The Instructions For Use: PSM-1003G-2
The Instructions For Use: PSM-1003G-2
The Instructions For Use: PSM-1003G-2
Intelligent luxury massage chair
A er Use ------------------------- 15
Maintenance -------------------- 16
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Trouble shooting Safety Precautions
Safety Precautions
the automa c program finished
posi on If you use the product in a freezing condi on, please increase the
indoor temperature gradually, rather than increasing op onally.
Because of too much weight, for If the product is moved to a warm room from a freezing place,
safety, the rollers may stop please operate it an hour later. If the cooling machine is
automa cally.
The rollers stop during the Power the chair off and restart it
immediately used in a warm condi on, it may cause malfunc on,
massaging a er 10 seconds which will impact the performance of the product.
Please do not lean too hard against
the backrest
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Safety Precautions Maintenance
---Please do not make the chair as a bed use under the opera on state power cord, and do not touch the
---A er have set the program, please put the remote control into the pocket power cord if your hands are wet,
---Do not use the chair exceed the specified me. in case ge ng electric shock.
---The suggested me for every me massage is 20 minutes, and the me for
same part of body is 5 minutes.
Please do not wash the chair by
*Those who have the following condi ons should consult
doctor before use.
---Those suffer from acute vagini s
---Pregnant women
---Those suffer from infec ous vagini s
---Those suffer from cerebral hemorrhage
---Those suffer from acute lumbar spine inflamma on Please do not use a dryer to dry it off
---Those suffer from skin abnormali es
---Those suffer from osteoporosis
---Those suffer from serious heart disease
---Those have history of suffering from spinal disorders or spinal disloca on Please do not use benzene or alcohol
and so on. to wash it
---Those have poor circula on on legs
---Those feel extreme unwell except above cases
---Those in treatment(those prohibited using by doctor)
---Those unable to express their willingness or take medicine that make Please do not disassemble or refit the
people unresponsive massage chair for it is assembled by
---When lower down the footrest or backrest, please check if there is any precision electric components
person(especially kids), pet or other ar cles.
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After Use Product Components
Legrest Footrest
Hidden Wheels
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Product Components Operation Instructions
The posi on used to set the Massage posi on Air pressure massage
backrest cushion and head selec ng bu on selec ng bu on
A er choosing the You can massage
pillow( removable)
massage manipula on, different parts
you can have fixed spot according your need.
massage according to your
Cover of backrest
Pause ON/OFF
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Operation Instructions Chair Installation
Footrest adjustment bu on (1).Open the carton and take out the parts
Press this bu on to adjust the footrest angle take off the foams
take off the on both sides ox
la t e b
outside carton s id e p
Movement massage manipula on adjustment
parts box
Press this bu on to change the different massage manipula ons,
press each me to change a manipula on m as sa ge ch
ai r
Rocking func on bu on
Turn on/off the rocking func on
Chest expansion func on bu on 2. Add the hea ng cable port on the back of the cloak component and the hea ng
Turn on/off chest expansion func on connector on the back For interpola on, as shown in the figure:
Width adjustment bu on
When massaging, you can adjust the roller width 3.hang the hook in the back of the cloak assembly at both sides of the backrest
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Chair Installation Operation Instructions
Open the side plate box and take out the pearl co on and side plates
C When this bu on on, all the func ons pause, and when it off,
from steel plate opening; (put screw the func ons con nue.
head and washer on the steel plate.then
fix and lock screw A and B with hex
wrench On/off bu on
On, the massage begins, and off, the massage stops
(5). Reserve enough space for stretching
2cm 50cm Reserve enough space for the
Time adjustment bu on
massage chair so that it can
Each me press “T+”, me increases 5 minutes, the maximum
recline and the footrest can
me is 30 minutes.Each me press “T+”, me decreases 5
raise up. Make sure that there
minutes, the minimum me is 5 minutes.
is 5cm in the backward and
50cm in the forward.
Please make sure that there is no ar cle in the forward and backward.
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Operation Instructions Before use
A en on:
Please do not remove the chair when someone using it.
1) Sit on the massage chair in a right pose
There may be some damage for the floor when removing, it is suggested put a
pad under the chair.
To avoid it falling down, please must firmly hold the chair when removing.
Level the
1.Make sure the product
and headrest
is in a ready state
Make sure the backrest and headrest
are installed
Make sure the power plug is normal
Make sure the footrest is in the ver cal
Keep the
Plug footrest state(because in the horizontal state,
when sit on or put weight on it, it may
2) Insert the power cord into the socket
cause damage to the chair)
ON / OFF and press the switch on the electric
cabinet. Press the switch of remote
control when its light goes off. And when
the display light on, the massage chair 2.Check the surrounding
automa cally operates in the right posi on.
Make sure there is no ar cle around
the massage chair
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Operation Instruction Operation Instructions
2.Display diagram
1.Remote control 1 2 3 4
19 5
18 6
16 9
15 10
14 11
13 12
Auto mode
Auto mode
1). Body scanning
2). Prehea ng
Pause button
Massage time 3). Angle and movement reset
setting button
4). System pause
Power button
5). Children safety func on(not used yet)
Lying posture
adjustment 6). Massage manipula on, from top to bu on, kneading, knocking,
adjustment tapping, shiatsu, massage
Footrest adjustment 7). Airbag massage
Massage position Air pressure massage
adjustment 8). Movement massage posi on
Massage Fixed spot massage 9). Movement massage speed
adjustment Foot roller function button 10). Movement massage intensity(not used yet)
Heating massage
Roller adjustment 11). Hea ng func on
Roller width Movement massage
intensity adjusting botton 12). 8 automa c programs
Air pressure intensity
Rocking function adjustment 13). Zero gravity
Calves beauty function
14). Vibra on massage
18). Massage me
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