It is our genuine gratefulness and warmest regard that we dedicate this work
to our beloved parents and our respected supervisor, as they were the driv-
ing force throughout in our final year project that lead us to this success.
We devote this work with deepest gratitude to our parents, family and our
respected supervisor who taught us that the best kind of knowledge to have
is that which is learned for its own sake and that even the largest task can
be accomplished if it is done one step at a time. We would also like to thank
our faculty and our companions who help us throughout this work.
Certificate of Originality
I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and to the best of
my knowledge it contains no materials previously published or written by
another person, nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted
for the award of any degree or diploma at The University of Faisalabad or
at any other educational institute, except where due acknowledgment has
been made in the thesis. Any contribution made to the research by others,
with whom I have worked at The University of Faisalabad or elsewhere, is
explicitly acknowledged in the thesis.
I also declare that the intellectual content of this thesis is the product
of my own work, except for the assistance from others in the project’s de-
sign and conception or in style, presentation and linguistics which has been
First of all we are very thankful to ALLAH Almighty who helped us and
gave us a will to complete our project in a best proper way.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background:............................................................................................1
1.2 Motivation:.............................................................................................2
1.3 Types of Fault:.................................................................................2
1.3.1 Open Circuit Fault:............................................................3
1.3.2 Short Circuit Fault:............................................................3
1.3.3 Earth Fault:.......................................................................4
1.4 Problem Statement:...............................................................................5
1.5 Project Objective:............................................................................6
1.6 Tools used for design and analysis:................................................6
1.6.1 PROTEUS:.....................................................................6
1.6.2 MATLAB:......................................................................6
1.6.3 ARDUINO:..........................................................................6
2 Review of Literature 7
2.1 Faults Detection Underground Cables:...........................................7
2.2 Disadvantages of Existing Techniques:............................................7
2.2.1 Thumping:............................................................................7
2.2.2 Transmitter and receiver method:............................................8
2.2.3 Time domain reflectometry:.....................................................8
2.2.4 Sectionalizing:............................................................................9
2.3 Disadvantages of Existing Techniques :..........................................9
3 Hardware 10
3.1 Proposed System:.................................................................................10
3.2 Flow Chart:.................................................................................11
3.3 Internet of Things:.........................................................................12
3.3.1 Interface with Mobile APPLICATION:.............................12
3.3.2 Blynk Application:..............................................................12
3.3.3 Hardware Platforms:..........................................................13
3.3.4 Connection Types:..............................................................14
5 Conclusion 31
5.1 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
A Programming Code 33
List of Figures
Chapter 1
1.1 Background:
Generally, while fault happens on transmission traces, detecting fault is es-
sential for electricity machine to clean fault before it will increase the harm
to the electrical device. The underground cable machine is extra reliable
than an overhead machine, however, it’s far tough to locate the precise
place of fault in Underground cables. If such fault is not placed at time then
it’ll be unstoppable and will completely harm the complete energy device,
as un- derground cables are a great deal high-priced than overhead cables.
1.2 Motivation:
Underground cables fault is not in commonplace. Overhead line faults are
bodily observable and smooth to discover the faulty line but in case of
under- ground cable there is no such variables to find fault. However,
cables may be effortlessly broken with the aid of incorrect set up or poorly
achieved jointing, even as subsequent third-celebration harm through civil
works together with trenching or cut back edging. To perform
uninterrupted energy to deliver end a machine have to be growing to find
out the exact segment region of defective line and clear the fault.
When the fault occurs the conductors of the cable becomes apart forming
the grounds for open circuit fault. The voltages will reach to infinity and no
current will flow through the cable.
1.6.1 PROTEUS:
This is the main software that we have used to design our real circuit, we
also used this to improve efficiency of our design. We mimicked the buck
converter till we got our ideal values. Then we implemented that design
1.6.2 MATLAB:
This software is used to determine the prior values of proportional, integral
and differential gains by using different techniques of PID controller. We
used these values to tune PID controller in the MATLAB.
1.6.3 ARDUINO:
To verify output as well as input of a microcontroller we used serial mon-
itor. The terminal voltages as well as PWM are tracked and supervised.
Microcontroller is also used to display the voltages value on LCD.
Chapter 2
Review of Literature
Overhead transmission cables are costly but fault detection is much easier
than that of the underground cable system. It is not convenient to pull all
the cable all the way log and then check for faults which is also a time
consuming and not a healthy approach to follow. The venture therefore is
to discover fault detection techniques that are a great deal much less
The first one is that these voltages could be excessive for the test purpose
when low medium testing is to be conducted. Even surge generators are also
available commercially [2].
Secondly, some other methods are there too with much better results and
this method couldn’t be implemented for long distances.
The information required for the exact location of the fault are
maximum distance displayed on TDR screen and velocity of the propagated
signal as described in fig. 2.1.
For instance, on a 500-ft period, you may reduce the cable into 250-toes
sections and degree every way with an ohmmeter or excessive-voltage in-
sulation resistance (IR) tester. The faulty segment suggests a decrease IR
than the best segment. You would possibly repeat this ”divide and triumph
over” way until conducting a quick sufficient phase of cable to permit re-
store of the fault. This onerous manner commonly includes repeated cable
excavation [6, 7].
The fig. 3.1 shows us the system having transmission line with a pro-
tection and alarming setup. For protection we have relays setup and for
alarming we have LCD and WIFI module for communication in case of fault
we have sensors to detect the fault and alarm us.
The formation of IoT system based upon three layers: the network layer,
the perception layer, and the utility layer as demonstrated in Figure 1.3.
The belief layer consists of a set of Internet-enabled devices which can
percept, locate gadgets, accumulate systems facts, and trade facts with
exceptional devices through the Internet communique networks. Sensors,
Global Posi- tioning Systems (GPS), cameras, and Radio Frequency
Identification Devices (RFID) are examples of gadgets that exist at
perception layer. The commu- nity layer is responsible of forwarding
information from notion layer to the software layer below the restrictions
of gadgets’ abilities, community trou- ble and the programs’ constraints.
IOT systems use a aggregate of Internet and short-range networks based
totally on the communicated events. Short- variety conversation
technologies collectively with Bluetooth and ZigBee are used to maintain
the records from notion gadgets to a close-by gateway. Other era along
with Wi-Fi, 2G, 3G, 4G, and Power Line Communication (PLC) convey the
information for lengthy distances primarily based mostly on the software
program. The top layer is the application layer, wherein incoming statistics
is processed to result in insights for better energy’s dis- tribution layout
and manage techniques [10].
• Ethernet
• Bluetooth
• Wi-Fi
• Cellular
• Serial
The components are basis need to complete the project and hardware.
This chapter gives detail about the components which we used in project.
The main components are Arduino Mega 2560, NodeMCU, Voltage Sensor,
Buck Convertor DC-DC, LCD, GPS Module and DC Relay.
3.3.12 DC Relay:
The four-Channel DC Relay, proven in fig. 3.7, is real superb relay, typically
open interfaces Maximum load for AC 250V/10A, DC 30V/10A. It is the use
of SMD optocoupler isolation, driving capacity, stable performance and trig-
ger cutting-edge 5mA. The module Operating voltage is 24V.The electricity
indicator (green), the relay popularity indicator (pink). Relay perform whilst
the fault takes place it cut off the load from the supply.
MATLAB proven in fig. 4.1 is a fourth-generation programming language
and numerical evaluation surroundings. Uses for MATLAB encompass
matrix calculations, growing and jogging algorithms, developing user
interfaces and statistics visualization.
When we created L-G fault near Bus 1 at 0.2 sec then voltage of phase
1 become zero at that instant and current reach to its maximum value as
shown in fig.4.6 and fig.4.7. While other two phases are operated normally
as the operated before fault in phase 1.
In fig.4.13 Trace1 Shows the reference current (magenta) and the mea-
sured Id current, Trace2 Shows the firing angle alpha (in degree) at
converter station, Trace3 Shows the Fault current I fault (in Amperes).
In fig.4.14 Trace1 Shows the AC side Voltage Vabc (pu), Trace2 Shows
AC Source side current Iabc (pu), Trace3 shows DC line current Vd (pu).
4.4 Hardware:
The fig.4.15 shows us that system operates when there is a fault in the
transmission line. The relays disconnect the load from the transmission line.
The fault on which Phase is display on LCD and get notify on andriod app
Programming Code
26 in t led1G=32;
27 in t led2R=33;
28 in t led2G=34;
29 in t led3R=35;
30 in t led3G=36;
31 in t r e la y 1 =40;
32 in t r e la y 2 =41;
33 in t r e la y 3 =42;
34 const in t sense 1 =0;
35 const in t sense 2 =1;
36 const in t sense 3 =2;
37 in t n o t i f y 1 =19;
38 in t n o t i f y 2 =20;
39 in t n o t i f y 3 =21;
42 void setup ()
43 {
44 S e r i a l . begin ( 9600 ) ;
45 S e r i a l . p r i n t l n (” l i n e FAULT DETECTION”) ;
46 — − − − − − − − − − − − ”);
S e r i a l . p r i n t l n(”
47 l c d . begin ( 20 , 4−) ; − −
48 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 0 ) ;
49 l c d . p r in t (” underground ca ble f a u l t d e te c to r ”) ;
50 delay ( 2000 ) ;
51 l c d . c l e a r () ;
78 }
79 void loop () {
82 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( led1R , LOW) ;
83 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( led2R , LOW) ;
84 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( led3R , LOW) ;
85 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( led1G , LOW) ;
86 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( led2G , LOW) ;
87 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( led3G , LOW) ;
88 in t value 1=analogRead ( sense 1 ) ;
98 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( led1G , HIGH) ;
99 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( relay 1 , LOW) ;
100 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 0 ) ;
101 l c d . p r in t (” l i n e 1= NO FAULT”) ;
103 } else
104 {
105 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( led1R , HIGH) ;
106 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( relay 1 , HIGH) ;
107 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( no t i fy 1 ,LOW) ;
108 delay ( 500 ) ;
111 i f ( l ine 1 AState==LOW)
112 {
136 i f ( l ine 1 CState==LOW)
137 {
138 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 0 ) ;
139 l c d . p r in t (” l i n e 1 ∗∗
= OPEN FAULT∗∗ ”) ;
140 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 1 ) ;
141 l c d . p r in t (” The secti on C i s ”) ;
142 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 2 ) ;
143 l c d . p r in t (”OPEN. . ” ) ;
144 delay ( 2000 ) ;
145 l c d . c l e a r () ;
146 }
147 i f ( value 1 <180)
148 {
149 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 0 ) ;
150 l c d . p r in t (” l i n e 1∗ = SHORT FAULT
∗ ”) ;
151 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 1 ) ;
152 l c d . p r in t (” The l i n e 1i s ”) ;
153 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 2 ) ;
154 l c d . p r in t (”SHORTED. . ” ) ;
155 delay ( 2000 ) ;
156 l c d . c l e a r () ;
157 }
179 }
193 i f ( l ine 2 BSta te==LOW)
194 {
195 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 0 ) ;
196 l c d . p r in t (” l i n e 2 ∗∗
= OPEN FAULT∗∗ ”) ;
197 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 1 ) ;
198 l c d . p r in t (” The secti on B i s ”) ;
199 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 2 ) ;
200 l c d . p r in t (”OPEN. . ” ) ;
201 delay ( 2000 ) ;
202 l c d . c l e a r () ;
206 i f ( l ine 2 CState==LOW)
207 {
208 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 0 ) ;
209 l c d . p r in t (” l i n e 2 ∗∗
= OPEN FAULT∗∗ ”) ;
210 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 1 ) ;
211 l c d . p r in t (” The secti on C i s ”) ;
212 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 2 ) ;
213 l c d . p r in t (”OPEN. . ” ) ;
214 delay ( 2000 ) ;
215 l c d . c l e a r () ;
216 }
217 i f ( value 2 <180)
218 {
219 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 0 ) ;
220 l c d . p r in t (” l i n e 2∗ = SHORT FAULT∗ ”) ;
221 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 1 ) ;
222 l c d . p r in t (” The l i n e 2i s ”) ;
223 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 2 ) ;
224 l c d . p r in t (”SHORTED. . ” ) ;
225 delay ( 2000 ) ;
226 l c d . c l e a r () ;
227 }
229 in t value 3=analogRead ( sense 3 ) ;
250 }
265 i f ( l ine 3 BSta te==LOW)
266 {
267 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 0 ) ;
268 l c d . p r in t (” l i n e 3 =∗∗OPEN FAULT∗∗ ”) ;
269 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 1 ) ;
270 l c d . p r in t (” The secti on B i s ”) ;
271 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 2 ) ;
272 l c d . p r in t (”OPEN. . ” ) ;
273 delay ( 2000 ) ;
274 l c d . c l e a r () ;
278 i f ( l ine 3 CState==LOW)
279 {
280 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 0 ) ;
281 l c d . p r in t (” l i n e 3 ∗∗
= OPEN FAULT∗∗ ”) ;
282 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 1 ) ;
283 l c d . p r in t (” The secti on C i s ”) ;
284 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 2 ) ;
285 l c d . p r in t (”OPEN. . ” ) ;
286 delay ( 2000 ) ;
287 l c d . c l e a r () ;
288 }
337 // Note :
338 // We allow 1 n o t i f i c a t i o n per 15 seconds f o r now .
339 Blynk . n o t i f y (”LINE Update ! ( Fault Occured in LINE#2) LOC
: 3 3 . 1 9 6 0 8 0 , 7 2 . 2 3 5 0 1 7 ”) ;
340 Blynk . email (”BEE FA16 — − @tuf . edu . pk ” , ”ESP8266 A lert ” , ”
Ale rt : ( Faulty l i n e#2 i s d et e ct e d ) , At t h i s
l o c a t i o n LOC: ( 3 3 . 1 9 6 0 8 0 , 7 2 . 2 3 5 0 1 7 ) ”) ;
341 }
342 }
343 void noti fy On Butt on Press 2 ()
344 {
345 // In ve r t s tate , s in c e butt on i s ” Acti ve LOW”
346 in t is Butt on Pressed 1 = ! d ig i ta l Re a d ( 2 ) ;
347 i f ( is Butt on Presse d 1 ) {
348 S e r i a l . p r i n t l n (” Butt on i spre s s e d . ” ) ;
350 // Note :
351 // We allow 1 n o t i f i c a t i o n per 15 seconds f o r now .
352 Blynk . n o t i f y (”LINE Update ! ( Fault Occured in LINE#3) LOC
: 3 2 . 6 7 7 5 7 2 , 7 1 . 7 9 8 4 5 5 ”) ;
353 Blynk . email (”BEE FA16 — − @tuf . edu . pk ” , ”ESP8266 A lert ” , ”
Ale rt : ( Faulty l i n e#3 i s d et e ct e d ) , At t h i s
l o c a t i o n LOC: ( 3 2 . 6 7 7 5 7 2 , 7 1 . 7 9 8 4 5 5 ) ”) ;
354 }
355 }
372 in t index = 1 ;
373 float lat = 31.4504;
374 f l o a t lon = 7 3 . 1 3 5 0 ;
375 myMap. l o c a t i o n ( index , lat , lon , ” value ”) ;
376 }
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[12] Papia Ray and Debani Mishra. Application of extreme learning ma-
chine for underground cable fault location. International Transactions
on Electrical Energy Systems, 25(12):3227–3247, 2015.