HUMSS-122 WEEK 20 Creative Writing/Malikhaing Pagsulat
HUMSS-122 WEEK 20 Creative Writing/Malikhaing Pagsulat
HUMSS-122 WEEK 20 Creative Writing/Malikhaing Pagsulat
This is a setting of social work that offers the widest space for a variety of social work
This type of social work consider as social service and within it lies similar situations that
arise elsewhere: violation of human rights, violence, sexual harassment, discrimination and
so on.
The level of communication that serves three main purposes: to entertain, to persuade and
to inform.
-Public Communication
This is the act of conveying information for the purpose of creating shared understanding.
It is something that humans do every day.
The level of communication that requires greater levels of planning and preparation on the
part of the speaker and involves less direct interaction.
-Public Communication
A type of social work where human rights of individuals and groups are often denied or
This type of social work that sees itself externally and also does work with communities in
its extension services and community service where students and teachers work with
communities to deliver voluntary services.
-School Setting
This is an economic condition that occurs when an industry or market changes how it
functions or operates.
-Structural Change
In what area of discipline of communication does the statement belong to: to collect and
document information, facts and opinions, and present them for public analysis and
deepening to the root of reality.
In what area of discipline of communication does the statement belong to: to communicate
is deliver truth and facts.
A term that refers to the attempt to influence a person’s beliefs attitudes, intentions,
motivations or behaviors.
This type of social work sees itself as a champion of the people with regards to ensuring
accountability in government services.
-Government Setting
This type of social work do their work to ensure the delivery to concerned sectors of
universal basic needs that may range from physical needs, intellectual development,
emotional development, social growth, and spiritual growth.
This type of social work is where injustices are made and committed and it is where
marginalization for individuals and groups occur.
-Community Setting
This is the capacity for introspection and the ability to recognize oneself as an individual
separate from the environment and other individuals.
The level of communication that refers to the use of symbols other than words transmit
-Verbal Communication
This covers activities that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and potential,
build human capital and facilitate employability.
This refers to the communication media channel that involves the transmission of
information through electromagnetic means.
-To share
The level of communication that includes gestures, body language, how we utter words,
aspects of our environment that influence meaning and objects.
-Nonverbal Communication
This social work is used to help people of all ages and from various sections of society to
enhance their social functioning and to cope more effectively with their problems.
This is under the social work services that conduct and/or participate in regular reviews to
ensure effective service provision in relation to agency services users.
This refers to the routes travelled by a message as it goes between the senders/receivers.
-Channels Communication
Since the subject matter of communication is theoretical and intangible, its further passing
requires use of certain symbols.
This refers to the communication media channel which includes the content available on-
demand through the internet accessible on any digital device.
-New Media
This can be any transformation or modification of human behavior.
-Behavioral Change
This will shift the parameters of an entity which can be represented by significant changes
in time series data.
-Structural Change
-Interpersonal Communication
This type of social work that sees itself internally as social work embedded structures and
sees to it that where violations occur, social workers can respond appropriately.
-Government Setting
-Communication Channel
This is under the social work services that respond to service request and proceed with the
follow-up plans.
-Setting of Communication
-School Setting
This refers to the characteristic of clientele and audiences of communication that refers to
reading skills and healthy literacy and the ability to engage with more complex topics –
new and even unfamiliar.
-Educational Level
This refers to the communication media channel that is the transmission of signs, signals,
messages, words, writings, images and sounds or intelligence of any nature by wire, radio,
optical or other electromagnetics systems.
These services provide individualized support services that would enable and empower
persons with disability to realize their vision and enhance quality of life.
The level of communication that we use to plan our lives, to rehearse, to create scenarios
before acting them out, and to tell ourselves what to do or not do.
-Intrapersonal Communication
This refers to the person who intends to convey the message with the intention of passing
information and ideas to others.
- Sender
The element that tries to understand the message in the best possible manner in achieving
the desired objectives.
In what area of discipline of communication does the statement belong to: to make
available information and evidence to inform the public about issues that matter to them in
the most neutral way possible.
This is about current events, wherein journalists provide news through many different
media, based on word of mouth, printing postal systems, broadcasting, electronic
communication , and also on their own testimony, as witnesses of relevant events.
This is under the social work services that conduct and/or participate in regular reviews to
ensure effective service provision in relation to agency services users.
This type of social work wherein social workers can facilitate school entry into the
community, understanding the community, engagement with community, selecting and
implementing correctly social development intervention and exit strategically.
-School Setting
This is a setting of social work that offers the widest space for a variety of social work
-Communication Channel
In what area of discipline of communication does the statement belong to: they have
listening reading, writing and speaking skills.
This refers to the communication media channel that is the transmission of signs, signals,
messages, words, writings, images and sounds or intelligence of any nature by wire, radio,
optical or other electromagnetics systems.
Since the subject matter of communication is theoretical and intangible, its further passing
requires use of certain symbols.
This type of social work consider as social service and within it lies similar situations that
arise elsewhere: violation of human rights, violence, sexual harassment, discrimination and
so on.
In this setting, the social work is present almost everywhere, from social policy formulation
and analysis, advocacy, and implementation to enhance the wellbeing of societal members,
to providing social services through appropriate government departments and agencies.
This is under the social work services that provide areas of community involvement, social
emotional, educational and employment.
-Government Setting
The level of communication that serves three main purposes: to entertain, to persuade and
to inform.
- Public Communication
The person who receives the message or symbol from the communicator tries to convert
the same in such a way so that he/she may extract its meaning to his complete
This a diverse range of human activities in creating visual, auditory or performing artifacts
(artworks), expressing the author’s imaginative or technical skill, intended to be
appreciated for their beauty or emotional power.
This is under the social work services that respond to service request and proceed with the
follow-up plans.
-IntakeThis is under the social work services that support persons with disability and their
families in all decision-making processes that affect and coordinate formal and informal
service provision.
These services provide individualized support services that would enable and empower
persons with disability to realize their vision and enhance quality of life.
This refers to the communication media channel that includes all forms of communication
that are devoted to transmitting standardized messages to widespread audience.
-Mass Media
The level of communication that requires greater levels of planning and preparation on the
part of the speaker and involves less direct interaction.
-Public Communication
This type of communication varies from highly interpersonal to extremely personal.
-Intrapersonal Communication
A type of social work where human rights of individuals and groups are often denied or
This is a process of ensuring that the receiver has received the message and understood in
the same sense as the sender meant it.
This refers to the characteristic of clientele and audiences of communication that refers to
reading skills and healthy literacy and the ability to engage with more complex topics –
new and even unfamiliar.
-Educational Level
This refers to the communication media channel that includes computer mediated
technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests
and other forms of expressions.
-Social Media
This type of social work sees itself as a champion of the people with regards to ensuring
accountability in government services.
This will shift the parameters of an entity which can be represented by significant changes
in time series data.
-Structural Change
-Discipline of Communication
This a component of the self or more accurately the self-concept. It is the knowledge of
oneself and one’s properties and the desire to seek such knowledge that guide the
development of the self-concept.
This type of social work do their work to ensure the delivery to concerned sectors of
universal basic needs that may range from physical needs, intellectual development,
emotional development, social growth, and spiritual growth.
-This a form of activity that holds the attention and interest of an audience or gives
pleasure and delight.
This refers to the communication media channel that is a diversified collection of media
technologies that reach a large audience via mass communication.
-Mass Media
-To share
This gives you the ability to understand and respond to the needs of others.
-Social Awareness
The level of communication that is complicated by the fact that language is arbitrary,
meaning that words change over time.
-Verbal Communication
In what area of discipline of communication does the statement belong to: to communicate
is deliver truth and facts.
In what area of discipline of communication does the statement belong to: they gather
news, facts and information that are critical to public life and wellbeing.
-Functions of Communicators and Journalists
In what area of discipline of communication does the statement belong to: writing and
speaking skills are necessary for communication as tools. Poor writing and speaking skills
can distort the message regardless of the good intentions of the communicator.
This social work comprises a sequence of actions or tasks that draw on all of the
components of practice discussed so far.
-Setting of Communication
In what area of discipline of communication does the statement belong to: they provide
facts for the public to form judgment and decision.
This is the capacity for introspection and the ability to recognize oneself as an individual
separate from the environment and other individuals.
This refers to the communication media channel which includes the content available on-
demand through the internet accessible on any digital device.
-New Media
This type of social work typically has five structures within which generates interventions:
employee assistance programs, labor union social services, human resource management
offices, community relations offices and organizational development initiatives.
-Government Setting
This type of social work consists of and represents all kinds of social work services. It is the
locus of social work challenges.
In what area of discipline of communication does the statement belong to: to make
available information and evidence to inform the public about issues that matter to them in
the most neutral way possible.
-Role of Communicators and Journalists
The level of communication that is also known as self-talk or thing and refers to the ways
we communicate with ourselves.
-Intrapersonal Communication
This is the subject matter of the communication. This may be an opinion, attitude, feeling,
view, order, or suggestion.
-Setting of Communication
This is under the social work services that provide services along with, or on behalf of, a
person with disability whose rights to services or opportunities may actually or potentially
be compromised.
This is a process of ensuring that the receiver has received the message and understood in
the same sense as the sender meant it.
The level of communication that refers to any type of media that is used to communicate
with mass audiences.
-Mass Communication
This a component of the self or more accurately the self-concept. It is the knowledge of
oneself and one’s properties and the desire to seek such knowledge that guide the
development of the self-concept.
This refers to the communication media channel that is a diversified collection of media
technologies that reach a large audience via mass communication.
-Mass Media
This is under the social work services that support persons with disability and their
families in all decision-making processes that affect and coordinate formal and informal
service provision.
In what area of discipline of communication does the statement belong to: they provide
facts for the public to form judgment and decision.