’s plenty on tap in the coming months. lasagna, fresh spinach salad, garlic bread and a
Make sure, when you’re in town, to visit the thoroughly scrumptious home made pumpkin-
friendliest Ring of all, where we swing open the applesauce cake, lovingly cooked by President
doors at Ring 324. Jim Karns Gay Blackstone, our meeting was brought to
NO.325, BRANSON, MISSOURI - Gay welcomed guests Danielle Carr, Lee
The Tri-Lakes Tricksters Ditkowsky, Gene Iredand, the incomparable Ice
Meets 3rd Sat. of the month atIt’s Magic & Joke Shop, 6:00pm, 124
South Business 65, Branson, MO McDonald and Jerry Newton. She asked for vol-
YAK WILLIAMS, Secretary / (417) 332-1559 unteers to do walk around magic on October
We had another great magic club meeting in 21st at The Century Plaza Hotel for an
October with a small crowd but a good one. We Endocrinologist’s convention that she will be
had 14 bodies this month. Our theme was speaking at.
“Show Me the Ring,” which was a full magic The business portion of the evening was
show by our members for our friends and fami- adjourned and quickly moved to the entertain-
ly. ment portion.
Yak Williams started the show doing Silk to Aye Jaye conducted a trivia contest with the
Cane, Chinese Sticks, Card in Balloon, and fin- persons with the correct answers winning
ished with Color Changing Records. Jonathan DVDs. Daughter, Zsajsha was not eligible but
Hickstein opened his act with D’lites, and then certainly knew all the answers on her own. A
did a funny bit with Rocky the Raccoon. John heated battle to be correct ensued.
Holcomb did a Chop Cup routine. Very nice. Taking part were all the members, including
Chuck Larson ended the show with talent as he George Liaos, Monte and Jeanne Smith,
did many tricks such as a Square Circle, Card Michael Battle, Rocco Telese, Al Rosson, magic
Frame, Needle Through Balloon, and a neat creator John Gaughn, Len Reid, Marc Anthony
rope trick where a knot reappeared on a length and Dave Cox.
of rope. We then moved to magic by Barry Sokolsky
Chuck Larson won the $10 magic shop gift and many others.
certificate award from the magic club for his Renee Telese
162 The Linking Ring
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NO.332, MARSHALLS CREEK, PENNSYLVANIA working on called Magicians Poker. This effect
Meets 2nd Tue. of the month at Kens Hobby Magic (570) 223-8950 takes MacDonald’s Aces to a whole new level.
KERRI TOMAN, Secretary Email:
He finished with Bicycle Built For Five by Ton
Our November meeting started with nine Onasaka. This cute effect shows the vanish of
members and two guests. We welcomed Bill and the Jokers on five different Joker cards only to
Ryan Gade from Bethlehem to our meeting and be found all balancing on the last Joker’s bicy-
I am sure that they will turn into members real cle. These cards were especially printed in Japan
soon. and were very hard to get hold of for a long
Our performance theme was “Gambling and time.
Casino Magic” and our members did not disap- If you are in the neighborhood, please stop by
point. President S. Patrick was up first telling us and say hi! Kerri Toman
a story of his recent trip to Atlantic City, NJ. He
told us of how he and two friends played black- NO.334 MYRTLE BEACH, SC –
The Grand Strand Magicians Society
jack. To do this he utilized Mark Mason’s Meets 1st Thu., at Myrtle Beach Auction, 3820 Hwy 17 S., Center
Twenty-One to perfection. S. then related the South Shopping Center Plaza, Myrtle Beach, SC.
story of the con man on the boardwalk with his CHARLES W. FORD, Secretary, 1711 Hwy 17 South #590, Surfside
flawless performance of Color Monte. Good Beach, SC 29575
job, S. A good crowd attended the November meet-
Austin Miller had a new CD-Rom that teach- ing. We had 15 regular members and 13 guests.
es “How To Win At Poker.” This, of course, is a President Dick Larsen began by telling every-
new effect called CD Poker. Austin showed that one who missed the lecture a few days earlier
actually printed on the CD were cards. The how great a lecture it was. Joshua Jay was
spectator was asked to clip five face down cards everything and more than what was expected.
to create a poker hand for the performer. The He performed and taught close-up magic,
leftover cards were the spectator’s. stand-up magic, and mentalism...and almost all
Even when the spectator had a totally free of it could be done by everyone there. In addi-
choice and was always allowed to change his tion to magic with cards, coins, and bills, Joshua
mind Austin won every single time. Austin even showed us some really innovative and fun ideas
bet his $50 poker chip. By the way, folks, if you with a remote controller as well as a carpenter’s
see a bubble gum machine with poker chips in tape measure.
them (we found one at K-Mart) get one (50- After welcoming all of the guests, the floor
cents). These chips have a small amount of was opened to anyone who wanted to teach
metal in them, which should interest you folks some magic. Kyle Coker showed a card change
with magnetic hold-outs. with a credit card. Philip Brady followed with a
Our guest, Ryan Gade, who is 11 years old, card color switch. Joe Jesse entertained us with
performed an excellent appearance with a a Charming Chinese Challenge. He showed and
Change Bag. Good job, Ryan. Mike Charney explained carefully how he could make three
then performed the Lightboard and showed how Chinese coins melt right off a very colorful rib-
they control all those neon lights in Las Vegas. bon. What a nice routine, Joe!
Excellent as always. During the business session, Joe Jesse
Ross the Mentalist did two mental effects, the announced that he will be performing at Bob
first being El Numero in which a random num- Little’s Super Sunday of Magic on November
ber was chosen by the spectator and predicted 20th as well as doing close-up at our state’s
by Ross. The second effect, Coin Toss, was a SCAM Convention in January. Best of magical
prediction of the outcome of a choice between wishes to you, Joe, for both of these events! Joe
three imaginary coins and a coin toss. Ross was Messer announced that he was also doing a
right again! How does he do it? Ross even show on December 3rd to which everyone is
taught a neat little card force effect. invited.
Our Treasurer, Ken Baker, doesn’t perform We then took a break for refreshments pro-
often so this was a real treat. He did Martini’s vided by Ben and Lavon McSwain as well as
Gambler’s Deal in which a random card chosen Joe and Margaret Messer. Every sweet tooth in
by the spectator matched Ken’s jumbo predic- the house had plenty to enjoy!
tion. Just before everyone had returned to their
Joseph Raven headlined our group perform- seats for the “Spotlight” performance, the music
ances. He began with an effect he is currently of Harry Potter fame filled the air. This set the
January, 2006 163
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mood for Charlie Ford’s post-Halloween show. ringmaster, Greg proceeded through an integrat-
His act started when more familiar music began, ed series of effects including the attempt to
that of the Twilight Zone, the Addam’s Family shoot two nominees from a canon into the
and the Munster’s. Supreme Court (paper bag). The second nomi-
He came on with a flaming torch which he nee made it! A card was selected. Then a card-
used to start his cauldron on fire. Then the torch board elephant vanished from atop a podium
changed into a cane. He used a Gag Bag to pro- (Umgowa by Kort). Finally, returning to the
duce an endless supply of icky bugs, which all paper bag, the name of the previously selected
wound up being tossed into the cauldron. The card was discovered.
last item out of the bag was a balloon, which Second and third place winners were Bill
segued into the Balloon to Dove. A story about Tresslar and Barry Daugherty.
Forgetful Eddie followed, whereby Eddie If other Rings are interested in this program
wished his head could be changed into a more send me an E-mail and I’ll return a copy of
frightful head. In the end, it changed back to the Eric’s detailed pre-event information sheet enti-
original. tled The Brown Bag Challenge.
Charlie used a word spelling block to spell Delicious refreshments were shared post per-
out “pumpkin.” A routine similar to Run Rabbit formances. Bill Tresslar
Run was up next...but instead of a rabbit, there
was Cookie Monster. Somehow this monster NO.337 POMPANO BEACH, FL –
wasn’t very scary, but he was unpredictable. The “Gentleman” Jim Heuser Ring
Meets 3rd Thu., 7:00pm 2431 N. Cypress Rd., Pompano Beach
jewels of Sam Lord were found in a treasure JAMES HEUSER, President
chest in his castle, only to be held back by the 2431 Cypress Rd., Pompano Beach, FL 33064 / (954) 782-5722
skeleton hand of Mr. Lord’s ghost. Charlie Our October meeting was presided over by
ended his presentation by showing the props and President James Heuser and was based on
costumes he uses with his Farmer and Witch Fitzkee’s List #5, Penetration, one solid through
routine. Charlie Ford another.
Jim thoroughly discussed penetration effects
NO.336 NASHVILLE, INDIANA – Jack Bridwell Ring mentioned in Fitzkee’s book. He began with a
Meets 1st Tue. each month at Funtyme Magic, 59 E. Main St.,
Nashville, Indiana
demonstration and explanation of an actual
BILL TRESSLAR, Secretary Grant’s Wrist Chopper and followed with
5580 Paradise Ct., Martinsville, IN 46151 Abbott’s Wrist Chopper, demonstrating these
The format of the November meeting was items which he brought to the meeting. Next he
one we hope to repeat in the future. It was cre- preformed and explained Ring On Rope, Two
ated by Eric Rose and resulted in a rollicking Cork Trick, String and Card, Brass Block in the
hour-and-one-half improvisational entertain- Match Box, Zig Zag Card Frame and Deck Up,
ment event. which is too difficult to explain here.
All members were given the opportunity to A short auction followed and then show time
participate. Each was given a brown bag con- with the astute Dr. Frank Beasley deftly pene-
taining an identical assortment of small items trating four coins through a table top, before our
such as balloons, paper clips, post-it notes, rub- very eyes. The discerning library conjurer, Herb
ber bands, length of rope, partial deck of cards, Gager, performed a block penetrating a tube
etc. Contestants were given 25 minutes to create illusion and he also penetrated my arm with a
a trick or routine with these materials. half dozen wooden spikes.
Random draw determined performance order Money Magish, Phil Labush penetrated a
and judging was by all attendees. Scoring card box with a deck of cards and also a coin
reflected: 1) Entertainment value, 2) Magicality, vanished from a wallet and reappeared in a
3) Originality, and 4) Number of items used. locked box. Sidini, Sid Marcus, penetrated a
Seven performers ran the gamut of variety. balloon with a long steel needle without break-
They were: Isaac Brown, Greg Buse, Barry ing the surface. The perplexing Johnnie Jon per-
Daugherty, Richard Dick, Mitch Novit, Lee formed the classic Block Off Rope and also Un-
Tieche and Bill Tresslar. The winner and recipi- cupped, a tin cup and rope penetration. The dex-
ent of a $40 gift certificate from Funtyme Magic terous Stan Ackerman performed a spectacular
was Greg Buse. rope penetration and a rope wand and silk pene-
His clever routine involved a Three Ring tration.
Circus motif. Using the persona and voice of a I am writing this Ring report a week after
164 The Linking Ring
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CELEBRATION 2006 SAM 136 ....................................... 173
I.B.M. CONVENTION 2006 ................................................. 27
Start the year off right!
GLASS CITY CONCLAVE .................................................. 172
MAGIC BY THE BAY/TAMPA, FLORIDA .......................... 15 Learn how to make
MCBRIDE MAGIC/LAS VEGAS MAGIC ........................ 167 extra money with Magic
RING 58 WINTER CARNIVAL ............................................. 13
WORLD MAGIC SEMINAR 2006 ...................................... 25
Go To:
Hurricane Wilma hit South Florida. We just got a handout of the same. Our Spotlight Performer,
our electricity restored and downed tree debris Ed Hay, demonstrated what he calls “Grand-
removal is slowly beginning. father Magic,” in that it is what he does for his
In the words of Magician Johnny Carson... grandchildren. Further it should be impromptu
“I’ll be right back.”.. next month. Johnnie Jon and with everyday objects.
He started with a cute story involving Moon
NO.343 NANTES, FRANCE – Robert-Houdin Ring and Stars (Starcle), followed with magic from a
Email: table setting including Broken and Restored
Ring 343 was formed four years ago and Toothpick, Jumping Toothpick, fork becoming
maintains a very convivial atmosphere with spoon when rolled in a napkin, and a neat
magic shows, banquets, lectures and new mem- Vanishing Salt Shaker—sans napkin! A dollar
bers. We have had the pleasure of welcoming bill produced four quarters, one of which was
Herve Le Marchand, the clown, and Magician signed and then magically transposed inside a
Mimosa. He is a member of our Ring. previouslyy selected sweetener packet. Ed
A computer engineer of the top level, he is a closed with a flying boutonnière from one lapel
wonderful magician and, at the same time, one to the other. Very slick and entertaining. Lucky
of the best French clowns. He gave us a lecture grandkids!
for nearly four hours, and nobody was bored! Bill Griffin opened Member Magic with five
Everybody was laughing heartily. blank cards becoming printed with flowers.
He gave us all the keys of how to provoke Four were eliminated, and the remaining one
mirth in a magic show. Flying on the micro- was predicted from a bag in the audience. Chip
phone, Mimosa explained with a surgical and Parrish produced a sponge ball from a hank,
psychological analysis all the mechanism of cups from a Change Bag, and then did a Cups
laughing, thanks to his very keen talent of obser- and Balls routine. Michael Perkins performed
vation. Mimosa says you are born a clown or Trilogy, a triple card and location prediction.
you are not, which gives a joke in French, “on George Jones showed and taught his version of
nait ou on n’est pas clown.” Rope Through the Body.
We had our Show in November and the first Keith Bogart shared some psychic humor,
award for the Stage Show was won by performed a Thumb Tip Flag Blendo, and
Dominique Herve. Child’s Play Stealth Version, locating an object
We could add that Ring 343 is really open, under one of five cups. Mick Ayres taught
with a deep friendship between all the members Skunk, a sucker game with pennies, but a kind
from 15 to 84 years old. Liberty and respect are ending for kids. He then withdrew three predic-
the key words for us. tion cards, which proved to make four of a kind
with one randomly chosen by a spectator. Then
NO.349 HILTON HEAD ISLAND – he did an Ambitious Card effect with each one,
Society Of Lowcountry Magicians then all together. Slick! Keith Bogart
Meets 1st Mon., at 7:00pm, CSA Community Room, Sea Pines
Plantation, Hilton Head, SC.
KEITH BOGART, Secretary Email: NO.350 NICE, FRANCE – French Riviera Ring
Ten members and two guests attended the The Nice French Riviera Ring has met for
November meeting. The club welcomed Larry three years now and has organized the 14th
Della Vecchia and Blake Gwinn. Colombe d’Or. This International French
President Bill Griffin began the meeting with Convention organized every year in March in
a review of our October 28 Stage Show benefit- Juan-Les-Pins attracts, like a magic magnet, all
ing the Bluffton Elementary PTO. Cast and the good magicians, amateurs and professionals,
Crew included Mick Ayres, Keith Bogart, Sandy from Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium,
Fearns, Bill Griffin, Ed Hay, George Jones, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Russia and, of
Gary Maurer, Robert Moreland, Chip Parrish, course, France.
Michael Perkins, Tony and Sandy Barker. A The Colombe d’Or is the incontestable top-
very professional show, well received. notch French Magic Convention at the interna-
Tom Craven will be welcomed back to lec- tional level, with its sunny, picturesque famous
ture on January 2. Riviera. This Magic Convention remains real
At the Teaching Table, Gary Maurer per- entertainment for all of us.
formed and shared a jumbo version of the num- Many I.B.M. Presidents of foreign Rings
bered cards mind reading stunt, and distributed were on the spot: Gianni Iala of the “Lanterne
166 The Linking Ring
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JCR Co’s
World of Magic & Fun
Check Out Our Magic
(520) 982-3006
Specials Online!
w w w.jcr (Formally part of B.C. Magic)
4861 N.W. Loop 410
Ghost Light
San Antonio, Tx 78229
(210) 767-1598
at Sept. 2005 TAOM Convention
44533 N. Date
Lancaster, CA 93534
FAX/Phone (661) 948-1315
CUSTOM made gaffs
Specialize in
BIKE and Tally-Ho
$9.95 Now $5.50
“Card Fan Pin” “Happy B-Day Pin” “Skull Pin”
All Other Pins On Sale At $3.75
Magique” from Geneva, Gianna Lorya, Vice a rubber band. He tossed the deck into his hand
President of the Italian Magic Club, Boreo and on the third throw stopped, took off the rub-
Franco. All that, thanks to the perfect harmony ber band, and showed that the signed card was
maintained by Gerald Mainart, first President of now on the top of the deck.
the Ring 350, Richard Banon the new one elect- Jordan’s next effect was very impressive. He
ed for 2005, and the unrivalled organizer, called it a silent prediction. He gave a deck of
Audouin Rimbaud, President of the Antibes cards to a spectator and asked him to shuffle the
Magic Club, who hides himself behind his cards in any way as much as he wanted. He then
pocket telephone, ringing always at the right asked the spectator to choose a number between
moment to escape any interview! 1 and 52. The spectator called out a number and
Also involved were President of Ring 314 of Jordan whispered a card in my ear. He said it
Padua, Gyula Czili, President of Ring 361 of kind of loud and I asked the spectator if he heard
Budapest, Shaun Yee, President of Ring 223 of it. He said he had, so Jordan whispered another
Milan, Fernand Ridel, and the President of Ring card to me this time so the spectator did not
343 of Nantes. hear. When the number was called out Jordan
The contests were of a high level, but the counted down that many cards and the card
stage show gave us the opportunity to point out whispered only in my ear was revealed.
a young magician, Mikaël Szanyel. We shall Using a borrowed pen, Jordan showed how
keep an eye on this really very good new magi- the ink in the pen was on both sides, not a nor-
cian who created his show on the song of mal thing for a pen. Then it was only on one side
Figaro. He is funny, surprisingly skillful, with a then gone completely and finally it returned
right sense of rhythm and originality. back to normal before Jordan gave it back to the
He won the first award. We could say that audience member. Jordan pulled out a big pock-
Ring 350 is the best organiser of international et full of change and had someone choose any
Magic Conventions in France, with a sympa- coin and sign it. The coin was then returned to
thetic team, competent, knowing what welcome the other coins and placed in a glove. The coins
means, and in such a beautiful country: the were shaken and, after pulling on one of the fin-
sunny French Riviera. gers of the glove, the signed coin came right
I should not forget our American star, Bob through the glove and was verified as the same
Little, member of Ring 343. He missed us this signed coin.
year but we know he will be with us in 2006. All The final effect for Jordan’s lecture was Torn
of the Ring members feel as old friends who are and Restored Paper from a borrowed pad of
glad to meet again, exchange ideas and get to paper. After this effect he tipped the handling on
know new friends. all the effects. These were some that could be
added to our repertoire right away. It was a very
NO.356 PRESCOTT VALLEY, ARIZONA – entertaining and fun lecture given by Jordan
Mystical Magic Prescott Ross.
Meets 4th Fri., 7:00pm, at the Prescott Valley Civic Center, 7501 E.
Civic Circle, Prescott Valley, AZ Since our next meeting fell on same date as
EDDIE SILLER, President Email: the opening of “Harry Potter and the Goblet of
The October Ring meeting was a lecture Fire,” we all agreed that we would all meet at
about impromptu magic by our Ring Secretary, the theater for our November meeting.
Jordan Ross. Eddie Siller
Jordan started with his variation of Triumph.
He let a spectator have a free choice of any card. NO.358 PARIS, FRANCE
After the card was returned to the deck he riffle The Paris Ring was created in December,
shuffled the deck with half the deck face up and 2004. On the 10th of February, fugitive shadows
the other face down. Then the spectator’s card hugged the walls all around the Gardens of
was found only to be the wrong card. But Jordan Palais Royal, offered in 1636 by Prime Minister
stated that that was an indictor card. He counted Richelieu to King Louis the 14th, in the very
down the number of cards based on the indictor centre of Paris, close to the old and forsaken
and found the spectator’s card and also all four Robert Houdin Theatre. A few of the conspira-
Aces. tors have a glance at the tablet of the patron of
Next was a signed card effect. He had a par- French magicians.
ticipant sign a card and place it on the bottom of In this mysterious atmosphere, ten people
the deck. He then secured the card in place with who met only once, discovered the meeting
168 The Linking Ring
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PP125-180 12/15/05 11:28 AM Page 46
room of the Paris, France Ring! TVP Fernand and also the magic that is shown on TV. Phil
Ridel asked them if they agreed to create this Milstead thought that there was no specific rea-
new I.B.M. Ring and accept the Ethic Code and son, but that sometimes competitors thought
Rules. In dignity and friendship, the ceremony they had little chance to win. This topic was
of the Charter Night took place. ended with comments from David J. O’Connor
The President elected is our very well known and Steve Hart, who finished his own question.
and excellent friend, Jean-Fred Duraty, one of One of the best discussions this month was
the best French magicians, author of many about requests for balloons after a show. Started
magic books and lectures. He is always unpre- by David J. O’Connor, it drew good solid advice
tentious, open minded and a true creator. He was and tips from a number of our members includ-
the right man in the right place. His Vice ing Mike D, Bill Robinson, Peter Marucci, Dan
President, Henry Mayol, also is a magic star Garrett, Roger Thompson, Micheal Munter,
who is well known in France and abroad. He has Mandy Davis, Micheal Taggert, Alan Gold, Bill
given lectures in the States. Bishop and Roy J Hopwood. I urge anyone who
has had this problem to read the messages, as
NO.2100, GLOBAL ELECTRONIC RING, THE UNIVERSE there is a wealth of information from people
24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
who know what they are talking about. An
MIKE DURANT, Secretary / excellent response.
Membership reuests to: Another good mail came from Peter W.
Welcome to our Internet Ring report for Barber who was in a situation where a spectator
October. Remember all of the messages posted asked him to exchange a coin he had bent. What
on the forum are also in the archive section of would you do? Comments, tips and advice to
the Ring. So if you require more information this question came from Norm Hillerts, Bruce
about a topic, join the Ring and check out the Purdy, Ken Salzman and Bob LaRue.
data base. Number magic was included a few times this
Harris Deutsch asked at the beginning of the month, started by Ken Reedy and later by Keith
month about the principle of the Vanishing Norris, who found a cool website with a magic
Leprechaun. Jeff Dial credited it to Martin trick. We seem to have a number of mathemati-
Gardner, but thought that Sam Loyd, who had cal members, including Mike D, Harry Gallant,
two versions, was the original creator. This was David J. O’Connor, Sandy Singer, Bill Fien-
indeed restated with an in depth reply from ning, Alan Fisher, Jim Snapp, Keith Harris and
Robin Dawes, which included many website Stan Sieler, who discussed methods and use.
details to do with the puzzle. Thanks to Peter Marucci, who gave us a
Steve Hart brought up an interesting question spooky bizarre routine, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
about the reduced number of magicians entering Thanks for reading. Hope to see you as a
stage contests, whereas a few years ago contest- member wherever you are in the world. Best
ants were turned away. Mike Durant thought Wishes from Austria.
that the cost of attending contests is one reason, Roger
Sponsors: Fred Rosenbaum, Cary, NC Sponsors: Steven Snyder, Willowbrook, IL
61 NEW MEMBERS Dr. K. Chas. Bogart, Hilton Head, SC Steve Hart, Cape Canaveral, FL
Sponsors: Wil Golden, Miami, FL Sponsors: Bob James, Elmhurst, IL
Sponsors: Michael Holderried, Baden, Germany
Jose Sousa, Miami, FL Jay Marshall, Chicago, IL
Harald Speckner, Bavaria 90552, Germany
BECKER, CHRISTOPHER, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
Sponsors: Josh Corn, Sarasota, FL Sponsors: Gerald Oliver, Louisville, KY
Sponsors: Belinda Kill-Kaesler, Laguna Hills, CA
Joe Floersheimer, Sarasota, FL Dr. Robert Escher, Louisville, KY
Kevin Brown, Mission Viejo, CA
RECK, GENE, Sarasota, FL WARREN, DAVID, Science Hill, KY
Sponsors: Mary Caesar, Elora, Canada Sponsors: Rodger Lovins, Somerset, KY
Sponsors: Theodore Sudbrack, Riverside, CA
Fred Rosenbaum, Cary, NC Edgar Hume, Lexington, KY
Michael Johnson, San Marcos, CA
Schultz, David, Suwanee, GA LANDRY, JOHN, Lafayette, LA
Sponsors: Kevin McDaid, Alpharetta, GA Sponsors: Glen .. Ghirardi, Morgan City, LA
Sponsors: Eddie Lake, Sun City, CA
J. Fox, Marietta, GA Rena Gautreaux, Houma, LA
Belinda Kill-Kaesler, Laguna Hills, CA
BUTLER, KEVIN, Scituate, MA YOUNG, BEN, Maryville, TN LAND, GRAHAM, Llandudno, North Wales, England
Sponsors: James Canaday, Bryantville, MA Sponsors: Thomas Vorjohan, Maryville, TN Sponsors: Robert Michael Meyer, Depew, NY
Anne Litchfield, Greenbush, MA Michael Messing, Knoxville, TN Robert Hayden, Bitterne, Southampton, England
MILLER, GEOFFREY, Blue Hill, ME WARDEAN, ARLENE, La Verkin, Ut MASON, MARK, Cleveleys, Lancs, England
Sponsors: Robert Nixon, Auburn, ME Sponsors: E. Scott Awerkamp, Santa Clara, UT Sponsors: Scott Wells, Houston, TX
Paul Szauter, Par Harbor, ME Stephen Bargatze, Mt. Juliet, TN Philip Willmarth, Durham, NC
RICHARDSON, RANDI, Belmont, MI WARDEAN, MELVIN, La Verkin, UT HENTZE, CHARLOTTE, Mihelsteher, Bavaria, Germany
Sponsors: Gilbert Scott, Grandville, MI Sponsors: E. Scott Awerkamp, Santa Clara, UT Sponsors: Michael Holderried, Baden, Germany
James Parkes, Wyoming, MI Stephen Bargatze, Mt. Juliet, TN Harald Speckner, Bavaria 90552, Germany
WITHEE, JOSH, Kalamazoo, MI KAHANE, RICHARD, McLean, VA HAECKER, ROLF, 71739 Oberriexingen, Germany
Sponsors: Tony Intgroen, Plainwell, MI Sponsors: Donald McKenzie, Lincoln City, OR Sponsors: Kurt Halder, D-7900 Friedrichshafen, Germany
Robert Nass, Battle Creek, MI Ronald McKenzie, Medinah, IL Michael Holderried, Baden_wuerttemberg, Germany
DIERKING, DAN, O’Fallon, MO BEE, DENZIL, Vancouver, Canada JAKOBSSON, JON, Revkjavik, Iceland
Sponsors: Dennis Burks, Lenexa, KS Sponsors: David Wilson, Maple Ridge, Canada Sponsors: Dorothy J. Rosenbaum, Cary, NC
Mary Caesar, Elora, Canada Karen Eskilson, Vancouver, Canada Fred Rosenbaum, Cary, NC
HOFFMAN, GREGORY, Winston-Salem, NC KEARNEY, JORDAN, Cobble Hill, Canada USHER, JONATHAN, Dunedin, New Zealand
Sponsors: Kenneth Buie, Denton, NC Sponsors: Micheal Machek, Cobble Hill, Canada Sponsors: Stanley Goudge, Henderson, Auckland, NZ
James Alcon, Greensboro, NC Anthony Eng, Victoria, Canada Terry Von Pein, Auckland, New Zealand
FRANKEL, NANCY, Bedford, NH L-HEUREUX, BENOIT, Victoria, Canada CHO, JEONG-RAE, Seoul, South Korea
Sponsors: Richard Labombard, Brookline, NH Sponsors: Paul Kilshaw, Victoria, Canada Sponsors: Gregory Bracco, Kyungbuk, South Korea
Burleigh Anderson, Nashua, NH Robert King, Victoria, Canada Kim Won-Il, Sindorim-Dong, Guro-Gu, Seoul, South Korea
CRAMER, DAVID, Bethpage, NY MACHEK, MICHEAL, Cobble Hill, Canada CHOI, HAN-NA, Seoul, South Korea
Sponsors: Jeff Miller, Stonybrook, NY Sponsors: Robert King, Victoria, Canada Sponsors: Gregory Bracco, Kyungbuk, South Korea
Vincent Moccia, Elmont, NY Joy Kruger, Victoria, Canada Kim Won-Il, Sindorim-Dong, Guro-Gu, Seoul, South Korea
CRAMER, REGINA, Bethpage, NY PATAKI, FERENCE, Burnaby, Canada EUM, JU-HOAN, Seoul, South Korea
Sponsors: Jeff Miller, Stonybrook, NY Sponsors: David Wilson, Maple Ridge, Canada Sponsors: Gregory Bracco, Kyungbuk, South Korea
Vincent Moccia, Elmont, NY Dennis Chan, Port Coquitlam, Canada Kim Won-Il, Sindorim-Dong, Guro-Gu, Seoul, South Korea
ICHIMANA, JIMMY, Herkimer, NY PATAKI, CHRISTOPHER, Burnaby, Canada LEE, JEI-MIN, Seoul, South Korea
Sponsors: James Remenicky, Henrietta, NY Sponsors: David Wilson, Maple Ridge, Canada Sponsors: Gregory Bracco, Kyungbuk, South Korea
Leal Smith, West Henrietta, NY Karen Eskilson, Vancouver, Canada Kim Won-Il, Sindorim-Dong, Guro-Gu, Seoul, South Korea
SALDARRIAGA, GERMAN, Flushing, NY VAN DYK, GREG, Victoria, Canada FOWLER, GEORGE, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, Uk
Sponsors: Robert Mc Entee, Huntington, NY Sponsors: Robert King, Victoria, Canada Sponsors: Brian Knowles, North Yorkshire, Uk
Martin Eskow, Brooklyn, NY Joy Kruger, Victoria, Canada Neville Johnson, Ferndown, Dorset, England
Sponsors: Elmer Warren, Hamilton, OH Sponsors: Jack Mellor, Richmond, Canada
Charles E. McKinney, Cincinnati, OH David Wilson, Maple Ridge, Canada 4 REINSTATEMENTS
SMALLEY, DAVID, Owasso, OK BARNES, MICHAEL, Bramalea, Canada
Sponsors: Jeffrey Cobillas, Tulsa, OK Sponsors: Sigurd Kusatz, Stouffville,, Canada MCCLURE II, JEFF, Gainesville, GA
Christopher Moss, Broken Arrow, OK Ron Guttman, Thornhill, Canada Sponsors: Daniell Garrett, Lithonia, GA
DORE, LAURA, Harrisburg, PA FERGUSON, SHAUN, Welland, Canada Stephen Bargatze, Mt. Juliet, TN
Sponsors: Keith Hanshaw, Harrisburg, PA Sponsors: Mary Caesar, Elora, Canada RICE, MICHAEL, Lake Cormorant, MS
Thomas Naran, Duncannon, PA Benjamin Caesar, Elora, Canada Sponsors: Anthony Butterfield, Cordova, TN
EDELMAN, BENJAMIN, Merion, PA FERGUSON, ELAINE, Welland, Canada Steve Hart, Cape Canaveral, FL
Sponsors: David Kelly, Lansdowne, PA Sponsors: Mary Caesar, Elora, Canada DRAUGHN, EDWARD, Portsmouth, NH
Leon Etienne, Utica, NY Benjamin Caesar, Elora, Canada Sponsors: Oliver McMahon, Nashua, NH
STOVER, JOHN, Mechanicsburg, PA HENDERSON, RICHARD, Kitchener, Canada Joseph Michaud, Manchester, NH
Sponsors: Keith Hanshaw, Harrisburg, PA Sponsors: Mary Caesar, Elora, Canada SMITHSON, JIM, Norman, OK
Thomas Naran, Duncannon, PA R. J. O’Brien, Redwood, NY Sponsors: Angela Lambing, St. Louis, MO
TEETER, GLENN, Duncansville, PA STIPSITS, ALFRED, Burllington, Canada James Richardson, Carney City, OK
Sponsors: Jonathan Young, State College, PA Sponsors: Mary Caesar, Elora, Canada
David Houser, West Decatur, PA Benjamin Caesar, Elora, Canada
ZIMBLER, JAMES, State Cooege, PA GING, SUN, Tian Jin, China
Sponsors: Michael Arseniu, State College, PA Sponsors: Xinying Yang, Forest Hills, NY
John Blake, State College, PA Ying Li, Flushing, NY
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