Phase and Group Velocity
Phase and Group Velocity
Phase and Group Velocity
To understand the nature of EM waves travelling in a medium with the help of Phase and Group
Theory: Any real signal consists of travelling-waves of many different frequencies, which
travel together as a group, at a speed that will always be less than or equal to the speed of light in
vacuum. To gain some insight into what may happen when a real signal travels through a
dispersive medium, we consider adding two waves of equal amplitude. When two travelling
waves with unit amplitude f1(z,t) = cos(k1z−ω1t) and f2(z,t) = cos(k2z−ω2t) are added, we get
Where, , , and
The result is a fast oscillating wave that travels with a phase velocity and the
amplitude of this wave is being modulated in space and time by . This
1 0.02 0.02 1
2 0.04 0.04 1
3 0.06 0.06 1
4 0.08 0.08 1
5 0.1 0.1 1
6 0.2 0.2 1
7 0.3 0.3 1
8 0.4 0.4 1
9 0.5 0.5 1
1) Are the wave patterns for various values of Δω and Δk same? If not, why?
ANS: No, because ∆w is very small, w1 and w2 are nearly equal that’s why we see sine
wave and cosine wave. If ∆w value is very large then wave will be propagating like packets.
2) Comment on the Phase velocity (Vp) of the waves for increased values of Δω and Δk.
ANS: ∆w will be large Vg will be depending upon envelope. Then e can observe when Vg is
decreasing Vp look lie increased value.
4) Draw a typical dispersion relation curve (ω-k curve) for Vp = Vg and Vp ≠ Vg cases.