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It is our genuine gratefulness and warmest regard that we dedicate this work
to our beloved parents and our respected supervisor, as they were the driv-
ing force throughout in our final year project that lead us to this success.
We devote this work with deepest gratitude to our parents, family and our
respected supervisor who taught us that the best kind of knowledge to have
is that which is learned for its own sake and that even the largest task can
be accomplished if it is done one step at a time. We would also like to thank
our faculty and our companions who help us throughout this work.

Certificate of Originality

I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and to the best of
my knowledge it contains no materials previously published or written by
another person, nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted
for the award of any degree or diploma at The University of Faisalabad or
at any other educational institute, except where due acknowledgment has
been made in the thesis. Any contribution made to the research by others,
with whom I have worked at The University of Faisalabad or elsewhere, is
explicitly acknowledged in the thesis.
I also declare that the intellectual content of this thesis is the product
of my own work, except for the assistance from others in the project’s de-
sign and conception or in style, presentation and linguistics which has been


First of all we are very thankful to ALLAH Almighty who helped us and
gave us a will to complete our project in a best proper way.

We express our sincere thanks to our supervisor, Dr. Muhammad Zee-

shan Khan, for their patience, enthusiasm, insightful comments, invaluable
suggestions, helpful information, practical advice and unceasing ideas
which have always helped us tremendously in our final year project and
writing of this thesis. His immense knowledge, profound experience and
professional expertise in our project field has enabled us to complete final year
project and research successfully. Without his guidance and relentless help,
this project and thesis would not have been possible. We could not have
imagined having a better supervisor in our study. We would also like to
thank our project assessment committee for adding their valuables comment
in our project. We would also like to thank project Lab staff for their kind
and helping attitude and coordination in our project. We would also like to
thank our University for providing us a stage so that we can showcase our
skills. We also wish to express our deepest thanks to our parents.


Underground cables are prone to a wide variety of faults due to

underground conditions, wear and tear, rodents etc. Diagnosing the fault
source is difficult and entire cable should be taken out from the ground to
check and fix faults. Our project work is intended to detect the location of
fault in underground cable lines from the base station in km using an
Arduino Mega 2560. To locate a fault in the cable, the cable must be
tested for faults. This prototype uses the simple concept of Ohms law. The
current would vary depending upon the length of fault of the cable. In the
urban areas, the electrical cables run in underground instead of overhead
lines. Whenever the fault occurs in underground cable it is difficult to
detect the exact location of the fault for process of repairing that particular
cable. The proposed system finds the exact section of the fault. The
prototype is modeled with a set of resistors representing cable length in km
and fault creation is made by a set of switches at every known distance to
cross check the accuracy of the same. In case of fault, the voltage across
series resistors changes accordingly, which is then fed to an ADC to
develop precise digital data to a programmed Arduino that further
displays fault location in distance. The fault occurring distance, phase, and
time is displayed on a 20X4 LCD interfaced with the Arduino. IOT is used
to display the information over Internet using the Wi-Fi module ESP8266.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background:............................................................................................1
1.2 Motivation:.............................................................................................2
1.3 Types of Fault:.................................................................................2
1.3.1 Open Circuit Fault:............................................................3
1.3.2 Short Circuit Fault:............................................................3
1.3.3 Earth Fault:.......................................................................4
1.4 Problem Statement:...............................................................................5
1.5 Project Objective:............................................................................6
1.6 Tools used for design and analysis:................................................6
1.6.1 PROTEUS:.....................................................................6
1.6.2 MATLAB:......................................................................6
1.6.3 ARDUINO:..........................................................................6

2 Review of Literature 7
2.1 Faults Detection Underground Cables:...........................................7
2.2 Disadvantages of Existing Techniques:............................................7
2.2.1 Thumping:............................................................................7
2.2.2 Transmitter and receiver method:............................................8
2.2.3 Time domain reflectometry:.....................................................8
2.2.4 Sectionalizing:............................................................................9
2.3 Disadvantages of Existing Techniques :..........................................9

3 Hardware 10
3.1 Proposed System:.................................................................................10
3.2 Flow Chart:.................................................................................11
3.3 Internet of Things:.........................................................................12
3.3.1 Interface with Mobile APPLICATION:.............................12
3.3.2 Blynk Application:..............................................................12
3.3.3 Hardware Platforms:..........................................................13
3.3.4 Connection Types:..............................................................14

3.3.5 System Components:...............................................................15

3.3.6 Arduino Mega:.........................................................................15
3.3.7 NodeMCU ESP8266:...........................................................17
3.3.8 GPS Module (GY-GPS6MV2):..........................................17
3.3.9 Voltage Sensor:........................................................................18
3.3.10 LCD 20x4:.......................................................................18
3.3.11 Buck Convertor DC-DC:..................................................19
3.3.12 DC Relay:.........................................................................20

4 Software and Results 21

4.1 MATLAB: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.2 HVAC fault analysis: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.2.1 Simulation: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.2.2 Results: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.3 HVDC fault analysis: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.4 Hardware: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

5 Conclusion 31
5.1 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

A Programming Code 33
List of Figures

1.1 Three phase short circuit fault........................................................4

1.2 Double line short circuit fault.........................................................4
1.3 Single line earth fault............................................................................4
1.4 Double-line to earth fault......................................................................5
1.5 Three-line to earth fault..................................................................5
1.6 Single-line to earth through a resistance fault....................................5

2.1 Time domain reflectometry...................................................................8

3.1 Block Diagram of Proposed System..............................................10

3.2 Flow Chart of Proposed System....................................................11
3.3 Blynk App...................................................................................13
3.4 Blynk Project..................................................................................14
3.5 Arduino Mega.......................................................................................16
3.6 NodeMCU Pins Detail....................................................................17
3.7 GPS Module...................................................................................18
3.8 Voltage Sensor Module.......................................................................18
3.9 LCD 20x4....................................................................................19
3.10 Buck Convertor DC-DC...............................................................20
3.11 4-Channel DC Relay...................................................................20

4.1 MATLAB Software......................................................................21

4.2 Two bus system for fault analysis.................................................22
4.3 Scope block of Two bus system..........................................................22
4.4 Result for No fault condition.........................................................23
4.5 Result for No fault condition.........................................................23
4.6 Result for L-G fault........................................................................24
4.7 Result for L-G fault........................................................................24
4.8 Result for LL-G fault...................................................................25
4.9 Result for LL-G fault...................................................................25
4.10 Result for LLL-G fault............................................................26


4.11 Result for LLL-G fault.............................................................26

4.12 HVDC system for fault analysis..................................................27
4.13 Result for L-G fault.......................................................................28
4.14 Result for L-G fault.......................................................................28
4.15 Hardware Section................................................................................29
4.16 Result of Hardware Section...........................................................29
4.17 Result of IoT Section.....................................................................30
List of Tables

3.1 Arduino Pins Details......................................................................16

3.2 LCD Pins Function..................................................................19

Chapter 1


1.1 Background:
Generally, while fault happens on transmission traces, detecting fault is es-
sential for electricity machine to clean fault before it will increase the harm
to the electrical device. The underground cable machine is extra reliable
than an overhead machine, however, it’s far tough to locate the precise
place of fault in Underground cables. If such fault is not placed at time then
it’ll be unstoppable and will completely harm the complete energy device,
as un- derground cables are a great deal high-priced than overhead cables.

In present day technology, growing demand of energy supply and enhanc-

ing transmission capabilities is crucial issues. HVDC transmission network
is better than HVAC transmission for lengthy transmission tool. Due to the
large progress in strength electronics technology throughout the past many
years, using High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) strength transmission is
becoming an increasing number of attractive. HVDC transmission offers big
advantages for the transfer of bulk strength over a protracted distance
trans- mission. But HVDC transmission associated converters inherently
devour massive amounts of reactive strength; normally, the reactive
strength desires of the converter are 50% - 60% of the DC strength being
transferred. There are critical troubles for the proper layout and relaxed
operation of HVDC thyristor converters, even as it’s miles connecting to
vulnerable AC systems collectively with low frequency resonances, excessive
transient over voltages (TOVs), threat of voltage instability, harmonic
instability, long fault recu- peration instances and advanced chance of
commutation failure. Many of those worries are cautiously related to the
AC voltage law at the converter bus.


Generally, the associated reactive compensators and HVDC structures

are operated and managed independently and the interplay amongst them
taken into consideration handiest under constant nation circumstance. If
the manipulate come to be coordinates among the HVDC gadget and
reactive energy compensator, the performance in quick country and
dynamic overall performance of HVDC device might be improved. The brief
overall overall performance of HVDC system may be very critical. Since, the
growing de- mand of energy in industries forced integration of HVDC
device with AC system. After the development of FACTS controllers, the
transmission capa- bility becomes stepped forward. These controllers enhance
the controllability and stability of energy networks.

STATCOM (Static Synchronous compensator) is one of the maximum

crucial Flexible AC transmission device (FACTS) devices because of its abil-
ity to adjust voltages in transmission traces, to improve brief balance and to
compensate variable reactive energy. In this paper, the topology that is
con- sidered is that the trends of the line-commutated HVDC with a
STATCOM at the inverter surrender. This proposed gadget carries a black
begin fea- ture and a HVDC- STATCOM coordination control scheme.
Furthermore, this paper investigates the advantages of cost discount of
the HVDC link clear out format, overvoltage manipulate and normal overall
performance of HVDC machine related with STATCOM and with out

1.2 Motivation:
Underground cables fault is not in commonplace. Overhead line faults are
bodily observable and smooth to discover the faulty line but in case of
under- ground cable there is no such variables to find fault. However,
cables may be effortlessly broken with the aid of incorrect set up or poorly
achieved jointing, even as subsequent third-celebration harm through civil
works together with trenching or cut back edging. To perform
uninterrupted energy to deliver end a machine have to be growing to find
out the exact segment region of defective line and clear the fault.

1.3 Types of Fault:

Fault in cable is represented as:
• Any defect
• Inconsistency
• Weakness or non-homogeneity that affect performance of cable.
• Current is diverted from the intended path.
• Caused by breaking of conductor & failure of insulation.

Underground cables have insulation round one or more conductors and

also have protecting sheath, used for distribution of electric strength or other
alerts related to communications system. But after all the protection of the
underground cables the faults often takes place and some of the faults are
listed below.

1.3.1 Open Circuit Fault:

This kind of the faults happens within the conductor as per the name of the
fault suggests. When faults occur on the cable the discontinuity of power
supply will happen. Due to the mechanical strain the discontinuity also hap-
pens. This is known to be Open circuit fault.

When the fault occurs the conductors of the cable becomes apart forming
the grounds for open circuit fault. The voltages will reach to infinity and no
current will flow through the cable.

A free joint connection or a break in a cable is referred as an open circuit

fault. This type of fault is much less common than the other kind of faults.
A broken cable is seldom met and handiest occurs while the cable is stretched
by the coincidence. Or because of irresponsible sporting of cables at the same
time as putting in.

1.3.2 Short Circuit Fault:

This form of fault is usually determined because of direct touch with earth
and is tons much less common fault than the earth faults. As a result of
broken insulation this fault takes place and bring about overheating of con-
ductors and often parking or arcing is triggered at the issue in which it takes
location. In real existence it could be any of the subsequent shown in fig.1.1
and fig.1.2.
Three phase fault

Figure 1.1: Three phase short circuit fault

Double line short circuit fault

Figure 1.2: Double line short circuit fault

1.3.3 Earth Fault:

This faults occurs when conductor is in contact with protective sheath i.e.
lead sheath and transferring of charges towards the earth occurs. This type
of fault is common of all and the fault resistance may be high or low. The
earth faults in real life are shown in fig.1.3, fig.1.4, fig.1.5 and fig.1.6.
Single-line to earth fault

Figure 1.3: Single line earth fault

Double-line to earth fault

Figure 1.4: Double-line to earth fault

Three-line to earth fault:

Figure 1.5: Three-line to earth fault

Single-line to earth through a resistance:

Figure 1.6: Single-line to earth through a resistance fault

1.4 Problem Statement:

To design a smart IoT based underground cable fault location detection /
fault identification system.
1.5 Project Objective:
The main objective of our project was to develop a system which gives us
Precision in fault location. In which nature of fault is detected, which types of
fault happened that is Open circuit fault, Short Circuit Fault or Earth Fault.
To design a system which is Fast in nature and that will cut-off incoming
source to load to protect the overall power system.

1.6 Tools used for design and analysis:

To design and analyze our hardware we used PROTEUS and Multisim. To
find PID parameters we used we used the MATLAB and its inside applica-
tions and for AVR logic development we used Arduino.

1.6.1 PROTEUS:
This is the main software that we have used to design our real circuit, we
also used this to improve efficiency of our design. We mimicked the buck
converter till we got our ideal values. Then we implemented that design

1.6.2 MATLAB:
This software is used to determine the prior values of proportional, integral
and differential gains by using different techniques of PID controller. We
used these values to tune PID controller in the MATLAB.

1.6.3 ARDUINO:
To verify output as well as input of a microcontroller we used serial mon-
itor. The terminal voltages as well as PWM are tracked and supervised.
Microcontroller is also used to display the voltages value on LCD.
Chapter 2

Review of Literature

2.1 Faults Detection Underground Cables:

In power systems operation and control cables plays a vital role in energy
transfer from generating station to the end customers. The faulty system
may cause the instability and reduce the efficient operating time of the whole
power system too which is not a desirable aspect. The system using under-
ground cables may be not as helpful as the overhead system in the manner
of diagnostics and troubleshooting. As the electrical loads are increasing day
by day through the course of years the lengths of the cables also extended. [1].

Overhead transmission cables are costly but fault detection is much easier
than that of the underground cable system. It is not convenient to pull all
the cable all the way log and then check for faults which is also a time
consuming and not a healthy approach to follow. The venture therefore is
to discover fault detection techniques that are a great deal much less

2.2 Disadvantages of Existing Techniques:

2.2.1 Thumping:
In this method a voltage surge up to (25KV) is applied at the one end of the
cable which will help to form a arcing effect of current within the cable. The
arching of current will produce a sound because of the surge voltage that it
will be easily audible form earth surface. This approach has some draw back

The first one is that these voltages could be excessive for the test purpose


when low medium testing is to be conducted. Even surge generators are also
available commercially [2].

Secondly, some other methods are there too with much better results and
this method couldn’t be implemented for long distances.

2.2.2 Transmitter and receiver method:

In this method a signal current is generated with the help of an AC
generator that is fed to an underground pipe, then a receiver will detect a
signal of elec- tromagnetic field form the transmitted current signal. Now
the transmitter can have the information about the total resistance and
current circuits.

2.2.3 Time domain reflectometry:

It also elaborated as pulse echo methodology, the tester will help to measure
any king of change in the cable. At one end of the cable radio frequency pulse
is applied, then a timer is applied to measure the frequency of the returned
signal and after receiving the back-signal timer will stops countdown.

For the construction of underground cables different materials are being

used for different lengths. By using this info, the tester can locate exactly
the location of fault based on the time given. The fault on the cable tends
to change the impedance of the cable which will help to transit pulses. [3]

The information required for the exact location of the fault are
maximum distance displayed on TDR screen and velocity of the propagated
signal as described in fig. 2.1.

Figure 2.1: Time domain reflectometry

2.2.4 Sectionalizing:
This is the most unhealthy and rudimentary approach to locate the fault in
the cable. It uses unearthing and sectionalizing of the cable. This is possibly
one of the most unwanted and undesirable approach to rectify the faults in
cable. It includes unearthing of the cable, and converting into sections, and
investigating each section to see the faulty part. [4, 5].

For instance, on a 500-ft period, you may reduce the cable into 250-toes
sections and degree every way with an ohmmeter or excessive-voltage in-
sulation resistance (IR) tester. The faulty segment suggests a decrease IR
than the best segment. You would possibly repeat this ”divide and triumph
over” way until conducting a quick sufficient phase of cable to permit re-
store of the fault. This onerous manner commonly includes repeated cable
excavation [6, 7].

2.3 Disadvantages of Existing Techniques :

• The major flaw of underground cables is that they are costly and for
high voltages the integrity of insulation is very low. And the other flaw
is that whenever a fault occurs in underground cables it is very difficult
to locate and rectify.

• 5V dc is required to power up Arduino and other components and 12V

dc to operate relays.
• To read the values of angular value some delay must be there.
Chapter 3


3.1 Proposed System:

The proposed prototype will be able to pinpoint the fault location using
IoT based technology. This proposed system will be simply the practical
implementation of Ohms law. Whenever fault occurs the voltage across the
cable will be varying and the resulting resistance will tell us about the fault
location. The gadget consists of Real-Time Clock, Wi-Fi module, and Ar-
duino [8]. The electricity deliver is supplied the usage of Buck Convertor.
The magnitude of the voltage variation across the resistor through current
sensing circuitry will be given to the Arduino and this will lead us to locate
the faulty section of the underground cable.

Figure 3.1: Block Diagram of Proposed System


The fig. 3.1 shows us the system having transmission line with a pro-
tection and alarming setup. For protection we have relays setup and for
alarming we have LCD and WIFI module for communication in case of fault
we have sensors to detect the fault and alarm us.

3.2 Flow Chart:

The initialization and configuration of I/P and O/P ports of RTC, LCD
display, Wi-Fi module and Arduino. When the fault occurs the time, phase
at fault and fault distance will be displayed over the LCD as shown in fig.
3.2. The information of the fault will also be shared at Wi-Fi module and
webpage too.

Figure 3.2: Flow Chart of Proposed System

3.3 Internet of Things:
The aim of IoT isn’t just first-rate connecting matters including machines,
gadgets and home equipment, but also permitting the subjects to talk, replac-
ing manage records and other crucial statistics on the equal time as executing
packages. For the sake of precise monitoring, sensing actuating the IoT based
setup is used. Because these IoT based setups can connect with each other
indirectly and directly in more effective manner. Data provided by these
devices is being fed to the cloud or remote servers. A number of sensing
equipment’s can be interfaced with these devices like light, temperature
and humidity [9].

The formation of IoT system based upon three layers: the network layer,
the perception layer, and the utility layer as demonstrated in Figure 1.3.
The belief layer consists of a set of Internet-enabled devices which can
percept, locate gadgets, accumulate systems facts, and trade facts with
exceptional devices through the Internet communique networks. Sensors,
Global Posi- tioning Systems (GPS), cameras, and Radio Frequency
Identification Devices (RFID) are examples of gadgets that exist at
perception layer. The commu- nity layer is responsible of forwarding
information from notion layer to the software layer below the restrictions
of gadgets’ abilities, community trou- ble and the programs’ constraints.
IOT systems use a aggregate of Internet and short-range networks based
totally on the communicated events. Short- variety conversation
technologies collectively with Bluetooth and ZigBee are used to maintain
the records from notion gadgets to a close-by gateway. Other era along
with Wi-Fi, 2G, 3G, 4G, and Power Line Communication (PLC) convey the
information for lengthy distances primarily based mostly on the software
program. The top layer is the application layer, wherein incoming statistics
is processed to result in insights for better energy’s dis- tribution layout
and manage techniques [10].

3.3.1 Interface with Mobile APPLICATION:

In this project we interface the WIFI Module with the mobile application
BLYNK to get real time information of fault update on any of the phase of
power system.

3.3.2 Blynk Application:

Visualize sensor statistics, manipulate our device remotely, set notifications
and policies, control more than one gadgets and greater as proven in
Figure 3.3: Blynk App

The Blynk platform includes the following components:

• Allows to you build apps for our tasks using various widgets. It is
available for Android and iOS systems.

• All the communications between our celluar devices and hardware is

done by the Blynk server. This server could be use for regional cloud
services. it a an open source server and can handle several gadgets
without any disturbance, and also can handle Raspberry Pi.

• Enables communication with the server and processes all the

incoming and out coming commands from our Blynk app and the
hardware. They are available for all the popular hardware platforms.
All the above mentioned components may interact with each other and
IoT based software. We can manage our hardware from the Blynk app jog-
ging on our cellular device through the Blynk Cloud or Blynk’s non-public
server. It works the equal inside the opposite path through way of sending
rows of processed facts from hardware on your Blynk app [11].

3.3.3 Hardware Platforms:

Blynk helps hardware structures collectively with Arduino, Raspberry Pi,
and similar microcontroller boards to build hardware for our tasks. The
following is a listing of a few microcontroller forums that can be coupled
with Blynk:

1. Espressif (ESP8266, ESP32, NodeMCU, WeMos D1, Adafruit HUZ-

ZAH, SparkFun Blynk Board, SparkFun ESP8266 Thing)

2. Linux (C++) (Raspberry Pi, Ubuntu)

3. Arduino (Arduino UNO, Arduino MKR1000, Arduino MKRZero, Ar-

duino Yun, Arduino 101, Arduino Zero, Arduino M0, Arduino M0 Pro,
Arduino Nano, Arduino Leonardo, Arduino Due, Arduino Mega 2560,
Arduino Mega 1280, Arduino Mega ADK, Arduino Micro, Arduino Pro
Micro, Arduino Mini, Arduino Pro Mini, Arduino Fio, Arduino Deci-
milia, Arduino Duemilanove, Arduino Pro, Arduino Ethernet, Arduino
Leonardo ETH, Arduino Industrial 101)

4. Particle (particle core, particle photon, particle electron)

Figure 3.4: Blynk Project

3.3.4 Connection Types:

Blynk helps the following connection types to connect our microcontroller
board (hardware) with the Blynk Cloud and Blynk’s non-public server:

• Ethernet
• Bluetooth
• Wi-Fi
• Cellular
• Serial

The components are basis need to complete the project and hardware.
This chapter gives detail about the components which we used in project.
The main components are Arduino Mega 2560, NodeMCU, Voltage Sensor,
Buck Convertor DC-DC, LCD, GPS Module and DC Relay.

3.3.5 System Components:

The following are the components which are used to design the hardware are
discussed briefly.

3.3.6 Arduino Mega:

Arduino Mega, established in fig.3.1, is a microcontroller primarily based on
AT mega 2560 chip and advanced with the aid of the usage of Arduino cc.
It has fifty 4 digital enter/output pins out of which 15 pins may be used
for PWM indicators,16 analog inputs,four hardware serial ports, a 16 MHz
crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a
reset button. [12]

It consists of the entirety had to aid the microcontroller; without a

doubt connect it to a pc with a USB cable or electricity it with an AC-to-DC
adapter or battery to get began. The software program used to install
writing a code for Arduino board is as Arduino Integrated Development
Environment (IDE). In the table 3.1 gives the detail approximately Arduino
Table 3.1: Arduino Pins Details.
Microcontroller AT mega 2560
Operating Voltage 5V
Input Voltage(recommended) 7-12V
Input Voltage(limit) 6-20V
Digital I/O Pins 54
Analog Input Pins 16
DC Current for I/O Pin 20Ma
DC Current for 3.3V Pin 50Ma
Flash Memory 256KB (8KB use for boot-
Clock Speed 16Mhz
Lengths 101.52mm
Weight 37g
Width 53.3mm

Figure 3.5: Arduino Mega

3.3.7 NodeMCU ESP8266:
ESP8266 Wi-Fi module, tested in FIG.3.2 is an open supply based totally
fashioned developed for ESP8266 Wi-Fi chip. It is low-value Wi-Fi chip
de- veloped through manner of Espressif Systems with TCP/IP protocol.
Low fee, compact and effective Wi-Fi Module. Power Supply is+three.3V.
Current Consumption is 100mA. Input/output Voltage is 3.6V (max).
Input/out- put supply modern-day is12mA (max). Built-in low energy 32-
bit MCU is 80MHz. Flash Memory is 512KB.

Figure 3.6: NodeMCU Pins Detail

3.3.8 GPS Module (GY-GPS6MV2):

GPS Module with Antenna, shown in fig 3.3 is well suited with numerous
controller module that provides GPS. The code is burn built-in that module
which gives particular vicinity to Arduino thru serial verbal exchange. Its
strength deliver variety is 3V to 5V. EEPROM for saving the configuration
facts while powered off. Backup battery with LED signal indicator. The
Antenna Size is 25 x 25 mm, Module Size is 25 x 35 mm. Mounting Hole
Diameter is3 mm and default Baud Rate is 9600 bps.
Figure 3.7: GPS Module

3.3.9 Voltage Sensor:

Voltage Sensor Module, shown in fig.3.4 is based totally on a resistive
divider precept design, make the interface terminal enter voltage decreased
5 times. It has 2 Input and 3 Output Pins. Input consists of GND AND VCC.
The Output consists of S (This connects to Arduino analog enter), – (or
minus) it connects to Arduino floor and + (wonderful) it is not connected.
This module is basically evaluating the voltages and provide sign to Arduino,
if voltage is easily and on choice cost then it will provide Arduino. On
different hand if voltage drops then it deliver sign to Arduino and relay cut
off the weight from the supply.

Figure 3.8: Voltage Sensor Module

3.3.10 LCD 20x4:

This 20x4 Character LCD Display, proven in fig. 3.5, is integrated with
RW1063 controller IC which is probably 6800, 4-line SPI or I2C interface
alternatives.It consists of sixteen pins which might be in brief point out in
Table 3.2. This LCD is interface with the Arduino through which we display
preference output at the LCD.

Figure 3.9: LCD 20x4

Table 3.2: LCD Pins Function.

Pin No. Symbol Detail
1 VSS Ground
2 VDD Power Supply
3 V0 Contrast Adjustment
4 RS Data/Instruction select Signal
5 R/W Read/Write select Signal
6 E Enable Signal
7-14 DB0-DB7 Data bus line
15 A Power supply for B/L +
16 K Power supply for B/L -

3.3.11 Buck Convertor DC-DC:

This LM2596 series of regulators are monolithic integrated circuits that
offer all of the lively functions for a step-down (dollar) switching regulator,
able to riding a 3A load with wonderful line and cargo regulation. These
gadgets are available in fixed output voltages of three.3 V, 5 V, 12 V, and an
adjustable output version.It is shown in fig.3.6, the cause of this to offer the
regulated and preferred voltages for the Arduino, GPS Module and other
additives additionally. The different feature is that it’s miles used for safety
purpose within the hardware.
Figure 3.10: Buck Convertor DC-DC

3.3.12 DC Relay:
The four-Channel DC Relay, proven in fig. 3.7, is real superb relay, typically
open interfaces Maximum load for AC 250V/10A, DC 30V/10A. It is the use
of SMD optocoupler isolation, driving capacity, stable performance and trig-
ger cutting-edge 5mA. The module Operating voltage is 24V.The electricity
indicator (green), the relay popularity indicator (pink). Relay perform whilst
the fault takes place it cut off the load from the supply.

Figure 3.11: 4-Channel DC Relay

Chapter 4

Software and Results

s before going to the hardware implementation of the project we must

make the simulation model in order to check whether the project is running
or not. For every project the simulation has to be done, as the simulation
can help to remove errors in the project if any. In other words, this provides
the efficiency in the hardware of the project. The project is implemented
both in simulation as well as in hardware. Simulation of this project is done
by using MATLAB (R2015a)”

MATLAB proven in fig. 4.1 is a fourth-generation programming language
and numerical evaluation surroundings. Uses for MATLAB encompass
matrix calculations, growing and jogging algorithms, developing user
interfaces and statistics visualization.

Figure 4.1: MATLAB Software


MATLAB is broadly utilized in all areas of carried out arithmetic, in

training and studies at universities, and inside the enterprise. MATLAB
stands for MATrix Laboratory and the software program is constructed up
round vectors and matrices.

4.2 HVAC fault analysis:

4.2.1 Simulation:

Figure 4.2: Two bus system for fault analysis

Figure 4.3: Scope block of Two bus system

4.2.2 Results:
Fig.4.4 & fig.4.5 shows us that there is no change in the currents and
voltages of transmission line at no fault condition and system is operating
under normal conditions.

Figure 4.4: Result for No fault condition

Figure 4.5: Result for No fault condition

When we created L-G fault near Bus 1 at 0.2 sec then voltage of phase
1 become zero at that instant and current reach to its maximum value as
shown in fig.4.6 and fig.4.7. While other two phases are operated normally
as the operated before fault in phase 1.

Figure 4.6: Result for L-G fault

Figure 4.7: Result for L-G fault

When we created a LLG-fault near Bus 1 at 0.2sec then voltage of Phase

1 and Phase 2 become zero at that instant and current reach to its
maximum value as shown in fig.4.8 & fig.4.9. While Phase 3 is operated
normally as the operated before fault in Phase1 and Phase 2.
Figure 4.8: Result for LL-G fault

Figure 4.9: Result for LL-G fault

When we created a LLL-fault near Bus 1 at 0.2sec then voltage of Phase

1, Phase 2 and Phase 3 becomes zero at that instant and current reach to its
maximum value as shown in fig.4.10 & fig.4.11.
Figure 4.10: Result for LLL-G fault

Figure 4.11: Result for LLL-G fault

4.3 HVDC fault analysis:

HVDC gadget basically includes two converter stations one at every stop,
connected by means of a dc transmission line. One converter is operated in
rectifier mode with a purpose to convert Ac into DC, referred to as inverter.
At both ends of structures ac deliver is available. The major equipment in a
converter station are transformers and thyristors valves. Chokes and filters
are supplied at each quit to make certain clean direct present day dc into ac
which is applied at the receiving quit.

Figure 4.12: HVDC system for fault analysis

The DC Line to Ground fault is due to insulation failure among DC

conductor and ground. In overhead HVDC transmission device, the DC
Line to Ground fault is temporary that is as a result of lightning moves and
pollutants. For underground HVDC transmission machine, the DC line to
floor fault is the most not unusual fault.
Figure 4.13: Result for L-G fault

In fig.4.13 Trace1 Shows the reference current (magenta) and the mea-
sured Id current, Trace2 Shows the firing angle alpha (in degree) at
converter station, Trace3 Shows the Fault current I fault (in Amperes).

Figure 4.14: Result for L-G fault

In fig.4.14 Trace1 Shows the AC side Voltage Vabc (pu), Trace2 Shows
AC Source side current Iabc (pu), Trace3 shows DC line current Vd (pu).
4.4 Hardware:
The fig.4.15 shows us that system operates when there is a fault in the
transmission line. The relays disconnect the load from the transmission line.
The fault on which Phase is display on LCD and get notify on andriod app

Figure 4.15: Hardware Section

Figure 4.16: Result of Hardware Section

The fig.4.16 shows us that system operates when there is a fault in the
transmission line. The whole system operates and IOT system is in function
with the whole system and we get updated through MOBILE application

Figure 4.17: Result of IoT Section

Chapter 5


In this venture, we use sectionalizing approach for an green, non-adverse

virtual underground cable fault detection (DUCFD). This device can discover
underground cable short circuit faults and also deliver popularity of each
cable all of the time. The brief circuit fault at a particular distance (1 Km,
2 Km, three Km and 4 Km) inside the underground strength cable is
positioned to rectify the fault correctly the usage of (Fault transfer and)
easy principles of Ohm’s law and voltage divider rule. The fault
presentations at the LCD screen and send the message to us/User. The
benefits of correct location of fault are speedy restore to restore decrease
again the power gadget; it improves the gadget common overall performance
and decreases the running price and the time to find out the faults inside
the vicinity. Its important software is to come across the fault of
underground cable which may be very tough to discover as it is not possible
to look such faults which is probably pretty viable inside the case of
overhead transmission line. So, for such cases this venture could be very
beneficial as the gap at which the fault has happened can be calculated and
then in addition movement regarding the fault can be taken to conquer
them. The virtual underground cable fault detection is straightforward to
use and a precision device. The assignment advanced is able to carry out as
anticipated on the sphere and in to be had situations. The foremost
difficulty is that we should ought to continuously take a look at the LCD
screen and we need to take sudden actions to deal with the fault.

5.1 Future Work

This project can be made universal to detect faults of cable having different
diameter dimensions by replacing the fixed resistance in the detection circuit


by a variable resistance. The future work may be done to develop diagnosis

system to investigate incipient faults which make decisions in sequential mode
on a number of actual fault scenarios and display the fault spots with high
accuracy and precision. This project can also be extended to detect the
open circuit faults where the capacitance is taken under consideration.
Major topic in the future work will be the generalization capability of the
incipient fault detection system (IFDS).
Appendix A

Programming Code

1 #in c lu d e <Liq uid C ry st al . h>


3 // i n i t i a l i z e the l i b r a r y by a s s o c i a t i n g any needed

LCD i n t e r f a c e pin
4 // with the arduino pin number i t i s connected to
5 const in t r s = 12 , en = 11 , d4 = 5 , d5 = 4 , d6 = 3 , d7
= 2;
6 Liq uid C ry st al l c d ( rs , en , d4 , d5 , d6 , d7 ) ;
7 const in t l ine 1 A =22;
8 const in t l ine 1 B =23;
9 const in t l ine 1 C =24;
10 const in t l ine 2 A =25;
11 const in t l ine 2 B =26;
12 const in t l ine 2 C =27;
13 const in t l ine 3 A =28;
14 const in t l ine 3 B =29;
15 const in t l ine 3 C =30;
16 in t l ine 1 A St at e = 0 ;
17 in t l ine 1 BSta te = 0 ;
18 in t l ine 1 C St at e = 0 ;
19 in t l ine 2 A St at e = 0 ;
20 in t l ine 2 BSta te = 0 ;
21 in t l ine 2 C St at e = 0 ;
22 in t l ine 3 A St at e = 0 ;
23 in t l ine 3 BSta te = 0 ;
24 in t l ine 3 C St at e = 0 ;
25 in t led1R=31;


26 in t led1G=32;
27 in t led2R=33;
28 in t led2G=34;
29 in t led3R=35;
30 in t led3G=36;
31 in t r e la y 1 =40;
32 in t r e la y 2 =41;
33 in t r e la y 3 =42;
34 const in t sense 1 =0;
35 const in t sense 2 =1;
36 const in t sense 3 =2;
37 in t n o t i f y 1 =19;
38 in t n o t i f y 2 =20;
39 in t n o t i f y 3 =21;


42 void setup ()
43 {
44 S e r i a l . begin ( 9600 ) ;
45 S e r i a l . p r i n t l n (” l i n e FAULT DETECTION”) ;
46 — − − − − − − − − − − − ”);
S e r i a l . p r i n t l n(”
47 l c d . begin ( 20 , 4−) ; − −
48 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 0 ) ;
49 l c d . p r in t (” underground ca ble f a u l t d e te c to r ”) ;
50 delay ( 2000 ) ;
51 l c d . c l e a r () ;

53 pinMode ( line 1 A , INPUT) ;

54 pinMode ( line 1 B , INPUT) ;
55 pinMode ( line 1 C , INPUT) ;
56 pinMode ( line 2 A , INPUT) ;
57 pinMode ( line 2 B , INPUT) ;
58 pinMode ( line 2 C , INPUT) ;
59 pinMode ( line 3 A , INPUT) ;
60 pinMode ( line 3 B , INPUT) ;
61 pinMode ( line 3 C , INPUT) ;
62 pinMode ( led1R ,OUTPUT) ;
63 pinMode ( led1G ,OUTPUT) ;
64 pinMode ( led2R ,OUTPUT) ;
65 pinMode ( led2G ,OUTPUT) ;
66 pinMode ( led3R ,OUTPUT) ;
67 pinMode ( led3G ,OUTPUT) ;
68 pinMode ( relay 1 ,OUTPUT) ;
69 pinMode ( relay 2 ,OUTPUT) ;
70 pinMode ( relay 3 ,OUTPUT) ;
71 pinMode ( notif y 1 ,OUTPUT) ;
72 pinMode ( notif y 2 ,OUTPUT) ;
73 pinMode ( notif y 3 ,OUTPUT) ;
74 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( relay 1 , LOW) ;
75 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( relay 2 , LOW) ;
76 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( relay 3 , LOW) ;

78 }
79 void loop () {


82 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( led1R , LOW) ;
83 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( led2R , LOW) ;
84 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( led3R , LOW) ;
85 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( led1G , LOW) ;
86 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( led2G , LOW) ;
87 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( led3G , LOW) ;
88 in t value 1=analogRead ( sense 1 ) ;

90 l ine 1 A S tate = d ig i ta l Re a d ( l ine 1 A ) ;

91 l ine 1 BSta te = d ig i ta l Re a d ( l ine 1 B ) ;
92 l ine 1 C S t at e = d ig i ta l Re a d ( l ine 1 C ) ;

94 i f ( l ine 1 AState == HIGH&&l ine 1 BSta te==HIGH&&l ine 1 CState

==HIGH&&va lue 1 >190)
95 {


98 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( led1G , HIGH) ;
99 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( relay 1 , LOW) ;
100 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 0 ) ;
101 l c d . p r in t (” l i n e 1= NO FAULT”) ;

103 } else
104 {
105 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( led1R , HIGH) ;
106 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( relay 1 , HIGH) ;
107 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( no t i fy 1 ,LOW) ;
108 delay ( 500 ) ;

111 i f ( l ine 1 AState==LOW)
112 {

114 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 0 ) ;

115 l c d . p r in t (” l i n e 1 ∗∗
= OPEN FAULT∗∗ ”) ;
116 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 1 ) ;
117 l c d . p r in t (” The secti on A i s ”) ;
118 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 2 ) ;
119 l c d . p r in t (”OPEN. . ” ) ;
120 delay ( 2000 ) ;
121 l c d . c l e a r () ;
122 delay ( 1000 ) ;
123 }
124 i f ( l ine 1 BSta te==LOW)
125 {
126 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 0 ) ;
127 l c d . p r in t (” l i n e 1 ∗∗
= OPEN FAULT∗∗ ”) ;
128 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 1 ) ;
129 l c d . p r in t (” The secti on B i s ”) ;
130 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 2 ) ;
131 l c d . p r in t (”OPEN. . ” ) ;
132 delay ( 2000 ) ;
133 l c d . c l e a r () ;

136 i f ( l ine 1 CState==LOW)
137 {
138 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 0 ) ;
139 l c d . p r in t (” l i n e 1 ∗∗
= OPEN FAULT∗∗ ”) ;
140 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 1 ) ;
141 l c d . p r in t (” The secti on C i s ”) ;
142 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 2 ) ;
143 l c d . p r in t (”OPEN. . ” ) ;
144 delay ( 2000 ) ;
145 l c d . c l e a r () ;
146 }
147 i f ( value 1 <180)
148 {
149 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 0 ) ;
150 l c d . p r in t (” l i n e 1∗ = SHORT FAULT
∗ ”) ;
151 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 1 ) ;
152 l c d . p r in t (” The l i n e 1i s ”) ;
153 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 2 ) ;
154 l c d . p r in t (”SHORTED. . ” ) ;
155 delay ( 2000 ) ;
156 l c d . c l e a r () ;
157 }

159 in t value 2=analogRead ( sense 2 ) ;

160 l ine 2 A S tate = d ig i ta l Re a d ( l ine 2 A ) ;
161 l in e 2 BSta te = d ig i ta l Re a d ( l ine 2 B ) ;
162 l ine 2 C S t at e = d ig i ta l Re a d ( l ine 2 C ) ;

164 i f ( l ine 2 AState == HIGH&&l ine 2 BSta te==HIGH&&l ine 2 CState

==HIGH&&va lue 2 >190)
165 {

167 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( led2G , HIGH) ;

168 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( relay 2 , LOW) ;
169 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 1 ) ;
170 l c d . p r in t (” l i n e 2= NO FAULT”) ;
171 }
172 else
173 {
174 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( led2R , HIGH) ;
175 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( relay 2 , HIGH) ;
176 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( no t i fy 2 ,LOW) ;
177 delay ( 500 ) ;

179 }

181 i f ( l ine 2 AState==LOW)

182 {
183 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 0 ) ;
184 l c d . p r in t (” l i n e 2 ∗∗
= OPEN FAULT∗∗ ”) ;
185 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 1 ) ;
186 l c d . p r in t (” The secti on A i s ”) ;
187 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 2 ) ;
188 l c d . p r in t (”OPEN. . ” ) ;
189 delay ( 2000 ) ;
190 l c d . c l e a r () ;

193 i f ( l ine 2 BSta te==LOW)
194 {
195 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 0 ) ;
196 l c d . p r in t (” l i n e 2 ∗∗
= OPEN FAULT∗∗ ”) ;
197 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 1 ) ;
198 l c d . p r in t (” The secti on B i s ”) ;
199 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 2 ) ;
200 l c d . p r in t (”OPEN. . ” ) ;
201 delay ( 2000 ) ;
202 l c d . c l e a r () ;


206 i f ( l ine 2 CState==LOW)
207 {
208 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 0 ) ;
209 l c d . p r in t (” l i n e 2 ∗∗
= OPEN FAULT∗∗ ”) ;
210 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 1 ) ;
211 l c d . p r in t (” The secti on C i s ”) ;
212 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 2 ) ;
213 l c d . p r in t (”OPEN. . ” ) ;
214 delay ( 2000 ) ;
215 l c d . c l e a r () ;
216 }
217 i f ( value 2 <180)
218 {
219 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 0 ) ;
220 l c d . p r in t (” l i n e 2∗ = SHORT FAULT∗ ”) ;
221 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 1 ) ;
222 l c d . p r in t (” The l i n e 2i s ”) ;
223 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 2 ) ;
224 l c d . p r in t (”SHORTED. . ” ) ;
225 delay ( 2000 ) ;
226 l c d . c l e a r () ;
227 }
229 in t value 3=analogRead ( sense 3 ) ;

231 l ine 3 A S tate = d ig i ta l Re a d ( l ine 3 A ) ;

232 l in e 3 BSta te = d ig i ta l Re a d ( l ine 3 B ) ;
233 l ine 3 C S t at e = d ig i ta l Re a d ( l ine 3 C ) ;

235 i f ( l ine 3 AState == HIGH&&l ine 3 BSta te==HIGH&&l ine 3 CState

==HIGH&&va lue 3 >190)
236 {

238 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( led3G , HIGH) ;

239 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( relay 3 , LOW) ;
240 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 2 ) ;
241 l c d . p r in t (” l i n e 3= NO FAULT”) ;
242 }
243 else
244 {
245 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( led3R , HIGH) ;
246 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( relay 3 , HIGH) ;
247 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( no t i fy 3 ,LOW) ;
248 delay ( 500 ) ;

250 }

252 i f ( l ine 3 AState==LOW)

253 {
254 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 0 ) ;
255 l c d . p r in t (” l i n e 3 ∗∗
= OPEN FAULT∗∗ ”) ;
256 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 1 ) ;
257 l c d . p r in t (” The secti on A i s ”) ;
258 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 2 ) ;
259 l c d . p r in t (”OPEN. . ” ) ;
260 delay ( 2000 ) ;
261 l c d . c l e a r () ;


265 i f ( l ine 3 BSta te==LOW)
266 {
267 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 0 ) ;
268 l c d . p r in t (” l i n e 3 =∗∗OPEN FAULT∗∗ ”) ;
269 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 1 ) ;
270 l c d . p r in t (” The secti on B i s ”) ;
271 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 2 ) ;
272 l c d . p r in t (”OPEN. . ” ) ;
273 delay ( 2000 ) ;
274 l c d . c l e a r () ;


278 i f ( l ine 3 CState==LOW)
279 {
280 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 0 ) ;
281 l c d . p r in t (” l i n e 3 ∗∗
= OPEN FAULT∗∗ ”) ;
282 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 1 ) ;
283 l c d . p r in t (” The secti on C i s ”) ;
284 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 2 ) ;
285 l c d . p r in t (”OPEN. . ” ) ;
286 delay ( 2000 ) ;
287 l c d . c l e a r () ;
288 }

290 i f ( value 3 <180)

291 {
292 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 0 ) ;
293 l c d . p r in t (” l i n e 3∗ = SHORT FAULT ∗ ”) ;
294 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 1 ) ;
295 l c d . p r in t (” The l i n e 3i s ”) ;
296 l c d . set C urso r ( 0 , 2 ) ;
297 l c d . p r in t (”SHORTED. . ” ) ;
298 delay ( 2000 ) ;
299 l c d . c l e a r () ;
300 }
301 delay ( 1000 ) ;
302 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( no t i fy 1 , HIGH) ;
303 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( no t i fy 2 , HIGH) ;
304 d i g i t a l W r i t e ( no t i fy 3 , HIGH) ;
305 }

307 #d e f in e BLYNK PRINT S e r i a l

308 #in c lu d e <ESP8266WiFi . h>
309 #in c lu d e <BlynkSimpleEsp8266 . h>
310 char auth [ ] = ”GjD58qM0LRtD − 5fj3WAtGDI9k t3YkYy ” ;
311 // Your WiFi c r e d e n t i a l s .
312 // Set password to ”” f o r open networks .
313 char s s i d [ ] = ” t u f i a n s ” ;
314 char pass [ ] = ””;

316 BlynkTimer ti mer ;

317 WidgetMap myMap(V0) ; // My Mapping , s e l e c t i n g pinmode
(Vo) in blynk−app

319 void noti fy On Butt on Press ()

320 {
321 // In ve r t s tate , s in c e butt on i s ” Acti ve LOW”
322 in t is Butt on Presse d = ! d ig i ta l Re a d ( 5 ) ;
323 i f ( is Butt on Presse d ) {
324 S e r i a l . p r i n t l n (” Butt on i spre s s e d . ” ) ;

326 Blynk . n o t i f y (”LINE Update ! ( Fault Occured in LINE#1) LOC

: 3 4 . 1 9 6 7 7 2 , 7 3 . 2 4 5 0 5 5 ”) ;
327 Blynk . email (”BEE FA16 — − @tuf . edu . pk ” , ”ESP8266 A lert ” , ”
Ale rt : ( Faulty l i n e#1 i s d et e ct e d ) , At t h i s
l o c a t i o n LOC: ( 3 4 . 1 9 6 7 7 2 , 7 3 . 2 4 5 0 5 5 ) ”) ;
328 }
329 }
330 void noti fy On Butt on Press 1 ()
331 {
332 // In ve r t s tate , s in c e butt on i s ” Acti ve LOW”
333 in t is Butt on Pressed 1 = ! d ig i ta l Re a d ( 4 ) ;
334 i f ( is Butt on Presse d 1 ) {
335 S e r i a l . p r i n t l n (” Butt on i spre s s e d . ” ) ;

337 // Note :
338 // We allow 1 n o t i f i c a t i o n per 15 seconds f o r now .
339 Blynk . n o t i f y (”LINE Update ! ( Fault Occured in LINE#2) LOC
: 3 3 . 1 9 6 0 8 0 , 7 2 . 2 3 5 0 1 7 ”) ;
340 Blynk . email (”BEE FA16 — − @tuf . edu . pk ” , ”ESP8266 A lert ” , ”
Ale rt : ( Faulty l i n e#2 i s d et e ct e d ) , At t h i s
l o c a t i o n LOC: ( 3 3 . 1 9 6 0 8 0 , 7 2 . 2 3 5 0 1 7 ) ”) ;
341 }
342 }
343 void noti fy On Butt on Press 2 ()
344 {
345 // In ve r t s tate , s in c e butt on i s ” Acti ve LOW”
346 in t is Butt on Pressed 1 = ! d ig i ta l Re a d ( 2 ) ;
347 i f ( is Butt on Presse d 1 ) {
348 S e r i a l . p r i n t l n (” Butt on i spre s s e d . ” ) ;

350 // Note :
351 // We allow 1 n o t i f i c a t i o n per 15 seconds f o r now .
352 Blynk . n o t i f y (”LINE Update ! ( Fault Occured in LINE#3) LOC
: 3 2 . 6 7 7 5 7 2 , 7 1 . 7 9 8 4 5 5 ”) ;
353 Blynk . email (”BEE FA16 — − @tuf . edu . pk ” , ”ESP8266 A lert ” , ”
Ale rt : ( Faulty l i n e#3 i s d et e ct e d ) , At t h i s
l o c a t i o n LOC: ( 3 2 . 6 7 7 5 7 2 , 7 1 . 7 9 8 4 5 5 ) ”) ;
354 }
355 }

357 void setup ()

358 {
359 // Debug c o n s o l e
360 S e r i a l . begin ( 9600 ) ;
361 Blynk . begin ( auth , s s id , pass ) ;
362 // Setup a f u n c t io n to be c a l l e d every second
363 // Setup n o t i f i c a t i o n butt on on pin 2
364 pinMode ( 5 , INPUT PULLUP) ;

365 pinMode ( 4 , INPUT PULLUP) ;

366 pinMode ( 2 , INPUT PULLUP) ;

367 ti mer . s e t I n t e r v a l (10000 L, noti fy On Butt on Press ) ;

368 ti mer . s e t I n t e r v a l (10000 L, noti fy On Butt on Press 1 ) ;
369 ti mer . s e t I n t e r v a l (10000 L, noti fy On Butt on Press 2 ) ;
370 // I f you want to remove a l l p o in ts :
371 //myMap. c l e a r () ;

372 in t index = 1 ;
373 float lat = 31.4504;
374 f l o a t lon = 7 3 . 1 3 5 0 ;
375 myMap. l o c a t i o n ( index , lat , lon , ” value ”) ;
376 }


378 void loop ()

379 {
380 Blynk . run () ;
381 ti mer . run () ;
382 }

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