Agri-Fishery Arts 2

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Code: SLSU- QF-IN01 -B

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Date: 29 July 2019

Republic of the Philippines

Brgy. San Jose, San Juan, Southern Leyte

Syllabus in Introduction to Agri-fishery Arts Part 2

Course Code, No: Descriptive Title

Name of Faculty: MARITES V. Allerite

Program : BTLED Semester and Academic Year: 2 nd Semester, AY 2020-2021

National Goal : The attainment of empowered and globally competitive Filipinos through quality and excellent
education, relevant and responsive to changing environment, accessible and equitable to deserving
students, efficient and effective in optimizing returns and benefits.

Vision : A high quality corporate University of Science, Technology and Innovation.

Mission : SLSU will develop science, technology and innovation leaders and professionals; produce high-impact
technologies from research and innovations; contribute to sustainable development through responsive
community engagement programs; and generate revenues to be self-sufficient and financially viable.

University Goals :  Upgrade the quality of instruction with emphasis on Science, Technology and Innovations;
 Provide responsive and pro-active Student Programs and Quality Services for optimum student

Doc. Code: SLSU- QF-IN01 -B
Revision: 0 0
Date: 29 July 2019

welfare and development;

 Intensify human capability development for research and innovation;
 Imbibe research attitude in the university;
 Develop and sustain a culture of research and innovation;
 Implement responsive extension programs/ projects/ activities for sustainable development;
 Generate sustainable revenue streams to implement SLSU Development Plans and Programs;
 Enhance the transparency, efficiency and effectiveness of the Management System.

Quality Policy : We at Southern Leyte State University commit enthusiastically to satisfy our stakeholders need and
expectation by adhering to good governance reliance and innovation of our instructions, research and
development, extension and other support services and to continually improve the effectiveness of our
quality management system in compliance to ethical standards and applicable statutory regulatory
industry and stakeholders requirements.

The management commits to establish, maintain and monitor our quality management system and ensure
that adequate resources are available.

Core Values : Service Excellence

Leadership Competence
Stewardship and Accountability
Unity in Diversity

I. Common to all programs in all types of schools.

The graduates have the ability to:
a.) Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice;
b.) Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino;
c.) Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams;
d.) Act in recognition of professionals, social, and ethical responsibility; and
e.) Preserve and promote “Filipino and cultural heritage”.

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Date: 29 July 2019


II. Common to Teacher Education

Teacher Education graduates should have developed the ability to:
g.) Articulate the relationship of education to larger historical, social, cultural and political processes;
h.) Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies in various types of environment;
i.) Develop alternative teaching approaches for diverse learners;
j.) Apply skills in curriculum development, lesson planning, materials development, instructional delivery and educational
k.) Demonstrate basic and higher levels of thinking skills in planning, assessing and reporting;
l.) Practice professionals and ethical teaching standards to respond to the demands of the community; and
m.) Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth.
III. Specific to BTLED
A BTLED graduate should have developed the ability to:
n.) Demonstrate broad and coherent meaningful knowledge and skills in technology and livelihood education
o.) Apply with minimal supervision specialized knowledge and skills in technology livelihood education
p.) Demonstrate the competences required of the Philippine TVET Trainers-Assessor Qualification framework (PTTQF)
q.) Demonstrate higher level literacy, communication, numeracy, critical thinking, learning skills needed for higher learning
r.) Show a deep and principled understanding of how educational processes relate to larger historical, social, cultural, and
political processes;
s.) Apply a wide range of teaching process skills ( including curriculum development, lesson planning, materials
development, educational assessment, and teaching approaches, and reflect on the relationship among the teaching
process skills, learning processing in the students, nature of the content/subject matter and other factors affecting
educational processes in order to constantly improve their teaching knowledge , skills ,and practices.

IV. Goal of the College of Teacher Education


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Date: 29 July 2019

1. Produce science and technology oriented teachers imbued with reflective thingking and theoretical,
technical, and practical competence;
2. Develop a sense of leadership in helping build an economically viable community through S&T- based
Research and extension
3. Optimized future teacher’s abilities to transfer the technology of one’s field of specialization to
Communities and other service area;
4. Capacitate prospective teachers with the skills in managing their professional, social ,and personal
aspects of living and
5. Imbibe SLSU’s core values of service of excellence , leadership, stewardship. And accountability and unity

V. Program Objectives of the BTLED

Bachelor of Technology and livelihood education aims to develop highly competent and motivated teachers in
Technology And livelihood Education for grades 4-8. It shall impart body of knowledge ,skills, attitude, values
and experiences that will provide prospective grade 4-8 EPP/TLE teachers with the necessary competences essential
for effective teaching and at the same time are accredited TVET trainers and assessors

Graduate Attributes – Education BTLED

1. S & T leader S and T leaders
2. Competent and competitive Competent Teacher
3. Effective communicator Synthesizer
4. Value-oriented individual Promoter
VI. Course Description: This course provides information that focuses on specialized fields in agri-fishery arts such as
Agricultural Crops, Animal Production, Aquaculture, and organic agriculture.

VII. Course Outcome and Relationship to Program Outcome

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Revision: 0 0
Date: 29 July 2019

Course Outcomes Program Outcomes

Common to Common to Teacher Education Specific to BTLED
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r

At the end of this course, the students

should be able to:
1. Cultivate common agricultural
crops in your locality
2. Acquire knowledge of the different
practices in animal/ livestock
3. Gain knowledge on the aquaculture
4. Apply care are maintenance of
agronomic crops
5. Suggest methods of post harvest
operation of vegetables
6. Understand the importance of
organic agriculture

Doc. Code: SLSU- QF-IN01 -B
Revision: 0 0
Date: 29 July 2019

VIII. Course Design Matrix

Intended Learning Content Time Methodology Assessment Task Instructional
Outcomes Table (Teaching- Materials
(ILO) (Hour Learning
) Activities)
At the end of this
module, the students
must have:
At the end of this module, MODULE 1. 13hrs. PRE TEST
you shall have; Lesson 1 Performance test:
. Cultivated vegetables / . Soil selection Actual Operation Internet
fruits in the backyard . Land preparation Modular/ self- Students are required to make two sources
. Identified the factors in the . Sowing and paced instruction plots/ home gardens for vegetables/
selection of soil planting Fruits using organic fertilizer and in-
organic fertilizer
Enumeration test on lesson 1:
Land preparation
Lesson 2
. Care and 12 hrs
. Identified the pre- harvest maintenance of
crops Identification type of test on lesson 2
and post- harvest practices
. Post harvest Care and Maintenance of crops and
and methods of handling
operation of post harvest operation of fruits or
the produce
produce vegetables


Doc. Code: SLSU- QF-IN01 -B
Revision: 0 0
Date: 29 July 2019

Lesson 1

. Described the strategies in . Management 9 hrs. Modular/ self- Essay type of test on management Internet
livestock farming practices of paced instruction practices of livestock sources
livestock hrs.

. Classified the different Lesson 2 Modular/ self- Classification type of test on kinds of Internet
aquaculture . Kinds of 6 hrs. paced instruction aquaculture sources
aquaculture in
the Phils.
. Learned the methods in
Lesson 3 6 hrs. Enumeration type of test on the sources
aquaculture production
. Methods in different methods in aquaculture
raising production
. Defined organic agriculture aquaculture Essay type of test on importance of
and understood its 6 hrs organic agriculture
importance to crop

54 hrs.

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Revision: 0 0
Date: 29 July 2019

IX. References:

X. Course Requirements:
Active participation in various activities and learning tasks in the course:
1. Compliance of activities indicated in Activating prior knowledge
2. Compliance of questions and tasks in Application and Assessment
3. Compliance of Integrative Documentary Portfolio

XI. Grading System

For Flexible learning ;

Portfolio/ IDP ; 40%

Learning Task ; 60%
Total ; 100%

XII. Authentic Assessment Tools

XIII. Provision for Flexibility

 Students with special needs shall be dealt with appropriately depending on the course’s activities/requirements.
 GAD Responsive

Prepared by; Recommended for Approval: Approved by:

Doc. Code: SLSU- QF-IN01 -B
Revision: 0 0
Date: 29 July 2019


Faculty Department Head, BTLED Assistant Director, ARI


Doc. Code: SLSU- QF-IN01 -B
Revision: 0 0
Date: 29 July 2019

This is to acknowledge receipt of the course syllabus/outline in Agriculture on ________________ at SLSU, San Juan, Southern Leyte


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