Po Drilling & Preloading

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Elnusa, Tbk
Service Order Domestic

Vendor 0040014987 KENARI INDAH PERDANA, PT Delivered To

Address Plant GS01 PO Number 4120022125
Jl. Pembangunan II No.G30 DESA TUK
Sloc G102 PO Date 23-11-2021
Lokasi pekerjaan di wilayah kerja PT. Pertamina - Sungai Buluh Komplek dan Pulau Panjang - Provinsi
Phone 02129568124 Address Currency IDR
Sumatera Utara dan Provinsi Aceh
Fax 02129568124 NPWP Buyer Muhammad Syaufi Rahmatullah
No Service No Description Qty Unit Unit Price Total Gross Net Unit Price Total Net Price Delivery Date Ref Doc
10 Drilling Batuan Lunak (2) 1 AU 10.981.120.000 10.981.120.000 10.981.120.000 10.981.120.000
PR No. 1120008457
Category. Operation
Acct Assign. P
Tracking No. GDL/074042
Asset No. -
00000P100010200016 5968 TT 1.840.000 10.981.120.000 07.12.2021 CCTR. -
Subcontract - Drilling
WBS. G-21-00019.
Project desc. G-21-00019.1 - GDL-PEP 3D
WBS desc. G-21-00019. - Subcontractor
Unloading Point. -
20 Drilling Batuan Keras (2) 1 AU 4.523.870.000 4.523.870.000 4.523.870.000 4.523.870.000
PR No. 1120008457
Category. Operation
Acct Assign. P
Tracking No. GDL/074042
Asset No. -
00000P100010200016 Subcontract - Drilling 1157 TT 3.910.000 4.523.870.000 07.12.2021 CCTR. -
WBS. G-21-00019.
Project desc. G-21-00019.1 - GDL-PEP 3D
WBS desc. G-21-00019. - Subcontractor
Unloading Point. -
30 Drilling Katamaran (2) 1 AU 626.000.000 626.000.000 626.000.000 626.000.000
PR No. 1120008457
Category. Operation
Acct Assign. P
Tracking No. GDL/074042
Asset No. -
00000P100010200016 313 TT 2.000.000 626.000.000 07.12.2021 CCTR. -
Subcontract - Drilling
WBS. G-21-00019.
Project desc. G-21-00019.1 - GDL-PEP 3D
WBS desc. G-21-00019. - Subcontractor
Unloading Point. -
40 Preloading (2) 1 AU 2.603.300.000 2.603.300.000 2.603.300.000 2.603.300.000

Page 1 of 3 PO No 4120022125 PT Elnusa Tbk

No Service No Description Qty Unit Unit Price Total Gross Net Unit Price Total Net Price Delivery Date Ref Doc
PR No. 1120008457
Category. Operation
Acct Assign. P
Tracking No. GDL/074042
Asset No. -
00000P100010200014 7438 TT 350.000 2.603.300.000 07.12.2021 CCTR. -
Subcontract - Preloading
WBS. G-21-00019.
Project desc. G-21-00019.1 - GDL-PEP 3D
WBS desc. G-21-00019. - Subcontractor
Unloading Point. -
50 Drilling Batuan Lunak (2) 1 AU 3.249.440.000 3.249.440.000 3.249.440.000 3.249.440.000
PR No. 1120008489
Category. Operation
Acct Assign. P
Tracking No. GDL/074043
Asset No. -
00000P100010200016 1766 TT 1.840.000 3.249.440.000 07.12.2021 CCTR. -
Subcontract - Drilling
WBS. G-21-00019.
Project desc. G-21-00019. - Jangan
Dipakai ganti profit center
WBS desc. G-21-00019. - Subcontractor
Unloading Point. -
60 Drilling Batuan Keras (2) 1 AU 1.341.130.000 1.341.130.000 1.341.130.000 1.341.130.000
PR No. 1120008489
Category. Operation
Acct Assign. P
Tracking No. GDL/074043
Asset No. -
00000P100010200016 343 TT 3.910.000 1.341.130.000 07.12.2021 CCTR. -
Subcontract - Drilling
WBS. G-21-00019.
Project desc. G-21-00019. - Jangan
Dipakai ganti profit center
WBS desc. G-21-00019. - Subcontractor
Unloading Point. -
70 Drilling Katamaran (2) 1 AU 254.000.000 254.000.000 254.000.000 254.000.000
PR No. 1120008489
Category. Operation
Acct Assign. P
Tracking No. GDL/074043
Asset No. -
00000P100010200016 127 TT 2.000.000 254.000.000 07.12.2021 CCTR. -
Subcontract - Drilling
WBS. G-21-00019.
Project desc. G-21-00019. - Jangan
Dipakai ganti profit center
WBS desc. G-21-00019. - Subcontractor
Unloading Point. -
80 Preloading (2) 1 AU 782.600.000 782.600.000 782.600.000 782.600.000

Page 2 of 3 PO No 4120022125 PT Elnusa Tbk

No Service No Description Qty Unit Unit Price Total Gross Net Unit Price Total Net Price Delivery Date Ref Doc
PR No. 1120008489
Category. Operation
Acct Assign. P
Tracking No. GDL/074043
Asset No. -
00000P100010200014 2236 TT 350.000 782.600.000 07.12.2021 CCTR. -
Subcontract - Preloading
WBS. G-21-00019.
Project desc. G-21-00019. - Jangan
Dipakai ganti profit center
WBS desc. G-21-00019. - Subcontractor
Unloading Point. -

Term And Condition:

1. PEP 3D Sungai Buluh dan Pulau Panjang - GDL - Pekerjaan Drilling & Preloading paket 2.
2. Nilai pekerjaan/pengadaan ini sudah termasuk PPH, namun belum termasuk PPN.
3. Detail Spek/Ruang Lingkup Pekerjaan: mengacu ke surat penawaran PT. Kenari Indah Perdana No. Tender L9.023G-2021.152 dengan hasil Negosiasi yang tertuang pada MoM pada tanggal 14 September 2021.
4. Personnel yang ditugaskan ke lokasi proyek harus mematuhi ketentuan HSSE Client dan mematuhi protokol Covid-19.
5. Lokasi pekerjaan di wilayah kerja PT. Pertamina - Sungai Buluh Komplek dan Pulau Panjang - Provinsi Sumatera Utara dan Provinsi Aceh.
6. Term of Services: 15 September 2021 s.d 14 September 2022.
7. Metode penagihan dan pembayaran: Back to back yang akan dibayarkan dalam waktu 30 hari setelah Elnusa mendapatkan pembayaran dari klien.
8. Apabila terdapat tagihan yang diajukan oleh Penyedia melebihi 90 (sembilan puluh) hari kalender sejak diterbitkannya GR atau SA melalui system SCM online, maka Elnusa tidak menjamin likuiditas dan batas waktu dilakukannya pembayaran kepada Penyedia dan Penyedia
membebaskan Elnusa dari tanggung jawab dan ganti rugi apapun yang mungkin timbul.
9. PT. Kenari Indah Perdana bersedia untuk menandatangani kontrak pengadaan ini.
10. PT. Kenari Indah Perdana wajib menyerahkan Performance Bond sebesar 5% dari nilai Kontrak. Ketentuan Performance Bond tertuang dalam General Terms & Conditions PT Elnusa Tbk.
11. Term & condition lainnya mengacu pada gerenal term & condition PT. Elnusa Tbk yang diberikan saat proses RFQ di SCM Online.

Total Gross : IDR 24.361.460.000

Total Net Price : IDR 24.361.460.000
Total PPn : IDR 2.436.146.000
Total Actual Price : IDR 26.797.606.000
Says : twenty-six billion seven hundred ninety-seven million six hundred six thousand Rupiah
Term Of Payment : Back To Back

Approved By System on
23.11.2021 11:50
Ali Mundakir
Direktur Utama

Purchase Order (PO) is an integral and insepereable part of the contract. Supplier declares that it has read and understood and aggrees to applicable General terms and Conditions in Elnusa and all the terms of the contract No.3120000416 between PT Elnusa

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