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This chapter provides an overview of the literature that informs the research and that has

implications for the findings. It presents vital points supporting the objective of this study where

the literature surrounding critical discourse analysis, opinion editorials, ideology, language used

in editorials, as well as power and social relations are considered.

Related Literature

Stress is the natural response the human body gives to challenges. Students are exposed

to stress by various factors. When a student undergoes chronic stress or high stress levels, their

ability to learn, memorize, and post good academic performances can be interfered with

regardless of their age or grade. Hence, it is important to deal with stress at personal, social and

institutional level. Remedies such as feedback, yoga, life skills training, mindfulness, meditation

and psychotherapy have been found useful to deal with stress. According to Reddy et al. (2018)

in their study concludes that stream wise difference in stress does exist in students.

In addition, stress and anxiety amongst students, especially teenagers, are widespread,

and most of the time, they take stress to be negative and are unable to deal with it. Whereas, cited

in Dimitrov (2017) in his study claimed that stress can be addressed by ensuring that the students

give utmost importance to their welfare. Food, exercise, work, recreation is some of the areas to

focus on. He also concluded that the education system is more to do with the academic

qualifications and does not contribute enough to the holistic development of students.

On the other hand, Subramani and Kadhiravan (2017) revealed the link between

academic stress and mental health among students. He endorsed that academic stress and mental

health are correlated and that students are cramped with the academic structure. Parents and
schools pressurize the students way too much for the higher grades that disheartens the students,

further to add on there is not enough support from the parents and school in terms of guidance.

The students are mentally healthy when they perform constructively in the academic forums.

They also propounded that students from private schools are more pressurized as compared to

students from government schools due to the excess of homework and other academic related


According to Deb et al. (2014), studied on 400 male students from five private secondary

schools in Kolkata who were studying in grades 10 and 12. 35 percent students were found to

have high academic stress and 37 percent were found to have high anxiety levels. Students with

marginal grades were said to have higher level of stress as compared to students with better

grades. Also, students involved with extra-curricular activities were noted to be more stressed as

related to those students who were not involved with it. In that , it is concluded that academic

pressure is one of the working mechanism that foster one’s stress. In that, Sharma et al. (2016)

in their study stated the use of various methods to curb stress. Doing one physical exercise on

daily basis can address the concern of stress. One can also adopt to various time management

tools and get involved with leisure activities which can benefit students. Also, it was suggested

that colleges should have a conducive ambience to curtail the stress. On the other hand , teenage

depression or tensions experienced by students while they are growing further increases to the

academic pressures. If they are incapable to adapt to the transition and change, teenagers often

carry huge amount of anxiety, negative personal traits and can suffer from massive attention


Moreover , according to Kaur (2014) he acknowledged that mental health of teenagers

get affected due to the academic stress. Girls with academic stress were found to have poor
mental health as compared to the boys. This was accounted on the study that parents at times put

pressure and strain on students that leads to deteriorated mental health. Bataineh (2013) in his

study measured the academic stressors experienced by students at university. The result of the

analyses showed that there is an unreasonable academic overload, not enough time to study due

to the vast course content being covered, high family expectations and low motivation levels are

some of the reasons for the stress. Fear of failure is also the prime reason for stress. There was no

significant difference found amongst the students from different of specializations. Khan and

Kausar (2013) concluded that stress definitely impacts the academic performance in a negative

between junior and senior students. Stress, for sure, affects the ability to study efficiently and

managing the time. Studying regularly is important, this helps reduce the academic pressure and

helps them fulfill their goals.

Significantly , stress has become an important topic in academic circles. Many

philosophers have carried out considerable research on stress and concluded that this topic needs

way more attention. According to Furr, Westefeld, McConnell & Jenkins (2018) reported that

53% of 1,455college students labeled themselves as being depressed since starting colleg eand

are attributed to academic issues, loneliness, financial difficulties and social relationship

problems. Additionally, 9% of them reported having suicidal idealization. Morris, Brooks &

May (2013) stated that the perceived stress and stressors unnecessarily consistent across all

college students and have been found to differ between traditional and nontraditional students. In

the same manner, the present study included the same attributes on academic issues, loneliness,

financial and social relationship problems

In sum , academic pressure is one of the factors that causes students to fail. Sharma,

Parasar and Mahto (2017) define stress as the mental response and action by hormonal signaling,

the perception of danger triggers an automatic response system, known as response to fight or

flee. Generally, stress refers to two things, the psychological perception of pressure, on the

one hand, and the body's response to it, on the other, which involves multiple systems, from

muscle breakdown to memory. Stress demands high expectations of oneself, which causes a

feeling of tension and pressure (Goedert, Cuenda, Craxton, Jakes & Cohen 2017).

Students in secondary and tertiary education settings face a wide range of ongoing

stressors related to academic demands. Perception of educational goals as a challenge creates

stress and this stress, in turn, creates a sense of competence and an enhanced learning

capacity (Khan et al, 2013) and as well as , stress as the insight of incongruity between

environmental burden (stressors) and person’s ability to fulfill these demands. In common

context, several factors has underlining this stress carried by students such as, academic pressure,

financial struggle, personal relationship and lack of support. .

On the other hand , cited in Farnhum et.,al (2016) , there are top environmental stressors

including cataclysmic events, stressful life events, daily hassles, academic pressures , lack of

support and financial struggles . Even students from the Senior High school are not exempted

from experiencing stress. However, most of the students have their own strategies in coping up

with stress to their academic progress. According to Park J. et., al (2015), most of the students

who faces several difficulties were more likely to succeed in the end of the race.
In addition, others worry themselves more than required and affect their health and stress

is considered as negative, behavioral, physiological process that takes place when the person

tries to adapt or compromise with stressors (Bernstein et al. Revised 2014). Students’ academic

performance is a key characteristic of education (Rono 2013). It is considered to be the

center around which the entire education system evolves. Some factors influencing high

academic achievement include daily hours of study, parents' economic status and good learning

facilities (Singh, Malik & Singh (2016). Students face challenges in their studies due to the

ineffective use of these factors to improve academic performance. Moreover, students and

service providers indicated having generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, depression, and

panic disorder as the most frequent and severe psychological health factors increasing students’

stress and decreasing their academic success. Perhaps , top as one of the vital causes of

increasing number of out-of-school youth in modern society.

On the other hand, social support is typically derived through various sources in students’

personal lives, including family members, friends, romantic partners, co-workers, pets, health

professionals, and clergy as it can be support often comes from classmates, roommates, friends

inside one’s program of study, academic staff, teaching assistants, instructors, and academic

clubs in individuals’ academic lives as a student. In that, previous research indicates that self-

reported stress is associated with the presentation of anxious states and lower well-being

( Ciesla,B. 2013 ). Commonly , a systematic review of 13 studies showed that in individuals

undertaking higher education, self-reported levels of stress are associated with poorer quality of

life and well-being (Ribeiro et al., 2017). Aside from impairing overall health and well-being,

depression and anxiety symptoms can further adversely affect academic achievement (Bernal-

Morales, Rodríguez-Landa, & Pulido-Criollo, 2015). It is noteworthy that high stress levels can
make students develop physical symptoms that could negatively affect their academic

performance. These signs and symptoms include chest pain, elevated blood pressure, stomach

upset, mumbled or rapid speech, nervous habits such as fidgeting, back and neck pains, tremors

and trembling of lips, and frequent headaches (Kumar, 2015). When a student experiences these

symptoms, they might not feel the motivation they once felt about doing their best in such

academic tasks as completing assignments or preparing for tests.

Indeed, stress and anxiety due to not having enough time to go out, peer pressure into

trying new things you may be uncomfortable with can cause stress. With social media so popular

among the age group, the pressure to have a lavish lifestyle on display has never been higher. All

these factors can play a major role in creating stress for a student. The extra baggage that comes

with a college/school life needs to be managed and overcome.


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