K45910 Operation Manual

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CFPP Cooling Bath (Dry Ice Model)

Operation and Instruction Manual


Koehler Instrument Company, Inc.

1595 Sycamore Avenue • Bohemia, New York 11716-1796 • USA
Toll Free: 1-800-878-9070 (US only) • Tel: +1 631 589 3800 • Fax: +1 631 589 3815
http://www.koehlerinstrument.com • e-mail: info@koehlerinstrument.com
Petroleum Testing & Analysis Instrumentation • Custom Design & Manufacturing

Cold Filter Plugging Point Apparatus


This certificate verifies that part number K45910 Cold Filter Plugging Point
Cooling Bath, was manufactured in conformance with the applicable
standards set forth in this certification.

Specifications: ASTM D6371

IP 309
DIN 51428

This unit is tested before it leaves the factory, to ensure total functionality
and compliance to the above specifications and ASTM standards. Test and
inspection records are on file for verification.

Jesse Kelly
Application Engineer
Koehler Instrument Company
K45910 CFPP Cooling Bath
Operation and Technical Manual

Table of Contents
1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 2
1.1 Koehler’s Commitment to Our Customers ....................................................................... 2
1.2 Recommended Resources and Publications ................................................................... 2
1.3 Instrument Specifications ................................................................................................. 2
2 Safety Information and Warnings ............................................................. 2
3 Getting Started............................................................................................ 3
3.1 Packing List ...................................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Unpacking ........................................................................................................................ 3
3.3 Installation ........................................................................................................................ 3
4 Operation .................................................................................................... 3
5 Maintenance ................................................................................................ 3
5.1 Replacement Parts ........................................................................................................... 3
6 Assembly Diagram ..................................................................................... 4
7 Service......................................................................................................... 5
8 Storage ........................................................................................................ 5
9 Warranty ...................................................................................................... 5
10 Returned Goods Policy .............................................................................. 5
Notes ................................................................................................................. 6

K45910 CFPP Cooling Bath
Operation and Technical Manual

1 Introduction 1.3 Instrument Specifications

The K45910 CFPP Cooling Bath, is a dry ice Model: K45910
model bath for manually determining the Cold Filter Temperature Range: Ambient to -80°C
Plugging Point (CFPP) of Diesel and Heating Fuels
Capacity: One (1) CFPP Apparatus
This manual provides important information
regarding safety, technical reference, installation Dimensions: 12 x 12 (30x30)
requirements, operating condition specifications, (dia. x h, in.(cm))
user facility resource requirements, and operating
instructions for the Portable Oil Test Centrifuge. This Net Weight: 15 lbs (6.8 kg)
manual should also be used in conjunction with
applicable published laboratory procedures.
Information on these procedures is given in section
2 Safety Information and Warnings
1.2.  Safety Considerations. The use of this
equipment may involve hazardous materials
1.1 Koehler’s Commitment to Our and operations. This manual does not purport
Customers to address all of the safety problems
associated with the use of this equipment. It is
Providing quality testing instrumentation and the responsibility of any user of this equipment
technical support services for research and testing to investigate, research, and establish
laboratories has been our specialty for more than 50 appropriate safety and health practices and
years. At Koehler, the primary focus of our business determine the applicability of regulatory
is providing you with the full support of your limitations prior to use.
laboratory testing needs. Our products are backed
by our staff of technically knowledgeable, trained Equipment Modifications and Replacement
specialists who are experienced in both petroleum Parts: Any modification or alteration of this
products testing and instrument service to better equipment from that of factory specifications is not
understand your requirements and provide you with recommended and voids the manufacturer
the best solutions. You can depend on Koehler for a warranty, product safety, performance
full range of accurate and reliable instrumentation as specifications, and/or certifications whether
well as support for your laboratory testing programs. specified or implied, and may result in personal
Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time with injury and/or property loss. Replacement parts
your inquiries about equipment, tests, or technical must be O.E.M. exact replacement equipment.
Unit Design: This equipment is specifically
Toll Free: 1-800-878-9070 (US only) designed for use in accordance with the applicable
Tel: +1 631 589 3800 • Fax: +1 631 589 3815 standard test methods listed in section 1.2 of this
Email: info@koehlerinstrument.com manual. The use of this equipment in accordance
http://www.koehlerinstrument.com with any other test procedures, or for any other
purpose, is not recommended and may be
1.2 Recommended Resources and extremely hazardous.
1. American Society for Testing and Materials Chemical Reagents Information: Chemicals and
(ASTM) reagents used in performing the test may exhibit
100 Barr Harbor Drive potential hazards. Any user must be familiarized
West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428-2959, with the possible dangers before use. We also
USA recommend consulting the Material Data and
Tel: +1 610 832 9500 • Fax: +1 610 832 9555 Safety Sheet (MSDS) on each chemical reagent
http://www.astm.org • email: service@astm.org for additional information. MSDS information can
be easily located on the internet at
ASTM Publication: http://siri.uvm.edu or http://www.sigma-
 ASTM D6371: Standard Test Method for aldrich.com.
Cold Filter Plugging Point of Diesel and
Heating Fuels

K45910 CFPP Cooling Bath
Operation and Technical Manual

3 Getting Started 4 Operation

3.1 Packing List Refer to test method ASTM D6371 for complete
procedural instructions.
 K45910 CFPP Cooling Bath
 K45910-0-2 Thermometer Holder 5 Maintenance
 K45910-Manual K45910 CFPP Cooling Bath
Operation and Instruction Manual WARNING. Disconnect power to the unit before
servicing to avoid exposure to high voltages and/or
Additional Accessories (Must be purchased temperatures which may result in personal injury
separately) or death. If you have any questions about
maintaining your equipment, then please do not
 K45900 Cold Filter Plugging Point Apparatus hesitate to contact the Koehler technical service
 K45920 Vacuum System department.
 K45920-P Vacuum Pump
5.1 Replacement Parts
3.2 Unpacking
Some instrument parts may need to be replaced.
Carefully unpack and place the instrument and When ordering replacement part(s), please provide
accessories in a secure location. Inspect the unit for the model number, serial number, and product
damage. If any damage is found, keep all packing shipment date of your equipment so that we can
materials and immediately report the damage to the ensure you will receive the proper replacement
carrier. We will assist you with your claim, if part(s).
requested. When submitting a claim for shipping
damage, request that the carrier inspect the shipping
container and equipment. Do not return goods to Part Number Description
Koehler without written authorization.
160-100-001 Rubber Foot
3.3 Installation K45910-0-1 Top Plate
Equipment Placement: Place the instrument on a K45910-0-2 Thermometer Cork
firm surface in a secure area. Adjust feet to ensure
instrument is level on surface.

K45910 CFPP Cooling Bath
Operation and Technical Manual

6 Assembly Diagram

K45910 CFPP Cooling Bath
Operation and Technical Manual

7 Service writing of the malfunction and authorize the return

of the product to the factory. The sole responsibility
Under normal operating conditions and with of Koehler Instrument Company and the
routine maintenance, the K45910 CFPP Cooling purchaser’s exclusive remedy for any claim arising
Bath should not require service. Any service out of the purchase of any product is the repair or
problem can be quickly resolved by contacting replacement of the product. In no event shall the
Koehler’s technical service department either by cost of the purchaser’s remedy exceed the
letter, phone, fax, or email. In order to assure the purchase price, nor shall Koehler Instrument
fastest possible service, please provide us with the Company be liable for any special, indirect,
following information. incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages.
Date of Shipment: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Please save the
shipping carton in the event the equipment needs to
be returned to the factory for warranty repair. If the
8 Storage carton is discarded, it will be the purchaser’s
This laboratory test instrument is equipped with responsibility to provide an appropriate shipping
electrical components. Storage facilities should be carton.
consistent with an indoor laboratory environment.
This testing equipment should not be subjected to 10 Returned Goods Policy
extremes of temperature and/or moisture. To return products for credit or replacement, please
contact Koehler Customer Service with your
This equipment was shipped from the factory in a purchase order number, our packing list/invoice
corrugated cardboard container. If long term number, the item(s) to be returned and the reason
storage is anticipated, re-packing the instrument in for the return. You will be issued a Returned
a water-resistant container is recommended to Authorization (RA) number, which must be
ensure equipment safety and longevity. prominently displayed on the shipping container
when you return the material to our plant. Shipping
9 Warranty containers without an RA number prominently
displayed with be returned to the sender. Goods
We at Koehler would like to thank you for your must be returned freight prepaid. Returns will be
equipment purchase, which is protected by the subject to a restocking charge, the application of
following warranty. If within one (1) year from the which will depend upon the circumstances
date of receipt, but no longer than fifteen (15) necessitating the return. Some returns cannot be
months from the date of shipment, Koehler authorized, including certain products purchased
equipment fails to perform properly because of from outside vendors for the convenience of the
defects in materials or workmanship, Koehler customer, products manufactured on special order,
Instrument Company, Inc. will repair or, at its sole products shipped from the factory past ninety (90)
discretion, replace the equipment without charge days, and products which have been used or
F.O.B. its plant, provided the equipment has been modified in such a way that they cannot be returned
properly installed, operated, and maintained. to stock for future sale.
Koehler Instrument Company must be advised in

K45910 CFPP Cooling Bath
Operation and Technical Manual



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