Notes in English of Biology
Notes in English of Biology
Notes in English of Biology
Porifers and cnidarians are very simple invertebrates. Formerly they were considered pants
because many remain immobile.
Poriferous or sponges lack radial symmetry. They are usually aquatic. Most of them marine,
living fixed to a substrate.
What is your body like – The wall of the poriferous is perforated by pores, through which the
water enters the atrium that flows into the osculum. The body of the sponges is supported by
spicules or by elastic fibers.
Other characteristics – poriferous animal are filter feeders. Sponges have various colors.
1.2The cnidarians:
Cnidarians are animals with radial symmetry. Most live in marine waters, although there are
freshwater species.
Cnidarians are sac-shaped. The gastrovascular cavity acts like a stomach and communicates
with the outside through an orifice. With acts as a mouth and anus.
Polyps live fixed to the substrate. It is shaped like a sack and its mouth is at the top.
Jellyfish live by floating in marine waters. Its body is shaped like an umbrella and its cnidarians
have cnidocytes in their tentacles to hunt.
2: The worms.
Within the term “worm” we include animals a very long and soft body without skeleton and
with bilateral symmetry. Which belong to different groups of invertebrates. These include
flatworm, nematodes and annelids.
2.1-Flatwormshave a flattened body, most of them are aquatic.
The tapeworm, they are parasites, they are formed by a head called the scolex and by hundreds
of flattened rings. They have a set of suction cups that they use to bold into the intestine. The
planaria are fragile and when they break the missing part regenerates.
2.2 Nematodes have a cylindrical body and thinner at its ends than in the center.
Most live in water and in damp soils, although the best known are parasites, such as intestinal
2.3-The annelids are formed by a succession of equal segments, in each of which some organs
are repeated for example, the excretors. Most annelids are aquatic, like the nereis or the
earthworm. The earthworm has a little hair called silks or quetas. It is hermaphrodite, breathe
through the skin ( cutaneous).
3: The mollusks:
Mollusks are aquatic or terrestrial invertebrates, with bilateral symmetry that in most of the
cases have a shell that protects them.
What are mollusks like- head, they have sensory organs to explore the environment.
Visceral mass. Where the internal organs are concentrated this visceral mass is covered by the
mantle. Muscular foot, which takes different forms in different groups, and is used to move, dig
or catch prey.
-main types off mollusks:
3.1. Gastropods
They are like land and water snails. Most have a spirally wound shell. they have a large,
muscular foot that they use to get around in.
Their mouths have and organ called the radula that they feed on, the terrestrial ones breathe with
the lungs and the aquatic ones through gills.
3.2. Bivalves.
They are likes mussels’ clams, or cockles, the shell is male up of two valves and is closed by
muscles. The priest-shaped foot serves to move and dig. They are aquatic and breathe through
gills, some have a look, by holding them to the rocks.
3.3 Cephalopods.
They are like octopus, squid or cuttlefish most lack a shell or have a small internal one. On the
head they have two eyes and tentacles around the mouth. They are aquatic and breathe through
the gills. It eats with what is called parrot’s beak, that is its mouth.
4. The Arthropods
Arthropods are invertebrates with bilateral symmetry their body is protected by a rigid shell the
exoskeleton and they are provided with articulated appendages.
4.1. How are Arthropods?
They can be divided into head thorax and abdomen. They can be divided into cephalothorax and
abdomen. They can be divided into head and trunk. They have simple eyes and compound eyes.
4.2. Types of respiration.
If they are marine, they breathe with gills and if they are terrestrial, they breathe with trachea.
4.3. Reproduction
They are oviparous there are two types of metamorphosis complete and incomplete.
Group to group.
Chelicerate arthropods have liceros mandibulate arthropods have jaws next to the mouth.
5.1 How are Arachnids
They are chelicerates. Its body is divided between cephalothorax and abdomen they have a pair
of appendages, called sticks. They have simple eyes.
5.2 How are the Crustaceans
They are mandibulate arthropods. His body is divided into cephalothorax and abdomen. Its
skeleton forms a hard sell. They have compound ayes.
5.3 How are the Myriapods
They are mandibulate arthropods. Its body is divided into head and trunk. The have simple eyes.
5.4 How are Insects
They are jawed arthropods, usually terrestrial. They can’t be herbivores, carnivores, scavengers,
or parasites. Body divided into head thorax and abdomen. The have one pair of antennae, three
pair of legs, and two pair of wings. They are the only invertebrates capable of flight. They have
two compound eyes and a variable number of simple eyes.
6. Echinoderms
They are organisms with radial symmetry exclusively marine.
As they are. They have different shapes, some are like urchins, starfish or holothurians. They do
not have a distinct head. They have a frame formed by plates and provided with spikes. They
are oviparous and develop through metamorphosis. They can regenerate. The ambulatory
system. The ambulacral system is made up of fluid-filled tubes with extensions called tube feet.
Some use them to capture food, move or breathe.
7. Invertebrates and people
There are two types of invertebrates, the beneficial ones (they provide us with raw materials or
food) and harmful (pests, diseases or bites).