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Natural resource conservation and Utilization management


Unit of Competence: Apply Appropriate Natural Resources Extension Packages

Module Title: Apply Appropriate Natural Resources Extension Packages
LG Code: AGR NRC TTLM 15 1020 V1
TTLM Code: AGR NRC TTLM 15 1020

LO 1: Assess the Biophysical and Socio-economic Situation of the area

Training, Teaching and Learning Materials for natural resource conservation and utilization management: Level III TVET Program

INSTRUCTION SHEET 1 Learning Guide 1

This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the
following content coverage and topics –

 OHS requirements for the work to be carried out

 Sources of information for the purpose
 Major constraints related to site (edaphic and topographic), social and economic
 Identifying and prioritizes solutions set
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this Learning Guide, you will be able to –

 OHS requirements for the work to be carried out

 Sources of information for the purpose
 Major constraints related to site (edaphic and topographic), social and economic
 Identifying and prioritizes solutions set
Learning Instructions

1. Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide. 1

2. Read the information written in the “Information Sheets-1, 2, 3,&4

3. Accomplish the “Self-check” in page --

4. Submit your accomplished Self-check.

TVET Program: Natural Resource Conservation And Utilization
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Author: Wondwosen L. & Melkamu T.
Information Sheet-1 OHS requirements for the work to be carried out

1. Assess the biophysical and socio-economic situation of the area

What is the meaning of Biophysical and Socioeconomic Status?

Socioeconomic status (SES) is an economic and sociological combined total measure of a

person's work experience and of an individual's or family's economic and social position in
relation to others. When analyzing a family's SES, the household income, earners' education, and
occupation are examined, as well as combined income, whereas for an individual's SES only
their own attributes are assessed. However, SES is more commonly used to depict an economic
difference in society as a whole.

A biophysical environment is a biotic and a biotic surrounding of an organism or population, and

consequently includes the factors that have an influence in their survival, development, and
evolution. A biophysical environment can vary in scale from microscopic to global in extent.

1.1. OHS requirements for the work to be carried out

This code of practice is intended to raise awareness of the hazards and risks associated with
agriculture and promote their effective management and control; to help prevent occupational
accidents and diseases and improve the working environment in practice; to encourage
governments, employers, workers and other stakeholders to cooperate to prevent accidents and
diseases; to promote more positive attitudes and behaviour towards occupational safety and
health (OSH) in agriculture throughout the sector; ensure that good workplace health and safety
practices are applied to all workers in the workplace regardless of age or gender.

Agriculture is one of the most hazardous of all economic sectors and many agricultural workers
suffer occupational accidents and ill health each year. It is also the largest sector for female
employment in many countries, especially in Africa and Asia. Agriculture employs some one
billion workers worldwide, or more than a third of the world's labour force, and accounts for
approximately 70 per cent of child labor worldwide.
1.1.1. Objectives of OHS
The overall objective of this code of practice is to help
 Promote more of a preventive OHS culture in agriculture globally. In particular, it should
help to:

Training, Teaching and Learning Materials for natural resource conservation and utilization management: Level III TVET Program

 Raise awareness of the hazards and risks associated with agriculture and how they
can be effectively managed and controlled and accidents and diseases prevented;
 Prevent occupational accidents and diseases and improve the working environment
in practice in individual agricultural enterprises
 encourage governments, employers, workers and other stakeholders to cooperate in
their efforts to prevent accidents and diseases to workers in agriculture;
 raise awareness of OSH issues concerning particular groups of
 workers, such as women, young workers and migrant workers;
 promote more positive attitudes and behaviour towards OHS in agriculture
throughout the sector; and
 ensure that good workplace health and safety practices are applied to all workers in
the workplace regardless of age or gender in accordance with the Discrimination
(Employment and Occupation) Convention

Self-Check 1 Written Test

Name: _________________________ Date: _______________

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below.

1. Define the biophysical and socio-economic
2. Explain the importance of OHS requirements
3. Can you explain the aims of OHS?
Note: Satisfactory rating - 25 points and above Unsatisfactory - below 25points
You can ask your teacher for the copy of the correct answers.

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Author: Wondwosen L. & Melkamu T.
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials for natural resource conservation and utilization management: Level III TVET Program

Information Sheet-2 Sources of information for the purpose

1. Sources of information for the purpose

An Information Source is a source of information for somebody, i.e. anything that might
inform a person about something on provides knowledge to somebody. Information sources
may be observations, people speeches, documents, pictures, organizations etc. Sources of
information are: radio, television, extension workers, cooperative societies, friends and
colleagues, newspapers and magazines, books/leaflets, phones, libraries and institutes. Also,
observation of people organizations, speeches, documents, picture and art work can also be
described as information sources. We can group information sources into two broad categories
as follows:
i) Documentary Sources
ii) Non-documentary Sources
Documentary Sources
All recorded sources of information irrespective of their contents and forms come under
documentary sources. These may be published or unpublished, in print or in electronic form.
These may be books, periodicals, magazines, and others. Documentary sources can further be
categorized based on their contents and form (or media).By Contents Based on the information
contents and organizational level these sources can be grouped into:
i) Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary sources of information.
By Form
Based on the physical form the documentary sources can be grouped into:
i) Paper-based documentary sources; and
ii) Documentary sources on other media which cover the following:
a) Sound or audio recording: Audio cassettes, audio tapes, etc.
b) Visual Images: Still: slides, filmstrips, transparencies, photographs.
c) Visual Images: Moving: Films, videotapes, video discs; etc.
d) Artifacts and Regalia: Globes, relief models, etc.
e) Electronic Media: Magnetic tapes, discs, drums, etc.

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Author: Wondwosen L. & Melkamu T.
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials for natural resource conservation and utilization management: Level III TVET Program

f) Optical Media: CD-ROM, DVD, etc.

g) Microforms; Microfilms, microfiche, etc.
Non-documentary Sources
Non-documentary sources of information are those sources which are not recorded in any form.
Under this category come:
i) Humans,
ii) Organizations,
iii) Mass media other than print media, and
iv) Cyber media.

Self-Check 1 Written Test

Name: _________________________ Date: _______________

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below.

1. Define information source

2. Write the category of information source

2. Distinguish the difference between documentary and non documentary source and
give an examples.
Note: Satisfactory rating - 25 points and above Unsatisfactory - below 25points
You can ask your teacher for the copy of the correct answers.

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Training, Teaching and Learning Materials for natural resource conservation and utilization management: Level III TVET Program

Major constraints related to site (edaphic and topographic),

Information Sheet-3 social and economic factors

2. Major constraints related to site (edaphic and topographic), social and economic
Socio-economic analysis is a well established method of weighing up the pros and cons of an
action for society as a whole and plays a vital role in the restrictions and authorization processes
under research.

This title aims to analyze the socio-economic aspects of sustainable agricultural development,
both in general and in relation to farming systems in particular. The socio-economic analysis
focuses on four key areas: In many cases, government policies and international markets have,
directly or indirectly, reduced the incentives for agricultural production in the semi arid tropics
(SATs) so contributing to stagnation. In general, there has been limited success in developing
technologies to improve the productivity of semi-arid agriculture. The limited capacity of the
non-agricultural sector is to provide alternative employment for the increasing population of
semi-arid areas. In the absence of technological breakthroughs or favourable policy incentives,
the increasing population pressure on semi-arid agricultural resources has created a crisis in the
development of sustainable agriculture. The discussion that follows relies on three main
 It is essential to understand the reasons for the current situation in order to devise
reasonable, practical strategies for improvement.
 Farmers must be intimately involved in diagnosis of the problems and in devising
improvement strategies.
 Agricultural technologies and policies (and support systems) are complementary means
of improving agricultural productivity and sustainability. The socio-economic elements
include exogenous and endogenous factors.
1. Exogenous factors are those largely out of the control of the individual household such as:

(a) Community institutions, including structures, norms and beliefs;

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Author: Wondwosen L. & Melkamu T.
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials for natural resource conservation and utilization management: Level III TVET Program

(b) Support services and policies, related to extension, credit, input distribution systems,
markets and land tenure; and

(c) Non-institutional factors, such as population density, location and infrastructure


2. Endogenous factors, are those that the household manages to some degree, including land,
labor, and capital. These inputs and managerial ability differ for each household to affect the
performance of its farming system.

Self-Check 1 Written Test

Name: _________________________ Date: _______________

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below.

1. What are the focused areas of socio-economic analysis?

2. What are socio-economic elements

3. Why socio economic analysis is important

4. Distinguish the difference between exogenous factors and Endogenous factors

Note: Satisfactory rating - 25 points and above Unsatisfactory - below 25points
You can ask your teacher for the copy of the correct answers.

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Training, Teaching and Learning Materials for natural resource conservation and utilization management: Level III TVET Program

Information Sheet-4 Identifying and prioritizes solutions set

3. Identifying and prioritizes solutions set

Priority is the order of importance in which one thing falls in relation to another. Like a set of
criteria, priorities may change with changes in the community, or with changes in people's
concerns or knowledge.
How to classify socioeconomic status?
Socioeconomic status is typically broken into three levels (high, middle, and low) to describe the
three places a family or an individual may fall into. When placing a family or individual into one
of these categories, any or all of the three variables (income, education, and occupation) can be
Identify criteria for prioritization
 Magnitude of the problem.
 Severity of the problem.
 Need among vulnerable populations.
 Community's capacity and willingness to act on the issue.
 Ability to have a measurable impact on the issue.
 Availability of hospital and community resources.
 Existing interventions focused on the issue.

Six main areas were identified for national action for rural development:

 access to land, water and other natural resources

 access to inputs, markets and services

 integration of women in rural development

 development of non-farm rural activities;

 people's participation; and

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Training, Teaching and Learning Materials for natural resource conservation and utilization management: Level III TVET Program

 Education, training and extension.

Self-Check 1 Written Test

Name: _________________________ Date: _______________

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below.
1. Define Priority
2. What are the Identify criteria for prioritization
Note: Satisfactory rating - points and above Unsatisfactory - below -----points
You can ask your teacher for the copy of the correct answers.

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Author: Wondwosen L. & Melkamu T.

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