API Test Cases

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API_TC_01 API HTTP method/HTTP Execute the API by using the valid API HTTP method

API_TC_02 Execute the GET API by changing the API HTTP method
to other than GET method (HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE,

API_TC_03 Execute the POST API by changing the API HTTP

method to other than POST method (HEAD, GET, PUT,

API_TC_04 Execute the PUT API by changing the API HTTP method
to other than PUT method (HEAD, POST, GET, DELETE,

API_TC_05 Execute the DELETE API by changing the API HTTP

method to other than DELETE method (HEAD, POST,

API_TC_06 API PROTOCOL Execute the API by using the correct defined protocol

API_TC_07 Execute the API by changing the protocol (http instead

of https)
API_TC_08 Execute the API by changing the protocol (https
instead of http)
API_TC_09 API PARAM Execute the GET method API by using valid parameter

API_TC_10 Execute the GET method API by using invalid

parameter values
API_TC_11 Execute the GET method API by using empty
parameter values
API_TC_12 Execute the POST method API by using valid parameter

API_TC_13 Execute the POST method API by using invalid

parameter values
API_TC_14 Execute the POST method API by using empty
parameter values
API_TC_15 Execute the PUT method API by using valid parameter

API_TC_16 Execute the PUT method API by using invalid

parameter values
API_TC_17 Execute the PUT method API by using empty
parameter values
API_TC_18 Execute the DELETE method API by using valid
parameter values

API_TC_19 Execute the DELETE method API by using invalid

parameter values
API_TC_20 Execute the DELETE method API by using empty
parameter values
API_TC_21 API AUTHORIZATION Execute the API by using a valid access token
API_TC_22 Execute the API by using expired access token
API_TC_23 Execute the API by using empty authentication
API_TC_24 Execute the API by using tampered access token
API_TC_25 Execute the API by using no access token
API_TC_26 Execute the API by using a different authentication
type other than mentioned by developer
API_TC_27 Execute the API without access token authentication
API_TC_28 Verify the API’s behaviors with different levels of
API_TC_29 API PAYLOAD Execute the POST method API with proper
payload/body data
API_TC_30 Execute the POST method API with improper
payload/incorrect body data
API_TC_31 Execute the POST method API without payload/empty
body data
API_TC_32 Execute the POST method API with increased size of
proper payload/body data
API_TC_33 Execute the POST method API with partial
payload/partial body data (i.e., one of the field will
not be supplied in body parameters)

API_TC_34 Execute the POST method API by specifying

payload/body data input with minimum required fields

API_TC_35 Execute the POST method API by specifying

payload/body data input with more fields than
specified by the developer

API_TC_36 Execute the PUT method API with proper

payload/body data
API_TC_37 Execute the PUT method API with improper
payload/incorrect body data
API_TC_38 Execute the PUT method API without payload/empty
body data
API_TC_39 Execute the PUT method API with increased size of
proper payload/body data
API_TC_40 Execute the PUT method API with partial
payload/partial body data (i.e., one of the field will
not be supplied in body parameters)

API_TC_41 Execute the PUT method API by specifying

payload/body data input with minimum required fields

API_TC_42 Execute the PUT method API by specifying

payload/body data input with maximum fields

API_TC_43 Execute the DELETE method API with proper

payload/body data
API_TC_44 Execute the DELETE method API with improper
payload/incorrect body data
API_TC_45 Execute the DELETE method API without
payload/empty body data
API_TC_46 Execute the DELETE method API with increased size of
proper payload/body data
API_TC_47 Execute the DELETE method API with partial
payload/partial body data (i.e., one of the field will
not be supplied in body parameters)

API_TC_48 Execute the DELETE method API by specifying

payload/body data input with minimum required fields

API_TC_49 Execute the DELETE method API by specifying

payload/body data input with maximum fields

API_TC_50 API ITERATIONS Execute the API for 1 iteration

API_TC_51 Execute the API for multiple iterations (50, 100, 500,
API_TC_52 Execute the API continuously for multiple iterations to
check for API throttling

API_TC_53 Execute the API beyond the SLA limit defined in API
gateway manager where API throttling is defined
API_TC_54 RESPONSE HEADERS Execute the API with all available methods (GET,

API_TC_55 API DATA DRIVEN Execute the API using CSV data, for data driven testing

API_TC_56 Execute the API using JSON data, for data driven

API_TC_57 API RESPONSE TIME Execute the GET method API as per API documentation

Execute the POST method API as per API

Execute the PUT method API as per API documentation

Execute the DELETE method API as per API


API_TC_59 API INPUT If your API expects numbers in the input, try to send
values such as negative inumbers, 0, and large digit

API_TC_60 API AUTOMATION Create monitors and auto schedule API test execution
everyday and publish API test report
POSITIVE (i) Validate data accuracy in response body i.e., the response payload is well-
formed (schema validation)
(ii) Validate HTTP status codes returned
(iii) Validate response time i.e., the API service responds within an expected
(iv) Validate error codes in case API returns any errors
NEGATIVE Validate if the reponse error payloads contain the correct error messages, correct
error status code and no access or API details are provided to the user

NEGATIVE Validate if the reponse error payloads contain the correct error messages, correct
error status code and no access or API details are provided to the user

NEGATIVE Validate if the reponse error payloads contain the correct error messages, correct
error status code and no access or API details are provided to the user

NEGATIVE Validate if the reponse error payloads contain the correct error messages, correct
error status code and no access or API details are provided to the user

POSITIVE (i) Compare the whole response body content with the expected information
(ii) Compare each attribute value of the response
(iii) Compare matching with regular expression
NEGATIVE Validate if the reponse error payloads contain the correct error messages, correct
error status code and no access or API details are provided to the user
NEGATIVE Validate if the reponse error payloads contain the correct error messages, correct
error status code and no access or API details are provided to the user
POSITIVE (i) Compare the whole response body content with the expected information
(ii) Compare each attribute value of the response
(iii) Compare matching with regular expression
NEGATIVE Validate if the reponse error payloads contain the correct error messages, correct
error status code and no access or API details are provided to the user
NEGATIVE Validate if the reponse error payloads contain the correct error messages, correct
error status code and no access or API details are provided to the user
POSITIVE (i) Compare the whole response body content with the expected information
(ii) Compare each attribute value of the response
(iii) Compare matching with regular expression
NEGATIVE Validate if the reponse error payloads contain the correct error messages, correct
error status code and no access or API details are provided to the user
NEGATIVE Validate if the reponse error payloads contain the correct error messages, correct
error status code and no access or API details are provided to the user
POSITIVE (i) Compare the whole response body content with the expected information
(ii) Compare each attribute value of the response
(iii) Compare matching with regular expression
NEGATIVE Validate if the reponse error payloads contain the correct error messages, correct
error status code and no access or API details are provided to the user
NEGATIVE Validate if the reponse error payloads contain the correct error messages, correct
error status code and no access or API details are provided to the user
POSITIVE (i) Compare the whole response body content with the expected information
(ii) Compare each attribute value of the response
(iii) Compare matching with regular expression
NEGATIVE Validate if the reponse error payloads contain the correct error messages, correct
error status code and no access or API details are provided to the user
NEGATIVE Validate if the reponse error payloads contain the correct error messages, correct
error status code and no access or API details are provided to the user
POSITIVE Perform authorization checks
NEGATIVE Perform authorization checks
NEGATIVE Perform authorization checks
NEGATIVE Perform authorization checks
NEGATIVE Perform authorization checks
NEGATIVE Perform authorization checks
NEGATIVE Perform authorization checks
SECURITY Perform authorization checks

POSITIVE Send valid json in payload/body, as per API document i.e., the request payload is
well-formed (schema validation)
NEGATIVE Send invalid json in payload/body

NEGATIVE Dont use json in payload/body i.e., payload/body is empty

NEGATIVE Send valid json in payload/body by writing more fields in the payload which are not
expected by database/server
NEGATIVE Send valid json in payload/body by writing less fields in the payload which are not
expected by database/server

POSITIVE (i) Compare the whole response body content with the expected information
(ii) Compare each attribute value of the response
(iii) Compare matching with regular expression
POSITIVE (i) Compare the whole response body content with the expected information
(ii) Compare each attribute value of the response
(iii) Compare matching with regular expression
POSITIVE Send valid json in payload/body, as per API document i.e., the request payload is
well-formed (schema validation)
NEGATIVE Send invalid json in payload/body

NEGATIVE Dont use json in payload/body i.e., payload/body is empty

NEGATIVE Send valid json in payload/body by writing more fields in the payload which are not
expected by database/server
NEGATIVE Send valid json in payload/body by writing less fields in the payload which are not
expected by database/server

POSITIVE (i) Compare the whole response body content with the expected information
(ii) Compare each attribute value of the response
(iii) Compare matching with regular expression
POSITIVE (i) Compare the whole response body content with the expected information
(ii) Compare each attribute value of the response
(iii) Compare matching with regular expression
POSITIVE Send valid json in payload/body, as per API document i.e., the request payload is
well-formed (schema validation)
NEGATIVE Send invalid json in payload/body

NEGATIVE Dont use json in payload/body i.e., payload/body is empty

NEGATIVE Send valid json in payload/body by writing more fields in the payload which are not
expected by database/server
NEGATIVE Send valid json in payload/body by writing less fields in the payload which are not
expected by database/server

POSITIVE (i) Compare the whole response body content with the expected information
(ii) Compare each attribute value of the response
(iii) Compare matching with regular expression
POSITIVE (i) Compare the whole response body content with the expected information
(ii) Compare each attribute value of the response
(iii) Compare matching with regular expression
POSITIVE (i) Validate data accuracy in response body i.e., the response payload is well-
formed (schema validation)
(ii) Validate HTTP status codes returned
(iii) Validate response time i.e., the API service responds within an expected
(iv) Validate error codes in case API returns any errors
LOAD TESTING Developers has to rate limit/time-frame defined of the APIs usage per user/per
access token generated, to improve the application security and performance
THROTTLE TESTING Developers has to rate limit/time-frame defined of the APIs usage per user/per
access token generated, to improve the application security and performance ;
throttling can be applied at user level/minute OR IP-address level/minute

Validate the response time, response code and response description

Limit requests (Throttling) to avoid DDoS / brute-force attacks.
RESPONSE HEADERS (I) Ensure that the response headers doesnt contain access-control-allow-origin set
(ii) Ensure that the response headers doesnt contain access-control-allow-
credentials set to TRUE
(iii) Ensure that the response headers doesnt contain access-control-allow-methods
set to * OR all HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, TRACE)

(iv) Ensure that the response headers doesnt reveal server versions or server header
(v) Ensure that the response headers doesnt reveal server names
(vi) Ensure that the response headers doesnt reveal the server details in the x-
powered-by field
FUZZ TESTING (i) Validate data accuracy in response body i.e., the response payload is well-
formed (schema validation)
(ii) Validate HTTP status codes returned
(iii) Validate response time i.e., the API service responds within an expected
(iv) Validate error codes in case API returns any errors
FUZZ TESTING (i) Validate data accuracy in response body i.e., the response payload is well-
formed (schema validation)
(ii) Validate HTTP status codes returned
(iii) Validate response time i.e., the API service responds within an expected
(iv) Validate error codes in case API returns any errors
RESPONSE TIME TESTING Validate response time i.e., the API service responds within an expected timeframe

RESPONSE TIME TESTING Validate response time i.e., the API service responds within an expected timeframe

RESPONSE TIME TESTING Validate response time i.e., the API service responds within an expected timeframe

RESPONSE TIME TESTING Validate response time i.e., the API service responds within an expected timeframe

INPUT TESTING Use the proper HTTP method according to the operation: GET (read), POST
(create), PUT/PATCH (replace/update), and DELETE (to delete a record), and
respond with '405 - Method Not Allowed' if the requested method isn't appropriate
for the requested resource.

FUZZ TESTING Validate the query parameters for input data range (negative numbers, 0-9)

CONTINUOUS TESTING (i) Validate data accuracy in response body i.e., the response payload is well-
formed (schema validation)
(ii) Validate HTTP status codes returned
(iii) Validate response time i.e., the API service responds within an expected
(iv) Validate error codes in case API returns any errors

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