Rheological Behavior of Crystallizing Palm Oil

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864 DOI 10.1002/ejlt.200600102 Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol.

108 (2006) 864–870

Veerle De Graef Rheological behavior of crystallizing palm oil

Koen Dewettinck
Dirk Verbeken
The static isothermal crystallization of palm oil was studied by oscillatory rheology. The
Imogen Foubert
phase angle, complex modulus, storage modulus and loss modulus were followed as a
Department of Food Safety function of the crystallization time. Various crystallization temperatures were applied,
and Food Quality, FTE, and the results obtained by oscillatory rheology were compared with crystallization
Faculty of Bioscience data obtained by more classical techniques like differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
Engineering, and pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance (pNMR). It was shown that oscillatory rheol-
Gent, Belgium ogy is a valuable complementary method to DSC and pNMR to evaluate primary
crystallization. Like DSC and pNMR, oscillatory rheology is capable of differentiating
whether crystallization occurs in a two-stage or a single-stage process. In addition,
oscillatory measurements also allow the evaluation of aggregation, network formation
and post-hardening events like sintering and thus provide information on the crystal
network and the final macroscopic properties of the crystallized sample.

Keywords: Rheology, crystallization, palm oil, microstructural development.

1 Introduction is formed, while a substantial amount of fat still has to

crystallize. This generally leads to sintering, i.e. the for-
A lot of food products contain a substantial amount of fat, mation of solid bridges between aggregated crystals and
of which a significant part is present in the crystallized aggregates [5]. The number, size and shape of the parti-
form. One of the main functions of fat in food products is cles and large clusters will define the microstructure,
its contribution to the structure of the product. Many of which will in turn determine the mechanical properties of
the sensory attributes such as spreadability, mouth feel, the fat [6].
snap of chocolate, texture etc. are dependent on the
mechanical strength of the underlying fat crystal network Palm oil is the most important source of edible oils and
[1–3]. fats in the world. A large proportion of palm oil is crystal-
lized to fractionate into the valuable fractions, mostly olein
The chemical composition (triacylglycerols and minor (liquid fraction) and stearin (solid fraction). The success of
components) and the processing conditions (combina- a particular fractionation process, in terms of final crystal
tion of time, temperature and shear) influence the pri- composition, structure and morphology, depends on the
mary crystallization behavior of fats. This primary crys- application of appropriate temperature and shear condi-
tallization behavior does not only include when and to tions to the melt. The main fatty acids in palm oil tria-
what extent the fat crystallizes, but also polymorphism, cylglycerols are myristic (M), palmitic (P), stearic (S),
polymorphic transitions and the morphology of the crys- oleic (O) and linoleic (L) acid. The four main triacylglycer-
Research Paper

tals formed. ols are POP and POO together constituting about 55%,
The fat crystal network is formed by the aggregation of followed by POL with 9% and PPP with 6%. Some varia-
fat crystals through van der Waals attraction [4, 5]. The bility may exist depending on origin and extraction con-
aggregation process continues until a continuous three- ditions [7, 8]. Upon cooling from the melt below certain
dimensional network is formed. Fat crystals already start temperatures, the first crystals appear in the metastable
to aggregate at low volume fractions of crystallized fat, a phase and have a high concentration of MMM, PPP,
forming voluminous aggregates, while nucleation and PPS, POS and POP. After that, palm oil undergoes a
crystal growth still go on [4]. A consequence of simulta- phase transition to form b’ crystallites that are particularly
neous crystallization and aggregation is that at a low stable over time, rather than forming b crystallites, while
fraction of crystallized fat already a continuous network incorporating more of the lower-melting component rich
in POO, PLP and SOO. The liquid phase is mostly PLO,
OOO, PLL and LOO [7, 9].
Correspondence: Veerle De Graef, Ghent University, Faculty of
Bioscience Engineering, Department of Food Safety and Food
In the past, several techniques have been used to study
Quality, FTE, Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Gent, Belgium. Phone:
132 9 2646198, Fax: 132 9 2646218, e-mail: Veerle.DeGraef@ primary crystallization of fats: differential scanning
UGent.be calorimetry (DSC), pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance

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Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 108 (2006) 864–870 Rheological behavior of crystallizing palm oil 865

(pNMR), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). These techniques, 2.2 Rheological oscillation measurements
however, do have their limitations. DSC can only be used
to investigate primary crystallization under static proces- Small deformation oscillatory experiments were performed
sing conditions, while pNMR does not allow online quan- on an AR2000 controlled stress rheometer (TA Instruments,
tification. To evaluate primary crystallization by means of Brussels, Belgium) using the starch pasting cell (SPC). This
XRD, synchrotron radiation is needed, which makes this SPC consists of a jacket mounted on the instrument, a
technique not suitable for everyday use. The primary removable cup and an impeller. A gap of 5500 mm is used,
crystallization process can also be followed by means of which is larger than that of plate-plate or concentric cylin-
viscosity changes as a function of time. Before crystal- der geometries and reduces the risk of clogging. This ge-
lization starts, the melt shows Newtonian behavior. With ometry also allows the performance of crystallization
the formation and growth of crystals, the viscosity experiments under shear. When shear is applied, the
increases almost linearly with the amount of crystals in impeller keeps the crystals in suspension, thus preventing
the suspension until it reaches a thermodynamic equilib- sedimentation. Heating is accomplished through the elec-
rium [10]. This technique has also been used by Loisel et trical elements placed within the jacket, concentrically to
al. [11], Toro-Vazquez et al. [12] and Chen et al. [13] to the cup. The sample is cooled using water carried in a heli-
follow the isothermal crystallization of refined palm oil, cal conduit in close proximity to the cup’s outer walls. The
chocolate and palm stearin, respectively. Toro-Vazquez et cooling water flow is controlled through the cooling control
al. [14, 15] recently used a rheological approach to inves- unit, which is placed upstream of the cup. Purge air is used
tigate the crystallization of cocoa butter under static as to displace the water from the conduit during heating. The
well as dynamic (shear applied) conditions. This tech- temperature is read by a Pt 100 probe in close thermal
nique has been widely applied in polymer science and contact with the bottom cup.
this for several decades. In fat crystallization, however, Oscillation measurements were conducted at a constant
oscillatory rheology it not generally accepted as a tool to frequency of 1 Hz and a strain of 4.50061023. This very
follow this process. low strain was chosen to make sure that at every stage in
the crystallization process measurements were per-
Concerning the microstructural development, many formed within the linear viscoelastic region and to disturb
authors limit their investigation to a qualitative follow-up the crystallization process as little as possible. The low
by means of polarized light microscopy or confocal laser frequency of 1 Hz was preferred in order to influence the
scanning microscopy [16, 17]. Kawamura [18] and Bru- crystallization as little as possible while maintaining
nello et al. [19] studied the microstructural development enough data points. Rheograms were obtained by plot-
on a quantitative basis via microscopy and rheology, ting the complex modulus (uG*u) and the phase angle (d) of
respectively. In the past, microstructure was almost the crystallizing sample as a function of the crystallization
exclusively investigated in terms of fractal dimensions time.
and only the final microstructure was taken into con-
sideration, while little attention was paid to the develop- The complex modulus G*u can be defined as the ratio of the
ment of microstructure [16, 19–21]. shear stress to the applied deformation and consists of a real
and an imaginary component, G’ and G”, respectively. G’ is
In this study, the different phases of the crystallization denoted as the elastic, storage or in-phase modulus and is a
(primary crystallization, microstructural development, measurement for the solid nature of the sample. On the
macroscopic properties) of palm oil under static iso- contrary, the viscous, loss or out-phase modulus G” is an
thermal conditions were evaluated with oscillatory rheol- indication for the fluid character of the viscoelastic system.
ogy. These results were compared with crystallization In a pure viscous system, such as a vegetable oil or com-
data obtained with DSC and pNMR to highlight the pletely melted palm oil, d equals 907. Once nucleation occurs
advantages of oscillatory rheology. and crystals start to grow, d starts to decrease as the solid
character of the crystallizing oil increases. This decrease can
be quite drastic. At a d above 457, the sample displays a
predominantly fluid character, while for values lower than
2 Materials and methods 457, the solid character prevails. Eventually, when the sys-
tem becomes fully crystallized, d approaches zero.
2.1 Substrate The melted sample was transferred into the cup and the
following temperature profile was applied:
Refined, bleached and deodorized palm oil of iodine
value 52.3 was obtained from Loders Croklaan (Wor- . keeping isothermally for 10 min at 70 7C to erase all
merveer, The Netherlands) and stored in the freezer. crystal memory;

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866 V. De Graef et al. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 108 (2006) 864–870

. cooling at 10 7C/min to the desired crystallization tem- to eliminate any thermal history. Then they were placed in
perature; a thermostatic water bath at the crystallization tempera-
ture. Readings of the amount of solid fat were taken at
. oscillatory time sweep at the achieved crystallization
appropriate time intervals and a separate tube was used
temperature (isothermal period).
for each measurement. The start of the isothermal period
Each analysis was executed in triplicate. was taken 1 min after transfer to the water bath. Each
analysis was executed in triplicate.

2.3 DSC

The isothermal crystallization experiments were per-

3 Results and discussion
formed on a Q1000 DSC with a Refrigerated Cooling
System (TA Instruments, Brussels, Belgium). The DSC
3.1 Static isothermal crystallization of palm oil
at 18 7C
was calibrated with indium (TA Instruments, Brussels,
Belgium), azobenzene (Sigma Aldrich, Bornem, Belgium) In Fig. 1, the phase angle d and the complex modulus uG*u
and undecane (Acros Organics, Geel, Belgium) prior to are plotted as a function of isothermal time for crystal-
analyses. Nitrogen was used to purge the system. Her- lization at 18 7C. Although measurements are executed in
metic aluminum pans were used with air as reference. The triplicate, this graph represents one exemplary curve as
following time-temperature protocol was applied: there is very little variation between the repetitions. When
. holding isothermal at 70 7C for 10 min to erase all looking at the evolution of the phase angle, it can be
crystal memory; noticed that at the start of the isothermal time d equals
907, indicating the liquid behavior of the sample. After
. cooling at 10 7C/min to the desired crystallization tem- 1.3 min, however, d starts to decrease to reach a plateau
perature; at 2.6 min isothermal time. At this stage the phase angle
has decreased to 717. This decrease indicates the forma-
. holding isothermal at the crystallization temperature
tion of a solid phase, thus reducing the liquid character of
until the end of the primary crystallization.
the sample. In the following 3 min, d does not vary. This
Each analysis was executed in triplicate. can be interpreted as a period in which no additional
crystallization takes place. After 5.6 min, a second de-
crease occurs, leading to a minimum d value of 237 at
2.4 pNMR 8.7 min isothermal time.

pNMR experiments were performed with a Minispec Toro-Vazquez et al. [14] attributed the evolution in phase
pc 20 (Bruker, Karlsruhe, Germany). Liquefied fat was angle, recorded during static cocoa butter crystallization,
transferred into pNMR tubes and held at 65 7C for 30 min to crystallization in different polymorphic forms. Applied

Fig. 1. Phase angle and complex

modulus of isothermal crystal-
lization of palm oil at 18 7C.

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Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 108 (2006) 864–870 Rheological behavior of crystallizing palm oil 867

to the phase angle curve for palm oil crystallization, this less energy dissipation during deformation. A possible
would lead to the following hypothesis. During the first explanation for a maximum in G” can be a gradual change
step, a crystals are formed as the phase angle decreases in the type of interaction. During the initial stage of crys-
from 907 to 717, which are converted via a solid phase tallization, the crystals are attracted to each other by van
transformation into b’ crystals when the phase angle is der Waals forces. These bonds may exhibit considerable
stable at 717. The subsequent decrease in phase angle relaxation and therefore cause energy dissipation. If these
from 717 to 237 and the following peak might then be bonds become sintered due to ongoing crystallization or
caused by b’ crystal formation directly from the melt. This recrystallization, much less energy relaxation will occur,
polymorphic transition hypothesis was worked out by resulting in a decrease of the loss modulus [5].
Mazzanti et al. [22] based on time-resolved X-ray data for
palm oil crystallization at 17 and 22 7C and various shear
rates and without shear. In the literature [13, 20], there is 3.2 Static isothermal crystallization of palm oil
no agreement on the critical temperature above which at 25 7C
primary crystallization occurs in one step. Differences in
For crystallization at 25 7C, the phase angle and complex
critical temperature can be explained by the variations
modulus show a slightly different evolution, as shown in
that can occur in palm oil composition caused by
Fig. 2. At about 28 min isothermal time, the phase angle
seasonal variations, origin and refining.
decreases from 907 to 247 in 15 min. Afterwards, the phase
The second decrease in phase angle is immediately fol- angle shows a slightly increasing trend, probably due to
lowed by a sharp increase, so that at 15 min an inter- rearrangements in the network structure. At the same
mediate maximum d value of 397 is attained. It is hypo- time scale, the complex modulus increases from 0.5 Pa to
thesized that during the decrease from 717 to 237 most of 400 Pa, indicating crystal growth and formation of a pri-
the liquid material crystallizes, thereby releasing a con- mary network. The complex modulus further continues to
siderable amount of crystallization heat. This crystal- increase so that at 1000 min the complex modulus almost
lization heat cannot be removed immediately, causing a equals 10,000 Pa. This straightforward behavior suggests
temporary temperature rise. This temperature rise can that at 25 7C the crystallization of palm oil is a single-
locally cause crystals to melt, thereby loosening the net- stage process. The storage and loss moduli curves are
work structure and thus leading to an increase in phase similar compared to the complex modulus curve.
angle. Due to ongoing crystallization and aggregation, the The larger induction time for crystallization can be
phase angle decreases slowly to reach a final value of 1.57 explained by the decrease in driving force for nucleation
after more than 15 h. compared to 18 7C, due to lower supercooling. Also,
Also presented in Fig. 1 is the complex modulus. The since at 25 7C no a phase is developed and no a-to-b’
changes in the complex modulus correspond with the transition occurs, b’ nucleation takes longer because the
timescale of the variations in phase angle. At 1.3 min, uG*u only mechanism possible is direct crystallization from the
has a value of 0.83 Pa. A first sigmoidal increase till melt.
5.6 min leads to a value of about 10 Pa, which corre-
sponds with the first step of the primary crystallization
3.3 Comparison of oscillatory rheology with
process: formation of á crystals from the melt. This small
DSC and pNMR
increase is followed by a more drastic one from 10 Pa to
50,000 Pa. This drastic increase is related to the poly- In the next paragraphs, oscillatory rheology data are
morphic transition of a to b’ crystals and to the formation compared with DSC and pNMR results for the static iso-
of b’ crystals from the melt. An increasing trend is main- thermal crystallization of palm oil at 18 7C. It must be kept
tained up to 15 h isothermal time, when uG*u equals in mind that, when using different equipment to follow
360,000 Pa. This may be due to further strengthening of crystallization, comparison between results must be done
the network due to ongoing crystallization and recrys- with caution. Differences in sample weight or volume,
tallization or aggregation. equipment design and its impact on the thermodynamics
of the system, and heat and mass transfer conditions
The storage modulus G’ follows the same pattern as the
existing in each measurement device, may affect crystal-
complex modulus. The loss modulus G” initially displays
lization to a different extent.
the same pattern as G’, but reaches a maximum at a cer-
tain stage, while G’ further increases. The decrease in G” Fig. 3 presents an overlay of the heat flux recorded by
is expected as G” is related to the phase angle, which DSC and the phase angle recorded by oscillatory rheol-
approaches zero (1.57 at 15 h isothermal time). According ogy. The global time on the X-axis represents the total
to Kloek [5], the decrease of G” will be due to relatively time of the analysis, including conditioning at 70 7C to

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868 V. De Graef et al. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 108 (2006) 864–870

Fig. 2. Wall temperature of the

starch cell during the cooling
step from 70 to 18 7C at 10 7C/
min and the subsequent iso-
thermal step.

Fig. 3. Wall temperature and sample

temperature during the cooling step
from 70 to 25 7C at 10 7C/min and
the subsequent isothermal step.

erase all crystal memory and the subsequent cooling curve, which indicates that most probably the same
stage (from 70 to 18 7C at 10 7C/min). The isothermal events are recorded. However, some important differ-
period starts at 15 min global time. It can be derived from ences can be noticed. DSC is only capable of measuring
the graph that the measured heat flux displays two exo- primary crystallization, as can be seen in Fig. 3: The heat
thermic peaks, of which the first one coincides with the flux does not change anymore beyond 45 min. The phase
equilibration step. The exothermic DSC peaks corre- angle, however, still changes beyond 45 min, which could
spond with heat changes due to crystallization of the be an indication of structural rearrangements. The
sample. The first peak indicates the formation of the changes in phase angle beyond 45 min may be inter-
a phase, while the second peak is related to the poly- preted as changes in microstructural arrangement due to,
morphic transition of a to b’ crystals and the formation of e.g., post-hardening effects such as sintering and Ost-
b’ crystals from the melt. What is important in this graph is wald ripening. Oscillatory rheology may thus also provide
that the two exothermic peaks in the heat flux curve more information on the second step of the crystallization pro-
or less coincide with the two steps in the phase angle cess, namely the microstructural development.

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Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 108 (2006) 864–870 Rheological behavior of crystallizing palm oil 869

Marangoni and his group demonstrated that equal solid the whole measurement. This could be explained by a
fat contents do not necessarily lead to equal macroscopic further crystallization of the network and may be related to
properties such as hardness. In studies on factors affect- the increase in complex modulus (Fig. 1).
ing the hardness and spreadability of chemically and
enzymatically interesterified milk fat [23–25], palm oil, Walstra [29] already pointed out that ongoing crystal-
lard, cocoa butter, Salatrim™ and tallow [24–27] blended lization and particularly recrystallization cause a growing
with canola oil, it was demonstrated that although the together or sintering of the flocculated crystals, thereby
polymorphic nature and the solid fat content of the inter- greatly enhancing the strength of the bonds in the net-
esterified and non-interesterified fat system-canola oil work, as can be seen by an increase of the elastic mod-
blends were essentially the same, the rheological proper- ulus. A specific study was done by Johansson and Ber-
ties were very different. These results implicated that the genståhl [30], who made dispersions of crystals of pure
mechanical strength of fat crystal networks is not only triacylglycerols in oil. These aggregated to form a net-
determined by the solid fat content but also by the work, but did not show significant sintering. They also
microstructure. Singh et al. [28] reached the same con- studied the effect of adding small amounts of crystal-
clusion based on their experiments on enzymatically lizable triacylglycerol mixtures. These mixtures were
interesterified hydrogenated palm oil and partially hydro- found to cause considerable sintering, as measured for
genated palm oil. Their results suggested that the instance by an increase in storage modulus. Sintering
dynamics of structure formation are a key factor in influ- occurred if the newly added triacylglycerols crystallized in
encing macroscopic properties of palm oil-based fats. the same polymorph and if the melting point of the solu-
Furthermore, DSC is only capable of measuring primary tion was below that of the original crystals. Sintering can
crystallization under static crystallization conditions, already occur at a very early stage.
while oscillatory rheology can also be used to follow the
whole crystallization process under stirred process con- It was demonstrated that oscillatory rheology is a valu-
ditions and this with one single geometry. able complementary method to DSC and pNMR to
measure primary crystallization under static processing
The crystallization curve obtained by pNMR is compared conditions. Like DSC and pNMR, oscillatory rheology was
with the phase angle curve in Fig. 4. The pNMR curve found to be capable of differentiating whether crystal-
represents the average of three measurements. The lization occurs in a two-stage or a single-stage process.
pNMR data lead to the same conclusion as the DSC Furthermore, oscillatory rheology offers the advantage
results: Primary crystallization of palm oil at 18 7C occurs that primary crystallization, microstructural development
in two steps. As for the DSC results, the two steps in the and macroscopic properties can be evaluated by a single
pNMR data also coincide more or less with the steps analysis. The more classically used techniques like pNMR
visible in the phase angle curve. In contrast to DSC, the and DSC do not provide any information on aggregation
pNMR data show a slightly increasing trend throughout or the crystal network formed. This article only focuses on

Fig. 4. Overlay of the solid fat con-

tent recorded by pNMR [m] and the
phase angle recorded by oscillatory
rheology [n] during isothermal palm
oil crystallization at 18 7C.

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870 V. De Graef et al. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 108 (2006) 864–870

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