A. Introduction
The body's response to the pressures of the world is stress. Itis a natural
response to a person's incapacity to deal with specific demands and events. It is not
only a stimulus or a response, but also a process of processing and coping with external
diarrhea, high blood pressure, heart disease, depression, and alcohol, cigarette, or drug
abuse, to name a few. Stressors are occurrences or circumstances that place a burden
on a person. Events or factors in your environment that can cause stress are known as
genetic predisposition, medical history, religious beliefs, physical fitness, attitudes and
People expected that students would be the least affected by any stress or
difficulties. Students were only expected to do one thing: study and studying was never
considered as a difficult chore. However, the expectations that adults had for their
responsibilities that these individuals could no longer bear. Academic stress has been
identified as the most major health barrier preventing college students from performing
well academically. Excessive coursework, poor time management and social skills, peer
competitiveness, and other common academic pressures have all been noted as some
of the most prevalent sources of stress in academic contexts (Fairbrother & Warn,
2003) stated in a journal by Reddy, Menon & Thattil (2018). It is not always a negative
thing to be stressed out. Stress is a double-edge sword that has the ability to make or
break a person. It was crucial to our hunter-gatherer forefathers' survival, and it remains
fulfill a tight deadline, or have your wits about you in the midst of mayhem, it can be
beneficial. Stress is normal in modest doses and can help people be more active and
productive. Extremely high levels of stress, on the other hand, can create serious
mental and physical difficulties if they persist for an extended length of time.
Research was intended to address concerns with academic stressors and their
establish and prove the existence of a substantial association between the two variables
encountered in college but had not yet been completely solved. The researchers
This study aims to describe the effect of academic stressors towards academic
1.1 age;
Customs Administration.
A. Related Literature
come from low-income families and have a limited budget for internet subscriptions,
Licayan, Chierife & Kim (2021) stated. The current condition of virtual learning is likely
to exacerbate existing inequalities and create barriers to online education (Rotas &
their study, “Philippine Teachers’ Practices to Deal with Anxiety amid COVID-19,
Journal of Loss and Trauma”, showed that the following categories of difficulties in
virtual learning are stressors. This just goes to show how high the level of academic
stress is during the Covid-19 pandemic. As per Fairbrother & Warn (2003) in “Academic
Stress and its Sources Among University Students” by Reddy, Menon & Thattil (2018),
some of the most common sources of academic stress are excessive assignments,
Students: A Review of Literature” by Jain & Singhai (2017), he measured that one of the
overload. Excessive homework has recently been linked to high stress levels, physical
health issues, and a lack of balance in children's lives. Over time, this stress might pose
major issues for a developing brain. When stressed, the brain produces cortisol, which
Students frequently postpone tasks until the last minute, even when they are aware that
doing so will cause them stress. As per Homisak (2012) in an article “Impact of
Nursing Students: A Cross Sectional Study” by Nayak (2019) he supported that leaving
things till the last-minute causes tension and worry which will make harder for students
Kharjana, Pariat, Rynjah & Joplin (2014) in a journal, “The Level of Academic and
Yikealo, Yemane & Karvinen (2018), they reported that, “academic stressors originate
from… competition with other students [peer competition]”. It can either aid introvert kids
shape their personality in a positive way or act as a hindrance and cause stress (Jain &
SInghai, 2017). To make the most of peer competition, learners must have wisdom and
Lamas (2015), academic performance is “the product given by the students, and it is
usually expressed through school grades” (p. 34). Academic performance refers to how
well a student performs in a wide range of subjects. Also, according to Narad and
Abdullah (2016), the success or failure of any academic institution is determined by the
examinations, as well as the display of learning results. They stressed that it indicates
and measures how well an institution, its teachers, and its learners have attained their
educational goals.
Educators and researchers have focused a lot of attention on factors that help
B. Related Studies
According to Pineda and Bueno, (2019) mental health is one of the most
wonderful feelings in the world. Simply knowing that you are not stressed is a breath of
fresh air. Each student experiences an extremely stressful period of their lives when a
new academic year begins. The study demonstrates that senior high school students
have a favorable appraisal of their mental health in terms of school, home, personal,
assessments may be linked to the need for more assistance with arithmetic and other
core courses. This is related to the present study because it also discusses in the study
of Pineda and Bueno the mental health issue which is a primary concern of the stress.
Similarly, the purpose of this study was to assess students' academic stress
teachers, and insufficient learning resources during the Covid-19 pandemic. According
to demographic profiles, the majority of students have a low monthly family income and
due to the rigor of the course pack's requirements, the majority of students allotted
numerous hours every day to complete the lessons. The current findings indicate that
the institution's intervention strategies should include both academic and non-academic
services (Licayan et al. (2021). Additionally, the current study includes a sub-variable
about the course pack needs or assessment overload, which is substantially related to
this study.
Prabu (2015) states that stress might occur as a result of working in a fast-paced
occur as a result of various social demands on time. Academic stress is mild among
upper secondary pupils, regardless of subsample size. Male students face greater
academic stress than female ones. Academic stress is greater for urban students than
for rural students. Academic stress is lower for government school students than for
private school students. Academic stress is greater for students studying science
subjects than for those studying arts subjects. Academic stress is greater for students
whose parents have a literate degree of education than for their peers.
students reported lower emotional well-being than male students, while students of
colour expressed much more stress and anxiety about their academic destiny than
white students. These findings imply that certain students may be particularly vulnerable
highlighting the critical need for intervention and preventative initiatives. Clabaugh's
study focuses more on academic destiny, which is also a focus variable in an existing
academic stress and self-medication. Examinations and course load were regarded as
key sources of stress. Counselling sessions with students and self-care counselling by
pharmacists may aid in the reduction of such pressures and promote responsible self-
On the other hand, in the sense of academic performance of the students, the
study findings of Tus (2021) indicates that over half of respondents had moderate to
severe sadness, stress, or anxiety. In conclusion, students who have severe mental
health problems can nonetheless attain academic success. However, students' mental
health should constantly be monitored and they should be assisted in coping with life
challenges, even more so during current pandemic catastrophe. This is relevant to the
current study because the aforementioned study also explores how academic pressures
The difference test found that academic performance, father's occupation, and
the sort of high school from which they graduated all predicted substantial differences in
their perceptual learning styles. They also had shown disparities in their study habits
when classified according to their high school academic standing, writing abilities,
moms' education, and test anxiety. Finally, strong correlations were found between
students' learning styles, study habits, and academic achievement in applied science
courses. The study's conclusions can assist instructors in planning and delivering
Likewise, it was shown in the study of Arshad, Zaidi and Mahmood (2015) that self-
between male and female students, indicating that female students had higher
academic performance scores than male students and male students have higher self-
The study discovered a substantial association between pupils' stress levels and
success. As a result, it was advised that colleges collaborate with the Counselling and
Lastly, Jain and Singhai, 2017 includes that the stress is always viewed as a
anxiety, and a variety of other dangerous diseases. The increase in the number of
papers produced, etc., is a result of the escalation of stress-related cases during the last
several decades. The purpose of this study is to examine the conceptual framework of
stress, the sources of stress among students, and the methods for managing stress.
This is relevant to the current study since it underlines the need of managing stress in
inform them whether their academic performance and stressors are related. They would
how stress may affect their students' learning capacity, and will be able to devise
School administrators and Deans - This will assist them in determining what
needs to be improved. It will enhance their skills since they were always honing their
ability to assist the school, teachers, and college students with the problem.
Researchers – this will allow them to better understand the relationship between
academic stressors and academic achievement of students. It will also assist the
background on the study done as well as centralize and categorize the various concepts
presented and categorized to use as a new source of data for future researches in
The study will focus only on the two variables which are the effects of academic
stressors and the student’s academic performance and how these two variables
associate each other. As to respondents of this study, it will be limited on the third year
G. Definition of Terms
For a better understanding of this study, the following terms are conceptually and
operationally defined.
assessed by marks by a teacher and/or educational goals set by students and teachers
to be achieved over a specific period of time. In this study, it refers to the variable of the
dependent variable.
demands that exceed adaptive capabilities of students. In this study, it refers to as the
Age – this refers to the length of time that a person has lived or a thing has
existed. In this study, it refers to the one of the sub-variables of the demographic profile
of the respondents.
Civil Status – this refers he distinct options that describe a person's relationship
with a significant other. Married, single, divorced, and widowed are examples of civil
status. In this study, it refers to the one of the sub-variables of the demographic profile
of the respondents.
General Santos City that offers Bachelor of Science in Custom Administrations. In this
study, it refers to the locale of the study or the place where the respondents of this study
can be found.
Third Year BS Custom Administration Students - this refers to the students
taking up the Bachelor of Science in Custom Administration in third year. In this study, it
refers to the respondents that are enrolled in the aforementioned course, academic year
assignment, or services. In this study, it refers to the one of the sub-variables of the
A. Research Design
describe phenomena that are relevant to various contexts and scenarios encountered
(Calmorin, 2016).
The first variable was academic stressors, which will be used to collect extensive
design, and the outcome of this variable will be used to determine the relationship to
second variable which is the third year, Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration
B. Research Locale
as Mindanao Polytechnic School (MPS). To trace the history of the locale, Capt. Aguilar
established Mindanao Polytechnic School, with the support of his wife, Susana, in
February 1980.Mrs. Susana R. Aguilar, an education graduate and business
entrepreneur, and Capt. Aguilar, a master mariner and former harbor pilot of the Port of
General Santos City, pooled their resources to found the only maritime school in the
(Mindanao Polytechnic College, 2018). In 1981, MPS was finally recognized when it
Institutions (PAMI). MPS President Capt. Aguilar was elected as one of PAMI's officers
in the same year, and the school joined the Philippine Association of Private Technical
Institutions (PAPTI).
Mindanao Polytechnic College, has become a byword among the industry. The
graduates' success in diverse industries has piqued the interest of manning businesses
from Manila and beyond, who have flocked to the college in search of more individuals
to fill their positions. The next page shows the map of the study's location.
Figure 2. Map of Mindanao Polytechnic College
B. Respondents of the Study
The respondents in this study will be the third-year college students at the
These are the respondents that will be picked since they had already dealt with
the pressures in an academic context for a long time. Furthermore, because the
students at the Mindanao Polytechnic College, the researchers will able to easily relate
This study will use adapted-research questionnaire to get the data. This is in a
form of survey questionnaire through the 5 point-Likert scale. The researchers will only
base the questionnaire from the finished study that is already validated and evaluated.
The questionnaire must answer the statement of the problem of the study through the
tabulation of the data after the survey. There will be 15 questions to answer the
academic stressors affecting the habitual laziness of the students - 5 questions for the
excessive assignments, another 5 questions for the poor time management and 5
questions asking the peer competition. The academic performance on the other hand,
will be based only on the grades of the students. This is a standardized checked