1999 Gajaseni e Gajaseni
1999 Gajaseni e Gajaseni
1999 Gajaseni e Gajaseni
Abstract. Although the homegarden systems in the tropics are claimed to sustain basic com-
munity needs without environmental deterioration, the ecological rationalities behind the
harmony between the humans, homegardens, and the environment are not well understood.
Four study sites (Sukhothai, Srisatchanalai, Ayudhaya, and Nonthaburi) representing the four
Thai eras in the Chao Phraya Basin were selected for studying these rationalities. The size and
physical stature of the homegardens, their plant association and community features, physical
environmental factors, nutrient and soil fertility parameters, and cultivation practices were
studied. The major factor that determines species selection in homegardens is the utilization of
the products, while the various practices within the homegardens are determined by such factors
as the species, the system, and the environment. All homegardens had four vertical stratifica-
tions, with physical structures almost similar to that of dry dipterocarp forest, but with lower
height for each layer, lower diversity of plants, and sparser crown layer. The analysis also shows
a high possible utilization efficiency for space, light, water and nutrients in the soil in the
homegardens. Shannon-Wiener’s indices of species diversity of the homegardens were close to
those of dipterocarp forest. The homegardens are in-situ reservoirs for biodiversity at genetic-,
species-, and ecological levels. There was no complete harvesting from these homegardens. This
practice ensured minimal nutrient export from the systems, while high amounts and diversity
of litter biomass should contribute to high efficiency of nutrient cycling. Futhermore, phosphorus
availability could be better in homegardens. The homegardens had more favorable microenvi-
ronment with lower soil and atmospheric temperature and higher relative humidity than outside.
There has been no single incident of a pest outbreak at a threatening level.
have been in existence on the same site for over 200 years (Makaraphirom,
1989). Any agroecosystem with such a long and continuous use must fit with
the peoples’ way of life and be in accordance with local environmental
contexts. Although the homegarden has long been associated with Thai and
some other tropical societies, scientific, quantitative studies on them are rare.
The unanswered question is: what are the ecological rationalities behind the
harmony between humans, homegardens, and the environment?
This study focused on four questions:
1. How is the species combination selected? Where did this knowledge
descend from?
2. What are the system outputs and are the outputs continuous?
3. How do microenvironments in the system change?
4. How do nutrients undergo recycling? How does soil fertility change?
From a preliminary historical study, three Thai eras on the Chao Phraya Basin
were identified: Sukhothai (circa 1238–1438 AD), Ayudhaya (1350–1767 AD),
and Rattanakosin or Bangkok (1782 AD–). The two most prosperous kingdoms
during the Sukhothai era were Sukhothai and Srisatchanalai (Prince Dumrong,
1907). Four study sites were selected representing these four kingdoms
(Figure 1):
1. Khum Sak Ngam, Ban Chatuphon, Tumbon Muang Kao, Sukhothai;
2. Ban Waang Sum Rong, Tumbon Srisatchanalai, Srisatchanalai;
3. Ban Maha Bramma, Tumbon Maha Bramma, Ayudhaya;
4. Ban Khlong Oom, Tumbon Bang Rukyai, Nonthaburi.
Nonthaburi is the province immediately north of Bangkok. This site was
selected as the representative for the Rattanakosin era, and not Bangkok itself,
as Bangkok has changed physically, socioeconomically, and culturally.
Currently there are homegardens in Bangkok. However, the traditional way
of life has changed drastically. Nonthaburi is well known for having the best
Thai fruits since the beginning of the Rattanakosin era. However, cultivation
practices in Nonthaburi are different from those at the other three sites. Only
plant association analysis was used for comparison.
Based on preliminary surveys, homegardens that fulfilled the following
conditions were selected in each study site:
(1) sites must be in the vicinity of the old kingdoms;
(2) families must have settled in the sites for at least three generations;
(3) families do live in traditional Thai-style housing; and
(4) families are associated with paddy rice cultivation.
At each location one household was selected. The whole area of each house-
hold was used as the monitoring unit. For each selected unit, the following
Figure 1. Map of Thailand
with locations of the study
sites, soil characteristics and
climatic conditions.
characteristics were studied: physical stature and size, plant species diver-
sity, Shannon-Wiener’s Index of species diversity (Krebs, 1985), and the plant
growth form (Whittaker, 1975), profile diagram and crown projection diagram
from 6-m width by the total length of each homegarden, root distribution from
0 to 100-cm depth using soil core sampling, light intensity at three levels:
just under the top crown cover, ground level, and about half way in between
the two (mid-level) in each homegarden measured using a light meter, and
air temperature, soil temperature and relative humidity between inside and
outside the homegardens from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. at one hour intervals.
Ten soil samples were taken from 0 to 25, 25 to 50, 50 to 75, and 75 to
100 cm depth within each homegarden using a systematic soil core sampling
method, and ten soil samples from 0 to 100 cm depth were taken outside
each homegarden. The composite samples were analyzed for organic matter
using the Walkley and Black method (Jackson, 1958), total nitrogen by the
Kjeldhal method (Page et al., 1987), total phosphorus using perchloric acid
extraction (Page et al., 1987), and available phosphorus using the Bray II
method (Bray and Kurtz, 1975).
Standing stock of litter dry weight (105 °C, 48 hr) were monitored from
10 sampling plots of 1 × 1 m2. System outputs from each homegarden were
continuously monitored for one year. In order to accomplish this, each house
was provided with a weighing balance and 12 data sheets to be filled out.
Output products from the homegardens were weighed and recorded by an
assigned family member. At the end of each month, the researchers went out
to interview and collect the data sheets.
Out of the 15 indicators proposed for ecological and socioeconomic
sustainability of homegardens (Torquebiau, 1992), five ecological indicators
were used in this study. Some indicators were partially in accordance with
Torquebiau’s model but there were differences.
The largest homegarden was at Ayudhaya (2,284 m2). The second and third
largest homegardens were Sukhothai and Nonthaburi with sizes of 1671.3 and
1545.5 m2, respectively. The smallest was at Srisatchanalai (864 m2). An
average of 3% of the area was allocated for housing and rice storage facili-
ties for all properties; the rest was for homegardening. Only at Sukhothai,
where the property was far away from the Mayom river (a tributary of the
Chao Phraya river), was a reservoir built using 12.5% of the property land.
The other sites were by the Chao Phraya river or a tributary and no reservoir
was used. An exception to this was Nonthaburi. Due to a seasonal brackish
water invasion deep into the Chao Phraya river, a controlled dike system was
built around the property. The dike system serves two objectives: first, pre-
2.1. Aboveground
Vertical stratification of plants was classified into four layers (Figure 2). The
emergent layer had a height of 10 m or more and composed of coconut (Cocos
nucifera), areca palm (Areca catechu), bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper), and
teak (Tectona grandis). The canopy layer was between 5 to 10 m with mango
(Mangifera indica), tamarind (Tamarindus indica), durian, coral tree
(Erythrina subumbrans), Indian trumpet flower (Oroxylum indicum), and plum
mango (Bouea macrophylla). The understory layer had the most diversity of
fruit trees with a height less than 5 m. The shrub and ground cover were
shrubs, herbs, spices, vegetables, and flowers. The profile diagrams and crown
cover projections of Srisatchnalai were selected to represent the homegardens
in Figure 3. The average number of layers of leaf arrangement for each layer
is presented in Table 1, compared with leaf arrangement in the deciduous
forest of Haui Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, Uthaithanee, Thailand.
2.2. Belowground
Belowground stratification of the root system is presented in Figure 4. The
lowest root biomass was in the 0 to 25 cm layer, and it was composed of
very fine roots (> 1 mm diameter) of the shrub and ground cover vegetation.
The highest and continuous root biomass was in the 25 to 75 cm layer. This
consisted of medium-size roots (1 to 5 mm diameter) of the understory fruit
trees. The large-size roots (> 5 mm diameter) with the highest biomass per
unit volume was found in the 75 to 100 cm layer. These were the root systems
of the canopy and emergent layers.
Table 1. Average leaf arrangement (number of layers) of the homegardens and a deciduous
forest in Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand.
0.93 Sukhothai
0-25 2.12
0.71 Srisatchanalai
Soil depth (cm)
25-50 1.9
50-75 1.73
75-100 0.71
Figure 4. Root biomass of the homegarden systems in four soil depths in three locations in
khum (support), sak (dignity), rak (love), mairuroi (eternity). The Shannon-
Wiener’s index of species diversity (Krebs, 1985) was highest in Sukhothai
with 2.7; the indices were 2.5 in Srisatchanalai, 2.1 in Ayudhaya, and 1.9 in
Nonthaburi. In all homegardens there were plants that were not considered
as weeds and these were used as daily vegetables. The most dominant were
sanoe (a legume), tumlung (a vine), wild spinach, wild yam, and wild bitter
Incident light intensity successively declined from the crown layer to the
middle and lowest layer at the ground throughout the day (Table 4).
Temperature, relative humidity and soil temperature inside and outside the
homegardens of Sukhothai, Srisatchanalai and Ayudhaya are presented in
Table 5. Air and soil temperatures were lower inside the homegardens than
outside, while relative humidity was higher inside the homegardens than
Table 2. Species diversity and plant growth form of the homegarden system in the four study
locations in Thailand.
Table 2. (Continued).
Benincasa hispida Cogn. Chinese water melon Fuk Kheaw
Coccinia grandis Voight. Coccinia Tum Lung
Hippeastrum equestre (W. Ait.) Herb. Hippeastrum Wan See Thid
Lanquas galanga (L.) Stuntz. Galanga Kha
Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb. Angled loofah Boub Leam
Ocimum sanctum L. Holy basil Ka Praw
Piper aurantiacum Miq. Piper Cha Plue
Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC. Winged bean Tuae Plu
Solanum aculeatissimum Jacq. Cockroach berry Ma Khue Proe
Vigna sinensis Savi ex Hassk. Cow pea Tua Fak Yaao
Zingiber officinale Roscoe Ginger Khing
Acacia pennata (L.) Wild. Acacia Cha Om
Artocarpus heterophyllus Lamk. Jack fruit Kha Noon
Azadirachta indica L. Neem tree Sa Daao
Borassus flabellifer L. Fan palm Taln
Bouea macrophylla Griff. Plum mango Ma Prang
Cassia fistula Linn. Pudding-pine tree Khun
Ceiba pentandra Gaertn. White silk cotton tree Noon
Dendrocalamus asper Back. Bamboo Phai Tong
Eugenia javanica Lamk. Java apple Chom Phoo Kam Mam
Moringa oleifera Lamk. Horseradish tree Ma Rume
Oroxylum indicum (L.) Vent Indian trumpet flower Pae Ka
Sandoricum koetjape Merr. Yellow sentol Kra Tond
Tamarindus indica L. Tamarind Ma Kham
Tectona grandis L. Teak Sak
Unidentified species Khum
Canna indica L. Indian shot Phud Tha Ruk Sa
Citrus aurantifolia (Christm. & Panz)
Swing. Lime Ma Naao
Citrus maxima Merr. Pummelo Som O
Ervatamia loronaria Stapf. Crepe jasmine Phud Sone
Psidium guajava L. Guava Fa Rang
Punica granatum L. Pomegranate Tup Tim
Ixora lobbii Loud. Ixora Khem Daeng
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. Shoe flower Cha Ba
Hibiscus schizopetalus (Mast) Hook Coral hibiscus Phoo Ra Houng
Ananas comosus Merr. Pineapple Sup Pa Rod
Benincasa hispida Cogn. Chinese water melon Fuk Kheaw
Coccinia grandis Voight. Ivy gourd Tum Lung
Hippeastrum equestre (W. Ait.) Herb. Hippeastrum Wan See Thid
Lanquas galanga (L.) Stuntz. Galanga Kha
Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb. Angled loofah Boub Leam
Table 2. (Continued).
Ocimum sanctum L. Holy basil Ka Praw
Pandanus kaida Kurz. Pandanas Taey
Piper aurantiacum Miq. Piper Cha Plue
Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC. Winged bean Tuae Plu
Solanum aculeatissimum Jacq. Cockroach berry Ma Khue Proe
Vigna sinensis Savi ex Hassk. Cow pea Tua Fak Yaao
Zingiber officinale Roscoe Ginger Khing
Unidentified species Ruk
Unidentified species Ban Mai Rue Roi
Piper chaba Hunt. Piper Dee Plee
Piper betel L. Betel leaf Plu
Azadirachta indica L. Neem tree Sa Daao
Dendrocalamus asper Back. Bamboo Phai Tong
Eugenia cumini (L.) Druce. Black poum Waar
Manilkara achras (Mill) Fosberg. Sapodilla plum La mood
Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Poir Agasta Kae
Tamarindus indica L. Tamarind Ma Kham
Agave americana L. Century plant Ma Li Laa
Manihot esculenta Crantz. Tapioca plant Mun Sum Pa Lung
Psidium guajava L. Guava Fa Rang
Solanum incanum L. Local garden egg Ma Waeng
Wrightia pubescens R. Wrightia Moke
Lanquas galanga (L.) Stuntz. Galanga Kha
Ocimum canum Sims. Hairy basil Mang Lak
Zingiber officinale Roscoe Ginger Khing
Acacia pennata (L.) Wild. Acacia Cha Om
Areca catechu L. Areca palm Mak
Artocarpus heterophyllus Lamk. Jack fruit Kha Noon
Baccaurea spinda Muell. Burmese grape Ma Fai
Bouea macrophylla Griff. Plum mango Ma Prang
Durio zibethinus L. Durian Durian
Elaeocarpus hygrophilus Kurz. Elaeocarpus Ma Kok Num
Erythrina subumbrans Coral tree Thong Lang
Eugenia javanica Lamk. Java apple Chom Phoo Kam Mam
Eugenia malaccensis L. Malay apple Chom Phoo Ma Meaw
Garcinia mamgstana L. Mangosteen Maung Kood
Sandoricum koetjape Merr. Yellow sentol Kra Tond
Table 2. (Continued).
Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Poir Agasta Kae
Spondias dulcis Forst. Spanish plum Ma Kok Fa Rang
Spondias pinnata (L.f) Kurz. Hog plum Ma Kok
Citrus aurantifolia (Christm. & Panz)
Swing. Lime Ma Naao
Citrus maxima Merr. Pomelo Som O
Manihot esculenta Crantz. Tapioca Mun Sum Pa Lung
Psidium guajava L. Guava Fa Rang
Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. Asianic pennywort Bua Boak
Ocimum sanctum L. Holy basil Ka Praw
Saccharum officinarum L. Sugar cane Oye
Solanum stramonifolium Solanum Ma Oek
Piper betel L. Betel leaf Plu
Note: Orchids, mosses and lichen were found at Sukhothai and Srisatchanalai where natural
forests are not too far away. But they are not included here.
Table 3. Species diversity based on utilitiesa of the homegardens in four study locations in
Sukhothai 16 7 2 14 5 1a
Srisatchanalai 17 10 6 14 5 1a
Ayudhaya 10 8 0 6 2 0
Nondhaburi 21 6 0 9 0 0
Identified by major utility once only.
Betel leaf and areca palm were included.
White silk cotton tree for mattress and pillow filling.
The major reservoir for nutrient cycling in the tropical terrestrial ecosystems,
the litter, had a relatively wide range in the homegardens. The highest was
at Ayudhaya with 3,068.8 ± 187.2 g m–2 and 1440.0 ± 249.6 g m–2 at
Srisatchanalai. While the lowest was in Sukhothai with the value of
678.4 ± 436.8 g m–2.
Table 4. Light intensity at three vertical stratifications in the homegardens in the mid growing
season (August) at three locations in Thailand.
Table 5. Daily average atmospheric temperature, soil temperature, and relative humidity inside
and outside the homegardens at three locations in Thailand.
Site Air temperature (°C) Soil temperature (°C) Relative humidity (%)
Sukhothai 29.7 ± 1.8 30.6 ± 1.3 21.0 ± 0.0 24.0 ± 0.0 78.5 ± 2.8 70.7 ± 06.2
Srisatchanalai 29.5 ± 1.4 32.3 ± 1.6 20.0 ± 0.0 24.0 ± 0.0 76.2 ± 3.8 59.9 ± 08.7
Ayudhaya 31.3 ± 1.2 32.7 ± 1.4 22.1 ± 0.2 24.0 ± 0.7 75.9 ± 4.5 59.6 ± 12.1
Site Soil Total nitrogen Organic matter Organic carbon C:N Phosphate Total phosphorus pH
depth (mg/100g) (%) (%) (mg/100g) (mg/100g)
Inside Outsidea Inside Outsidea Inside Outsidea Inside Outsidea Inside Outsidea Inside Outsidea Inside Outsidea
5. Cultivation practices
The first step in homegarden establishment was land clearing, when some
big trees were felled for home construction. Some trees were thinned to
increase light for lower layers of plants. Other trees were selected and left on
the site for different purposes such as construction, non-timber products, or
maintenance of favorable microenvironmental factors, especially relative
humidity. The second step included planting some fast growing crops, espe-
cially banana and crops which are believed to enhance favorable site
conditions such as the coral tree, a leguminous species. Then the major tree
crops such as coconut, mango, and durian were planted. After these tree crops’
survival was ensured, the associated crops were selected and planted.
The homegarden is one of the systems which reflects the wisdom of tradi-
tional culture that evolved and was passed on from generation to generation.
In general ecosystem development theory, the species are not deliberately ‘put’
into a certain positions of an ecosystem, but species become established in
habitats or ecosystems if the conditions, including competition, are suitable
for propagation and growth. The major factor for species selection in the
homegardens has been value and utility of the main products. In the estab-
lishment of a homegarden, the first group of species to be established is the
fast growing plants. The most common species is the coral tree. This species
has been widely planted for soil fertility improvement. Banana was also
planted with the coral tree for early products such as fruit, young edible
flowers, and leaves. Banana provides ground cover too. Therefore, once these
species are established, they change the conditions of the system, soil fertility
and microenvironmental conditions, which are likely to be favorably affected.
Spacing is an another aspect of practical knowledge and skill. There are
two types of durian, which produce fruits at different times. The slow growing
variety was planted 24 m apart. At this distance, there is no competition for
light, nutrients and water among these trees. A fast growing durian would then
be under-planted. From the vertical root stratification study, root systems of
the two varieties were found to be concentrated at different depths. There
was no competition between these varieties and an efficient pattern of uti-
lization of soil and light existed. Durian, perhaps the most expensive fruit in
Thailand, was continuously supplied from these gardens.
This indicates that a comprehensive understanding of species, system, and
environment was taken into consideration by homegardeners.
2. Physical stature
All homegardens had four vertical stratifications; the emergent, canopy, under-
story, and shrub and ground cover layers. This vertical stratification is a
common structure among homegardens throughout the tropics (Gillespie et
al., 1993, Karyono, 1990). The natural ecosystems with similar physical
structures are tropical, evergreen and deciduous forests. A comparison of
profile- and crown-projection diagrams between the homegardens and dry
dipterocarp forest at Sakaerat Biosphere Reserve, Nakornratchaseema has
shown that their physical structures are almost identical (Sahunalu et al.,
1993). Both had four similar vertical stratifications, but the dry dipterocarp
forest had a higher height of each layer, a higher density of plants, and a denser
crown layer. One conclusion is that the traditional homegardens are micro-
cosms, or imitations of natural tropical forest ecosystems with a less diverse
physical structure and species to serve the daily subsistence human need.
Physical structure of natural tropical forest ecosystems has been evolved
for the highest utilization efficiency of space and resources, especially light
and soil. A study from a deciduous forest ecosystem of Huai Kha Khaeng
wildlife sanctuary, Thailand showed that light intensity decreases from the
crown layer toward the shrub and ground cover (Gajaseni, unpublished data).
Light intensity at the ground cover was 0.1% of light intensity over the crown
layer. Coincidently, the average number of leaf layers from the same forest
were; 2.9 for emergent, 2.6 for crown, 1.4 for understory, and 1.05 for shrub
and ground cover layers (Gajaseni, unpublished data). The lower leaf layer
means a higher leaf area per unit of intercepted light. Therefore, shrub and
ground cover can survive with less light intensity, while at the same time a
unit space can accommodate more species by vertical stratification of physical
structure. The natural tropical ecosystem has been imitated by the homegarden
agroecosystem, not just structurally but functionally as well. Light intensity
successively decreases from the emergent layer toward ground cover in the
homegardens, so the average number of leaf layers from the four stratifica-
tions of the homegardens also successively decreased from 2.8 for emergent
to 2.4 for crown and 1.7 for understory layers, and then to 1.3 for shrub and
ground cover. These show a high possible utilization efficiency for space and
resources by the homegarden agroecosystem as well.
Vertical root stratification at the different soil depths of the four different
aboveground layers in the homegardens also shows the maximum utilization
efficiency of soil nutrients and water. If a root system is distributed in one
depth, nutrients and water at the other depths would be expected to exhibit
loss or not be utilized.
If one accepts that the natural ecosystem is an ecologically sustainable
system because the system has evolved to the point of balance between
structure, function, and environment, then the effects of such tight linkages
between physical structure, function, and environment are reflected manifold
in the homegardens to the point of ecological sustainability.
3. Biological diversity
4. Nutrient cycling
5. Microenvironment
The homegardens had more favorable microenvironments with lower soil and
atmospheric temperature and higher relative humidity than the outside. Lower
soil temperature causes less soil evapotranspiration; therefore, retention of
more water happens in the homegardens. Lower soil temperature and high
water content also enhance biological activities in the soil, especially in
relation to the decomposition processes. These assertions are based on eco-
logical research in a diversified agroforestry system (Gajaseni et at., unpub-
lished data). Resource availability is to a large extent determined by the
activity of decomposers, while the most important factors influencing
decomposer activity are the availability of water and nutrients. However, high
relative humidity might cause fungus and/or insect outbreaks, the most
common problem in tropical agriculture. This is not the case in homegardens
with relatively high genetic and species diversity. From general surveys in the
homegardens and from the interviews with homegardeners, there had been
no single incident of a pest outbreak at a threatening level, nor any chemical
compound used for pest and weed control in the homegardens.
The authors were grateful to Mr. Chuae Prakit of Sukhothai, Ms. Lumpong
Kaewthung of Srisatchanalai, Mr. Saard Sukphodee of Ayudhaya, and Mr.
Phon Boonchum of Nonthaburi for providing study sites. They also shared
the immense wisdom that they inherited, learned and developed through
practice. It will now be transferred to the next Thai generation.
Thanks are also due to Mr. Muang Koktung, the villagers, and graduate
students for their contribution to the project. Mr. Rory Mackenzie and Dr.
David Rufollo kindly reviewed and improved the English and style of the
manuscript. Comments of two anonymous referees and the editor greatly
helped improve the paper.
The project was funded by the Institute of Thai Studies, Chulalongkorn
This work is dedicated to Ms. Jerm Sukhavanich, grandmother of the first
author. Her homegarden was the inspiration of this project.
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