Reviewer in Diass (1)
Reviewer in Diass (1)
Reviewer in Diass (1)
community setting-it deals with citizens and particularly deliver social and public
services that ensure peaceful and orderly living.
private sectors setting- it refers to business community the people who are
involved in the delivery of public services that include job creation and employment
provision but are not government.
civil society setting- It sees itself as the “THIRD FORCE”. it comes to implement
government and business action.
Mass media -it refers to all forms of communication that are devoted to
transmitting standardized messages to widespread audience.
being on time- is not a sign that shows the dominance of the right brain.
Social position- This refers to the status that a person enjoys in a communication
Educational level- This refers to the reading skills and the literacy rate of the
- are not included in Social workers work with a variety of different issues that can
greatly impact individuals, families, and communities.
cemetery and business firms- are not included were Social workers can be
employed virtually anywhere.
Communication-is this deals with how humans use verbal and non-verbal
messages to create meaning in various context. It is also a process where people
sends and receives information to one another. This is a transactional process
where people generate meaning through the exchange of verbal messages in
specific contexts, influenced by individual and societal forces and embedded in