Math Olympics Information Booklet

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Instructions to the multiple choice


1. Number your questions 1-20.

2. Use Arial font size 12 and Equation Editor or Math Type to write the
problems to ensure the correct usage of mathematical symbols.
3. Use only a, b, c, and d as the answer choices for each question.
4. Do not use as answers “all of the above” or “none of the above”
5. Make sure to revise the correct answer is provided as one of the choices of
each question.
6. Use the appropriate math vocabulary for each category.
7. Make each question considering different content from the topics list.
8. Save each 20 multiple choice category questions with the name of each
category and the school’s name: “ Geometry AST”, Algebra I AST”

Remember each question must be part of the topics list provided for each
category. (See Topic List attached)

The difficulty level of a question will not be considered as criteria for

dismissing a question.
Math Olympics Rules and
Regulations (taken from the ABSH
Members Handbook)
Brief Description

The objective of this activity is to promote the interest of students

and schools in the different areas of mathematics covered in the
high school curriculum; this would be achieved by means of
celebrating a Math Olympics competition on a yearly basis.
In this competition each participating school can participate with
one team of up to three students to answer a 20 multiple-choice
question exam in each of the seven categories described below:

• Basic Math students from 7th grade
• Pre-Algebra students from 8th grade
• Algebra I students from 9th grade
• Algebra II students from 10th or 11th grade
• Geometry students from 9th, 10th or 11th grade
• Trigonometry students from 11th or 12th grade
• Pre-Calculus students from 11th or 12th grade

Students must take the exam corresponding to the course they

are enrolled during the current school year.

The Algebra II, Geometry, Trigonometry and Pre-Calculus

participants are allowed to use calculators up the TI-89 or
equivalent in other brands. The Basic Math, Pre-Algebra, and
Algebra I participants are NOT allowed to use calculators at all.


Students are eligible to participate if:

1. The school has paid the annual membership fees of the
Association. If a school participates and has not paid these
fees, its participation shall be nullified by the ABSH on this
particular tournament.
2. The student in dully registered in the respective school on
the day when the competition takes place.


a. Each institution must notify the participation of its teams no

later than April 29
Notification must be sent via fax, mail or internet and must
include the following:
I. Letterhead of the participating school
II. Number of participating students per category and
accompanying teachers.
III. Signed and sealed by the OFFICIAL OFFICE IN THE

b. Each institution must register their participating students and

accompanying teachers no later than April 28, 2011.
Registration must be sent via fax, mail or internet and must
include the following:
IV. Letterhead of the participating school
V. Complete name of students, specifying the grade and
the category on which they are participating
VI. Complete name of teachers, specifying if they are Math
Coach(es) or accompanying personnel.
VII. Signed and sealed by the OFFICIAL OFFICE INTHE

c. A total of four students can be registered per category and

be present at the event, although only up to three of them
are able to answer the exam. The fourth member is
considered a backup student.

d. Each school must pay a registration fee of L. 300.00 for

registering the school and L.50.00 per participating student.

e. All schools that register for the event and do not show up
will incur in a monetary fine.
Competition and Regulations

a. There will be a Math Coaches meeting on May 13 to clear

up any last minute details and pay registration fees.

b. If a school is not represented during the meeting, it agrees

to abide by ALL the decisions taken by the represented

c. All Math Coaches will help grade the exams.

d. The Host School will provide proctors to monitor the taking

of the exam. Each participating school is free to provide
additional proctors if they desire to do so.
e. It is each school’s decision if they participate with one, two,
or most three students per category.

f. All students should be uniformed in a manner that the

school they belong to can be identified; the school’s daily
uniform or event t-shirt.

g. The event will be taking place in the following schedule:

• Exam Revision 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

• Student`s Arrival 9:40 a.m.

• Opening Ceremony 10:00 a.m. to

10:30 a.m.
• Exams 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

• Student’s Activity –Exam Checking 12:00 p.m. to 1:30

• Lunch 1:30 p.m. to 2:00
• Award and Closing Ceremony 2:00 p.m.
All students are required to be at the hosting school at 9:40
a.m. on the day of the event. If for any circumstance
students need to arrive earlier; the host school will provide a
study area where they will be required to wait.

h. The exam will begin at 10:30 a.m. in different classrooms of

the host school and it will last one hour and thirty minutes.

i. The award ceremony will take place at 2:00 p.m. Awards

handed will consist of special diplomas as described below:

SUPERIOR PERFECT SCORE 20 correct answers
SUPERIOR 17 to 19 correct answers
EXCELLENT 14 to 16 correct answers
VERY GOOD 11 to 13 correct answers
PARTICIPATION 0 to 10 correct answers

The score will not be publicly announced.

There will be a diploma of participation for every participating
student, teacher and school.

a. The proctor must remain inside the classrooms during the
b. Proctors must make sure the there is NO talking among the
different teams and discussion among team members is done in a
quiet manner.

c. Proctors are NOT allowed to assist students during the exam.

d. They should verify that calculators are according to rules.

The exams for the Math Olympics are going to be generated in
the following way:
a. Each school participating will bring a complete 20 multiple-
choice question with answers exam for each participating
category. Exams will be saved in a USB or CD, typed in
Microsoft Word 2009, Arial font size 12 using Equation Editor or
Math Type to write the problems to ensure the correct usage of
mathematical symbols.

b. The exams must try to include all the topics, therefore no

two questions in the exam should be from the same topic from
the topic list.

c. On the day of the exam, Math Coaches will be assigned in

groups of three to randomly generate the final exam for the
competition. The questions will be selected randomly from the
questions data bank.

d. There are two criteria that will be taken place to accept a


a. Is it in the topic list?

b. Is the question or topic repeated?

e. The difficulty level WILL NOT BE considered as a criteria for

dismissing a question.
f. A simple majority in the group of three is enough to accept
or reject a question.

g. If a school agrees to bring an exam for a category and does

not do so, their students will be disqualified in that category.
Topics List

Basic Math
A. Problem Solving
B. Order of Operations
C. Evaluating Expressions
D. Powers and Exponents
E. Equations
One step equations
Multi-step equations
F. Inequalities
One step inequalities
Multi-step inequalities
G. Decimals
H. Divisibility

I. Integers
J. Fractions

A. Problem Solving
B. Order of Operations
C. Variables and Expressions
D. Solve equations and inequalities
One step equations
Two step equations
With variables on both sides
E. Integers

F. Factors
Rules of exponents
Prime Factorization
Negative Exponents
G. Rational Numbers
H. Functions
Relations and Functions
Graphing Linear Equations
Systems of Equations
Graphing Inequalities
I. Ratios
Ratio and Proportion
Fractions, Decimals and Percents

Algebra I

A. Rational Numbers
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division

B. Equations

One step equations

Multi -step equations variable on both sides

C. Ratio and Proportion

The Coordinate Plane Relations

Graphing Linear Equations

D. Expressions

Order of Operations

E. Linear Equations

Writing Linear Equations
Point-Slope Form
Slope-Intercept Form
Standard Equation of a Line
Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

F. Linear Inequalities

Solving Inequalities
Four Basic Operations
Multi-step inequalities
Involving Absolute Value
Graphing Inequalities in Two Variables

G. Factorization

Perfect Square
Difference of Squares

H. Polynomials

Adding, subtracting, multiplying

Dividing polynomials by monomials
Dividing polynomials by binomials
I. Systems of Linear Equations

Linear Combination

Algebra II

A. Real Numbers and Equations

The set of real numbers

Operations with Real Numbers
Variables and Expressions
Properties of Real Numbers
Solving Equations in one variable
Translating word sentences into equations
Problem Solving

B. Equations and Inequalities

Literal equations and formulas

Solving inequalities in one variable
Conjunctions and Disjunctions
Solving compound sentences with inequalities
Problem solving strategy: make a table or drawing
Absolute value equations
Absolute value inequalities
Problem solving using equations and inequalities

C. Functions and Graphs

The coordinate plane

Relations and functions
Graphing Equations
Composition of Functions
Inverse Functions
The slope of a line
Parallel and Perpendicular lines
Equations of a Line
Problem solving strategy: Use coordinate geometry

D. Linear systems of equations and inequalities in two variables

Direct variation
Problem solving strategy: Draw a graph
Solving linear systems using graphs
Solving systems by the substitution method
The elimination method
Problem solving: Using linear systems of equations
Solving linear systems of inequalities
Problem solving: Linear programming

E. Quadratic Functions

Graphing Quadratic Functions

The Quadratic Formula
Problem solving with quadratic equations
The Discriminant
The sum and product of roots
Solving equations in quadratic form
Solving quadratic inequalities

F. Matrices and Determinants

Special Matrices
Matrix addition
Matrix multiplication
Problem solving with matrices
Solving systems of equations in three or more variables by the elimination and
Gauss-Jordan methods
Inverse matrices
Determinants and Cramer’s rule for systems of n equations in n variables
Word problems: systems of n equations in n variables

G. Polynomials

Exponents and Monomials

Polynomials: Classification, addition, and subtraction, multiplication
Advanced problems on factoring polynomials completely
Solving polynomial equations
Problem solving: using polynomial equations

H. Rational Expressions

Negative exponents and scientific notation

Simplifying rational expressions
Adding and subtracting rational expressions
Solving rational equations
Problem solving: using rational equations

I. Irrational and Complex Numbers

Roots and radicals

Adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing radicals
Solving equations with radicals
Distance and midpoint formulas
Imaginary numbers
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of complex numbers


A. Points, Lines and Planes

Points (set of points, space, collinear, coplanar)


B. Measuring Segments

Segment Addition Postulate

Distance between points
Bisector of congruent segments

C. Angles and their measure

Angles and their measure

Classification of angles
Angle bisectors
Congruent, vertical and complementary and supplementary angles

D. Reasoning and Proof

Inductive reasoning
Deductive reasoning
Writing two-column proofs
Verify angle and segment relationships

E. Perpendicular and Parallel Lines

Parallel lines and transversals

Angles and parallel lines
Proving lines parallel
F. Congruent triangles

Classifying triangles
Measuring and finding angles of triangles
Congruent triangles
Proving triangles congruent by ASA, SAS, SSS, HL, and AAS
Analyzing isosceles triangles

G. Applications of Right Triangles

Special segments in triangles

Right triangles
The Pythagorean Theorem
Geometric mean
Special right triangles
Ratios in right triangles
Angles of elevation and depression
Using the law of sines and cosines

H. Quadrilaterals

Proving parallelograms

I. Proportion and Similarity

Using Ratios and Proportions

Similar polygons
Parallel lines and proportional parts of similar triangles

J. Circles

Parts of a Circle
Measure and length of arc
Properties of angles and arcs
Inscribed angles
Secants, tangents and angle measures
Special segments on circles
Area for circles and regular polygons
Volume of polyhedrons: regular prism, spheres, cylinders, pyramids, and cones


A. Introduction to trigonometric functions

Angles in the coordinate plane
Angle measures in degree and radians
Applications: angular and linear velocity
Circular functions
The trigonometric functions
Functions of special and quadrant angles
Evaluating expressions that contain trigonometric functions
The fundamental trigonometric identities
Proving elementary trigonometric identities

B. Graphs and Inverses of the Trigonometric Functions

Graphs of the sine, cosecant, cosine, secant, tangent and cotangent
Period, frequency, amplitude and phase shift

Graphical behavior of the f ( x) = a sin b( x + c) + d , f ( x) = a cos( x + c) + d

and f ( x ) = a tan b( x + c) + d functions

The inverse trigonometric functions: their properties and graphical

Modeling: Simple Harmonic Motion

C. Trigonometric Identities and Equations

Sum and difference identities
Double angle and half angle identities
Product/Sum identities
Proving advanced trigonometric identities by algebraic manipulations
Verifying advanced trigonometric identities by the graphical method
Solving trigonometric equations

D. Applications of Trigonometry

Solving tight triangles

Solving triangles by the Law of Sines

Solving triangles by the Law of Cosines

Applications to geometry: navigation, sports, aviation, physics and surveying


A. Introduction to Functions and their graphs

Relations and functions
Algebra of functions
Inverse functions
Absolute value, greatest integer, and piecewise functions
Reflections and transformations
Functions as mathematical models of real world situations: modeling and
solving word problems
Linear functions: their graphs, different forms of linear equations, parallel
and perpendicular lines, the midpoint and distance formulas, distance from a
point to a line, coordinate proofs, modeling and solving real world situations
with linear functions
Quadratic functions: their graphical behavior, solving quadratic equations,
modeling and solving real world situations with quadratic equations

B. Polynomial functions
Synthetic division and the remainder and factor theorems
Graphs of polynomial functions: zeros, relative extrema, inflection points,
area between the graph and the x-axis, distance between any two points on
the curve, arc length between any two points on the curve, tangent line to
any point on the curve
Integral and rational zeros
The fundamental theorem of algebra and its corollaries
Factorizing completely a polynomial over the field of complex numbers
Descartes’ Rule, the Intermediate value theorem; and the sum and product
of zeros
Rational functions: their graphical behavior; domain and range; vertical,
horizontal and oblique asymptotes
Radical functions: their graphical behavior; domain and range; vertical,
horizontal and oblique asymptotes
Modeling and solving real world situations with polynomial, rational and
radical functions

C. Matrices and Linear Systems of Equations and Inequalities

Different types of matrices: rectangular, square, column, row, symmetric,
skew-symmetric, identity, diagonal, null, upper triangular, lower triangular
Addition, subtraction and multiplication of matrices
The inverse matrix of a square matrix
Solving a system of n equations in n variables by the inverse matrix method
The determinant of 2 x 2, 3 x 3, and n x n matrices
Cramer’s rule to solve a system of n equations in n variables

D. Exponential and Logarithmic functions

Rational exponents
Exponential functions and their graphical behavior
Logarithmic functions and their graphical behavior
Properties of logarithms
Evaluating expressions that contain logarithms (in any base) and
Solving logarithmic equations in any base
Solving exponential equations
Exponential growth and decay models
Modeling and solving other real world situations with logarithmic and
exponential functions
Theorems on the differentiation to algebraic, trigonometric, exponential
and logarithmic functions

E. Conics
The circle: its standard form and applications
The parabola: its standard form and applications
The ellipse: its standard form and applications
The hyperbola: its standard form and applications

F. Limits
Graphical introduction to limits of functions
One sided limits
Intuitive definition of the limit
Theorems on limits and their applications
Infinite limits
Limits at infinity
Limits involving trigonometric functions
Continuity of a function at a point
Continuity of a function at an interval

G. Introduction to Differential Calculus

Definition of the derivative of a function
Participating Schools

Academia Americana Freedom High School

Academia Los Pinares International School of Tegucigalpa

Centro Escolar Aldebaran La Estancia School

Centro Escolar Antares Liceo Bilingue Centroamericano

Ágape Christian School Macris School

Del Campo International School Mayan School

Discovery School Sacred Heart Academy

El Alba Bilingual School Santa Teresa Bilingual School

Episcopal El Buen Pastor Palmeras Bilingual School

Escuela Bilingüe Mesoamericana Progreso International School

Escuela Internacional SPS Seran

American School of Tegucigalpa

Friday May 13
Math Coaches Meeting 5:00pm AST High School Library

Saturday May 14

Exams 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. HS Computer Lab B

MS Computer Lab
–Elaboration and Revision***

Student`s Arrival 9:40 a.m. GYM

Opening Ceremony 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. GYM

Testing 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. MS and HS


Student’s Activity 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. GYM

–Exam Checking

Lunch 1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Cafeteria

Award and Closing Ceremony 2:00 p.m. GYM

***Coaches assigned to exam elaboration and revision are required to be in school at

6:45 am.
Invited Schools
Teachers´ Participation
Exam Elaboration

The following teachers will elaborate the tests used in the competition:

Category School

Basic Math

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

Pre- Algebra

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

Algebra I

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

Algebra II
______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________


______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________


______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________


______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

Exam Revision

The following teachers will revise and check the test elaborated for the
competition and its grading key:

Category School

Basic Math

______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

Pre- Algebra

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

Algebra I

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

Algebra II

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________


______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________


______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

The following teachers will participate as proctors:

Basic Math

AST Staff Member Participating School Proctor Rm#

Iris Borjas ____________________________ HS#51

Raquel Molina ____________________________ HS#52

Sarah Willet ____________________________ HS#53


Nirmala Chennamsetty ____________________________ HS#54

Guisela Flores ____________________________ HS#55

Karen Hesse ____________________________ HS#56

Algebra I

Carolina Martinez ____________________________ HS#57

Elsa Dougherty ____________________________ HS#58

Dulce Lopez ____________________________ HS#59

Algebra II

Michelle Simon ____________________________ HS#62

Keely Wrzensinski ____________________________ HS#63

Justa Corea ____________________________ MS#18

Mollie Davis ____________________________ MS#1

Collin Roberts ____________________________ MS#3

Eric Lofchie ____________________________ MS#4


Steven McDowell ____________________________ MS#5

Rachel Bonilla ____________________________ MS#12

Blake Dickson ____________________________ MS#14


Chuck Pawlik ____________________________ MS#6

Brian Dougherty ____________________________ MS#11

Room Distribution

High School Building

Basic Math Room #51 Room #52 Room#53

Centro Escolar Antares El Alba Bilingual School Palmeras Bilingual School

Centro Escolar Aldebaran Episcopal El Buen Pastor Freedom High School
Macris School Seran Sacred Heart Academy
La Estancia School International School Tegucigalpa Escuela Internacional SPS
Del Campo International Discovery School American School
Academia Americana Liceo Bilingue Centroamericano Mayan School
Agape Christian School Progreso Bilingual School

Pre-Algebra Room #54 Room #55 Room #56

Centro Escolar Antares Seran American School

El Alba Bilingual School Sacred Heart Academy Academia Americana
Palmeras Bilingual School La Estancia School Liceo Bilingue Centroamericano
Centro Escolar Aldebaran International School Tegucigalpa Agape Christian School
Episcopal El Buen Pastor Escuela Internacional SPS Progreso Bilingual School
Freedom High School Del Campo International School Academia Los Pinares
Macris School Discovery School Escuela Bilingue Mesoamericana
Mayan School Santa Teresa Bilingual School
Algebra I Room #57 Room #58 Room#59

Macris School Escuela Internacional SPS Liceo Bilingue Centroamericano

Discovery School Progreso Bilingual School El Alba Bilingual School
Escuela Bilingue Mesoamericana Centro Escolar Aldebaran Sacred Heart Academy
Freedom High School International School Tegucigalpa Academia Americana
Del Campo International School Agape Christian School Centro Escolar Antares
Academia Los Pinares Palmeras Bilingual School Seran
Episcopal El Buen Pastor La Estancia School American School of Tegucigalpa
Santa Teresa Bilingual School Mayan School

High School Building Middle School Building

Algebra II Room #62 Room #63 Room #18

Centro Escolar Antares Episcopal El Buen Pastor Palmeras Bilingual School

Centro Escolar Aldebaran Seran Freedom High School
Macris School International School Tegucigalpa Sacred Heart Academy
La Estancia School Academia Los Pinares Escuela Internacional SPS
Academia Americana Escuela Bilingue Mesoamericana American School of Tegucigalpa
Agape Christian School El Alba Bilingual School Mayan School
Middle School Building

Geometry Room #1 Room #3 Room #4

Centro Escolar Antares Centro Escolar Aldebaran Macris School

La Estancia School Del Campo International School Academia Americana
Agape Christian School El Alba Bilingual School Episcopal El Buen Pastor
Seran International School Tegucigalpa Discovery School
Liceo Bilingue Centroamericano Academia Los Pinares Palmeras Bilingual School
Freedom High School Sacred Heart Academy Escuela Internacional SPS
American School of Tegucigalpa Santa Teresa Bilingual School Mayan School

Pre-Calculus Room #5 Room#12 Room#14

Macris School Centro Escolar Antares La Estancia School

Academia Americana El Alba Bilingual School Seran
International School Tegucigalpa Discovery School Academia Los Pinares.
Escuela Bilingue Mesoamericana Palmeras Bilingual School Freedom High School
Sacred Heart Academy Escuela Internacional SPS American School of Tegucigalpa
Santa Teresa Bilingual School Mayan School

Trigonometry Room #6 Room #11

La Estancia School Centro Escolar Antares
Academia Americana Seran
International School Tegucigalpa Freedom High School
Sacred Heart Academy American School of Tegucigalpa
Macris School Palmeras Bilingual School
El Alba Bilingual School Escuela Internacional SPS

School Basic Math Pre- Algebra I Algebra II Geometry Pre- Trigonometry

Algebra Calculus

Academia Los

Centro Escolar

Centro Escolar

Ágape Christian

Del Campo
El Alba Bilingual

Episcopal El
Buen Pastor

Escuela Bilingüe
Freedom High

School of
La Estancia

Macris School

Liceo Bilingüe

Mayan School
Sacred Heart

Santa Teresa
Bilingual School

Bilingual School


American School
of Tegucigalpa

***The following document can be also accessed at: www.

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