Chapter 12-Modifiers
Chapter 12-Modifiers
Chapter 12-Modifiers
Modifiers have been reorganized in version 2.5/2.6 and placed in their own setting
panel. We have already discussed the Subdivision Surface (SubSurf) modifier in previous
chapters and will now look at some of the other modifiers. Others will be discussed in
later chapters. Depending on the type of object selected, the modifiers fly-out may
display different options. For basic meshes, here is what you see:
Generate Modifiers
Some of the Generate modifiers are self-explanatory while others need more discussion.
Here are some of the basic options:
The Array modifier works great for making
patterned copies of an object. If you
need rows and columns, add 2 Array
modifiers and set the X,Y,Z Offsets as
needed to obtain your pattern. By
checking the “Object Offset button and
selecting a control object (like an Empty),
you can spin and scale the array.
Chapter 12- Modifiers
RoboDude Asks: What does the “Apply” button do in a Modifier panel?
Until you hit apply, you can always change the settings of the feature. Once you hit the apply
button, the modifier panel disappears and the feature becomes fixed and unchangeable. For
example, applying a bevel modifier will then fix the bevel, changeable only in edit mode by
Bevel moving verticies or faces. Same effect as applying the mirror modifier.
The Boolean modifier is an important feature. It allows
you to cut holes, join meshes that recalculate verticies
and create new shapes from shared areas. To use the
Boolean modifier, create 2 shapes- one that will be
effected and one that will cause the effect. For my
example, I've created a cube and a sphere. If you want
to see the effect on the cube, select the cube and add
a Boolean modifier. In the “Object” box, select the
“Sphere”. Under “Operation”, select “Intersection”,
“Union”, or “Difference”. When you get your desired results, hit “Apply”. Sometimes, you
don't get exactly the results you desire and need to erase some faces or move some
verticies in edit mode. See results below:
The Build modifier will take a mesh and build, or
create, it over a specified time. Use the subdivide
command to add more faces for a better effect.
You can control the start and end frame times,
randomize and seed pattern. A useful effect for
having something appear and build in an
Chapter 12- Modifiers
Let's say you made an object and subdivided it too many
times or need to simplify it for using in the game engine.
Changing the “Ratio”, then hitting the “Apply” button will
simplify the mesh.
Edge Split
Edge split allows you to split a mesh into individual faces.
Basically, you are taking the shared verticies at intersections and
duplicating them so all faces have their own set of points. Edges
are split depending on the angle setting. Hit “Apply” to see
results, then enter “Edit Mode” to select those faces.
The Mask modifier allows you to select a vertex group
previously created for the selected mesh and filter out
everything else, or just that group. To create vertex
groups, you need to go to the “Object Data” panel,
create a new group and assign
selected verticies to that group.
Vertex groups are used for many features in Blender, some being
demonstrated in later chapters. After the group has been
created, you can add the Mask modifier, select the group and
any other desired features like the “Invert” option.
When modeling a symmetrical object (like a face, body or car), it is
useful to only model half the object. To do this, move the object's
center point to the objects mirror axis and keep all verticies to one
side of the mirror axis. Add a Mirror modifier and select the X,Y, or Z
(or multiple) axis planes and other options. You can also use another
object to mirror around. After you have shaped the object, hit
“Apply” to set the mesh.
Multi-resolution allows you to add different levels of resolution quality to a mesh as
rendered and displayed on the screen. Useful for speeding up working and rendering.
The Screw modifier allows you to create spiral objects
differently than the “Screw” option found in the Tool
Shelf in edit mode. The screw modifier works best with
flat 2D objects like planes. By default, the feature uses
the object's center point as it's spin reference, but
other objects can be selected. You can select the
spin axis, angle, step quality, and turns (iterations).
Chapter 12- Modifiers
If you are making an object like a glass or mug, if you only extrude the
outer face of the object, it will not have any thickness. The Solidify
modifier allows you to give the object some wall thickness.
Subdivision Surface
The “SubSurf” modifier allows you to keep
your mesh simple with as few verticies as
possible, but render as a much more detailed mesh. Try
adding a monkey head mesh, hit “Smooth” in the Tool Shelf,
then add a Subdivision Surface modifier. If you enter Edit
Mode, the mesh is still simple, but SubSurf has divided the
faces for more detail. Be careful not to take the setting too
high or your scene will slow down.
Deform Modifiers
While the Generate modifiers allowed certain modifications to the object, the Deform
modifiers are used to change the object or use other objects for control.
An armature is a skeleton used to deform a mesh. It can be used for
creating characters, suspension on cars and much more. Armatures
are discussed in more detail in a later chapter.
The Curve modifier allows you to use a curve to shape a
mesh. Start by creating a mesh that is subdivided or
extruded with enough verticies to “bend”. Create a
curve and apply the Curve modifier to the mesh (not
the curve). Shaping the curve will bend the mesh.
The Displace modifier works like the Displacement
setting in the Textures panel(discussed in the Materials
and Textures chapter). Create an object with many
verticies, apply a texture and use it with the Displace
modifier. The example to the right is a cube.
Chapter 12- Modifiers
Hooks are used to animate an object using another object. Often,
you will create vertex groups (discussed in Chapter 13 and 16)
and tie them to an object, like an Empty. With the object selected
and in Edit Mode, you can “Reset” and “Recenter” the mesh's
points for better interaction.
Mesh Deform
The Mesh Deform Modifier allows you to “Bind” one mesh to another
and use it to control it's shape. Vertex groups can also be assigned for
control. In order to use it, the controlled shape (the shape with the
modifier on it) must be contained within the control object and the
control object must be a closed mesh. Depending on the complexity
of the meshes, the computer may lag when the “Bind” button is
Shrinkwrap is a relatively new modifier that allows you to wrap a
mesh around another mesh. For example, a subdivided plane can
be molded around another object. You can select a target
object to wrap around and a vertex group to control the shape.
Simple Deform
Simple Deform is a handy modifier that can do
a variety of simple modifications to a mesh. You
can Stretch, Taper, Bend and Twist a mesh
using the Mode and Deform settings. The
complexity of the deform can relate the the
number of subdivisions and vertex groups used.
The Smooth modifier will attempt to smooth out a mesh or vertex
group that may be sharper than you wish.
Chapter 12- Modifiers
Simulate Modifiers
The Simulate modifiers work with Blender's physics engine in order to create animations
dealing with particles (fire, explosions, strands), cloth, fluids, soft-bodies, smoke, forces
and collisions. When applying most of these modifiers, you will need to go to the Physics
and Particles panel to adjust the settings. All of these factors are
discussed in later chapters, but here is what you can find in this modifier
Fluid Simulation
The fluid simulations have seen improvements over
previous versions. You can create inflow or fluid masses
that splash and react.
Soft Body
The Soft Body modifier existed before Blender had the
Cloth modifier and was used to simulate cloth effects. Soft bodies can be used for
fabric effects and “Jello” giggle effects. You can control the elasticity between
The Smoke modifier is new for Blender 2.5. It can be used to create
realistic smoke effects in your scene.
Modifiers Practice Exercise
Create a new file and call it Modifiers. Create a scene using any objects and materials
you wish. Place at least one of each of the following modifiers in your scene.
- Subdivision Surface
- Build Effect
- Mesh Mirroring
- Wave Effect
- Boolean Operation
Feel free to experiment with any of the other Generate and Deform modifiers.
Other useful commands: