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1) A cyclist goes 30 km to North and then turning to East he goes 40 km.

Again he turns to his right and goes 20 km. After this he turns to his right
and goes 40 km. How far is from his starting point ?

2) Statements:
Some planes are bus.
Only a few buses are car.
All train is car.

I. All buses are train is a possibility.
II. All cars is plane is a possibility.
3) Question : How much money do Vivek and Suman have together ?

Statements :
I. Suman has 20 rupees less than what Tarun has.
II. Vivek has 30 rupees more than what Tarun has.
A. I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient
B. II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient
C. Either I or II is sufficient
D. Neither I nor II is sufficient
E. Both I and II are sufficient

4) How much money do Vivek and Suman have together?

I) Suman has 20 rupees less than what Tarun has.
II) Vivek has 30 rupees more than what Tarun has.

5) Question : How many children are there in the row of children facing
North ?

Statements :
I. Vishakha who is fifth from the left end is eighth to the left of Ashish
who is twelfth from the right end.
II. Rohit is fifth to the left of Nisha who is seventh from the right end and
eighteenth from the left end.
A. I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient
B. II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient
C. Either I or II is sufficient
D. Neither I nor II is sufficient
E. Both I and II are sufficient
6) Question : How many doctors are practising in this town ?

Statements :
I. There is one doctor per seven hundred residents.
II. There are 16 wards with each ward having as many doctors as the
number of wards.
A. I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient
B. II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient
C. Either I or II is sufficient
D. Neither I nor II is sufficient
E. Both I and II are sufficient

7) Directions (Q. 1-5) : In each of the questions below are given four
statements by three Conclusions I, II and III. You have to take the given
statements to be true even, if they seem to be at variance from
commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which
of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements
disregarding commonly known facts.

1.Statements : All booklets are packets. All packets are bottles. Some
bottles are cans. Some cans are pitchers. (5)
Conclusions :

1. All pitchers are bottles.

2. Some cans being packets is a possibility.
7)  Direction: In the following question, some statements are followed by
some conclusions. Assuming the given statements to be true, find which
of the following conclusions follow the given statements and choose
appropriate answer choice.
Some Students are Intelligent.
Some Students are not Teacher.

I. Some Intelligent are Teacher is not possibility.
II. No Teacher is an Intelligent.
8)  In the question, two statements are given, followed by two
conclusions, I and II. You have to consider the statements to be true even
if it seems to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to
decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follows from the given
I. Some pens are glass.
II. All glass are wall.
9) Some ropes are walls. Some walls are sticks. All sticks are chairs. All chairs
are tables. Conclusions:
I. Some tables are walls. II. Some chairs are ropes. III. Some sticks are ropes. A.
None follows B. Only I follows C. Only II follows D. Only III follows E. Only II and
III follow

What was the median grade point average of the 3,000 students in
(A) 3.7
(B) 3.3
(C) 3.0
(D) 2.7
(E) 2.3
11)  if in a code ALTERED is written as ZOGVIVW,then same code,
SIMULTANEOUS would be written as
12) A bag contains 2 red, 3 green and 2 blue balls. Two balls are drawn
at random. What is the probability that none of the balls drawn is blue?

13) Directions 16 – 20: Read the following passage below and answer
the questions that follow on the basis of what is stated/ implied in that

In almost all the modern opinions of women, it is curious to observe how

many lies have to be assumed before a case can be made. A young
lady flies from England to Australia; another wins an air race; a Duchess
creates a speed record in reaching India; others win motoring trophies,
and now the King’s prize for marksmanship has gone to a woman. All of
which is very interesting and possibly praiseworthy as means of
spending one’s leisure time; and if it was left to that, even if no more
were added than the perfectly plain fact that such feats could not have
been achieved by their mothers and grandmothers, we would be content
to doff our hats to the ladies with all courtesy and respect which courage,
endurance and ability have always rightly demanded.

But it is not left to that, and considerably more is added. It is suggested,

for example, that the tasks were beyond the mothers and grandmothers,
nor for the very obvious reason that they had no motorcars and
aeroplanes in which to amuse their leisure hours, but because women
were then enslaved by the convention of natural inferiority to man. Those
days, we are told, “in which women were held incapable of positive
social achievements” are gone forever. It does not seem to have
occurred to this critic that the very fact of being a mother or grandmother
indicates a certain positive social achievement; the achievement of
which, indeed, probably left little leisure for travelling airily about the
hemispheres. The same critic goes on to state, with all the solemn
emphasis of profound thought, that “the important thing is not that
women are the same as men — that is a fallacy — but that they are just
as valuable to society as men. Equality of citizenship means that there
are twice as many heads to solve present-day problems as there were to
solve the problems of the past. And two heads are better than one.” And
the dreadful proof of the modern collapse of all that was meant by man
and wife and the family council is that this sort of imbecility can be taken

The London Times, in a studied leading article, points out that the first
emancipators of women (whoever they were) had no idea what lay in
store for future generations. “Could they have foreseen it, they might
have disarmed much opposition by pointing to the possibilities, not only
of freedom but of equality and fraternity also.”
And we ask, what does it all mean? What in the name of all that is
graceful and dignified does fraternity with women mean? What
nonsense, or worse, is indicated by the freedom and equality of the

We mean something quite definite when we speak of a man being a little

free with the ladies. What definite freedom is meant when the freedom of
women is proposed? If it merely means the right to free opinions, the
right to vote independently of fathers and husbands, what possible
connection does it have with the freedom to fly to Australia or score
bulls-eyes at Bisley? If it means, as we fear it does, freedom from
responsibility of managing a home and a family, an equal right with men
in business and social careers, at the expense of home and family, then
such progress we can only call progressive deterioration.

And for men too, there is, according to a famous authoress, a hope of
freedom. Men are beginning to revolt, we are told, against the old tribal
custom of desiring fatherhood. The male is casting off the shackles of
being a creator and a man. When all are sexless there will be equality.
There will be no women and no men. There will be but a fraternity, free
and equal. The only consoling thought is that it will endure but for one

16. In Chesterton’s opinion, 

A) The modern women are better because they can perform feats that
were beyond the purview of their predecessors.
B) Women are not capable of significant achievement in their social lives
C) All deliberations on women’s achievements are, at best, the means of
occupying one’s free time.
D) The equality that ignores family values cannot be accepted as
progress in the real sense of the word.

Ans: D

17. From the tone of the passage, it can be inferred that the author, 
i. does not approve of women engaging in daring and adventurous feats.
ii. is quite sceptical about the need for freedom and fraternity of both
iii. feels that, as more and more women claim equality, there are
fortunately more people to help solve everyday problems.

A) i & ii
B) ii & iii      
C) iii only      
D) i only

Ans: A

18. “The only consoling thought is that it will endure but for one
generation.” ‘It’ in this sentence refers to

A) Man’s revolt against fatherhood.

B) Women desiring equality and fraternity.
C) The desire for freedom among women to express their opinions
D) A sexless society that gives equal opportunities to both men and

Ans: D

19. ‘Progressive deterioration’ means

A) A steady fall in the standards and moral values of society.

B) A compromise of sexes achieved through equality and freedom.
C) A progress that ignores the essential norms of family and home.
D) A man being a little too free with women.

Ans: C

20. Which of the following statements is true, according to the passage? 

A) Our mothers and grandmothers had no time to think of travelling

because of family commitments.
B) Women started revolting against the inferior treatment meted out to
them, in their pursuit for social recognition.
C) Men yearn for freedom from parenting even more than women do.
D) Emancipation of women can bring about good and lasting solutions to
all problems.
Ans: A
14) Joe’s car can travel 36 miles per gallon of fuel. Approximately how
many kilometers can the car travel on 10 liters of fuel? (5 miles =
approximately 8 kilometers; 1 gallon = approximately 4 liters)

A. 130
B. 134
C. 144
D. 150
E. 160

1. 15) Eleven students A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K are sitting in

first line facing to the teacher.
2. D who is just to the left of F, is to the right of C at second place.
3. A is second to the right of E who is at one end.
4. J is the nearest neighbour of A and B and is to the left of G at third
5. H is next to D to the right and is at the third place to the right of I.
Who is just in the middle ?
Who was 4 th right to J?

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