Comparative Study of Steel Structure With and Without Floating Columns in Etabs

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International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124


Mr. Ankit Soni, 2Dr. Gajendra Verma
1 Student, SAIT, Indore, Madhya Pradesh
Head of the department, SAIT, Indore, Madhya Pradesh

This paper presents the construction sequence analysis on the setback steel structure. In this
study, the proposed building is 20 storey setback steel structure. The length of the proposed
building is 78ft and width is 66ft. The effective height of proposed building is G+20. In this
thesis the project work is present for study of floating column and the complex effect of
floating column in building. Analysis of G+20 storey building consider without and with
floating column with X bracing and diagonal bracing system. Floating column in structure is
considered above ground floor, first floor, fifth floor, tenth floor and fifteen floors. In this
study shown it’s comparison of different-different complexities of without and with floating
column structure. For this analysis i am using here ETABS 2016 software. ETABS software
work on its own create model. In this software work show very clean and it’s easy for user.
This software easy for modeling and result of this software is very clear and we get in the
form of excel table. In present study, we considered following 10 models for analysis. Number
of storey is 21 and height of each story is 3m and bottom storey height 2.3 meter.

Keyword: Steel structure, Floating column.

In recent times, multi-storey buildings are required to have free space due to shortage of
space, population growth and also for aesthetic and functional requirements. Many multistory
buildings are planned and constructed with variety of architectural requirements such as
planning of irregular configurations. Setback structures include common types of vertical
irregularity structures. In particulars such a setback form provides adequate daylight and
ventilation for the lower storey and urban locality with closely spaced tall buildings. Speed of
construction is the most important benefit offered by steel construction, which leads to
financial, management and other logistical benefits. Many multi-storey and commercial
buildings in Myanmar are planned and constructed with architectural complexities.
Nowadays, many buildings in which floating columns are already adopted at hotels or office,
so that more open space is available. That open space may be required for assembly hall,
meeting room, reception, etc. A more practical and accurate method of analysis which takes
into account the various stages in which load is applied on the frame, by analysis for strength
and stability at the end of each step. The phenomenon known as construction sequence
analysis (CSA) is used to analyse the structure at each storey. The proposed building is
analyzed and designed by using CSA. And then the analysis results of proposed building are
investigated with CSA.
Construction Sequence Analysis (CSA): A comprehensive construction sequence
analysis (CSA) involves some essential steps which are not generally performed during linear
static analysis. In order to get the sequential effects manually using software, each storey
should be analyzed with its prior stories assigning the vertical and lateral loads till that floor

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International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

from bottom of whole structure. Eventually outcomes will represent the structural response of
building till that floor. Each storey follows the same procedure in the construction sequence
analysis. Nowadays, analysis software are sufficiently developed to auto perform the
construction sequence analysis easily. After grouping the software eventually ask for which
facility should be taken and then the outcomes could be comparing among different
conditions. In today era in urban areas in multistory building have open first story. This
feature is being adapted to reception lobbies or parking in the first storey. During an
earthquake the distribution of seismic force is dependent on the mass and stiffness along the
height. Whereas the total seismic base shear governed by a building during an earthquake is
dependent on its natural period. The behavior of a building critically depends on its overall
size, geometry and shape during an earthquakes. When in any multistory building during an
earthquake, earthquake force developed at different level required to be brought up to down
along the height of building to the ground by shortest path any discontinuity of deviation in
this path performance of building may be poor in result. During an earthquake causes a
sudden jump of any building with vertical setbacks because of discontinuity in structure. In
many multistory building that have fewer walls or column in a particular floor or with
unusually tall storey tend to collapse or damage which is initiated in that storey. In Gujarat
during the 2001 Bhuj earthquake many building which have an open ground storey intended
for parking were severely damaged or collapsed. In which building the column that float or
hang on beams at an intermediate storey and do not go to the foundation, have discontinuities
in the load transfer path.
1.1 Floating column
A vertical member construct in a building structure starting from foundation for transfer the
load to the ground is known as column. The floating column is also a vertical member which
is not directly rest on the ground it is rest on a beam at its lower level. In today time many
projects in which floating column are adopted because more open space required for specially
for parking, architectural view, assembly hall etc. where transfer girder are employed. The
earth quake zones transfer girders. When the transfer girder provides in earthquake zone
should be detailed and designed properly. The column which is rest on beam acting as
concentrated point load and column assumed pinned joint as analysis. SAP2000, ETABS and
STAAD Pro can be used to do the analysis of this type of structure. Transfer girder must be of
adequate dimension with very minimal deflection is provided to carry enough gravity loading.

Advantage of floating column

1. Architectural requirement can be fulfill the requirement by floating column.
2. It is very useful when lower floor has large span hall and upper floor has rooms
especially in case of hotels, parking etc.
Position of floating column
In the structure we can provide floating column at different places according to our purpose
and space required.
Outer side floating column
1. We can provide floating column outer side of the structure. This position is most
required for architectural purpose.
2. All column or single column may be floating column in outer side of structure.
Inner side of floating column
1. These types of floating column provide mostly where more space is required inside
the structure like seminar hall, parking space, movie hall etc.

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International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124


Models with X type bracing

Model 1: - A G+20 storey building without floating column
Model 2: - A G+20 storey building with floating column from 1st floor
Model 3: - A G+20 storey building with floating column from 5th floor
Model 4: - A G+20 storey building with floating column from 10th floor
Model 5: - A G+20 storey building with floating column from 15th floor

Models with diagonal bracing

Model 6: - A G+20 storey building without floating column
Model 7: - A G+20 storey building with floating column from 1st floor
Model 8: - A G+20 storey building with floating column from 5th floor
Model 9: - A G+20 storey building with floating column from 10th floor
Model 10: - A G+20 storey building with floating column from 15th floor

2.1. Modeling

For present study, the models of G+20 storey steel building with or without floating column
with X and diagonal bracing system considered and analysis done by ETABS 2016 software.
Floating column in structure is considered above ground floor, first floor, fifth floor, tenth
floor and fifteen floors. Modeling of this structure is done in software with the following
steps, get result in the form of tables and compare all results of different models with base
model result which has no floating column.
Now after model initialization a window open for select templates Shown by (Fig 11)
which is required according types of structure, here we select grid pattern for our building and
put Number of grid in X direction 6, number of grid in Y direction 6, spacing between grids
in both X direction & Y direction is 4 M Number of storey is 21 and height of each story is 3
M and bottom storey height 2.3 meter.

2.2. Loads & Load Combination

In the analysis of any structure many types of load and load combination are used.

2.2.1. Loads:

Different types of loads will consider on structure during analysis of structure.

 Dead loads: - According to IS 875 (Part-1) - 1987 dead load cover unit weight of
material and self weight of structure.
 Imposed loads: - According to IS 875 (Part-2)-1987 imposed load cover (live load,
crane load, snow load, dust load, wave load, earth pressures, etc) this load is
considered for structural safety of building. In imposed load include load due to
impact, due to concentrated load, disturbed load, movable load (Live load) etc.
 Wind loads: - According to IS 875 (Part-3)-1987 Wind load deal with design wind
speed, wind pressure and coefficient of forces which is considered in designing of
high rise structure. In this code previous data of wind of different zone are considered
for design.
 Earthquake loads: - According to IS 1893 (Part 1): 2002 Earthquake load deal with
lateral load on structure due to horizontal movement of earth. This load is considered
in design of structure when structure built in seismic zone or when heavy water body
constructed like Dam, Reservoir etc.

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International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

2.2.2. Load Combinations

According to IS 1893 (Part 1): 2002 following load combination is considered for limit state
1. Dead load
2. Live Load
3. Earthquake (+X)
4. Earthquake (-X)
5. Earthquake (+Y)
6. Earthquake (-Y)
7. Spectrum X max
8. Spectrum Y max
9. DL + IL
10. 1.5 DL + 1.5IL
11. 1.2 DL + 1.2IL + 1.2EL
12. 1.2 DL + 1.2IL - 1.2EL
13. 1.5DL + 1.5EL
14. 1.5DL - 1.5EL
15. 0.9DL + 1.5EL
16. 0.9DL - 1.5EL

2.3. Method for earthquake analysis

Seismic analysis is done for the calculation of building or other type of structures under
seismic zone. It is important process when structural design is done for seismic zone or in
earthquake engineering and retrofit of structural is done in seismic zone. With the help of
earthquake analysis we can understand elastic behavior of building and we can protect the
building from collapse during an earthquake. By the elastic property we can know where the
first yielding occurs. Nonlinear analysis is necessary for study of inelastic behavior of
structure. There are seismic analysis method is divided into two major parts which is shown
in chart below. And this chart further divided into other four parts according to method of
analysis and its application of method and also classified according to force, according to
materials, according to deformation.

Fig.1: Different Seismic analysis

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International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

Now modeling of G+20 storey building for dynamic analysis has been done with some

4.3.1. Geometrical details of building

Table 1: - Geometric details of building Discription Dimension
1 Length of building in X direction 20

2 Number of column in X direction 6 @ 4 m c/c

3 Length of building in Y direction 20

4 Number of column in Y direction 6 @ 4 m c/c

5 Height of building 65.3

4.3.2. Details of considered section

Table 2: - Details of considered section Description Section
1 Steel Section in column ISHB 450

2 Steel Section in beam ISWB 600

3 Steel section in bracing ISLB 200
4 Thickness of concrete floor 100 mm
5 Grade of concrete M 30
4.3.3. Acting load details
Table 3: - Acting load details Description Value
1 Wall frame load on beam 4 kN/m2
2 Dead load on floor 1 kN/m
3 Live load on floor 3 kN/m

4.3.4. Seismic Parameters of structure

Table 4:- Seismic Parameters of structure Description Parameters
1 Types of soil II (Medium)
2 Zone II
3 Zone factor 0.1

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4 Damping structure 5%
5 Importance factor 1.2
6 Earthquake load As per IS

Fig 2. G+20 storey building without floating column

Fig. 3 G+20 storey with floating column from 1st floor

Fig 4 G+20 storey with floating column from 5th floor

Fig 5 G+20 storey with floating column from 10th floor

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Fig 6 G+20 storey with floating column from 15th floor

Fig 7 G+20 storey building without floating column

Fig. 8 G+20 storey with floating column form 1st floor

Fig. 9 G+20 storey with floating column form 5th floor

Fig. 10 G+20 storey with floating column from 10th floor

Fig. 11 G+20 storey with floating column form 15th floor

3.1. Discussion on joint displacement

X Direction Y Direction
60 100
0 X 0 Y
Model 10
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Model 4
Model 5
Model 6
Model 7
Model 8
Model 9

Model 10
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Model 4
Model 5
Model 6
Model 7
Model 8
Model 9

Fig. 12: Graph showing the displacement in joints

Joint displacement is maximum (x-direction) in Model 8 which has floating column from 5th
floor and least in Model 6 which has no floating column and with diagonal bracing system.

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International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

Now joint displacement is maximum (y-direction) in model 6 which has no floating column
with diagonal bracing system and least in model 9 and 10.
According to comparison of joint displacement in both direction observed that the lowest
displacement in model 10 which has floating column from 15th floor with diagonal bracing

5.3.2 Discussion on base shear

X Direction 10000
Y Direction
0 0

Fig. 13: Graph showing base shear

Base shear is maximum (x-direction) in Model 1 which has no floating column with X
bracing system and least in Model 10 which has floating column from 10th floor and with
diagonal bracing system. Now base shear is maximum (y-direction) in model 1 which has no
floating column with X bracing system and least in model 9 which has floating column from
10th floor and with X bracing system. According to comparison of base shear in both
directions observed that the lowest in model 9 which has floating column from 10th floor with
diagonal bracing system.

5.3.3 Discussion on beam forces

Axial load (kN) 6000.0
10000.0 (kN)
5000.0 V3
2000.0 (kN)
P (kN) 0.0

0.0 M2 (kN-
Model 10
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Model 4
Model 5
Model 6
Model 7
Model 8
Model 9


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International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

Fig. 14: Graph of beam forces

The axial force (P) on beam in X direction is maximum in model 8 which has floating column
from 5th floor with diagonal bracing system, least in model 1 which has no floating column X
bracing system, shear force V2 is maximum in model 7 which has floating column from 1st
floor with diagonal bracing system, least in model 6 which has no floating column with
diagonal bracing system, shear force V3 is maximum in model 3 which has floating column
from 5th floor with X bracing system, least in model 6 which has no floating column with
diagonal bracing system, bending moment M2 is maximum in model 7 which has floating
column from 1st floor with diagonal bracing system, least in model 6 which has no floating
column with diagonal bracing system, bending moment M3 is maximum in model 7 which
has floating column from 1st floor with diagonal bracing system, least in model 6 which has
no floating column with diagonal bracing system.

Axial load (kN) 3000.0
5000.0 1000.0
V2 (kN)

Model 10

Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Model 4
Model 5
Model 6
Model 7
Model 8
Model 9
V3 (kN)


4000.0 M2 (kN-
2000.0 M)
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Model 4
Model 5
Model 6
Model 7
Model 8
Model 9

Fig. 15: Graph of beam forces

The axial force (P) on beam in Y direction is maximum in model 3 which has floating column
from 5th floor with X bracing system, least in model 9 which has floating column from 10th
floor with diagonal bracing system, shear force V2 is maximum in model 7 which has floating
column from 1st floor with diagonal bracing system, least in model 6 which has no floating
column with diagonal bracing system, shear force V3 is maximum in model 3 which has
floating column from 5th floor with X bracing system, least in model 1 which has no floating
column X bracing system, bending moment M2 is maximum in model 7 which has floating
column from 1st floor with diagonal bracing system, least in model 6 which has no floating
column with diagonal bracing system, bending moment M3 is maximum in model 7 which
has floating column from 1st floor with diagonal bracing system, least in model 6 which has
no floating column with diagonal bracing system.

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International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

Axial force (kN) 8000.0
100000.0 2000.0
0.0 V2 (kN)
V3 (kN)
0.0 P (kN)

5000.0 M2 (kN-M)
0.0 M3 (kN-M)

Fig. 16: Graph of beam forces

The axial force (P) on beam in Z direction is maximum in model 7 which has floating column
from 1st floor with diagonal bracing system, least in model 1 which has no floating column
with X bracing system, shear force V2 is maximum in model 7 which has floating column
from 1st floor with diagonal bracing system, least in model 6 which has no floating column
with diagonal bracing system, shear force V3 is maximum in model 7 which has floating
column from 1st floor with diagonal bracing system, least in model 6 which has no floating
column with diagonal bracing system, bending moment M2 is maximum in model 7 which
has floating column from 1st floor with diagonal bracing system, least in model 6 which has
no floating column with diagonal bracing system, bending moment M3 is maximum in model
7 which has floating column from 1st floor with diagonal bracing system, least in model 6
which has no floating column with diagonal bracing system.

5.3.4. Discussion on storey drift

0.60000 Model 1
0.40000 Model 2
0.00000 Model 3








Model 4
Model 5

Fig 16: Storey drift in X direction with X bracing model

The storey drift in X direction maximum in model 3 which has floating column from 5th floor
with X bracing system and least in model 1 which has no floating column with X bracing.

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International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

1.00000 Model 1
0.50000 Model 2
0.00000 Model 3











Model 4

Fig 17: Storey drift in Y direction with X bracing model

The storey drift in X direction maximum in model 3 which has floating column from 5th floor
with X bracing system and least in model 5 which has floating column from 15th floor with X

0.80000 Model 6
0.40000 Model 7
0.00000 Model 8













Model 9
Model 10

Fig. 18: Storey drift in X direction with Diagonal bracing system

The storey drift in X direction maximum in model 8 which has floating column from 5th floor
with diagonal bracing system and least in model 6 which has no floating column with
diagonal bracing.

1.00000 Model 6
0.50000 Model 7
0.00000 Model 8










Model 9

Fig. 19: Storey drift in Y direction with Diagonal bracing system

The storey drift in Y direction maximum in model 8th which has floating column from 5th
floor with diagonal bracing system and least in model 10th which has floating column from
15th floor with diagonal bracing.

On the basis of above study which was a comparison between X bracing system and diagonal
bracing system with floating column and without floating column at different floors. It was
found that When considered base shear then models with X bracings has been suitable but in
this case the value of moment and shear force increase and it is vice versa in models with
floating column. Now in the above models the floating at 15th floor was quite beneficial as
compared to the floating at other floors. Hence it is not suitable in earthquake prone areas.

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