Essay 2 Prompt - Autumn 2020

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ACWR 101 –

Fall 2020
Gülay Işık

● Essay 2 Draft is due: December 25, 23:00 (Compulsory Submission for Peer Review
● Essay 2 Final is due: January 8, 23:00 (45%)
● Be sure to submit both of your essays through Turnitin on Blackboard

Format Requirements
Your paper should be between 1000 and 1200 words, double-spaced, and written in size 12
Times New Roman font with 2.5 cm margins (1 inch) on all sides. APA must be used for
citation and the reference page. Please proofread and spellcheck your work for grammatical
errors, typos and punctuation before submitting. Remember that the cover page and reference
page are NOT included in the required word count and should both be on separate pages.

Essay Prompt
What is the relationship between our culture, identity and our consumption/wasting
Use “Hong Kong food waste”, “The Squander Sequence: Understanding Food Waste at
Stage of the Consumer Decision-Making Process”, and another text of your choice from our
course readings to argue your thesis. Refer to at least two sources in your body paragraphs.

Structure and Organisation

Your two main tasks are:

● defending your own thesis statement
● identifying and contrasting the claims/arguments in your sources
Using the allocated texts, you must analyse their argumentation and use their arguments (and/or
counter-arguments) to support and strengthen your thesis statement argument. Refer to the
articles in relevant and meaningful contexts, not only for the sake of citing them.
When planning your essay, you should ensure that you have a brief introduction that includes a
focused thesis statement. You must also ensure that each of your body paragraphs begins with a
clear topic sentence, concentrates on only one idea/argument and ends with a summary sentence.
You must explain your reasoning and use your sources to develop and defend your thesis. You
must make direct references to each of the required articles by applying the rules of in-text
citation using either short quotations and/or brief paraphrases. Two short quotations (shorter than
39 words) allowed in the entire essay. You must also write a concluding paragraph which
accurately summarises your main arguments. A Reference Page is a requirement of this essay and
should be correctly formatted according to the APA Guidelines.
You should analyse the authors’ claims in order to support your position by answering questions
such as:
• What assumptions does the author make? Are they logical?
• What evidence does the author present?
• What are possible counterarguments to the text’s claims?
The Student Assignment Agreement (copy and paste to your Essay Cover Page):
I hereby accept that only the below listed sources are approved to be used for ACWR 101
(i) Coursebook (Readings)
(ii) All material that is made available to students via Blackboard for this course, and
(iii) Notes taken by me during lectures.
I have not used, accessed, or taken any unpermitted information from any other source.
Hence, all effort belongs to me.


Main Components Citations

Prompt: Topic Sentences: Direct Quotations:

€ Did you € Do your paragraphs begin € Did you avoid

follow all of with topic sentences that using informal
the summarise the main idea € Do your quotes have language?
assignment of the paragraph and quotation marks around
them? € Does your essay
instructions? state what the paragraph
will be about?
€ Did you appropriately
directly academic?
€ Did you cite your quotations
answer the using APA style in-text € Are your
essay Body Paragraphs: referencing? sentences clear,
€ Does each paragraph precise, and easy
€ Do your in-text citations
have a single topic, to understand?
contain the author’s last
argument or point? name, the year the article € Do your ideas
was published, and the page flow logically
€ Do you develop your number where the quote from one idea to
claims thoroughly with was found? next?
Introduction: evidence, reasons or
examples? (sources)
€ Does your
introduction € Do all of the ideas in the Paraphrasing:
begin with a paragraph flow together Format
topic and prove your topic € Did you cite the information
sentence? you paraphrased with in-text € Is your essay
referencing? formatted
€ Does your € Have you made adequate according to the
introduction transitions from € Do your in-text citations APA Style Guide?
provide some paragraph to paragraph? contain the author’s last
background name, the year the article € Do you have an
information € Is each paragraph related was published, and the page APA style
about the to the main arguments number where the Reference page
topic? stated in your thesis? information was found? that cites all of
the sources
€ Is your thesis (articles) that you
statement used?
clearly stated Conclusion Paragraph: Synthesis
in the € Do you use 12 pt.
€ Does your conclusion sum € Have you included more Times New
up your main points? than one source in each Roman font?

Thesis Statement: € Have you made links and

€ Does your
connections between your
statement € Did you proofread
answer the your paper for
essay spelling and
question? grammatical

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