Robotics April 2017
Robotics April 2017
Robotics April 2017
Code No: RT32034 R13 SET - 2
Code No: RT32034 R13 SET - 3
1 a) Mention some future applications of robots. [4M]
b) What are Requirements and challenges of end effectors? [4M]
c) Differentiate between joint coordinates and world coordinates? [4M]
d) What is Newton – Euler formulations? What are its applications? [4M]
e) Illustrate and explain straight line motion. [3M]
f) Explain about Hydraulic actuators. [3M]
2 a) How do you specify a robot? Is robotics automation? Discuss the different [8M]
classification systems of robots.
b) Define the terms ‘Robot’ and ‘Robotics’. Discuss the role of robots in [8M]
3 3 Describe about D-H Transformation for a forward Kinematics problems of 16M
planar 3 dot manipulator.
4 Draw the block diagram that corresponds to the spring-mass-damper system 16M
represented by equations
M + + =
5 a) Discuss the textural robot language structure with the help of block diagram. [8M]
b) Discuss the relative merits and demerits of different textual robot languages. [8M]
6 How do you classify Tactile sensor? Explain them briefly with neat sketch. 16M
7 a) Define material transfer application? Explain about simple pick and operation [8M]
with neat sketch.
b) List out some applications of robot? [8M]
Code No: RT32034 R13 SET - 4
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Code No: RT32034 R13 SET - 4
4 a) Using Lagrangian method, derive the equations of motion for the two degree of [8M]
freedom robot arm, shown in figure, the center of mass for each link is at the
center of link. The moments of inertia are I1 and I2
5 Explain with neat sketch about Trajectory planning and avoidance of obstacles [16M]
and path planning.
6 a) What are the types of gripper mechanism explain them in detail? [8M]
b) Explain about Proximity and Range sensors in detail. [8M]
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